#[The Technologist Hacker- Hermes]
strykingback · 6 months
EVENT: Rescue Mission Phase Two Part 3. The Cybernetic Demon
Warning this drabble will contain vomitting, Reader Discretion is advised.
OST: Realization
The strike team stood outside of the base watching over every individual as they were being checked out by the medical team with reinforcements arriving as well. Made even worse by the fact that some of the brains that were found needed to be cartwheeled out carefully onto cargo ships. Some of them containing Zek's friends that he made when he was younger.
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"I cant believe this. Why would someone go as far as to literally harvest the brains of innocent people who had done nothing wrong?" Eros said holding his helmet looking at the waves of civilians being treated for their injuries, any side-effects of the experimentation, and furthermore.
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"Made worse by the fact that we we're planning to set charges and get rid of any evidence related with Project Immortalis... but the good news is that the successful serum was replicated when those scientists came to....all that now matters is if the mark we're chasing has it injected into himself..." Leonidas said, with Eros nodding. "Add salt to the injury mate, because most of those people were either Zek's own allies from before he joined up with us." He continued.
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"Still.. it gladdens me to see that command had also sent Merlinda and Twilight here to help. Add that with Krieg and we should create an alternate version of Immortalis that should easily take out our foe.... the only problem is that we have a long way to go." Guangxian said, which the trio noticed Hermes, Krieg, Twilight, and Zek would walk towards them.
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"Hows everything with your mum, Zek? All-clear? No side effects?" Eros asked.
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"Ms. Atya is doing incredibly well, so far as per the disturbing videos that Guangxian had to send me which resulted in five days loss of beauty sleep. She has no signs of the aforementioned side-effects as I theorized which would happen. Albeit something else was wrong but its quite major.." Merlinda said, with Zek moving back to the trio to listen to what the professionals had else to say.
"What I noticed through my semblance was that her genetic cells were breaking down much slower than originally expected through a lifetime of faunus' or humans. After I took a blood sample and observed the sample... her blood was showing signs of symbiosis with Project Immortalis.. meaning one thing. Her body is aging slowly and any damage she may take might heal up rapidly... but I assume it is with a certain amount of dosages of it..... that Ms. Atya would have became psuedo immortal....." Twilight said.
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"An Immortal Army . . . ." Eros said with awe, thinking for a minute. "And Ace how about him? Will he be able to pilot the Liberation still?" He asked while Krieg and Hermes looked at Eros.
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"Ace is sadly suffering from some effects from Fusion Poisoning which thankfully the medical teams got to him in time to administer the antidote. As for the Liberation... it is currently being repaired... if Ace does come to he'll be using the Atelius' Railgun cannon in order to fire at any large targets should the time come.....
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"As for me and Krieg we may have to remain here in order to help with ensuring that none of the civilians are suffering from the side-effects of Project Immortalis... sorry. at this point you may be the final four or five if Ace gets back up." Hermes said putting his hands behind his back.
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"It' aint gonna be easy. But I do like a challenge...." Eros would say. "Alright. We'll leave things to you. Everyone else lets get back to work." He said putting on his helmet and thus him, Zek, Guangxian, and Leonidas would re-enter the base... of the Solitas Liberation LLC.
Back inside the base..
The small strike team led by Eros would move through the enemy base carefully keeping their wits about and their minds focused on the endgame at hand. As they all entered an elevator with just nothing more but calming music playing....
Finally... a voice would come through.
"Well Well! Gentlemen! I do must say so myself.. I congratulate you for catching us offguard like that...! Really, it takes a lot to do that ever since the last time... Mr. Sunna-Simo....." A voice would say with a southern accent added to it.
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"Blyat.... I thought they would forget about that... guess they didnt." Zek said softly.
"After all, that time we were just about to complete our plans and even not harm those civvies. But after that.... we had to improvise on some things especially after losing our funding because of that Blizzard Sniper incident. I knew you had a killer instinct Zekkie-boy. However, turns out that killer instinct was focused on us instead of the enemies when we hired you..." The voice continued.
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"When I get my hands on you, I'm going to make sure those bones of yours will be broken!!!!" Leonidas growled.
"Broken? Hahaha... After all, I think I can't call myself human anymore.Why not enter the main room and lets all talk face to face! Mano A Mano! Enemy of My Enemy is my friend!" The voice continued with the elevator ringing with the doors opening up as everyone walked through noticing the large cylinder towers.... with little blue rings of light.
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"Those things can't be holding brains right?" Eros said with a light glare...
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"I thought the room upstairs had all the brains there...."
"WRONG! All those towers are holdin' nice, juicy, flesh-meat brains!!!!" The southern voice spoke once more with everyone pointing their weapons at the railing in front of them as heavy footsteps were leading straight to them...with a large man wearing an equally large trenchcoat as he opened up one of tower lights with him picking up a brain as it trilled and twitched in terror.
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"I definitely must say..... the alternative program to Project Immortalis... is effective!!!"
COMMANDER OF CLANDESTINE OPERATIONS ________________________________________ BARBATOS
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"Alternative program? I know for a fact you just committed a huge human and faunus rights violation crime. I'm certain the Grand Council of Remnant would love to slam dunk you into the death penalty!" Eros said keeping Pequod and Ishmael on the burly man.
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"You just aint gettin' it arent ya? Yeah, the brains are being put underneath active combat situations, but at the same time.... they are also being brainwashed as well into becoming perfect soldiers that will listen to the people in command aka. The successorts who managed to survive and thrive with Immortalis!!!" Barbatos continued with an evil grin on his face.
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"You're telling me if my mother did not survive she would have been turned into a soldier!!!" Zek growled.
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"After all.... I was the one who killed your first mama! And then beat the other one down! Trust me... her screams were sublime!!!!" He continued placing the brain back in its pod with an evil grin on his face making Zek point Hayha directly at Barbatos head and fired. With the man simply stepping to the side in a flash. "Not here... can't damage the goods now. I'll lead you boys to my office.... we can talk there!!!" He said turning around and walking away which everyone else didnt wait... they followed... into a room of stairs leading to another part of the building where Barbatos stood in a large room without his trenchcoat on turning around revealing his mechanical body
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"Welcome gentlemen!! To your deaths! Cause after I'm done with you.... Imma slaughter all those civilians...and make sure they all get turned into perfect soldiers!!!!" He shouted pulling out his heavy machine gun. "Cause guess what." He said with his visor activating on his mouth and face.
OST: Cybernetic Destruction
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"I'm going to tear off the flesh from all of your bodies and turn into perfect cyborgs like me..." He said with a menacing voice as he aimed for Zek first as he started firing with everyone scrambling around for cover. While Eros would shoot at him to get his attention.
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"Then. I'm sending you back to the scrap heap then!" Eros shouted shooting at him to which Barbatos turned his attention toEros and began to shoot at him which the commander would throw a grenade at him while Leonidas used his 300, Interchangable plasma rifle in its grenade launcher state to further faze the cyborg with both making contact and exploding...
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"Damn.... that was somethin.... my turn." He said with a glow being emitted from his back while Leonidas and Eros prepared themselves but in a blink, Barbatos was already in front of them both and swung both his fists at their guts hitting them and making them both cough in pain as they both keeled over.
"Bloody... hell....what...was that..." Eros said taking off his helmet to vomit, while Leonidas kept his on to and looked up at Barbatos who was chuckling at his work. "Why dont you live long enough to find out and-" Barbatos spoke noticing his HUD was showing up with an attempted hacking symbol on it as he turned around to look at Guangxian who was busy hacking into his systems. "Nice try..." He said initiating the counter measures and locking him out.
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"What!?!" Guangxian said before his signaler popped making the hacker stumble a bit with the same thing happening to him..getting flash stepped and knocked out by the cyborg.
With the Cyborg ready to revel in his possible victory he looked around for Zek who in fact was just a slight distraction... which the sniper threw his knife... as Barbatos knocked it away. And right before he was going to do a fusion rush. Bang.....
His the light was emitted from his back was destroyed by a well placed grenade launched shot from Leonidas. Who stood up and roared charging at the Cyborg swinging a kinetic punch making him stumble with a groan from the charged semblance, then came Eros who stood up in time throwing his plasma knife at the rocket launcher, the Guangxian quickly came to and started hacking again... this time managing to counterhack Barbatos counter hacking measures...
And finally Zek would slide in to snipe the head of Barbatos off ... as the Cyborg fell down.... dead...
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"Thats... for making me vomit... arsehole..."
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"Actually... wasnt this fight meant to be a bit longer...? "
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"The writer of this has things to do tomorrow, plus it was a holiday today." Guangxian said. while Leonidas facepalmed.
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"Lets get back on track people. We aren't out of the woods just yet. " Leonidas would say with the speakers coming to life.
"I didnt think Brumel of all things would send a strike force to interrupt my plans!"
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strykingback · 7 months
OST: Urgent Mission
Location: Atelier Paladins Briefing Room, Actus, Brumel. Time: 1:00 PM (RTZ) (Remnant Time Zone)
Everyone ranging from Eros, Guangxian, Ace, Zek, Hermes, and Leonidas were all int he briefing room present for the briefing as Eros would step up first.
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"Time to get things started here and fast as well due to this being urgent. As we know the Solitas Liberation LLC is a Private Military Company that was underneath the slogan of liberating anything that once belonged to the Solitas Region... little did we know that they were accepting jobs from many corporations to destroy entire villages...." Eros said with the hologram images showing destroyed villages including Zek's which made the Sniper grit his teeth underneath his facemask.
"That being said. It was only until Guangxian here found out that they were doing more than just destroying entire villages. To which we thought they were no longer a problem due to Zek's timely interception on the PMC crippling them...." He would continue letting Guangxian take the stand.
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"It was until I found some information about a human faunus rights violation under the name Project Immortalis... a way to create immortal soldiers so they wont have anything like what happened with Zek ever again....The location of the base is on Balders Island of the Atlesian Archipelago.. so far there is zero time to ask for confirmation from the Atlesian Government to unleash an operation there. This is officially personal for not only Zek but for Hermes as well as I found out they also were the ones behind our comrade Hermes' torture as well...." Guangxian explained.
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"Just like what Guangxian said our mission is to save the humans and faunus in the clutches of the Solitas Liberation and take down Project Immortalis, and hopefully make sure that this ember of theirs is snuffed out before they get a chance to restart the fire. We'll be expecting a lot of resistance so the first thing that we'll need to expect is are these mechs." Eros said bringing it up on the screen.
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"We'll be calling these things MT's. Just so that way we wont waste any other names in case if we come across anything else. As after that we may expect the usual resistance ranging from your normal soldier to your elite. This will be a three phase assault on the base." Eros continued showing the base.
"First we'll let Ace on the Liberation deal with the MT's while us and everyone else mops up outside, If we do encounter any extra defense such as an Elite soldier we'll let Hermes or Leonidas handle it. Phase Two will be rescuing the civvies and destroying any research related with Project Immortalis and we'll have extraction teams ready to take them back to Brumel. Thus comes Phase 3 Taking out the CEO.... turns out if we want to make sure that the Solitas Liberation is completely wiped off the face of Remnant we'll have to take out its new CEO.....dont know what they have packing yet but....we'll have to wait and see...." Eros said crossing his arms.
"Any questions...." He continued all with but a defeaning silence amongst the group showing the seriousness in their eyes.
"We may need to ask for help.. and remember lads. We dont have confirmation from the Atlesian Government...this is going to a black operation.... this remains confidential....anything undergoes plausible deniability...the day of the attack will be on-"
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strykingback · 6 months
EVENT: Rescue Mission Post-Finale- Rebirth Unto Life.
OST: The Reaper's Return
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Throughout the darkness Zek was walking trudging his way through it his breathing labored from the fight he was in against Nero, while there was nothing but darkness in front of his unscathed eye, his other eye still blinded from the brutal injury he took and no arm still present... yet, there was finally a light right in front of him making his way towards it.
Which when he finally walked through the warm and welcoming light, he saw his old village in the brightest of ways. Untouched and not destroyed as it was last time. "Zek my boy? Is that you?" A familiar voice said sounding gruff but gentle at the same time, causing the sniper to turn around to see the man who molded him in what he is today. Odin Simo....
"M-Master?" Zek said with his voice trembling a bit, with the old man walking towards him and placing his hands and shoulders. "Look how tall you have grown!.... And your injuries.... I take those were recent?" Odin said proudly with Zek nodding. "I saw everything..... well done!" The old sniper continued.
"Zek...is that-?" A female voice spoke with Zek turning around looking at a woman whose skin was caramel in color walking up to him her hands trembling which he would hug him tightly softly sobbing. "My little wonder....." She would sob.
"He is.... thats why you did a great job training him and all I needed to do was to refine it." Odin said pushing Zeks head up to see his eye healed up and his arm that was once gone now returned. "I have come to be with you all....." Zek said however his other mother and Odin looked at Zek with a pained look on their faces.
"Not right now, my boy." Odin said.
"B-but why?... I died!" Zek asked.
"Not quite.... you are near death.... but its not your time yet to be with us. Because..." Zek's other mother spoke pointing to a white door... opening up hearing the soft sniffles and tears of Atya....
"They need you more than you need us." Odin spoke placing a gentle hand against Zek's cheek as tears rolled down his eyes. "It's okay..... we'll be here waiting for not just you, but Atya as well." Ze's other mother said gently turning Zek around and gently pushing him forward towards the door... walking through..... it
With Zek's eyes opening up with as he looked around noticing that his other eye had returned along with his arm that was missing. Noticing Atya was holding his hand sobbing softly. "Ийэ (Mother)? My head hurts...." Zek would speak weakly catching his mothers attention who quickly hugged her son crying happily with joy. "MY SON!!! MY BABY!!!!" She shouted with glee as Eros and Leonidas rushed in. "Theres the hero of the hour!!!" Eros said with himself in a crutch hobbling over with Leonidas whose arm was on a sling.
"Good to see you're alive." Leonidas said happily.
"What happened... how long was I?"
"Three weeks mate. You almost died.... but it was after we had to do something crazy.... and your mother here suggested it." Eros said which he looked at his mother who was still hugging her son tightly.
"We had to inject Project Immortalis in you, as there was no stabilizers to keep you stable. However what shocked me the most was that despite losing an eye and an arm it was able to regenerate... I can say that Immortalis which contained fusion energy was able to counteract against the fusion poisoning inside you thus turning it from a negative thing to a positive thing albeit for a one time use only." Merlinda said.
"Well.... I am here so thats good. And Guangxian?" Zek asked.
"Alive and well he was discharged last week along with Ace."
"Good....I guess... I need some rest for a bit..." Zek would say closing his eyes with a smile. ...
Two Weeks Later...
OST: New Hope.
"This is Vale News Network with Lisa Lavender!!!" The News Announcer said with Lisa Lavender looking at the camera. "What seemed to be an unauthorized assault by Brumel turned out to be an attack with higher implications towards the privately owned military company Solitas Liberation LLC. As it was exposed for human and faunus rights violations through forceful and unlawful evictions of entire villages around the kingdom of Atlas. However, throughout this assault a mystery was solved as many villagers captured by the PMC would be set free by the strike force sent in by Brumel. While this did lead to some criticism by the Atlesian Government due to the new base being within the Atlesian archipelago... however, as King Rodrigues said in an interview that this was something they could not ignore. Thus talks have begun about the future of the Solitas Liberation and the remaining board members which a few have stepped forward to speak out against the company while others had since scrambled around. In other news, Colonel Caroline Cordovin was arrested after a-" Lisa would say before being muted by Eros through the remote.
"Agh, all the hard work and still Atlas wants to bitch about how we did our job." Eros said with Leonidas reading a fashion magazine. "Well, how can you blame'em. It was unauthorized.... not to mention it needed to be done.....we were just the final nail in the coffin." The bull faunus said taking a sip of his coffee.
"However, how can you say it..... we did our best even though Zek and you two got the lions share a week ago." He said typing on his computer before a ringing sound was heard, on Eros' end.
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"Aye. That has to be him!" Eros said picking up the call revealing Krieg and Hermes. "Ey there lads! So hows everything looking!" Eros said with a bit of tension while Leonidas and Guangxian walked over.
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"We have been approved! The faunus and human brains that were harvested by that damnable PMC would be placed into cyborg bodies where they can receive proper training for jobs and even a staffing firm! Albeit we may have to keep them in VR as we build their bodies from the ground up However it is perfect enough!" Krieg said with Eros, Leonidas and Guangxian smiling.
"Good work mate!"
"As for everything else, I'll be sure to monitor them with my light magic and in case if any damage comes to them... I'll be sure to heal them up right away... after all keeping the brains stable enough for them to go into their new bodies is easy enough. " Hermes said.
"Oi! That reminds me... how about Zek? Is he enjoying the new location of his peoples village?"
"Well... I do believe he is more than just enjoying it." Krieg said with a little smile.
Location: New Forde Village, Aglaia Forest, Brumel.
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The village was sprawling with people walking around setting things back up with Zek looking around as he entered the Sunna household. "Ийэ! Where you do you want me to put the rest of your new bowls?!" Zek asked, with his mother looking at him with a smile. "Oh put it on the counter honey, I'll put it back when I start cooking dinnner." She said with Zek doing as she commanded.
"I didnt think my own King would offer a village to you all.... I guess when he heard about you he wanted ensure that everyone from Forde and Bragi village was given a chance to live a peaceful life again." Zek said.
"I know. but.. you have to see things in a brighter way Zek." Atya said walking up to Zek.
"There are those who had sins follow them to the now... rather than the later." She said, with Krieg giving a lecture about Fusion Energy in a class.
"Those who had to suffer from evil men like Nero who had done wrong to many others." Showing Eros, Leonidas, and Ace walking down a hallway together and the three of them smiling as they were getting ready for a mission.
"Sometimes even the past can tell a story...." she continued, as Hermes stood on the roof of his Apartment looking down at the rest of the city quietly as he took a deep breath in and out. Smiling with joy...
"Now the future is yours to decide Zek.....our future has been secured. Its what you want to do with it now. Because to me and everyone else....."
"You are our Hero...."
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strykingback · 6 months
EVENT: Rescue Mission Phase 2- The Horrifying Truth Behind Immortalis
"MAMA! IM SO SORRY!!! MAMA!!!!" Zek would sob in his mothers arm turning from a cold hearted Sniper back to the little boy that once knew how to love life with his family, while Atya held him so tightly.
"Zek... you dont have to apologize! Im just so glad you came here was all!" She said kissing his forehead...but she wondered what had happened to him but they were far from the clear.
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"I dont mean to interrupt the celebration, but we are far from being out of the woods. Ms. Sunna. We have to get you out of here as soon as possible. I'm certain Leonidas is handling the evacuation efforts quite well and may have called in for extra support from the guards of the Corvette Runners. However as-" Eros spoke until.
"Wait! We need to gather the data for this success! For the first time in fifteen years we have finally made a successful serum for Project Immortalis!!!" One of them spoke.
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Finally Zek snapped back into his seriousness pulling up his mask hiding his scar as he rushed up to one of the scientists. "YOU DONT GET TO SPEAK CYKA!" He would shout grabbing them and pulling them close to his face. "Dont... you know the reason why we did Project Immortalis..."
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"Aye to create Immortal Soldiers for your illegal PMC, that Zek here almost brought down if it wasnt for that one sniper that managed to use an explosive bullet that laid him out." Eros answered with the Scientist nodding.
"Of course, but there was more to it amongst the one hundred forty nine thousand failed experiments we had to do something with them in order to cover our tracks...." The scientist spoke.
"What the bloody hell are you on about...."
OST: Dark Truths...
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Guangxian was clacking away at the computer he was on while copying everything onto a thumbdrive to send to the Atlesian Government mostly Ironwood to ensure that any remnants of the Solitas Liberation LLC force that was remaining would be wiped out.
However something had caught his eye... "Cloning experiments...? Now thats interesting.." He said while clacking away to find more information on it.
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"Cloning should only take at least around fifteen to nearly twenty five years though, Guangxian. Usually this can be possible because of the users blood as it contains enough DNA to- " Krieg would speak
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"That just enough of a blood sample or genetic material like skin or hair has enough to be cloned in its entireity the hard part would only be is to make that perfect clone." Hermes answered interrupting Krieg which he crossed his arms as earlier they found a literal document about his torture and what had happened to him while he closed his eyes.
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"Add onto the fact that there was the....documents and schematics about Fusion Energy.... which if used on a living being would be nigh impossible, due to the Democritus Particles easily being able to overwhelm normal human genes and the central nervous system leading to death by Fusion Poisoning... but if you can create something that not only contains it in a way but also to apply it to medicine through nanites or even a simple salve..." Krieg said closing his eyes before opening up with a realization.
"Oh no...." He said with shock.
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"Which leads to our ultimate question.... if the Solitas Liberation PMC needed an immortal army... why need the documents on Hermes, living human experiments, documents on the Fusion Energy schematics. Last but not least being a Cloning Project..... hmm, this leaves me with one last question... where are the failed experiments that was talked about?" Guangxian said leaning back in the chair before typing it up.....and thus... to the trios horror it was revealed to them.... which left them all horrified.......
Krieg would only gag at what he saw before moving away to throw up somewhere...
Hermes only stared with horror in his eyes
Guangxian could feel his hands trembling... as he remembered he said it himself: "To destroy anything and all related with Project Immortalis..."
"GET TO EROS, ZEK, AND LEONIDAS NOW!!!!" Guangxian roared out with urgency for the first time ever which Hermes nodded and began to run using his light magic to carry himself there..
Back with Eros and Zek the two scientists led them down a hallway which they both pulled out their keycards and tapped them both on the screen at the same time scanning it until completed... as finally the hallway would be revealed to them....
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"Wha- its just a normal bloody hallway. Oi you're fucking with me yeah?!"
"Not quite..." One of the scientists said within the glass hallways as the synthetic casings within the glass revealed one thing...as the "visor" was lifted off of those casings...
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It was A ROOM FULL OF BRAINS.... and then almost like in unison...
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"YOU FUCKING BASTARDS!!!" Eros shouted slamming one of the scientists to the wall while the other pulled out a pistol only to have Zek pointing his rifle at the other scientist. "I wouldn't try that if I were you Cyka...."
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"Get talking... five minutes." Zek said with a bit of rage in his voice.
"After our first failed experiment with Project Immortalis our benefactors including the CEO wanted a way to preserve the brain in a way.... just in case if it failed. However, they wanted a better idea from it to create the future of a regular PMC soldier by putting them through simulations through it then implanting them in a proper body...
Thus every time we had failed to procure an immortal soldier.... we would cut the brain out and place it inside of the shells you see there and then....we restimulate the brain and thus putting them through active combat simulations...." The Scientist explained, which in response Eros swiftly knocked out the first scientist while Zek handled the other one by knocking him out with the butt of his rifle.
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"There you guys are... glad I was able to make it in time before you started planting charges." Hermes said sliding to a halt.
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"Cant believe I almost committed a literal war crime. Hermes, Call up Command..."
"We NEED to get those brains out of here.... along with the hostages and bring down whoever is doing all of this...."
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strykingback · 6 months
Rescue Event- Phase Two/ Breach and Rescue
OST: Strike Force One
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"We've got to hurry and take down the bloody door. Zek, Leonidas. Ge the breach charges ready." Eros said with a nod from the two Atelier soldiers as they walked up and primed the doors.
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"What lies behind those doors is a myriad of a library of horrors that we will have to face. What I am most worried about is Zek's reaction if it is too late." Guangxian would say while feeling the reassuring hand of Krieg.
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"We shouldn't be too late after all.....Zek has told me that is mother, Atya, is a very resilient person." Krieg said in a positive manner in an attempt to lighten the mood.
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"Krieg I under stand you are trying to bring up everyone's mood. but I am being serious here. Zek has not seen his mother in twenty two years. This is important to him.... and for us as well. Plus.. those MT's were powered by Fusion Energy... mate. Someone must have been a huge fan of your father....or you..." Eros said crossing his arms.
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"I would find that hightly improbable because, to replicate my ideas of Fusion Energy would merely take but an amount of-"
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"Charges set! Time to roll and get these marks." Leonidas said getting in position along with Zek who was focused more than anything on finding his mother and getting her out of here.....
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"The science lecture can wait at the University Of Brumel, mate! We gotta get ready and get inside!!!" Eros said getting in position with Guangxian, Hermes and Krieg following as the strike team got ready...with Eros closing his eyes to once again prepare.. then
The breaching charges went off as Eros, Leonidas, Guangxian, Zek and Krieg all rushed inside the enemy base while shooting at any opposing forces that remained to handle the breaching team or decided to fall back further into the base....
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All three seasoned soldiers shouted in unison looking over the dead bodies as Guangxian used his Semblance; Neural Pulse to track any enemies that could scrambling around the area... however, there was none.
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"Cleared to proceed. But we need to move fast....Krieg, Hermes I will deal with data deletion and getting rid of anything related with Project Immortalis. You, Zek, and Leonidas can deal with any enemy forces coming our way and rescuing those hostages." Guangxian would say with a nod from the trio.
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"Thats a copy. Lets move out lads!" Eros said starting to run down the hallway with Zek and Leonidas in tow while Krieg and Guangxian started to run the other way to find anything on Project Immortalis.
Within the base the sirens went off as the Solitas Liberation soldiers were getting in their defensive positions as quickly as possible. But Eros, Leonidas and Zek would enter the room and start shooting.
"Hurry! We need to buy the Elite Soldiers and the Scientists time!!!" One of the enemies shouted before they were met with a bullet from Zek who had the darkest glare on their face that was never seen before in just ages. This was a man on a mission to save what is closest to him...
Eros on the other hand would be in a clash with one of those Elite soldiers that managed to get a good hit on him with, Leonidas providing assistance through the Aurelius wrist blade stabbing the elite mook through his throat pulling it out while Eros immediately returned to work on the other soldiers with Leonidas assisting.
Finally, there were none left in the area as they were dead, but it was not over yet as a loud scream was heard along with the begging of children, men, women, and others. Which caused the three atelier soldiers to be spurred into action.
Inside the prison barracks the elite soldiers were preparing the people for their execution. "Now now. Dont worry its gonna take just five minutes. Actually no it aint gonna take five minutes its gonna be ri-" The elite soldier said before they were shot in the head by Zek and before the other soldiers could react they too were shot by Leonidas and Eros.
"Are you alright, we're with the Atelier Paladins! You have been liberated by us!!"Eros would say with the hostages feeling a wave of relief as some cried, some would cheer, and kiss their loved ones out of sheer relief as the nightmare they were once part of came to an end.
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"Does anyone know where an Atya Sunna is!?!?! "Zek asked in a hurried manner with his eyes screaming towards the hostages with them remaining quiet and rubbing the bakc of their heads until one stood forward as he looked old... to which the snipers eyes widened realizing who it was....
"I never... thought I would hear that young voice again... Zek." Zek's village elder would speak.
"I... never thought I would see you again....." The sniper replied with old man chuckling."They sadly took her when you and yours arrived here..... they just began to experiment on her now." The elder spoke which Zek turned around and started to run quickly and panted....
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"Oh Bloody hell not again! Zek!!! Wait up I'm trying to keep you bloody alive!!!" Eros shouted chasing after Zek.
OST: A Mothers Indomitable Love
The sniper panted and looked around frantically looking for the laboratories until he came across it... and finally he never shouted what he shouted with such urgency before. "Ийэ!!! Ийэ!!! (Mother! Mother!!!)" Zek would shout in his language when he came across one of the testing rooms where he saw two soldiers immediately shooting the first one ramming the other one with his bayonet as pulling the rifle out off the mans stomach he would open up the doors to see the Scientists injecting her with Project Immortalis!
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"СYOX!!!!! (NO!!!!!)" Zek would shout loudly ready to shoot the two scientists until he was stopped by Eros in the nick of time.... while the scientists backed up while.
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"Mate.... its over... she might be gone...." Eros would say shooting a glare at the scientists to stay right there while Zek approached his mother for the first time in ages taking off his mask revealing his face, with the left side having a hole where his teeth was seen and scar tissue took over the rest.
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"Ийэ....өршөөгөөрэй.....(Mother.. I'm so sorry...)" Zek would say starting falling to his knees holding his mothers hands tightly.... pratying to whatever god was out there to let him see his mother.... alive.
And... a god answered....
"Mm..... my head.... " Atya would say before looking down at the person who was holding her hand tightly as he looked up to see his mother. With Atya gasping..... and immediately tearing up....
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"Zek.....my baby boy!!!!" She shouted with glee holding her son tightly in her arms for the first time in twenty two years while Zek began to sob loudly holding his mom in his arms.
"MAMA!!! MAMA!!!! IM SO SORRY!!! I AM SO SO SORRY!!!!" He sobbed with relief while Eros removed his helmet with tears in his eyes rolling down his cheeks while the Scientists also began crying..... as while these two may have been their enemy.. but just knowing that finally after 150,000 experiments......
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strykingback · 7 months
Location: A few Miles From Balders Island Time: 12:00 PM Atlesian Time Zone OST: Mission Inbound (Autoplay Warning!)
Just a couple of miles away from the insertion point, Brumels very own Atelier Agents and Paladins with some outside help. Were inside the assigned gunship as it flew from the Battleship towards the island. Inside Zek, Eros, and Leonidas had their eyes closed as a means of prayer towards themselves and a way to get themselves in a state of focus before the fight.
Guangxian, Hermes, and Krieg were already beginning to think to themselves and focusing on other things. For Hermes it was to prove that he was the "Honored One" with his Dark and recently regained Light Magic, for Guangxian it was to see what other secrets the Solitas Liberation PMC was hiding, and for Krieg it was to see if they had a Fusion Generator which he could somehow disable before it was too late.
Down on the Island an enemy would spot the incoming gunship as the enemy anti-air weapons ranging from SAM's to artillery cannons aimed and fired at the gunship causing some turbulence in the air. Which woke Leonidas, Eros, and Zek up putting them into their respective combat states immediately.
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"Ah bloody hell! Already! Pilot how bad is that turbulence?!" Eros asked. "Kind a little sticky! But the landing zone is still good!!! But if any- Oh shit!! MT's are scrambling out now!!" The Pilot responded seeing the enemy mechs heading out.
"Damn! Alright Ace! We need our LZ secured!" Eros would say on his commmunicator putting his helmet on.
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"I'm on it boss-man!" Ace said with the Liberation flying past the gunship everyone else was on which he would press a few buttons on the console to activate his mechs arm cannon mode firing a few shots at the incoming MT's and enemy artillery blowing them to pieces, with the Liberation landing and boosting towards any enemy opponents to deal with them.
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"LZ secured! You boys are cleared to land!!! Get it done! I'll deal with the incoming reinforcements!!!!" Ace would say over the Liberation's speakers.
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"Thats a hard copy, Ace! Good luck!" Eros said holding both twin blaster pistols in his hands standing up with Zek,Leonidas, Hermes, and Krieg all prepared themselves as the Gunship descended onto the snowy beach awaiting to hear the words green light as there was nothing more but a red light.... before finally.
The red light changed to green with the doors opening.
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"GO! GO! GO! GET OFF THE GUNSHIP!!!!" Eros shouted with everyone getting off and to be welcomed into a haze of gunfire while Eros, Zek, Leonidas, and Guangxian shot back at the enemy while the gunship departed.
Phase 1.... Has Started and the Mission is a go.
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