#[death is one thing. he himself isn't ready to die yet. but the other clones are already dead. who would ever care about them?]
pyonpyonpyon · 1 year
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Ramuda has nightmares pretty often. Usually they consist of things like him breaking or being replaced, what he did to his old team and their loved ones, or him forgetting about the other clones. He tries not to cling to people before he sleeps, because if he has a nightmare his grip tightens and that'd be noticeable and he can't have that. He could play it off but trying to do that right after a nightmare isn't something he wants to try since he's more likely to slip in his act if he's frazzled after waking up.
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theshy1sout · 3 years
Six Eared Shadow
Do you remember the analysis about Mei and Red Son? That was me, and I'm doing this again, but now about Macaque and Sun Wukong
Because what the heck why do they hate each other so much
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Ok, so this... This is such a messy chaotic really chaotic mix of a few headcanons and theories I made up and it SOMEHOW turned into a fanfic that I wrote so long that other people made many similar things in meanwhile and now this sounds not original at all, but I wrote it not to keep it in my deep hidden shelf so here we go
(It's based on what I know from the lmk series. I've started to read JTTW, but I'm still not so far to get to know anything about Macaque, but I won't change anything about this theory from now on)
Let's gather some basic information for the start.
-> Macaque is made with a shadow or even he is a shadow (kinda shadow demon, the demon of shadow). I mean, shadow is not only his power, he literally is made with shadow matter. We know that because he can not only manipulate shadows but also go through walls and turn yourself into a shadow.
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-> I'm not sure if someone made him or he just "poof" out of nowhere just like Sun Wukong, but according to the story he told about how close he and Monkey King used to be, there's no doubt they had some master/student relationship which later turned into almost equal partnership. What is said, Macaque followed Sun Wukong for a long time, learning a lot from him, 'being his shadow'. They grew in power together, fought together, and (as it is said) Macaque started casting as Sun Wukong shadow, which (surprisingly) looks like he did willingly. Just look at the picture - the shadow is big and bright, it’s powerful and smiling, proud of his strength. He doesn’t look like someone forced to be Sun Wukong’s shadow. It shows how much Macaque admired Monkey King, that he wasn't just a friend for him, he was his idol.
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-> We all know Macaque is a shadow demon, he can easily change his appearance, he does not have to look like an evil clone of Monkey King, especially if he hates him now or something, SO even if he used to look up at Sun as his ex-student or ex-partner, and now we know he is NOT, he would prefer to not look so similar any more.
He can choose any other look, but he doesn't. Why? Well, maybe he actually cannot. Maybe this isn't an appearance he has specifically chosen, maybe this is his 'basic' comfy form and any other form would just take too much energy to keep up. And looking at the really tiny probability of two very similar monkeys just "poofing" out of nowhere, I dare to say, Macaque wasn't born (I mean like Sun Wukong or any other demon), but he was specifically created. And here is a question: on someone's purpose or not? Maybe the power of great Monkey King was so strong so the part of it just jumped from him and formed into another similar creature, but let me say it's just weird and I prefer the theory of Sun Wukong being so bored and lonely after his master's (Tripitaka) death, and he created a brother for himself from his own shadow. Just to have someone, anyone.
So Wukong created Macaque and then what? He trained him, he taught him everything he knew, maybe even he shared his powers with him. Some great great bonding time. But as Macaque said, something drew them apart. It is visible that Macaque blamed Monkey King for this, for 'forgetting him'. Before speculation of what happened then between them, let's focus on what Macaque showed us what he wants now.
We have two episodes, both show different sides of him. In season 1, Macaque's main goal is to steal Monkey King's power from Mk, and then to very specifically revenge. He visibly does not want to defeat Sun Wukong, he wants to hurt him as much as possible. Look: when Monkey King showed up, Macaque totally forgot about Mk. And then, when he's so close to defeat him, instead of that he turned to Mk and tried to kill the teenager. Mk is just a tool to hurt Sun Wukong.
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And we can't forget how Macaque constantly pointed out all the weak sides of Sun, he's basically just saying on and on "you're weak, you're weak, you're so weak, I'm so strong, I'm strong, you are so weak". Which really fits the feeling of being forgotten because he was weaker and Monkey King was stronger, better, glorious and famous. Macaque really feels like that, he really tried to make Sun Wukong feel his pain by dominating him.
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On the other hand, we see that Sun constantly striked off him. He said almost nothing to him, just "Aren't you bored of keep being in my shadow? It's time to give back what you've stolen" and that was fricking all. For Monkey King, Macaque is a just shadow, always behind him, something you turn around and leave behind to not see it and to forget, like an unwanted past. An unnecessary problem, that irritatingly keeps returning to him. He does not want to interact to not make even a slight more bond between them, he wants to delete him from his life forever, and omg WHY. At this end of the ep, Sun Wukong did not even mention Macaque. He really doesn't care at all (or extremely tries to not care). His HATE is almost touchable, ouch.
In season 2, Sun Wukong LEFT US ALL ALONE. Macaque showed up again, he played with Mk a bit, and... Left? That's the thing, you see, he doesn't need to hurt or kill Mk. All we see is Macaque talking about his past and then letting Mk experience something the 'hero' in the story should have felt. The guilt. When Mk interpreted his story differently, seeing himself as the warrior, Macaque corrected him. Cause he doesn't care about Mk at all. He heard how Mk told him about what hurt him, and here is a funny point, because if Macaque needs to be understood, listening to Mk and talking with him (such a simple act of empathy, they both needed it then, guh) should have been enough. Mk really felt the 'warrior' character in the story, so he understood what Macaque felt. But surprisingly, that was not what the demon carved.
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Macaque chose to make Mk feel like Monkey King at the moment something drew the demons apart. He wanted to force Mk to be sorry, to apologize, to regret his mistakes, cause he failed with forcing Monkey King to feel that. But! Maybe he is not as purely innocent and poorly forlorn. We see the flashback for a half of second before Mk hit him with Staff:
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We see Sun Wukong attacking Macaque who's in his demon (true) form.
Let's repeat this: Macaque felt as if a friend left him in the past. He said a friend did this to have all the "hero's glory" for themselves. We know Sun Wukong could do such a thing, especially before he met Tripitaka, but 1. In my theory Macaque is created after Tripitaka's death and 2. If (as my theory said) Sun created Macaque to not feel so lonely, he would never leave him for such a thing. So Macaque hides something for sure, something he did, something so terrible that made Sun Wukong attack him and not want to know him anymore. How horrendous thing Macaque did that made Sun Wukong choose to be alone again and to forget his dear brother he created by himself?
Back to the great bonding time, repeating speculation of "oh maybe they even share the powers" and comparing it to Macaque wanting to steal Mk's power, my theory here is saying:
Sun Wukong taught Macaque the technique of the same powers as he knew, but Macaque overused it (probably wanting to see how powerful he is, probably showing off and killing so many harmless people) doing terrible terrible things. So Monkey King took all of the powers from him and left him alone, powerless, with the last painful words: "Dont you dare to show in front of my eyes ever again". Of course Macaque was hurt, of course he didn't see why he's the bad guy, because he did not care about people at all. And of course Sun Wukong was hurt too.
Maybe he came back to the village Macaque had destroyed and following a quiet crying he found a little baby with a heart so clear and he put into him all Macaque's powers, making them sleep until the time will be right... But back to the series!
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Yes exactly. Why did he destroy the lantern and leave? Why did he suddenly lose interest in teasing Mk and stop forcing him to feel guilty?
First thing, he saw Mk is ready to fight for his friends seriously. He still cared so much about them, not like Monkey King about Macaque. That was hard to swallow, that was hard to watch for the demon. That was't the thing he wanted to see. And second, the flashback. Maybe the sudden realization that he actually did something bad. Cause Sun Wukong didn’t just leave him, he cast him out. It was hard to admit that he actually deserved this (or maybe much more), it’s much easier to blame others, not yourself. So Macaque felt “that’s enough” and left. Mk brought him to this uncomfortable point of admitting the truth. Which he didn’t want to. Maybe in the following eps, he will see it, but now Macaque just isn’t ready yet. But the last talk with Mk gives me a little hope. He stopped treating him like a tool or toy, he was actually talking with him like with a person, he even warned him about Lady Bone Demon.
Maybe (maybe) one day he'll see that humans aren't just useless creatures he can carelessly kill, maybe Mk will make him care and realize what he's done, but that's just speculation in speculation, he could die before he reaches that point, maybe he is already dead....
And that's it. That is all I wrote on ao3, but in the fanfic I put much more details and I build those characters up much more than here. This is only rough rough short-saying, I'm really sorry if you read it all
Oh and here is a link if you liked this above i'd love if you read the fanfic thank you
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
We do that now we open wrongful death suits again and we open lawsuits for his family tons of them and by the way Kat von d is not with us either she is out and they start imitating her and start a huge fight out there tons of people after her stuff and she is burued out there. Huge numbers of idiots while in here to threaten him because his family is underground tons of them but killing them all they're going to keep coordinating off Florida as long as it takes everyday we're going to cordon it off more and more
I'm going to add stuff to get rid of you and others are going to take over the office of Castle and the house isn't going to keep taking it over everyday and keep killing everybody who tries to take it over I didn't do that for every business here too they're ours you want to be here that's too bad you're not going to you won't let him have a room you have to kill you off everybody who drives my ship is going to die I don't know if you get any of this yet.
The letters are in Atlanta and then there now and we're going to hit you for putting that there bjA you're dead, and yeah even shot in the head cuz you're a freaking a****** that's why it wasn't your granddaughter no it was Brenda Starr and the other lady not the Russian I'm boy do they hate you, for talking similar and stalking you and shoot you whenever they can they should too finish you.
There's a relations from mask the movie to the predator it's not what you think the predators are trying to take the body which is in the grave I didn't bite any of them in the face he got injured and refuse to have it fixed so his face kept growing
The letters are there in Atlanta the will letter from the lawyer and the letter from Ellie. Tons of people see Ellie who she is now she is Jenna and shoot her cuz she won't shut up about it. She immediately starts threatening to tell her to stop doing it she won't stop and so they shoot her I'm in the head there's a time doing it too the ones in Utah died everyday and then they refill with Jenna and die. And yes her kids fight the clones of BjA and it's really what the war is. And she'll have kids with just about anybody and she hates the clothes she said they're stupid and fighting for a long time both of you stupid for Christ sake. They realize that they say we can't help it
Atlanta is now a mess, I did see the letter arrived and this other Max with it. It's a huge Entourage that comes with him and a lot of special and ships and other stuff and if you harm him you're going to get killed unless you him our son who wont hurt to unless he's defend himself. The corky looks at it and has stupid thoughts says it out loud these days if I can only curtail following and things like that they go after him for it too. We hundreds of them down here going after him right now because we reminded him and them of what he says we're going into action now is accident on the ground here is of corky in this idiocy and I find him and hunt him down. There's a ton of them too but 350 million Corky's are up see they're going to bother her son so we're going to kill them all and below him is a ship it's fueling up too it's going to be daylight by the time it gets out of there has to fill up fully all you need to steam and it's not really us and it's not really that deep it's only about 2 mi and it is BG and it is the saucer you see in the movies and in person looks very huge and damn it looks very huge the way it gets out of there is kind of odd but that's how it works. He's going to try and squeeze it out on purpose and will infill and it's going to awaken a lot of kaiju. We need this to happen because his matching so damn arrogant I just running around harassing everybody instead of harassing all these people in apartments and have to ships to leave in my work he says it might not well unless we try
Lunch is momentarily ready for weather all of you and you go after him cuz he did it right in front of you all
I have to tell you he bothering him I'm going to start killing you off and requesting it for a long time his people won't stop harassing me no matter what you do to him since I got to leave you really do have to leave harness not knows remarks too scream in an a****** you do it everyday every night you're sitting there fuming saying shut up I'm going to kill your ass you can't even figure it out so we're going to keep hitting you to shut up now just stupid that's what we do you're nuts okay fat swab just pick your freaking skin so you bleed to death idiot. Supposed to be more exposed for just sitting there threatening him after today they're going to be exposed to a huge way and most you'll be gone that's what I hear in my notes because of this experiment of his his other things rolling down the pike too the letter that's killing killing tons of you s here.
There are certain things that are happening that are getting rid of you when cording off you fight it hard and we have to go after you and you don't make it. when you're snide and have these wise ass remarks like PGA we have to hit you and we do and he gets it a lot. Today is the hubble day in dracks. And begins just leaving permanently he's such a huge ass and moron it's really tons of the programs Max tons for real for some reason you can't tell what these buggers are doing he knows they're 100% retard rebels.
I see a lot of shows for me up right now muto tell and Godzilla are going to add it on Hawaii shortly and yes Godzilla makes ground fall in the morning you can see that it started getting light out it's supposed to end of the clip and she's standing in water at the end of the movie was the same look at her face is Godzilla leaves because she didn't even move out of that flooded area so weird movie if you look at it from particular point of view and what's it really doing just running away from this thing for their lives. The military ships will follow it and she'll thrash them the other military ships sold get thrashed by the crabs because of the people following her and that happens soon enough but before that it's Muto. They were a couple very large klendathu who ate a whole bunch of lizards a good size lizards too and the captured now they're sitting in there and they just formed a cocoon almost and you're trying to capture them, and failed I broke out and I'm flying to Hawaii now they're there they flew there because they felt that huge bomb I smelled it and they're all irradiated now and they're heading towards Hawaii they saw a Godzilla and flew up and saw her and saw the sub she's chasing they're both going around 100 knots which is pretty fast the sun can get up there a little faster it is moving out right now $150 or so but it looks like Godzilla's going to catch up with it she's about 1,500 ft tall to 2,000 ft tall it's going to pick it up and toss it how many people can do that here you don't think you can cuz you're nuts should be wy to eliminate you you have playing and stupid. Godzilla touchdown in Hawaii momentarily as will muto. Fight briefly and then the news will be taken from Hawaii and then take them to Las Vegas and muto season leave and follows them can't get at them because of big ships an escort them they're keeping these smal nukes fir a special purpose.
And yes it's to eliminate the base aspire people doing it I should be bja and Jason and others
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