#[Character: Tanwen]
a-drama-addict · 2 months
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ok quick cleanup sketch of my trevelyan; Tanwen. :) she's 38, runaway retired templar, mother of 2, divorced and MOST important of all; a cat person
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anewgayeveryday · 4 months
Today's LGBT+ Character is;
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Tanwen da Reyes Silva from Soluna by Camila Dahlstrom-Aromantic Bisexual
Requested by Anon
Status: Alive
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So. Since Tanwen isn’t trying to eat me, giving a gift would help right? Dragons in a lot of stories like jewels and stuff soooooo
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Dragon trainers of rotumblr, what do y’all think of this as a gift for Tanwen? She’s a roaring moon btw (paradox salamence)
Hope you don’t mind the ping @official-raihan but you’re the only dragon specialist I know the url of OTL
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aeris-blue · 1 year
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It’s time to put the book down. It’s Borris time~
A warm up I got a little carried away with.
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unsettlingcreature · 1 year
robbie: I'm just thinking of your own wellbeing and self-care me, who has been planning on drinking myself into oblivion on the Saturday for the post-memorial pub-crawl: we're well beyond that
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aivelin · 2 years
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Commission portrait of Tanwen, original character of dragonlandsandyaoihands
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princepotatosack · 2 years
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Since Guinevere is coming soon i compiled a list of MC name ideas and insipration for those who do not have 18 GB of name research on their flash drives. It is mostly old Welsh names from the 900s-1100s and Welsh mythology. I also threw in some medieval/literary French and English names for #flavor (and also because even though arthur is Welsh in origin, Arthurian legend is so heavily influenced by Anglo-Norman poetry and French chansons de geste). I excluded all names that (to my limited knowledge) already appear in Athurian tradition bc I'm expecting some of those characters to show up in the book lol. If you have any questions you can drop an ask in my box, I always love playing reference librarian :-)
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maddstermind · 2 months
OC Most Likely To...
Thank you for the tag, @lesleymoonwriter!! Check out their post here!
Most likely to collect excessive amounts of merchandise for their favorite piece of media?
Christie, easy. She's a huge Val Thorne fan and has all the books, she'd happily get more stuff if she had the money/knew it existed!
Most likely to read or write fanfiction?
My boyfriend insists it'd be Sutton, but I have no idea why and he will only say because of "vibes." For me, I'm not sure. I can see Christie's friends (Spencer, Maurelle, Willow, Brenton, and Tanwen) being into reading/writing fanfic, but Christie not as much. Of them all, I'd say either Spencer or Tanwen.
Most likely to have a crush on a fictional character (or strong admiration)?
Christie is definitely one such person, as deeply admires Val Thorne (who, I realize I neglected to mention, is a fictional Investigator). I feel like Rosa, when she was younger, absolutely had crushes on fictional heroes and the like.
New questions: 1. Most likely to be a streamer? (And what would they stream?) 2. Most likely to vanish for months and just as suddenly return? 3. Most likely to sleep with stuffed animals as an adult?
I'll tag @moondust-bard, @k-v-briarwood, @sentfromwolves, and anyone else who wants to join in!
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akindofmagictoo · 10 months
DRAGONSONG: character(s) introduction: the dragons!
if you've read my other intro posts, you know that previously our main dragons were Enya and Fintan, and also Bedelia. if you saw this post, you know i named the rest of them :D
(psst, if you haven't read my other intro posts, you might consider checking out this masterpost with lots of handy links 👀 [eyes emoji])
but for now... drumroll please... DRAGONS! (with varying degrees of information)
Adar has rusty orange scales and a name that means "fire" in Hebrew.
Hagan has dark green scales. he's the youngest except for Enya, but by a lot; he's a little under 200, so the equivalent of a teenage boy (and yes this translates to his character in some ways). as the second youngest, he was friends with Enya. his name means "little fire" in Irish.
Ignatius has medium blue scales and a name that means "fiery" in Latin. are you sensing a theme? good. it's deliberate.
Electra has pale green scales; her name means "shining" or "light" in Greek.
Oriane has medium pink scales and a name that means "sunrise" in French.
Tanwen's name means "holy fire" in Welsh. her scales are golden! she was close friends with Bedelia.
and finally, Vesta is the oldest and largest apart from Fintan, but she's still younger than the barrier spell. she has pale orange scales, and is named for the Roman goddess of the hearth.
some other reminders
Enya is a Celtic name meaning "fire", and Bedelia is a Celtic goddess of fire. Fintan's name means "white fire" in Irish. see aforementioned theme.
dragons' scales get lighter as they age. Fintan's are nearly white. Enya's, by contrast, are dark red.
thus far, Vesta, Tanwen and Hagan have appeared on the page in the outline for an actually significant amount of time. we shall see about the rest, though they will all appear! this is, after all, all the dragons there are.
@isherwoodj @metanoiamorii @lilmissravingwriter @weekofwednesdays @the-unwrittenwriter @talesofsorrowandofruin @little-boats-on-a-lake @teriwrites @magicalwriting @magic-is-something-we-create @writingbyjillian @waysofink @perditism @thehellinsideyourhead @calicowrites @vellichor-virgo @google-plexed @therecouldbecolorsandlove @the-orangeauthor @ellatholmes @happyorogeny @ladywithalamp @ashen-crest @authortango @strangerays @moononherwings @nikkywrites @ambersky0319 @ambsthom @talesfromgringolandia @wickerring @wizardfromthesea @diphthongsfordays @e-lisard @enchanted-lightning-aes @emscribblings @teardropsandtherain @lowslore @fablewritten @copper-dragon-in-disguise @dirtybarkshark
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FFxivWrite2022 Recap & Winners
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11,165 total entries were submitted in 2022!
This includes all entries that were submitted via the Google Form, including late entries (and excluding duplicate entries).
Which brings us to 42,721 total recorded entries since we began this challenge in 2017! 
And, we had 105 volunteer artists in 2022!! Which means that there are 105 prize-winners!
A breakdown of the stats + announcement of the Participation Prize winners are below the cut ~
Want to see all public entries? Here’s a link to the Master Spreadsheet. This omits entries that people requested to keep private between them and I.
Total Participation Year to Year:
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Prompt Participation by Year:
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NOTE: The big dips are Make-up / Extra Credit Days. Lots of folks choose to take a break over writing Extra Credit. Legit!
Prompt Breakdown by Week:
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Submissions by Day:
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NOTE: Day 7 was the day before the 24-hour deadline went into effect. Hence, the big ol’ spike.
Submissions by Platform:
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Participation Prize Winners
Winners were selected via a random raffle dice roll made by each of the artists and span all online writing platforms, including Tumblr, Ao3, Google Docs, and others (like Twitter). This writing challenge is not a contest - no one’s work was being judged for length, skill, etc. The prizes are based on participation only!
Prizes are a simple black & white portrait of the winner’s character. Most are shoulder up but the artists are free to take liberties if they’d like. Prizes are not commissioned work, so ultimately it’s the artist’s choice for what they’d like to do for the piece. Some artists (not all) accept commissions and might be open to colorizing a prize piece, after it’s been posted, at their normal rates.
All of 2022′s winners will be contacted directly by their volunteer artist. If you are a winner and your artist has been unable to contact you after 2 weeks of trying, you will forfeit your prize and another participant will be chosen to take your place, so make sure that your inboxes are open and keep an eye out for new discord friend requests.
As always, there are a few whose artists needed to drop out for personal reasons, and that’s ok! In those cases, the winners will be carried over into 2023′s pool of winners where another artist will pick up their prize and complete it.
If you are on the below winner's list, make sure that your inboxes are open & keep an eye out for discord friend requests!
*NOTE: Discord usernames have had the #numbers removed for privacy purposes. Winners are presented in alphabetical order by provided contact username.
Captain SaveABro
Dark Commander
Discord! Ajenjo
Oscar Mild (they/them)
Congrats, winners! 
We’ll see you next September for FFxivWrite2023
Rules & Info || Prompt List || #FFxivWrite2022 || kofi
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kitty-is-writing · 2 months
Incorrect Quotes Tag
Not tagged, but I've seen this going around and it looks fun, so here we go! I did a few with the characters from the Dragonmage series and a few with the Lost Tribes characters.
generator if you also want to play
Tanwen: What was that?
Soris: My shirt fell.
Tanwen: It sounded a lot heavier than that.
Ember: He was in it.
Caiara: It's locked. You got a lock pick?
Soris: Yeah-
Ember: *kicks in the door*
Tanwen: The floor is lava!
Enkarini: *helps Ustin onto the counter*
Soris: *kicks Caiara off the sofa*
Caiara: *lays on the floor*
Tanwen: ...Are you okay?
Caiara: No.
Caiara: One time I went to hand Enkarini a bowl of soup. I wanted to say “Careful, it’s hot!”, and “Here’s your soup!”, so instead I blurted out “Careful it’s soup.”
Remlik: Kandrina...
Kandrina: Oh no, 'Kandrina' in B flat.
Kandrina: You're disappointed.
Braklarn, to Remlika: If you see Wordarla, give her this message *makes a neutral face*
Braklarn: She'll know what it means.
Remlika: oh, and Braklarn said to give you a message.
Remlika: *makes a neutral face*
Wordarla: Oh no. The neutral face of displeasure.
Nerlarina: We all have our demons.
Wordarla, grabbing Remlika: This one’s mine!
Remlik, to the squad: And remember, if I get harsh with you it is only because you’re doing it all wrong.
Tagging @rhiannonhgarrard , @eli-t-spoon , @kaylinalexanderbooks and open tag for whoever else wants to play!
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tc-doherty · 2 years
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I was tagged by both @muddshadow and @magefaery​ to do these memes which I loved! I ended up just using a smattering of random characters I had art for… I could've kept going except I was running out of room.
How many of my characters can you recognize? Pictured: Anthem, Arwyn, Dante, Genevieve, Gheist, Ithea, Ithian,  Izare, Kradhi, Larkin, Mahesha, Margherita, Nelli, Patrice, Retta, Seneria, and Tanwen :>
Tagging @emilyoracle​ @bloodlessheirbyjacques​ @italiangothicwriteblr​ and anyone else who wants to! Blanks under the cut.
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I think I’m making a lot of progress with Tanwen! I’m sore in ways I’ve never been before but hey! She’s trying to kill me slightly less!
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hanakogames · 2 years
Patreon 2022 Summary
The year's almost over, so an overview of some of what I've posted this year on the patreon:
Sketches from Sweet Dreams, an adventure game I made long, long ago
A concept poll on more random ideas I might explore someday
A LOT of chibi sketch art from Cute Bite
Trading card development art from Date Warp
Early development notes for Galaxy Princess Zorana, including maps and discussion of skills/actions
Some of the discarded versions of ways the Musette plotline might have played out in Magical Diary: Wolf Hall
CG Sketches from Fatal Hearts
Background art sketches from Cute Knight Kingdom
A discussion of what the character designs for England Exchange looked like when I first received the project, and how and why I changed them
A vague concept for a Cinderella sim where you're playing the wicked stepmother
Design sketches for Taranis, Laurel, and Raven from Magical Diary: Wolf Hall
A vague concept for an alien abduction harem game
Character sketches from the abandoned steampunk asylum project
CG sketches from The Confines of the Crown
Character designs from the abandoned horror yuri game
Early concept art of Jackie and Diane from Night Cascades and some sprites that didn't get used
A vague concept for a reality-show based sim game
Early costume design sketches from Long Live The Queen
The sketches for the Science Girls achievement icons and the science-themed summoning circles
A description and download for my silly old Rain Of Sharks arcade minigame
Gavin's sprites from Sword Daughter
Vague musing about a kind of "Buffy meets Black Closet" game idea
A silly sketch I made of Elodie as a vampire, long before Cute Bite
Lots of Elodie bonus art for the 10-year anniversary
CG sketches from A Little Lily Princess
Development sketches for the Woman in the Red Mask from Black Closet
Aasi's sprites from England Exchange
A vague silly idea for a game where you're a skinny nerd who gets summoned to another dimension to lead an army of barbarian women
Working on some transition effects for Galaxy Princess Zorana
The original my-art designs for the Cute Knight Kingdom protagonist
Physical development notes from Fatal Hearts I found in a notebook
Some of the Cute Knight pixel art
Sketches for Tanwen from Night Cascades
Wallpaper sketches from Charm School (which is oooooooold)
Danny from England Exchange in hairy and non-hairy variants
Some early concept work by different artists for Cute Bite
and, most sneakily, some of the first early sprite concepts for Galaxy Princess Zorana
All this excitement could be yours, if the price is right!
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celticrune · 2 years
Very tempted to copypaste the entire ask list as revenge but I'll behave. 🌌✂️👑📎 for Temperance, 🚆☁️ for Tanwen and ☄️❇️🌈❤️ for Keiji! And maybe even 💚🎡🪤 for Val.
:3 reblog an ask meme with many questions, get punished with curiousity. and starting with temperance, smh, i see you like the evil ones
also yeah uh. long. good luck. plus the usual warnings that temperance is Not A Good Person
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
I made Temperance in concert with Val, so you're going to get a double whammy on this one haha. Val came to be because I was talking with friends about evil DnD campaigns and we ended up making a trio of evil characters, who grew into their own setting with a main city where they do their evil. I really like characters who are living weapons of a sort and I love playing with identity, so I quickly settled on the idea of a conman with a thousand faces, who ends up disappearing behind the masks. Who has no name, is nobody noteworthy, someone you would never spare a second glance if you saw them on the street, but who because of that can steal any face and fit in anywhere. That's still a core part of Val and what makes them scary, though actually writing it and exploring it can be a bit of a pain. But! We're here to talk about the queen bitch herself. IIRC, what first gave me the idea of Temperance was a specific suggesting in the Player Handbook entry about the Conman background. Correction: It was the Charlatan background. "I owe everything to my mentor - A horrible person who's probably rotting in jail somewhere". A living weapon style conman who struggles with identity and an awful teacher who made them into what they are and who they equally resent and thank for that?? listen this is catnip to me. how could you expect me to resist. So this is where Temperance came into being. I quickly ditched the idea of the mentor being in jail, because I wanted the option of her being an active threat. Then as time went on and the other two characters in the evil trio got more fleshed out, I wanted someone more... "actively evil" to match those two. Val is a follower, and I needed a leader. Temperance, then, is everything I love to hate. She is all about facades and pretense, about fitting into society and using their prejudices against them to get ahead. She sees pawns, rather than people, and only truly respects two (2) total people. also she's a hot dangerous lady who doesn't usually do her dirty work herself, now that she is rich and established enough she doesn't have to, but she still would poison you and watch with a pleasant smile as you choke on your own vomit so. like. i'm gay i'm not blind. hope you're not regretting your questions yet as i am incapable of being concise and it will probably not get better :D
✂️ SCISSORS - what is the “last straw” for them to cut someone out of their life? how easily do they let go of people?
Haha. "How easily do they let go of people" extremely easily. Val was her most succesful project and arguably someone close to her and now that they've ran, she would still kill them without a second's thought for betraying her. If you want to be in Temperance's life on her terms, there are two rules: Adore her, and obey her. She tolerates no less, and she will not hesitate to drop you for a more willing toy if you don't have a secondary use for her. There are some rare exceptions, mainly Chal (one of the two OCs in the original evil campaign trio), but baseline? As much as lovebombing is a major facet of her emotional abuse, Temperance only cares about one person and it is herself. Anyone else is simply a means to an end and will be treated as such.
👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
A queen. She is aware that will not happen and has settled for being a shadow queen, pulling her strings behind the scenes and watching everyone who thinks they're in control dance to her tune, but what she wants deep down is for everyone to know. To see her and see power, see influence, see control, see someone who will never ever be disrespected or fucked with.
📎 PAPERCLIP - a random fact.
I get to use a basic fact about her as a random fact cause you don't know her that well yet, score. Temperance is an albino (in her native setting, an albino tiefling), usually with a light pastel pink hair. She is also the reason Val still panics when they see someone with pink hair in a crowd or from a distance.
On a much nicer note! My darling ray of sunshine.
🚆 TRAIN - what is their answer to the trolley problem?
Pixel you are cruel. First answer and the aftermath: Cry, feel immensely guilty, panic, feel more guilty. She would choose to save more people but it would absolutely gut her and she would feel deeply personally responsible. Depending on the exact situation and the aftermath this is something that could break her as a character, or at least ruin her very very badly and take a long time and the right support to recover from In a philosophical classroom context: She honestly wouldn't be able to answer. Would be deeply uncomfortable with having to consider it too, and she would have to be very hard pressed to stop dodging it and actually pick one.
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
she fucking deserves one after that
As a child she made a lot of bead bracelets and she would gift them to anyone nice. The town she’s from isn’t that big, so at one point almost everyone walked around with a colourful, Tanwen-made bead bracelet.
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right?
When he’s lucky: Exactly what he wants them to.  That he’s annoying, that he’s an idiot, that he’s a little shit and he knows it. That he’s down to fuck, when they’re hot. 
Keiji tries very hard to give off an air that he’s untouchable, and he does that by leaning hard into being a bit of an asshole. He likes riling people up, likes getting a rise out of them, loves making fun of people who actually have morals and ideals. So he comes off as all those things, and he comes off as a guy who’s fun to get drunk with but not much else.
If you have an experienced eye you might spot how easily he keeps his balance even when wasted, or how alert he is to exits and entrances and anyone close to him, or how his slight build doesn’t quite hide the lean muscle, but to most folks he looks like nothing more than a small guy with a big attitude and a bigger mouth. He’s very happy to keep it that way right up until he kicks out their kneecaps.
❇️ SPARKLE - what is their most prized possession? what do they value?
okay now, see. i hate you. Keiji doesn’t really have material attachments. He likes stuff, he likes nice things, when he has the time and space to stay in one place for longer he immediately fills his whole bed with pillows. But in terms of a prized possession? There’s one thing that I suppose does count, and that’s from his native DnD verse. It’s an amulet with a symbol of Pelor,  the sun god the monastery is devoted to. He claims he still carries it so he can scam believers into giving him free stuff, but a part of him can’t bear to toss it. It holds the weight of a home he loved, once, where he thought he belonged and where he thought he had value, and even though all that is now ruined and broken and he should know better and he should just fucking toss the thing, he can never bring himself to.
Oh! And bonus round for GW2, in the main verse where Tahir is the commander and Keiji is his right hand (and eventually husband): When they were newly dating Tahir gave him one of his own leaves, encased in amber. Keiji wears it as an amulet and was wearing it when he was killed by Balthazar. It came with him into the realm of the Lost, and it is what reminded him of his name and his memories. In the physical world it split down the middle when Balthazar stabbed him, but when he comes back the amulet heals over too, and it now glows a faint blue to match his scar.
In general: Keiji doesn’t really value possessions. He tends to live lives where he can pick up and move at any moment. When he gets attached it’s to people
🌈 RAINBOW - what advice would they give to their younger self?
“Don’t be a fucking idiot. Don’t believe a word they say.”
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)?
Words of affirmation and physical touch. The former to receive, the first to give. When Keiji falls he falls hard, but it’s hard for him to show it and harder to say it. It's easier to watch what he does. See where he stands in a room, see how he'll keep finding excuses to totally casually touch the person he likes, how he can't sit on a couch next to them without laying his feet in their lap or how he can't make a joke without looking to them first to see if they laughed.
Receiving physical touch is good for him too, but words are what makes him melt. Tell him what he means to you, tell him you care and he matters and he just fucking dies. It feels surreal and impossible and he can't bring himself to really believe it and that's what makes it all the more powerful to hear. Contrary to that, though, is that the immensity of it also makes him really likely to try and squirrel out of it. Deflecting compliments, sassing to distract attention away from the sweet thing they said, anything he can manage.
When it's deep enough in the relationship he can actually be made to sit down and listen and accept it without running, but that takes time. Before that, it takes some mild force or finagling. Am I talking about literally tying him up and distracting him with sex until he's soft and floaty enough to let his guard down and you can swoop in with the praise? Maybe. It's not an underhanded tactic if it works.
💚 GREEN HEART - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food?
The best thing you can do for Val is be there. Be close but don't crowd them, don't touch them unless they ask or initiate it, and always leave them an open room to escape. Talk, give them something to listen to and quietly chime in with when they start to feel better. Physical contact sometimes helps, but they'll ask for it if they want it and then it's usually sitting with their shoulder pressed against yours, or resting their head on you.
The one exception re: touch is their dog, Kaylie, who is very good at grounding them when they dissociate or start to. Do they sometimes also hug Kaylie pretending she's the human and wishing they could just be normal and hug the person they care about without feeling trapped? maybe.
If we're talking self-soothing, or things they do for comfort, there's baking. When they were still with Temperance, on very rare days where they had time off and there were ingredients to spare they would make cookies for the younger girls and those are some of the rare actually treasured memories they have. They still like baking cookies, and it's both a ritual and a comfort thing for them and what they tend to when someone they like is going through a tough time and they're not sure what they can do to help. When in doubt, make friend's favourite cookies and gift those.
🎡 FERRIS WHEEL - are they someone who wants to kiss at the top of the ferris wheel?
there may in fact be a fic about that wait shit no it's N that gets the kiss at the top of the ferris wheel and not F. also this means nothing to you because it's Wayhaven related and not gw2 but shhh.
Actual answer: Yes, they'd find it charming and romantic.
🪤 MOUSE TRAP - what will always lure them into certain danger? a loved one in danger? a promise of something they are always searching for?
A loved one in danger, absolutely. They try not to but they can have a bit of a self-sacrificial streak because, well, they can handle pain better than most people and if someone needs to suffer, it is better it's them than the people they love. Children being in danger or being mistreated too, there's no way they can stand by and watch that happen without trying to interfere.
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Here is my character design. This is Lillian Tanwen her real name is Merlin. I took inspiration for her character for Myrddin Emrys, Taliesin, Lailoken, Arawn, Gwyn ap Nudd, Manawydan fab Llyr, Gwydion, Rhiannon, Creirwy, Morfran and Merlin from BBC. She is a drow with gold dragon ancestry (or is it platinum) and is the child of Mystryl. She wandered the non magical lands as a human man of varying ages for many years and is remembered in that form (will still do this and is referred to as a man when she does). She is also a archfey and her first warlock was Guinevere who was like a sister to her. I was planning to multiclass her into sorcerer, druid, cleric, barbarian, bard and rogue. I know that is a bad idea but it is what I think is best for the character. She is chaotic good but can be cold, ruthless and seeming unpredictable at times as well as living up to the chaotic part. She is definitely a chessmaster though empathetic enough to not forget that this can be harmful. Has the haunted one background. She has quit the backstory so I will not include it here. This is not her final design just a concept. Those are not earrings they are hair accessories. I was thinking of making her flesh (on the inside like muscle and stuff) and the inside of her mouth blue or blue purple like the skinks and the blue fish to add to the eeriness however I might not and her blood is still red and what a mortal creature would have.
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