#[I have to check my tags to see if i have a Spring Bonnie/Springtrap one already give me a minute.]
twoiesfnafocs · 6 months
Some say it is a ghost of the past, the golden rabbit spotted in the hallways looking like the old models from decades ago. It raises a hand, pressing a finger to its muzzle to mimic the action of requesting silence. Then, it seems to pull out a plush rabbit from nowhere -- the same golden fur as it has -- before offering it out.
Katie caught sight of the rabbit from the daycare theater: all the kids that were there had been ushered to the space form the play structures after one of the kids snuck his candy past Mr. Sun, ate most of it and, well... made a colorful mess once his stomach hurt.
Although it was painted out to be some sort of special trip for an Easter movie special, Katie still got bored of sitting around in one place. So, of course, she snuck away from the large majority of the other kids while everyone else was watching, clutching her Glamrock Bonnie stuffie protectively by the neck.
It was there, down one of the bright, blue corridors, that she saw the yellow rabbit. It reminded her of Bonnie, was he new? Maybe he was supposed to be some kind of cousin to the electric blue bassist. The child can't help but step closer at the offer of the new toy- it wouldn't replace her beloved Bonnie stuffie, but she loved stuffies, bunnies were her favorite fuzzy animal.
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nostalgiclittlespace · 2 months
hi marty!!! if your requests are open, can you do william afton caregiver headcanons with tons of fluff please 🥺💗 he's my fictional caregiver and i love him so much... he means the world to me....
thank you so much!!! :D
Of course!!! I headcanon Springtrap as one of my fictional CGs so I got you ;). Here’s some for Peepaw Willy! ⬇️
(Tried to leave this open for Movie! or Game! Afton)
Of course he is called Peepaw Willy when you’re Little. XD. Other CG names for him would probably include dada, papa, and bunny
He on the other hand calls you sweetheart, love, darling, and dear (he’s very British 😄)
He loves reading to you while sitting in a rocking chair.
Speaks so softly and gently 🥰
If he has to work, then he’ll bring you along! He give you lots of tokens to play the arcade games, coupons for snacks, etc.
But if you’re feeling clingy, then he’ll let you sit in his office with him.
Speaking of the office, he keeps tons of your gear in there. Pacis, toys, coloring books, snacks—the works
Lets you sit on his lap while he works
(He’ll even pet your hair or rub your hands with his thumb if he’s deep in thought)
If he needs inspiration or opinions for designs, then he’ll ask you! You now what’s appealing to kids and will make sure nothing is too scary looking.
Lots of your artwork ends up in his study or around the restaurant.
Would probably show his affection through gifts. Any gear/toy you want, he’s going to get it for you!
You of course have plushies of every animatronic. They’re your friends!
He definitely does different voices for the characters during playtime or stories. He has lot of practice from working kid’s birthday parties in the Spring Bonnie suit
William says he “isn’t as young as you used to be” but if you ask him sweetly (or whine enough) he’ll play tag with you, piggyback you around, etc
One of William’s favorite games is hide and seek.
You guys have lots of tea parties too
For your sake, he would let you dress him up, put glitter and stickers on him, etc
He tucks you in every night you’re regressed. Makes sure you’re all snuggly, checks your closet and under the bed for monsters, and kisses your forehead.
He’s a very calm caregiver. He’s experienced with working around kids of all ages and personalities from Freddy’s and his own kids, so he knows what he’s doing.
Doesnt panic during meltdowns or tantrums. He lets you cry it out if you need, and waits until you’re ready to be touched before giving you a very big hug
If you’re just having a bad day in general, he’ll make sure to do something special for you. Baking a treat, playing a game, etc
If you struggle with crowds or overstimulation, then he’ll bring you to Freddy’s after hours to play. (Pre missing childrens incident)
He doesn’t do that too often though, because he wants to be sure that you get a good nights sleep too!
Movie! William would have Vanessa as your babysitter. And she’s such a sweet big sister!
Game! William on the other hand…he wouldn’t let Michael watch you in a million years. Even pre-bite of 83 he was fairly irresponsible. Henry is a far-better suited babysitter
That being said, you’d get along with the Afton children well. You’d see them around the household, at Freddy’s, etc
(Being a Caregiver has definitely been good for Will; he’s starting to remember how to be a better father too)
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Thanks so much for the ask! I hope these are good! 💜💜💜
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It All Comes Back To Haunt You (Part 2)
Part One:
(Nobody sends me asks anyway so may as well make content I want to make, even if it seems @glitchysquidd didn’t want to check out the first part. This is mostly for my amusement and they are being directly mentioned only to serve as credit for Frighteningly Intriguing. Anyway, let’s do this with a talking Springtrap this time! Oh, and Micheal’s here too!)
“Christ, do they have any ventilation in this place…?” The tall hooded figure fiddled with some computers on a desk in the faux security office, clearly consumed in figuring out the controls. He heard footsteps, but figured it was the other employee who let him in…
Then he saw it in the doorway. The face of the yellow rabbit animatronic peering from the other room. Eerily silent, head tilting ever so slightly with empty hollow sockets fixed on him…
“SHIT—“ Micheal screamed as he fell off the rickety office chair, grabbing it to throw at the intruder, until he realized the rest of the body of this figure was very much human.
“Hello…?” The smaller teen pulled down the jaw of the springlock head, revealing her silvery-blue eyes.
“What’s wrong, Mikey? Can’t handle a little spook?” Her voice echoed slightly in the metal contraption, but the tone was clearly playful and layered in her giggling.
He dropped the chair and stared in tired annoyance at his sister, “REBECCA, GET THAT— THAT DEATHTRAP OFF OF YOUR HEAD!”
“Relax, it’s not even wound up!” She lifted the rabbit head off her own, resting it on her hip, “If only you’d seen the look on your face! Your eyes nearly popped out!”
“Did you just want to tag along to scare my soul out of my body or are you going to make yourself useful?” He quipped, before realizing something, “Wait, why the hell do they have Spring Bonnie parts here? You told Henry they just had the old models—“
“Uh. Spring Bonnie is an old model?”
“Why didn’t you tell me that they have the springlock suits?!”
“It isn’t a big deal. Nobody is putting them on…” She paused, glancing at the empty head, “…Except me.”
“God… What is wrong with you?”
“I took twice the recommended dosage of my anxiety medication before we left!” The teen smiled, “I’m totally chill!”
“Henry should’ve kept you at home…” Her brother pinched the bridge of his broken nose as he sat down again, “You aren’t ready for these sorts of jobs.”
“Excuse me, I have been handling the spirits for you two since I was six years old.” Rebecca snapped, “They would be giving you such a hard time right now if it weren’t for me being here!”
Unbeknownst to the bickering siblings, their father was keenly listening in and watching this all unfold from the hall. He felt a proud grin grow on his face as his youngest got payback for what used to be a common “prank” done by his eldest. With the spare Spring Bonnie head as well? No doubt, that was his daughter…
Rebecca was much like Evan, a sweet child who’d never dream to harm anyone. Seeing this playful side of her come out with Micheal made him feel a pervasive nostalgia for how things used to be… Yet he also felt his heart sting at the fact it apparently took overdosing on anxiety medication for her to walk in this building again.
God… How he regretted her not perishing like the others… How he wished it all just went according to plan that night…
He noticed his friend approach from the opposite hall, clearly checking on the not so masculine scream they heard.
“What the fuck was that— Oh, hi again. Rebecca, right?” They smiled slightly, until they saw the head in her hands, “Whoa, kid, I don’t know if you wanna be like— playing with that—“
“Oh! It’s alright! I know how they work.”
“Hold on. You do?”
The teen could feel her brother glaring at her. She was really bad at lying.
“Well… The blueprints for it are in that room, so… I-I just read those—“
“We’re friends of Henry’s. He taught us how to repair them for preservation purposes.” Micheal spewed half truths to cover their asses, “Your bosses got in contact with him and wanted someone with knowledge on the older models and to serve as a night guard for this attraction… That’s why I’m here.”
“Oh, that makes sense, but… What about her?”
“My sister covered for me for one night and couldn’t even handle it. Then she tagged along tonight…” He sighed, “Just… Let her sit in the corner to draw in a notebook and she will be fine until morning…”
“Don’t treat her like she’s a little kid because of what happened before.” The employee instantly stood up for the teenager, “It isn’t her fault she has panic attacks, you jerk.”
“That isn’t the issue.” Micheal replied flatly, “Whatever… I don’t see why I owe you this information—“
The other adult shifted focus, “Rebecca, you said you know how that head works?”
“Y-yeah?” The smallest figure piped up, surprised she was being talked to, “It’s just a simple crank mechanism… W-why?”
“That’s really cool, dude! Wish I had you here when I was fixing Dave’s voicebox. I had to uncrank it all by hand and—“
“Dave? Who the bloody hell is Dave?” Micheal frowned, looking to his sister who took a few timid steps back.
“W-wait… He can talk now?!”
“Yeah! I actually got it to work!” The employee almost boasted, “I assume he’s keeping his distance because of how he scared you last time, though…”
“Could someone please tell me what’s going on here?” The slender figure in the room held back a growl in his voice.
“Uh, I’m going to go… put this head away…”
Becca excused herself and quickly went in the direction of the secret room, only to be startled by the animatronic suit standing just around the corner.
As if on reflex, she went totally silent at what was very much her father’s voice hissing at her from within the suit. Frozen in shock, she was pulled by the wrist to a side room.
“P-papa—?!” She stammered, her tone caught between despair and happiness.
“Don’t call me that.” Springtrap spoke lowly, “They cannot know who I really am… Not yet…”
“What are you talking abou—“ His daughter paused, “You’ve… been isolated this whole time…? You were lonely…weren’t you?”
“Why do you have such pity in your eyes?” He looked down at the much shorter figure sternly, “Honestly? After what I’ve done—“
“I-I don’t know… Y-you’re still my dad???” She looked to the floor, “N-No matter what I do… I can’t seem to hate you…”
His eyes widened slightly. William had suspected this was the case, but hearing it from her own lips rendered him rightfully speechless. Did she even live past that day in the spiritual sense…or had he killed her in a way after all? Was her remnant, her soul — stuck at that night, while her body kept aging…?
It was a real possibility. He supposed near death experiences could technically cause the process of remnant attachment to occur anyways, even to the soul’s original body… Is that why she claimed she was able to interact with the spirits of the other children in that conversation with Micheal…?
Oh my. This was fascinating…
It was then that Micheal and the other employee found them. Rebecca started fiddling with the blueprints to look busy.
“Oh, come the fuck on…” Micheal sounded more annoyed than angry at the sight of his undead father, grabbing his sister by the back of her shirt.
She coughed at the sudden tug on her collar, “M-Mikey—“
“You’re sleeping in the car outside until six, then you’re not coming to work with me again.”
“What the hell is your problem?! Dave hasn’t hurt the kid or anything!” The other employee stepped in again, “She can stay if she wants!”
“You have no idea what you’re dealing with, do you?!” The hooded figure snapped, “You think this is a bloody game?!”
“Fuck off man! If you think this is so scary, then leave!”
“I can’t, you utter fucking fool—“
Rebecca and Springtrap awkwardly made eye contact whilst the other two figures were at each other’s throats. It seems they shared a thought: Really? They were gonna have to be the bigger people here…? THEM???
She moved to grab Micheal’s arm, as the rabbit in turn grabbed the other employee’s, both pulling them back, but one doing a far better job than the other.
“C-calm down—“
“Oh, you tell me to calm down?! To fucking calm the hell down?! In front of THIS?!”
“Yes!” She retorted, “Losing your complete shit at this situation will solve nothing!”
“It’ll solve a whole lot of things when I get ahold of him—!”
“Like what?! The damage is done, Micheal! He is one of them! There is nothing we can do to him now!” She started yelling, “STOP BEING STUPID!”
“Uh…Kid what are you talking about…?”
“You know who Dave is?”
“Of course we do.” Micheal threw his arms up in exasperation, “You would too if you had half a brain and realized Dave isn’t his real name—“
“Yeah… Says Eggs Benedict…” Rebecca muttered, earning an audible chuckle from the rabbit.
“Could someone just tell me the truth here?!” The employee now got upset, “I’m tired of trying to figure this out!”
“…I-I really don’t think you want to know… The others have been trying to tell you, and you won’t listen to them…”
“What others?”
“My brother— Our brother…”
“Damn, Evan was trying to warn her? You really are dense… He is very persistent.” The hooded figure scoffed.
“Your brother was one of Afton’s victims…?” They paused, “God, I’m so sorry—Wait… Evan was the name of his son… That means you two are—“
“How do you even know that?” Micheal raised an eyebrow, “The workshop?”
“Serial killer podcasts.”
“Ew…” The girl winced, “About him, really…?”
“But how are there two of you…There was only one survivor of his fam— Of course! That’s why your name sounded so familiar!” The employee’s eyes lit up at the teenager, pointing to her, “Rebecca Afton!”
“Uh… My last name is Harris—“
“Not originally! You were his one kid who survived?!”
“P-Please stop looking at me like that—“
“Fuck off.” Micheal put his arm in front of his sister, flipping the other employee off with his other one, “She isn’t some cold case for you to get fascinated by…”
“He’s right.” The animatronic rabbit spoke, catching everyone by surprise, “I knew the man… Knew these children. They’ve been through unspeakable things… It is far from a story you hear about on radio—“
“Podcasts, Dave.”
“Oh, don’t you even try to spin this, you crusty ass corpse looking bitch—“
“Spin what, Micheal?” His father feigned ignorance, “This is all true.”
“Ugh! I am going to springlock your ass all over again—“
“I-I’ll just…go…” Rebecca shuffled out of the room before anyone could stop her, seeing a familiar figure waiting for her at the end of the hall.
“Evan…” She sniffled at the ghostly corpse, “H-hey… Sorry I didn’t let you all play on my phone like I promised—“
“Don’t worry about the pocket telly…” The boy shook his head, “The others can wait on playing with it… We’ve got the arcades…”
“Pocket telly?” She laughed, “I told you, it’s a phone—“
“No it isn’t. It looks and works like a television…”
“You know I could pull up Fredbear and Friends on it… Wanna just… chill in the back until the morning…?”
“Everything is on the internet, dear brother…”
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