#[Things the little birdy told her (character development): Tanwen]
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Character Development Time
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Harikko is (probably obviously) the most religious. Her entire identity and sense of self lies in her position as a shinto priestess. Despite it being illegal in the time period of KnY, she still practices the more spiritual rituals of the religion. The gods easily trump human laws. Harikko also tends to hold more respect for religious people than atheists, even if the person’s religion isn’t shinto.
Ishiro’s mother is Catholic, but Ishiro never really picked any of it up himself.
Bonus, slightly meta 'headcanon’: The Kechlachian twins’ lore was originally going to be based on Zoroastrian mythos. But then I got too lazy to research it. So now there’s just extremely minor details that I stole from it.
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Tanwen really likes the taste of frog
Lila has attempted to count her freckles. She started with her left hand, and she gave up in frustration when there was one that she thinks might have been two, just really really close together. That was after only about 4 or 5.
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It’s almost entirely impossible to tell when Mei is happy by only her facial expression. Her voice is far more telling in this area. She’ll sound younger and lighter--basically more her actual age--both in terms of tone and word choice.
Kanon is probably the only one who’s seen Hana genuinely smiling.
This kinda goes alongside the sadness headcanon for her, but Tanwen is very openly happy. In the same way she’d cry about a dead bird, she’ll cry if the sunset is too pretty or if someone lets her eat the last of their food.
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Character Development Time
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Tanwen and Hovo are probably the most open with their feelings when they’re sad. Tanwen in particular will cry over just about anything (like she’s probably seen a dead bird on the road and cried about it), and really doesn’t care who sees. Meanwhile Hovo kind of always looks sad anyways, so there’s not much he’d be able to do to hide it.
Conversely, Elio is the best at disguising his sadness (and other emotions, for that matter). He is expected to maintain professionalism at all times, and that means his own emotions take a backseat to his work as the prince and heir to a kingdom.
Ketsuroshi is the type to compartmentalize. This means as long as he keeps himself super busy at all times, he can forget anything he’s upset about. So he’s not really hiding it or expressing it. He’s just not letting himself feel it.
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