#[[was supposed to be on the 10th because. lmao. year of the dragon.]]
graviconscientia · 7 months
Books. You had left your hive for books. Dirk had asked, so kindly, and for such a gentle reason. How could you deny him his request when it was for his Valentine? When it was for--
That, however, is speculation. What is important is to acquire a few novels (and a bag of chicken nuggets, per another dear friend's request), and be home as quickly as possible. Less time out, less chance to see a familiar face-- "Well, look at who it is! If it isn't Nettles! Where have YOU been?" Ugh. You can hear your former colleagues' voices already. They'll have you back in your office in seconds if they see you. But that's speculation, too.
You've been in the capital city a few times since leaving Asidea, and you've made sure all your favourites were still in place. Favourite florist, favourite cafe, favourite tailor… And same as ever, favourite bookstore. There's joy in the familiarity, something soothing in knowing that somethings haven't changed. It may not be this way forever, but it is this way for now.
Finding the books is easy enough. Something with a pretty woman in green on the cover, a few romances, a singular historical fiction, a book of poetry selected separately for another… It's quick work, and even quicker work is made of groceries, a few extra ingredients to add to not-quite-Valentine's-Day party treat, and a passing glance at flowers for that same event. Simple tasks, quickly done. And aren't you proud of yourself!
You begin the walk home, brisk in your pace so you are not caught by anyone, eyes focused ahead, distracting yourself with a mental to-do list once you return to your hive. But something catches your ear, and, along with it, your attention.
"What the fuck is THAT thing?!"
The comment isn't directed at you, thankfully, but your hand is quick to flinch towards the dagger on your thigh. Two young trolls are speaking to each other, excited, and when you find where their voices are coming from, you see them, and several others, looking up.
You do the same.
Your heart nearly stops, the commotion on the street fading away from you, the dagger, your tasks, everything else leaving your mind. When you look up, you see the moons, pink shining fully and green slyly smiling, the stars blinking in a inky sky, and great white wings attached to a great white beast nearly blocking the heavens from view. A dragon, you hear someone shout. A dragon back in the city.
Two, you think. Two of us, here. Both of us in the city, together.
You can barely look away from him, eyes kept skyward so you don't lose him, jogging along the pavement, then breaking out into a full run. You can feel every muscle burning, your lungs full of fire, but you have to keep going. You've been tracking him for ages, and now he's so close-- every lonely hour poring over maps and records from sweeps you barely remember, every sobbed frustration over missed opportunities and a lack of understanding, every terror that crept into your mind because of sleepless nights, every day you have spent missing the one entity in any timeline who has always understood you… they're going to be worth it. You watch the clouds, you feel the wind, you wonder where he will land. You have your guess. You'll be fine if you're wrong.
You are a blur in your hive, throwing books on the couch, shoving food into the fridge, grabbing the bag you prepared for this exact event, and exit back out the door before you realise where you are. You check upward again, frantic. He's lower now, but still in view, moving away from the shore, away from the city (idly, you curse Treekat for being right about this, but swear you'll thank him properly, too.), towards the forest. You don't know if you can run again. But if you don't?
That's not even being considered.
A guttural cry leaves your chest, a roar in a language lost to most trolls, one you know will be recognised by who needs it. Again, again, again… the sound of an animal's young, desperate to be found by its parent. Draconian, shouted through tears you didn't know were spilling from you, as loud as you can manage, as loud as your can will your lungs, your throat to be: "Dad! Dad! Dad, can you hear me?" You repeat it, breathlessly, every few footfalls, panting hard as you try to keep him directly above you. The wings turn, and so does he, towards the edge of the woods you both know so well. He outpaces you, though, and he's sinking lower, lower. You cannot keep up. You lose him to the trees.
There is fear, immediately, that that was all you'd see of him. That this begins another hunt for who knows how long. You have kept shed scales and crushed leaves and singed bark, clues and keepsakes both. And here? You will keep trying. You will keep chasing him, however deep into the forest it takes you.
You don't know how long you run for. Could be minutes. Could be hours. The moons still hang above when you think to check the time-- even then, you don't register the numbers you're looking at. You're out of breath, voice hoarse from your continued hollers, sore from tip to toe. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you think you should start running laps as part of your trainings, then feel immediately nauseous at the prospect of ever running again. You hold firm to an oak for support, eyes staring without focus in the direction of a bright red berry bush. But the flora hits something in your mind, and you bring yourself back to your surroundings. You're almost there. These bushes are ones you used to pick little snacks from, the tree you're holding onto has your initials, alongside your ex-moirail's, carved into the bark, and there is a heat you feel underfoot. It's not from the earth. It's radiating from something-- someone-- else.
Carefully, you press on, finally catching your breath, watching your footing and making sure to be noisy as you can manage, peering through leaves as you crawl under branches to an open patch in the woods. There sits your old hive, adorned with all its fairy lights and lanterns, silly wriggler's art on sideboards hidden under ivy, the trees surrounding it bending in gentle embrace. You've seen it recently, spending nights in it, cleaning it up to make it a place to love again.
The enormous dragon resting in front of it, curled up with smoke billowing from his nostrils, eyes bright and focused on you, is a new addition.
You can't move when you see him. You can't breathe, or think, or anything. He speaks to you, though, gently, kindly, warmly as ever, in the tongue that you made sure to never lose, to never forget. "Well, look at who it is. I've been looking for you for many moons, Advoca. Where have you been?"
In an instant, you drop your bag, and run (one more time, one more burst of energy) to him, arms flung across scales and holding tight to his neck as you sob. Claws come up to cradle you closer, gentle as they hold you tight. Just like how you've wanted for sweeps, just like you remember.
It's not where you've been, but where you are. And in this moment, held by your lusus, your dad, a dream you've held onto for eons? You feel like you are home.
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thestudyfeels · 5 years
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🎨 Graphic made by @indiaisstudying​: India is brilliant my pals, and I recommend checking her out for studyblr/artblr inspiration. My girl tHIRIVES.
The singular takeaway from this post: Do a creative binge. Much productive than a Netflix binge. Period.
Two months ago, I reached my peak when I coined the term ‘bood day’ (a bad to good day, in my article How To Flip A Bad Day By 180°). Today, puppies and kittens, I present to you— a creative binge.
*crickets chirping, that one dude in the audience scratches his nose and turns away* 
…This one actually works but okay, we get it, y'all are bitches. But gonna do my job anyway– if you're a creator reading this, please do a creative binge at least once every two weeks.
I started doing these binges two months ago, and I've seen a VAST improvement in my creative energy. I feel my commercial voice coughing and saying hello to the mic, so before I start listing side-effects for a sponsored pill, let's dive into the basics. 
🍵 Quick PSA — 
↪ JOIN MY TAGLIST? If you aren't on this yet, please get on it, it'll mean a lot to me! By joining, you get a new article on lifestyle design & productivity every week.
100 Days of Sweat: This challenge starts TOMORROW (10th of April), so if you wanna hustle on your bod this year, join us! Accountability does crazy things.
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Ever questioned your life, experienced writer's block, painter’s pain or blogger’s… block? (Narrator: aaaand she's back to advertising.) A creative binge helps deal with fixing exactly that.
“A creative binge is based off the equation of quality in = quality out.”
A lot of creators feel that they're supposed to magically create out of their head, and that's just ridiculous. It's ludicrous considering you don't know shit, read shit, do shit and watch shit.
Even to write fiction, my pal, you'll have to expose yourself to the world to know its ways, read great books and take tips (not to mention stock up on coffee, and prepare to cry a lot) before you start cranking out the pages. Everything you create is ultimately inspired by the Ways Of The World. (And that's a fantastic novel title)
So in short, you’ve got to consume content, to make content. And in a creative binge, you conscious choose content that'll help you create. Genius, I know!
Okay, but what if I'm not a creator?
Brilliant question! Wanna become more valuable and leave the people you interact with better? Take a creative binge.
Allow me an elaboration: Take a janitor and a neurosurgeon. The said janitor is paid much less than the neurosurgeon. Why is that? Is the neurosurgeon a better person? That's debatable. Is the janitor less efficient at his work? Again, debatable. The primal reason lies in the neurosurgeon acquiring more valuable skills than the janitor. Society rewards them by paying more since there are less folks who can do what the neurosurgeon does.
To recap: In order to be indispensable in the role you play (whatever it is, a student, calligrapher, CEO of the Janitor Club), you HAVE to become valuable. Grow your curiosity & know more than yo’ buddies (also bring more value than anybody else). And to become valuable, you consume value. Tada!
(And if you still ain't convinced, I'll pull out the Netflix card. You'd really rather watch shows? Or binge YouTube? Than learn a new skill, or develop existing ones? Question your priorities, my friend. Victims love entertainment, victors love learning.)
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Cool, you're joining in then! Not that creative binge is NOT an entertainment binge. It's a value providing binge. What you ‘consume’ has to bring you something in return— whether that's creative inspiration, motivation or skills. *Swing arms* yup! We’re one gay, productive household. Someone remind Hallie to buy the groceries though, the Cheerios are going mouldy.
By my dictionary, a creative binge is a slot of time, 1½ to 3 hours I'd say, when you watch/read/listen to some good stuff.  Basically, binge content. 
🌿 Basics:
I conduct one every week (usually Wednesday mornings), lasting around 1½ to 2 hours.
I'll also keep a notepad and a pen nearby, to take notes and jot ideas as they come. Again, this is NOT an entertainment binge, even though it's a chill job.
Sometimes I'll get passive things done (like wiping my desk, eating breakfast and taking out textbooks) while watching. We maximize our time. 
🌿 What Do I Watch: 
The stuff I watch falls into 3 categories: creative/humor (for inspiration), business/skills (for skills) & motivation (for, um, motivation). Fair warning though, a lot of the stuff these folks make overlap, but that's alright. This is just a rough demarcation. 
Creative/Humor: some YesTheory, maybe some MacDoesIt, sprinkle in some Ryan Higa, perhaps an episode of a show with an amazing script, some stand-up comedy from my favorites. Or maybe trash that and just watch Sherlock. (Geez, Netflix, I hate you, I love you.)
Skills: Gary Vee, some artist channels, that random video on how to thrift shop even though I don't shop.
Motivation: Be Inspired, Tom Bilyeu, Mel Robbins and random videos which look nice.
🌿 What Do I Listen To: 
Oof, I love music tremendously! If you're a pal, you know it's time to RUN when I come around being like, “soo, I was wondering what's your favourite–”.
Yet, during a creative binge, I'll only listen to stuff that 1) inspires me, or 2) is creative in a way I can't explain. Some recommendations! 
Hype music:
The Score
Imagine Dragons
Creative music:
Billie Eilish
Lana Del Rey
Sleeping At Last
Conan Gray
Harry Styles 
🌿 What Do I Read: 
Usually the book that I'm reading at that point if I'm being lazy.
POETRY: It's my belief, but poetry is a writer's most powerful device. There's a novel to be said in a simple sonnet.
FICTION: I dig great fiction. PS, please read (and sob over) Away Childish Things, by @letteredlettered. It changed me as a person, changed my entire perspective about kids. I'm much kinder and softer now, and my pimples are gone. I'll literally never get over drarry too, so thanks lettered, love you.
ARTICLES: Bookmarked psychology, productivity & fitness articles on Medium. Maybe check out James Clear's & Gary Vee’s blog for new posts.
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Because I wanna drive this home, here's what I did in my last creative binge as a concrete example —
Care to Note that:
All of the stuff I consume is pre-planned.
I add videos throughout the week to my Creative Binge playlist on YouTube, download albums from Amazon Music and articles for offline reading.
DON'T leave this to the last moment, you'll more likely pick entertainment vs learning then. 
Why I'm done trying to be "man enough"
Redecorating my room 2017 (I wanna decorate my room this year so)
How to Squat Properly (I’m trying lmao)
Giving a 9-Year-Old Her Dream Job for 24hrs!! (I stan YesTheory so much)
How To NOT Be A Starving Artist (A mood. I love Sorelle)
Couple more, I could go on & on, but you get me.
Every song on YouTube by Bruno Major
Born to die: paradise version (album) by Lana Del Rey 
Articles from James Clear's blog — (x) (x)
Articles from Gary Vee’s blog — (x) (x)
HIIT workouts for beginners
All of this birthed–
Ideas for future articles, titled: How To Be Great & Solomon Letters #2: Question Your Faith, Not Your Dreams, among others.
A small poem about faith– posted on my IG, check it out!
New content ideas, like value chains (upcoming!)
Bunch of other small rants for everyday posting
Some business and life advice that might be useful later.
Gotta say goodbye now! (literally too... but post about it coming on 12th so wait for it) Try this one out, and let me know how your binge goes (tag it with #team conquer). Mine usually end with a bucketful of philo notes, a recharged left (right? psychology? idk) brain, and a fresh perspective towards the rest of my week. 
This is the #1 strategy I've adopted to sustain creative energy when it's sapped all around by negativity and school & I promise it helps. No side effects, no sponsored pills needed. Thanks for reading!
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Related: How To Get Back Into The Creative Process (if you're in a blogger's block or experiencing painter's pain)
Have something to say? I treasure all feedback! If this post inspired you to do something, or you wanna throw some love/constructive criticism at me— hop into my ask box, or reply to this post itself!
Thanks for dropping by! Major articles, like this one, come out every Thursday! Join my taglist by to read them when they do. I also post daily wins, journal entries, rants & photos of my plant babies throughout the week, so follow me if you’re into conquering life. I vow to be the loudest cheerleader. ✧
Sending you love and good energy, talk soon. 
Nandini 💌 (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ 
🍊↪ TAGLIST (join here): 
Thank you to these folks for supporting my content! I appreciate & love you, hope y'all are taking care. ⬇
@doctorearlgray, @mintschlar, @procrastilate, @scienceandsarcasticdroids, @sxudying, @hannistudies, @vocative, @studign-stars, @ash-trological, @sweet-bean-study-queen, @chaoticstormthings, @lunetudes, @beingstudent, @beautiful-magicalbrain, @akydemics, @literery, @redvelvetstu-dies, @vivinotes, @jynsdesk, @moonshinestudies, @studying-in-chaos, @thelazyunistudent, @einstetic, @ram-the-blonde-bitch, @a-students-lifebuoy, @studahliless, @inspostudying, @the-diary-of-a-failure, @would-iwasshookethspeared, @coffeeandpies, @artsytourism, @gloomstudy, @scrolls-of-jupiter, @studytrivia, @ristudy, @isatriestostudy, @historicalbeez, @luvjoys, @indiaisstudying, @studyingunderwater, @dianeemay, @kemi-k, @londonotes, @froststudies, @pennyfynotes, @studiently, @midnightstudying, @unicorndoesstudies, @studyingundersun, @wingedprunepsychiclawyer, @tonystarkstudies, @delphinaaugery, @morganastudy, @studiies-psych, @sumastudies, @emrys-studies, @parleonstudies, @acataemic, @studylustre, @adelinestudiess, @sorcierstudies, @coffeeinfusedstudying, @pizza-and-studying, @the-third-me, @scrunchiestudies, @jemsjournals, @jas-study, @jabuticabablr, @khelmatic, @avastvdies, @anatomyandphysics, @neversecondbest, @podcast-listener, @astudyinpharmacy, @mandiestudie, @brazilianstudyblr, @redheadredheart, @rahastudies, @introvered-violinist  + you, if you’re reading this!
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gabe-wallace · 7 years
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“The mountain that you are carrying, you were only supposed to climb.” -Najwa Zebian
NAME: Gabriel Matthew Wallace NICKNAMES: Gabe AGE: 21 BIRTHDAY: February 10th, 1997 GENDER: Male PRONOUNS: He/Him
MOTHER: Gloria Wallace (Maiden name: Aris) FATHER: Matthew Wallace LEGAL GUARDIAN: too many to fucking count lmao The State of California SIBLINGS: Rebekah Wallace Johnson (Bekah) PETS: A blue betta fish named Lynard who lives on his desk in one of those plant on top fish living in the roots vases, obtained on a whim. IMPORTANT EXTENDED FAMILY MEMBERS: N/A
FACE CLAIM: Adam Brody RACE/ETHNICITY:  ½ Jewish American (on his father’s side) NATIONALITY: American HEIGHT: 5′11” WEIGHT: 154 pounds HAIR COLOR:  Dark brown EYE COLOR: Brown SKIN COLOR: Light DOMINANT HAND: Right ANOMALIES: A barely there scar above his lip from a bad fight when he was thirteen, a small scar at the base of his spine from where a belt buckle caught him during a beating from a foster parent, a mole on the back of his shoulder he probably really needs to get checked out by a doctor. SCENT: A faint smell of lavender from the 4D laundry soap, Axe 3-In-1 Body Wash + Shampoo + Conditioner in Dark Temptation,Axe Deodorant in Dark Temptation, a Davidoff Cool Water Cologne he received as a birthday gift the previous year from Liliana who said she was ‘sick and fucking tired of him smelling like a douche’- as he used the body spray from Axe as well. ALLERGIES: Latex, wasps, bees, pollen, mildly lactose intolerant. FASHION: Gabe could give less of a shit how he dresses, as long as it’s comfortable. His go to is a pair of jeans and a t shirt, however if he has somewhere to go he’ll dress it up with a dress shirt and a pair of slacks. He’s incredibly reluctant to ever replace clothes, so several pairs of his jeans have tears in his knees, and several of his t shirts are stained. NERVOUS TICS: Rubbing the back of his neck, drumming his fingers, tapping whatever is in his hands against the nearest surface, hummiing or making up a song about whatever is making him uncomfortable, refusing to make eye contact.
HOME ADDRESS: 9280 East Cove Lane #4D, Seacrest Cove, CA RESIDES: Seacrest Cove, CA BORN: Carlsbad, California RAISED: All over Southern and Central California VEHICLE: A rusty dark green 1968 Pontiac Catalina coupe- which would be a nice car, if it were fixed up... But it’s not, so it’s just comes across as a rust bucket. PHONE: iPhone 7, which he was bullied into letting Iva Zotrova buy and pay for during the Stella runaway crisis. LAPTOP/COMPUTER: An older model Toshiba kept going only through Gabe’s knowledge of computers and pure damn stubbornness. HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION: Listen I’m not even going to try, Gabe has been to a shit ton of different schools. It’s a wonder his education didn’t suffer too much from it. COLLEGE EDUCATION: Seacrest Cove University MAJOR: Computer Engineering MINOR: N/A JOB: SCCU Campus Store, Server at Old Mel’s Diner, Guitar Tutor, Coding Tutor, runs errands for senior citizens POLITICAL AFFILIATION: Socialist RELIGION: A non-denominal Christian who is giving God the silent treatment. BELIEFS: A firm belief that he’s too damn busy trying to survive this life to worry about the next MISDEMEANORS: N/A FELONIES: Charged but not convicted of assault. Gabe was charged when a former foster parent slapped Bekah, causing her to fall into a chair and suffer a significant cut on her head. Gabe panicked and shoved the woman (who was well into her sixties) away from her, and she fell down half a flight of stairs. The judge later ruled that Gabe acted in defense of what he believed to be his sister’s life. TICKETS AND/OR VIOLATIONS: N/A DRUGS: Pot, (rarely) Acid (once- never again.) SMOKES: Once or twice. ALCOHOL: Socially DIET: Anything. Anything remotely edible. A childhood of doing things like eating straight jelly because it was the only thing in the fridge, or making ketchup sandwiches for the same reason have left Gabe with a ‘poor people don’t get to be picky’ mentality, and a nostalgic love for some snacks that make his friends and roommates look at him in horror. SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Up in the air. He’s definitely more interested in women than anything else, but he’s not quite sure he’s entirely NOT interested in men. At the very least, he would make out with a man. (A fact he periodically tells Finn McGee, with a lot of winking and pretend burning looks.) RELATIONSHIP STATUS: In a relationship with Stella Belmonte CHILDREN: N/A LOOKING FOR: Nothing more than what he has. BEST FRIEND(S): Finn McGee, Stella Belmonte, Liliana Sanchez, Roslyn Knox, Veronique Dumont, Julian Lowell, Iva Zotrova (he GUESSES.) LANGUAGES SPOKEN: English PHOBIAS: snakes, bad grades, anyone coming up behind him without announcing themselves HOBBIES: Guitar, Dungeons and Dragons, Video Games, Reading, Recording Covers on YouTube, Creating Mods for PC Games, Annoying Warren Porter TRAITS: Hard Working, Sarcastic, Funny, Thoughtful, Determined SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube
LOCATION: Hide Tides Apartments- Sea Crest Cove, California. SPORTS TEAM: Gabe has never been one for sports, however at some point halfway through middle school he started saying he liked the 49ers whenever it was brought up, and still does if someone happens to ask him. GAME: Mario Maker or Fallout 4 MUSIC: Classic rock and some old rockabilly classics, early 2000s rock like Weezer and Ok Go. SHOWS: Game of Thrones, Bob’s Burgers, Archer, The Flash, Daredevil, Arrow, The Walking Dead, Stranger Things, Supernatural MOVIES: Anything MCU or DC Comics, Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead, Lord of the Rings, Karate Kid RADIO STATION: 106.2 The Wave FOOD: Peanut butter cookies, breakfast burritos, queso dip with tortillas, his mother’s shepherd's pie, brown sugar poptarts. PROFESSOR: Professor Jade Pickering and Dennis Macdonald BEVERAGE: Vanilla Coke, Red Bull, Code Red Mountain Dew COLOR: Dark green
MORAL ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good/Neutral Good MBTI: ISFJ ENNEAGRAM: Type 6, The Loyalist TEMPERAMENT: Phlegmatic and Sanguine WESTERN ZODIAC: Aquarius CHINESE ZODIAC: Ox PRIMAL SIGN: Walrus HOGWARTS HOUSE: Hufflepuff SONG: Carry On My Wayward Son - Kansas IDEOLOGIES: Believes that capitalism isn’t in place to help anyone. It’s there to make the rich richer, the poor downtrodden, and the middle class complacent. It’s not just a matter of working harder than everyone else, you have to beat the system. And to do that, you have to know deep in your soul that no one gives a fuck what shitty things have happened to you, or what your dreams are- they care what you can do. Nothing more, nothing less.
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i-mweakforchangkyun · 7 years
30 Questions Tag! 👌
I was tagged by my Dad™️ @officialyanan lov u lmao Rules: Answer the 30 questions listed and then tag whoever you like to answer them too!
Nicknames: Rom or Romcom are the main ones
Gender: Female
Star Sign: the ram my guy ♈️ an Aries 
Height: 165 cm the family shortass
Time: atm its 2:57 pm, optimal nap time
Birthday: 10th of April
Favourite Bands: M o n s t a x, NCT, Gorillaz, Florence and the Machine, the Pretty Reckless, Vixx, The Internet theres a lot sajkbkjfe
Favourite Solo Artists: yA  bOI D E AN WHAT A MA N, Hyuna is a god damn queen, Jessi, Loco, Jay Park and Heize
Song Stuck In My Head: currently its Calm Down by Monsta x holy shit what a jam jooheon gives life
Last Movie I Watched: u n f o r t u n a t e l y it was the Netflix Death Note movie, I’m,,, they,,, they're trying, I guess,, 
Last Show I Watched: Finally getting back into game of thrones, can't remember why I stopped tbh?
When Did I Create My Blog: A year and a bit ago wooooo
What Do I Post: a lot of stuff tbh it doesn't really stick to anything super specific, just things I like I suppose 
Last Thing I Googled: G Dragon sushi hair
Do You Have Other Blogs: Yeess I have a pastel aesthetic blog :) 
Do You Get Asks: lmao nope
Why Did You Choose Your URL: because one day I came to the realisation that I am weak for Changkyun
Following: 253 blogs~
Followers: ahh only 64 sjknfdskjrg
Favourite Colours: greeeeen~!! blue and purple too
Average Hours Of Sleep: uhh, anywhere between like 4 and 7? I think??
Lucky Number: 8 was usually a luck number for me idk
Instruments: I used to play the clarinet until my hands were too small to actually hit some notes bc some of the holes were just too far away even with all the metal things they put on it to help you IVE GOT REALLY SMALL HANDS MAN
What Am I Wearing: black shorts and a training top
How Many Blankets I Sleep With: Only 2, it changes in winter tho  
Dream Job: I’d love to work for a comic company, whether its helping draw the comics themselves or actually creating a story for them hjebsfsjrg
Dream Trip: A trip through Japan tbh, always wanted to go
Favourite Food: probably chocolate, could just munch through all of it
Nationality: am an Aussie 🇦🇺 
Favourite Song Right Now: S W E E T L I E S EXO HAS SNATCHED ME B A L D 
I tag: @artificialskyway @prince-soulee @soonyoungswife @fluffyyeollie @ravyeolii ❤️ feel free to do it if you'd like and if not thats all good :33
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cescalr · 6 years
Heyo bros so I’m just gonna put this out here
And I will always at least give them a go if I have even the slightest inkling of inspiration for the prompt given. Prompts can be pretty much anything, really, a word or a sentence or an idea for an AU or whatever. 
However. I have things I won’t write, and so I figured... I should make a post of:
things I will write for
things I will write about
and things I will immediately delete if I get sent them.
So let’s get this show on the road, shall we?
I will write works only for fandoms I know at least a little of, which includes:
Riverdale (Season 1 & some of 2)
Buffy The Vampire Slayer/Angel The Series [Whedonverse]
Teen Wolf
The Vampire Diaries
Harry Potter
Kingsmen (Movie franchise)
The Wolf Among Us
Assassin's Creed
Tales From The Borderlands
The Chronicles of Narnia (I have read the series - the all in one book - and watched the movies)
Percy Jackson/Heroes Of Olympus/Kane Chronicles (It’s been a while but I have read all of those, along with the PJO and KC crossovers. I’m reading the Trials and Magnus Chase is on my list)
Marvel/DC cinematic universes, though for reference the Andrew Garfield Spiderman movies are my preferred Spiderman medium. I know them, Venom, Thor: Ragnarok, both Guardians of the Galaxy movies, Infinity War, Dr. Strange, and I will be watching Captain Marvel when it comes out. Wonder Woman (and 84 when it comes out), Batman V Superman, Justice League, for DC. I have seen Jessica Jones season one, once.
Smallville, a while back. I still read the fanfic, tho, lol. But yeah, details escape me.
The Yogscast Minecraft Canon. Yes. Really. vehemently not the realy people. 
The last three episodes of the second season of 13RW. Specifically. And that is all. Complete AUs would be preferred. 
Doctor Who revival (New Who) with 10th, and a little of 9 and 11, but not much. Astrid deserved better, heh. I saw the entirety of the Sarah Jane Adventures but I forgot most of it agp;oaingag;
Santa Clarita Diet
Mass Effect
Dragon Age
I’d put the Halo franchise but it’s been a while so idk
a bunch of other shit but tbh that’s all I’m gonna put here or we’d be here f o r e v e r trust me
Things I will definitely write about within these fandoms:
slash, femslash, het, multi [poly], gen. idk what the other tag stands for, to be honest with you. 
All canon friendships and most non-canon gen ships. 
Familial bonds.
stalia, scydia, steo, sciles, stanny, marrish, scallison, scira, stira, scileson, staleo, scisaac, allisaac, scallisaac, malira, allydia. 
complete AUs; soulmates, coffee shops, etc etc. Alllll the cliches, lmao.
crossovers between fandoms in this list
most anything tbh with you.
I will not write works that include any of the following:
REAL PEOPLE SHIPPING. no thanks, goodbye. Miss me with that shit, not sorry.
smut, or explicit sexual themes of any kind. Other NSFW topics are fine, though.
s!erek, or really any minor/adult ship, because that’s gross, thanks. HOWEVER, in very special circumstances, like time-travel which returns the younger to the older’s [insert younger’s age here] years, or permanent de-aging of the older which includes mental age (as in, their brain) then. Maybe. Maybe. And it would have to be very specific ships. Scerek or Steter could be okay, maybe. In that scenario. Hell, Dydia. Just... I don’t like s!erek lol. 
incest. I don’t count Justin/Clay, though. Or Alex/Jonas. Step-siblings are pushing it, but if they became step-siblings at a much later stage in life (like the two examples) then... okay. Maybe. Maybe. However, complete AUs that have, say, Malia as a biological Tate and not an adoptive one, and therefore she is not related to any of the Hales, maybe I could work with that. Maybe. Maybe. That would definitely be pushing it, though.
I’d prefer not to write anything that contains homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, racism, or anything along those lines. However, certain canons would make that damn near impossible, such as Misfits, so I will if necessary discuss those topics within the work. Mostly I’d rather stay away, however. 
Romantic stydi@. Not sorry.
Romantic sco!ia. It just didn’t work for me, sorry.
A/B/O ‘Verse dynamics. Since that thing is 99% smut... logically, I won’t write it. 
bodyswap. There’s nothing wrong with it, particularly, I’ve read it. I just don’t get inspired by the idea and along the same veins...
genderswap/cis-swap. It’s very rare that I read a genderbent fic that I care for, I dunno. I just don’t get why, I guess. What the need is for it. A lot of times I see it in the slash tags, which isn’t... great. so, Harry/Ron isn’t Harry slash Ron, it’s Harrietta!! or Rhonda!! or something!! for no reason??? so idk. I’ve seen the same in femslash tags, too, by the way. I just, idk. The fact that’s it’s common in what would be slash ships is... not great, it doesn’t sit particularly well with me. Idk.  
moving on, we’ve got H@rmony. Romantic H@rry/Herm!one... not my thing. 
idk I can’t think of any more? I guess mostly I’ll just respond to the ask with why I won’t/can’t do that one and see if u wanna give me another :). prompts are supposed to be fun, after all. Good writing practice, I figure.
And that’s it, I think!! So... if you read all this, thanks! Regardless, send me prompts! My ask is always open <3
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