#[My idea is to use Irene Belserion from Fairy Tail instead so that I can have her be affiliated with the Hexenzirkel]
caeca-iustitia · 10 months
Honestly thinking of changing my take on Diluc's mother...
I love her as she is right now, don't get me wrong, but I just feel as though I need to refresh her almost entirely...
This includes changing her faceclaim and possibly her name; she deserves a bit of a change and I have ideas...
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ace-of-fairytail · 9 months
I made another Mashimaverse AU
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I haven’t thought it out throughly yet, but here’s Minerva.
Inspired by “One Piece,” and “Dead Rock” Ish.
Basically, The God of Life and Death was the only thing that lived throughout the entirety of time. Throughout every period he would gather 12 guards/subordinates that represented different races and territories.
There’s was different ways this was picked, for Dragons it was the ruler of Dragons who’d become the next subordinate. They usually roamed near the eastern region which would one day become “The Kingdom of Dragnof.”
Demons lived among humans in the neighboring kingdom, and instead of the next king of demons ruling. The rulers would pass down “Gods favorite angel” E.N.D.
(I’m not sure about the other 10 but i imagine it’d be revealed within the story or else this would just be Oc insert)
The point is I changed the magic system and made it rooted in lore. I’m not gonna explain too much but changes to remember are-
-Erza has Belserion sealed inside, and her father is acnologia. Which technically makes her Queen of Dragons.
-Wendy is also the child or Irene and Anologia. Making her their second child.
-Not a change, but yeah Natsu still END.
-The god of Life and Death died 400 years ago during the war with Irene and the dragon kingdom. (Well he’s just not alive atm)
-The magic system has three different types of magic users. Those who have genetic mutations (Inherited Magic) ,
Those who are taught a “maker magic” (A type of magic that cover regular magic energy into a specific type of magic while casting) Anyone can learn.
Or “Holder Magic” Those who use magic Items that already have lacrimas that create their own magic. Anyone can get.
Minerva’s name is associated with the Roman godess of wisdom, who’s commonly associated with owls, not as commonly with snakes. I was think about Erza and Minerva fighting together what would take Fairy Tails Magic system to One piece level. And ofcourse that would be an “awakening” of some sorts. So I took the Idea of snakes and ran with it.
Guildarts was in an entirely different league than the entire main cast at the beginning of FairyTail. But why if (by fairy tails magic system) anyone can learn the same magic. So I’m my scenario Guildarts has a genetic magic, Cana learned the holders magic from a young age since she never knew she could have Guildarts magic. Her awakening would be Guildarts magic since you can’t awaken and holders magic. Another example is Mira using satan soul and transformation magic which would mean that you can learn more than one type of magic in Fairy Tail which doesn’t make sense cause what’s stopping everyone from being zeref?
With Minerva I thought what if her history had anything to do with snakes. I decided her ancestors (on her moms side) would be snake charmers, much like the dragon charmers that existed before Irene became dragon queen. Though they used to play flutes to charm dragons it was actually just a ritual of swine sort and the instruments weren’t needed. This was lost when Minerva’s mom passed away while she was too young to learn.
Durring the battle with Erza I imagine somehow she’s presented with the opportunity to meet a Dragon Snake (idk a name yet). It sounded far fetched until I found out about the Dragon snake Xenodermus Javanicus. A nonvonmous serpent that assists Erza and Minerva in battle due to being under both of their titles.
(Basically character building for storyline)
In reality these snakes usually pass away in captivity, are small and only live for a few years.
I’d imagine this snake would be around 400+ years old, and survived the “war” 400 years prior along side some other creatures and dragon variants like the water dragons (that remained secluded under water). Because Dragon snakes don’t have as long of a life span as water dragons, the the serpents dwindled down to a few, while water dragons are still plenty in numbers.
Minerva can’t preserve the serpent in her pocket dimension. (Which is good for throwing enemies in every once in a while). Ofcourse the serpent can fly, that why it was recognized as a dragon in the fairy tail world. Because the snake has dragon ancestors it would’ve been recognized as one because the addition of flight that other snakes didn’t have. (Debatable weather or not Erik’s snake Cubellios is one aswell).
Storyline wise, what connection the Dragon Snakes has with Minerva or her ancestors, why Minerva’s mom was the last one with the magic, and all is really up to a story to tell. I don’t want this to sound fanfic-Ish but more the and actual au that takes a different turn in story. It would also explain why Minerva dad was really trying to exploit her, thought there’s no excuse for dv, and dv can start without cause or reason. Just an anime explanation type of thing.
I also have Ideas for Jellals “Tattoo/birthmark”, the Tower of Heaven, Sho’s “Tattoo”. Kagura and Ikaguras swords. And more. Even some Ideas about old Fairy Tail, and characters from before the 400 year skip. Like Anna and Acnologia.
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natsubeatsrock · 4 years
The Rewrite of Fairy Tail: Bonus (What If? #10)
What if Irene helped with the Dragon Slayer project?
This is another one of those ideas that I thought up and near immediately dismissed as possible for the official rewrite but hold onto for this series. I love that I have an outlet for these ideas because many are interesting and worth considering. I may not be able to make them work in the main rewrite, but I want to flesh them out a bit.
I'm going to start where I usually end up and explain why this is only a "what if" scenario. If Irene is a part of this plan, effectively she's not a part of Spriggan 12. It's likely she's no longer able to use dragon powers, not that this is a bad thing. Depending on how I do this, she doesn't get married to her husband and Erza isn't born. I have to account for that by either having the entire Eclipse Plan happen before Erza is born or work around the barrier in Fantasia, which also sunk the idea involving Erza's alternate origin I discussed earlier. It would be hard to fit this within the main rewrite of the series.
I say this now so that it's clear that I recognize this is likely impossible to fit in any of this within this rewrite. And because I know that to be obvious, I’m able to let loose with this. I don't have to try hard to work this scenario to seem possible. I can embrace the wacky nature of the scenario.
Now, the reason behind this goes back to much of my changes to the Eclipse Project. As you know, Anna is one of the main people behind the plan. However, this plan is dependent on the Dragon Slayers not gaining the Dragon Seed. The reason this works in the rewrite is partially because of Irene's incomplete work to fix the issue. They are connected through their time at Mildian Academy.
But, what if, instead of sending her research, she abandons the throne and goes into hiding with Anna?
The basic idea is that, as soon as Irene feels the signs of the Dragon Seed, she leaves the palace with whatever notes she has on the subject and tries to find Anna. When she does, she finds out that Anna is working on the Eclipse Project and Irene decides to help her with it. Not only does she want to stop the disease for herself, but she also doesn't want that to be an issue for others, especially the next generation of slayers.
Without pressure from persecution, they're able to figure out the solution is enchanting the dragon's entire being into a slayer, as opposed to just their powers. The downside is that it all but burns out the life force of the dragons. However, this enchantment can be broken by the dragons in case of an unforeseeable emergency (i.e. Face).
While they're not able to stop the Acnologia crisis, they can help Irene. She is reunited with Belserion and can rid herself of the Dragon Seed. The original plan is to have her and Anna teach the slayers what they need to know. That is to say, both Irene and Anna go through the Eclipse Gate with the Dragon Slayers. Of course, they go past the gate, the slayers go missing, and things happen similar to how you’d expect.
And Erza? In canon, Erza was conceived before the Dragon Seed took effect and Irene was aware of her pregnancy around the time it did. For our sake here, whereas she might be less inclined to want her child, Anna encourages to stay with the pregnancy. I say her child because this child isn't necessarily Erza. (Although, the prospect is tempting as another hypothetical scenario.) What happens is that Irene's child is part of a long line of enchanters and enchantresses, not unlike the Heartfilia Kozern with Celestial Spirit wizards. Ultimately, one of Erza's parents becomes the inheritor of Irene's power and status in canon and Erza keeps most of her backstory intact.
Wacky, right? But considering I've talked through that, I want to go through some of the reasons this is an attractive idea.
The most important reason someone would be attracted to this idea is making Irene a good person. In canon, and especially in my rewrite, her turn to evil wouldn't happen if the world was a bit kinder to her. If we put Irene in a better set of circumstance she can have a better outlook on her life and see her plight in a better light. Namely, she's able to save the world doing what she has always wanted to do.
In a more cynical sense, you deal with many of Irene's issues by pushing them onto someone else. Irene's pregnancy is less of a strain on a reader's suspension of disbelief considering it's not over centuries. She doesn't gain the powers of a dragon. Most other issues she might have in Fairy Tail canon would be foisted onto her descendants. In all likelihood, somewhere between then and Erza's parents being born, they end up having a similar view of Irene as Zeref worshippers have of Zeref. (i.e. incredibly reverent, but skewed towards their evil practical uses)
A fun reason might be to have Anna and Irene get together either before or after the jump. I mean, it's not necessary, but neither are most ships. It's not like this couldn't have happened if the scenario was just right and this would make quite an interesting ship dynamic. If you're worried about the connection to Lucy, just say Anna has a sister who stays behind and they're the one who passes the notes and genes. I say this as someone who's not even terribly excited by the ship itself. (As if the only ships in the rewrite I want to happen are the ones I care about.)
While I can't see this idea working for my purposes, this isn't a terrible idea. Irene gets to work on the side of good and continues to do what she loves. Funny how this is kind of a happier twist on my other "what if" involving Irene. Here she works with others for the good of all, as opposed to working with Zeref for her good. Where in this scenario she cares about creating a future her child can live in, she doesn't care about her child's future as long as it benefits her in the other.
Based on Part 23
What If? #1 | What If? #2 | What If? #3 | What If? #4 | What If? #5  | What If? #6 | What If? #7  | What If? #8 | What If #9
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newgeht · 6 years
The Witching Hour
Geez guys... I got a little obsessed with Netflix original’s Sabrina the Teenage Witch and look what happened vkjsbre
Welp... I have managed to post for erzajane week, even if it’s a day late. The prompt being: Spellbound
Enjoy everyone!
Summary: No one said going to the prestigious witch academy, Fairy Tail, was going to be easy. Good thing for Erza, she never drifted through anything. Including the day she summoned a demon… Pairings: Erzjane, Erza & Lucy, Kagura & Lucy, Erza & Kagura Characters: Erza Scarlet, Kagura Mikazuchi, Lucy Heartfilia, Irene Belserion, Minerva Orlando, Sting Eucliffe, Mirajane Strauss Words: 7,320 Rating: M (for violence)   AO3 | FFNet
11:50 p.m.
The veil between the world of spirits and the realm of mortals was the thinnest on the day of Hallows Eve. Even thinner at the witching hour. For months Erza had planned on summoning a spirit for the academy. She would prove that once in for all she was better than Minerva Orlando. That witch was more like a bitch in her eyes, and Erza wasn't going to stand falling into her shadow any longer. Not today and the days following after.
The digital alarm clock on her bedside let her know it was five minutes before the stroke of the new day. She laid her head back on her pillow, still baffled by her idea. She had to do this, otherwise Erza wouldn't gain the recognition she wanted.
Still in dressed in her school uniform, she slipped from the sheets in her bed. Her dorm consisted of two other girls: Lucy Heartfilia and Kagura Milkovich. They were the best roommates she could ever ask for, giving her space and privacy when she asked. And they were never privy to her more personal life, especially Lucy.
The girl lay snoring and sprawled out on the middle mattress, yellow hair standing in tufts on her pillow case. A smile of fondness crept over her mouth as she picked pulled the coarse sheet over her slim frame. She made a note internally to check on Lucy's eating habits tomorrow, the blonde had a habit of passing meals when she was stressed.
Lucy was the top student of the witching academy. Erza was always proud of how the blonde managed to memorize spells and ingredients for summonings, but that was mostly due to her own photographic memory. Though it was hard for her to execute said spells, she wasn't as gifted as the rest of them (magic wise). Even without it, she was sure that the blonde would still be toppling over the rest of the girls.
But her other roommate was a completely different story. Her eyes passed over to Kagura, she looked almost dead. No, a sleeping beauty. Not one single strand of her obsidian hair was misplaced, the sheets tucked around her frame in a precise manner. Her face positively glowing in the moon's light, Erza wouldn't lie to say she hadn't crushed on her friend at some point.
Kagura only had one issue; she simply didn't want to play the devil's hand. Erza wished she had the courage of the girl. Had the gall to practice sword fighting techniques instead of working on her studies.
But as she looked closer, another ghastly shape sat at her bedside table. It was Kagura herself, the girl flipping through the pages of one of their textbooks. She must really be behind if she was using an astral projection to study. Without looking up she monotonously stated, "Go before I get the head mistress."
She could feel the tips of her ears get hot as she finally left the room. It was unnecessary to try to make any conversation, especially at this time. She had so much to do in such a little frame of time.
The head mistress was done checking rounds at this point in time and it was time for Erza to make her move. She didn't bother to wear shoes as she padded through the dormitories hallways. On the tile her heels would click and that would wake up her other classmates.
The only problem was that to get to the classrooms, she would have to sneak through the warlock's dorms. She absolutely dreaded this as she pushed through their double doors. Silently she closed those steely doors behind her tiptoeing down the rest of the hallway. But as she got closer to the next turn, she could hear hushed voices. Erza pushed herself up against the wall, taking in a very large breath.
She could feel her heart speed up, the voices not coming any closer. A very hushed whisper, someone haughtily whispered. "If it were up to me, I wouldn't even be here. You know what my father wants of me."
"I don't care, Minerva. You can decide whether or not you stay, you have a choice. I can't stand..." The rest of his words were incomprehensible, she needed to get closer. It was one she didn't recognize but she knew it was a man's voice. It held a doopy timbre, yet it was laced with compassion. Erza dared to inch closer to the corner, her ears straining to listen to what was happening.
"Hear thy truth and know thy tongue, lift my senses, sacrifice will be given later." As the last word fell from her mouth, Erza's ears picked up on so much more. Even the hard breathing of the couple right around the corner.
Inching closer to the corner Minerva's voice was taut. "Just get out of here Sting. Leave before the Mistress comes and finds you, I'm not going to save your ass-"
A door on the far end of the corridor slammed shut, Minerva's words strangled. "Leave now."
Their feet thundered against the wooden planks, coming right for Erza. She pressed herself up against the wall, closing her eyes shut. In the pocket of her suit coat, she frantically wrapped her fingers around a cool marble. Minerva's foot stepping right around the corner as she crushed it within the palm of her hand.
Her whole body flattened against the wall, Minerva rounding the corner with a great speed. Right behind her the teen she had called Sting. He had very fair locks that were brushed haphazardly to the side, his clothes resembling that of the mortal school down the road. Erza had so many questions but for now she couldn't make a peep, holding her breath as Minerva's hazel orbs stared right at her.
Her hawk eyes never acknowledging Erza's existence, only staring at the wall that lay behind her. She gave herself a pat on the back as the two retreated to the girl's dormitory, her nemesis's hand wrapped around the one of a mortal boy. Minerva never looked back once, dragging that boy to possible safety. He could get killed if he was found here.
But now Erza had a completely different problem -whoever was coming down the walkway. She could still only hear steady breathing, not a single footstep. She finally dared to take a step into the archway of the hallway, coming face to face with a color of hair she knew so well.
Her mother, otherwise known as the head mistress, stood right before her. Her brown eyes fleeting, a typical cruel grin set upon her face. Those orbs looking every which way, never discovering who was standing before her. Erza was frozen, afraid that the Marble of Baal hadn't worked; the chunks of marble in her pocket sending a chilly fray into her skin, her hair fleshing to stand on end.
She was scared to breath in the face of Irene Belserion, the woman standing tall with her infamous stave. The wood unruly and scathed by the marks of time, sashed down with tattered clothes of the witches and warlocks who had held it before her. Her mother huffed, the butt of her staff colliding with the floor. Sparks erupted from the hit, her lip curling.
"Your little tricks has fooled me, for now, but I will find you. Whether you be the best, banishment will be your fate." Her decree was final -Erza new that. But the eyes she shared with her mother had bored into her own, almost red as Irene stepped by. "Return to your bed and the devil may hold mercy."
Those words ringing in her ears, the spell Erza spake earlier still in effect. She bit her lip to restrain her own words, her nails digging into the skin of her palms. Her mother taking her sweet time as she sauntered down the hall.
Not a single click escaped from her black heels as her mother made her way into the girl's dorms. Erza letting out a small breath as the doors shut behind her. She didn't have anymore items to save her tail now. She had to be extra wary of the time and of her own restraints.
Looking down at her hands, the tips of her fingers began to reappear. The weight of the glass shards in her pocket disappearing as the cloak of invisibility began to recede. Making quick work of this opportunity, Erza made her way down the hallway.
12:15 am
It was odd to hear the soft echos of her classmates as she walked down the hallway of the boy's dorm. Erza was surprised to hear how late the misfits stayed up, not even doing homework from the sounds of rock music. How did they get away from her mother's clutches?
Though the rules had always been more lenient against the warlock population. Their contracts with Zeref had differed much than their own. And she was jealous of it. Her baptism at the age of sixteen had been painful, a deep and discolored line stained on the palm of her hand from the depth of the blade. She had sworn that her mother had been trying to cause more harm than good that fateful night.
She shivered involuntarily as her feet finally padded against the tile of the school's front wing. Only the top floor oddly containing the porcelain white tiles. Mainly because no one would want expensive mahogany being ruined by the pure nature of witches -destruction. The headmistress did not like having to replace her lavish floorboards.
The top floor used for laboratories and training rooms for spells and conjuring. The same exact floor in which Erza Scarlet would execute her summoning.
She looked down at her scarred palm, gritting her teeth. She stayed close to the blank walls as she tottered down the hall, trembling as she took each step. A current of doubt pushing against her as her feet carried her to room 333.
A fear settled within the depths of her stomach, suffocating her as it struggled to burst free from her mouth. She gulped it down, the urge to scream dawning on her. A small line of sweat breaking free from her pores, taking a long and slow trek down the curve of her face. It had lain on the edge of her jawline for but a moment before breaking free, falling to the tiles.
Erza grasped the handle of the door, the gold knob her sanctuary. As soon as the pads of her fingers touched it, the cloak had gone. Erza gasping for the air she so desperately needed.
The presence had lifted but caressed the a stray lock of hair. We will be back for you.
She had been frantic. In a daze. She had packed ingredients and hid them in cracks and crevices of this old a misused lab but within their hiding spots some had been damaged. Erza had worked to stitch back the broken arm on the small burlap doll. Tearing string from her own skirt to fix the limp arm. It was a waste of time and she could feel the room heat up. Or was it just her?
She huffed as she kneeled on the floor, all the ingredients lain before her. All except for the goat's eye. There was no way she could replace it in a hour's time. Well, never say never. There was a supply closet on the first floor. The biggest pantry of witches goods in the entire coven, but her heart was against leaving the dim room. The beats ricocheting at the thought of stepping from the small safe space.
Though the room was very dingy with its broken desks and glass cabinets missing their panels or cracked with the sheer mischief of time, it had always provided her with an area to breath in. A space in which she could act freely. The place in which she swung her sword, studied from ancient texts, and where she spent her time in procrastination.
She gripped her knees, staring at the ingredients in contemplation. All five elements of the star illuminated by their own special qualities. The edge of her skirt tattered from the small bit of string she managed to pull. The effort had most definitely been put into this small plane of hers. Why not just go get it?
She weighed her choices on a scale. First she put it simply. If she didn't go fetch (simply, remember) the goat's eye, there would be no summoning. If she were to go grab it, then she would have all the tools necessary to summon her little demon. But what were the consequences of each situation? This was the tricky part.
The possibility of being caught would put her career as a witch to an end and her family's name would be shamed for life. The last part sounded good to her but then the Wrath of Irene would ensue. But if she successfully broke into the closet, then she would rise to fame in this academy of magic!
She looked down at her cheap wristwatch. The smallest hand mocking her as it ticked by the twelve.
This night was going to get her crucified or make her rise like the sun. The thought of not wearing shoes was nice but her feet were freezing. And the cool temperatures of the tile were starting to seep into her bones.
She briskly stepped by the hallway that led back to the dorms. Those slim rectangular windows of the doors gleaming in the moonlight, eyeing her carefully. Erza's jaw was still clenched shut, afraid to utter a single sound -a single exhale. No one would know she was here. Not a single trace of would be left.
Her ears perked up and she stood still in her tracks. A silent whoosh from behind creeped behind her. A eerie creak resounding. Followed by the quick patter of footsteps.
A hushed yet chirped voice peaked, followed by straight silence. "Erza…"
She quickened up her pace, those same footsteps coming right behind her. They were coming. Her breath stalled for a moment, breathless.
"Wait… Scarlet, come back here. It's me."
She stilled, her feet urging her to leave; her only sanity recognizing the loo of a feminine presence. Slowly she turned, meeting the viscous honey-brown eyes of her very own roommate. The stark platinum hair she knew so well somewhat combed through, leaving soft curls around her face. One hand raising to wipe the guise of sleep from her eyes; rose pajamas adorning her figure. Just as her, she bore no shoes on her feet.
"Heartfilia…" Her friend was a relief. Lucy would know exactly how to help her, she always did.
Erza briefly explained what had happened and her current plan. Lucy had tutted, muttering under her breath as they silently stalked through the school's hallways. The blonde had not been happy with her choices thus far. Most specifically the decision to do this all by herself. As many would say, she was a lone wolf.
Lucy groaned as they walked down the last flight of stairs, looking as a penguin as she wobbled down the grand staircase. The wisps of sleep still about her as her zombified state made her trip down the last step. A small squeak elicited from her lips during her fall. Erza rolled her eyes as she landed flat on her stomach. She was surprised that the thud wasn't loud, the girl but a featherweight.
"Geez, Lucy…" Erza cringed as she emitted a moan. It was apparent stealth was not her strong suit. "You must be quieter, we are already in jeopardy."
With a grudging effort, she pulled Lucy up to her feet. Her tone scolding as she began to escort her down the hallway, tugging her by the elbow. They had absolutely zero time to waste in this matter. The Pantry was going to be a very challenging to find, the door hidden by some relatively high level enchantments (her mother's fortee).
The walls, just as the ones above, looked precisely the same. The difference in that fact that the first floor was the nicest in the education wing. The walls donned with red velvet wallpapers, the darkest barren wood that man could buy -the ultimate eye catcher being the golden fixtures that hung from the ceiling every ten feet or so. But right above all, was the jewel embezzled chandelier that hung right under the staircase. The red rubies glistening within their entrapment in the obsidian frame.
Lucy yanked her arm free, rubbing it with a sore pout on her face. "Yeesh… You don't have to tot me around like a child."
"I sure do when you fumble like one." She snapped back curtly, immediately placing her hand against the soft wall. It would be hard to sense the enchantment as magic flowed ceaselessly throughout the academy; an overflowing chalice that the modern world would never see nor touch.
A mere grumble came from Lucy. The silence overwhelming as their search began. She wasn't left to her devices -far from it, but she couldn't help but feel the darkness of this hallow night pull her under once more. Erza could hardly focus as she drummed her fingers against the wall.
By this point they had excavated the entire left side of the bottom floor, nothing to be found. Not one string of an unfamiliar magik or the possibility of a small rune. Nothing was ever going to be that easy, right?
She breathed steadily, counting as she drew the stale air in. One, two, three… Steadily pushing it out. Her fogged mind lifting its drawn curtain only a bit. Her cogs turned as she reached for this presence. Though in from one moment to the next all thought vanished. The recesses of her mind channeling the darkness that had come for her earlier. Those spirits taunting her and soon enough the world wasn't the same anymore.
A hand lightly cupped her shoulder. Her breathing faltering as bony white fingers crawled down from their position, gripping the lapel of her jacket. The plaid sash tugged. She violently turned. A whirlwind of frantic intentions as she held her hands up to defend herself.
Erza grasped the appendage. Her hand reeling against the bony wrist. A high falsetto ringing in her ears as she met familiar light brown eyes.
"That hur-Erza," Lucy cried out. The brim of her long lashes wet as her stomach panged. Erza released her grip immediately, a red circle forming around the porcelain skin. There was surely to be a bruise soon.
"!- On the Dark Lord's name… Lucy." The girl backed away from her ever so slightly as she tried to coddle her into her arms. "It wasn't me… I- The spirits are slipping through."
She only acknowledged her with a small nod. Her eyes still wet but she made no move to wipe them. At the pace of a snail, Erza lifted her thumb. The smallest of motions made to swipe the stray tears from under her long lashes. The salt stinging the pad of her thumb, making Erza quake with uncertainty.
Time was ticking away but it wouldn't be wasted. Her friend more important than some silly demon. Even as Lucy pulled her wrist from Erza, she still managed to latch onto the silk fabric of her top. "Let me see," she requested tentatively. Already knowing how much she had overstepped her bounds.
Lucy's arm falling limp as she lost the effort to struggle. She had already spoken to her roommate about her morals. The first of her set commandments stating that she would never harm a fellow witch. Mainly those within the bounds of their coven. And much later down her list one outlining her duties to those who were her friends. Erza had already promised (not to Zeref) that her witchdom would go under the pretenses of knighthood in order to honorably protect those close to her. Those she roomed with most definitely included.
Erza gave a small smile as she looked over the flamed ring. Being perfectly honest, she knew nothing of anatomy of the physical body. Frowning at the damage she created.
"I'll teach you how to fix it once we find The Pantry. It's just some major bruising," she rolled her wrist with hesitance, "nothing feels or looks broken." Lucy squinting with displeasure at the small pop from her wrist. "Y-Yeah… We'll be good for a short while."
"Are you sure there isn't just a spell-" She was cut off by the shake of a head.
The upward turn of her lips was hardly noticeable as Lucy gave her a stern but earnest scolding. "You should know by now that any spell needs some sort of ingredient in order to work properly. If we didn't use the earth, then Zeref would not be happy."
Erza was sure to scold herself again later. How could she forget such a simple fact? She sighed, still frustrated over the loss of time. "If only we could find the damned closet."
"There has to be something we're missing. A simple clue… Headmistress Belserion placed the runes down, correct?" Brown eyes fleeting to the wall with curiosity alight; searching for an unanswered question.
"Yes but she redid it for a reason. Remember the last time it was broken into?" Erza was not privy to the thought of those intruders, that entire night a blasphemous mess. Witch hunters were always a fly to swat.
Lucy rolled her eyes, crouching down to the floor. She cradled her damaged wrist to her chest as her other hand feathered over the floorboards. "Let's not speak of it… But our keeper isn't to be underestimated. Come feel, Erza."
"The floor?" She was most certainly vexed, stubborn to Lucy's request.
The blonde merely tugged on her skirt, the fringes pulling from the mess she made earlier. With another sigh, Erza complied. She stopped down to her level, placing her palm against the floor. It was cool but a completely different twinge of cold she knew. It clicked, as she understood Lucy's request. Each floor board she touched, full of an abundance of the magik any witch knew as enchantments.
Her lids slid shut as she relished in the newfound energy -a satisfaction deserved through this arduous task, thus far.
"Now we must find its origin… The main source will be where the door is at." Lucy stood up, turning her head down the long corridor.
Erza followed, lulling over the new information. "We don't have the time to search every single floorboard."
"I know. Hence why I need to ask one more question." Erza was alert, more than willing to answer. Lucy's jaw tightened, going lax as she spoke quickly. "I need to know where Headmistress Belserion would put the door. Only you would know."
The strings had most definitely been pulled as Erza felt herself close off. Lucy's brown eyes widening to observe her as an owl -all knowing. "That's what I thought. Don't worry, I'm not one to tell."
Or pry, she thought. She slid her foot against the floor, the mysterious energy seeping into the soles of her feet. The power familiar, harsh -just as the wiles of her own mother. With her fortitude of stone and sheer isolation, it was hard to believe that Irene would have wanted a child in the first place. But here she was, taken back in for her mother's own desires. Whether they be selfish or instinctive, Erza had hardly known.
"We're not close…" The whispers of her classmates speculations filtering through her mind. Questions never coming through for the simple fact of the Headmistresses wrath. The witch never taking kindly to rumors of any sort.
"You're closer to her than the rest of the school's populus. Just think about it Erza. Where would the Headmistress hide the door?" Lucy's voice was held above the smallest of whispers, encouraging her. The blonde pushing her up on her own pillar.
Erza directed her attention down the hall, a stony figure calling for her. It was the woman of justice, scales held within the wraps of her hands. The blade of her sword glistening with specks of marble, the gold that lined the pedestal she sat upon hardly visible.
Justice was one of the foundations of this school. One of the most important things to Irene Belserion as she sought out the miscreants within their populus. Erza nodded toward the statue, triumph lining her words. "Right there, Lucy. She's protecting it."
They both proceeded down the hallway. The protection that lay near the stony woman, filtering about their steps. It grew as they neared; a sickly captivation over the two of them. Now they just had to sift through the inner workings of the spell.
Lucy had been kneeling in front of the statue for about five minutes. Erza holding her hand over the ancient symbols so that her eyes may see. There was two things they had discovered: one, the door was most definitely here -the energy they had identified as enchantment (and Irene's) pouring from the ground and Lady Justice herself. Two, this was going to require much more time to hack than Erza would have preferred.
She let out a huff, the pink silk of Lucy's night shirt pulled taut. "I'm going as fast as possible, Erza. The wording of the enchantment is odd and I can't switch it around so mindlessly. Unless you want a consequence."
The blonde was dignant as her finger brushed over the chipped scrawl. Some of the text had flowed from one place to another as Lucy worked her own magic. A small line of sweat breaking out over her forehead. Her very own magical energy being drained.
"Sorry," she grumbled. Erza made more of an effort to shine her hand over Lucy's meddlings. Only to get in the girl's way more than she had been previously.
Lucy was hyper focused on the wrought marble before her, pressing her manicured nails down on the lifted text. By now she was nearing the end of the stone's passage. She switched one more letter through the text. The small text brushing past all the others to be put at the top.
Erza did not recognize a single word as Lucy spoke. Her tone changing from one to another, eyes glowing golden as she read the new passage aloud. Erza stepped back from the flurry swirling around the girl's body, the spirits of tonight crying with a new change. The front of the stone shifting and changing mercilessly before Lucy's tongue.
The front of the statue fell with a resounding boom. A yellow yet artificial light billowing from the entrance just made. A small and square hole in which they wouldn't be able to walk through, but the passage short enough to see the entirety of the room.
Shelves upon shelves of glass jars full of living organisms and baskets billowing with plants and flowers alike. Lucy sighed with content, shaking as she looked on. Her eyes darted to Erza for a moment before laying her body onto the floor. Her face serene in the sight as her orbs were far away.
"I can only keep this open for so long. Go in and fetch what you need but bring back frankincense and aloe. Be steadfast, Erza." Lucy went limp as her eyes stayed open, the shadows dancing around her form.
The sight made Erza's guilty conscious grow but she would come back quickly. Lucy wouldn't suffer for any longer. She reeled from the brightness as she made her way through the small hole, holding her hand up from the magnificence.
There wasn't a directory of any sort as she meandered through the aisles. Each row she shited through only pushing her farther from her goal. She had found various animal ovaries, lavender, oils of various plants, even the heads of ancient peoples. There was no limit to the stock a witch or warlock may need.
She tapped against the cage of a mouse, chuckling as it scratched at its entrapment. "I'm sorry, you're not the one I'm here for. You know where I can find any eyeballs? Goat ones, preferably."
It squeaked, it's nose rising high into the air. Erza was confused as to why anyone would want to use a mangy rodent for a spell. Or any sacrificial endeavor. The things were dirty and scampered about, tarnishing whatever they thought was food. She was glad all the animals caged in The Pantry had been placed in plexiglass instead of a simple iron cage. If they had a way, they would nibble through it too.
Erza continued on her way, brushing her hand against the woven handle of a basket. She had soon found some aloe, the small leaf mingling with the broken glass in her pocket. Erza hated to admit, but she had no idea what frankincense looked like. This place lacking labels galore in order to find it. Maybe she should have paid attention in Witch's Necessities 101.
She had soon found the goats eye, reaching high for the dusty jar. The glass tipping over into her hands, as some of the formaldehyde splashed free; suffocating in the aroma of alcohol. Almost as if death were a liquid.
The beady eyes shined within the container, apathetic toward Erza's hand. The small cloth consumed in the formula as she reached for one. None of the numerous parts drifting into her hand, only slipping about the container. A small squelch erupting from one. The tissue lining her hand, viscous and murky -almost retching from her mistake. Clearly she had underestimated how hard it would be to the slitted eye.
Her hand froze in the jar as the floor beneath her thundered. Metal ringing nigh as the crackling of glass tumbled. Heavy breathing accompanied by the drag of pieces. The creatures chittering stall by stall as the steps neared her.
"Who shall I punish today?" A dark tone accompanied by the shuffling of feet. The next phrase muffled by a large crash, a knock of wood.
Through the shelves, they began to fall like dominos. Each one toppling straight for her as she stood in an incapacitated state. The fear of the night overwhelming her so.
Her hand held the jar to her stomach dashing down the aisle; sliding as the shelf beside her creaked. Jars fell and shattered, leaving the remnants of the goodies left inside. All pooled in the acidic bath of embalming juice and oils.
Erza screeched as an iron disc flew by her head, a chuckle coming down the crooked lane. "Found you."
She quickly pocketed the slimy orb, making it lie within her breast pocket. She scrambled backwards, tripping in her attempt to stand -blind to her new opponent. Erza stood in the middle of the room, the small crook in the wall beginning to close.
Her heart palpated as she looked for the last item. There was no way she could leave without it, she needed it. Lucy needed it. The frustration bubbled in her throat, scanning the ground for any leaf or plant. All the colors blending into one as she frantically scanned the ground.
A small sheath of silver flasheshed from the heavens. Too late she realized it was a sword, the blade arching down for her. She backed away, the frustration freed as a cry of pain. Her shoulder hot and flamed.
One foot locking with another, gravity pulling her back to the ground. Her vision blurred, the stone slab in the wall shutting.
Before her stood the same beautiful marble statue that Lucy had tampered with. The thin stone lips sharp as they quirked to the side. The blade dripping with a dark coat of red, tainting the white floor. Her scales missing one of the sides, the balance offset.
"There will be no mercy for intruders, especially you. Scarlet." The voice was too deep for a woman's, poisoned with wrath. And yet wrought with guilt. Her head bowed, her blindfold poised in Erza's direction.
The short sword was angled right above her. One hand holding the weapon, small fissures braking in her hands as she wavered. The blade dove straight for her heart but she wasn't so motionless.
She barreled toward the door. Speeding on her hands and knees to the closing slab, reaching aimlessly. In pain and in distress, she cried out once more. "One more second!"
The door still closed, feet clambering behind her. She didn't dare look behind. Another bronze disk winding past her head. "Lucy!"
Erza dipped her head low, the breeze of the academy calling for her. She wiggled under the stopped door, pulling herself against the floor.
An unnatural hand latched onto her ankle, yanking harshly. Another screech was unleashed as she kicked back, her sole smashing against brittle stone. Her hands pasted against the floor as she was pulled back once more into oblivion. The stone beginning to press into the back of her thighs.
Familiar dark tresses were a curtain and long pale arms wrapped around her own. Dark orbs full of disappointment as she was saved from the woman of justice.
Erza seethed as a special ointment was applied to her shoulder. Not only had she ruined her only uniform but there was no frankincense to be had.
"I told you this was foolish," Kagura's voice held in a monotone fashion. She wrapped her shoulder tightly, her blazer and button down set on the floor.
Her face was red as Kagura finished wrapping the bandages around her bosom. "You weren't supposed to get involved."
She only shook her head, throwing her soiled clothes into the garbage can. Erza opened her mouth in protest, "You will not soil those wraps with dirty garments."
Erza huffed, standing from the bench. Lucy was conscious but lost. Kagura had tended to the girl far before Erza had returned from The Pantry. The inflamed ring around her wrist disappeared, returning to the smooth skin before.
"Then give me your jacket," Erza demanded. She stood from the bench with her hands on her hips. Her stomach taut in the cool hall. She dove back into the trash can for one reason only -the slimy yellow goat's eye; surprised that it hadn't been squashed like the other.
Kagura's eyes rolled as she shrugged out of her own school uniform. "Ungrateful," she muttered.
Erza caught the blazer with ease, buttoning it up. "Don't think I'm not thankful…" Lady Justice's voice boomed in her ears, still making her unsteady. "I am… I just- You two weren't supposed to be here. And look at the mess you two will be thrown into."
"There won't be as long as you summon that demon," Lucy interjected. Kagura's hand forming into a small fist as the blonde continued. "Even the Mistress isn't capable of summoning one, there won't be any consequences if you do. There will be praise instead."
"Or expulsion," Kagura drawled.
Lucy pet Kagura on the head, already on her way for the stairwell. "You never know then but we must go. The witching hour is upon us."
The two were on the opposite side of the coin but Erza couldn't help but agree. What type of mess had she gotten herself into?
They had made it back to the third floor without a single stop. Well, Lucy did stop to take a small bathroom break. The idea to powder her nose in the middle of the night seemed senseless to them, but neither said a word. Their friend looking much better once she exited the east hall girls bathroom, her pink pajamas straightened and her hair much more neatly combed through. A new fire set as she found herself once more.
Kagura had happily picked the door open and then locked it shut. A small grin set upon her lips the entire time. Even during the time they spent setting up the redstone pentagram. And even as the three of them gathered and readied their ingredients.
They set up each of the elements at the five points. An lamp of oil alight, saltened water, a feather of a raven, and a blue sapphire. The top point of the star holding her small burlap doll.
She walked round the circumference taking a thoughtful look to everything -even down to the smallest details. Her toe prodding at the powder that has settled deep within the crevices of the floorboards. Erza looked between the two girls, nodding.
"Get ready… The hour is nearing."
Kagura grumbled once more as she stood at the point of the earth. "I never said I would participate in your silly charade."
"And yet you set up a perfect star," she shot back.
Kagura paused and she felt victorious. Though she feared for her friend's safety, the three of them would be the most powerful together. She wouldn't take this accomplishment for herself if the spell succeeded. They would all bask in glory.
Erza stalked to the center of the circle, unfolding the small handkerchief. She handled the eye with the utmost care as she placed it in the middle of the circle. Even more cautious as to not disturb the maroon lines. Even the fine powder could not be misplaced for this ceremony. Perfection was key.
She stood at the highest point -life. Erza bowed her head toward Lucy and then Kagura, raising her palms face down to begin the proper incantations. A small silver blade settled in the band of her skirt. The metal chilling against the front of her hips, ready to jump out.
The match in the blonde's hand set alight as she kneeled down. She quickly set the lamp ablaze, a small flame rising from the nozzle. The copper tray a dizzying sight as the flame lifted higher, those passing already doing their work.
She closed her eyes for a moment, taking a synchronous breath with her roommates. One of her hands dropped as the other lifted, spreading her fingers wide. She could feel her own magic mingle with the warm essence of Lucy's and the mysterious strings of Kagura's, pinching her brows together as she searched for the beginning of the incantation. The words lost to her as those of Hallows Eve, rumbled with excitement around them.
Erza's muscles slowly began to bunch up. A presence like no other filling the room and her mouth opened. Her eyelids popping open to the bright glow of the pentagram. A blood red filling her vision as they brushed the cusp of Tartaros. Her voice low as she chanted on, thanking Zeref for his merciful grace and the powers bestowed upon the three.
A prayer of the thoughts and musings running about their minds. A flash of a sharp smile and everything went dark. The room a deep abyss of negative thought but she still held on, holding out her palm further -closer to the middle. Her fingers stretching to reach the presence that sat in the center of their star.
Zeref had delivered.
Now it was her turn to fulfill the bargain. Her mind racked with the spell, her tongue moving with ease. She flicked her palm upward, the star flaring brightly with red. The largest line crossing over the threshold of three.
On this Hallow's Eve, I deliver thy
Zeref's creation and servant
Come forth unto me deimon with the binding of scarlet!
In one quick motion, she presented her blade. Metallic glinting across the black walls; swirling with the deep hues of crimson to make pink. Another movement across her scarred palm. It burned. Drops of mars falling down onto the sad little doll.
The seconds ticked by. She fisted her palm, the red running from the wrinkles in her hand. She felt a sense of euphoria washing over her, dazed in her stance. A fog lifting until she stared deep into the depths of dark and mirthy pools of blue and porcelain skin.
Her breath fell short as a woman lain within the pentagon of the star. She was nimble and voluptuous. Her curves outlined in the skin-tight dress she donned. Lips plump with shined gold, accented by her silver hair. The waves proceeding down and down, laying atop her bottom.
Had she summoned a queen instead? Erza stared in awe, much like her roommates.
The demoness blinked, observing each of them. Her gaze merely flicking over Erza's appearance. Maybe she should have dressed up a bit more, made her face and had her hair done. Her heart fluttering in a way she hadn't known possible.
A long pink tongue swiped over her lips, curving over her angel's bow. "And which one of you is my treat?"
Lucy's jaw dropped and Erza only reciprocated her feelings. She stood up straight, clearing her throat. "I'm afraid there's no 'treats'. You will not be eating any humans or witches during your stay."
A small pout flounced over her painted lips. Her long legs peaking from the slit as she sauntered over to Erza. Her breath felt strangled in her throat as she neared, the frown turning around -a dangerous curve leering. The blue glinting with mischief.
Her hand was a blur as it wrapped around her wrist. "I think you'll be my treat on this fine day."
She winked and Erza froze as her bloodied hand was brought to her mouth. Grinning before her tongue slipped out once more. The pink muscle curving over the fine line in her palm; pressing flat against it. A sultrous moan rumbling from the demon's throat. Next thing she knew, those golden lips were pressed against her palming. Gently sucking against the wound she made.
Erza bit her lip. A small whimper emitting from her mouth as she pulled away. The demon's mouth encased with red as she let out a small sigh.
"And Zeref let you be my master?" She merely nodded, wishing that she would take her back into her hand -no, be wrapped in her embrace. The woman before her bursting into a fit of laughter. "I'm going to have much more fun than I did last time then. Seems like you're still hurt, Mistress."
Her eyes darted to her shoulder, the blue fabric darkened by her shoulder wound. Her slim digits smoothing over the fabric sending an involuntary shiver through her. But the moment was stolen by Kagura. "And who may you be?"
The demon was obviously offended, swirling around aggressively. Her hand held over her heart, batting her long lashes. "And who am I you ask?"
Her nod was dismissive. The demon continuing on her small rampage. "To some, I am the Mother of the Darkness itself. Others I am known as Zeref's concubine, mistress. The one who took a bite from the forbidden fruit -lead men astray from the righteous path."
Once again they were all thrown into awe. The demoness standing straight with pride, hands settled on the swell her hips. A small smirk settled on her lips as Kagura bowed her head in a form of apology.
"I am Mirajane -Zeref's first creation."
And with that, she left in a dark portal. A small paper left on the ground.
-I'll fix you later. (Love Mira)
The golden lips plastered onto the paper. If this night was good, the morning would be glorious. Erza looked between her two friends, a wide smile on her face. Unnoticing her healed injury and the missing scar.
They retreated to their room for the rest of the morning. A hard knock on the door throwing the three from their slumber.
Depending on the response I receive, I may continue this. 
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arkus-rhapsode · 6 years
Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Chapter 16
Well, this was a surprise. I can officially say that after reading thins, the Dragon Eaters are better final villain group than the Spriggans.
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Our cover page is Laxus emitting Lighting. Cool.
So we open on the climax of the last chapter’s fight, with Wendy’s top burned off thanks to the intense flames.
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Hi Lucy, would’ve been real great to have had your help!
Anyway, Lucy summons Gemini of all spirits to get Wendy clothing from the celestial spirit realm. I have to ask, why Gemini? You’re still in the virgo outfit, you’d think this be more her thing on account of Virgo being the one who originally gave up clothing.
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Gonna agree with Carla here. What even is that outfit? Some gothic lolita thing, but it’s got these diamond patterns for the sole purpose of showing off her naval.
Oh and Gray is here too. Its sad that the guy who throughout the story was the most fashionable is still in his trunks.
Gray lands and gives his one liner, but Skullion with just a word tells Madmorl to stand up and he does.
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So I’m gonna give credit here to Hiro, who I think realized last chapter that Natsu’s use of fire dragon king K.O-ing Madmorl in this fight when he had already shown Madmorl taking a fire dragon king fist like its nothing, seems to show Madmorl as being able to withstand it. Though they do imply that Madmorl is not in the condition to fight later in the chapter.
Now in my defense of my rant last week, I still stand by what I said about Madmorl’s high defense shouldn’t have taken any damage last fight, especially after watching his endure Natsu’s fire dragon king’s demolition fist. However, if we go by the theory that the armor dragon is a variation of metal like iron, then that means like iron, Madmorl’s armor it can be heated up and he is not fully in a metal form like Gajeel’s scales so its possible that Madmorl’s fleshy bits got burned regardless of his resistant armor.
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We cut to Erza and Kyria and we see the ship melting and Erza has re-quipped into her Flame Empress armor. Not gonna lie, when I saw that, I got a nostalgia trip. Seriously, I was really happy to see the armor again, not only cause of time, but because Erza is finally using what her actual magic is, ARMOR!
However, in terms of clothing Kyria seems to be losing hers thanks to the heat. Seems like only the women’s clothing is being affected, while Skullion’s outfit is just doing peachy-keen. 
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Hey umm, why didn’t you eat Natsu and Wendy yet? Kyria said she was keeping them alive to appease her pet Erza, but for a group that hunts dragons you think Skullion and Madmorl wouldn’t put up with that, and eat them regardless of what Kyria wanted. It is possible that they can only eat them in a certain place, as I keep going back to, Skullion mentioned this “dinner table” and I thought that be important.
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So I hope that salamander your referring to is your attack, Erza, cause Natsu did jack-shit to effect your fight. It’s not like in this melting environment Kyria slipped and you capitalized on it. Maybe she’s referring to when Kyria leaves this battlefield and thinks the dragon slayers could finish the job? I’m pretty sure its not because Erza seemingly handled Kyria just fine.
Also here’s where I got to bust out the nitpicking, so the attack is fire based and that makes sense, since the flame empress armor comes with a sword that can use fire. But she’s not using that sword, she’s using Belserion the dragon slaying sword. Now we know Erza can mix and match weapons and armors as with her with Ajeel where she had the wind god armor, the wind god sword, and the sea empress sword. But the thing is, the wind god sword emitted wind because it was the wind god sword, but Belserion is not a fire sword yet it is emitting fire.
Now you could say its the armor, but its not. The armor is basically a separate entity as is can be alternated with different weapons. This means that Flame Empress armor still has the same ability as always, it resists fire. But instead of dual wielding her flame empress sword, she’s using her belserion. Why? Belserion is enchanted with the Sage Dragon Magic which doesn’t seem to have anything to do with fire.
The only thing I could think of is that maybe this means that sage dragon slaying magic is like enchantment and it basically allows you to enchant any other magic into it like Irene did with Deus Sema. That’s likely what the case was, but it’s still hideously broken. Seriously that sword is basically anything with that skill. Or maybe I’m over thinking this and the simple answer is, it looks cool.
Though we see Kyria live through this attack which I have to ask why does she need slaying magic? Cause non-slayers can hurt and almost kill slayers. I mean look at Tartaros, Torafuzar was beating Gajeel’s body into, Jiemma was blowing up Sting and Rogue. Back on Tenrou, Bluenote squashed Natsu. I mean, Dragon slayers aren’t really like dragons if you get what I’m saying. They can still be beaten by non dragon magic.
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We cut to the top of the ship where we get a stare down. However, Skullion decides to start a chat about the Water God when Natsu says thy’ll handle it. Skullion wonders if they’ll kill him and says its no different than eating them.
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With the loss of the Water dragon god’s power, there is no point in eating him and given their current standing Skullion actually acts smart and actually retreats. While also likely threatening the other dragon gods as they are dragon eaters.
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So they leave saying they have more Dragon Eaters though Im not sure why everyone is so surprised. They have 4 dragon slayers at their guild and these guys were just 3 with none confirmed as the master. I guess they’re referring to power, but the only people who can’t keep up with the dragon eaters are Lucy, Happy, and Carla because they’re the weakest.
That said, the fact Kyria and Madmorl after taking these big shots are still moving, actually shows them as being a threat. Like I said this at the beginning but these guys are honestly better than the spriggans. Mainly cause they weren’t hyped as being on the level of the number 1 wizard saint, actually can withstand a confrontation with FT, and actually win a fight against them. It also helps that we can be gradually introduced to them instead of giving them a set number.
So Skullion infinity war teleports away leaving their ship.
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Did everyone just have a brain fart? We just had Natsu produce a flame so hot that it burned off people in the near by vicinity’s clothing. What are ships usually made out of folks? Wood. And what did we see happen to the ship as an effect of Natsu’s fire form the last chapter, it melting. So what happens when wood burns? It turns to ash and charcoal!
I get the idea, but talk about poor use of a plot point here.
Also Gray says no maker magic is that precise, I’m guessing what he means is how it looks like wood without resembling ash at all. Because Gray and Lyon made a ship out of ice with their maker magic. Also no one has brought up the idea that maybe Skullion, who can teleport away in Ash, just ash teleported his ship? Guess the obvious questions aren’t being asked today.
If this was just supposed to be a joke by Erza I get that, but man this just feels so out of place.
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We cut back to the Water Dragon’s temple where his usless assiatant is watching over him. And before anyone calls that mean, this bitch has contributed nothing to the plot, didn’t even raise a finger to protect the water god, and got mad at the people who actually tried to protect him. I guess you could say as his adoptive daughter, she was acting on her emotions. But she left and barely said a word or gave her prospective when the Water dragon god was explaining everything.
Anyway something has apparently arrive and we end with this image.
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Does the water god have to choke a bitch? Yeah we know he isn’t going to harm her.
Post chapter follow up: You know, for all my nitpicking, I actually like this chapter. It makes the villains seem more competent, it tries to fix my issues with last chapter, and its honestly trying to make build up for villains which is something only Zeref really got.
My main negatives are mainly minor. Usually any character acting questionable or the ability of magic being inconsistent. But at this point, I will take my victories where I can get them. Madmorl wasn’t beaten by something we know he can survive. Good. Erza’s sword continues to not make sense, but god damn it was nice to actually see her use a goddamn armor this sequel.
Also shout out to the pacing, for balancing a good amount of action and plot. It did help it was trying to tie up loose ends. This is honestly the first time in a while that I’m actually interested in what’s actually happening in the quest part of the 100 years quest.
Final Verdict: 7/10
Villains Might not be deep, but they are competent
Good pacing
Got me excited for the dragon god plot
Questionable inconsistencies
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saltwukong · 6 years
What bad messages, writing conventions, and tropes do you think MKG are taking from their "anime homework" , I'm curious now.
I will grant that on making that remark, I can’t be sure if they do still do said homework, but if they are, here are some things I’ve noticed line up with a lot of problems that bother me in anime.  I can cite examples from the last three animes I’ve slogged through–Fairy Tail, Attack on Titan, Bleach. I’ve located three “anime problems”:
“Reactionary heroes”.
Ideally, your heroes should have a goal in mind that prevents them from simply settling down into non-activity once the latest arc ends. Ichigo from “Bleach” is pretty fairly criticized for being a reactive protagonist, in that his biggest goal is “protect my friends” which requires an external threat to menace them in the first place. Attack on Titan tended not to have this problem, even if it had misattribution (most fans cited Erwin’s greatest goal as getting to the basement, but that should really be Eren’s goal above anyone else’s) so we’ll skip it. Fairy Tail had this problem in spades, and every arc is pretty much just one more display of “hey, let’s watch a group of Evil Bad Villains Decide To Fuck With Fairy Tail”. 
Revenge is a popular motivator. Yeah, it requires someone’s actions against the protagonist, but you can spin it so many ways that it can easily carry an entire narrative. Revenge is one of the motivators of AoT, and is one of the motivators for RWBY–or at least it was.
Ruby’s and Jaune’s quests for revenge on Cinder are now null. Not only has that goal been overshadowed by the larger goal of “find the relics”, but the relic quest is reactive. They wouldn’t be looking for them at all if Salem’s company weren’t after them, and thus the goals of revenge have been put on hold, especially now that Cinder is temporarily out of the picture. Even if Cinder comes back, there are four relics to find, and they’ve only gotten one after five volumes. This reactive goal is going to carry RWBY through at least another three volumes. Anything personal on the part of our heroes is indefinitely on hold.
This sort of problem is the one heard in grumbles and murmurs throughout several anime fandoms, never quite reaching the proportions that call for subversions, but always there like a bad itch that keeps coming back.
You have a group of villains. Generally, they’re bad people, and do bad things, sometimes evil things that can’t be forgiven. Except, of course, any woman that happens to be among them. A woman will be absolved of her crimes provided she never bothers the heroes again (and some times in spite of how much she bothers the heroes) seemingly because she is in possession of a vagina. It doesn’t really matter if the woman’s crimes were as bad (or in some cases, worse) than that of their male compatriots’, she’s good now and everyone just better get used to that fact.
In some cases, this is noticeable, but not terribly done (Bleach, for example–Tier Harribel and her all-female Fraccion are spared due to their general pacifism and good nature, while equally pacifistic men like Starrk are killed), so it just ends up a tad annoying. In other cases (Fairy Tail, to use an infinitely worse example), women are often the ones who commit the heinous, utterly unforgivable acts over their male allies, yet are redeemed, dragged kicking and screaming onto the side of good whether they really deserve it or not (Ultear Milkovich, Meredy Milkovich, Flare Corona and Minerva). In another case (Irene Belserion), the woman was utterly sadistic and needlessly cruel, yet ends her life as a motherly figure who can’t bear to kill Erza, and so kills herself instead to take it out of the heroes’ hands. Brandish Mu and Dimaria Yesta similarly are spared and leave the war alive of their own accord. In nearly all cases, the males in their respective groups are made out to be unrepentantly evil, killed, or both. Mashima has a very clear problem with letting women be evil, presumably because it doesn’t fit his fantasies.
I won’t sling such harsh mud on Rooster Teeth, but the fact remains that they’ve yet again fulfilled a piss-poor redemption for a woman with no real effort or repentence despite her serious crimes, yet her male White Fang allies are painted with the black and white brush of evil. This is of course Ilia Amitola I’m talking about. Her confirmed actions include attacking Blake, attacking Sun and nearly killing him, assaulting and attempting to kidnap Blake, and attacking the Belladonna house and attempting to murder Blake’s parents unprovoked. Her unconfirmed actions include participation in the White Fang’s attack on Beacon, which resulted in all of Vale being lost to the Grimm. But five minutes after she’s defeated, hey, Blake just blatantly forgives her. 
But…but she didn’t want to attack Blake’s parents!
Fennec and Corsac didn’t want to either, but did so because they were ordered to. Fennec is actually the one to voice his hesitance the greatest, yet he is the one who dies as is deserved.
“Fight Reduction”
We’re doing this one last, because I know everyone and their mom is tired of me yammering on about it.
If I were to count how many times I had been cheated out of a fight scene because A) it was skipped or B) a fighter was suddenly far inferior to the hype they’d been built for, I’d be here all damn day.Fairy Tail (like every arc, sometimes more than once), Attack on Titan (Levi vs. Female Titan and Beast Titan), Bleach (literally every fight Ichigo, Kenpachi, or Byakuya are involved in). The most obvious reasons are 1) laziness, 2) favoritism, 3) having written oneself into a corner and 4) any combination of the first 3.
Yeah, I know for RWBY, I’ve harped on and on and on and on and on and on and on about this, but it’s been happening more frequently lately. For certain characters (SSSN, I’d say) it’s favoritism–or perhaps the opposite. I can only think someone on the writing staff dislikes them. But then take Volumes 4 and 5–we skip: 
Sun’s involvement in the debut of Ilia. 
Yuma’s skirmish with Kali
Blake and Sun vs. Adam
The finale with Hazel, Emerald, and Mercury.
With those last two in particular, I’d like to draw back on fights in Bleach and AoT in particular. In Attack on Titan, we’re hyped up for literal months of our lives about what a big deal the Beast Titan is. He beats Reiner (offscreen, so that we’re left asking how the hell that even happens) to a pulp without trying, and Reiner himself calls him someone without equal on the heroes’ side. Specifically, Isayama ends up pushing us to think that the Beast Titan and Levi are going to have a badass fight, and that Levi might’ve finally found his match. So what happens when they finally fight?
Levi decimates him in the span of two panels. Levi moves at speeds that are beyond physically impossible (yes, even for this setting). The Beast Titan goes down with embarrassing ease and we all feel betrayed (except Levi’s fanboys). Roughly the same thing happens later with the heroes. The Beast Titan in fact ends up calling Levi a monster. This example packs all three reasons: laziness, favoritism, and writing into a corner. But saddest of all, we can only shake our heads, because apparently the Beast Titan wasn’t at all as scary as he was hyped up to be, was he? Despite evidence to the contrary?
The Beast Titan is Adam and Yuma. Miles and Kerry didn’t want to write big badass fight scenes, they wanted the White Fang plot over. They didn’t want to pay animators to deliver a big badass scene, so they tried to play it off. The realization was that they’d written themselves into a corner. Adam as is would still annihilate Blake in single combat and Sun probably wouldn’t be that much help. So what they did instead is try to play Adam off as a paper tiger–someone who was only really terrifying because Blake was afraid of him. 
Which isn’t how it works. We’ve already seen very physical evidence that Adam is a walking bloodbath, someone far above her level. You may also notice how both of these wins were “hero beating villain”. And the common reason for that, I suspect, is that creators think (quite incorrectly) that if it’s the heroes curb-stomping the villains, it’ll soften the blow. We should be happy, right? After all, the heroes are the ones we’re rooting for. We should want them to win and triumph, right? They rely on that idea to get away with cheating their audience out of what has already been established when they don’t want to provide.
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natsubeatsrock · 4 years
The Rewrite of Fairy Tail: Part 23 (Irene)
What's wrong with Irene?
I like to imagine that many of the questions I ask in his series are questions people have or do ask regarding Fairy Tail. For stuff like "what was the point of the series" or "what was [insert character here]'s arc", that's obvious. This is one I'm all too familiar with hearing and asking. When I started thinking through how to rework Fairy Tail years ago, Irene was considered a necessary evil I had to contend with.
Though, now that the series is over and I've had time to sit with Irene, I don't have as many issues with her. To be clear, Irene is a character whom I have issues with on a few levels. However, I don't have as many issues with Irene as I have in the past. Much of that is because I'm able to step back and see the big picture of Fairy Tail and how Irene can fit in it. Though some of it has to do with some issues with Irene being ironed out since the first time I've seen the events. At any rate, it's worth going through the stuff we know about Irene in broad strokes and how I’m changing her.
You know the drill. Sections: before the Dragon Seed, after the Dragon Seed, and during the Alvarez Empire arc.
I've talked a bit about this, but I want Irene to be a teacher at the Mildian Academy for some time. Her tenure should be sometime after Zeref and before the Dragon Seeds are discovered. Her particular focus is research on the application of enchantment magic, which she became enamored by after seeing a simple demonstration of how it works.
If you can't tell, this is not what her backstory is in canon. In canon, she's the queen of Dragnof who happens to be an expert in enchantment magic. She's the one who shows off enchantment magic to others? Why do I want to make these drastic changes?
No offense to royalty, but I think that her position as "mother of Dragon Slayers" makes more sense as coming from a study she's actively involved in regarding a field of her expertise. I also want to connect her to the Mildian Academy as the hotbed for several other issues involving magic for the series around this time. I don't think she couldn't commission a similar set of research as queen, but I'd rather have her be leading it.
To be clear, this doesn't mean I'm throwing out other things pertinent to Irene's backstory before she has the Dragon Seed take place. She still does demonstrations for the kingdom members, but it's as a member of the Academy. She still is friends with Belserion and who is the dragon whose powers she gains. She even ends up as a queen, gets married, and has Erza before the effects of the Dragon Seed take place. 
The difference is that these happen after the work regarding Dragon Slaying magic is done. Irene is a teacher despite being a royal but her husband is the one eligible for the throne. As I also hinted at earlier, she might be pulled away from her position reluctantly. I'm not sure if that's at least partially why there is the Dragon Seed epidemic. However, she does try to fix it before she is found out to have it and is captured before she can do anything about it. Before she gets captured, she magically prevents herself from having Erza and sends her research to a former colleague.
That, as you could probably guess, is Anna Heartfilia. As I said before, Irene and Anna will only spend a few years together, but they do grow close enough that she would trust her with the information to help figure out. Of course, this ends up helping with the Eclipse Project that gives us five of the main dragon slayers.
As for Erza, the canon explanation for the situation is that Irene is consistently using some of her magic power to prevent Erza from growing in her. To be honest, I could see this as a potential thing if it were for a few years. It's a stretch for me to say it's reasonable that she kept this up to for close to four centuries. My fix is that it's an enchantment Irene has to break on her own. This puts less of a strain on the situation, even though her not thinking about Erza is still a stretch. For what it's worth, Irene doesn't really think about Erza until she needs her for her body. (More on this to come.)
After Irene is found to have the Dragon Seed, her life is effectively ruined. The school she loved is closed. Her life's work, including her crowning achievement of Dragon Slayer magic, is discredited. And she's going to die, either at the hands of her own people or another dragon slayer. However, the real breaking point for Irene is the news of Belserion dying. I want this to be the trigger for Irene becoming a dragon, similar to how Acnologia seeing his village attacked triggered his transformation.
Speaking of which, I mentioned that he spends part of his spare time killing off the dragons and dragon slayers. At the same time, Irene spends hers working on readjusting her abilities to enchant with her new body and working on new enchantments. That makes it sound as though she does one after the other. As she works to have a more human form, she tries to attune her magic abilities to her post-Dragon Seed body. As in the original, the differences between the two, especially in eating, drive her to insanity. However, after the plan with Erza fails, she refocuses on enchantment work, developing stuff like the Universe One spell.
This, of course, leads to a big issue with Irene. In canon, we learn that the ultimate reason behind Irene's decision not to go through with the plan is because she loved Erza. That wouldn't be a big deal in a vacuum. However, this comes after knowing she left her in Rosemary Village and a fight started by the declaration not even caring about her. Even if you want to argue that she's bluffing, Erza doesn't really consider her as a parent. While I could change this to emphasize the fact that she does care about Erza, it wouldn't matter on Erza's part.
Instead, I want to double down on the idea that Irene doesn't care about Erza. Not only can't she make the body swap between her and Erza work, she learns it might be better to be in her own body. (At least, until she meets Wendy.) And why care for Erza in the first place? After all, she serves as a sign of the life she resented and wanted to escape. It makes sense that she'd want nothing to do with her.
To be honest, there's not much I have to say about when she's around and active during the Alvarez Empire arc. I would have introduced her as an enchantress as primary magic, but the anime takes care of that in her fight with Acnologia. While I could talk about the fight between her and Erza and the changes I'd make to it, including its infamous ending, I want to address one more issue - will Irene come to love Erza? Not necessarily in the same way she does in the original.
What should be noted is that Irene's fate is at least somewhat tragic. If she wasn't married or imprisoned, she likely could have been able to solve the Dragon Seed dilemma, even before it was an issue. She didn't ask to be married, or queen, or pregnant. We only have so much time with her, but I don't want a sense of that to be lost on readers.
Introduction | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18  | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22
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