#[A Mothers Indomitable Love- Atya]
strykingback · 2 months
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Zek and his mother are inebriated and singing "Lets Go!" together!!
"Putj daljok u nas s toboju, Veselej, soldat, gljadi!"
("We still have a long way to go, Cheer up soldier, raise your head!")
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strykingback · 9 months
Precursor to the Festival!
Location: New Forde Village, Brumel. Time: 7:00 AM OST: A Discovery Of A Village!
Atya was up and about preparing breakfast as soon as she could for the long day ahead, as the villagers who were awake earlier made their final preparations, whether if it was making sure the bakeries had enough bread prepared for the day, the food in certain shops or small restaurants had also had their food prepared, and more were all up in about.
Finally she would finish stirring the Kyercheh which Ergis sat patiently looking up at Atya panting lightly. "Awww, Ergis! Being a good boy as always." Atya would say ruffling his fur and such before turning standing up. "Zeeeeek~! Breakfast is ready!!" Atya said with a slight groan coming from Zek... standing up and walking forward.
"Ugh......Cooooming~!" He said coming from his room dressed in his casual clothes while holding Hayha in his hands. Which his mother couldn't help but chuckle to herself at the sight as he walked up to the table and sat down on the wooden seat while Ergis got his cooked beef as he started eating.
Zek would then get a plate of pancakes and a little bowl of Kyercheh in front of him, which he began to eat. "Ah, Zek be sure to eat plenty since you and I are going to be having a long day today." Atya said taking her seat and starting to eat as well.
"Yes Mama, I know." Zek would say munching away at a pancake recently dipped in the heavy whipped cream. "Plus, you have a lot to do today as well, keeping an eye on the events, doing a song, opening ceremonies, etc." The sniper would say with his mother blushing lightly.
"Ahhh! I'm aware Zekkie. But... I just wish....." Atya would speak until Ergis would place his head on top of her lap whining softly in a way to help her soothe the pain, which she smiled and patted the wolfdog lightly. "I know mama. I wish she was here too and with my Master." Zek said smiling softly as he finished up. "I'll get freshened up and head out, mama. Ergis! Hold until I come out fully dressed." Zek would say while commanding Ergis.With the Sniper immiediately taking a warm shower and dressing himself up in his usual combat gear with his facemask walking right out.
"Lets go, Ergis." Zek said which he and the wolf dog walked out and his mother stepping out a bit. "Have a good day Zek! I'll be right behind you soon!" Atya would say.
Which the town was already starting to come to life people coming out of their homes early to begin the day and most importantly setting up the games, the hotsprings, and the feast hall. New Forde Village was alive and well with the village already beginning to burst with life in excitement for the festival.
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strykingback · 10 months
Event: Rescue Mission FINALE- The Reapers Bullet
OST: The Disgraced Clone
The strike team moved up quickly approaching the fallen Mecha-Perseus as the stopped hearing the chest piece open up with a hiss, with Nero walking out of the machine with smoke and coughing a bit while he waved it away. "Fucking little pieces of shit! I have no more patience with you all!" He would say with a growl. "It's over Nero! Surrender now and you will be taken back to Brumel where you'll receive a fair trial!" Eros demanded pointing his twin blasters at the clone. While Nero would just scoff at it... getting into a fighting position as he lifted up one leg and slammed into the ground breaking the concrete starting to groan.. while the fusion energy began to surge around him.
"Democritus particles?! They're being absorbed?!" MAYA would say with Leonidas already having a bad feeling about this. Eros, would just roll his eyes underneath his helmet thinking that this clone was just going to the same thing as the real figure did somewhat have a temper tantrum. Zek and Guangxian would just remain quiet and watch to see what would happen.
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Finally, the disgraced clone would release a loud roar of rage with more of the Democritus particles becoming streams of energy entering Neros back as even the wires from Mecha Perseus would surge outward feeding more of the energy into him. Before a wave of power was unleashed pushing back the strike team..
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"The Bloody hell?!" Eros said checking his HUD for any fusion poisoning in his body.. which there wasnt.. yet for the Disgraced Councilman he stood up looking more buff than ever. While he would push his glasses up with a slight smirk. "LETS RUMBLE!" Nero spoke with a growl.
"The fuck are you on about you absolute-"
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"GRAHHHHGH!!!!" Nero would charge at Eros with everyone jumping away as Eros was left unprepared to shoot at being surprised at the speed of the now charged up councilman with no time to dodge as he was immediately tackled to the ground with Eros getting up, only to get a punch towards his face, and then a headbutt cracking his visor. "I'm not like those cushy politicians! Played a lot of Zeroball in college!" Nero said.
Leonidas would immediately launch himself into battle swinging a punch towards the clone while he gritted in pain with stinging feeling moving through his left hand. "At some shitty fancy college, you mark!!!" The bull faunus growled using Aurelius' Wrath in attempt for the wrist blade to gouge out the eye of Nero only for his arm to be caught by Nero. Which the elite atelier guardsman attempted to swing a punch with his free arm only for it to be caught, with Nero letting go of Eros. "Try the University of Atticus in Vale! I'm not like those beltway pansies who wont do things right nowadays!!!" He said headbutting the bull faunus again with a groan coming from Leonidas.
"I can easily crush your shit king....with my bare hands!!!" He said, letting go of Leonidas right hand and immediately punching him in the face causing his visor to crack as well! Being sent to the floor in pain from the strikes. Immediately Zek would come in using the bayonet function of his rifle only to be caught by the throat and thrown into air with Zek screaming loudly in fear as he fell right back down.
"DO NOT FUCK WITH THIS GODDAMN COUNCILMAN BITCH!" Nero shouted immediately kicking Zek at a perfect time sending him right to the floor, as the rifleman held his gut in pain which he wondered what was damaged....perhaps it was his ribs, or even worse internal bleeding. "Fuuuuck...." He groaned out.
"Bastard! Just what the hell are you!?! " Guangxian said shooting at the Senator while he did not flinch almost as if the bullets were literally and figuratively bouncing off of his body, which the Councilman looked at the Hacker and attempted a few punches while Guangxian would dodge them swiftly only for a punch catching him off guard as stumbled back a bit dazed. While the clone of Nero pushed up his eyeglasses. "Why dont you boys live long to find out?" He said while everyone got back onto their feet... yet Zek noticed something was missing on Guangxians back.. and that was Hathor... which he looked up to the sky to see the drone in air showing the fight live.
And on the Atelius everyone watched the fight with eyes of shock in their eyes... and worry.
"Come on Leonidas get back up!" An Atelier Soldier said.
"Lets go Eros!! Show'em what you mean by planning!!!"
"Guangxian... Hang in there!!!" One of the Atelier Technicians spoke.
"Zek... please.. get up!!!" Atya said with worry.
"Guys we need to work fast on this anti-serum now!!!" Merlinda spoke with urgency with Hermes, Twilight, and Krieg having to work as quickly as they could. "Father... please protect them....." Krieg shuddered underneath his breath... while he had worked to solve the problem with the Anti-Serum for Project Immortalis...
"Lets go ... lads!!!" Eros shouted throwing Pequod to the side and pulling out his plasma knife while, Leonidas staggered a little bit reaching his full height along with everyone else.
"Come on boys! Lets have a fun talk!" Nero spoke as the fight reignited with Eros charging in firing Ishmael at the clone, while narrowly dodging an attempted punch and using his knife to attempt to slice open or cut his abdomen albeit it felt like bounched off. With Guangxian coming in with his pistol to try and claim a head shot with Zek aiming and firing a dust round with an explosion.
Finally Eros and Leonidas looked at each other and nodded rushing in with both with both a plasma knife and wristblade with both swinging down after Zeks incredible headshot... only to feel something holding them back, with the two looking up to see Nero's head still intact and his arms and hands black as night.....
"Nice cooking knives, mind if I take those to go." He said breaking both the Plasma knife and the Wristblade.
"WHAT!?!" Both Atelier soldiers said in unison, before they backed up a bit. "Bloody fucker!!!" Eros shouted throwing what remained of his knife while Nero simply walked up towards them quickly before running as Eros utilized his semblance. Haste to jump over it while Leonidas rushed in and slid underneath an attempted punch dodging it completely. Just for a moment Leonidas chuckled and then
With a loud smack the bull faunus was punched making him stagger once again but with his kinetic punches all but charged up its just enough for him to handle it. As he saw a punch being swung at him as he blocked it with both sides grunting and groaning. "Always going to be a mark, you piece of shit politician! Big Promises you cant even deliver....!" Leonidas said throwing the fist to the side, swinging an attempted punch which made contact. "Experimenting on innocent people?! All for what! Your broken pride!!!" He continued swinging two more kinetic punches.
"And you're just like every other PMC mark I killed! Just another shitbag crawling in the pile!!!" He said giving a kneestrike to the chin with enough force to make the clone stumble backwards a bit.
"Heh... you are right about one thing... Marauder of Marcenas River...." Nero spoke which made Leonidas grit his teeth hearing that title. "I do have big promises that I could not deliver.... but its because I have a dream!" Nero said.
"What?" Leonidas said with confusion, before watching the councilman walk up to him.
"That one day every PMC watching will use this as a means to be inspired to do more! To go forward and do more even if it is unethical!!!" Nero said with Leonidas taking zero time to think and charging forward with both hands grasping each other in another hand while the two would clash heads with blood seeping out of Leonidas helmet.... "I want PMC's to understand that they can destroy the governments that once held them back and use it for their own fuel for their fire!" Nero spoke with a kick to the bull faunus' stomach making him stumble backwards.....
"Fuck all these limpshit politicians who decide to not go above and beyond what they can or can't do! And these chickenshit hunters who only want to be famous as hell and instead seek only glory instead of fighting for the PMC's to sate their inner demons!!!" Nero would rant while punching Leonidas with the next punch landing shattering his helmet entirely... while in a dazed state... Leonidas immediately tore off the holopad containing MAYA as he threw her somewhere safe..... so she wouldnt have to be harmed....
But Nero saw this distraction as an opportunity while he grabbed the marauder by the hair. "Fuck all this! I wanna be the very best and prissy soft society bullshit!!!!" Nero shouted slamming Leonidas' face into the ground.... as he lifted him back up which the bull faunus was too dazed and was trying to formulate something. "Fuck the Fake Media! Fuck the Naysayers!!!" Nero punched him again making the Marauder stumble again with blood staining the grounds...
Nero roared swinging a haymaker punch sending, Leonidas flying into a damaged wall which had a spike piercing out of it which it would pierce his arm making the Marauder of Marcenas scream in agony for the first time every...
With everyone watching aboard the Atelius... they never seen such brutality before , with the Atelier soldiers now showing worry because without Leonidas it only leaves Eros, Zek, and Guangxian to fight against this untamed beast!
"Krieg! Whats the status on the anti-Immortalis serum!?" Merlinda demanded in a hurried manner.
"Not good!!! They made this thing incredibly complicated!!!" Krieg replied looking back at the battle seeing Eros stand up and try to shoot but he was too late.
"Shite! They made it too complicated!!! Even with my magic it wont be enough to reduce it down to its base materials!" Hermes said before hearing another scream of horror from the audience outside.
"LEONIDAS!!!" An Atelier soldier shouted.
"COME ON EROS!! CLUTCH UP!!!" Another shouted.
"You can do it guys come on!!!"
"Leo!!!" Eros shouted, charging in only to be slammed to the floor onto his back. "You see you useless knights in shining armor! Remnant is rotten to the core.... which means we need to do one thing!" Nero continued with his rant... "WE NEED TO BURN IT DOWN!!!!" He shouted kicking Eros making the seasoned soldier cough up blood.
"Fuuuck.. you.. you serial murderer!" Eros spat back.
"Oh.. still alive. And from the ashes of this new Remnant everyone will be underneath a banner where they can fight and die for what they BELIEVE!!!" He shouted stepping on top of Eros HARD making him cough up more blood!!!
"The weak will be purged and I WILL BE ITS NEW LEADER AND THOSE WHO DO NOT AGREE WITH ME WILL BE PURGED AS WELL!!!!" Nero shouted kicking Eros away as the soldier slid across the floor with a groan....
"I WILL MAKE NOT JUST ATLAS GREAT AGAIN BUT ALSO REMNANT GREAT AGAIN!!!!" He said with Guangxian leaping on top of him and pulling out his karambit knife in an attempt to stab him in they eye only to be stopped and grabbed which he would be raised up over his head.....
And then...he would be slammed onto Nero's knee by his back which a blood-curdling scream was emitted from the Hacker as he was thrown away like trash..... into a wall.... as he struggled to get back up.... "Just like him! Trash.. aimed for me!"
"You know what mate... Fuck off!!!" Eros said getting up to which on the dreadnought everyone roared with a cheer watching the commander stand up with Eros rushing in and beginning to swing multiple punches against Nero... but to no effect before he swung a final punch that made him grunt in pain a bit...
"Why wont you just fucking die you sack of shite!!!!" Eros shouted with rage, while Nero finally revealed what had happened to him tearing off his shirt... revealing a scar around his chest where his heart is located... "Fusion Nanites, son. Ever since I got that surgery along with Project Immortalis whenever physical trauma is dealt to me.. they harden in response.. in other words.. Im fucking invincible!" The clone said.. with Zek charging in and using the butt of his rifle to smack him only for the Fusion Nanites to respond with a swift hardening to lessen the blow.
"What did I just say son?" He said dealing a punch to Zek which the force made him spit out blood from his mask sliding across the floor....and for a moment.. he could see his master... and his mother who was shot... during the invasion of the village waving at him to come with them..
"Mamulechka... Master..." He said weakly.. before he shook it off because of Eros shouting something only to get punched with his helmet shattering into pieces....
"Fucking Atelier Garbage!!!" Nero shouted after he punched Eros.
"Shite murderer of my brothers, sisters, and others!!!" The commander said trying to lay a good punch on him.
Finally in a desperate move... Guangxian charged in and grabbed Nero by the abdomen making the councilman look at him.."DO IT NOW!!!!!" Guangxian shouted with Eros and Zek charging in....but however... Nero grunted and groaned until... "WHY DONT YOU FUCKING DIE YOU PIECES OF SHIT!!!!!" He shouted with a bright light coming from his back with Eros', Zek's and Guangxian's faces widening with shock as finally..
They were caught in a pulse explosion that destroyed the area around them... as back on the Atelius... Hathor was still connected showing the live feed meaning Guangxian was alive... but by a thread..
The sight alone made everyone aboard lose hope... as finally back in the lab.. Krieg fell to his knees tears dripping from his eyes. "Not again... not again!!!!! DAMN YOU!!!! NERO!!! HOW MUCH MORE MUST MY SINS FOLLOW ME!!!!" He shouted with fury... with hermes understanding his anger.
".....We cant give up yet!" Atya said walking into the lab.
"Use my blood.... I have an idea." She said..
Back in the battlefield... Guangxian was barely conscious using his drone sight to keep himself in the fight for everyone to see. Eros on the other hand was embedded into a wall... were it not for his armor he would have been dead.. but his aura had also broken leaving some scars across his face along with very serious burns and injuries... but Zek took the worst of it as his left eye was bloodshot from the insane damage, blinding him... and his right arm was all but missing..... as his breathing was labored.. once again he could see his master Odin and his other mother standing before him.
Yet, from the smoke came Nero .. undamaged and still having a bastard of a grin on his face. "See this is what you boys get for playing heroes...." He said.. while Zek struggled to get up but was too close to deaths door. "Time to finish this..." He said approaching Zek before the sounds of an Atelier gunship came through flying above the remaining fighters as it would come around hovering just well enough above ground with the side doors opening.
Revealing Atya with a rifle aiming at Nero.
"For everyone you killed!" Atya said shooting at him which was revealed to be a dart as it made contact around his shoulder which injected the serum right away. "Huh? Thats it... some bullshit tranquilizer dart?!" He shouted. "Not quite!" Krieg said over the gunships speakers.
"It's in fact an anti-serum that combats the Immortalis serum inside of you!! While we could not figure out a serum to combat it from its base materials.. however what would happen if your hundred and fifty thousandth experiment.. used her own blood against you which contains immortalis thus using our failed vaccine attempts to fuse it with hers.....created the anti-serum necessary!!!" Krieg said.. which Neros eyes widened in response seeing feeling his eyes starting to bleed and himself coughing up blood.
"Urgh! Fuck!!!" He said...
However, Zek would slowly rise to his feet with one arm left.....and his rifle in hand. Injured as he was. There was no way he was going to die... not without taking this man down once and for all! "NERO!!!!!" Zek shouted...with the clone turning around..
"Let's Rumble...." He said with a weak smile while Nero would only have rage in his heart, charging at the Sniper as he rolled across the floor after an attempted punch was swung with Nero swinging his fists down at the floor causing little breaks in the ground to catch Zek off guard only for the Sniper to keep his balance and shoot at him this time piercing his abdomen.. making him stumble back.
The Fusion Nanites... were no longer responding! "YOU FUCKING WHORE!!!!!!" Nero shouted grabbing a PVC pipe and throwing it but thankfully it would move out of the way just narrowly grazing the attempted javelin throw. However, Zek would not take this lightly as he would drive his Bayonet through Nero roaring with rage while unloading bullet after bullet into him making the Councilman spit more blood out.
Yet, out of defiance, he would swing a punch at Zek making him pull out his rifle, sliding across the floor. Which the cloned councilman in a dazed manner released a roar of rage forcing the nanites to work while he would swing a punch at the Sniper with Zek side-stepping out of the way and shooting a fist covered in the Fusion Nanites, making him stumble back and swung his other undamaged fist covered in a bunch of fusion nanites... while that fist would be shot and damaged... making him stumble back... until charging forward. "YOU FUCKER!!!!!!!" He roared.
While Zek quickly counted how many bullets he had left... and had only one left... which he lifted the rifle aiming it at Nero ....which his Aura surged.... and finally he said one thing in his language...
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"Пуля Жнеца!!!!! (THE REAPER'S BULLET!!!!!)"
Pulling the trigger as the bullet was launched with what Zek imagined Death to look like screeching forward with its cape and such and skeleton hands outstretched with the bullet striking and piercing through the councilmans heart as he stumbled a bit realizing what just happened.
"Urgh... fuck....." Nero spoke looking At Zek who was about to put his rifle down..
"Vengeance... for everyone.." He said, before hearing Nero chuckle weakly. "You didnt claim shit... I'm just.... a clone." The clone would speak. "Clone or not..... you are him. Plus.... it was a long time coming and it offered closure for all parties involved...." He said... watching the man fall back.
"Heh... then let me tell you something. Don't let those pieces of shit make you sensitive......" Nero would say weakly...
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"Twenty Three years too late...." Zek responded putting Hayha on his shoulder.... turning around and walking away weakly while the gunship containing Krieg and Atya would arrive...
"Heh... you and me have the same killer instinct....... we ...are kindred spirits... you and I..." Nero would speak his last. While Zek looked down at him with his only remaining eye.
OST: The Reapers Shadow...
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"ийэ (Mom) ,I..... I want to ...... go home..." Zek would say before falling forward... and going unconscious....
"ZEK!!!!!" the scream of his mother would say.
"We have to do something!" Kriegs voice rang out
"Immor-" Eros' voice rang
"We need to inject him-"
"Dont give up yet... Zek..." His mothers voice rang out one last time....
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strykingback · 2 months
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"Okay why is Zek drunk?"
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"Forget I even said a WORD."
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strykingback · 3 months
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Atya is just chuckling at Laurel blushing. "Simple denial! Don't worry my wife did the same thing when she saw me notice her blushing."
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strykingback · 9 months
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Zek is just back at home with his head on the table with a cup of water and an antacid groaning softly. While Atya just chuckles at him. "I told you to take it easy for New Years.... but seeing you that happy. Huh.... thats understandable." She would say before she started to giggle and then laugh because she never saw his son drunk before.
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strykingback · 9 months
Farewell New Forde Village!
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The Celebrations were now finally coming to a close after yesterday with much dancing and a feast that followed and thanks to the town watch along with some proud heroes.... and yes even a VERY horrible detective dealing with the Apathy Grimm that made a last second appearance. Finally, Zek would look at everyone leaving along with Ergis and his mother with everybody else making sure that those who visited received a gift from coming all the way out to be with them, ranging from jewelry, handmade knives, or even some fresh confectionaries to take with them.
It was only but a matter of time until every visitor who came boarded charter bus now began to leave with everyone wishing them safe travels.
OST: Hope for the Future.
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"And there they go.... off to lands unknown, well really, its back to Brumel or to wherever they came from." Zek said feeling his mother place a hand on his shoulder.
"Its more than that Zek. I believe Forde has left a good impression on everyone. Our fortitude will one day be their new home. I promise..." Atya would say with Zek smiling underneath his mask. "Then lets make sure Forde is made to be better than it once was." He said.
"Ah that reminds me we should also set up our next event! Yhyakh! And that will be our Summer Festival!!!!"
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"Thats right. I never got a chance to celebrate that with you Mama, and the Dygyn which I have been DYING to participate in.... um... not literally this time." Zek would say with the little joke making his mother chuckle a bit. "Still a lifetime dream of mine has been realized Zek. Now, your mission from me is this: "Find your dream and make it into yours." Atya said kissing Zek on the cheek.
"Be sure not to stay out too long." She advised walking away with Zek taking out Hayha and sighing as he inspected the old-modified rifle. "My dream, huh?" He said looking at the village. "But It's already been realized.....but what other dreams.. did I have?" He continued before walking back onto his patrol route with Ergis in tow.
Any Threads that were started or plotted during the Mini-Event WILL BE CONTINUED UNTIL COMPLETED OR DROPPED
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strykingback · 9 months
@oflostinfound A Starter from the Chrimbo Event to you!
Atya would look up at the person Zek brought back with him as she smiled with a welcoming look. "Well arent you a strong warrior! Oh Zek! Why didnt you tell me you were dating someone this strong!!!" She said walking up to him and giving him a kiss on his cheek.
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"Maaaa~ Please... Hax is a wonderful individual. They do a lot for not just me, but for their child and dear friend. Or my sister in arms." Zek would say with a look of shock on Atya's face. "Huuuhhh?! Already!?!" She said.
"Ahhh! Adopted!!!!" Zek chimed in.
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strykingback · 9 months
{ gfdjhgjd get her ass }
This just in, Local Babushka literally fucks up an abusive daemon mother.
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strykingback · 10 months
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"Mama. The holidays are almost here again. I finally get to spend a Day Of Blessings (Basically Christmas In Remnant) with you after so long." Zek said sitting next to his mother who watching everyone go about their daily lives.
"Aye, you are right Zek. I finally get to spend a Blessings Day With you! But. The village elder and I have a request for you."
OST: Hope Through Life (Autoplay Warning)
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"Of course! What is it?" He said excitedly, with his mother handing him a bag filled with invitations. "The people of Forde Village has requested me and others to send out these invitations to the people of Remnant and beyond to come to our village for a celebration! For the first time in fifteen years we never had a celebration for anything ever since that day. But we want to use this as an opportunity for everyone to know that we are still here and are alive!" Atya spoke proudly with Zeks eyes watering up from the speech.
"Mama.... I'll do it!" Zek said taking up the bag of invitations and preparing to pass them out to anyone he meets out on the street!
"Ah! Also Zek! The event will be on December 13th!!!! Dont forget to tell them that!"
"I Will Mama." Zek said excitedly heading out with Ergis following him as well possibly for the marquee value or he just sensed how excited Zek is.
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strykingback · 10 months
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Ergis is going to wake up shaking his body a bit while he enters the kitchen to greet Atya who was making some Kyercheh. Which the Wolfdog looked at her while he sat patiently.
"Ahh good morning, Ergis! I suppose Zek isn't up yet. But dont worry this will certainly wake him up!" She said with the Brumelian wolf dog barking lightly
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strykingback · 10 months
EVENT: Rescue Mission Post-Finale- Rebirth Unto Life.
OST: The Reaper's Return
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Throughout the darkness Zek was walking trudging his way through it his breathing labored from the fight he was in against Nero, while there was nothing but darkness in front of his unscathed eye, his other eye still blinded from the brutal injury he took and no arm still present... yet, there was finally a light right in front of him making his way towards it.
Which when he finally walked through the warm and welcoming light, he saw his old village in the brightest of ways. Untouched and not destroyed as it was last time. "Zek my boy? Is that you?" A familiar voice said sounding gruff but gentle at the same time, causing the sniper to turn around to see the man who molded him in what he is today. Odin Simo....
"M-Master?" Zek said with his voice trembling a bit, with the old man walking towards him and placing his hands and shoulders. "Look how tall you have grown!.... And your injuries.... I take those were recent?" Odin said proudly with Zek nodding. "I saw everything..... well done!" The old sniper continued.
"Zek...is that-?" A female voice spoke with Zek turning around looking at a woman whose skin was caramel in color walking up to him her hands trembling which he would hug him tightly softly sobbing. "My little wonder....." She would sob.
"He is.... thats why you did a great job training him and all I needed to do was to refine it." Odin said pushing Zeks head up to see his eye healed up and his arm that was once gone now returned. "I have come to be with you all....." Zek said however his other mother and Odin looked at Zek with a pained look on their faces.
"Not right now, my boy." Odin said.
"B-but why?... I died!" Zek asked.
"Not quite.... you are near death.... but its not your time yet to be with us. Because..." Zek's other mother spoke pointing to a white door... opening up hearing the soft sniffles and tears of Atya....
"They need you more than you need us." Odin spoke placing a gentle hand against Zek's cheek as tears rolled down his eyes. "It's okay..... we'll be here waiting for not just you, but Atya as well." Ze's other mother said gently turning Zek around and gently pushing him forward towards the door... walking through..... it
With Zek's eyes opening up with as he looked around noticing that his other eye had returned along with his arm that was missing. Noticing Atya was holding his hand sobbing softly. "Ийэ (Mother)? My head hurts...." Zek would speak weakly catching his mothers attention who quickly hugged her son crying happily with joy. "MY SON!!! MY BABY!!!!" She shouted with glee as Eros and Leonidas rushed in. "Theres the hero of the hour!!!" Eros said with himself in a crutch hobbling over with Leonidas whose arm was on a sling.
"Good to see you're alive." Leonidas said happily.
"What happened... how long was I?"
"Three weeks mate. You almost died.... but it was after we had to do something crazy.... and your mother here suggested it." Eros said which he looked at his mother who was still hugging her son tightly.
"We had to inject Project Immortalis in you, as there was no stabilizers to keep you stable. However what shocked me the most was that despite losing an eye and an arm it was able to regenerate... I can say that Immortalis which contained fusion energy was able to counteract against the fusion poisoning inside you thus turning it from a negative thing to a positive thing albeit for a one time use only." Merlinda said.
"Well.... I am here so thats good. And Guangxian?" Zek asked.
"Alive and well he was discharged last week along with Ace."
"Good....I guess... I need some rest for a bit..." Zek would say closing his eyes with a smile. ...
Two Weeks Later...
OST: New Hope.
"This is Vale News Network with Lisa Lavender!!!" The News Announcer said with Lisa Lavender looking at the camera. "What seemed to be an unauthorized assault by Brumel turned out to be an attack with higher implications towards the privately owned military company Solitas Liberation LLC. As it was exposed for human and faunus rights violations through forceful and unlawful evictions of entire villages around the kingdom of Atlas. However, throughout this assault a mystery was solved as many villagers captured by the PMC would be set free by the strike force sent in by Brumel. While this did lead to some criticism by the Atlesian Government due to the new base being within the Atlesian archipelago... however, as King Rodrigues said in an interview that this was something they could not ignore. Thus talks have begun about the future of the Solitas Liberation and the remaining board members which a few have stepped forward to speak out against the company while others had since scrambled around. In other news, Colonel Caroline Cordovin was arrested after a-" Lisa would say before being muted by Eros through the remote.
"Agh, all the hard work and still Atlas wants to bitch about how we did our job." Eros said with Leonidas reading a fashion magazine. "Well, how can you blame'em. It was unauthorized.... not to mention it needed to be done.....we were just the final nail in the coffin." The bull faunus said taking a sip of his coffee.
"However, how can you say it..... we did our best even though Zek and you two got the lions share a week ago." He said typing on his computer before a ringing sound was heard, on Eros' end.
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"Aye. That has to be him!" Eros said picking up the call revealing Krieg and Hermes. "Ey there lads! So hows everything looking!" Eros said with a bit of tension while Leonidas and Guangxian walked over.
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"We have been approved! The faunus and human brains that were harvested by that damnable PMC would be placed into cyborg bodies where they can receive proper training for jobs and even a staffing firm! Albeit we may have to keep them in VR as we build their bodies from the ground up However it is perfect enough!" Krieg said with Eros, Leonidas and Guangxian smiling.
"Good work mate!"
"As for everything else, I'll be sure to monitor them with my light magic and in case if any damage comes to them... I'll be sure to heal them up right away... after all keeping the brains stable enough for them to go into their new bodies is easy enough. " Hermes said.
"Oi! That reminds me... how about Zek? Is he enjoying the new location of his peoples village?"
"Well... I do believe he is more than just enjoying it." Krieg said with a little smile.
Location: New Forde Village, Aglaia Forest, Brumel.
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The village was sprawling with people walking around setting things back up with Zek looking around as he entered the Sunna household. "Ийэ! Where you do you want me to put the rest of your new bowls?!" Zek asked, with his mother looking at him with a smile. "Oh put it on the counter honey, I'll put it back when I start cooking dinnner." She said with Zek doing as she commanded.
"I didnt think my own King would offer a village to you all.... I guess when he heard about you he wanted ensure that everyone from Forde and Bragi village was given a chance to live a peaceful life again." Zek said.
"I know. but.. you have to see things in a brighter way Zek." Atya said walking up to Zek.
"There are those who had sins follow them to the now... rather than the later." She said, with Krieg giving a lecture about Fusion Energy in a class.
"Those who had to suffer from evil men like Nero who had done wrong to many others." Showing Eros, Leonidas, and Ace walking down a hallway together and the three of them smiling as they were getting ready for a mission.
"Sometimes even the past can tell a story...." she continued, as Hermes stood on the roof of his Apartment looking down at the rest of the city quietly as he took a deep breath in and out. Smiling with joy...
"Now the future is yours to decide Zek.....our future has been secured. Its what you want to do with it now. Because to me and everyone else....."
"You are our Hero...."
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strykingback · 10 months
EVENT: Rescue Mission Phase 2- The Horrifying Truth Behind Immortalis
"MAMA! IM SO SORRY!!! MAMA!!!!" Zek would sob in his mothers arm turning from a cold hearted Sniper back to the little boy that once knew how to love life with his family, while Atya held him so tightly.
"Zek... you dont have to apologize! Im just so glad you came here was all!" She said kissing his forehead...but she wondered what had happened to him but they were far from the clear.
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"I dont mean to interrupt the celebration, but we are far from being out of the woods. Ms. Sunna. We have to get you out of here as soon as possible. I'm certain Leonidas is handling the evacuation efforts quite well and may have called in for extra support from the guards of the Corvette Runners. However as-" Eros spoke until.
"Wait! We need to gather the data for this success! For the first time in fifteen years we have finally made a successful serum for Project Immortalis!!!" One of them spoke.
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Finally Zek snapped back into his seriousness pulling up his mask hiding his scar as he rushed up to one of the scientists. "YOU DONT GET TO SPEAK CYKA!" He would shout grabbing them and pulling them close to his face. "Dont... you know the reason why we did Project Immortalis..."
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"Aye to create Immortal Soldiers for your illegal PMC, that Zek here almost brought down if it wasnt for that one sniper that managed to use an explosive bullet that laid him out." Eros answered with the Scientist nodding.
"Of course, but there was more to it amongst the one hundred forty nine thousand failed experiments we had to do something with them in order to cover our tracks...." The scientist spoke.
"What the bloody hell are you on about...."
OST: Dark Truths...
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Guangxian was clacking away at the computer he was on while copying everything onto a thumbdrive to send to the Atlesian Government mostly Ironwood to ensure that any remnants of the Solitas Liberation LLC force that was remaining would be wiped out.
However something had caught his eye... "Cloning experiments...? Now thats interesting.." He said while clacking away to find more information on it.
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"Cloning should only take at least around fifteen to nearly twenty five years though, Guangxian. Usually this can be possible because of the users blood as it contains enough DNA to- " Krieg would speak
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"That just enough of a blood sample or genetic material like skin or hair has enough to be cloned in its entireity the hard part would only be is to make that perfect clone." Hermes answered interrupting Krieg which he crossed his arms as earlier they found a literal document about his torture and what had happened to him while he closed his eyes.
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"Add onto the fact that there was the....documents and schematics about Fusion Energy.... which if used on a living being would be nigh impossible, due to the Democritus Particles easily being able to overwhelm normal human genes and the central nervous system leading to death by Fusion Poisoning... but if you can create something that not only contains it in a way but also to apply it to medicine through nanites or even a simple salve..." Krieg said closing his eyes before opening up with a realization.
"Oh no...." He said with shock.
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"Which leads to our ultimate question.... if the Solitas Liberation PMC needed an immortal army... why need the documents on Hermes, living human experiments, documents on the Fusion Energy schematics. Last but not least being a Cloning Project..... hmm, this leaves me with one last question... where are the failed experiments that was talked about?" Guangxian said leaning back in the chair before typing it up.....and thus... to the trios horror it was revealed to them.... which left them all horrified.......
Krieg would only gag at what he saw before moving away to throw up somewhere...
Hermes only stared with horror in his eyes
Guangxian could feel his hands trembling... as he remembered he said it himself: "To destroy anything and all related with Project Immortalis..."
"GET TO EROS, ZEK, AND LEONIDAS NOW!!!!" Guangxian roared out with urgency for the first time ever which Hermes nodded and began to run using his light magic to carry himself there..
Back with Eros and Zek the two scientists led them down a hallway which they both pulled out their keycards and tapped them both on the screen at the same time scanning it until completed... as finally the hallway would be revealed to them....
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"Wha- its just a normal bloody hallway. Oi you're fucking with me yeah?!"
"Not quite..." One of the scientists said within the glass hallways as the synthetic casings within the glass revealed one thing...as the "visor" was lifted off of those casings...
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It was A ROOM FULL OF BRAINS.... and then almost like in unison...
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"YOU FUCKING BASTARDS!!!" Eros shouted slamming one of the scientists to the wall while the other pulled out a pistol only to have Zek pointing his rifle at the other scientist. "I wouldn't try that if I were you Cyka...."
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"Get talking... five minutes." Zek said with a bit of rage in his voice.
"After our first failed experiment with Project Immortalis our benefactors including the CEO wanted a way to preserve the brain in a way.... just in case if it failed. However, they wanted a better idea from it to create the future of a regular PMC soldier by putting them through simulations through it then implanting them in a proper body...
Thus every time we had failed to procure an immortal soldier.... we would cut the brain out and place it inside of the shells you see there and then....we restimulate the brain and thus putting them through active combat simulations...." The Scientist explained, which in response Eros swiftly knocked out the first scientist while Zek handled the other one by knocking him out with the butt of his rifle.
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"There you guys are... glad I was able to make it in time before you started planting charges." Hermes said sliding to a halt.
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"Cant believe I almost committed a literal war crime. Hermes, Call up Command..."
"We NEED to get those brains out of here.... along with the hostages and bring down whoever is doing all of this...."
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strykingback · 10 months
Rescue Event- Phase Two/ Breach and Rescue
OST: Strike Force One
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"We've got to hurry and take down the bloody door. Zek, Leonidas. Ge the breach charges ready." Eros said with a nod from the two Atelier soldiers as they walked up and primed the doors.
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"What lies behind those doors is a myriad of a library of horrors that we will have to face. What I am most worried about is Zek's reaction if it is too late." Guangxian would say while feeling the reassuring hand of Krieg.
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"We shouldn't be too late after all.....Zek has told me that is mother, Atya, is a very resilient person." Krieg said in a positive manner in an attempt to lighten the mood.
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"Krieg I under stand you are trying to bring up everyone's mood. but I am being serious here. Zek has not seen his mother in twenty two years. This is important to him.... and for us as well. Plus.. those MT's were powered by Fusion Energy... mate. Someone must have been a huge fan of your father....or you..." Eros said crossing his arms.
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"I would find that hightly improbable because, to replicate my ideas of Fusion Energy would merely take but an amount of-"
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"Charges set! Time to roll and get these marks." Leonidas said getting in position along with Zek who was focused more than anything on finding his mother and getting her out of here.....
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"The science lecture can wait at the University Of Brumel, mate! We gotta get ready and get inside!!!" Eros said getting in position with Guangxian, Hermes and Krieg following as the strike team got ready...with Eros closing his eyes to once again prepare.. then
The breaching charges went off as Eros, Leonidas, Guangxian, Zek and Krieg all rushed inside the enemy base while shooting at any opposing forces that remained to handle the breaching team or decided to fall back further into the base....
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All three seasoned soldiers shouted in unison looking over the dead bodies as Guangxian used his Semblance; Neural Pulse to track any enemies that could scrambling around the area... however, there was none.
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"Cleared to proceed. But we need to move fast....Krieg, Hermes I will deal with data deletion and getting rid of anything related with Project Immortalis. You, Zek, and Leonidas can deal with any enemy forces coming our way and rescuing those hostages." Guangxian would say with a nod from the trio.
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"Thats a copy. Lets move out lads!" Eros said starting to run down the hallway with Zek and Leonidas in tow while Krieg and Guangxian started to run the other way to find anything on Project Immortalis.
Within the base the sirens went off as the Solitas Liberation soldiers were getting in their defensive positions as quickly as possible. But Eros, Leonidas and Zek would enter the room and start shooting.
"Hurry! We need to buy the Elite Soldiers and the Scientists time!!!" One of the enemies shouted before they were met with a bullet from Zek who had the darkest glare on their face that was never seen before in just ages. This was a man on a mission to save what is closest to him...
Eros on the other hand would be in a clash with one of those Elite soldiers that managed to get a good hit on him with, Leonidas providing assistance through the Aurelius wrist blade stabbing the elite mook through his throat pulling it out while Eros immediately returned to work on the other soldiers with Leonidas assisting.
Finally, there were none left in the area as they were dead, but it was not over yet as a loud scream was heard along with the begging of children, men, women, and others. Which caused the three atelier soldiers to be spurred into action.
Inside the prison barracks the elite soldiers were preparing the people for their execution. "Now now. Dont worry its gonna take just five minutes. Actually no it aint gonna take five minutes its gonna be ri-" The elite soldier said before they were shot in the head by Zek and before the other soldiers could react they too were shot by Leonidas and Eros.
"Are you alright, we're with the Atelier Paladins! You have been liberated by us!!"Eros would say with the hostages feeling a wave of relief as some cried, some would cheer, and kiss their loved ones out of sheer relief as the nightmare they were once part of came to an end.
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"Does anyone know where an Atya Sunna is!?!?! "Zek asked in a hurried manner with his eyes screaming towards the hostages with them remaining quiet and rubbing the bakc of their heads until one stood forward as he looked old... to which the snipers eyes widened realizing who it was....
"I never... thought I would hear that young voice again... Zek." Zek's village elder would speak.
"I... never thought I would see you again....." The sniper replied with old man chuckling."They sadly took her when you and yours arrived here..... they just began to experiment on her now." The elder spoke which Zek turned around and started to run quickly and panted....
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"Oh Bloody hell not again! Zek!!! Wait up I'm trying to keep you bloody alive!!!" Eros shouted chasing after Zek.
OST: A Mothers Indomitable Love
The sniper panted and looked around frantically looking for the laboratories until he came across it... and finally he never shouted what he shouted with such urgency before. "Ийэ!!! Ийэ!!! (Mother! Mother!!!)" Zek would shout in his language when he came across one of the testing rooms where he saw two soldiers immediately shooting the first one ramming the other one with his bayonet as pulling the rifle out off the mans stomach he would open up the doors to see the Scientists injecting her with Project Immortalis!
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"СYOX!!!!! (NO!!!!!)" Zek would shout loudly ready to shoot the two scientists until he was stopped by Eros in the nick of time.... while the scientists backed up while.
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"Mate.... its over... she might be gone...." Eros would say shooting a glare at the scientists to stay right there while Zek approached his mother for the first time in ages taking off his mask revealing his face, with the left side having a hole where his teeth was seen and scar tissue took over the rest.
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"Ийэ....өршөөгөөрэй.....(Mother.. I'm so sorry...)" Zek would say starting falling to his knees holding his mothers hands tightly.... pratying to whatever god was out there to let him see his mother.... alive.
And... a god answered....
"Mm..... my head.... " Atya would say before looking down at the person who was holding her hand tightly as he looked up to see his mother. With Atya gasping..... and immediately tearing up....
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"Zek.....my baby boy!!!!" She shouted with glee holding her son tightly in her arms for the first time in twenty two years while Zek began to sob loudly holding his mom in his arms.
"MAMA!!! MAMA!!!! IM SO SORRY!!! I AM SO SO SORRY!!!!" He sobbed with relief while Eros removed his helmet with tears in his eyes rolling down his cheeks while the Scientists also began crying..... as while these two may have been their enemy.. but just knowing that finally after 150,000 experiments......
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