#[[if you'll allow me to be a bit heteronormative for a bit
whirling-fangs · 10 months
Has there ever been a father figure for Inosuke?
[[ In canon... I guess not, actually! It's a little tidbit of a theme that I really like about him. He's had big brothers aplenty (Tanjiro, big-eared Takaharu, Zenitsu to some extent), he's even had a grandpa... but he doesn't have ONE designated father figure.
Gotouge sort of set up Kyojuro as Tanjiro's main mentor, Uzui as Zenitsu's... and Inosuke's would be... Shinobu :') because Sanemi didn't get enough screen time sobs it would have been a perfect chaotic match no father figures for this boy. He has all the most wholesome mom figures though ;w;
I'm pretty sure it's intentional too. Inosuke's birth father was a complete scumbag and Kotoha fully intended to raise him alone. And of course, there's Douma's case... Inosuke is pretty much cursed when it comes to father figures :')
I do love a found family above anything else, though, so I like to twist that "rule" a little and give him proper dads anyway. But the line between big bro/uncle/father figure is always a little blurry whenever I write it, because Inosuke himself isn't seeking a father figure. He has never known what it's like, and thus he doesn't miss it the same way he secretly and unconsciously misses a cliché mother's role in his life.
Yes that is an invitation to send your muses at him to adopt him anyway ♥ ]]
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halfagone · 11 months
Is it bad that I don’t necessarily agree with what seems to be a lot of people’s headcanon of Danny not being straight? Obviously people can headcanon whatever they want, but I myself strictly adhere to the rule that if there is no explicit evidence or implications from canon that prove otherwise, that I just assume a character is straight since that’s statistically what is most common?
You had me in the first part but you lost me in the second, unfortunately. You said it yourself, people can headcanon whatever they want. If you prefer him being straight, then that's really up to you! But that last line you just said is a little something called 'heteronormativity' and I'm not going to explain that here.
Moreover, I would definitely say that it can be very tricky to use 'explicit evidence' for reasoning, because it's a very slippery slope.
I'll use some other childrens' cartoons as examples to make my point clear here: In The Legends of Korra, Korra dates only guys for almost the entirety of the show. But in the very last episode, she and Asami become a couple. I know a lot of people say that they just threw that out there, but if you do some research you'll find out that the showrunners fought so hard to get just that scene in the show. If they could, they probably would have added more elements to their relationship and gave them more obvious on-screen chemistry. But they weren't allowed to.
In Voltron: Legendary Defenders, we find out in Season 7 out of 8 that before the Kerberos mission, Shiro had been engaged to a man named Adam. While the two ultimately broke off their engagement because Adam didn't agree with Shiro's decision to go on the mission despite his illness, we do see in the series finale that Shiro gets married to Curtis, who was a member of the Atlas crew.
Probably one of the more famous examples, The Owl House! As we know this is a Disney channel show, but the wonderful creator Dana Terrance made it beautifully, openly queer. And Disney didn't quite like that, so they cancelled the series. After which, the showrunners essentially decided for the final abbreviated season, "Fuck it!" And did whatever they wanted, as far as they were allowed to go.
Dave Filoni has said that he shipped Ahsoka Tano and Barriss Offee and we could have seen a romance from the pair. (And yes, this does make the betrayal that much worse.) I could use Steven Universe as an example, but I think I've made this section of my point clear here.
We only see one side of the show. We get to see the finished product, not all the hard work the showrunners and writers and artists and producers put into getting what queer representation they could. We probably wouldn't have seen any of this from Danny Phantom as a show, because we all know Butch Hartman is homophobic as fuck, but that doesn't mean there was nothing there that we as a fandom couldn't have taken to mean something else.
In the episode, "One of a Kind", there's a scene where Danny and Tucker are seen cuddling comfortably in each other's embrace. Of course friends can do this too. Hell, they can even be in something called a ✨ queerplatonic relationship ✨ but that is still queer. Even still that can easily be argued that Danny is just as attracted to guys as he is to girls. You never see Danny act like that around Paulina or Valerie while they were dating.
In "Fanning the Flames", Sam kisses Dash to break Danny out of his mind control. Except... This episode's summary explicitly states, "Danny and Sam find their platonic relationship turned forcibly romantic through the powers of Ember..." Over the show's seasons, we do get bits and pieces of evidence that Sam had a crush on Danny, but it's not until "Frightmare", episode 9 of the last season, that we get a scene where Danny realizes he might have a crush on Sam. I'm sure there are other bits and pieces of evidence, Jack had a ring for some reason in "Girls' Night Out". But "Frightmare" is where we get the first evidence of a possible relationship from them, which is a huge deal because this show is primarily from Danny's perspective.
But that is, quite literally, two seasons apart. So who is to say that- that first time Sam kissed Dash- Danny wasn't jealous of Dash but he was jealous of Sam. Here's what I'm talking about: in "Frightmare" we see in Danny's dream sequence that he wanted to be friends with the A-Listers and that's probably primarily because he likes the idea of being popular, yet in that episode and "Attack of the Killer Garage Sale" it's always Dash that Danny wants to impress and please. In the latter's episode's case almost if not equally as much as Danny did with Paulina, a girl he freely shows his crush on. And yet this is the same guy that makes Danny's school life hell and whom Danny antagonizes on many occasions. This could easily be a case of 'pulling someone's pigtails' and considering Dash's admiration of Phantom, that's not hard to believe on his side of things either.
In general, Danny's entire secret identity can just as easily be a symbolism for queer identity. All of Danny's Rogues know who Danny is, what he is, where he lives, and where he goes to school. And yet it's his parents he has to hide himself from. If you switched out the word 'ghost' for 'gay' or 'queer' in some of the Fentons' anti-ghost rhetoric, it would have been unabashed hate speech.
The Danny Phantom phandom has a lot of queer folks. We've done polls, I've seen the numbers. You said it yourself, anyone is free to headcanon what they want. But considering the community, I am not surprised that Danny being anything but straight is so commonly headcanoned. And maybe that's still not for you, but it's not as shocking as you might expect it to be.
Danny is only 14 years old at the start of the series. While we don't know the exact timeline of the series, and how long it's been when the shows ends, we can comfortably put Danny at 15 or even 16 years old at most. But there are plenty of people who don't realize they're gay or lesbian or bi or ace until they're much, much older. Yeah, we didn't get to see that in canon for obvious reasons, but who's to say we can't show that instead?
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bugsbenefit · 1 year
ngl, it IS really funny to me to see people in posts about Finn's panel being happy about "having Mike's cluelessness confirmed", because... what exactly would Finn have needed to say for you to think he wasn't clueless? because saying Mike is clueless is literally the only way for Finn to dodge Mike's feelings/sexuality right now
"yes Mike knew what Will was talking about/that Will was hurt/ that Will was crying, he just didn't do anything about it because... uhm..." he doesn't really have a way to explain the van scene without prompting more questions from the audience
i'm personally not very hard set on any interpretation of the van scene. i think it's possible to write the story from here on out with Mike being confused and not sure what to do with it, thinking Will was a bit more involved with everything than he let on, hoping that Will was actually talking about himself etc. a lot is possible from a writing perspective since they didn't give us Mike's pov at all
but the idea that actors would "confirm" an interpretation in a panel is insane to me. they told everyone and their mother than Will was straight for 6 full years. if anyone asked Noah if Will was gay/into Mike post s3 he straight up lied, because it was in his contract. Will being gay and in love with Mike was only supposed to fully get addressed in s4 so up until then Noah had to reflect the popular/heteronormative audience opinion of Will just being behind in development
Finn talking about Mike's opinions/thoughts in scenes that explicitly go out of their way in canon to NOT show us them isn't going to give more information. they went as far as blurring Mike out of the bg in the van scene. Finn coming in to clear up what was actually going on in his head won't happen until the show officially decides to go there on screen
actors will never give away more than canon tells you since they're not allowed to give spoilers
rule of thumb: if a character does smth and it's ominously left unaddressed in the show, the actor will either lie about it or play it off as unimportant in an interview until it's revealed in canon. you'll only get a genuine answer for what was going on if the scene was inconsequential to the plot. like "what did x actually think about that annoying guy they met in the mall" etc.
and how Mike felt about/thought about Will, his best friend, confessing his feelings in code, which was left unclear and purposefully confusing to the audience, is the BIGGEST spoiler territory you could possibly move into right now
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giantjupiter · 5 months
I've been thinking of posting it somewhere for quite a long time, so here it is:
An ideal personality chart based on the anime waifus one gravitates towards
Title correction:
An "analysis" chart for the people which seem very ideal to us. Correcting personality with analysis solves it.
After all, we may blush seeing the characters' physical aspects too.
To make the minds of the infatuated beings a bit clearer and more rational so that they can approach their love life with caution and flirtation.
To give the singles a sense of security by letting them understand what they exactly gravitate towards, which they can use either by watching more animes with such protagonists to cope with their pain or by letting them imagine an illusion in their own mind which they will want to submit to.
Some points to clarify:
First of all, it doesn't have to be just from anime. It can be from manga or manhwa too.
This can apply to husbandos too.
The attraction can be physical or mental or both. In that case, a checkbox can be given, which will make the process easier.
Many MBTI and cognitive functions-related YouTube channels interpret the cognitive functions very subjectively. There lies a huge disparity between the conclusions of CS Joseph, Nathan Glass, (the founders of OPS), et cetera. Carl Jung recommended applying the rational and irrational functions only while trying to understand one's partner. As a believer of Jung's ideologies, I've been thinking of how to show one's Anima/Animus (LGBTQ+ do exist and I do respect them; I just considered heteronormative for a second). Oh yes, I've got a lot of MBTI knowledge for one and a half years.
Do you exactly see the problem behind promoting the idea of Anima/Animus (the problem is heteronormativity; there are various discussions on how this Anima/Animus thing applies to LGBTQ+ people)? That's why I just thought, well, f*ck this particular Jungian concept, let us give the freedom for the users to choose any character they want regardless of gender, either for the physical or for the mental aspects. There will be a checkbox to specify if the kind of attraction is physical or mental. Even this small divide makes a lot of things easier. There can be custom preferences, but since people have genuine concerns about personality while dating, it becomes a bit crucial to guide them to make their attraction and infatuation a bit clear to themselves.
For the mental aspects, the program will take the personality descriptors of the characters. For the physical aspects, the program will take the physical features which look... umm... APPEALING. After getting that info, try to combine them somehow. Idk exactly how you'll approach it. Just remember one thing from Veritasium: for finding out the most reoccurring random number, he asked this, "What number do you think the other people will choose the least?" It was truly random and had 0 submissions for (70-1). It was indeed truly random.
I talked about the physical aspects because people gravitate towards them.
AI help is obviously allowed. Do what you can. But try to do something like this.
Originally posted by me on r/Lightbulb:
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((The following is just me venting about me job and the educational system. Skip if you want.))
((Ever year, when the end of August comes around, I get an aggressive reminder that in capitalistic systems, capitalist governments use all the available tools to endure that their values, workings and way of life are enforced and replicated again and again.
Unfortunately, we've reached to point where school is more about conditioning children for a 9 to 5 than actual learning. Teamwork is discouraged, communication is discouraged, asking for help is discouraged, thinking for yourself is discouraged. You're meant to be there on time, obey your supervisors, interpret everything you see in the way you're taught to interpret it instead of building a view on a subject in your own, then use this knowledge to complete a project by yourself.
Oh, and you must do your best and be better than everyone else because only then you will get attention and validator from your supervisors, that you'll be conditioned to want to please, because it's convenient to them if you want to please them and do as they say.
Additionally, it serves the purpose of keeping the kids occupied whike adults fullfil their 9 to 5 obligations as well. They do what they were taught to do since they were 6 years old, and soon enough, their children will do the same.
And it's such a shame because school is supposed to broaden your horizons. Teach you life skills and good values. It should be a tool to nurture kindest, understanding, perspective and growth while eliminating bigotry and ignorance. But instead they teach that "you should be able to shoulder all your burdens all on your own, or else you are a failure and a flaw in this system of control that has been created for you"
And that shit is real damaging. Kids carry those mindsets well into their adult lives. How many of the people reading this struggle with asking for help? Or with communication? How many people feel guilty for allowing themselves to rest or not feeling well? How many people can't cope with failure or imperfection? How many people treat groups of people or even themselves differently that the rest because of racial bias and heteronormativity ideals that school enforces? How many people feel disfunctional or not productive because they have chosen a different path for themselves than what they were expected to choose? How many people hate their jobs and lives but do nothing to better the situation because this toxic way of life is all they've known since childhood? How many people feel as though they are cheating for using equally efficient but different from "normal" methods to get from point A to point B?
Every year the ministry of education sends out instructions on what is part of the curriculum for that year and what rules have to be implemented in each and every school across the country. Every year, when I read those instructions, I lose a bit of love for teaching.))
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1tsdanny · 3 years
You're completely allowed to tell me to buzz off but I can't stop thinking of ways to try to explain to your mom that you're still her child and there's nothing to be afraid of. Part of me keeps trying to explain it with pokemon like, you were only in your first evolution before. Who knows what amazing powers and skills you'll have by your final evolution? Another part keeps trying to put it in plant terms. Baby plants only have two leaves. Just because you've sprouted more leaves doest change the essential bits of who you are, it just means you've grown. And again, who knows what you'll look like when you reach maturity! Will you have flowers? Will you be deadly? Will you have soft fronds or will you have spikes? I just-dont let black and white thinking block you both from keeping communication open. Maybe go find some resources on explaining this stuff to heteronormative cis parents?
Just remember that even if your mom doesn't get it, you are still loved. Both as much as she is able and by us here. We see you and we will support you being healthy and happy.
Again, you're allowed to tell me to buzz off. I just wanted to try to give you options/different ways of thinking.
Thank you Ramen, you’re the best :,)
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This whole thing were some blogs are going "just because we don't expose your IP adress dosen't mean we don't know who you are",to people they don't like or is rude to them is so infuriating.Yes,they got a hate anon.Yes,that sucks and the anon should fell ashamed.But going "I know what you did last summer" on people dosen't give them moral high ground, if anything it makes them lose it.If the message is that awful, just post it and say that you'll either report them to Tumblr's staff... 1/2
2/2 …or to the police.Treatening people like that is what starts shame cultures,wich could lead to a crazy person jumping on the “know the IP adress” bangwadon and try to ruin someone’s life over a difference of opinion.I know that hate mail is horrible and they should seek an authority for help if it happens,but threatening someone over “wank” is really bad.Sorry for the rant, but the way some influential blogs are handling some situations is making me worried about the future of this fandom.
No need to apologize for the rant. I completely understand the need and I’m more than happy to provide that service to you. In fact, I often rant to myself all the time about these bloggers (most of the time when I’m in the shower, I do my best thinking in the shower). And this threat they keep on falling back on is absolutely reprehensible and I despise it. It absolutely contributes to shame culture. They think of it, like you said, as a moral high ground and a satisfactory way to deal with the hate, but really all it is is an intimidation tactic. It’s basically saying, “if you don’t agree with me, just know that it’s within my power to find you and I can ruin your life”. They say they’re not the bullies but in fact, they are bullying, they are exerting power over another, trying to take away a person’s right to free speech. And a little bit of truth here, free speech is a double-edged sword. You have the right to say whatever you want but guess what? Other people also have that right and you don’t get to dictate that person’s free speech just because you don’t agree with them. I’m vocal about my opinions on my blog and I do at times get hate but I still respect it’s their right to free speech to get in my ask box and accuse me of being all sorts of atrocities and I’m okay with that because at the end of the day, I only have to be able to live with myself, I’m not going to lose that much sleep if some anonymous person on the internet thinks I’m terrible and a waste of space. Some people I have perfectly legitimate and healthy debates with and others not so much. But I will never get down on someone for having a different opinon than me.
And once again, when I first heard this story about people being threatened like this, I asked, “who decides what ‘wank’ is?” Do people not realize how slippery of a slope this is when it comes to fandom and just in general, free speech? Sure, it may start as simply silencing the trolls but that’s just the first step. It’ll inevitably lead into silencing anyone who has a different opinion than you until we have a fandom that only has like-minded members who think the exact same way, and from there an entire society that’s only allowed to think one way. And I don’t know about you but that’s not a fandom or society I want to be a part of. Plus, stifling free speech through intimidation is exactly what a corrupt government does, which is ironic considering how “woke” some of these bloggers seem to think they are, they don’t even seem to realize they’re mimicking the same behavior of those they say they despise. And you’re absolutely right. Truth be told, most of these people that are making these kinds of threats, I don’t believe a lot of them actually have the ability to make good on some of these threats. But all it takes is one person who does have that ability and begins doxxing and/or swatting and having their life and livelihood threatened and suddenly the fandom becomes this scary intimidating place where no one wants to talk about anything out of fear. So much of fandom is already policed so much and it’s really scary to think that if the current behavior keeps on going as it is, fandom could turn into this kind of Stepford Wives society where no one is allowed to think in color.
And there’s also a huge difference between a difference in opinion and “hate speech” and I’m not sure some of the folks in the fandom understand that difference. Someone disagreeing with you is not hate speech, even if they do it in a rude way, it still doesn’t necessarily make it hate speech.
It’s getting to the point where I kind of just stop reading these meta blogs. In fact, I’ve been seeing this so much particularly in the Destiel fandom, that it’s actively making me not want to ship Destiel. I’ve never been a super hardcore Destiel shipper but that’s beside the point. I ship them as more companions than as actual romantic partners. Some of these big name bloggers are just so caught up in their own heads and their own speculations about a Destiel endgame that they can’t comprehend the idea of someone not shipping Destiel and if you don’t ship it the exact same way they do or even at all, that means you’re heteronormative or some shit like that and I can’t stand seeing that. A romantic Destiel reading is perfectly valid but so is a non-romantic one. I wouldn’t mind a romantic Destiel endgame but nor would it be this huge affront if the writers choose to not go in that direction. But some of these bloggers are so caught up in it and call any one who thinks differently as being stupid, homophobic, heteronormative, a nazi, the gambit of atrocities you can be as a human being and I hate seeing it. Once again, that’s an intimidation tactic and I find it absolutely reprehensible and I’m growing further and further away from the Destiel community every day because of it.
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