#[Alfida || In Character]
alfida · 4 months
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@yellowfingcr wanted a starter! (accepting)
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It was with a heavy heart that Alfida departed from Leyndell all those years ago. Disgusted by the opportunistic nature of all the people of the Lands Between, she had cut a bloody path out of the city and found a church of Marika to stay in, hidden somewhere in the Weeping Peninsula. Long ruined by the time she found it, Alfida nonetheless remained there throughout much of The Shattering; killing any who, in their madness, attempted to slay her. She was a knight of the Golden Order, and many of the dregs who passed through were nothing more than cutthroats that couldn't handle retribution.
At least, that was the case. Then Tarnished began funneling their way into the Lands Between like so much vermin. It became constant, slaying those outcasts who thought if they kept pushing their luck they would be able to best her. To her annoyance, even in her secluded corner of the world she was becoming a battleground, and there were even mausoleum soldiers walking around, protecting the cathedral. While her heart wept for them, there was a part of her that was glad; the woefully unprepared be slain by them, granting her some small measure of peace between the assaults of the stronger Tarnished.
As she was often doing, Alfida was meditating in front of the statue of Marika when she heard the din of combat from outside the walls of the cathedral. When the first soldier died, she grabbed her halberd and began to stand. By the time the second was fading away, Alfida had picked up her shield and was facing the doors. A part of her wondered if this Tarnished would let her speak ; many were simply too rude to even let her greet them.
A woman of similar height to herself wearing a yellow cloak appeared from behind the fog. Armed with a staff and a sword. It mattered little ; all Alfida sought was the peace of solitude. One Tarnished would inevitably attract more...
„Foul tarnished, why have you come? I offer no solace here ; seek your runes elsewhere, lest you face the wrath of Alfida, Halberd of the Dawn !”
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nastya-sokolova-2002 · 9 months
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Full name: Aigun Cedricovna (currently single)
Date of birth: November 18, 1944
Character: kind, smart, brave, always ready to help
Loves: her family, her friends
Don't likes: losing her family, losing her friends
Russian voice acting: Lisa Arzamasova (when Orm and Sheila were looking for Henry), Valeria Nikolaeva (after defeating Snow Queen)
English voice acting: Wendy Lee (when Orm and Sheila were looking for Henry), Isabel Furman (after defeating Snow Queen)
First appearance in Fanon: The fifth chapter in the fanfiction "SCP Foundation: The Last Pages of History" (as a story)
Last appearance in Fanon: Currently unknown
Story: Aigun was born into a pirate family to her parents Cedric and Leila. When her younger sister Irma was little, her father was carried away by the North Wind. She met Sheila and Orm when her mom and the pirates caught them. When she was alone with the prisoners, she initially threatened them, scaring only Orm, and then Sheila convinced her that she needed to save her boyfriend. After spending the night, she gives them her reindeer. Two years after defeating Snow Queen, she and her younger sister take Sheila and Henry on their pirate ship to visit Orm. When she sees that Orm is lying in front of the whole crowd, she tells him, "And they say that you had friends with you." After that, she leaves with her sister and her own friends. A little later, she and her friends receive a letter from Orm, who needs help. They swim to the Black Cliff and take Arrog and the rest of the mice with them. Later, after defeating Snow King and after her sister married Orm, on the one hand she was happy for her sister, and on the other hand it was a little hard for her that Irma left the pirate life just for Orm. After Willow's death, Aigun said goodbye to her sister when she and her husband and daughter began to leave the island.
Interesting facts: Aigun is a parody and a reference to the pirate Alfida from the 2012 "Snow Queen" franchise. Another character who has several actors in Russian or English or in two voiceovers.
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heartbot-2002-2024 · 3 months
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My new character. I ask you to love and favor him. This is son of Orbot and Heartbot and his name is Romeo
Date of birth in real life: June 27, 2024
Family: Orbot (father), Heartbot (mother), Marinette and Tikki (older sisters), Cubot (uncle), Plumbot (aunt), Eggman (grandfather), Mombot (great-grandmother), Morpho (grandfather), Cutebot (aunt), D-fekt (uncle), Cubot Prototypes (except Cutebot (uncles)), Alfida (love interest), Knuckles (future father-in-law), Sticks (future mother-in-law)
Character: half like his mom (playful, cunning, cupid, can sing and play the ukulele, cooks pastry dishes, loves romance) and half like his dad (smart, loyal to Eggman, writes memoirs)
Brief biography: Romeo was created by his parents and he grew and developed just like his older twin sisters. When he started being friends with children of Sonic and his friends, he immediately fell in love with Alfida
Interesting fact: Heartbot named him after a character from Romeo and Juliet
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dullweapons · 1 year
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DULLWEAPONS  ⸻ private  ⅋  very selective  original  character for the legend of zelda named  𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐂𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐋 , a demonic weapon who has lived through all of the hyrule's bloody history with verse for BG3 , berserk , general fantasy ⅋ more : forged  ⅋  sharpened  by  ANSEM  , 26 , he / him , est .
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𝐀 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐘 𝐈𝐍    .   .   .   the  aftermath  of  war  ,  immortality  ,  fate  ⅋  it’s  cycles  ,  the  indomitable  human  spirit  vs  the  indifferent  cruelty  of  the  universe  ,  learning  to  love  again  ,  continuing  on  ,  doing  evil  for  good  reasons  ,  𝐭𝐡𝐞  𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫  𝐲𝐨𝐮  𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝  ,  the  outsider  looking  in .
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google sites . playlist . moodboard . promo . about tag . art tag
𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐆 𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐋   .   .   . @livingecho , @tower0fhera ( side blog ) 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 … @uneasedregrets , @legacyshero , @alfida like my art ? commission me here !
random activity due to health issues ‼️
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ecofinisher · 1 year
Gerda headcanons
I don't remember, when and why I wrote that, so I'm posting them, so I can erase it from my file.
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Gerda learned to be a tough girl at the orphanage.
Gerda defended the weak and the weird ones.
Gerda found Luta as a cub out on the snow.
Gerda was treated like trash by the housemaster.
Gerda still was sympathetic with foreigners, despite their behavior.
Gerda believes in the good of everybody.
Luta made Gerda’s life more tolerable.
Gerda was interested in the new boy Kai, cause he reminded her of her younger brother. (Maybe, because it was 😀)
Along with Alfida Gerda would stand up for Kai to defend his art skills.
Gerda once suggested Kai to paint for cash, but he didn’t like that idea.
Gerda and Kai escaped the orphanage, cause both couldn’t take it to life there.
Gerda made plans on how both would survive together. The most recent idea was telling their stories to school kids for money.
Gerda’s favorite season is spring. She loves variations of flowers that grow around.
Gerda likes to read and write.
Gerda used to have a diary as a teenager but lost it during the constant moving.
Gerda „gave up her life“ to take care of herself and Kai.
Kai was the reason for Gerda to move on with their lives.
Gerda knew Kai was in love with Alfida and would make him suggestions on how to move on. Kai feared rejection and preferred to be single for now.
Orm, Kai and Alfida are Gerda’s closest friends.
Gerda with the time gets desperate with their life state, but doesn’t want to bother Kai with it.
Gerda grows interested quickly, upon meeting Rollan.
Gerda learns from Rollan how to take her life easy and enjoy the bits of freedom she receives.
Gerda helped Rollan understand, he’s worthy and doesn’t need to listen to other people besides himself. People were jealous of his bravery and talent.
Gerda admires Rollan’s charm and character.
Gerda despises Rollan after the scene with the Fire King.
Gerda had dreams of how Rollan has always been a good boy but was manipulated to be evil.
Her parents helped her get over Rollan’s issue.
Gerda’s love for Rollan slowly vanished.
Gerda babysat Arrog’s triplets sometimes.
Gerda’s family met the royal troll family one day.
Gerda grows sad as all her family members have magic powers beside her. She’s mainly depressed, cause her puberty is almost over and she didn’t get anything yet.
Gerda upon encountering Rollan again, she had instantly all her good and bad moments pass through her mind.
Gerda upon getting closer with Rollan again, she was innerly happy to know he was alive.
Her positive side of her heart led her to save Rollan.
Gerda wanted immediately to get rid of Rollan, but his amnesia confused her.
Gerda softened for Rollan as he had shown her sincerity and loyalty. She began to accept him into her life again.
Gerda will always convince Kai, why she knows Rollan is good.
As Dragon-Gerda she watches over Rollan.
Gerda has joy „hunting“ Rollan as a dragon.
She likes to be in her dragon form to use it in a way of domination. She mostly enjoys to show her wild side.
When Gerda is up to marry Rollan, she adopts his last name.
Gerda learned a couple of Spanish words with Rollan. She admires the language very much and wishes to be able to communicate with Rollan that way as well.
Gerda is a good teacher.
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alfida · 4 months
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@livingecho wanted a starter! ( Accepting! )
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Alfida disliked playing diplomat. She was a weapon ; a thing of death and destruction. Let Rhyssia deal with these trivialities. Yet she was a loyal subject of Aesyrith, and she would be lying if she said she wasn't interested in the suddenly appearing realm of Valshkhan and it's people, the vyotous. Created from shadows, or so the story went ; yet her shadow remained fixed beneath her feet. Perhaps she was protected somehow from their shadow god's grasp, perhaps she was simply unwanted by him. Their recent arrival in the seas was obscured somewhat by their rapid technological advancement. Gunpowder propelled projectiles were not a thing in Fyrsgaed, though Alfida doubted they were much use from closer ranges. Perhaps putting a... what were they called? Guns? Putting a gun at the base of a proper weapon would be a good compromise between the two.
In any event, she wasn't alone in this mission, meaning she could leave most of the discussions to trained diplomats and just stand there looking scary — that was a role she was able to fulfil with aplomb. Her only contributions were to either steer the conversation back to the topic at hand when their master of economics went on tangents or to put her foot down and reject any unfavorable terms, much to the annoyance of the proper diplomats. She was Aesyrith's, and by extension, Fyrsgaed's representative. She doubted if the other diplomats chosen for this venture were as pure of intentions as she was.
Today was a day of rest from the negotiations (of what exactly, Alfida was only partially aware. A lot of the words went right over her head.), meaning Alfida should've been at the guest quarters of the Temple of Vahymn resting or training, but the Paramount of Knowledge had invited the whole mission to her estate, and everyone had insisted she join in the 'fun'. The 'fun' in question was simply more economics talk, which Alfida could care less about and understand even less. So she excused herself from the main parlor and simply... explored the mansion. She had been denied her weapons and armor for this outing, much to her own dismay. Instead she was wearing a doublet over a plain woolen shirt but under a mantle embroidered with tales of her exploits, chausses covering her legs, and leather boots protecting her feet. A far cry from the ornate fashion of Valshkhan, which some of the diplomats adopted.
She would've checked a mirror to see if anything was out of place, but she couldn't find one.
Wandering without a clear motive, yet careful to remember her way, she eventually found her way into what she could only assume was an armory. Weapons of all kinds lined the walls, and there were several sets of the peculiar vyotous armor she had seen on... oh, what were they called? The Inquisitors? It was a remarkable set, she had to admit ; fairly well constructed though with special attention given to certain areas of the body that Alfida found strange — the helmet wasn't as thick as she would've thought, though there was greater thickness around the chest area.
It was as she was examining the armor that she heard the door to the armory open. Peering over she saw the... oh what was her title? Vyortrek Vyik? That sounded right, though it sat awkwardly on her tongue.
„Hail, Vyortrek von Hellbert,” the words came out stilted, „I was gazing upon your collection of armaments and armor. I was unaware you were interested in such things. You did not strike me as a fighter.”
Alfida regarded the vyotous as influential, but not quite as an equal. She was technically a demigoddess, and Vissarion was not. She was pretty sure that meant she was her superior in ranking, but at the same time she had gathered the importance she held in Vyotous society. Some tack was required, but she did not give Vis any treatment different to any of the other diplomats she had dealt with so far on this trip. Indeed, the only two people she had met so far she felt the need to salute and be at attention for were Vahymn (a bona fide god) and Valtiel (the god's mouthpiece).
To her, Vis was just another noble.
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alfida · 4 months
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@likemosaic wanted a starter! (accepting)
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It was dawn ; a comforting time for Alfida. Most of the other apostles she knew disliked the sun to one extent or another, yet it was a ritual of hers to gaze upon each dawn — never knowing if she'd see another. Standing on the walls surrounding Falconia, Alfida stared at the rising sun until she had to look away. Instead, she turned to the interior of Falconia. The illustrious city (or perhaps it would be more accurate to call it a metropolis) was one beyond mortal means to construct. With its illustrious marble and stone constructed buildings and statues taller than any mortal man could possibly construct in one lifetime, it truly looked like a paradise on earth. After a fashion, the Sunlit Halberd was inclined to say it was.
It was uncommon for her kind to think of their own mortality, Alfida reflected ( not for the first time ) as she continued to patrol the walls. Not that she needed to ; some habits simply die hard. If there was a safe haven from the world, it was Falconia.
But mortality. It had been a long time since she was a mortal, though in that time apostles had been slain. Was it so out of the ordinary to think one may die in a world as ruthless as this one? It certainly felt like it. She was a subject to Causality, after all. Would her status as an apostle one day get her killed?
It was while in this reflective state she happened upon The Absolute, who was also gazing off into the horizon (though notably not directly at the dawn as she had been). Falling immediately to her knees in reverence, she kept her gaze fixed on the perfectly cut stones of the wall. Her first thoughts were of wondering if he really should be out here alone, but she dismissed those — he was a member of the God Hand. He needed no protection, and any he had were usually simply for show.
„Your majesty,” her words were clear and full of respect, „forgive me if I speak out of turn, but... are you enjoying the dawn as well?”
She had little hope the Falcon of Light would deign to give her an answer to such an inane question, but perhaps he would be generous today. After all, who better to ask about Causality than a member of a group that watches over it?
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alfida · 29 days
Perhaps you've seen it; a city of pure bliss with none to walk it's streets. Long has it been as abandoned as the fire in the sky, which gradually grows dimmer and dimmer. Statues of glories long past litter the streets, many crumbled from the fights fought here. The smell of burning flesh fills the air, though no bodies litter the streets. Perhaps you walk these streets, self-proclaimed 'seeker of truth' that you are. You wander its labyrinthine streets, imagine the glory and life it once commanded, no little more than a skeleton picked clean of all flesh. Constantly, you expect to find someone, something, to tell you what has happened here. Perhaps you can guess, perhaps not. Marks of battle cut deep into the otherwise masteful stonework, yet you never find a body.
Eventually, you try to gain entry into a house. It happens easily enough, and as you pass through its door that is much too large for you, you find it ransacked... but all its valuables are piled, ever so neatly, in the center of the room. A thief had second thoughts, you reason, but that doesn't feel quite so true. You pick your way through many houses, all of them the same. Ransacked, yet with the valuables placed in obvious places. Perhaps you take some, or perhaps respect for the dead stills your hand.
That's what the city feels like: a mausoleum lacking corpses.
You decide to try more grand buildings. Temples are safe havens, you know this, so perhaps survivors are huddled in one of them. Yet each temple is frustratingly similar to the houses: ransacked, yet two key differences emerge to you: the valuables are placed back in what you can assume is their proper place, and there are more signs of conflict. Pillars shattered, glass at your feet, scorch marks on the pristine material used in the temple (each one is different, you notice; perhaps the gods worshipped here had favored stones?), ashes and gashes are scattered throughout the temples and cathedrals. Yet the silent mausoleum remains tight lipped about its secrets...
Until you enter your sixth cathedral, the sixteenth building you've entered.
Here, corpses are piled by the door. Here, the presence of divinity remains. Here, you can almost hear a light noise on the wind. The building is immaculate, though clearly constantly undergoing repair. New stone work is almost clumsily placed beside the old, pillars made of rough stone supported by wood. The windows, too, are new and made by an amateur's hand. You realize that whoever has taken up residence in this temple loves it, and desires it to be flawless for a reason unknown to you.
So, you walk through the cathedral's rooms. More bodies line the walls; some in pieces, some burnt to a shriveled up corpse. You become apprehensive at the sheer destructive power this divinity (if divinity it be) can bring to bear, the cold accuracy of the cuts and stabs you notice on the bodies. The bodies stop by the stairs in the rear of the cathedral; leading upwards to the answers you seek, no doubt. The stairs reverberate each step you take. At the top of the stairs, you see the first living being you've seen since you arrived: a tall knight, clad in golden armor and a cloak fit for royalty. At her side is an impressive-looking halberd that radiates an unspoken power. Kneeling as she is, it is hard to get a handle on how large they truly are. They have their hands cupped in communion to the serene, untouched statue before her. There are a few moments before she takes notice of you, so seemingly enraptured in her prayers that she does not move until they are done.
"Another defiler?" She asks, her voice hollow as she lowers her hands, "Or perhaps the one to free me from mine doomed existence. You kneel not 'fore mine Lady of Sunlight and Hope, yet neither have you attacked a woman in prayer. I shall not tell you what to do — long enough have I dealt with those who wear curiosity like a crown. Instead I shall ask of you: what dost you seek of the Dame Alfida Wyrmlende, last resident of Upper Fyrsburg?"
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alfida · 5 months
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@dullweapons wanted a starter! ( Accepting! )
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It was often the case that Alfida, Spear of Hylia, had her attention drawn elsewhere in the Goddesses' Creation. She was forbade from interfering with Demise's Curse of Hatred, but was more than able to slay demons that infested the greater world. There was one demon who, time and time again, she let go. He wasn't a threat, she thought. He was loyal to Hyrule and its people. He could be trusted. She had trusted him to lead the kingdom; work with her, the spirit of the hero, and Hylia's bloodline.
She was deceived.
Leading an army of fallen knights and monsters, Ray Cadell began terrorizing the slowly decaying kingdom of Hyrule several years ago. He was searching for the Triforce bearers ; to what end, Alfida could not say. She knew it was nothing good, and that was enough for her. He might be looking to kill Demise's hatred, but Ray on his own was threat enough. A demonic parody of her and her sister, he was ageless and a master of the battlefield. Were it not for her, he probably could have conquered the whole kingdom.
She checked him at every turn, her loyal knights and soldiers ready to deploy at a moment's notice. It helped that she could appear anywhere she was needed in only a few minutes. So the two of them often fought time and time again, destroying the countryside until they were both exhausted and couldn't fight anymore. For the love she bore Anacaona, Alfida always sought to incapacitate him, but it was becoming increasingly obvious that neither could overpower the other.
„How many times,” she asked him from the other side of a small stream, halberd held aloft and her voice dripping with venom, speaking in the tongue of the Skyloftians, „how many lives will be lost before you see past your infantile notions of right and wrong?”
All around them, the din of battle echoed. Death cries of monster and man alike rung out into the plains, dust billowing from where engines of war were used. She knew Ray was hurting, but she also knew she couldn't stand by and let him do as he wanted.
Torn between duty and kinship, what would she chose?
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alfida · 5 months
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@oocca wanted a starter! ( Accepting )
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It wasn't uncommon for the Spear of Hylia to be caught in the rain. That didn't make it any less pleasant. Crossing the mountains of Hyrule was difficult even in the best of weathers, but Alfida found that did little to improve her mood. Still, she trod through the narrow mountain pass — cloak, armor, and weapons all dripping rain water. She had many things to check up on when she finally returned to Hyrule, not the least of which was the Sheikah Shadow Temple in Kakariko. While long since defunct, she was well aware of the dangerous spirits that still haunted that place ; clinging to life much like her cloak was to her armor.
As the thunder boomed around her, Alfida weighed up stopping in one of the little dug out caves around her ; goron constructed spaces for just these occasions. While they might be a little small for her, she might not have had much choice.
She kept an eye out for one, but scowled. Smokey scents drifted on the wind. Was someone else stupid enough to be traversing the Death Mountain Range? She could excuse herself ; she was immortal. Anyone else on this mountain path would almost certainly not be. Pushing herself further, she found that one of the nearby holes was indeed inhabited... by a scrawny kid.
Aware that she was cutting an intimidating figure by suddenly appearing in the entrance of the cave, but ultimately not really caring, she asked a simple question:
„May I?”
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alfida · 5 months
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@bransles wanted a starter! ( accepting )
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It was a strange thing, to walk in the lands of Hyrule after what felt like an eternity away from it. Functioning as its unseen protector meant she rarely had the time to simply walk among its people and witness its prosperity firsthand. Simply wandering around Castle Town and hearing the sights and sounds healed some part of her soul ; it was almost like proof that what she was doing was meaningful. Surrounded by white stone walls felt almost... nostalgic.
Ultimately, Alfida found herself gravitating towards the crown jewel of Hyrulean architecture: Hyrule Castle. Despite all the times she's seen it thrown down by incarnations of Demise's hatred, it was always rebuilt better than before. During these times of peace, the castle was opened to the public. While the weapon spirit had to leave her weapons at the gates, she was fully permitted to wander the castle. Most people gave her a wide berth ; she was clearly a foreign sellsword to their eyes. She even thought she heard whispers of disgust at how brazen she was being ; wearing armor inside the castle obviously meant she was looking to swear fealty in return for some easy favors from the crown.
As absurd as those whispers were, Alfida paid them little mind. Instead, she found her way to the castle gardens. There was a single species of flower — long since extinct in the wild — that the royal family kept alive in the royal gardens. The various shades of pico blooms. These flowers, perhaps more than anything else, reminded Alfida that life will always return, persevering despite the adversities of the world.
Sure enough, the flower bed growing them was around where Alfida thought they would be, in perfect bloom beneath the midday sun. Yet she was not the only one who had sought out these rare flowers; a man of similar height to her was looking them over. No doubt the clinking and clanking of her armor alerted him to her presence, so she said nothing as she walked up beside him on the opposite end of the flowerbed.
„Wonderful, are they not?” Alfida asked, looking at the flowers. Even from within her helmet, one could hear the wistfulness in her voice, „I hear the royal family received these from the minish, during the founding of Hyrule.”
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alfida · 5 months
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@possets liked this post for a starter!
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The city was uncharacteristically busy today, Alfida mused as patrolled the city. It was no doubt one festival or another, but such festivities were lost on her. She was more suited for action, but she would find none this day. Instead, her presence alone would intimidate most who were starting fights; one cursory glance in their direction was usually enough to get them to scatter. She wasn't surprised; living legends tended to have that effect on people.
She found herself wandering through the main thoroughfare, halberd held high above the crowds. Most people gave her a wide berth — those that did not were too engrossed in whatever they were doing to take notice of her passing... not that she took much notice of them, either. Yet there was one person that stood out to her ; one that she had not seen before. A green haired, seemingly very well natured individual surrounded by people asking for his assistance. This was not something she generally cared about, but upon catching his snake-like eyes she found herself put somewhat on edge.
The mocking mirth of the dragon echoed in the back of her mind. Visions of fire and death filled her eyes — were they stinging now...?
Alfida stood behind the crowd, patiently waiting for both her panic and the crowd to die down. Soon enough, one of the people in the back noticed her looming. Then another, who nudged their friend and the three of them left. Soon enough there was no one left but her and the good 'doctor'.
„You will have to forgive me for interrupting your business,” Alfida's voice was muffled somewhat behind the helmet yet if someone listened closely enough there was a shakiness to her voice, „I simply have some... questions for you.”
Her stiff body language and armor probably gave the wrong impression, as did the emphasis on 'question', but she didn't care. She began to taste the familiar taste of iron in her throat. Why won't her damn eyes stop stinging?
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alfida · 5 months
Tag Dump / Character Based
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[Spear of Lyria || Muse]
[Alfida || In Character]
[Whispers of the Aesfyr || Mun & OoC]
[Aesfyric Decree || OoC Answer]
[Missives || Inbox]
[Another Soldier || Promo]
[A New Mission || Prompt]
[I am Alfida Spear of Lyria and I have never known these feet || Crack]
[In my repose time passes slowly || Queue]
[Memoirs of the Halberd || Drabble]
[We are not the weight of our memories || Saved]
[Let There Be Fire || Wishlist]
[Let Us Begin || Starter]
[Observations || Dashboard Commentary]
[Legend of the Sunlit Halberd || Headcanons]
[Playing Hero || Dash Games]
[A Halberd Forged from Sunlight || Art]
[In Darkness I Shall Fly Anew || Spoilers]
[Lands of the Aesfyr || Worldbuilding]
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alfida · 5 months
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„I'm no hero. Never was, never will be. I'm just an old killer, hired to do some wet-work.”
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ALFIDA ⸻ private & selective character from my work in progress novel Flickering Flame : ALFIDA WYRMLENDE ! A human turned demigod weapon spirit who must fight a terrible war against dragonkind. Sharpened & honored by Frosted Heart, she / her, 25+, est.
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„We sharpen our blades... and pull what hope is left from this foul earth.”
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heartbot-2002-2024 · 4 months
Since last night, I couldn't get the idea of giving to Sticks of parents in my AU out of my head
But first, let's remember the episode called "Unnamed Episode" from the second season, where we learn that Sticks has a great-grandfather named Jebediah, who once ruled Hedgehog Village (previously called Badgerville). But then the question arises. If Sticks has a great-grandfather, then who are her dad, mom, and grandparents? And I have come up with an answer to this question for my AU
We all know that Sticks is the only wild animal among all civilized villagers. In my AU, Sticks has parents who are divided into two types. Her father is a wild badger, and her mother is a civilization badger. Sticks's great-grandfather was also civilized, so he is considered the grandfather of Stick's mother on her father's side (you will soon find out why). Further down you can see dad, mom, grandfather and great-grandfather (in the original and color versions) of Sticks
1, 2) Sticks's father
3, 4) Sticks's mother
5, 6) Sticks's grandfather
7) Stick's great-grandfather from "Sonic Boom" from the episode "Unnamed Episode" of the second season
8) Sticks's great-grandfather in the color version
9) The hereditary colors of Sticks with her parents
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Characters's biography: Tarzan was born in a wild forest in Hedgehog Village to his parents, who were also wild. When he became an adult, he began to live his own independent life until he met Jane and her father Archimedes. Tarzan and Jane initially did not get along with each other due to the fact that they were both the opposite between savagery and civilization. But they soon became a couple. Tarzan asked her why she and her father were here. Jane replied that her father Archimedes wanted to come here only to become the mayor of the village like his father Jebediah, who began to rule after he abandoned his wife and newborn son. But Tarzan said that he had heard that another mayor (who is the current one) now rules instead of him. When Jane got pregnant, she said she might not be able to cope because her mom Hannah died immediately after giving birth to her, but Tarzan said she would succeed. Archimedes unfortunately died in the eighth month of his daughter's pregnancy. The cause of his death was one of Eggman's father's robots (yes, you didn't expect it?). And Jane, too, unfortunately, repeated the fate of her mother. When she gave birth to Sticks, she told her husband to name her Sticks, and then died. Tarzan raised his daughter Sticks and taught her everything that wild badgers should be able to do. And even he told her everything about her mother (and in my AU, that's the reason Sticks knew her great-grandfather). But when Sticks became a teenager, Tarzan told her that she was now ready for an independent life and that he had to leave, but he promised her that he would see the responsibilities again. A few years later, when Sticks made friends (current ones) and married Knuckles and became pregnant with him, she was afraid that she would be the same as her mother during childbirth, but in the end she survived after giving birth to Alfida.
P.S. The names of Sticks's father, mother and grandfather are taken from the characters of the same name from the cartoon "Tarzan"
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alfida · 4 months
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@doombringcr sent a missive ( I think for this one but I can't message you to double check. Still accepting! )
2. How loosely or strictly do they use the word 'friend'? 17. What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them? 22. What simple activity that most people do / can do that scares your character
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2. It depends on when in life you'd ask her. Human Alfida would 100% use the word very loosely. She thought everyone could be a friend, and she was confident in her charisma back then. After becoming a weapon spirit, and doubly so after the First War ended, she uses the word a lot more strictly. The standard for what she considers a friend is very high, mostly to protect herself from anyone who could die on her. During the Darkening of the Aesfyr, she has lost or been abandoned by most, if not all, of her remaining friends, so she's raised the bar even more to protect herself. She's a big softee under it all, tho.
17. Alfida rarely looks in the mirror, but when she does she notices her changed appearance first. Even millennia after her 'ascension', she still notices the glow of her eyes and slight radiance first. Following the cracking of her soul gem, she tends to notice how the left eye is now dark. If it's rare for her to look in the mirror, it's almost unheard of for most people to see her without her armor. Those who have seen it, especially in later in the timeline, will note the dark circles under her eyes, and the countless scars that line her body. Girlie is tired and hides all that behind several inches of tempered metal. She might be a demigod, but she was raised to be one, not born one.
22. That is an excellent question. Can I circle back next week and answer it? But in all seriousness ; I don't know if this necessarily fits the bill, but she is immensely... perhaps not jealous, but aware of how other people are living. How they breath, how they eat. In all the wonderful, beautiful, miraculous world she wasn't a living thing. Not to her, and not by the traditional meaning of the word. These thoughts, born from the everyday mundane activities that people can do, will do, and are doing are terrifying to her, though she'll never admit it. She deflects the fear, bottles it up within her, and seals it with the mantra she uses to seal every other sign of weakness:
„I am a weapon, and weapons cannot be weak.”
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