contractterminvted · 4 years
Rafe orders a Dirty Shirley for Link like she asked, and a whisky on the rocks for him. He takes a sip. Truth be told, he never actually enjoyed whisky, he usually ordered it because it was what his father insisted was the proper drink to have.
"Let's find a place to sit." He says politely, noticing Link discomfort with her high heels. He leads her to a free table for two near the counter of the bar. At least now they can talk more properly.
Working together? Rafe looks at her, paying more attention now. He musters all the politeness inside of him to not eye roll at the mention of the name Nathan Drake. "Acquaintances is certainly a word for it." Rafe smirks. He and Nate barely knew each other and yet they were already in not great terms, bickering constantly. "To be quite honest, I usually work closer to Samuel." Despite the bigger age difference, he did get along better with the older Drake, and he was the one that added Rafe into the equation in the first place. "But nonetheless, the three of us will be working together to find Avery's treasure... or the four of us, I suppose." He smiled. It'll surely be interesting not being the only rich kid working on a treasure hunter gig.  
"Oh, please. You are doing great. I don't see Nate sneaking into fancy bars, so you're already doing better than him on that matter." He notes with a jokingly tone. "If anything, I'll be the one looking like an idiot. I'm more used to the 'swanky locales.'"
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“Oh look, someone relatively close to my age for once,” Link notes from where she’s perched near the bar. Sometimes the Courant-Throckmorton money was handy - it meant she could get places Drake and Company couldn’t. Even if she was in a dress. “Do I dare presume you’re one Rafe Adler? Link Courant; though the bouncer at the front door with the guest list would say otherwise.” She offers her hand to shake. Just so. Like Mother taught her. // @courantvvitch​
Rafe was distracted, looking at the cup of drink in his hand. A cup of drink he shouldn’t even be having according to the law…if not for his fake ID. Money and contacts in the criminal world have it’s many utilities. And I guess he looked old enough if he managed to convince Sam and Nathan Drake to work with him.
He is suddenly brought out of his thoughts when he hears a female voice directed a him. He turns in the direction of the voice. The clothes, posture and formality of the girl making him wonder from where she knows his name. Did they meet before? Maybe in one of the many fancy events his father made him go. However if that were the case she wouldn’t be introducing herself. In the back of his mind he remembers that Nathan maybe mentioned someone but he never payed much attention to what Nate said anyway.
“I’m Rafe Adler, yes.” Rafe shakes Link’s hand. Formalities were also his thing, unfortunately. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Ms. Courant. Would you like to join me for a drink?” He smiles politely. If he’s being honest, he would rather be alone with his thoughts but the etiquette he learned says otherwise.
“I have to agree with you it is refreshing to see someone who doesn’t look at least ten years older than you.”
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contractterminvted · 4 years
Rafe noticed Sam looking at his own clothes, and even with his shitty sense of reading people's emotions could tell he made Sam feel somewhat embarrassed. It wasn't his intention. Rafe made a mental note to be more careful with his words, but didn't apologize. Curious how a simple five letter word always felt so hard to say.
"Don't worry, I didn't get anything worthy of the Oscars ceremony, just the Golden Globe." He chuckled, trying to keep the mood light following Sam's little joke. "But really, don't worry. I just thought you might need some new clothes and took the liberty to save both of us time and bought them myself... it's nothing fancy. You know, a couple of jeans, some shirts... Nothing too different from what I remembered you liked to wear." Rafe added. He still remembered well Sam's style. Almost the opposite of his own, having a preference for comfort and practicality over style and fanciness. Although, with years passed Rafe learned that designer clothes weren't exactly the best thing suited for treasure hunting.
He walked with Sam down the hallways of the floor their rooms were. "Well, you're not wrong about that. We could probably get a better deal with swimwear somewhere else. But c'mon Sam, it's not like paying an extra few bucks for clothes is going to make me poor." Rafe said with a smirk.
"Here's your room, mine is the one two doors on the left if you need something" Rafe said, stopping in front of one of the hotel doors. "And you can call the hotel and order food to your room if you'd like. Though I'm sure they'll be serving dinner soon, if you prefer to go down and try the buffet." Rafe explained. Sam must be hungry. I doubt any prison food he has been eating during the last years could be even considered food. At least he'll manage to tick of 'have a proper meal' out of his list.
Rafe wondered if he should suggest they both go try the buffet later. Even though he has been staying in the hotel for a few days his antisocial part always ordered food to be delivered in the room. Having dinner together would be a good opportunity to talk. "I can accompany you to the buffet later, if you'd like to have someone to chat."  Part of Rafe already regretted the invitation, thinking it could be read the wrong way. But the other part was hoping Sam didn't decline, the same part that would never admit he misses the conversations he and Sam would have before all went down.
Samuel knew that at some point he would have to find Nate, just figure out where he was. Was he still doing treasure hunting? Was he still alive? Sam didn’t even have a phone anymore, let alone any idea what Nate’s phone number was. 
Would Rafe know? He couldn’t be sure.
“Doesn’t exactly have to be a lady, you know, Rafe.” Sam chuckles and waggles his brow at him. He entertains the brief possibility that Rafe doesn’t know that he goes both ways, no, he has to know. Sam’s never been ashamed of it, it’s obvious.  The sight of the hotel had Sam’s jaw going slack, and he had numbly climbed out of the car, the only thing drawing his attention to the fact that he was standing now was the dull thud of his bag against the side of his foot. It took a few moments for him to take it all in, the cool summer evening, the luxurious pool. “Jesus….christ..Rafe. This is impressive, even for you.”  He was caught on if he should follow Rafe into the building or to stand here and take in the extravagance around him. Normally, a man of his lifestyle would rarely be accepted into places like this. However, he tries to remember how to play it cool and follow Rafe he does after taking the keycard. 
“Wait….new clothes?”
Doesn’t have to be a lady? Rafe glanced over at Sam, now noticing the look he was giving him. …Oh. “Well…” He took a second before continuing, trying not to read too much into Sam’s eyebrow wiggle. “I’m certain you can also seduce any men into your bed too if that’s what strikes your fancy. And hiring a sex worker is still not out of the picture if you fail.”
Once again Rafe considered mentioning they go drink something together. But if he did it now it would just cause the wrong impression, wouldn’t it? Rafe opted for simply keeping up with his carefully crafted straight persona that he presents for everyone.    
Sam’s reaction to the view of the hotel was almost endearing. Rafe was so accustomed to staying in fancy places, for him was easy to forget not everyone is like that. He caught himself staring at Sam’s expression. “You find this impressive?” Rafe chuckles. “I should take you to Vegas sometime.”
Rafe waited a few moments until Sam started following him, finally entering the elevator. He leans into the wall, his back to the bigger mirror, facing Sam again, checking what he’s currently wearing. “Were you planning on walking around dressed like that?” He made a hand motion lazily gesturing at Sam’s clothes. “I just hope I got your clothing size correct.” After a few moments thinking, he added, “Oh, I didn’t buy any swimwear for you, but if you plan to enjoy the pool that can be easily managed, there’s a store on the first floor of the hotel.”
Sam gives an airy laugh at the mention of Vegas. That’s what this place was vaguely reminiscent of, his imaginings of what Vegas was like. He’s never been, and has only considered going there. As far as he was concerned in his younger years, only the really rich could afford to go there. Rich like Rafe. 
The comment of his clothes got him looking down with a sheepish expression. Still his mud covered prison denim. It did make him feel a mite underdressed compared to Rafe, though he wasn’’t sure he’d ever measure up fully to Rafe’s everyday fashion sense.
The elevator gets to their floor and he feels a knot of guilt start to form in his stomach. The concept of people buying clothes for him never really felt right, no matter how much he needed or wanted it. Was Rafe expecting him to pay him back for whatever he got? He just got out of prison an hour ago, he wasn’t even sure what he could do. “Please tell me, you didn’t get anything red-carpet fancy, Rafe.” Sam joked, trying to not focus on the feeling like a dog was sitting on his chest. 
“I hear hotel gift stores tend to rip people off.”
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contractterminvted · 4 years
Did he heard that right? Did the bartender just address this man as a founder? As in... one of the founders of Libertalia? Rafe shook his head. This day just keeps getting crazier and crazier.
He accepted the drink, nodding as a 'thank you' and took a sip of it. Whatever brand of ale that was, it was pretty damn strong, so Rafe decided it was for the best not to drink too much. Last thing he needed now was getting drunk... or maybe that was exactly what he needed, maybe if he got drunk everything would start making sense.
Rafe shook the man's hand but gave a small step back as a reflex when the other moved closer. Rafe would've frowned at being called by his last name if he weren't more surprised by the name the man used. "James Kidd?" Rafe repeated, disbelief quite present in his voice. "As in... the James Kidd? Who used to sail with Anne Bonny back in 18th century?"
What is going on? Each passing minute Rafe was believing less and less in everything. It was all too vivid to be an hallucination and too endless to be a dream. But to believe he traveled back in time? Was he truly seeing Libertalia in it's glory days? That single train of thought was enough to give him a headache. He sighed.
It was the height of Libertalia’s splendour, where all of the buildings were recently finished. The energy of freedom and joy was throughout the entire marketplace, but no place was more full of energy than the local tavern. Given that most pirates enjoyed their share of grog and mead, it was always a place of excitement and the ocassional pirate brawl. 
The blacksmith shop was also in good business, the distant clanging of hammers on steel and the telltale smell of the chimney from that corner of the square. To anyone that wasn’t used to the place, it would seem like a cacophony of sound, but it was one that was all too familiar to James Kidd. Years in Nassau have served him well in not being all too uncomfortable with such situations. 
There was someone talking loudly at the bar, and a brief glance over made him give an amused smile. His fellow Founder, Thomas Tew, was engaging a crowd with tails of his exploits. Bonny was here too, in another part of the tavern, dancing to the music from the ragtag band that had formed here a few months after they all got here. Sailors, and by extension pirates, were a musical group of people and it only made sense that they would get together and share in this collective paradise.
Jim had finished his recent cup of ale, moving towards the counter and putting it down. That’s when he noticed a new man - around his height, scowling faintly as he leaned against the counter, and wearing clothes that didn’t exactly point to being a sailor. They were too dark, too fitting. He however heard what the man said, and gave him a coy grin. “Wake up on the wrong side of the bed, lad? This is Libertalia.”
After being entirely ignored by the barkeep, Rafe annoyance was becoming clearer. It was obvious the man had heard him and made a deliberate choice to disregard his question and continued to serve drinks to the others. These fucking phony pirates. Before he said anything else, he heard somebody addressing his question. He looked over at the person; it was a man with dark hair and brown eyes, also wearing old fashioned pirate costumes, with a red bandana on his head.
Rafe straightened himself up from the counter and crossed his arms in front of his chest, the small golden relic still in his hand. He didn’t reply, instead he started looking around again. Of course this was Libertalia, but how the fuck did all these people just appeared here? And how it’s suddenly all fixed up? Upon darting his eyes on the crowd, he realized a couple of the faces seemed familiar, like the ones he saw on paintings and illustrations in history books about pirates. Is that Thomas Tew? For fucks sake, all of this is nonsense, I must be having a really fucking vivid dream right now.  
Looking back at the man who had just spoke to him, he decided that going along with whatever hallucination he was having was the best option, maybe he’d wake up. “Libertalia? Wow. This place is impressive.” He uncrossed his arms, casually putting the relic on his pocket. “Is it normal for the barkeep to ignore costumers? Or is it just because I’m a newcomer?” Rafe said in a jokingly tone, putting up his fake business smile, in an attempt to not show how this whole situation had his mind racing, desperately searching for an explanation.
But he couldn’t find any, at least not logical ones. With a headache building up, he brushed any fantastical unrealistic theories away from his mind, trying to focus back on the conversation. “Oh, where are my manners?” Rafe extended his hand for a handshake. “I’m Rafe Adler.”
Kidd could sense the tension in this other man, and waved at the bartender, holding up a couple fingers to signal he wanted a drink for him and his friend. The bartender’s response of ‘of course, Founder Kidd’ but it was drowned out in the din of the crowded pub. At first he didn’t catch the expressions shifting on the man next to him, but he recognized the shock and disbelief that settled in. Something gave him the impression that it was a foreign look. 
“Lots of people want a drink, to celebrate what we’ve accomplished here.” Kidd smiles and turns around to bask once again in the joy of his fellow sea-farers. It took him back to those early days in Nassau, before it fell apart and the pressure from the British Navy. 
Jim looked at the outstretched hand and smiled, moving forward to take it and leaned in with an impish look in his eyes. “James Kidd. Good meeting you, Adler.”
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contractterminvted · 4 years
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"Oh look, someone relatively close to my age for once," Link notes from where she's perched near the bar. Sometimes the Courant-Throckmorton money was handy - it meant she could get places Drake and Company couldn't. Even if she was in a dress. "Do I dare presume you're one Rafe Adler? Link Courant; though the bouncer at the front door with the guest list would say otherwise." She offers her hand to shake. Just so. Like Mother taught her. // @courantvvitch​
Rafe was distracted, looking at the cup of drink in his hand. A cup of drink he shouldn't even be having according to the law...if not for his fake ID. Money and contacts in the criminal world have it's many utilities. And I guess he looked old enough if he managed to convince Sam and Nathan Drake to work with him.
He is suddenly brought out of his thoughts when he hears a female voice directed a him. He turns in the direction of the voice. The clothes, posture and formality of the girl making him wonder from where she knows his name. Did they meet before? Maybe in one of the many fancy events his father made him go. However if that were the case she wouldn't be introducing herself. In the back of his mind he remembers that Nathan maybe mentioned someone but he never payed much attention to what Nate said anyway.
"I'm Rafe Adler, yes." Rafe shakes Link's hand. Formalities were also his thing, unfortunately. "It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Courant. Would you like to join me for a drink?" He smiles politely. If he's being honest, he would rather be alone with his thoughts but the etiquette he learned says otherwise.
"I have to agree with you it is refreshing to see someone who doesn't look at least ten years older than you."
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contractterminvted · 4 years
So, the drawtober creator’s challenge is coming up soon! And due to this, our little Uncharted fan server Is putting together a drawtober challenge specifically for the series. Feel free to join us to see the prompts we have, though you can share your result anywhere you’d like!
We are announcing it this early so everyone can prepare for what they’d like to do and we look forward to seeing what you come up with!
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contractterminvted · 4 years
//Your local chaotic disaster here got their greasy hands on Death Stranding and I've been playing it quite a lot so if I seem even more slow to reply than I already am, that's why.
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contractterminvted · 4 years
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Why don’t you face it, Rafe. You need us.
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contractterminvted · 4 years
“It’s been a long time since I’ve been me.”
— Fernando Pessoa
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contractterminvted · 4 years
I am ENTHUSIASTICALLY wanting to write with you but I am SLOW. 
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contractterminvted · 4 years
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        BANG.  ─ indie multimuse semi-selective.
   BANG. ─ black sails, legion, hamilton, heathers, uncharted, bioshock, borderlands, la la land, detroit: become human, altered carbon, shingeki no bahamut, naruto, stranger things, sense8, powerpuff girls, legend of korra, disney and many more.
           BANG. ─ english & spanish roleplayer.
                  BANG. ─ penned by lyuba/lavinia.
       […] I USED TO SHOT YOU DOWN […]
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contractterminvted · 4 years
Nathan casually slaps Rafe with a fish.
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“Hey Nate,” Rafe looked at him and then at the fish on Nathan’s hand, pouting in confusion “what the fuck?”
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contractterminvted · 4 years
❀   /   MUNDAY  MEME.
NAME: Hel or Cass BIRTHDAY:   5th December 1996  COUNTRY:   Brazil, press F to pay respects ORIENTATION:  Demiromantic, Bisexual  SINGLE   /   TAKEN: Taken
HOBBIES: videogames, drawing, writing, singing badly, learning way too many tabletop RPG systems and dragging my friends to play my oneshots lmao.   FAVORITE  COLOUR[S]:   black and purple LAST  SONG  LISTENED  TO: Rituals by Jiovanni Daniel
MEANING  BEHIND  URL: “Contract Terminated” it’s one of the KO lines that Rafe says on Multiplayer/Survival Mode, I just changed the second A for V and boom. And apparently everyone in the uc server misreads it as something different.
TAGGED BY: @moltementi   TAGGING: @rafesthighs ; @akunyan ; @chaosandprotectors ; @ anyone else that wants to do it!
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contractterminvted · 4 years
    Can I keep 𝒎𝒚 𝒄𝒐𝒐𝒍           Despite the urge to fall apart — ?
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contractterminvted · 4 years
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UNCHARTED 4: A Thief’s End
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contractterminvted · 4 years
Things that don’t matter to me about another roleplayer:
If you use icons; some people just can’t, or don’t like it.
If you have to reply on the mobile app; I can trim our posts for us so we don’t piss people off.
If you need time to reply; Just let me know so I don’t think the thread is dropped. Everyone takes different amounts of time to do things. Never feel bad if your muse just isn’t working with you.
If you need to drop a thread; as long as you tell me I wont be mad. Sometimes we all just have too much going on, or get bored. We can always plot somethign else.
If you don’t ship our muses; Some people just don’t work together, and maybe they should just be friends. Friends aren’t a second place trophy, and I wont treat them like they are.
If your text is fancy; concentrate on the words you use, not the aesthetics. Wont matter to me if you took an extra how ever long making the words little, if I’m only getting two words back anyways.
If your replies match mine in length; Sometimes you can’t find enough words, and you shouldn’t feel bad. As long as you tired your best.
You know what I do care about? That you think of it more like fun, than work. If it’s just work interacting with my muse, then tell me, because something needs to change.
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contractterminvted · 4 years
You keep storing up all that anger and grief. Eventually it spills over. Or you drown in it.
Leigh Bardugo (via quotemadness)
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contractterminvted · 4 years
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C’mon, Nate!
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