#[MadeFate] 「Blitz」
helldustedstories · 4 months
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@madefate asked: ❛ i’m going to get you out of here. ❜ / blitz @ stolas!
200 random dialogue prompts // accepting
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Part of him had enjoyed the idea of Blitz coming to his aid, of his imp in shining armour swooping in to perform a daring rescue at the last minute. And even when Striker had tied him up in his cave, he didn't really take him seriously. After all, if Stella had hired him, how competent could he actually be? Plus, she wouldn't go so far as to hire someone to kill him; maybe rough him up a bit, but he was still Via's father. That meant something, even to Stella, didn't it?
It wasn't until Striker had stabbed him the first time that Stolas had actually started to believe that he might not live through the encounter. He had tried to fight back at that point, tried to petrify the cowboy, and when that didn't work, he'd tried to kick him away from him. But Stolas had never been a physical fighter. He had a very high pain tolerance, which had allowed him to keep his composure, going so far as to taunt his assailant…., but even that had only lasted so long.
The moment Striker turned his back on him, Stolas took a deep breath, trying to stay calm…., but that was the moment a single tear escaped his eyes, and he began to understand that he wasn't going to make it out of this cave. He wasn't going to get a chance to say goodbye to Via, to tell Blitz how he really felt…., nor any of the thousand other little things he'd be missing out on. Via graduating, growing up…..; he wouldn't be there.
Striker had beaten and stabbed him a few more times, and Stolas hadn't managed to keep from reacting any longer. But when he had the nerve to mention Octavia, it gave him another burst of bravado. Because it didn't matter what happened to him, but if he touched a feather on Octavia's head, there was nothing Stolas wouldn't do to destroy him.
It was then that he lost sense of his consciousness. Because the next thing he knew, he heard yelling and fighting from nearby. And for a moment, he was sure he was hallucinating; he thought he'd heard Blitz. But he wasn't here; he was off being a good dad, getting his daughter taken care of.
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He saw someone standing over him, and he blinked a few times, until his eye finally focused……only to see that it was Blitz.
"Blitz….," he whispered, swallowing hard. "You shouldn't be here; he'll hurt you too." It didn't matter what happened to him, as long as the people he cared about were safe.
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fizzarollitm · 3 months
“you’re allowed to need help sometimes.” / from blitz! | @madefate
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" Oh, now the queen of ignoring shit is pestering me. " The tip of Fizz's tail flicked as he turned his back on Blitz, poison spitting with his words, " I'll get help when you stop fucking inserting yourself into people's lives for no reason than to feel needed. "
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gethellbcnt · 2 months
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@madefate screamed : "I got slapped in a Pizza Hut once." / blitz @ millie ! things my muses have said / still accepting !
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Oh, mister Buckzo and his many, many stories of fighting in various restaurants and fast-food places.. will he ever stop ? hopefully not, these little incidents are a hoot and a half to listen to ! look, her tail's even wagging in excitement, and Millie's avid pony-coloring has been halted full-stop ; this is serious business.
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❝ is that the same one where they refused to let you order quintuple the cheese on your pizza and you had Dominoe's delivered there ? ❞
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wcshedup · 3 months
@madefate asked: ❛ i’m supposed to be the one who protects you from monsters. i’m not supposed to be one. ❜ / from blitz bc of course
quotes that broke me starters !!
to be COMPLETELY fair, both of them were exhausted in every sense of the word.
there had been two matinees and FOUR regular evening performances over the holiday weekend, which in itself would have been exhausting for even the most seasoned of ADULT performers. ( seasoned, absolutely, but adult ?? only cash buckzo would consider a pair of fourteen-year-olds grown enough to handle such a workload. ) add in the setup beforehand, the massive undertaking of CLEANING UP after each crowd cleared, the tertiary responsibilities of their daily lives ( bathing, eating, RESTING -- when did they have time for ANY of it, really ?? ) combined with the physical and mental exertion of SO much time in the ring -- it was an absolute recipe for disaster.
adding a dress rehearsal with NEW CHOREOGRAPHY on a monday morning after all of that was just cruel.
and normally barbie wasn't given to tears ( not for many years, anyhow ) but her pointe shoes had long since passed the point of blistering -- evolved to pinching and rubbing her RAW, the costume ( specifically tailored to accentuate curves that had just BARELY begun to emerge ) sequins digging under her arms, the constant sensation that the bodice was about to slip. ( " PLEASE dad, please, don't make me wear this. " ) the ACHE in her jaw still lingering from when they'd had their braces tightened just days beforehand. ( STILL getting used to the unkind companionship of a mouthful of metal. )
objectively, WAY back in the part of barbie's brain that wasn't biting back the frustrated tears obscuring her vision and making the sweltering stage lights streak and smear like falling stars, she KNEW blitzo didn't mean to be so harsh. her twin was just as frustrated and exhausted as she was, and both of them were choked with the anxiety only their father could conjure so effortlessly within them. ( " i don't give a SHIT how long it takes you both, it BETTER look good by tomorrow. NOBODY wants to come see the same shit twice. " )
then barbie missed the mark. AGAIN.
and when the teenage imp sprung to her feet, jaw dropped to really lay into blitzo for riding her ass -- instead of a biting retort or even a simple ' FUCK OFF ' rolling easily off the tongue, a choked sob was all that emerged. ( IT'S ALL TOO MUCH. ) thoroughly humiliated to be weeping in the middle of the ring in front of the entirety of the carnies ( thankfully that too was just an ILLUSION of the teenage mind; in reality, few of the crew had spared the pair so much as a passing glance ) barbie had shoulder checked the FUCK out of her brother and sought out the only solace to be had in their small world. ( hiding in her bed, head under the blanket, pretending she didn't EXIST. )
" it's fine. " the reply is followed by a wet snuffle as she lets the blanket fall away, decorating her wrist and cheek with a large smear of black eyeliner as barbie scrubs at her tired eyes. " you -- i know y-you didn't mean to. "
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vanaglcria · 3 months
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@madefate : ❝ Alright lady, you listen here - I don't know who you are or what your little game is but you are NOT about to fuck me over by poaching my employee of the month ! ❞ Blitz does indeed have an extremely stern finger up and pointed at Carmilla, eyes blazing - oh no, he's on a roll - ❝ So you tell me what to do nip this little betrayal in the bud right now, let's go ! ❞
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To her credit, Carmilla does allow the imp his opportunity to... get all of that off of his chest, with little more than a bemused expression on her face. Moxxie had, of course, mentioned that he had a job he was actively working when she had proposed the idea of an internship to him. Funnily enough, he had mentioned it with an air that implied his boss wouldn't particularly care what he did.
It would seem that assumption was incorrect.
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"...Are you finished?" ( she doesn't give him a chance to start again, taming her expression into something more neutral ) "Before you start a war you cannot win, I believe you should know that it was your employee of the month who reached out to me. I am not in the business of poaching, especially when it would not benefit me."
Her lips curve upward once again : "But it is admirable that you are daring to stand up to an Overlord for him."
in reference to...
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discoinfernos · 2 months
“ you made pancakes? ” / blitz @ stolas!
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❝ Well, I . . . I was up early to feed the plants, so I thought, might as well. ❞ Stolas is clearly flustered, feathers ruffled, blushing & rubbing his neck.
He'd been in the kitchen, finishing up the breakfast he was making for the two of them when Blitz had entered. It had felt natural, in that brief moment, that this should be their life: him waking early, tending to his morning tasks, surprising Blitz with a full meal when he awoke. It's what he imagines a domestic partnership should be like, with someone he actually ——
Stolas buries that thought before it can take shape. He's really got to stop these senseless fantasies. Every sincere gesture he makes feels as if it will be the one that finally scares Blitz off, and Stolas can't bear the thought. He sets the plates on the table, covering his nervousness with a little laugh.
❝ You were asleep, and you just looked so peaceful . . . I didn't want to wake you until it was ready. ❞
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helluvaflames · 3 months
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loona considers kicking blitz - and winds up shoving food at him, glaring until he eats.
He grins at the fact that she had the option to kick and instead chooses to give him food ah! he's so proud. "Awe, thank you Loonie." Blitz said as he starts to eat.
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defiedfate · 3 months
❛ try me. ❜ / blitz @ barbie !!
2 word prompts || accepting!
She'd long since come down from the high that had brought her to Fizzarolli's door. And, though Barbie had asked him not to, it seemed that he had called Blitzo after all. Not that she wanted him or needed him, but there had been a moment in the high where she could remember asking why he hated her. He didn't. It was the other way around, wasn't it?
No, that wasn't right either. She didn't hate her brother, per-say, but it hurt to see him. Ached to be reminded of their losses and the subsequent fallout that she had spent too long blaming him for to go back on now.
But this was a moment where she needed family. Not because of any desire to return to rehab after one slip-up, but the reason she had spiraled back into craving that particular high in the first place. Because of what was growing like a cancer beneath her ribs.
Her back was to him. Had been to him since he had stepped into the room, but as he offered up those two words in an effort of understanding, she turned halfway around. Set her gaze on him with a certain level of pause. Hesitation at admitting to Blitzo of all people what she had been adamantly denying for days now.
"I'm pregnant, Blitz." she said in a barbed tone, sinking to the floor in dismay. Landing on her knees and holding herself in an effort of self-comfort. "Now you know…. Happy, asshole?"
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asylumraised · 14 days
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@madefate  ▐ BLITZ &* STOLAS ↳ ❝ look, i know you love me. but you shouldn’t
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the prince's feathers ruffle around his neck as all four eyes narrow. an annoyed noise flutters out of him. ❛   PEOPLE HAVE TOLD ME HOW I SHOULD &* SHOULD NOT FEEL OR ACT OR THINK MY ENTIRE LIFE. ❜ long arms cross over his chest , though his fingers wrap his sides to hold himself. ❛ i didn't expect such a thing from you , blitzø. don't you know one cannot choose who they love ? if i could turn this off -----   ❜ anger starts to speak for him. starts to say that he would turn it off gladly. BUT HE WOULDN'T. no matter how much this hurt.
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his mouth purses , hands squeezing his sides harder. ❛   i do love you. every day , i love you &* it tears me apart inside. i love you , knowing you do not love me. knowing you view me as nothing but a meal ticket. knowing you view me as some ruling figure over you. ❜ a sadness touches the owl's face as he looks away. ❛   knowing you do not view me as a person with real emotions. ❜
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tangledfate · 3 months
send a 💖and the mun will talk about a random mutual they love and appreciate!!
Claire is one of my oldest mutuals and has been tentatively putting up with me for way too long now lol. She is a delight and her writing is fantastic!
I haven't known Clarke for too long but I adore them, they're super fun to talk to and even more fun to rp with! I adore throwing Blitz and Angel at their muse and love the depth they put into everything!
Wikia is the best and most unique take on the Riddler you will EVER find and no one can convince me otherwise. I love them and their muse and they are pretty much the only Eddie I ship my Selina with at this point.
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helldustedstories · 3 months
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@madefate asked: ❛ you don’t have to be gentle. i won’t break. ❜ : blitz @ stolas
subtle smut sentence starters // accepting
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Ever since their arrangement had started, Blitz had been the one teaching Stolas, showing him all of the many different options that were available to two people in a consensual sexual relationship. And he had eagerly participated, learning and finding out what things he liked, making notes about what Blitz liked, too. Because while Blitz very clearly the top in this relationship (partly because he knew more, and partly because he was very good at it), Stolas wanted to do everything he could to please and take care of him. And that included potentially switching things up in the future.
It hadn't been something he'd ever brought up when they were still…..when they were still just business partners, essentially. He'd already been helplessly in love with Blitz, which had complicated things; he didn't want to make anything worse.
But now that things were better between them, now that they'd actually been together for a little while, he'd mentioned that he'd be interested in taking care of Blitz, sometime, even though he still didn't really know what he was doing. Oh, he'd read plenty of books, but that was still very different from physically performing something.
It was something they'd had to talk out, too, to make sure they were on the same page, that if either of them got uncomfortable, they would speak up. Which….was admittedly one of the things that Stolas was still working on, recovering people pleaser as he was, especially when it came to Blitz.
Which he was clearly picking up on when he reminded Stolas that he wasn't going to break.
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A little smile slipped onto the owl's face as he took a moment to just look over Blitz, reassured by how relaxed he currently looked.
"I know you won't," he said with a little laugh. "I'm just….adjusting." He hated the thought of hurting Blitz, so he had to take a moment to remind himself that they were going to be careful, and they were going to go slow, for both of their sakes.
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fizzarollitm · 3 months
💋 you know who | @madefate
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" Get over here you idiot. " Grabbing him by the wrist, Fizz pulled him into a deep dip and hooked his arm under his neck. It was years coming and far from their first curious pecks behind the tent as teens covered up as practice for their one day future "partners".
Fizz knew there was likely a smear of black clown paint staining Blitz's chin but he didn't care. He held him so tight it probably hurt as he made up for the years of absence and silence, an ode to maybe lost in the ash. Then, for good measure, bit his lip bloody as a reminder for when he goes back to Pride to his new life in the City.
Kisses 3/5 Accepted !
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gethellbcnt · 29 days
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@madefate screamed : "Lay your weary head to rest." / blitz @ millie! oldies playlist sentence starters / still accepting !
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He knows how much she worries about Moxxie when he's sent to the hospital ; Millie's favorite drama queen has always been a little... accident-prone, in their office environment. and when he wasn't getting hurt in Pride, the guy's getting his work-outs and fair share of gashes and broken bones up in the human realm.
❝ ... thank you. for keeping me company, i mean. ❞ Wrathian says with a meekness she only shares in private moments like these ; her mother would kill her if she saw her strong, eldest daughter curled up like this. she isn't always as confident as she appears, and Millie was supposed to have Moxxie's back during their latest bloodbath. and now, he's in the hospital with all of his ribs and most of his fingers broken...
guilt washes over her face like a high tide, her head tilting to rest against Blitz's shoulder, her arm loosely intertwining with his and a small, dainty hand sliding between his lengthy digits. the pint-sized powerhouse squeezes, looking for assurance, her other hand moving to wrap around his upper arm.
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❝ .. Blitz, do you think i'm... going soft ? ❞
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wcshedup · 1 month
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@madefate asked: Blitz gently skates the tips of his claws around the base of Barbie's horns, carefully finding the spots where she knows she carries her tension - the same way he does, a small, merciful mirror they still share. When he can take her weight against him he does, pulling her in, leaning down so that when he hums (their mother always sang it better, but they can keep it alive like this) she can feel it in his chest.
barbie had so many preconceived notions and spiraling ruminations about how their reunion might go. it had never gone well before, and she could face up to the fact that she MIGHT shoulder most of that blame -- it would be different this time ! she was clean now. she had a steady job that didn't require any unsavory characters or close brushes with the vices she'd fought so hard to kick. that life felt so far away now, like it happened to someone else and barbie was simply an observer sat in a plush theatre seat, filled with compassion but growing exhausted with seeing the main character choke on her own vomit again.
guilt eats at her now that her feet are rooted in reality once more. the imp vaguely recalls the last scene involving blitzø in that film of her life -- fizz had signed those paper so easily, she'd felt, too easily, in fact. but blitzø would come and set it all right, he would RESCUE her from this horrible cesspit of losers and 'doctors' who didn't seem to understand that she was in PAIN -- she'd told them so, tears of rage cascading down her cheeks, but they had given that sensation another name. withdrawal.
and when she'd called blitzø she felt SURE he would understand -- but when her brother would not sign the release, barbie's nervous jittering had turned into an all-out fit of rage; fists flying and legs kicking with intent to maim as the staff had fought to restrain her. ( " you said ! you said i could CALL you when i NEEDED you ! " ) and she realizes now that the sensation of betrayal had been misplaced, had been nothing more than a fabrication of her addiction. feet braced on either side of the doorway as they tried to force her back into the room, barbie had screamed it loud enough for even the heavens to hear her rage. ( " I'll NEVER forgive you for this, blitzo ! NEVER ! " )
how could he EVER forgive her ?
quite easily, it seemed.
there are no tense silences or awkward shuffles. being together again is like letting go of a breath barbie didn't know she'd been holding. meeting his employees and his daughter ? THAT had thrown her for a bit of loop at first, but barbie had warmed to the idea by the time the coffee was ready. everything went so. . . perfectly.
it didn't seem real.
of course it makes sense that she'd find a way to RUIN it at the finish line. they'd started so strong, uncorking a bottle of something strong and cheap between the pair of them at blitzø's apartment that night, trying and failing to smother their drunken laughter from disturbing the hellhound occupying the bedroom just a few feet away. the sort of giddiness that makes barbie reach out to shake his shoulder for stability, her core ACHING as she laughs like it's the first time in a long time. it is. she missed him.
but the turn in the conversation had come at the bottom of her third glass of wine, where barbie had found the grief long since mistaken for simple rage lying in wait. sometimes i wish i had. . . been with her. it feels like a mistake to speak out loud, barbie blames it on the lowering of her inhibitions -- she turns to shield her tears in the wake of her confession from blitzø, that familiar ache blossoming behind her sternum and it's her first instinct to shield the emotional wound from the proverbial salt that might fly. it had been so long since vulnerability had been rewarded with anything but the twist of a knife. " satan, I'm so SORRY, I'm just -- "
" just give me a second -- " barbie can still reclaim the rapidly suffering vibe of the room, she knows, if she puts her mind to it -- pushes down the agony and steers the conversation back towards the lighthearted. but JUST as she opens her mouth to remind blitzø about the time they managed to switch places for a whole three days -- she catches sight of his expression.
there's no distaste for her tears, or rolling eyes that signal exhaustion with her emotional ineptitude -- barb uses her wrist to scrub at one bleary eye, the way blitzø opens his arms towards his sister might take her conscious mind aback, but her body knows exactly what to do. it's muscle memory to rush into his side, arms coming upward to cling to her brother's shoulders and bury her face there in turn. it's the first time barbie has felt SAFE in so long.
it's been even longer since she felt this loved.
" I'm so sorry, blitzø. "
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discoinfernos · 2 months
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Blitz & Loona @madefate thread moodboard — ( aka icons i might have used in my reply if it was less serious )
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infernal-blaze · 4 months
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@madefate asked: “ okay, i’m gonna keep some pressure on this and we’re gonna get you some help, alright? ” / blitz @ fizz!
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Fizzarolli hissed through his teeth, brow furrowing in pain. Blood stained his outfit as the vicious liquid oozed from his side. He stared at Blitz with wide, scared eyes. Blood had never been something he was good with.
"Fuck," he hissed, grimacing. His right arm had been torn off, leaving a ripped sleeve that barely covered his stump. He had left Blitz for two seconds, only to immediately be attacked. This is what he got for openly dating a Sin, he supposed. A missing prosthetic arm and a nasty stab wound to the side. Lovely.
"Listen, I-," Fizzarolli took a sharp breath. "I don't want to go to a hospital. Can't you just.. fix it?" It was wishful thinking, but oh how he hoped Blitz would humour him.
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