#[Spear of Lyria || Muse]
alfida · 4 months
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@doombringcr sent a missive ( I think for this one but I can't message you to double check. Still accepting! )
2. How loosely or strictly do they use the word 'friend'? 17. What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them? 22. What simple activity that most people do / can do that scares your character
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2. It depends on when in life you'd ask her. Human Alfida would 100% use the word very loosely. She thought everyone could be a friend, and she was confident in her charisma back then. After becoming a weapon spirit, and doubly so after the First War ended, she uses the word a lot more strictly. The standard for what she considers a friend is very high, mostly to protect herself from anyone who could die on her. During the Darkening of the Aesfyr, she has lost or been abandoned by most, if not all, of her remaining friends, so she's raised the bar even more to protect herself. She's a big softee under it all, tho.
17. Alfida rarely looks in the mirror, but when she does she notices her changed appearance first. Even millennia after her 'ascension', she still notices the glow of her eyes and slight radiance first. Following the cracking of her soul gem, she tends to notice how the left eye is now dark. If it's rare for her to look in the mirror, it's almost unheard of for most people to see her without her armor. Those who have seen it, especially in later in the timeline, will note the dark circles under her eyes, and the countless scars that line her body. Girlie is tired and hides all that behind several inches of tempered metal. She might be a demigod, but she was raised to be one, not born one.
22. That is an excellent question. Can I circle back next week and answer it? But in all seriousness ; I don't know if this necessarily fits the bill, but she is immensely... perhaps not jealous, but aware of how other people are living. How they breath, how they eat. In all the wonderful, beautiful, miraculous world she wasn't a living thing. Not to her, and not by the traditional meaning of the word. These thoughts, born from the everyday mundane activities that people can do, will do, and are doing are terrifying to her, though she'll never admit it. She deflects the fear, bottles it up within her, and seals it with the mantra she uses to seal every other sign of weakness:
„I am a weapon, and weapons cannot be weak.”
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masterhandss · 3 years
I'm curious about what you think a Hamefura-GBF crossover would look like ^^
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As a fan of both I've always created different ideas in my mind of what a GBF-Hamefura collab would be like!! I'm not really creative enough to be able to drop some fan-made collab name ideas or a full premise for the collab's plot, just some random tidbits of fun ideas I thought of.
// warning: very minor spoilers for the novels/fortune lover 2
For how Katarina and the gang gets into the world of Granblue Fantasy, I think it would be really cool if it combines something like the Shadowverse collab where they are just thrown into the world without much explanation (maybe playing it out like another Book of Desires-type thing where Katarina stumbles upon a magic tool that sends them all there) and the Love Live Muse collab where it's kinda just a dream. Not that I want Katarina to dream the entire thing, I just find it really funny how in the Manga Bonus SS, Katarina immediately figures out that she's in a dream and just plays along, which would make her nonchalance about being thrown into another world funny and make sense (for her at least). Maybe in the end it could be revealed to be a dream all along, like the Love Live and most recent Deresute collab.
For the plot itself, I'm not really good at coming up up anything new, all I can think of is making something similar to existing collabs and events qwq. It would really funny if the primal beast behind everything is one who is gluttonous, and Katarina beats them in a competition of iron stomachs (like the Priconne collab and Eating Bonanza Summer event). Or have the event story end with Katarina confronting and talking down a humanoid primal beast and charming him into surrender post-battle, something similar to how she won over Raphael (imagine how funny it would be for Keith to smack his head and sigh, as Katarina continues to charm more people, and a primal beast at that XDD).
Maybe even something like the Code Geass collab where at the same time Katarina and the gang end up in the Sky Realm, the crew is on a quest to find a criminal who is stirring trouble in an island, and that criminal had a striking resemblance to Katarina (or an FL2!Katarina). Like that other Katarina is just an illusion created by a primal beast in order to hide his identity, not really basing the image on anyone specific but just creating someone based on the perfect image of a scheming villainess lmao (and being surprised after finding out that the very girl does exist). Cue confusion from the crew and the harem, while Katarina feels both pride and fear over being called the spitting image of a villainess hgfjhsdgf.
You can even make the plot something like the GBF SideM collab + Hamefura Pirates, where the situation they are in is actually from a Fortune Lover x GBF collab (that Katarina dreams Acchan playing/was mentioned to her once in passing) that somehow (???) has ties to Katarina's fate in FL2.
And please, I would love a quick scene of everyone dining with the crew, and everyone comments on Katarina and Lyria's black hole of a stomach XDD
It would kinda be cool if Katarina had a moment where she uses Phalanx, since VOD showed us that there are shield-type spells in hamefura (canonicity is debatable though) but I guess since Nico already did that in the Love Live collab that'd be copying/too similar haha).
For the event rewards, Katarina would join your party after Chapter2 of course :DD By then she would have met the crew. The other playable characters depends on who you ask to be honest. I don't want to sound mean or anything to the fans of the girls, but when I first encountered the question, my mind immediately went the NinSwitch otome game and how all the boys are the capturable characters. Since HameFura clearly favors the Katarina + the boys in the marketing, I thought realistically that if there was a collab, the playable characters would be them. That would be 5 playable characters though, which might be a lot so I guess a good alternative is a Playable Katarina, Geordo, Keith and maybe Maria too. Combining the three girls into a single unit wouldn't be likely, I think it's more realistic to assume they would be the event summon instead (or at least have a cameo in Katarina's victory animation)
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Katarina would be a Dark SSR (sorry if that's considered as a spoilers to anyone qwq) whose attacks also inflict a partial earth damage. She would be an attack-type character with a sabre and axe specialty (axe because hoe haha). I just can't imagine her being an Earth Character unless Keith isn't playable, because then I guess she could just inflict partial dark damage via casted debuffs in order to reference FL2. She's probably mostly has attack skills that either gives buffs or increases her charge bar. Katarina would get a 5 star uncap in the next event rerun :P
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Geordo would be a Fire SSR with a sabre specialty. He's be an attack-type character who specializes in Attack/Support. Spoilers to the light novels kinda, but I imagine Geordo to have a special third skill that gives him lots of buffs but either debuffs him & kills him eventually (like Dark Jeanne) or sacrifices his HP (like Fire Yuisis) as a reference to Volume 8, where he's a bit unhinged when he's angry and will use his fire magic lethally to anyone who harms his friends.
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Keith would be an Earth SSR with a sabre and staff specialty. He would be Special character, acting as a Support/Debuffer. I imagine that he could have his own personal buff called "Earth Dolls" that get consumed each turn, and having a lot would increase the damage of his charge attack. I know the picture says katana instead of staff, I'm just too lazy to edit it again :'))
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Alan would be a Water SSR with a sabre and gun specialty (why gun? he uses a gun in the hamefura fantasy au so :DD). He'd be a balanced-type character who is an Attacker/Defender. I imagine he'd be like SSR Romeo, who is good for defense but is preferably used to deal some damage (or at least that's how I use him lmao).
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Nicol would be a Wind SSR with a sabre and bow specialty (bow because wind element :DD). He would be a defense-type character who specializes in Defense/Support. Either lands some good debuffs (Def Down, Debuff Success Boosted, Blind, Gravity and CHARM OF COURSE) or has Substitute Ally. Most likely the prior. I know that sounds like he should be a special-type character instead so I'm suggesting he should have a skill with Shield and Immune in a single package.
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I imagine the girls to be an event summon together (in my hypothetical scenario where the boys are the playable characters) where they give random buffs (like 3-6 buffs depending on the lvl and uncap). I imagine that they would have a special Call Effect with Katarina, giving her more buffs or a special buff meant just for her :DD
In the event that Maria is a playable character, she would be a Light SSR who has a staff specialty. She would be a Heal-type character who specializes in Support. Her skills could have stuff like a heal that activates for a few turns, light def-down and a def-up to name a few.
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The event SSR weapon would be a "Doom Flag" of course! It blends perfectly with the dozen other flag-looking spear weapons in the game XDD
My ideas for the SR weapon would either the "Doom Avoidance Strategy Book" which would be a Dark Melee weapon, or a smaller "Bad End Doom Flag" which would be a Fire Dagger (haha get it, because Geordo Bad End :)).
Hahaha that's all I can really think of when it comes to a collab. If you want me to talk about a Hamefura RPG AU, but with GBF classes/races then I can make a whole other post for that sjkfhdsk i've always wanted to draw/imagine the hamefura characters wearing job classes & magic from GBF!
Imagine Mary wearing the Dancer/Masquerade class outfit, Maria in the Doctor class, Alan in the Elysian class, Nicol in the Cavalier/Robin Hood class, Geordo in the Glorybringer class, Keith in the Relic Buster class (as a reference for him being a black knight in the manga bonus ss), Sophia in the Warlock/Asparas class, and Katarina in the Chrysaor/Lumberjack class!!
If anyone would like to add with more collab ideas, I would love to hear it!!!!
Anyways, thank you for the ask :DD
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alfida · 4 months
So I was doing some height comparisons, as I think that Alfida in certain verses should be taller than her regular 5'7" self. (I might even just make her taller in general? Idk I'm throwing it around)
Anyway, I just wanted to share the comparisons in height between canon Alfida (5'7"), Berserk!Alfida(8'0"), Released Berserk!Alfida(10'5"), Grunbeld(8'10"), and Released Zodd(11'4"). For posterity's sake.
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alfida · 5 months
Tag Dump / Character Based
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[Spear of Lyria || Muse]
[Alfida || In Character]
[Whispers of the Aesfyr || Mun & OoC]
[Aesfyric Decree || OoC Answer]
[Missives || Inbox]
[Another Soldier || Promo]
[A New Mission || Prompt]
[I am Alfida Spear of Lyria and I have never known these feet || Crack]
[In my repose time passes slowly || Queue]
[Memoirs of the Halberd || Drabble]
[We are not the weight of our memories || Saved]
[Let There Be Fire || Wishlist]
[Let Us Begin || Starter]
[Observations || Dashboard Commentary]
[Legend of the Sunlit Halberd || Headcanons]
[Playing Hero || Dash Games]
[A Halberd Forged from Sunlight || Art]
[In Darkness I Shall Fly Anew || Spoilers]
[Lands of the Aesfyr || Worldbuilding]
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