#[Tahariel -threads-]
soulsxng · 10 months
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With everyone's rapt attention on the duels in the main area of the party, it hadn't taken Tahariel long to slip into the library after the Princess had taken her leave. Still, he had been cautious in every move-- unwilling to act recklessly and mess everything up before he had her in his grasp.
When, finally, he approached and said her name, it was in a tone that was likely all too familiar to her. Until one paid closer attention, that is, to the cold, hardened undertone that his voice tended to take on nowadays.
That, along with the hand that moved to firmly cover her mouth as he reached her, would be more than enough to tell her that something was...off about him.
"Don't yell. The more attention you draw to us, the more people that I'll have to kill to get us out of here. I've come to take you home. You, Yukaine, and Wrenn. In fact...we should be meeting with the both of them shortly."
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"Charidynn isn't going to keep you from me, this time."
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soraeia · 1 year
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Me: *just quickly stuffing Charidynn back into the storage box---*
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thexuntamed · 5 years
Holy Deception
Jehvo spread his hands, his expression gracious and accepting as all his sons knelt before him. Their wings were spread in supplication, something that always brought a titter of satisfaction from the God. Nothing better than his sons knowing their place in the grand scheme of Heaven. 
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“I will permit you to fight this Charidynn, on the means that your safety is kept paramount. I cannot send all of my sons to a battle and not be worried about your well being. Be strong, be steadfast and be unrelenting. May you protect your beloved witch, Taharial. Jophiel.” His eyes gleamed gold for a brief moment, the color reflecting back in his small son’s, Sachiel’s eyes, before he waved his hand to dismiss them. 
“I will be awaiting your return after the battle. I wish to determine your healthy state for myself before you return to your lives, hm?” As they filed out, Jehvo noted the guilty expression on his son, Tahariel’s face. The god had sensed the kingling’s use of a divine command early, having known beforehand that not all of his sons would agree to such a selfish and foolhardy plan. 
As they left, his eyes glowed that hazy gold again, seeing through his son, Sachiel’s eyes what was going on as they left.  He saw the clenched jaw of his son, Ahkiriel and the resigned expressions on Zakiel and Jehiel’s faces. A gleeful thrill went through him when he sensed more than saw how worried Jahariel was about all this. He was testing the waters more than wanting to see what they said, Sachiel was going to be his eyes in this situation. If anything went amiss and the god saw something he didn’t like during this fight, then Jehvo might just have to step in and finish it himself. 
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A small smile appeared on his face, not reflected in his eyes as he chuckled to himself. “Such willfull sons of mine...as if I do not know all that they plan...” 
Someone would be dying soon. But it would not be God. 
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irelise · 5 years
Cherik fanfic tag game
Thank you @akasanata for the tag!
1. What is your favourite Cherik canon/ canon fix-it fic? Sub Rosa by tahariel, beautiful post-XMFC fic with gorgeous art. Technically a WIP but works brilliantly as a one-shot. It’s a Charles-centric mansion fic where Erik is compelled to return to the mansion every November. Just a very lovely fic all around, bittersweet and angry, but with the promise of hope and recovery. Charles’ voice and characterisation are absolutely impeccable!
...That said there’s always going to be a special place in my heart for Boden’s Mate and its sequel, the Inception AU by kaydeefalls, just because it’s one of the first fics I’ve read in this fandom and it’s so excellent on a technical level. Tightly-plotted, amazing twists and tension, really fantastic use of the dream-sharing, mind-manipulating aspects of Inception to create some gorgeous settings. There’s lots of layered and nuanced symbolism (especially in the sequel), and recurring motifs that pack an emotional punch.
3. What is your favourite slow burn, super long Cherik fic? For that particular flavour of ‘They raw each other in the first part of chapter 1, then spend 100k in denial, misunderstanding, and self-doubt‘: Anarchy in the UK by Yahtzee, definitely! It’s so far outside the usual genre of fic I read but it just works. Fantastic chemistry, one of the fics that sell me on the whole “sparks fly at first sight” thing. Loved how all the plot threads were character driven and develop so organically!
On the other side of the coin, my favourite 100k of pining would definitely go to The Marriage Bargain by @kianspo! Such wonderfully self-indulgent harlequin arranged marriage fic with the BEST young Charles, who is charming and cheeky and brilliant and warm-hearted and vulnerable all at once! Definitely one of those fics I go back to again and again
4. What’s your favourite short and sweet Cherik fic? This fandom has given me a skewed understanding of “short”, I swear! Everyone is so prolific! But here’s a few that I always go out of my way to read whenever I see them pop up :D
But The Cat Came Back by twelve_pastels: catfic! what more do you need? Heli Cases by Black_Betty: cute dad Erik! Also check out To Do List by the same author. Two words: coitus calendar Other Crabs Cannot Be Trusted by groovyphilia: one of the first fics i remember reading after the release of xmfc and I still remember it all these years later, that’s how delightfully amazing it is in its crackyness! The Holiday Lights Battle by so_shhy: mitosis!!!
5. Which Cherik fic gives you all the angst and the feels? what cherik fic DOESN’T give me the angst and the feels? But Us by Pangea stands out as one of those “i’ve read this once and it’s brilliant and i never want to re-read it again ever” sort of fics. Give it a try if you like Dark!Charles!
and also Residue by Tawabids, oh my god
6. What’s your favourite PWP/smutty Cherik fic? i’m too embarrassed to name specifics but anything by Red or by Gerec
Special mention to At Any Time by musical_emjay, and for something that’s heavy on the smut and sexual exploration but also on character development, check out you follow and i’ll lead by pearl_o and pocky_slash!
7. What’s your best recent find in the Cherik fanfic world? The Cherik isn’t the main focus of the piece but please check out this devastating little XMDP ficlet from @fatcatsarecats​... Warning for serious spoilers if you haven’t seen XMDP yet!
Otherwise I’ve really been enjoying the ficbits from @freewithyourtempo​ I’ve seen popping up in the Cherik tag lately! They have some really cool ideas and really good range from angst to wow damn this is hot
8. If you could only recommend one Cherik fic, what would it be? Boden’s Mate from above would probably always be my ultimate rec (and most of the fics here are on my personal ‘top 10 fics’ list), but in the interests of mixing things up:
Limited Release by rageprufrock, one of my favourite ensemble cast fics with the sort of established relationship, bickering but fond and loving Cherik that I adore! If you like FBI-style fics definitely give this a try; most of the team works under Erik, who is a senior agent, and Charles is his usual Professor/activist self that gets too involved for his own good. I absolutely love it - every single character gets a chance to shine, it’s action-packed, there are some really fucking funny scenes, and some really gentle and intimate moments between Charles and Erik. This fic pretty much has everything you can ask for! \o/
Tagging @fatcatsarecats​ @jackyjango​ @amaranth42​ @isamai​ @nesnalou @ice-cream-connie and everyone else at the Cherik discord server (sorry i can’t remember all your handles hdifsdf) and anyone who wants to do this!
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kapisola · 5 years
Your presence is required.
December 15th, 2019
Within worlds that are already large and yet constantly expanding, it is impossible to survive alone. We must grow and cultivate our standings amongst each other.
In celebration of entering a new decade, leaders of significant families, factions, and hierachies across the realms have been invited to gather at The Realms' Decadal Peace Gala to engage with other like-minded parties and reconcile, ally, and familiarize groups new and old.
However, with the gathering of so many powerful beings, runes, protections, and seals will be placed to temporarily suspend any and all types of magic or otherworldly ability; individuals with such powers will be unable to utilize them upon entering the venue grounds. It is one of many precautions that will be taken in order to maintain a kind environment appropriate for fostering relationships.
Civility among all those in attendance is encouraged.
Avelan and Allisae Merlow, your presence as the children of Gaea and the new heads of the Merlow family is required. You are both allowed one additional guest each. Representatives in your place will not be accepted. We look forward to seeing you on the 15th of January.
                                                                  Sincerely,                                                                            Red & Blue
Allisae flipped over the letter, skeptically eyes searching for anything more. She finds nothing else and begins to run her thumb along the beige parchment. “When did you get this...?”
Avelan rubs his temple, tired. Sighing as he picks up the envelope that the letter had arrived in, turning it over in the light before looking over the seal. Silver and gold, stamped with a symbol that vaguely resembled spool of thread set ablaze. “Yesterday. Though it wouldn’t let me open the envelope without you.”
They both sigh deeply, both rubbing their temples now. Neither knew what to make of it. It reads like an invitation, but at the end they’re being summoned rather than invited anywhere. As though they had no choice...
Their eyes drift to the other’s wrist, looking over the number that had appeared atop their right hands the moment they both finished reading through the letter. 30. Underlined with a thin line of runes one would have to place under a glass in order to read properly.
Allisae knits her brows. “Tahariel received one as well...”
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“Was his the same?”
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She nods, setting the letter down finally, though she keeps her hand on it, fingers tracing the lines of dried ink. “Except his didn’t require his presence. And this magic I’m picking up from it--It’s so old...older than the Primordials.”
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soulsxng · 10 months
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As soon as he lays eyes on her, it's as though the fog has lifted somewhat, and he feels his breath catch in his throat. His heart pounds in his chest, and though the feeling it brings is an uncomfortable one, it's...not necessarily unpleasant, either.
In fact, the more he thinks on it, the more he comes to feel that it might even be enjoyable.
...She truly was beautiful, wasn't she. More-so, even, than he recalled from the fragments of memories that had bubbled to the surface of his mind over these last six years. (Or had it been even more than that? He didn't know, anymore.)
It was no wonder he'd once sought to make her his own. And she would be. She was.
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So long as he could pull this off.
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soulsxng · 7 months
“So…what do you say…?” Allisae tips her head down, looking up at Tahariel nervously as he read the invitation. “They’re good friends of mine. They offered their home to me as a safehaven. And I’m not saying we should stay there…” Although she hoped he thought it was a good idea to consider. “But I would like to see them. Lily, too. It’ll do well for her to see some familiar faces. And a festival would be good to lift our spirits…”
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"Putting aside that they were able to send a bird for you after we've just moved entire continents, Allisae, I don't trust this in the slightest. Ahnia has been allied with Meriburn for ages-- there's no doubt that they will be there, if they haven't outright worked with Meriburn to find some way to take you."
"If Vanystea is still trying to hunt you down, which-- I would be surprised if that weren't the case, they could go simply because there's a chance of catching you."
Though he was glad that she brought up the letter, (and so quickly) the entire situation had seen him pacing back and forth in the room ever since. Mind running through both how Meriburn had even managed to find Allisae so easily, and the slowly growing frustration as Allisae persisted in her pleading even after he'd said no.
"Even if they didn't catch you, what about Wrenn? Or Lily? What if they were caught? What if one of you were injured?"
"Why is Meriburn contacting you now, when you're already safely away from Vanystea? It seems to me like it's the same situation that occurred with Ahnia...they may have made you promises, but did they ever act on it? No. None of them were willing to act against Charidynn before, so why would they be now, if he were to try retrieving you?"
To go would be inviting another catastrophe, after they'd already had their more than their fill. In no way, shape, or form would this be worth whatever risk would come with it.
"We all agreed that we need to use discretion until things die down again, Allisae. We can't throw that aside just because of an invitation to a party."
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soulsxng · 7 months
The invitation envelope is sealed with blue wax, the outline of the Meriet royal seal carefully pressed into the the center. The invitation itself consists of a single letter that reads:
❝The kingdom of Meriburn cordially invites you to join them in celebrating the Festival of the Blue Moon. We humbly look forward to your presence in ushering in a new lunar season that is set to begin on at . We advise that you dress in light, airy clothing and have footwear that will not be damaged by any amount of water. We also advise that you arrive by sunset on the first day of the festivities in order to fully experience the welcoming ceremony.❞
Along the bottom of the letter, the words “Please dip in water and turn over.” is written in neat lettering along the bottom of the invitation card. Once done, the rest of the letter continues as follows:
❝An additional, private gathering will be held at the Aichon Palace throughout the entire event. Overnight accommodations will be provided to all guests with this invitation. We advise you keep it in a safe place, to bring it with you on your travels, and to present it to castle staff upon arrival. Your host, Princess Cassandra Tetrarch of Meriburn❞
(for those that are attending the Meriburn party!)
"It looks like she was able to get it approved, after all!" Ezra's face is lit up as he looks over the invitation. Reading it once, then again, before looking to his father and Evan with a grin. "Last year when I went to the festivities, it was amazing, but if this celebration is going to be as big as it sounds, then I'm sure it'll be even better. You'll both be able to make it, right? She'd be really happy to see you both!"
Of course, he knew that having all three of them away from Exulan at once was a bit risky, but...when was the last time they were all able to enjoy a festival together that wasn't in their own kingdom? That wasn't something that they had to organize and upkeep throughout the duration of the events?
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"We don't all have to stay the entire time, but...I think it would be nice."
- - - - - -
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"We're going to Meriburn...? Why?"
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"Alsina is busy with her research, so Sivel asked if I'd like to accompany him. I'd rather not leave you three behind."
The three knew that tone. Baphomet thought that they might find Nesa there...and if that was the case, he wouldn't have to hesitate on taking them back home again. Not to mention that he was worried after the four of them...ever since the Aegis, their parent had barely let any of them out of his sight.
Admittedly, none of them seemed all that excited about the celebration, but...
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"I'll go. Some of our friends will probably be there too, yeah? It'll be a nice change of pace."
- - - - - -
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"...Are you completely certain that you don't mind watching them, Antale? I was at Vanystea's party; Raelin and Thelrin are perfectly capable of attending this celebration in my stead--"
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"They're mine too, Lea...you say that as though I shouldn't have to watch after them-- just like you've done every day that I've been gone, in Ahnia"
Gone working. Eleare didn't even have to say it. The look that they gave Antale said it all for them. Though really, most of this was just for show. It had nothing to do with the kids. Nothing to do with "inconveniencing" Antale...
Going to Meriburn meant that they were guaranteed to at least run into Roderick's youngest son...if not Roderick himself. Something that Antale surely knew already, as well.
Ugh, and he was giving them that look. Apparently, they'd have to go looking for some more appropriate attire...dammit all.
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soulsxng · 8 months
🕯️ royal au!Taha on Yori! (fatestouch)
@fatestouch | A candle for your thoughts? | Accepting!
"What I think of him...?" The Ahnian man hummed, looking off toward where Yori stood, speaking with Allisae about something or another. There was a moment that he wondered what it was that the two were discussing, but...it died down before long. He knew that Yori would tell him later on, more likely than not. When they went on their walk, perhaps.
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"Yori has been by my side for as long as I remember. Anything that I would ask of him, he would do it. Again and again, he has proved that to me...shown me that I have no reason to doubt him. He is my right hand for good reason-- there is nobody that I trust more."
Yori belonged to him...he always had, and he always would. Of that, Tahariel had very little doubt.
Woe befall the poor sap that thought to even attempt taking the kitsune from him.
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soulsxng · 6 months
As much as Yori didn’t want to seem like he was nervous about asking, he couldn’t help petting over one of his tails anxiously, ears pinned back as he approached Tahariel. Having Ophan and Sophie at his back helped, a lot, but … well.
They avoided Taha’s ire for a reason.
“Taari … “ he starts, his other tails flicking a bit. “Well … Allisae told me, about th’ Festival in Meriburn. And I /know/ it’s a risk, but … well, I think it wouldn’t /exactly/ hurt t’ let them attend. We can do everythin’ we can t’ make sure nothin’ happens, no matter what /could/ happen. Even after everythin’ settling down here … well, especially because of it, I think it’d be good for them.” (fatestouch)
He was sitting at the window overlooking some of the land outside the manor that Irekol had graciously allowed them refuge in. As soon as not just one or two, but all three of his most trusted advisors and confidants entered the room, Tahariel had a feeling where this was going.
Already, he wasn't happy about it. Perhaps they could tell, just from the way he didn't acknowledge them...aside from, perhaps, the stilling of darkly colored liquor that had previously been swirling about the glass he held. Once Yori finally spoke to him, however, a sigh spilled from his lips-- frustrated even in the soft smoothness of it.
Everything we can, huh? Had he been looking at Yori, his expression would have been incredulous at best. A biting retort, questioning whether or not Yori suddenly believed himself capable of controling the several hundreds of thousands of people that would be attending the festivities-- let alone the smaller, arguably more dangerous group that had been invited to the more private party. Whether or not he had forgotten why they'd had to leave Brinnela in the first place.
But Tahariel held his tongue. Instead lifting his glass to his lips and emptying it in one go. Setting it down on the window sill as he got to his feet and faced the trio.
"I've already discussed this with Allisae, so if you all came because she sent you, you can let her know that my decision hasn't changed from a few hours ago." Icy colored eyes rest momentarily on the decanter sitting on the table between he and them. He'd already had one glass before this...another would be unwise. Right now, he didn't have the luxury of dulling his senses like that. "Which, while we're on the topic of Allisae...I was under the impression that you were all under my employ, not hers. When did that change, now?"
He was looking up at them, now. Gaze moving from Ophan, to Sophie...and finally to Yori. His tone wasn't particularly sharp, but there was something about it that felt dangerous.
"You asked us to keep an eye on her, and tell you what sorts of things she talks to us about. That's all this is, Taari."
It's Sophie that speaks, though her lips press closed rather quickly when Tahariel's brow furrows...and then smooths again. His attention returns outside with little more than a shake of his head to respond with.
"Leave. Right now, going anywhere near Meriburn-- or anywhere that isn't allied with or loyal to us is too high a risk. If you want to change my mind, you'll have to come in here with more than pleas, and simple assurances that it will be fine if we're on our guard; until then, you're only wasting time."
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soulsxng · 7 months
He was too busy trying to protect them to think about what colour the sky was, Allisae figured. But that didn’t mean Tahariel couldn’t receive any gifts for himself. Though, for some reason she felt anxious—afraid—to present it in person. The ghosts of past Seasons coming to haunt her perhaps? Or maybe she was afraid of him asking too many questions and feeling like an idiot….She settled for slipping it on him while she thought he was asleep. A small band of tiny bell-shaped flowers around his wrist woven with seven strands of her hair. It was small charm for protection as well as some spare magic to help him whenever he went off to work…
When he first felt her stirring beside him-- ultimately leaving the bed, for one reason or another-- he thought to ask her what she was doing, right away. Something, however, gave him pause, and he instead chose to remain motionless, as though he were still asleep.
She shuffles about for a minute or so, grabbing something that she seemed to have hidden sometime earlier, before returning to the bedside. Warm hands carefully pull at the blankets, and when he feels her begin to tie something around his wrist is when he finally opens his eyes to see what was going on.
It was a pretty little thing, simple though it was. From what he could tell, it was some sort of protection charm, but as to what exactly it did, he wasn't entirely certain just yet. But it didn't seem like anything concerning, and so he remained quiet. Watched Allisae as she focused entirely too hard on securing the bracelet in the perfect way...shouldn't she have noticed him staring, by now? He almost let out a chuckle-- he supposed that just spoke to how comfortable she was around him. It was endearing, in a way.
...Endearing? It was something that he hadn't really felt in a while, now. Foreign in the same way a lot of seemingly simple things were to him, these days.
A memory tugged at the edges of his mind; a hazy, in and out recollection of Allisae-- younger here than she was now-- accepting an armful of similar flowers from him. Her entire face lit up with joy and surprise.
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"If you're so impatient for gifting, that you're sneaking out of bed so early in the morning, I suppose I could retrieve yours now, as well." He finally says, voice a bit rough with sleep, but still teasing. Reaching into the drawer of the table beside the bed, he pulls out a delicately wrapped jewelry box, which he then hands to Allisae. Inside, she would find a ring, adorned with an intricate motif of chercia flowers, and feathers.
"...I've been speaking as though we're still betrothed, but with everything going on, we haven't made it official yet, have we? I thought this would be a good way to rectify that."
"Marry me, Allisae. I want you to be my Queen; to be mine...today, and every day that comes after."
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soulsxng · 8 months
🕯️Royal Taha on Allisae
@soraeia | A candle for your thoughts? | No longer accepting!
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"She is my beloved. My wife...though admittedly the wedding itself has to wait until things settle a bit. I'm looking forward to being able to focus on that in earnest, after all the years she's been kept from me like this."
His conversation with Yori not long ago was brought immediately to his mind. The fox had asked if he was happy to have Allisae back, and Tahariel hadn't been sure of how to answer. How was he supposed to answer though, when he hardly remembered her? Every memory that began to stir was foggy, and frustrating. The pain that filled his head like a spike being pounded into him again, and again, until he had to part from her and distract himself with something else for a while.
Even still, she belonged to him.
...And so, he spent as much time as he could with she and the kids, bar for the small handful of hours each day that he spent working. He should know everything about her. About the children. It made it easier to keep them from wanting to leave, if someone tried to convince them away. Would make it easier for them to become sympathetic to his cause, regardless of whether or not they were close with Ahnia's crown prince, or not.
"She's doing well, so far. Even if she has doubts or questions, she's thus far gone along with what I've asked of her, which is important. It...is early to tell just yet, but I believe she has been growing more confident in herself over the passing days. If she's to rule beside me, or even help in the coup against Ahnia's crown, she'll need that. She'll make for a competent and rallying Queen to stand at my side, one day."
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soulsxng · 8 months
🕯️ Royal Taha on Yukaine and Wrenn
@soraeia | A candle for your thoughts? | Accepting!
For a long while, Tahariel is quiet, seeming uncertain of how to respond. When it came to Allisae, his thoughts and memories were still so scrambled...just when he started to think that he was understanding what he thought of them more concretely, something changed again.
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"...They're Allisae's children. I know Yukaine better than I do Wrenn, if only by grace of having spent more time around Yukaine over the years, when I wasn't able to get to Aegis. There's always something in the back of my head that...makes me hesitate with them. I don't know what, or why. Going forward, though, I hope that they'll cooperate with me."
Another long pause, and his brows upturn just the slightest bit. He looks worried, but...also confused. Mouth opening to speak once more, in a far more hushed, uncertain tone than before.
"...I don't want to hurt them..."
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soulsxng · 9 months
Would you fight the gods for her, Tahariel—
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"If anything were to even attempt keeping her from me again, I would make sure it was something they regretted dearly for the rest of their life. That much, you can have my word on."
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soulsxng · 11 months
A cute happy for Taha: Baby Chercia not want to be apart from her papa. But she needed to nap. But he was trying to leave and she was not having that. So no matter how close to finally falling asleep she gets, if she feels him move the slightest bit then she waking back up to cuddle into him more. With a baby death grip on his hair.
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"Luckily, some of my siblings were nice enough to warn me about how their kids liked to grab at their-- or other people's-- hair, when they were little. So there weren't many times that I was with Chercia when she was a baby that I actually had my hair down."
Of course, that didn't mean that it never happened. There had been one point that something similar had happened, but...well, Tahariel hadn't even noticed that his daughter had grabbed onto his hair in her sleep, because he had fallen asleep as well. She'd been fussy when he'd laid her down for a nap, and in his small panic over what to do, had sat down next to the crib with the bars down. Head rested on the mattress beside her until she dozed off...and he did, as well.
When he woke up, the worst part about it all wasn't the fact that the baby was still holding onto a few strands of hair, but the fact that his back and neck were even more sore than when he would fall asleep at his desk!
At least Chercia had woken up in a good mood, though.
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soulsxng · 1 year
Hey Tahariel, if your daughter's s/o isn't willing to commit war crimes for her then would you approve---
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"Mm...no, I think I might be a little more concerned if they were willing to do so. I know that I could take that as proof that they'll keep her safe, but I don't think of it that way. I wonder how quickly they'd go to those lengths, or what other kinds of things they might do to 'keep her safe'."
"Maybe it's hypocritical of me to say that, all things considering. I think it's just because she's my daughter, though. No matter what, I'm always going to be concerned about her, and how the people around her will treat her."
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