richardsonlouis · 1 month
Louis Richardson slouched into the worn leather booth at the corner of his favorite bar, the familiar creak of the seat offering a small, comforting routine in his otherwise exhausting day. The weight of the day's work seemed to press down on his shoulders, the strain of endless meetings and deadlines etched into the deep lines on his face. He ran a hand through his disheveled hair, the gesture more out of habit than any real attempt to fix it. His eyes, heavy with fatigue and slightly bloodshot, scanned the dimly lit room, taking in the familiar sights and sounds that made this place his refuge.
The bar was a sanctuary for people like him—those who sought a brief escape from the pressures of the outside world. The soft amber glow from the hanging lights cast long shadows across the polished wood surfaces, while the low murmur of conversation and the occasional clink of glasses created a soothing backdrop. It was the kind of place where time seemed to slow down, where the weight of the day could be momentarily forgotten.
Louis's gaze finally settled on the familiar sight of a cocktail waiting for him on the table. The glass was filled with a dark, amber liquid, a hint of condensation forming on its surface. It was his usual—a perfect mix of whiskey, bitters, and a twist of orange, a small reward for surviving yet another grueling day. But tonight, even that seemed to pale in comparison to the overwhelming exhaustion that clung to him.
With a tired sigh, he reached for his book, the pages slightly worn from frequent use. Flipping it open to where he'd left off the night before, Louis allowed himself to sink into the story, the words on the page offering a welcome distraction from his own thoughts. As he read, the tension in his body slowly began to ease, the familiar rhythm of the narrative pulling him in.
The world around him faded into the background, the soft hum of conversations becoming nothing more than white noise. For a moment, Louis was no longer sitting in a dimly lit bar, tired and worn from the day. Instead, he was transported to another place, another time, where the problems of the real world couldn't touch him. The cocktail remained untouched beside him, forgotten as he lost himself in the pages of his book, finding solace in the simple act of reading.
It was then that he noticed someone eying him. "Um...Is there something on my face?" he asked the stranger. "Or did you perhaps need the chair opposite of me? I'm alone so you can take it."
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jackieskellie · 6 months
Jack sat in the park, enjoying his coffee from the café and reading a newspaper from one of the greatest journalists in town. The sun shone down on the lush greenery, and children ran around and played in joyous abandon. It was a perfect setting for his investigation.
However, he knew that he needed someone to talk to about his findings. After waiting for about fifteen minutes, he finally spotted a familiar face in the crowd. With a grin on his face, he gestured for them to come over and sit next to him on the bench.
"Nice day, isn't it?" he said, breaking the silence and starting a conversation. He was eager to hear their thoughts and opinions, hoping that they could help him solve the case of the strange happenings in town.
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doryunderthesea · 6 months
Dory was trying to relax, but she found herself feeling confused. She couldn't remember where she was or who she was. She wasn't trying to be philosophical; she genuinely didn't know who she was in that moment. "Oh dear, it happened again." She didn't know what was happening to her, and everything felt so confusing. As she tried to collect her thoughts, a boy suddenly appeared and grabbed her purse. "No, wait! I need that! I think!" she exclaimed.
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happiestjameshook · 3 months
A WALK | Date: May 28th, 2019
The first thread. Tina Bell is running late for work and bumps into her boss, James Hook.
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the halls of the motel had a sense of nostalgia, being it the dark wood hat eerily dented or the particular use of color. In a way, he’d placed a few of his childhood memories hidden in the motel he owned. It wasn’t like he was an overly sentimental man, at least that’s what he liked to tell himself. But you learned to take the lessons you’ve been given as a child with you, even if it’s subconsciously. And especially when parental figures were not a thing in someone’s youth.
‘I’m going out for a walk. Call me if I’m needed-James’  He’d written down. Days had been a bit calmer in the Neverland motel. And it was never wrong to go out for some fresh air.
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The weather seemed to work in his favor, as there was a clear sky as he looked above. Perhaps that was why he failed to notice another person heading his way and bumped into them by accident. “My apologies.”
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Tina was due to start work any minute now (and by any minute now, she meant ten minutes ago, and she was still a ten minute walk away from the motel). She had lied about having a presentation in class that morning, because she and Peter had been up late creating chaos, and she didn’t feel like slogging through work. The afternoon shift was the best she could get.
With a brisk walk, she weaved her way through the streets, avoiding pedestrians and bike racks and trash cans, and prayed that Hook or Smee wasn’t waiting for her at the door. It wasn’t the first time she had been late. Nor would it be the last.
Turning a corner, the hope of making it to work late but unnoticed shattered. A collision caused her to stumble, and she almost toppled over had she not swiftly stuck off hands on her hips and lurched forward with a mouthful of profanity. At this time, she hadn’t been looking up. The curses fell when she realized she was standing before the very person she was hoping to avoid. 
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“Miss Bell.” James looked at his employee with a raised eyebrow, his hands crossed in front of his chest, and his head moved into a slight tilt. “How did the presentation go?” Seeing the bags under her eyes made him wonder if she had any sleep at all.
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“I’ll make Peter’s meal instead. I’ll tell him you’ll be back tomorrow.”
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Her brow furrowed and she found her mouth gaping open in confusion. “Presentation…?” Tina repeated. She had completely forgotten her excuse! When it finally dawned on her, the girl took a sharp intake of breath and feigned a laugh. “The presentation! Oh, it was… Just… Terrible. Didn’t go as planned. I have to redo it next week.” Hopefully, he would believe her. After all, she looked so utterly exhausted that she could blame her lapse in memory on the stress of the whole thing.
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Of course, Tina had every intention of heading straight to see Peter and telling him that Old James Hook had gone soft. But Hooky didn’t need to know that.
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“Ah, that’s a pity.  Anything of help I can offer?” However, he didn’t have a grand education due to being an orphan. He always had put effort into it before his new family kicked him out, and he got thrown out of school. No school took on a student for free, and those amazing stories of how teachers pity a student and hand them a free education, well that was a rarity on its own.
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If anything, he was in a good mood. That was overshadowed by a worry about Peter, but he wouldn’t voice that.
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“Not unless you feel like bribing my tutor. Or you could totally take her out on a date! Cheer her up a little, put in a good word for me maybe?” Tina was rambling now, hoping to steer the conversation away from her education completely. It wasn’t that she didn’t like going to class, but she had a hard time getting on with the other girls and her tutors found her stubborn and difficult to teach.
The girl nodded, though it was deliberately half-hearted. She would take offense to the fact that he thought she looked pale and tired later, but for now, she would milk it for all she could. “I mean… If you insist, Mr. Hook. I’ll go right home and sleep!” Tina resisted the urge to giggle when he pushed her hand away. “But really, you better watch we don’t come down with the same thing.”
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James could feel himself rolling his eyes. “Do I seem the type of man who needs a date right now?” Sure, he’d been single for a while, but it wasn’t really the highest priority in his life right now. “Why does she even need a cheer-up?” Did this teacher get any gray hairs from teaching her students? He probably would if he was the one filling her shoes. Then again, he’d never say no to a challenge.
He nodded as she finally accepted his advice to rest. “I don’t get sick that often, so I’m not too worried. And even if I were, I’d know when to rest.” He shrugged. “Take good care of yourself, Miss Bell.”
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sweetellafontaine · 9 months
((Polaris)) 💗 Someday | Harriet [18 Aug 2019] ((Do not reply))
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She was beginning to feel the weight of summer. Summer meant no classes, it meant working at the magic laundry and working on the household. The Fontaine mansion wasn’t built for one person to do all the work, yet that was exactly how the household was arranged. And all of it was put on Ella Fontaine, who, if her father had not remarried, would be the master of the mansion.
After her shift at the magical laundry, she barely could stand on her feet. Blisters prevented her from moving quickly, and she barely could bite back her tears.
“Someday, I will find my happiness.” She whispered to herself in a weak attempt to cheer herself up, she found herself sitting down on the pavement removing a shoe to see the damage on her feet. It was worse than she imagined. And she sighed. “When will kindness repay me, mother?” She whispered to herself, surprised to see a butterfly landing before her. She decided to dry her tears and put back her shoes but got started to see she no longer was alone.
“Oh, I apologize.” She kindly smiled before offering the other a bow.
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Like a bear emerging from hibernation, Harriet stumbles out of some hole in the wall basement apartment. She recoils against the sun, pulling her sunglasses tighter against her face as she starts in the direction of home. 
Too preoccupied with thoughts of Advil and her bed, she doesn’t notice the moping wad on the sidewalk until the girl speaks. “Don’t worry about it,” she says, hurrying past her only to pause two steps later. Wrinkling her nose, mouth agape, she twists around on the spot. “Hey, what day is it?”
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She was used to being unnoticed at home, but outside people tended to give her as much as a hello. Yet, she wouldn’t allow her heart to feel heavy and smiled. “It is Tuesday, Miss.” She smiled politely. “Do you need to be somewhere? I can give you directions if you need to?”
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“Fuck yes,” she says, throwing her head back and fist-pumping with both arms. That had been one hell of a bender, and for a second, she questioned her sense of time. It’s not Wednesday. She isn’t working later, thank God. Of course, Mads probably would have switched shifts with her. “No, thanks, just having a bit of trouble transitioning back to sober. Nothing matters and everything makes sense when you’re high, you know? Or not…you’re giving off a strong ‘somebody just killed your puppy’ vibe.”
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The woman in front of her showed her quite some interesting expressions, it made Ella feel a bit curious about the other. “Oh, if you are experiencing some headaches I can advise you to drink water and eat. If you get hydrated chances are likely that your headache will worsen over the day, and that’s no good.” She smiled. She was not the type to take any sort of drugs, if anything her high came from doing good to others. “I just had a lot of pain in my feet, that is all. But thank you for your concern.” She offered the woman a kindhearted smile. “Oh, I do not wish to take too much of your time, you did seem to be in a hurry after all. I do wish you a wonderful day.”
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Now that the blonde mentions eating, she could use a proper, ‘something other than pizza’ meal. There’s also her gut telling her this girl could use a friend today. And Harriet is always eager to make new friends. She looks around, lips pursed and sees a restaurant across the street. Her bed, excited as she is to collapse into it, can wait for a little longer. With a smile, she raises her brows at the girl. “Are you hungry?”
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“I’m a little bit, yes.” She smiled. “Are you inviting?” She cocked her head, smiling from ear to ear. “I could use a bite, I probably won’t get much to eat at home, considering I’m already late. Perhaps I’m lucky and my stepsisters aren’t home and dragged my stepmother along.” She pondered for a moment. The next words were nothing but a faint whisper. “Either way I’m getting punished, so I might just get something nice to eat.”
With that, she put her shoe back on. “Let’s go, I’ll pay.”
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writtenwcrdbcbes · 1 year
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She was beginning to feel the weight of summer. Summer meant no classes, it meant working at the magic laundry and working on the household. The Fontaine mansion wasn’t built for one person to do all the work, yet that was exactly how the household was arranged. And all of it was put on Ella Fontaine who, if her father had not remarried would be the master of the mansion.
After her shift at the magical laundry, she barely could stand on her feet. Blisters prevented her from moving quickly, and she barely could bite back her tears.
“Someday, I will find my happiness.” She whispered to herself in a weak attempt to cheer herself up, she found herself sitting down on the pavement removing a shoe to see the damage on her feet. It was worse than she imagined. And she sighed. “When will kindness repay me, mother?” She whispered to herself, surprised to see a butterfly landing before her. She decided to dry her tears and put back her shoes but got started to see she no longer was alone.
“Oh, I apologize.” She kindly smiled before offering the other a bow.
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magicalterencegold · 3 years
I’m back B*tches
Terence looked at the bakery with a wide grin on his features. He could finally open it again, he took a long break to get his inner zen back and what else could he say except: I’m back bitches? The familiar ring of the bell made him fill with a childlike glee and soon he found himself behind the counter. Yes, this is where he belonged. In Redwood.  With that he heard the bell once again and he found himself greeting the customer with a smile. “Okay how can I help you?”
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Do(e) a deer a female deer
“Let's start at the very beginning, A very good place to start, When you read you begin with A-be-see, When you sing you begin with do-re-mi“ Marie sang as she walked towards the enchanted rose café, she was in a rather chirpy mood and was in the mood of one of those pastel colored latés. She just entered the café when she noticed the red hearts scattered around and the friendly face of Adam behind the counter, she ordered her drink and went to get seated. “What are you listening to?” She asked to someone who seemed to be listening to some music.
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dandelionjonesrp · 2 years
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“Oh don’t be so a sourpuss-” Dandelion said to the other. “Get your ass into gear and come join me to a party, that so much more fun than studying.”
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berrysandcreambekah · 3 years
While I never dreamed I’d have the pleasure of gracing these halls with my presence again, I am pleased to announce that I, Bekah Berry, have returned once more to TGA! To be fair, I was only gone for a few weeks- serves me right for even considering transferring to another academy. For those who know me, which I’m sure describes the majority of you, hi! For those who have not yet had the chance to meet me, hi! I’m a submissive, so you know what that means! Call on me if you need anything, I take my mark just as seriously as I take all of my roles, meaning I can guarantee satisfactory service, done with a smile. I’ll be in my room until someone needs me, color coding my closet and alphabetizing my records! Feel free to stop by, if you’d like! I always enjoy meeting new people!
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Hello. My name is Carson Clarington, I’m a returning submissive student to TGA. My guess is that I don’t require much of an introduction, with so many of my siblings and the Duvals and Flanagans here. I’m open and looking forward to what the year will bring. Once I finish getting my things unpacked and put away, I would like to see my family. If anyone sees them before they get to this, please be kind enough to let them know I’m looking. This would include Hunter Clarington, Deven Clarington, Campbell Clarington, Sir Nick Duval, Eryx Duval, Wyatt Duval, Riley Duval, Sir Nikolai Flanagan, Sir Declan Flanagan, or Eleanor Flanagan. Thank you. 
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wildeandfreekady · 3 years
Sadly, I made the mistake of flipping through the social media tag before announcing my presence. All I can say is, if these are the best submissives this hellhole has to offer, I can assure each of you, you’re in for a long, long reeducation. Normally, this is the part where I’d order one of you lucky losers to carry my bags to my room, but given the looks of the so-called subs running around this campus, I don’t think it’s safe to trust any of you with my very expensive things. Anyone brave enough to try their hand at proving me wrong can kneel outside McKinley Room 210. I’ll address you...Whenever. In the meantime, I am Kady Wilde, Domme. Switches and submissives will address me as Miss or Mistress, period. 
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It was a beautiful, yet cold day today. The type of days when there was heat from the sun but a sharp wind. That type of day. And Kristoff made sure to make the best out of it before heading to work, he decided to go through the park when he noticed a little feline in distress. “Oh no.” He muttered under his breath. He looked at the height of the tree and wonderd if he could climb it, but it would be safer if someone was there just in case he fell. “Excuse me, there is a cat in the tree and I plan to get it out - but could you wait here for a few minutes just in case a branch gives out or something?”
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elijahbcktt · 3 years
open starter / @nohopestarters​ location: on the rocks in new hope park content warning: mentions of murder
“What other evidence do they have?” Elijah continued on, fingers lightly rounding the beer bottle before taking another swig, eyes mindlessly trained on the Jayhawks game on the tv. “A child pointing fingers at her older brother who simply had the affinity for heavy metal music? It just sounds like a reach to me.” He didn’t know Molly, and he barely knew Scott but he knew Mary Ellis. And it didn’t make sense for Scott to murder his sweet mother who would have done anything for her children.
“Not to mention the lack of consistency... Different murder weapons... And no disrespect to him but without a high school education I doubt he’s smart enough to devise multiple methods to murder his family. Usually messy murders have only one weapon because multiple weapons... the user would need a strong sense of organization... Like you get what I’m sayin’ right?”
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sweetellafontaine · 9 months
((Polaris)) 💗 Someday | Anita [18 Aug 2019] ((do not reply))
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She was beginning to feel the weight of summer. Summer meant no classes, it meant working at the magic laundry and working on the household. The Fontaine mansion wasn’t built for one person to do all the work, yet that was exactly how the household was arranged. And all of it was put on Ella Fontaine, who, if her father had not remarried, would be the master of the mansion.
After her shift at the magical laundry, she barely could stand on her feet. Blisters prevented her from moving quickly, and she barely could bite back her tears.
“Someday, I will find my happiness.” She whispered to herself in a weak attempt to cheer herself up, she found herself sitting down on the pavement removing a shoe to see the damage on her feet. It was worse than she imagined. And she sighed. “When will kindness repay me, mother?” She whispered to herself, surprised to see a butterfly landing before her. She decided to dry her tears and put back her shoes but got started to see she no longer was alone.
“Oh, I apologize.” She kindly smiled before offering the other a bow.
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Ella’s kindness was not limited to people, she had learned from her mother to be kind to all sorts of creatures, and dogs were certainly included. She wondered if the owner of the Dalmatian would be upset if she offered the dog a bit of food. She chuckled as she rubbed the Dalmatian’s head. “My what a cutie you are.” Perhaps she had simply needed to shower someone with her affection. 
“It’s no problem.” She spoke softly to the owner. “I was struggling due to some blisters.” She got used to it, considering the hard labor she had to go through daily. “This one really knew how to cheer me up.”
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Anita smiled when the other woman clearly wasn’t upset by Penny’s exuberance. “Oh yes, I completely understand. Sometimes you just need to cry out your frustration.” She agreed, offering her hand to help the girl stand up. “I’m sure if your blisters get this bad you’ve tried everything, but sometimes a good old fashioned bandage can work wonders to prevent blisters. I have some in my purse if you’d like.”
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It’s been a bit difficult to mentally prepare me for classes again, work in a mansion and at the cleaner all at once.” She simply was overworked, she had quite a walk to her home and her stepmother refused to give her a drive, nor did she allow Ella to go for a license. She planned to save enough money for both a car and her big move-out. “I’m not one to refuse a genuine act of kindness, so thank you, I gladly take up your offer.”
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“Oh yes, managing your time between jobs and school is never easy. I thought after I graduated it would be smooth sailing, but it’s not. It’s just more work, and you have to find the time.” She shrugged. Perhaps it wasn’t the most comforting thing, but it was the truth. Having two jobs was hard. “Of course,” Anita said, rummaging through her bag and pulling out the travel first aid kit she had in there. “Use whatever you need.”
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“Yes, and that combined with taking care of the mansion really drained me lately. Though the big plan is to move out after I have enough money.” Her family circumstances weren’t the greatest, and as long as her stepmother was alive, she wouldn’t inherit her family home. It was perhaps her luck that her father had made the will in a way that it wouldn’t go to their stepsisters after his second wife passed. Yet with the cruelty, she was placed under, she couldn’t bring herself to live in that home until the day her stepmother passed. She gratefully took what was given to her. “Thank you very much, my name is Ella. I haven’t introduced myself properly yet.”
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“That’s a good plan, you want to make sure you can afford a few months’ rent and utilities before you leave. I’m sure if you look around, you could find something affordable though, especially if you have roommates. Plus, it’s more fun.” She suggested, curling Penny’s leash around her hand. “You can always post something on the board in the library, that you’re looking for roommates or a cheap apartment. You might find something unexpected and wonderful. That’s what the community board is for.”
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“Yes, I simply hope my stepsisters won’t find my hidden money. Honestly, I wish I had friends, so I could simply ask them to keep an eye on it.” Yet the truth was, Ella, had to fight to be given the chance to go to university, and that only was because she worked to go to university herself, they didn’t want to give her a special scholarship due to her stepmother having the ‘Fontaine’ fortune. But none of it was given to Ella. The idea, however, was not that bad. “I might actually try that out.” It was better than nothing. And the quicker she could leave, the better.
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Anita blinked in momentary confusion. Clearly her day had a different schedule today. “Dear, I hope you won’t find this condescending but you can put your money in a bank and no one would be able to touch it. You don’t need to hide it away in your home. Most banks are very discreet and it would be your account, no one could take money out unless you said.” She explained slowly as Penny sniffed around the two women. “Do you need directions to one?”
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Ella knew she could put money in the bank, there was simply the issue of - her stepmother monitoring her income. She felt that she needed to pay rent, despite the house belonging to her father and mother, despite the woman being the stranger to the household. Ella knew the house she, so deeply loved, was never hers. She had seemed kind in the beginning, but it was only when her father passed, that the woman’s nature really showed its colors. “I don’t think I’d get away with it without my stepmother noticing the change in my allowance. I have to give all of it to her after working - which makes saving money a challenge. I’m lucky to have such a sweet woman as a boss, she gives me a little bit more money, which I hide from my stepmom.” Things hadn’t been easy for her in a while. “Yet, I did gain enough money to start school soon. I’ve been given an exceptional scholarship to make the payment easier.”
She shook her head. “It’s fine, it’s how I have been doing things ever since my dad died.”
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“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize it was that kind of situation. I mean I still think you should put whatever money you have in a bank, at least it would be insured and gain interest. But you have to do what you think is right.” She said, her lips pursed. Anita didn’t like what she was hearing, no one should have to squirrel money away under their mattress. Especially not in their own home. But she also didn’t know the whole story, so she wouldn’t interfere just yet. “Congrats there, that’s wonderful. I’m sure you’ll make good use of the scholarship when you go. It can be such a relief to have help like that.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. It’s always incredibly difficult to lose a parent, especially as someone so young.”
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“I’m proud that the school saw something in me. And is willing to give me a chance to make my dreams come true.” One day, she will make it into this harsh world through her hard work and kindness. Even if the world was cruel, that didn’t mean she had to be as well. She’d get there, she truly believed that. She only had to survive.
“It is, especially when you lose both of them. I guess in a way, I should be happy to have a stepmom and stepsisters… I just wished they would -” What was it she wanted, truly? Being treated better, being acknowledged?  She shrugged. “It is what it is.”
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“I’m sure they did Ella, you seem like a very intelligent and kind person. If you’ve been able to persevere this far, school should be a piece of cake.” She said, Penny, coming to wait obediently at her side. Her heart let out a pang of sadness at hearing both of Ella’s parents had passed away. Anita still had both her parents. “I think you should feel the way you feel based on how they treat you. Just because someone is there doesn’t mean you have to be grateful they’re there. Sometimes being alone is better than abuse. It doesn’t have to be a certain way, everything has the ability to change.” It was a little vague, but she didn’t want to overstep. But Anita was pretty sure Ella’s home life wasn’t ideal. She hoped the young girl was able to find success and happiness with the new school year.
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Ella wouldn’t know if she could consider herself smart, but she was someone who loved to learn. “You might be right, but for me, this school is more like a dream than a struggle. I guess I’m simply highly determined.” She smiled as Penny came over and a wave of happiness came over her, she always had a soft spot for animals despite her stepmother not allowing any more because it could stress out her (demon) cat, Lucifer. When Anita told her how she should feel about her stepmother and how she has been treated, Ella found herself a little bit conflicted. “My mother told me, to have courage and be kind. These things will get you through the darkest of times.” Her mother and father meant everything to her. “They both would have wanted me to be happy, I realize that. But I do not think I have enough courage to take the step to go against my new family alone.” She knew what Anita was saying. “I also don’t have the money to live on myself right now, and for me, college is what matters most. I need this degree, not only for the sake of finding work in the field I want to work in. But also because it’s my dream, and giving that up means giving up my happiness.” She didn’t want that.
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It was a beautiful day for a new set of cups and teapots. Really at this point it was starting to get questionable with the amount of cups Adam had. They had a bit of a royal feel to it, perfect for the castle café. A charming pink, a nice deep blue and a delicate looking white cup made place into the display. “Morning, and a good day to you.” He greeted the customer that just came in. “We have some fresh breadrolls with cream cheese today if you are interested.”
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