#[and it would also undermine their friendship a little i feel like?? idk i can't explain it well but. here we are LMAO]
ruvviks · 2 years
23, 37, 44 for mikhail and vitali <3
for housekeeping reasons: this pairing is platonic!
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23) how do they hug? kiss? tease? flirt? comfort?
mikhail is taller than vitali so he either has to Lean down or vitali just. Yanks him down LMFAO it's usually the latter because mikhail is perfectly fine just standing up straight when getting hugged but vitali likes to bury his face in the crook of other people's necks so. mikhail get down here
tee hee kissing >:) so the thing about the clown brigade is that most of them are perfectly comfortable with platonic kisses. for mikhail and vitali there's a LOT of extra layers to it (i shan't elaborate now but if you're interested send me an ask because i have the notes somewhere still. and i can talk all day about it) but they have also reached the point where they will sometimes just give each other a little kiss on the lips <3 a little smooch if you will <3 more people should do that i think
but YEAH so most of the time vitali will just plant a quick kiss on mikhail's temple or cheek when he passes by, or as a greeting, stuff like that. mikhail is still a bit more hesitant with initiating anything because he sometimes still feels like an intruder (can't remember how much i've talked about that before but. hogh. there's so much worry stored in this man) when it comes to himself and vincent and vitali :/// shaking him like a ragdoll because it's not necessary but here we are </3
teasing and flirting is not all that applicable to them other than like. in a joking way RGHDFHF they like to mess with each other (vincent also participates in this btw, he and mikhail greet each other with "hey handsome" pretty much on the daily) like in the mikhail climbs in the freezer fic when vitali slaps his ass <3 they're just like that unfortunately
as for comfort... both of them are very physically affectionate with each other, have been since middle school and never stopped doing so <3 mikhail is less good with words than vitali so when he's comforting vitali they usually just sit in silence and he holds him or asks him if he needs anything else. vitali tends to do the same for mikhail but also often tries to talk to him, knowing mikhail struggles with putting his thoughts and feelings into words and wanting to help him get better at it ;w;;
37) how much would they be willing to sacrifice for the other? any lines they refuse to cross?
they're willing to sacrifice nearly everything for each other i think. obviously loved ones are an exception here because they both don't play favorites, but anything else? goodbye <3
they really just. mean so much to each other. they both don't know where they would be if they hadn't met and they both really don't want to think about it, and the last thing they'd want is to lose the other so ;w; yeah ;w; i'm normal about this and about them i swear
44) are they comfortable with each other? anything they have to have their privacy for?
mikhail and vitali are Very comfortable with each other and. well. considering they knew each other in um peak hornie years and both are very bad at locking doors AND also spent nearly all their free time together i feel like they've seen Enough at this point to like. literally care very little about privacy anymore GHRJGHJFD like obviously there's the Obvious Lines here but also. a lot of things just aren't considered a big deal anymore between the two of them so it would take a lot for them to actually feel uncomfortable about something
pairing asks!
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takanova12 · 3 years
Lost Girls
nothing special just why I love the bond between mikaannie :)
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Mikasa and annie's friendship is one of my favourite things about the final arc. To think that their relationship has progressed from mikasa cutting annie's fingers to her latching onto annie's hand to launch into enemy titans?? Nothing much just some killer teamwork!! They just knew no words nothing just one look from each other and bam annie throwing mikasa at OKAPI! They have just come to trust and understand each other that well. I have a headcanon after this chapter that in the future, annie teaches mikasa some of her martial art skills. I also imagine them being best friends, because well they are both lost girls and also because they have similar personalities (yet some differences too such as annie's snarky and blunt, while mikasa is shy and quiet) I feel like together they would bring out the best in each other. And keeping in mind that isayama did want to mikasa to return to her old self, which is being the happy little girl she once was, having annie as a friend creates more opportunities for that. Also, mikasa brings out a soft side in annie, she sees that mikasa like her is someone that deeply drives meaning from her relationships. For annie it's her dad, but recently it has been armin. They had both been striving throughout the story to protect those bonds, that's why annie breaks down when she hears that her father is likely dead and she comes back to help the alliance because she can still help armin. Also, doesn't hurt that both mikasa and annie have as levi likes to call it "gloomy" personalities so it's probably easier to be around each other.
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Their camaraderie doesn't just end at the battlefied, in fact they have constantly been able to comfort each other in times when no one else could. Mikasa understood that annie didn't wana fight anymore and likewise annie knew it's extremely painful to ask mikasa to kill eren. The fact that mikasa is with them on this journey that is about stopping/killing eren itself is a emotionally exhausting task for her. While the scouts are not wrong in pushing mikasa towards it, it was just a very considerate move on annie's part. She grabbed mikasa by the collar ( that's how comfortable annie is with the girl she has called a beast in the past :) and assured her that she doesn't have to do anything she doesn't want to.
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Before they were bickering about their priorities and now they are respecting each other's. I liked how annie didn't forget that the azumabitos are important to mikasa and first thing she does is informs mika about it.
While this post is about mikaannie, I would like to just add that I don't think people give mikasa credit for mingling with warriors as smoothly as the others. I know everyone else has too, but the 104th were empathsizing with bert, reiner and ymir even back in volume 12 , while mikasa tried to shut off those emotions. She told historia and ymir that she can't show anyone mercy because these people took away her home. And now she is doing the opposite of it so doesn't that count as development? Post timeskip Mikasa has time and again shown that she understands that the world is not as black and white, she was disappointed in what eren did in liberio, she even reminded eren that they have been able to get along with some marleyans, she saved gabi and has not been actively at anyone's throat for eren's sake. She didn't bust eren out of jail, she knew eren was in the wrong. And now she is not fighting with the warriors or anyone about protecting eren, it's just a desperate plea from someone who is on the verge of losing her home. People are free to dislike her, but Idk maybe I am trying to say cut her some slack? Eren is such an important part of mikasa's life because it was when she met him that she realized " This world is cruel" , which is really depressing if you you think about it like don't just skim over this dialogue as something trivial, give it some thought....Then eren wraps the scarf around her and mikasa is like " The world is cruel but also beautiful" SHE GOT THE BEAUTIFUL PART FROM EREN!! So, if she is refusing to let go of the beautiful don't undermine her for that. Mikasa letting eren go is not about eren it's about her accepting that while eren showed her the beauty in this world, she can still find beauty even if he is not beside her. Kiyomi is there to remind mikasa that she has a home, that people other than eren and armin care about her like family. Now she has found a friend in annie too.
Sorry for going off on a tangent. Mikasa is my comfort character and once I start talking about her it's hard to shut me up lol.
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Lastly, THIS! Are we still reading attack on titan?
Mikasa: There! That one, that pig or whatever titan that is!
Annie: Which one?
Mikasa: That one! Over there that thing!
Annie: Where?
And when annie finally tells her that pig looking thing is an Okapi, Mikasa goes
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I swear I never knew mikasa and annie being friends would be a thing, specially not them having such an interestingly funny and tender dynamic.
TMI: Btw, pieck was great this chapter too. I do like characters other than mikasa, but mikasa is a very precious character to me and this blog is my safe place of actualizing my adoration for Mikasa and Eremika <3
Thank you for reading! I think many of us who are enjoying mikasa and annie's bond feel this way so I am just glad to share it with you.
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forwantofamohawk · 3 years
What's your opinion on Slap Slap Revolution? Today I was thinking about this episode in particular and came to one conclusion, first, the episode is too mean spirited, and second, there was a lot of wasted potential.
I dislike how everyone is too mean with Heather, sure she did wrong getting rid of the meat grinder, but their reactions were disproportionate (specially Courtney's, calling her a "self-involved, lazy, useless, formerly bald dimwit" was unnecessary), not to mention the scene in which LeShawna out of nowhere decided to beat the crap out of her. That was completely uncalled for and destroyed LeShawna's character as a way to justify her elimination, it's even worse when she reveals on the aftermath that she feels absolutely no remorse, their firenship from TDA was completely destroyed in a few seconds and is awful, I'm not saying that they should never argue or anything, but knocking each others' teeth and not apologizing is just brutal character assassination. Also Cody gets punished with the lederhosen for no reason, he did nothing wrong here and it shows how the writers think making him suffer misfortune is funny. Just give that guy a break, he's had enough.
I think there was also a lot of wasted potential with Sierra, the challenge was something important for her, she literally reveals that slap dancing "kept her alive in the school playground", but is one of the reason she doesn't have friends. I'm still can't understand how they could put that confesional in the final episode, yet not do absolutely nothing with it, it could have been the perfect excuse to have her not focused on Cody and maybe talk about her past.
In general I don't think is the worst TD episode, not even the worst WT episode, as it has funny jokes, memorable scenes and the cultural representation is not that bad (on TD standards), but those flaws hurt are way too visible for me to enjoy it.
Sorry if it's too long, I was writing my opinion got a little carried away.
Your points are well-made, even if they got a little rambling at the end I still agree 100% with everything you said. In terms of what it takes to fix an episode, I think Slap Slap Revolution needs a lot of work compared to most. Leshawna and Heaather’s TDA friendship being thrown out the window was a grand travesty, yes. Their friendship was always really rocky because they didn’t like each other personally, but it seemed founded on mutual respect based on how Heather showed Leshawna she could be supportive and a good teammate. They’re never going to be BFFs or really close friends, so I think it’s entirely possible that a wedge could be driven between them, but the way it happened in SSR is kinda contrived and, like you said, mean-spirited. Leshawna makes googly eyes and Alejandro and all of a sudden hates Heather again. There’s nothing actively undermining her trust that would make her reasonable for turning on Heather. I won’t say anything more because it’s a plot point in my fic and I don’t want to post spoilers on my blog.
I have nothing more to say on the Cody part except yeah. I mean on one hand he’s really creepy to Gwen during the season but like, instead of just torturing him for laughs maybe let him develop as a character and move on? Idk seems cheap and mean to me too. All I’m going to say about Sierra is that with that point you’ve singlehandedly managed to convince me to keep the dance-off part of the challenge in my fanfic. Like, seriously, I never thought of it until now, but it sounds like a great way to give us a window into Sierra’s childhood and why she came to be so socially isolated. I was going to completely scrap the dance-off but, now I just can’t. 
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