#['this answer may change in the future aka im writing two threads with you ray and you have some great angst ideas]
contractterminvted · 4 years
9 8 16 aaaaaaaaand 34!
Be Honest Meme // Accepting
08. Name any three things about the rpc that bother you.
1. Way too much formatting. Now don’t get me wrong, everyone is allowed to format their threads as they want and all but sometimes it’s just to much. Sometimes I can’t even read the text bc its so tiny or have a color too similar to their blog bg.
2. People who tell others how to portray their muse/muses. Criticism is fine sometimes but some people need to chill. If you don’t like the way someone portray that muse, find another rp partner with that muse thats more to your liking instead of trying to making them to change.
3. Some RPers/RP advice blogs make RP sound like a job instead of a hobby. Please, let people have FUN ffs      
09. What is your opinion on exclusivity? Do you practice it? Why / why not?
I don’t have strong opinions on this, anyone can do whatever they want. But I do practice it to an extent. There’s no bigger reason than to keep my draft count low so I don’t get too anxious. 
However I do take shipping exclusivity a little bit more serious than muse/non-shipping exclusivity. If I’m shipping my muse with yours, I won’t be doing a shipping thread with somebody else.   
16. If you could change one thing about rp on tumblr, what would it be? Why?
Less drama and discourse. LESS CALLOUT CULTURE. Man, I can’t stress enough how much it annoys me. I know it isn’t exactly something exclusive to the rpc, but its where I see it the most. Let people ship whatever they want. If you don’t like, just block the tags or look away idk. It’s fiction. Pointing fingers always sounds just so whiny. Please solve your issues in private without making a goddamn scene.
34. Have you ever cried while writing a reply?
Unless you count panic crying, not yet. But I feel this answer may change in the future dkfljgdçkd 
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