#[On the Wings of Freedom] Eva Barrett; Aesthetics
vixlenxe · 2 years
Create your Muse’s Pokémon Teams
Violent Violet
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Diao Chan
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Ivy Quenderlain
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Tiffanie Quenderlain
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Yuki Sato
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Tagged By: @frznkingdom​
Tagging: Whoever loves Pokemon
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vixlenxe · 2 years
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Face of a woman who would gladly give up her own life, if it meant the rest of the world was granted 10 more years of theirs.
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vixlenxe · 2 years
What Type of ‘I Love You’, Are You?
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i love you and i wish you knew just how much
the pining, the aching, the wishing, and hoping; it's what you whisper to yourself under the cover of darkness as you fall asleep thinking of them. it's the text you've typed out and deleted before sending at least a dozen times. it's the countless pictures of them you have of them on your phone, the home screen image of their smile that you know will give you away the next time they jokingly swipe your phone. it sits restless and suffocating at the back of your throat. rip dude, i know how that is.
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the confession
when you say "i love you," it carries the whole weight of your heart. it feels like closing your eyes and stepping off a cliff. maybe you've been planning to tell them for days now, or maybe it's just slipped out without you realizing, either way, it was inevitable. it's relief and dread all at once, it's mortifying yet hopeful. the words hang heavy and suspended in the air, thick enough to choke on, a brief and perilous moment against the mortal pull of gravity.
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love you!
it's the "i love you" we use every time we finish up a call with our mom, every time we want to offer our friends a bit of encouragement, the welcome home kiss on the cheek we give our lover every day. it's sending them pictures you know they'll laugh at, buying them strange little nothings that you know they'll like. it's having their bagel order memorized and setting their birthday as your password. somehow, their name weaves its way into almost every funny story you share with others. it's brief, casual, it's a habit. we aren't even aware we do it. it says that love is cradled lightly in your heart, generously given, spilling out into the world unbeknownst to you, making up the web of delicate threads that hold us all together.
Tagged by - @interwovenrhapsody :D
Tagging - @akumanoken, @fckin-bubbles-multi, @the-expatriate, @frznkingdom​, & whoever wants to do the quiz!
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vixlenxe · 3 years
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A bean.
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vixlenxe · 3 years
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Black Rook
You are the Black Rook. As a piece that can move inwards and outwards, you're a master of self-reflection. Being the black piece, you hide an inner beast within you. Perhaps you're one to rush headfirst into trouble, was it for a friend's sake? Or your own? Are you the overprotective type? Did you know your grip was that tight around someone's neck? For all your protectiveness and deliberate planning, you can't wash the blood off your hands that easily.
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White Pawn
You are a white pawn. Don't let pawn be misleading, this means you're full of potential. Being the white piece and a pawn means you can have the first move on the board. Will you make a good first impression? For all the spotlight is on you, watching you go across the board on your long journey. Will you rely on those around you for support? For a pawn, for all its love and hope, can do little by itself. Not until it reaches the other side of the board and has its full potential realized. Who will you be at the end of your journey? Only time will tell.
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Black King
You are the Black King. You are the most important piece on the board, often called the weakest. But you are not weak in terms of tradition and status. The king gives orders to others, ensures difficult tasks are done, and makes the hardest decisions. Yes, the king's movement is weak but in every other aspect, they are strong and important, for it is them that the game is fought for, to begin with. You rule with an iron fist, making the hard decisions that others won't, the only one to ever see the full picture. Be careful, my dear king, for there are reasons kings are overthrown. You know what you do is right, now you must convince your entire kingdom. Stay aware, my king.
Tagged by - SLOTEN
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vixlenxe · 3 years
Your Inner Monster
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The werewolf
The werewolf is known to be a man turning into a beast at the full moon. It symbolises your fear od turning into a monster. You're afraid of losing control over yourself, becoming something horrible, uncounciously hurting others. You need to trust yourself more, because you are a wonderful person. In fact, you are trustworthy and caring. Put more faith in yourself - you deserve it.
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The Medusa
She was once a beautiful woman, but after breaking a vow to Athena, she' a been made a monster everyone fears. You are usually afraid you won't manage to fulfill your promises and therefore people would hate you. You lack confidence and you have a inclination to pessimism, always thinking something will not let you do what you promised. To get rid of Meduza, you have to believe in yourself and others more. In yourself means you will make it, and in others - even if something happens, they won't turn their backs on you. Good luck!!!
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The witch
The witch was believed to be able to cast spells on people, thus other feared her magic. Lots of women died because they were misunderstood and feared. If your inner creature is a witch, that means people around you don't understand your feelings and motivations. You're different and struggle to fit in. I guess you are also afraid od showing your true self to people. Just be yourself. They want to make you like them, because different is scary - but remember, it's also beautiful. YOU are beautiful and magical, and never forget it.
Tagging - @tetsuwan-atom​, @sphinxsmuses​, @fxtelism​, @fckin-multi​, @akumanoken​, @frznkingdom​, @fushichonoflugel​, @graceful-cure-swan​, @x-ame-x-damnee-x​, @lachrymosestorm​ & whoever else wants to do the quiz
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vixlenxe · 3 years
What Type of Beauty do you Have?
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you're just so good at understanding people. you're not manipulative—you're someone who strives to put others at ease, and uses your understanding of others to do so. you're a great listener, make others feel seen, and remain confident throughout. people admire it.
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your discern, discretion, and carefulness leave people in awe. you have a lot of integrity, and strive for something unattainable, and you can be hard to read. people want you to have a good opinion of them.
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you're athletic, lively, and friendly. you live life with wholeheartedness, and make others feel more alive, too.
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there's an earnest sincerity to you. people find you a safe, comforting presence. you're soft in some ways, but have a strong heart.
Tagging - @tetsuwan-atom​, @the-expatriate​, @akumanoken​, @fckin-multi​, @fxtelism​, @frznkingdom​, @graceful-cure-swan/@rosecoloredmuses, @wxrk-is-never-dxne​ & whoever else wants to take the quiz.
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vixlenxe · 3 years
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Bonus Picrew
Abigail Collins, Amy Dale, Strasse Einbahn & Eva Barrett
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vixlenxe · 3 years
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Adorable baby.
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vixlenxe · 3 years
Which Primal Source Are You?
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The Sun
Your Primal Source is THE SUN! You’re a fiery spirit with unwavering courage who never backs down from a challenge. Like the radiant sun itself, you are a guiding light to others, a natural leader who inspires strength and heroism. You never hold back your opinions and are a warrior for change, tirelessly fighting to change the world for the better. This can be a double-edged sword, because while your inner fire makes you brave and true, you can be quick to heat in an argument. The eternal struggle of the Sun primal is finding the balance between warmth, light, fire, and fury.
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The Sky
Your Primal Source is THE SKY! You’re a free spirit, never bound to one thing or one place, always seeking new opportunities and new experiences. An explorer and a trailblazer, you’ll try anything once, and you’re never one to shy away from excitement or even danger. You don’t need anyone to take you under their wing or show you the way -- you’ll make your own path. The future is an open book, as simple as a shift in the breeze. While your optimism and freedom lead you on countless adventures, you can sometimes find yourself struck with indecision -- there are so many things to do and see, and so little time!
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Dark Magic
Primal Sources have their limits -- you prefer DARK MAGIC. You’re a pragmatist at heart, willing to bend or even break the rules. With creativity and ambition as your greatest strengths, you know you can achieve anything with a clever mind and the right resources. Others might describe you as volatile, but you know that you’re the most level-headed of them all, despite your frustration when things don’t go according to plan. It may mean getting your hands dirty or having others turn against you, but you’re determined to accomplish your goals, even if you have to do it alone.
Tagged by - Stole this shit
Tagging - Steal this shit
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vixlenxe · 3 years
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A bean.
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A boss bitch.
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