#yup her nose is an amplifier symbol lmao
kazeofthemagun · 2 years
XEL ORT V - Technomancer
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[Lmfao, fish OC. Or, rather, as the species is now called on this blog Vodyanoi. Well, as soon as the idea of a water elemental doing electricity magic to power a mech invaded my head, I could not help myself.]
[Xel is the fifth head of house Ort at the tender young age of 37 (for her race. We headcanon'd Pist quite old and by quite I mean 300+). The Vodya Technocracy has been in disarray ever since Chaos devoured and incorporated the world into Wonderland, and not many families survived. Instead of banding together and cooperating to actually stand a better chance at surviving, the houses began to compete even more fiercely than before after the definite fall of the prominent house of Shaz.]
[Scientific innovation is the only authority respected by and capable of uniting the squabbling noble families under a common banner. Xel sees her career opportunity in refining military shellcraft as well as studying Mist thaumaturgichemistry. Having invented tech capable of rendering her body extremely conductive to electricity, she uses her liquid form-turned-energy current to power and pilot her shell, Volt.]
[She hopes to one day harness the ability to freely shapeshift the malleable Vodyanoi body into Mist - granting her mastery over all three states of matter and practical immortality. Possessing such technology would surely help her unite and take command of the remaining houses - directing the self-destructive species on a road to regeneration.]
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