#[[“Bolting” in Broccolis case refers to a process that broccoli plants go through under extreme stress!]]
Leeeeemon! Where are you? Broccoli's trying to look for you!
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Well, the guy is certainly alive, that's a start- In fact, he's circled his way back to Marsh's, walking down an aisle of snacks. He's still looking quite nervous, but at least he hadn't wandered enough to lose his way back.
[[LONG POST AHEAD! put under a read under so it doesn't clog the TL :> I also have to split this post into two because of image restrictions mobile tumblr has, unfortunately. This is part 1!]]
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[🍋] "Oh, No- No- I'm fine- They know I never go far, Why would they be looking for me?" Lemon chuckles nervously, continuing down the aisle.
[🍋]"I mean, it's not like I'd have much of anywhere to go anyways- They're wasting time, y'know-" He mumbles, as if he hasn't been missing for several months at this point.
He hasn't been in a building this packed for a while, just making a few stops at gas stations and the like to gather himself and pick up food. And he would be at a gas station right now, if Marsh's hadn't been closer. A step closer to the apartment complex, if it's better to look at it that way.
He stops to pick up a box on the shelf, closely examining it. 12 granola bars, on sale for 1 and a half bucks, the generic brand, not bad. It'll probably last him long enough to get back to the apartment complex, or until Apple and Broccoli track him down- Whichever comes first.
He brings it up to his face to get a better look at the box- Trying to find the flavor of the bars somewhere on it.
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And after a moment of trying to find the flavor, he gives up.
Whatever they are, he'll certainly live.
He keeps it with him, continuing down the aisle.
He's mellowed out somewhat, bit he's still on edge- Just not as much as he was earlier, but when is he NOT nervous?
...Broccoli and Apple are quite literally in the aisle over, Apple having insisted that he was hungry and needed a snack. Broccoli begrudgingly tagged along.
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They're idly chatting, but Broccoli is getting more and more stressed as time passes- In addition to being cold. Even if it arguably isn't right now. And a stressed and cold Broccoli isn't a nice one to deal with.
[🥦]"....Look, I know you're hungry, and you want to take you time shopping, but you've already picked something out. Can't you just check out so we could get going-? Not to rush you or anything, just- Yknow."
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[🥦]"He could have been to Crescent City and back by now! Don't you find it a little weird that he hasn't come back?"
Broccoli just wants to find Lemon on his own accord, but Apple certainly has other plans.
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[🍎]"I'm sure he's fine wherever he is, man. I mean, it's not like you called the cops like 7 times- Chill out before you bolt or something." Apple replies, having already been dragged around the state a few times. "It's not like I dont care about the guy, its just that you spend every waking hour looking. Isn't it getting exhausting?" At this point, they've looked all over the place, and he'd just like a moment to relax.
[🍎]"When's the last time you had something to eat, huh?"
It's a question that seems quite out of the blue, but it's a good one to ask nonetheless.
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Broccoli is silent for a few moments, seeming quite irritated, before speaking back up. You can essentially hear the tea kettle boiling.
[🥦]"....Chill out-?"
There's another short bout of tense silence before Broccoli speaks up again.
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[🥦]"....Chill OUT-? Apple, if Lemon was fine, he would be back by now- Or at the very least FOUND-!" Broccoli rambles off. "For all we know, he could be hurt, or WORSE! This isn't something you just wait around and find out on-!" His voice is raised, but he's not outright shouting.
They sound quite irritated, sweeping Apple's initial questions and worry out of the way.
[🥦]"We can't just sit around and find out on stuff like this- He's gotta be somewhere out there!"
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