#[18 Aug 2019]
sweetellafontaine · 6 months
((Polaris)) 💗 Someday | Timothy [18 Aug 2019] ((Do not reply))
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She was beginning to feel the weight of summer. Summer meant no classes, it meant working at the magic laundry and working on the household. The Fontaine mansion wasn’t built for one person to do all the work yet that was exactly how the household was arranged. And all of it was put on Ella Fontaine who, if her father had not remarried would be the master of the mansion.
After her shift at the magical laundry, she barely could stand on her feet. Blisters prevented her from moving quickly and she barely could bite back her tears.
“Someday, I will find my happiness.” She whispered to herself as a weak attempt to cheer herself up, she found herself sitting down on the pavement removing a shoe to see the damage on her feet. It was worse than she imagined. And she sighed. “When will kindness repay me, mother?” She whispered to herself, surprised to see a butterfly landing before her. She decided to dry her tears and put back her shoes but got started to see she no longer was alone.
“Oh, I apologize.” She kindly smiled before offering the other a bow.
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After two back to back washes Timothy let out a sigh of relief when he sniffed his clothes. While working at Jumbo’s was fun his clothes tended to smell like pizza more often than not, even spreading to his home clothes. Stuffing everything away into a gym bag he hoisted it over his shoulder, hearing the bell jingle he watched a blonde girl duck out with a wave goodbye presumably to her coworkers. 
Following not far behind her he blinked when he saw something flash on the ground, feeling the light bounce off into his face. Bending down he picked up the small case looking vaguely like a card holder, glancing back up he figured it was more than likely the girl’s. Seeing her a bit to his left he blinked in surprise wondering if she was waiting on a ride or taking a small break, though she’d picked an odd place. Too lost in thought he’d walked up faster to her than he’d anticipated, hearing her mumbles he almost missed the tears she was quickly drying.
His brows shot up at the bow, ok now that was a new one he mused. Clearing his throat he shook his head, “You’re fine, honestly my bad for walking up without saying anything,” he apologized. Remembering his whole point of walking up he held the case up for her to see, “By any chance is this yours?”
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She took notice of the case she was holding, and a fond smile carried on her lips. It was one her mother had made when she was still alive. “In fact yes, that is mine.” She opened the case to see a picture of her former family and smiled as if it was a sign of her dear mother herself. “I must have dropped it during my shift.”
She softly hummed for a moment before giving him a tiny bow. “Thank you, what can I do to repay your kindness?”
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Timothy let out a sigh of relief when she confirmed his assumption. Handing it off to her he smiled as she looked at it fondly. Jimmy would be proud of him he thought, maybe he’d bring up the situation during drinks just to get him to relax for a bit. “Found it outside actually probably just slipped out your bag.”
At her second bow he raised a brow in surprise, her mannerisms reminded him of Duke. Clearing his throat he shifted the bag resisting the urge to make a quip, Jimmy was rubbing off on him more than he liked. Shifting his bag again he paused before smiling sheepishly, “Actually could use some advice, any tips for how to get pizza smells out of clothes? You could probably save me a couple hours a week.”
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She got quite startled, and yet she had been extremely tired so it wouldn’t be too odd that she had lost it outside. Part of that filled her with dread. She could have lost such an important memory of her parents. “Thank you, truly. This means a lot to me. I wouldn’t know what to do if I lost it to never have it returned.”
Pizza smell? She pondered for a moment. “Mix 1 cup distilled white vinegar and 1 cup baking soda with just enough water to cover the clothes. Soak for 4 hours. Then put the clothes and vinegar/baking soda mixture in the wash and launder as usual.” She smiled. “Do you work in a pizza place?”
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“Hey no need to dwell on what ifs,” Timothy said feeling a little self conscious from all the praise and using his best method to deflect. Jimmy usually said similar things trying positive reinforcement on him. He shot her an easy grin, “Sure anybody woulda done the same thing.”
Nodding he typed a quick note onto his phone making a mental note to forward it to all the kiddos working for him. “Jumbo’s actually, your run of the mill friendly neighborhood manager,” he said cheerfully. “You’re gonna have a lot of grateful teens on your hands, pizzas great for lunch not so great during the off hours.”
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He made a fair point, the most important part was knowing that she had her picture returned. She could remember well when this was taken, she could remember her mom hugging her close and her father’s fond smile before trying to look like a stern father. He was way too softhearted with Ella. She nodded. “Yeah.”
“Jumbo? I haven’t been there yet. Maybe I should.” She chuckled. “I’m happy to help in any way. I do hope it helps in the end.”
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Patting his body with his free hands he dug around his pockets before he found a card with Jumbo’s logo and his name underneath. “We’d be happy to have you come in,” he said holding the card out to her, “bring some friends in sometime this week. I’ll get you guys a half off deal on food and games.” 
“Honestly you’re a bit of a life saver right now for them, we’ve been trying a lot of different detergents. You’ve been working at the laundromat long?”
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“I’m happy to pay you a visit, but you really have no reason for repaying me after all this is my job.” Though it felt a bit rude to reject his kind offer. “Well, it won’t be too many people. My friends are very limited.” Mostly due to the fact that she didn’t get to get out much aside from going to work.
“I’ve been working here ever since my father died after remarrying. My stepmother felt that I shouldn’t burden her by having her pay for my tuition. And that I should be happy I’m still allowed to live with her. I guess she has a point since she is the mistress of the house.”  Ella didn’t mind having to work hard. “So it’s been a couple of years already. Everyone is very kind here, so I don’t mind it at all.”
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“Technically you’re not on the clock right now,” he replied shrugging a bit, “Actually speaking of which I’m not keeping you from anything am I?” This girl was too nice he mused, he hated to think he was inconveniencing her in some way. 
Burden? His brow furrowed in confusion at her words the wheels clicking in his head. He had to bite back the urge to argue, she reminded him a bit of Duke when they first met. “She sounds like a..,” don’t say it that voice that sounded like Jimmy in his head snapped, “very old fashioned woman,” he said settling for a more neutral term. “Does she..usually talk like that about things?” he questioned trying to be as casual as possible.
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“I work after hours to generally clean up.” If she didn’t she couldn’t afford college. “Don’t worry, my boss isn’t that strict with me. She is very kind and she allows me to breaks when I need one.” She truly was blessed to work in such an adorable place like this.
Her smile faltered for a second. “I suppose she would be in the eyes of others, she, however, considers herself to be a rather…modern thinking woman.” Almost instinctively, her hand moved to her sleeve, tugging to hide the bruises. “Well…” She wasn’t quite comfortable with the question. “I mean…It’s manageable you know.” But was it?
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Least her work life seemed healthy enough he mused quietly to himself. He himself was fairly laid back in his workplace letting the kids do homework while he finished closing up on slow nights. “Careful you keep telling me how good of a worker you are and I might try to poach you for Jumbo’s” he teased playfully.
Resisting the urge to snort Timothy fiddled with the strap on his bag thinking over his words. He averted her gaze when he saw her fiddling wanting to give her some semblance of privacy. Shrugging he for one of the few times in his life picked his words carefully, “You know manageable looks good on a resume, not sure how well it fits towards home stuff.” Pausing he shook his head, “Sorry I’m probably overstepping just…you remind me of a buddy of mine.”
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“Well I could always use an extra job, but I fear my body won’t let me.” She already lived on three to four hours of actual sleep. If she were to take another job, she might get overwhelmed with the house chores. She pondered over it. Maybe she could reschedule how she did her chores and her laundry job.
“We don’t get to pick our homes.” She muttered. It wasn’t very kind of her to say, but she didn’t like lying either. Her home was in the hands of a woman who despite her. “I understand your concern, but I’ll manage.” She would manage, saving money to the day she could leave that house filled with memories of her real parents. Secretly her heart broke a little over the idea.
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Timothy resisted an urge to frown at her words, that hadn’t been his intention at all. He’d met less adults that were less workaholic than this girl was, though he doubted it was just because she enjoyed it. Still there wasn’t much he could do without overstepping he thought, he was a stranger after all. 
“No we don’t,” he agreed thinking back before his adoption and the less than stellar home life he’d had. Swallowing he knew he should probably let her go off he’d held her up long enough and he very much did not want to come off as creepy. “I’m sure you will but,” he grabbed one of his business cards out of his wallet. He rarely used them but for once grateful the owner had made them, “Listen if you ever wanna talk…or just need someone to make you laugh. Call me alright?”
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matan4il · 1 month
On this Yom Ha'Zikaron Le'Chalalei Ma'rachot Yisrael (Memorial Day for Israel's Fallen Soldiers and Terror Victims), I figured it's important to remember that Israeli victims did not exist solely on Oct 7. We have lost loved ones before and since. Here's a list with just one random victim to represent each year. Please scroll down the list to see how far back it goes.
(part 1/5, all parts in the reblogs)
2024: On Jan 7, we lost 19 years old Shai Garmai
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2023: On Oct 7, we lost 28 years old Osama abu Madiam
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2022: On Nov 23, we lost 18 years old Tiran Faro
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2021: On May 12, we lost 5 years old Ido Avigal
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2020: On Aug 26, we lost 39 years old Shai Ochayon
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2019: On May 5, we lost 49 years old Zaid al-Chamamda
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2018: On Dec 12, we lost Amiad Israel Yish Ran, who was murdered in his mother's womb
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2017: On Nov 22, we lost 21 years old Hodaya Nechama Assoulin
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2016: On Oct 25, we lost 14 years old Rami Namer abu Amar
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2015: On Feb 17, we lost 4 years old Adelle Biton
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2014: On Oct 22, we lost 2.5 months old Chaya Zissel Brown
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2013: On Dec 24, we lost 22 years old Salech al-Din abu al-Atayef
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2012: On Jul 18, we lost 28 years old Yitzchak Idan Kolangi
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2011: On Apr 17, we lost 16 years old Daniel Aryeh Viplich
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2010: On Feb 26, we lost 52 years old Netta Blatt Sorek
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2009: On Apr 2, we lost 13 years old Shlomo Nativ
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2008: On Mar 6, we lost 26 years old Doron Trunach Mahareta
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2007: On Jun 17, we lost 85 years old Meir Cohen
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2006: On Aug 10, we lost 4 years old Fatchi Assdi
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2005: On Jul 12, we lost 16 years old Nofar Horvitz
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2004: On Sep 29, we lost 2 years old Dorit Massarat Binsan
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2003: On Sep 9, we lost 20 years old Naava Appelbom
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2002: On Nov 10, we lost 4 years old Noam Levi Ochayon
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2001: On Dec 12, we lost 42 years old Ester Avraham
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2000: On Nov 21, we lost 19 years old Itamar Yefet
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1999: On Jun 24, we lost 34 years old Tony Eliyahu Zanna
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1998: On Dec 2, we lost 41 years old Osama Moussa abu Aisha
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1997: On Mar 13, we lost 13 years old Natali Alkalai
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1996: On Feb 25, we lost 57 years old Yitzchak Elbaz
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1995: On Jul 24, we lost 60 years old Zehava Oren
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As Tumblr limits a post to 30 images... part 1/5 - the next parts will be posted in the reblogs momentarily. Please check out the full list.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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chronolojay · 9 days
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gwen stacy, arachnophobia. a web weave based on the incredible fic by @rappaccini
this fic changed the way I think about gwen as a character and got lodged in my brain since I first read it. its a fic that makes you want to make art about it and it is absolutely worth your time.
Sources under the cut
PART 1: The Fall
The Amazing Spider Man 2. Directed by Marc Webb, performance by Emma Stone, 2014. Gerry Conway, writer. The Night that Gwen Stacy Died. Pencils by Gil Kane. Inks by John Romita. Colors by Dave Hunt. Letters by Artie Simek. The Amazing Spider-Man #121, 1973. @gui_la_ume, TikTok, 2023, LEGO Spiderman Animation, https://www.tiktok.com/@gui_la_ume/video/7245780799251860763. Lavergne, Max. "Coming Up With a Complete List of Ways to Die", Infinite Gossip, Sep 28, 2023, https://infinitegossip.substack.com/p/coming-up-with-a-complete-list-of. Pal, Marijan. "Ajshil, Oresteja, SNG Drama in Ljubljana",  Wikimedia Commons,1968,  https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ajshil,_Oresteia,_Drama_SNG_v_Ljubljani_(4).jpg. Spider-Man 3. Directed by Sam Raimi, 2007.
the garages. "solar eclipse". https://open.spotify.com/track/23y7JvIq11f1NHnwxWC27P?si=7b4482b1601e40de Madison, Piper. "Phonograph" . https://open.spotify.com/track/13ypXt9ag0Rq8uLBe2tZqn?si=d0aab028801e419d “Memento mori.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/memento%20mori. Accessed 1 May. 2024. Oates, Joyce Carol. Blonde: A Novel. 2000, ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA68593021. The Oresteia, Aeschylus rappaccini. arachnophobia. https://archiveofourown.org/works/48363238/chapters/121980043  Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. Directed by Joaquim Dos Santos, Kemp Powers, and Justin K. Thompson, 2023.
PART 2: Rage, OR: Tear It All Down
Area 51 circuit board, "I'M NOT DEAD YET" via https://arcadeheroes.com/2014/04/20/arcade-games-easter-eggs/ are you in hell via https://www.tumblr.com/screenshotsofdespair/705113397985968128 A Softer World. www.asofterworld.com/index.php?id=891. bloody knuckles. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/68/68/62/686862f692cfb5e02b76013701ff3347.jpg burn it all lighter via https://png-heaven.tumblr.com/post/675085348575084544/love-still, https://www.etsy.com/listing/717241294/personalized-lighter-zippo-engraved caitlynsarah95, "Hands". Deviantart, May 3, 2019, https://www.deviantart.com/caitlynsarah95/art/Hands-796203302. Daley-Ward, Yrsa, "all the wrong colours" "DIY Three Ingredient Venom Slime", elledoingstuff, https://web.archive.org/web/20201126155036/https://shedoesstuff.com/2018/10/22/diy-three-ingredient-venom-slime/  Gerhard Richter Untitled (5 Jan 1990), 1990 Marchese, David. “Kathleen Turner, in Conversation.” Vulture, 7 Aug. 2018, www.vulture.com/2018/08/kathleen-turner-in-conversation.html. MarianneCreates, "live with this", via https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/98874045 McGuire, Seanan, and Rosi Kampe. Spider-Gwen: Ghost-Spider Vol. 1. Marvel, 2019. Melissa P. Directed by Luca Guadagnino, 2005. Paskow, Linnea "Splitter", 2020.  https://linneapaskow.com/paintings-/18 Roland Arhelger, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Verrazzano-Narrows_Bridge_(New_York).jpg Sin, Nata. "Menotaxis", November 8, 2022. https://instagram.com/nata__sin__?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== "Spider PNG image image with transparent background", via https://pngimg.com/image/4537. "Spider Transparent #1558430", via  http://clipart-library.com/clip-art/spider-transparent-2.htm. "Spider PNG Image" via https://www.pngall.com/spider-png/download/1726 Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. Directed by Joaquim Dos Santos, Kemp Powers, and Justin K. Thompson, 2023. "Transparent Spider Gif #1587577", via http://clipart-library.com/clip-art/transparent-spider-gif-23.htm. "Transitions Purple T-Shirt + Download", august, via https://store.augustalsina.com/products/transitions-purple-t-shirt-pre-order-download
Boyer, Anne. "WHAT RESEMBLES THE GRAVE BUT ISN’T". 2017.  Moyers, 17 April 2017, https://billmoyers.com/story/poetry-month-what-resembles-the-grave-but-isnt/ Carson, Anne. H Of H Playbook. New Directions Publishing Corporation, 2021. Euripides. Grief Lessons: Four Plays by Euripides. New York Review of Books, 2008. Lord Huron. "Not Dead Yet", https://open.spotify.com/track/5NRbNXwXHM9mYgxMhzVWTP?si=d55caaf2461a4675 rappaccini. arachnophobia. https://archiveofourown.org/works/48363238/chapters/121980043 
PART 3: Live
277: Venetian Memento Mori Earrings, Ragoarts.com. www.ragoarts.com/auctions/2021/07/summer-jewels/277 beigeandrose. “The 1990s Goth Faux Leather Lace up Chunky Heels Platform Boots Size US 8.” Etsy, www.etsy.com/listing/117460104/the-1990s-goth-faux-leather-lace-up. “Clasped Hands of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning.” The Metropolitan Museum of Art, www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/11156. Coello, Iban. Carnage-ized Variant Cover, Spider-Gwen: Ghost-Spider Vol. 2 - Impossible Year. Marvel Entertainment, 2019. Forcibly Feminized at the Pharm, The High Femmes, 2022 Hodan, George. "Spider Web." PublicDomainPictures.net, https://www.publicdomainpictures.net/en/view-image.php?image=21073&picture=spider-web Home, pinkshift, 2023 "Nice While It Lasted." Bojack Horseman, created by Raphael Bob-Waksberg, season 6 episode 16, Netflix, 2020. Rainbow, Kesha, 2017 Shinkai, Makoto, and Midori Motohashi. The Garden of Words. Kodansha Comics, 2016. Skin-N-Bones. “An top down image of red soup, on a blue background, with noodles spelling out ‘Everybody Dies.’” Tumblr, 12 June 2013, skin-n-bones.tumblr.com/post/52800040011. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. Directed by Joaquim Dos Santos, Kemp Powers, and Justin K. Thompson, 2023. "Spiderman Graffiti, Pittsburgh", by chronolojay “THAT’S BELIEVABLE!” Tumblr, 3 Mar. 2024, www.tumblr.com/thatsbelievable/743968419651665920?source=share.
Latour, Jason. SPIDER-GWEN VOL. 6: THE LIFE OF GWEN STACY. Illustrated by Mike Ploog, Cover Art by Robbi Rodriguez, vol. 6, ‎ Marvel Universe, 2018. Limón, Ada. “Dead Stars.” Poets.org, 1976, poets.org/poem/dead-stars. rappaccini. arachnophobia. https://archiveofourown.org/works/48363238/chapters/121980043  Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief. Knopf Books for Young Readers, 2007.
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wigglepiggle · 7 months
object show dashboard simulator(unreality!!!!)
📒 waves-and-spirals Follow
🔄 the-truest-treasure Follow
Nov 22
🪙 the-truest-treasure Follow
Aug 30
HELP!!!! last challenge one of the contestants in the show I'm in just straight up ran away before the challenge was over and we cant find him. I feel pretty bad because he was really mad at me and maybe that's why he ran away? I don't know but can somebody please offer guidance I'm kind of worried about him we haven't seen him since August 12th 2022 and I don't think anyone else is even trying to find him!
📒 waves-and-spirals Follow
Oct 18
Oh no!!! D: Is there an update to this story? Did you find him yet?
🪙 the-truest-treasure Follow
Nov 3
No unfortunately, it's about to be two challenges since he disappeared! I don't know why nobody's looking for him not even the host is! I want to but I think he's still mad at me so I'm a bit nervous. Well hopefully he turns up tomorrow because there's another challenge? I don't know. I really want this to be over. Thank you for your concerns though.
#i hope he gets back safe and sound!!! good luck with finding him and your challenge! #love from pericolo!
♦️ wand-erlust Follow
47 notes
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Oct 22
what the fuck so sometimes I visit the object show I used to be in's contestant grounds at night when objects are asleep to fuck around yk but I swear I walked past the waterfall and there was just someone crying in there.. I did not go in because I didn't feel like getting my ass kicked or something I have no idea who that was
why is everyone depressed on paper puppets what are they doing to you objects
⚫ kill-nerdsdeactivated20231025 Follow
Oct 22
♦️ wand-erlust Follow
Oct 22
yeah well watch this cool shit
⚫ kill-nerdsdeactivated20231025 Follow
Oct 23
[various really blurry pictures of a small creature with straight ears and big back legs in a cabin room. they're taken as if the photographer is running around while taking the picture]
♦️ wand-erlust Follow
Nov 22
almost 1 month since I grabbed a random small creature from somewhere along my journeys and placed it in the cabin chainsaw was in for paper puppets and it scared him so bad he yelled on here about it and everyone clowned him so hard he deactivated🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 (dw I got the creature out out it is unharmed I have it with me right now)
[one picture of the creature, it has the same straight ears and big back legs. you can now see that it is white. A hand is petting it on the head and it seems happy]
📌 theooze Follow
16k notes
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🔄 coincreature Follow
Nov 22
📌 theooze Follow
Nov 22
Does NOBODY remember Teardrop Burger and the incident I swear that's all we'd talk about in like 2019...
🏀 bouncingboundingaround Follow
Nov 22
I still don't know if that was real or not or we just made it up to make fun of Gelatin's Steakhouse
⛵ sailingalong Follow
Nov 22
Hey I'm not from Goiky but I'm curious, what's Teardrop Burger?
🥇 coincreature Follow
Nov 22
Eh it was more of an objblr thing than a Goiky thing but basically Teardrop opened a burger stand near the inanimate insanity 2 filming grounds to compete with Gelatin's Steakhouse and she accidentally or on purpose poisoned a bunch of people with how dirty everything was. or so they say. it basically a huge inside joke lmao Teardrop Burger never existed but it's cleanliness was about the same as Gelatin's Steakhouse heh gelatin was pissed for weeeeeeeks after
#my mutual explains this best! love td burger best joke objblr has ever made #we should bring it back it would make the new season better if everyone was dying of food poisoning #/j
🥎 tbal Follow
1k notes
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Nov 21
🥳 partyrockers Follow
200 notes
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🔄blueshieldz Follow
Nov 22
🛡️ blueshieldz Follow
Jan 26
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the dead guy was my great great great great great grandpa too HELP his name was rook btw
🛡️ blueshieldz Follow
Nov 22
coming back to this post I always I thought everything seemed slightly haunted in the boto grounds I guess this was why hehehe
🥳 partyrockers Follow
Nov 22
Shieldy. my friend and mutual. what do you mean it seemed HAUNTED???
🪣 dontkickthebucket Follow
28k notes
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🔄 bintrovert Follow
Nov 5
🥩 gelatins-steakhouse Follow
Nov 1
Come on down to Gelatin's Steakhouse for our special 2-for-one deal if you buy a shirt from Flower's Fashion Store!
🫐 gloomandberries Follow
Nov 4
♦️ wand-erlust Follow
Nov 5
⚔️ noblesteed Follow
Nov 5
⚡ sapphicplasma Follow
Nov 5
🗑️ bintrovert Follow
Nov 5
🪣 dontkickthebucket Follow
Nov 5
📺 thehandiscoming Follow
20 notes
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Nov 10
0 notes
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bubbloquacious · 8 months
Effortpost registry
Recommendations for learning category theory; 28 mar 2024
The hairy ball theorem and stably free modules; 11 feb 2024
Topological connectedness and generalized paths; 24 nov 2023
Graphs as presheaves 3: subobject classifiers; 19 oct 2023
Effortpost registry; 18 oct 2023
Graphs as presheaves 2: limits and colimits; 11 oct 2023
Hydrogen bomb vs. coughing baby: graphs and the Yoneda embedding; 7 oct 2023
Extending the D ⊣ U ⊣ I adjunction sequence; 23 sep 2023
The Riemann rearrangement theorem and net convergence; 18 sep 2023
Thoughts on the axiom of choice; 18 feb 2023
Topological spaces and simple graphs as neighbourhood spaces; 15 feb 2023
What is a space?; 10 jan 2023
The exponential function applied to sets; 24 dec 2022
On nilpotent eigenvalues; 23 dec 2022
But IS the empty space connected?; 11 nov 2022
Monads monads monads; 8 nov 2022
Calculating what the triangle identities mean for a bunch of adjunctions and being amazed when it works every time; 7 nov 2022
Defining the Lebesgue integral as a net limit; 27 jul 2022
Rambles about describable sets; 28 oct 2021
Functions with cycling derivatives; 30 aug 2021
Why the rationals have zero length; 31 may 2021
An infinite cardinal valued random variable; 30 may 2021
A field-based functor; 20 mar 2021
Generalized sides; 13 mar 2021
Rambles about metric convexity; 22 feb 2021
Wiggle function convergence; 28 jan 2021
Rambles about infinity; 5 sep 2020
Generalized golf; 24 jun 2020
Rambles about continuousifying series; 10 may 2020
Rambles about being closed under exponentiation; 7 may 2020
Rambles about the groups that come with fields; 3 may 2020
A compilation of donutified functions; 17 mar 2020
Rambles about arithmetic functions; 24 jan 2020
Graphing real functions on a torus >:); 29 nov 2019
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lands-of-fantasy · 2 years
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All STAR WARS Entertainment Weekly Print Covers
>> Press for Episode I: The Phantom Menace: 1. JAN 1997 - Photo from Episode VI: A New Hope 2. JUN 1997 - Cast Photo 3. MAR 1999 4. MAY 1999 - Cast Photo
>> Press for Episode II: Attack of The Clones: 5. APR 2000 - Cast Photo 6. JUN/JUL 2000 - Cast Photo 7. APR 2002 - Cast Photo 8. MAY 2002 (2 Covers)
>>  Press for the new DVDs 9. SEP 2004 - Photo from Episode VI: A New Hope
>> Press for Episode III: Revenge of The Sith 10. APR 2005 – Star Wars Special Edition             6 Covers, 1 from each Episode 11. MAY 2005
>> The Empire Strikes Back 30th Anniversary 12. APR 2010 – Behind The Scenes Photos
>> Disney announces deal to acquire Lucasfilm and plans for new movies 13. NOV 2012 – Original Trilogy montage
>> Press for Episode VII: The Force Awakens 14. AUG 2015 15. NOV 2015 (4 Covers)
>> Press for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 16. JUL 2016 17. DEC 2016 (2 Covers)
>> Press for Episode VIII: The Last Jedi 18. AUG 2017 (2 Covers) 19. DEC 2017 (4 Covers)
>> Press for Solo: A Star Wars Story 20. FEB 2018
>> Press for The Mandalorian 21. OCT 2019
>> Press for Episode XIX: The Rise of Skywalker 22. DEC 2019 – 3 Covers: Montages of characters from the Prequels, OT and from The Rise of Skywalker
>> Press for The Mandalorian (Season 2) 23. OCT 2020 (2 Covers) 
>> Press for Obi-Wan Kenobi 24. APR 2022 – This was the last print issue from EW, with the magazine going digital-only from then on
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offender42085 · 11 months
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Post 1009
Andrew Braddy, Pennsylvania inmate NU5558, born 2000, incarceration intake in 2019 at age 19, sentenced to 12 years; projected release date not available
Involuntary Manslaughter
In March 2019, a Latrobe man was sentenced to serve up to 12 years in prison after pleading guilty to a lesser charge of involuntary manslaughter for the August 2017 shooting death of his 15-year-old friend.
Andrew Stephen Braddy, 18, told a Westmoreland County judge he was guilty of the charges but said nothing more about his role in the shooting death of Devin Capasso. The teen was killed when a gun, held by Braddy, discharged as they listened to rap music in a Latrobe home.
“This was a tragic accident. It was his friend, and there were drugs being consumed. Drugs and guns never mix,” defense attorney Robert Mielnicki said.
Braddy was 17 at the time of the incident. He was initially charged with a general count of criminal homicide, and prosecutors said there was evidence he intended to kill Capasso, a crime that if he was convicted could carry a potential life prison sentence. Defense attorneys have for the last year insisted involuntary manslaughter, which is a killing that occurs as a result of a negligent or reckless act, was the more appropriate charge.
Assistant District Attorney Tom Grace said the plea bargain finalized Monday was appropriate.
“Factually, this charge is the best fit. It involved a reckless killing. This was a situation where young kids were fooling around with guns. There is no evidence of bad blood between them,” Grace said.
Prosecutors said Braddy and four others were in a fourth-floor apartment on Main Street on Aug. 29, 2017, when he and another teen showed off two handguns stolen from vehicles within the past week. As the group listened to rap music, Braddy started to wave one of the guns, manipulated the weapon to prepare it to shoot and told Capasso he was going to fire before he pulled the trigger, police said.
Westmoreland County Common Pleas Judge Rita Hathaway imposed terms of the negotiated plea bargain that calls for Braddy to serve six to 12 years in prison.
That sentence includes a 2 1⁄2 to five-year prison term for the misdemeanor involuntary manslaughter charge, the maximum penalty for that offense. The judge ordered Braddy serve a consecutive term of 3 1⁄2 to seven years behind bars for a count of possession of an unlicensed firearm.
As part of the plea deal, Braddy withdrew his pretrial motions that included a request to have his case transferred to juvenile court, a move that would have prevented him from remaining in custody beyond his 21st birthday.
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A list of Jesse Eisenberg's writing
I made a list of Jesse Eisenberg's writing.
NOV 30 Manageable Tongue Twisters.
FEB 24 Marxist-Socialists Jokes
JUL 21 A Post Gender Normative Man Tries to Pick Up a Woman at a Bar
JAN 25 Courage Is Just an Act
FEB 15 Jeremy Lin Has Helped Me Through Some Pretty Tough Times
MAR 12 Jesse Eisenberg on His Lifelong Aversion to Youth Culture
MAY 24 Sushi Nozawa
JUN 06 Masgouf
JUL 09 The Whiskey Blue Bar at the W Hotel
AUG 20 Robert Frost Elementary School Cafeteria
OCT 02 Organix vs. the San Gennaro Street Festival
NOV 21 Thanksgiving With Vegans
DEC 11 Body Rituals Among the Lauxesortem
FEB 22 Matthew’s House
MAR 17 Marv Albert Is My Therapist
APR 15 The League, Passed Down
APR 17 I Didn’t Win Any Pulitzer Prizes This Year
APR 25 A Marriage Counselor Tries to Heckle at a Knicks Game
JUN 03 Fuddruckers and an Unreliable New Friend
JUN 24 Separation-Anxiety Sleepaway Camp
AUG 06 A Crawfish Boil and Dad’s New Family
SEP 09 A Bully Does His Research
OCT 02 A Post Gender Normative Woman Tries to Pick Up a Man at a Bar
OCT 07 Final Conversations at Pompeii
NOV 01 The Museum of Natural History and Making Compromises
NOV 12 Alexander Graham Bell’s First Five Phone Calls
DEC 12 The Ashram and Mom
JAN 20 If I Was Fluent in . . .
JUN 10 Carmelo Anthony and I Debrief Our Friends After a Pickup Game at the Y.M.C.A.
MAY 25 Men and Dancing
SEP 01 My Nephew Has Some Questions
SEP 09 My Spam Plays Hard to Get
NOV 23 An Honest Film Review
JAN 27 What Do You Do When Your Mother Won’t Shut Up at The Ballet?
FEB 04 Act Like You Know
FEB 12 Why I Broke Up with the Little Mermaid
MAY 19 My Cousin Recently Became A Realtor
JAN 25 My Very Good Friend
FEB 01 发现肉——致中国读者
NOV 14 Mongolia
JAN 15 Sad Stuff on the Street
MAR 20 Thanks, Giving
MAY 14 My N.B.A. Knowledge Comes In Handy
MAY 18 One Small Blow Against Encroaching Totalitarianism: The Natural Order of the World Depends On It
MAY 31 Jesse Eisenberg on the Relentless Work Ethic of Philip Roth
DEC 05 The Cast Members and Their Crew
NOV 21 My Two-Year-Old Requests Just One More Song Before Bed
NOV 23 Jesse Eisenberg: Recommends four contemporary plays
MAR 02 Writer Courtney Zoffness and Jesse Eisenberg on the Radical Compassion of Art
NOV 07 Content Warning
FEB 20 A G.P.S. Route for My Anxiety
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mentozuu · 2 years
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a bunch of villainous sketches from the old AI streams
originally posted at: Jun 21, 2019 Jun 30, 2019 Jul 12, 2019 Jul 26, 2019 Aug 12, 2019 Aug 18, 2019
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blockgamepirate · 2 years
Technoblade video recs for newbies!
Just a couple of suggestions with explanations so you can pick the one that sounds the most interesting. I picked these as sort of low threshold starters that should be entertaining regardless of whether you're familiar with these corners of MCYT or not
1. the history of technoblade (1,000,000 sub elbow reveal)
Duration: 12:51
Date: Aug 18th 2019
This is a decent channel intro if you want to learn about the man himself first. It might not be the best introduction to his content because it's obviously not really a gaming video but a channel retrospective, but it IS a good introduction to his sense of humour and his "persona". It also explains a lot of memes that you would otherwise have to have watched dozens of videos to get.
2. Skeppy vs Technoblade (The Final Reckoning)
Duration: 18:10
Date: Dec 12th 2018
(Not actually the final reckoning, there were many more reckonings to come)
An absolute classic. This is the origin of some long running gags, including the orphan jokes, and just a great demonstration of Skeppy and Techno's dynamic. It's delightfully wacky and involves a bunch of the funnier games on Hypixel. The two of them also just make each other laugh so much in this one.
(And if you want more, check his "skeppy is mad" playlist or check Skeppy's channels for the collabs Techno didn't record.)
3. the hypixel skyblock experience
Duration: 10:15
Date: Jun 15th 2019
This might genuinely be my favourite Technoblade video, and I feel like he might have agreed because it's been on top of his channel's home page for years, and still is.
This is Techno introducing Hypixel Skyblock to his audience and the first episode of his Skyblock series which is frankly the best series on his channel, don't @ me.
This video has it all, comedy, struggles, adventure, witty commentary, dangerously high concentrations of sarcasm, and also surprisingly many genuine thoughtful moments. The beginning monologue is a beautiful tribute to the original Skyblock (even tho it's a set up for a joke).
This series also includes the famous Potato War trilogy, which is probably his most popular work of all time, but I recommend watching this one first! You can then skip to the Potato War videos or you can watch the whole Skyblock series because it really is the best Techno content out there IMO. And you'll get more out of the Potato War that way. They're also pretty short anyway, 10-12 mins per video.
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sweetellafontaine · 6 months
((Polaris)) 💗 Someday | Harriet [18 Aug 2019] ((Do not reply))
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She was beginning to feel the weight of summer. Summer meant no classes, it meant working at the magic laundry and working on the household. The Fontaine mansion wasn’t built for one person to do all the work, yet that was exactly how the household was arranged. And all of it was put on Ella Fontaine, who, if her father had not remarried, would be the master of the mansion.
After her shift at the magical laundry, she barely could stand on her feet. Blisters prevented her from moving quickly, and she barely could bite back her tears.
“Someday, I will find my happiness.” She whispered to herself in a weak attempt to cheer herself up, she found herself sitting down on the pavement removing a shoe to see the damage on her feet. It was worse than she imagined. And she sighed. “When will kindness repay me, mother?” She whispered to herself, surprised to see a butterfly landing before her. She decided to dry her tears and put back her shoes but got started to see she no longer was alone.
“Oh, I apologize.” She kindly smiled before offering the other a bow.
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Like a bear emerging from hibernation, Harriet stumbles out of some hole in the wall basement apartment. She recoils against the sun, pulling her sunglasses tighter against her face as she starts in the direction of home. 
Too preoccupied with thoughts of Advil and her bed, she doesn’t notice the moping wad on the sidewalk until the girl speaks. “Don’t worry about it,” she says, hurrying past her only to pause two steps later. Wrinkling her nose, mouth agape, she twists around on the spot. “Hey, what day is it?”
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She was used to being unnoticed at home, but outside people tended to give her as much as a hello. Yet, she wouldn’t allow her heart to feel heavy and smiled. “It is Tuesday, Miss.” She smiled politely. “Do you need to be somewhere? I can give you directions if you need to?”
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“Fuck yes,” she says, throwing her head back and fist-pumping with both arms. That had been one hell of a bender, and for a second, she questioned her sense of time. It’s not Wednesday. She isn’t working later, thank God. Of course, Mads probably would have switched shifts with her. “No, thanks, just having a bit of trouble transitioning back to sober. Nothing matters and everything makes sense when you’re high, you know? Or not…you’re giving off a strong ‘somebody just killed your puppy’ vibe.”
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The woman in front of her showed her quite some interesting expressions, it made Ella feel a bit curious about the other. “Oh, if you are experiencing some headaches I can advise you to drink water and eat. If you get hydrated chances are likely that your headache will worsen over the day, and that’s no good.” She smiled. She was not the type to take any sort of drugs, if anything her high came from doing good to others. “I just had a lot of pain in my feet, that is all. But thank you for your concern.” She offered the woman a kindhearted smile. “Oh, I do not wish to take too much of your time, you did seem to be in a hurry after all. I do wish you a wonderful day.”
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Now that the blonde mentions eating, she could use a proper, ‘something other than pizza’ meal. There’s also her gut telling her this girl could use a friend today. And Harriet is always eager to make new friends. She looks around, lips pursed and sees a restaurant across the street. Her bed, excited as she is to collapse into it, can wait for a little longer. With a smile, she raises her brows at the girl. “Are you hungry?”
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“I’m a little bit, yes.” She smiled. “Are you inviting?” She cocked her head, smiling from ear to ear. “I could use a bite, I probably won’t get much to eat at home, considering I’m already late. Perhaps I’m lucky and my stepsisters aren’t home and dragged my stepmother along.” She pondered for a moment. The next words were nothing but a faint whisper. “Either way I’m getting punished, so I might just get something nice to eat.”
With that, she put her shoe back on. “Let’s go, I’ll pay.”
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autistic-sidestep · 7 months
witness me trying to cull the regene related asks down to the useful ones by summarizing any new info i found lol. avoided this one so long cos there were so many of them ;___; list ahoy under the cut
Regenes are given codes and codenames (08 may 2018)
regene rights (09 may 2018)
industrial tattoos (03 june 2018)
blugenes colourrange (16 aug 2018)
regenes get older + organic bodies (20 sept 2018)
cyborg definition (10 nov 2018)
ai minds clarification, genitech can't build minds (11 nov 2018)
regenes have genitals (12 nov 2018)
regene making process (12 nov 2018)
emp shielding AI chips (12 nov 2018)
regene enhanced power classes (15 nov 2018)
regenes have unique faces (21 nov 2018)
periods (25 nov 2018)
regene numbers/nicknames (26 nov 2018)
development in other countries? (27 nov 2018)
regene making process (1-3 years) (03 dec 2018)
reconditioning (13 dec 2018)
organic? transplants patents etc (15 dec 2018)
general regene literacy training, handlers (15 dec 2018)
regene culture nicknames (15 dec 2018)
install regene ai chips in humans? (18 dec 2018)
teenager decant (18 dec 2018)
lifespan? kia too early to test (22 dec 2018)
specific decanting teenage range 14-15 (22 dec 2018)
regene bonding (25 dec 2018)
regene vulcan culture (25 dec 2018)
organic brains but need need ai chip (28 dec 2018)
pain (28 dec 2018)
no chip swapping between regenes (28 dec 2018)
higher calorie intake than humans (boost-related) (7 jan 2019)
regenes can get sick (08 jan 2019)
tattoo design styles are the same, patterns and colours differ (10 jan 2019)
tat barcodes (10 jan 2019)
why not make them identical? (17 jan 2019)
programmed life skills (21 jan 2019)
few hundred regenes (01 feb 2019)
nails eyelashes nails grow (04 feb 2019)
lifespan studies? (11 feb 2019)
viability > "minor imperfections" (16 feb 2019)
hacking/captcha pass (28 march 2019)
lowlight vision regene eyeshine (27 apr 2019)
healing others (more a boost q) (03 may 2019)
regenes have fingerprints/sometimes removed (04 may 2019)
step's batchmates (05 may 2019)
bellybuttons (16 may 2019)
overwhelmed etsy store production (01 jun 2019)
regene book 3 topic (21 jun 2019)
regene death, avo'd (21 jun 2019),
androids? (02 jul 2019)
family units/parent regenes? (15 jul 2019)
sib relationships (any relationships outside teams discouraged) (15 jul 2019)
cuckoos and human mission working (unaware) (15 jul 2019)
cuckoo solo operatives (15 jul 2019)
can have extra organs/limbs (presumably via boosting) (21 jul 2019)
seeded with boost drug in tube stage (01 aug 2019)
ai chips counteract the vegetable brain growth speed issue (01 aug 2019)
cancer, boost drug casualties  (01 aug 2019)
ranger interactions (01 aug 2019)
high maintenance (01 aug 2019)
control mechanisms (15 aug 2019)
rebirth regene team age/older ones trusted on us soil (18 aug 2019)
thought-voids feeling (24 aug 2019)
sex and pronouns (16 sept 2019)
boost-related miscarriage/procedures to prevent procreation (30 sept 2019)
fully compatible w/ human germs/disease (29 oct 2019)
power stacking (30 oct 2019)
training templates (25 nov 2019)
handler knowledge of sibling bonds? (25 nov 2019)
codename designated by handlers (25 nov 2019)
handler favourites (25 nov 2019)
mod augmenting powers (25 nov 2019)
regene:handler ratio (avo'd) (25 nov 2019)
selfawareness/autonomy (25 nov 2019)
reggies. (25 nov 2019)
legal classification (03 dec 2019)
finch giving step psych meds? (avo'd) (05 dec 2019)
10% survival -> 10% useful (1%) (08 dec 2019)
regene power scale? (10 dec 2019)
regene v rangers: step's opinion (10 dec 2019)
friendly regenes characters? (11 dec 2019)
tattoo process (14 dec 2019)
brain chip size (18 dec 2019)
tracking chips (19 dec 2019)
on regene vs human boosts (22 dec 2019)
farm makes all kinds of regenes (27 dec 2019)
some premature aging (30 dec 2020)
double dipping (05 jan 2020)
aiming for more reliable process, some progress but still a crapshoot (06 jan 2020)
bellybuttons (placental organ) birthmarks (20 jan 2020)
power maturity/corrections/ai chip surgical insertion at neck #VERY USEFUL(31 jan 2020)
ai chip can't be removed (or....?) (31 jan 2020)
kill switch standard issue(31 jan 2020)
decanting/training/etc process timeline stages (31 jan 2020)
"supposedly sterile" (04 feb 2020) (contradictory?)
rebirth regene (farm not above doing frankenstein arms but mods easier. um.) (15 feb 2020)
powers important for viability >>> minor "defects" (18 feb 2020)
research centres (20 feb 2020)
tattoo meanings? weren't codified at the time (20 feb 2020)
vaccines for abroad deployment!!! + germ susceptibility (23 feb 2020)
morality is for handlers (28 feb 2020)
regenes sweat (11 apr 2020)
chip reboot (16 apr 2020)
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krispyweiss · 3 months
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Over and Out: Jeff Lynne Plans to Switch off Electric Light
- Final North American tour to run Aug. 24-Oct. 26
Jeff Lynne plans to switch off his Electric Light for good.
The Electric Light Orchestra co-founder and leader will take Jeff Lynne’s ELO for one last, 27-date spin around North America on what’s dubbed the Over and Out tour, running Aug. 24-Oct. 26.
“It’s going to be out of this world,” Lynne said of what he calls “the final tour.”
Lynne didn’t say if the farewell marks his retirement or if it’s simply the end of the group he launched in 2014 as a successor to the original ELO, which folded in 1986.
Ticketing info here; read a Sound Bites review from JLELO’s 2019 tour here.
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The Villainous Timeline (Part 1): Flug & Miss Heed
Made this theory to calculate, breakdown and understand the Villainous Timeline. (I will be making 2 or 3 parts as ran out of space for photos.😅)
Part 2: Demencia and 5.0.5.
Part 3: SunBlast and Miss Heed
Alan mentioned on Instagram that:
"The Villainous timeline so far followed real life (as shown on Miss Heed and Penumbra's Instagram) but when the show airs, it’ll slow down and follow its own timeline as they wait for more episodes to release, but it’ll be similar to ours. As we know, all actual real events happened in Villainous and BH even had some influence over them, so I’m sure they’ll still follow ours but at a different pace."
So 3 points to note:
The Villainous Timeline Follows our Time line but at a different pace.
The timeline slows down when the show airs.
BH has some influence over real events happening.
This is confirmed here as when the show airs in 2021, in Episode 4, the date here (in red) is shown as 14 Jul 2021.
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So Given the Ages and Timeline:
Flug is 26 yrs old in Aug 2019
So in Aug 2022 Flug is 29 yrs old. (until Aug 2023, when he becomes 30 yrs old)
Flug's Journal and Demecia's Diary came out on 21st Feb 2022
Flug said in his book “I have been working as the chief scientist of the Black Hat Organization for approximately 8-10 years.” [Google Translate]
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Flug's P.E.A.C.E. files mentioned he has been working in Black Hat Organization since March 10, 2011.
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21st Feb 2022 - 10 Mar 2011 = 10 years 11 months, 11 days.
So, Flug has been working in BlackHat Org years for 10 years (11 months, 11 days) - (Note: round up to 11 yrs for easier calculation)
29 yrs old - 11 years = 18 yrs old.
Based on the year in the photo of Flug’s Thesis in Episode 6, we can conclude that Flug's thesis started out and was finished on the Year 2005. If it was longer there would be a time range. (e.g. 2005 - 2006)
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2022 - 2005 = 17 years
29 yrs - 17 years = 12 yrs old
If they follow Mexico School System, Black Hat Institution should either start in early July or late Aug.
So Flug started going to school either in Jul/Aug 2005
So Flug was 12 years old when he met Miss Heed and started going to Black Hat Institution. (So they started at middle school age)
This was probably the class photo taken on the 1st day of school.
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It's shown he was celebrating Halloween so this picture should take place on the 31st Oct, so they've known each other around 2-3 months at this time.
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According to this article, It takes around 2-6 months to write a thesis
So maybe Flug has to submit his thesis at the end of the year in Dec 2005 before Christmas, as there were no Christmas decorations (I think even if BlackHat hates Christmas, the Villains would probably celebrate Christmas in their own evil way)
So Miss Heed probably stole Flug's thesis in Nov-Dec 2005 and left to become a hero at the age of 12 yrs old.
So, Flug and Miss Heed knew each other for about 4-5 months.
According to Miss Heed's P.E.A.C.E. Files, she was 17 yrs old while the experiments were being conducted.
17 yrs old - 12 yrs old = 5 years.
So does that mean that Miss Heed was experimented on at P.E.A.C.E. when she was 12 years old, for 5 years before she got her powers at the age of 17 yrs old? (Unless something happened between the 5 yr gap.)
Also, According to her P.E.A.C.E. Files, she needed to train her powers, which might take a few months or immediately.
So this picture with Flug staring at the TV looking at Miss Heed, might be when he is 17 - 18 yrs old before he joined Black Hat Organization.
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-> Flug has been working in BHO for 10 yrs 11 months, 11 days, since he was 18 yrs old.
-> Flug and Miss Heed were 12 yrs old when they met each other for about 4-5 months.
-> Afterwards, in the same year Miss Heed left to become a hero and might have been experimented on for 5 years before she developed her powers at the age of 17 years old.
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glennk56 · 1 year
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Brendan Patrick Connor. (2 of 2)
1. 2017/Oct. The Blacklist 05;05
2 & 3. 2017/Nov. Longmire 06;02
4 - 6. 2018/Feb. The X-Files 11;06.
7 & 8. 2018/July Elementary 06;12.
9 - 11. 2019/July The Code 01;11.
12 -13. 2021/Aug. Modern Love 02;02.
14. 2021/Oct. Dopesick (miniseries)
And a few I missed. I usually like to put them in chronological order.
15. 2006/Nov. Ugly Betty 01;10
16. 2006/Nov. ER 13;07.
17. 2007/Nov. iCarly 01;10
18 & 19. 2013/May Mad Men 06;09
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kanmom51 · 1 year
BTS Masterlist
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It’s been 9 years
BTS message to Army
BTS selfie collection 21/22
BTS dance record day 1
BTS dance record day 2
BTS dance record day 3
BTS dance record day 4
BTS dance record day 4 (2)
BTS dance record day 5
Festa dinner 14 June 2022
Festa dinner - what now?
2022 BTS 달마중 [DALMAJUNG] Preview
10 Star photoshoot making
Us ourselves and BTS ‘We”
Merry Christmas from BTS over the years
BTS honorary ambassadors for Busan Expo 2030
BTB BTS Visited the White House to Discuss Anti-Asian Hate Crimes
BTS Oscars 2022
BTS Grammy’s 2019, 2020, 2022
BTS on Twitter
18 April 2023 Hobi enlistment
Today we said goodbye to Hobi
A born singer
Yet to come + For youth
Still with you acapella
BTS Yet to come - the cinematic parallels
Proof ot7 Vlive - RM & V and their spoilers
Proof 2 new songs on CD 3
Proof live
BTS Yet To Come (The Most Beautiful Moment) MV Photo Sketch
Mnet comeback 16 June 2022
Yet to come - M countdown
For youth - M countdown
BTS Inkigayo 19 June 2022
Final ending fairies
Members reactions to JM’s ending fairy
BTS Proof live photo sketch
TMA 2021 BTS full performance
Wait, there was a grand prize
Run BTS dance practice
More from Run BTS dance practice
Jin birthday surprise 10 Dec 2015 - Tae eureka moment
Jin being adorable
when Jin knows he’s cute
Jin concert day 4 - happy birthday
A WTF Jin moment
Oh Jin baby
JM and JK starring in Jin’s IG post 12 July 2022
1 April 2023
Jin Weverse 17 April 2023
Why is Hobi ignored
Happy birthday Hobi - our ray of sunshine
Jhope ‘MORE’ MV Shoot Sketch BTB
Jhope W Korea
W Korea Hobi B-side
Jhope W Korea more photos
Equal signs - Jack in the box
W Korea missing pics from Hobi’s party
Hobi Jack in the box party W Korea photos
I just love Hobi
Me Myself & I J-Hope "All New Hope" silhouette photos
Me Myself & J-Hope “All New Hope” clip
Me Myself & J-Hope “All New Hope” photos 1
Me Myself & J-Hope “All New Hope” photos 2
Hobi’s birthday 18 Feb 2023
Hobi birthday live
Jhope live 26 Feb 2023
Jhope On the street photo sketch
Jihope, Sope and Vhope
Jhope live 26 Feb 2023
Jhope Weverse 10 April 2023
Hobi IG & Weverse 17 April 2023
Hobi's message - 7 May 2023
Jhope 24 May 2023
Jhope 16 August 2023
Taenni soft going public
Tae looks happy
More about Paris
More Taenni
Again about Tae
PolyC IG story 13 November 2022
BTS friendship tattoos
Friendship tattoo
Poly C’s autograph wall
That that - Run BTS version
BTS members fathering styles, lol
Bangtan Bomb 29 Aug 2021 - SBS 2020 performance Link 2;
BTS investment club
BTS’s Dynamite makes it’s way into Rolling Stones list of top 500 songs of all times.
The Truth Untold - Fukuoka Dome Japan
Late late show announcement
Leaving for LV
Bangtan bomb Feb 2015
I'm crying
D-day final
Happy birthday RM 2023
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