#[chpt1; atadtd]
agency-unofficial · 2 years
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Chapter One: Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust
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(The hell...?)
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agency-unofficial · 2 years
Sooo....Juniper....he kinna....😳
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agency-unofficial · 2 years
Juniper shouldn’t be that hard to find. Unless he’s trying to hide in plain sight (to the creator I can’t wait to see your version of Juniper)
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“I don’t see him anywhere, Agent.”
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“I guess we’ll just have to give up and-“
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[Wait! stop dramatically pretending to care and look!]
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Juniper is now open for questions!
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agency-unofficial · 2 years
Where is Trafalgar Square?
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“Around the middle of London, it shouldn’t be that long of a drive.”
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agency-unofficial · 2 years
Continuation of this post...
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[what do you mean, exactly? I don’t think I understand.]
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“when I was an agent myself, I had a similar encounter with Zor.”
“It was most definitely wasn’t the same circumstances as you but— well— a well-placed laser shot is enough to get rid of an arm.”
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“I was taken care of by the agency and given a prosthetic, yes, but my arm was too ‘unreliable’ for me to go back into the field. So, the agency gave me an ultimatum; take up another job in the agency, or find another job.”
“You already know which one I picked.”
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[Handler, im…]
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[I’m so sorry.]
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“It’s quite alright. You have no need to apologize, Agent.”
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“But, on the bright side, No matter what happens to you…”
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“At the very least, we’ll match!” The handler says, motioning to his arm.
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[at least we’ll have that.]
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agency-unofficial · 2 years
So Juniper you said you have insider information?
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“Well, yes but…”
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“Well, is this really the best place to do an interrogation?”
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[who cares?]
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“Actually, Agent, as much as I hate it, I have to agree with Juniper here. This… isn’t really the best place to get information.”
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[Follow me, i’ll take you to the van.]
End of Chapter 1.
ask box is still open tho
it might take me a while to post the first page of chapter 2
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agency-unofficial · 2 years
True if you can have telekinesis what else is real.
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[I don’t know!? Ghosts?! Aliens?!]
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“Agent, we both know aliens are real. We met one last summer.”
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agency-unofficial · 2 years
bite him. john.
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[while that is a fun idea, no.]
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agency-unofficial · 2 years
Hello Juniper!
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"wait- agent! when could you speak?!"
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"you just spoke, right?
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"when what was that voice??"
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"its a long story, Juniper."
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"Oh- uh- Hello...?"
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"Handler, right. okay."
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"Can you let go of my shirt now please, Agent?"
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agency-unofficial · 2 years
Later, at noon...
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[did he really have to pick a tourist attraction for us to meet at…?]
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“Don’t ask me, you’re the one who agreed to this.”
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[you shut your face.]
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agency-unofficial · 2 years
Whats it (the letter) about
Dearest Phoenix & Company,
I hope this letter finds you at least half decently, though I suspect not considering your condition back at the Peacemaker launch. You and I know each other, but, I'd rather not say who I am. Not just for theatrics, but just in case this letter somehow end up in the wrong hands. You and whoever your with (if you're with anyone at all) are smart, I know. So, I assume you'll be able to put two and two together.
I'm sending this to you, not just to let you know of my survival, but also because I want to work with you. Yes, I know our history is far from friendly, but we have a common enemy. In my opinion, Phoenix, I think that accepting this offer would do you wonders, me having insider information and all.
If you do accept, don't expect me to be entirely friendly with your agency, if you decide to hand this letter over to them. I'm sure you'd understand why.
But in the end, this up to you, Phoenix.
At the bottom of the letter, a black rose is attached.
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“Well? Who’s it from?”
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agency-unofficial · 2 years
Whose the letter from....
Handler hands the letter to Agent.
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[Doesn’t say.]
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[might as well open it-]
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agency-unofficial · 2 years
Are you gonna be able to go back out on the field?
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[from the looks of it, I will be able to return to the field. In all honesty im… extremely thankful.]
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agency-unofficial · 2 years
What happened in the time we were gone? why are you in Handler’s apartment?
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[Handler is letting me stay with him while i get used to my prosthetic leg!]
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[I could’ve done this alone, but, he insisted. He said that it’d probably get me back on the field faster.]
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[also, I cant say no to his cooking.]
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agency-unofficial · 2 years
Hello you two :00
What are you guys having for breakfast
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“Bacon and Blueberry Waffles! I’m using my Nana’s recipe.”
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agency-unofficial · 2 years
Hi! Good morning, how are you doing?
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[oh, its you again.]
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[a bit tired, but, over all im feeling much better than the last time you saw me.]
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