#[[Bolt of the Deep Blue ║ Xel Ort V
kazeofthemagun · 10 months
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More on Vodya Houses:
[Massive trigger warnings for racism, slavery, ableism, eugenics, AI, unethical science.]
The concept of Value: idea that every living being has to contribute towards global "value" in some way: either by production of goods, maintaining the ecosystem, research (production of global knowledge) or, failing that, slave labor. Value is often perceived egotistically, with whatever benefits the Vodya House being "valuable" and the rest, not. This leads most Vodya Houses to harbor an innate disdain for other forms of life, especially those that take no part in Vodya's own ecosystem and thus, serve no purpose in its existence. According to the Value Doctrine, the only type of value to be had from such life forms is slave labor.
Beings that are considered unable to provide Value legally lose rights to their own existence. This belief leads to horrific ableism, both mental and physical, among the Vodya, with heavily disabled individuals often being culled. Lesser degrees of "devaluation" predispose the individual to be shifted lower in the work hierarchy, eventually leading to slavery. Most proud members of the Vodya race would much rather die than be reduced to servants, however. This is hypocritical towards their own beliefs, as they openly preach slavery to be the more valuable alternative to death.
The Council of Value: each House possesses their own Council, which usually consists of the Chairs of their respective Cathedrals (with Cathedrals as homes to specific fields of scientific research, such as: Biosynergetics, Technosynergetics, Logistics, Physics, Chemistry, Thaumaturgichemistry, Mathematics, Geosystemics, Medicine, Social Systemics.)
A Chair is most often the lead Mind of their respective field, as in the scientist with the highest overall equivalent to our "impact factor", which is a scoring system used in science.
The Council of Value is the defacto ruling body of the House, the advisors of the Head of the House, who is a political representative and practically always a Chair themself. The Council's job is to decide on the optimal course of action for the House's development, as defined by the maximization of Value. The Council decides whether to approve experiments and pathways of development, evaluating the resource cost vs potential resource production. For this purpose, they often employ the House's Nexus Mind, an advanced risk management AI program.
Notable Vodyanoi:
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Pist Shaz XI, Eleventh Head of Shaz. Chair of Technosynergetics, with multiple advanced achievements in related fields. A self-proclaimed Lord of the Seas, he ran House Shaz in an authoritarian manner with several contigents of neural-chipped and bioengineered thralls at his command - couresy of his collabiration with the Shaz Chair of Biosynergetics. He also possessed several squads of specialized Wonderlandian mercenaries as his private army. Ever since he began work on the Ocean Puzzle, he had spent most of his time in a private palace away from the main settlement of House Shaz, both for safety reasons and out of vanity. He was 300+ years old at time of death.
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Xel Ort V, Fifth Head of House Ort at tender young age of 37. Heir to the House as per aristocratic nepotism - Ort are more traditional and value genetic lines. Royal children tend to be genetically engineered to inherit most desirable traits, maximizing intellectual ability. She does not yet possess Chairhood in any of the Council's fields, being an undergrad in the Cathedral of Thaumaturgichemistry. Despite this, her achievements are already remarkable and she had set out to further her Mist research in Wonderland, finding work with Anarchy. Still, being saddled with this much responsibility at a young age had left her with major anxiety issues and shaken her personal Value, as well as her political position. Currently on a quest to reaffirm her worth both to herself and to the Ort Council; Struggling with the concept of Value versus morality.
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terroreigns · 7 months
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[This is your official invitation to send asks to the side muses of the Shadow Troupe, as well as the Deathlords from the Gaudium era ;) In the case of dead characters, they will default to the most recent time they were alive. If you feel up to it, you may also send asks to the previous incarnation of Chaos, the Earl Tyrant. Been wanting to develop the gang a bit more but my energy levels and brainspace were shitty. I'm also open to asks turning to threads if they catch my attention in that way + if the other wishes to continue off them. :) ]
[Obligatory warning for dark themes as the vast majority of Chaos-affiliated muses are horrid people and their behavior will reflect that fact. The list of muses below:]
Primary muse:
Anarchy, Second Visage [OC]
Gaudium era:
Tyrant, First Visage [canon]
Fungus, Last General of Mycelidos [canon]
Pist Shaz XI, Self-Proclaimed Lord of the Seas [canon]
Shadow Troupe era:
Herba, Lady of the Wicked Vines [canon]
Oscha, Dread Jester [canon]
Xel Ort V, Bolt of the Deep Blue [OC]
Yarukiel, Radio Tower Demon* [canon/OC]
Mad Hatter, Mind of Omega [OC]
[*Yaru is mentally an animal, so asking it will lead nowhere.]
[Link to the wonderful artwork: here]
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kazeofthemagun · 2 years
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The Dapper Zapper
[I was informed that the background was triggering, so I am also reposting this without it!]
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kazeofthemagun · 2 years
XEL ORT V - Technomancer
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[Lmfao, fish OC. Or, rather, as the species is now called on this blog Vodyanoi. Well, as soon as the idea of a water elemental doing electricity magic to power a mech invaded my head, I could not help myself.]
[Xel is the fifth head of house Ort at the tender young age of 37 (for her race. We headcanon'd Pist quite old and by quite I mean 300+). The Vodya Technocracy has been in disarray ever since Chaos devoured and incorporated the world into Wonderland, and not many families survived. Instead of banding together and cooperating to actually stand a better chance at surviving, the houses began to compete even more fiercely than before after the definite fall of the prominent house of Shaz.]
[Scientific innovation is the only authority respected by and capable of uniting the squabbling noble families under a common banner. Xel sees her career opportunity in refining military shellcraft as well as studying Mist thaumaturgichemistry. Having invented tech capable of rendering her body extremely conductive to electricity, she uses her liquid form-turned-energy current to power and pilot her shell, Volt.]
[She hopes to one day harness the ability to freely shapeshift the malleable Vodyanoi body into Mist - granting her mastery over all three states of matter and practical immortality. Possessing such technology would surely help her unite and take command of the remaining houses - directing the self-destructive species on a road to regeneration.]
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