#[for tonight i'm just going be on discord and play pokemon]
hellflcmes · 2 years
Well, I was going to do things after the play...But then I got a text from my brother's girlfriend saying that she just brought my brother to the hospital. I won't go into the reason why he got admitted but it came on suddenly from what I was told. She's staying with him for as long as she can tonight so she can update me if anything changes. Due to the play and tomorrow being a midday show, my mom and aunt are going to see him and keep his girlfriend company.
Needless to say, this has significantly dropped my mood. I'm still going try to do things on here but I honestly going to limit myself to just fluff threads and things I have the drive to do. That most likely means I'm going to focus on certain people too. I'm hoping once I find out more that things will change but for now this is how it's going to be.
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freeroaming-curiosity · 5 months
//transcribed from a Discord RP with @vocaloid-voltage
[begin video log
Oppy had just barely made it to Lilycove in time for the latest Hatsune Miku concert. She wandered around a bit, looking for the venue, until she saw her friend waving at her
Miku! She runs over, stopping herself from tackle-hugging her Good to see you ^u^
“Hey Oppy! I heard you got the badge from Fortree! Congratulations!” She beamed, raising a hand for a high five.
they high five, then Oppy brings out her badge case 6 now! Plus all my team except Celsius and Strelka evolved! Oppy's pokemon - Serperior, Gyrados, Cryogonal, Ninjask, Shedinja, Litwick, Metang, and Type: Null had followed her
“Hey, nice! I always wanted to try raising a Cryogonal. Never really worked out, unfortunately.”
Celsius is great! He's been carrying me through the gyms and having him around's great for the heat 
Oppy then sees a familiar orange shape watching them at a distance. Considering the fact that Miku was not looking in that direction, the orange man did not appear in her view.
“I can imagine. That’s why I have Ice Voltage, to be honest.”
Oppy’s phone buzzes Hm? She opens it (over Twystcord): it’s Top Man
Opportunity was that you in the concert hall?
Yeah. Why?
...hey here's an idea. Why don't you take your friend and go check out the department store or the shrine by the sea and don't be near the concert hall for a while, k?
... >_>
She showed Miku Top Man’s conversation, and she opened her own DM with the Robot Master
Hey, uh. I saw that message. What’s going on exactly?
Well... Not sure if you saw the whole drama but I'm on slightly better terms with Opportunity now... the issue is, Dr. Wily now has someone in play who doesn't have that rapport, likes him a lot more than I do, and is a lot more dangerous in his practices... I don't want the kid getting hurt is all. I can't do anything to stop it, so I figured I'd at least warn her
Okay but like… I’ve got a concert tonight. Does it have to be tonight? Also you should totally come to one when you’re not working with a terrorist.
You have NO IDEA how much I want to be there and not with this bitter old fleabag and his drama. Also that was not up to me. I'm pretty sure Dr. Wily picked specifically tonight to make scene
Alright that makes things a lot more difficult because I can’t just. Not perform, I legally have to be there.
...good luck. Don't die :thisdoesnotpleaseme.png: (don't know if he'll do much more than cause a scrap ton of damage but you never know with this guy. He's a bit of a loose cannon)
Are you allowed to tell me who it is? I played a game or two when I was a kid I might recognize the name.
To be quite frank, Miku was just hoping that her being part Porygon didn’t ruin the whole First Law thing. Though it was the Second Law actually in this case (Wily had ordered this part of his operation be secret), but still, Top Man was able to manage something
Ninja- %(&(-&*% ^-^%-That's all I can say I guess
She looked to Oppy,  clasping her hands together. “Alright, what do you say we have a shopping trip distraction?”
! Sure! That sounds great!
but as fate would have it (of course) Miku's phone said that the concert was starting - the two girls had lost track of time - and she couldn't leave until it was over
Miku sighed slightly, but nodded at her phone. Her body pulsed, and her hair turned purple, her eyes a dark crimson. “Dagnabbit, time.” She shifted back to her normal appearance, looking back to Oppy. “Nevermind, we’ve got Bowling For Soup playing opener right now so I have to be ready in 10.”
Oh... I'll be on the lookout! Do I watch from here or in the crowd? I've never been to one of these "^^
“You watch in the crowd! I’ll ask someone to guide you there!” Almost as soon  as she said that, a green haired girl entered through the door. She didn’t say much, simply waving to Miku with a smile and waving to Oppy with a surprised face.  “Melody! Great timing! Do you think you could show Oppy to the crowd?” Melody nodded, making a gesture towards Oppy to follow her.
Oppy went back with the crowd (still toward the front though) as the concert began. As the opening bands finished their last songs, the curtains drew back, and Miku arrived onstage to raucous applause. 
“How’s everyone doing tonight!”
More cheers. Miku grinned as she listened to the crowd.
“Sorry for the wait, a bit of a software issue! But I’m back now! Let’s get this started!”
We love you Miku!!!!! ^u^
While she couldn’t hear the specific call, she did hear it as part of the crowd. To be fair a lot of them were saying that exact same thing. “I love all of you too!” Music began, and she began her performance. She really seemed to be getting into it.
Right as one of her more popular numbers was reaching its head, the backup musicians began being attacked by... a Weavile?!
The music stopped almost instantly (to be fair, the backup musicians were for an acoustic cover of Hypocrite Justice they were going to do later), and Miku turned around in shock. She immediately rushed to the musician’s aid, changing to Fire Voltage as she ran.
“Get off of him!”
the Weavile's movements are strange, almost as if it was programmed to attack, and when it got close to Miku, she felt its surface was metallic. The Weavile tried to hit Miku with a Throat Chop, but it was parried by a large, thick, pink hand from behind her. Miku was… rather surprised to see the hand, looking back to see who owned it. How’d it get this far, she was on stage alone, wasn’t she? Looking next to her, she sees Oppy had somehow made her way onto the stage to protect her. She gives her a thumbs up with her non-shifted hand, then turns to the Weavile, who's still trying to cause as much damage as possible, this time attacking a fog machine, making it so the area is covered in mist and the audience has a hard time seeing what's going on. Miku, admittedly, was starting to panic a bit. She was a pop star, she was completely and utterly unqualified to handle this.
Wait hold on, fog machine! She could handle that at least.
She shifted to Flying Voltage, leaping across the stage before changing to Steel, making her much heavier in comparison. She may not have fancy attacks or anything, but she could protect her fans.
fortunately a Mystical Fire from Candela took out the Weavile
Phew... what was that? And who sent that thing?
“I don’t know…” Miku put her hand to her chin. The answer was incredibly obvious, but she wasn’t really made for thinking with Steel Voltage. She swapped to Psychic, and the answer hit her like a load of bricks. “Oh right yeah Wily.”
Almost as she realizes it, the other fog machine breaks, and a stage light almost falls on her. Oppy moves her out of the way, then the mist thins enough to see a strange, ninja-like robot put the metal Weavile in a pokeball - this was DWN-024, Shadow Man
“Aaaand this is exactly the guy I was expecting. Oppy? You might wanna run.”
Back to Steel Voltage she went. Oppy shifts a shield around herself but stays 
I'm gonna help too if you need it!
“That’s kind of the thing? I was also going to, I haven’t done anything like this before.”
Neither have I, really. The other guy didn't really want to be there so he didn't go all out like this guy, but I think we can beat him!
Shadow Man throws a Shadow Blade that strikes Oppy and she recoils, but isn't seriously hurt. Oh dear, oh no. He was attacking the kid. That wasn’t good. How was she supposed to take care of this guy!? 
Wait hold on… if she remembered right he wasn’t made with the others of that line… but he was still weak to Top Man’s weapon… which could only really mean…
And so, Hatsune Miku, the Cyber Songstress, threw her full body weight against a ninja.
Urgh- What are you doing?! He tries to launch a Shadow Blade, but misses by a longshot
“Good question!” She responded, charging forward more. Maybe Fighting Voltage would have been better, but she needed the extra weight considering the fact that her opponent was made of metal.
Miku then discovers she was pushing against a log - the real Shadow Man descended from above and struck her. To be fair, she was expecting something like that. Which is why she was in Steel Voltage. However, she did not remember that she was barely over 150 pounds with Steel Voltage active. Stupid pop star diets. She made her distaste for the situation known, extremely vocally even. “That was just cheating there.”
Shadow Man grunted, then a second Shadow Man then appeared next to him, and then the two scrambled themselves, making it hard to tell which was which
Huh?! There's two now?!
“It’s okay, it’s just Double Team. Got anything that can hit both of them?”
She almost wished Melody was here just for the extra help. But that would just be adding another person who had no idea how to fight in here.
I could make something! she shifted her hand into a long flail, and swung that at the two Shadow Mans, only for them both to disappear
Behind you Shadow Man knocked over Oppy with a hit from behind
“Hmm… there’s a bit of a problem here… wait, I’ve got it!”
She shifted to Psychic Voltage. That should give her a better view than Steel. If he’d just stay still she could enter his circuits, but she didn’t have that option. through Psychic Voltage, she's able to see Shadow Man attempting to sneak up on Oppy through the mist. Miku’s eyes widened, electing to — instead of being an idiot and punching the robot in the face — warn Oppy about the incoming stealth attack. hearing Miku's warning, Oppy instead makes her body larger, squishy, and slightly adhesive. Shadow Man gets stuck on her and Oppy traps him
Good job Oppy!” Miku clapped slightly. “Let’s see if I can’t do anything here…”
She approached the robot, looking for any sort of entry point to his system. She was hoping it would be simple, but things rarely were. Shadow Man's putting up a beast of a fight, and the systems are already hard to grasp, being not of earth...
Miku! Look! Oppy points out an interface port - likely where Dr. Wily would connect to for maintanence. She moves this closer to Miku for convenience
“Thanks!” She nodded, sticking a finger into the port and transferring herself into the droid. It looked like she was still there, but her eyes were lifeless.
Inside Shadow Man is a landscape that seems like Shadow Man's stage from Mega Man 3, complete with enemies. She gets the sense she'll be ejected if she gets defeated, so better make this count. She was so happy for this, she never thought that she would ever find a use for this. Immediately enemies begin approaching her - it does seem like she has some rudimentary equipment based her franchise. Aw heck yeah, she can do stuff. Apparently the question of “what would Miku do in a platformer?” was answered with “Whatever the hell made sense for the setting.” Miku eventually made her way to Shadow Man, in his mindscape, and he immediately began going on the offensive, jumping around and throwing Shadow Blades. Well. She was hoping that she’d be able to talk things out with him, but that did not seem to be the case. At the very least, this was a very familiar pattern. For Dr. Wily! though his attacks are relentless, she knows them, and in short order Shadow Man is defeated. Miku automatically ejects, but Shadow Man has gone slack
you entered my mind... I'm lucky I trained for that. You saw only what I allowed you to, but even still... I'm in no shape to fight anymore…
Being back out of his mind was. Definitely a shock. She expected to leave on her own.
“Normally this would be when we’d like. Blow you up and take the chip thingy but we want answers. What are you doing here?”
you're a fool if you think I'll tell you
at that moment an awful noise is heard and the Wily UFO flies overhead that descends a grabber claw that collects Shadow Man and startles Oppy into letting go 
Excellent work Shadow Man! We have what we needed from that lab now!
strangely, Strelka seems to notice the UFO and starts trying to chase it for some reason
Strelka what are you doing?!
“Huh? What’s going on?”
Miku attempted to chase after it, but as it turned out, being tackled by a ceratanium-adjacent-constructed robot when you yourself weigh 90 pounds normally really hurts, and she collapsed onto the ground.
Oppy doesn't notice at first, chasing Strelka until the Wily UFO flies out of sight and Strelka howls mournfully
Strelka what's wrong? Oppy then sees the guy from the Devon lab earlier
"Oh... it's you. Well if you want your dumb mutt you can keep it. Without the type memories it's useless to us, and given how much of a pain that project's been we're probably gonna cut funding for it. I won't bug you again about Type: Null"
Well... that's one thing down, now to deal with Wily. Wait where's Miku? 
realizing, she runs back to her friend and helps her back up 
Wily got away…
Miku was in. A lot of pain. Like… so much pain.
“It’s fine, we’ll get him later. Or. You will. I need to go to the hospital. I can message one of the others to help at least, I don’t wanna just leave you out on your own.”
I'll get you there, don't worry Oppy shapeshifts into a form that could fly her there and gets Miku to the hospital as fast as she can
end video log]
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servin-up-surveys · 1 year
survey #140
Would you rather visit The Eiffel Tower or the Egyptian Pyramids? The Pyramids, easy. I would LOVE to visit Egypt.
Would you be surprised if your most recent ex called you tonight? Yes, considering her number is blocked and I also know she has zero desire to talk to me, and it's mutual.
Do you need to lose or gain weight? Lose. Trying so fucking hard and have been for years. It just teeters back and forth.
Do you think you have a disorder but haven't been properly diagnosed yet? Yes, and as of a few days ago I'm on the road towards an autism evaluation and potential diagnosis after suspecting myself of being a high-functioning individual for a VERY long time for a novel's length of reasons. I went to therapy and talked about it, and she will be trying to get me to see someone who can perform an evaluation.
What is the population of the city you live in? I'm not comfortable giving like, a super specific number, but according to Google it's a few thousand over 50k. Apparently it's bigger than I thought it was...
How many pairs of jeans do you own? Literally zero.
When did you last vacuum your room? Nothing less than astonishingly, only a few days ago. The next day I cleaned my ENTIRE room, and I've kinda stayed in this restless state where I'm just tidying things up a lot. Like don't get me wrong, it's fucking fantastic, but this behavior is VERY unlike me; like the immense majority of mentally ill people, I tend to have a shitload of trouble with cleaning, especially without my mother prompting me to.
Have you ever put on or lost a significant amount of weight? Both.
On a scale of 1-5, how often do you curse? Oh, "5" just feels like too small a number to rank how much I fucking curse lmfao
What is the worst thing you’ve ever smelled? My late dog Teddy's diaper if he'd pee in it while he also had this very large tumor that would also be closed within it, plus he regularly got insanely potent UTIs. This was towards the end of his life and he just in general had so much going on. It eventually got to where I physically couldn't be the one to change it if it hadn't been for a little while (ex., overnight), like the smell was one that would basically bring you to your fucking knees, I'm talking dizzyingly disgusting and would make me violently gag and heave. Not even decaying animals I've smelled matched this, and I'm sure being in such close quarters to change his diaper played a big role in just how terrible the experience was.
What’s your favorite social media platform? I think Tumblr's the most fun, but I like Facebook for keeping up with the lives of people I care about.
Name someone with brown eyes. Both my parents, both my immediate sisters... a whole lot of people.
Do you know what your next injection will be? No. There's talk going on about TRYING to get me approved for a very well-received weight loss injection since my pre-diabetes news, but the odds are low because of the kind of insurance I have but also because I'm pre and not actually diabetic. Giving you reliable health care only matters when you're basically dying in this country, y'know?
Does anyone call you darling? If so who? Uh I suppose it's possible Girt does sometimes, but that's definitely not one he says a lot. I'm pretty positive I've seen him write "darlin" in Discord, but I'm not positive if he's vocally used that term with me.
If you had to have a cartoon character tattooed to you what would it be? Um, I guess if I HAD to, I'd probably go with a Pokemon of some sort. Maybe a cutesy Charmander.
You have to dye your hair two colours, what do you choose? IF I knew the colors would take, right now I'd probably go with a pastel pink and light lavender to layer.
If you could would you look at your future self? I think I'd be too scared to.
Who was your first serious relationship? Jason.
If you had to cut a parent out of your life who would you cut out? I really, really, really fucking hate this question, but my dad.
If you had to get a piercing right now what would you get done? Right nostril redone.
Who is the #1 person/thing in your life? My boyfriend.
What are two things you wish you never did? Said certain things to Jason and my dad. Juuuust to name two.
Would you rather have three personal wishes or world peace? World peace, fucking easy.
What were/is your high school colors? Red and white.
When someone sneezes, do you say “Bless you,” or “God Bless you?” "Bless you," but I wish I said neither because of the religious implications. It's just become this social expectation that is completely meaningless, but I'm way too concerned about not looking rude. I've thought of just switching to "Gesundheit," but around here? That'll raise some eyebrows and I don't feel like explaining in the Bible belt of all places "oh I'm just not religious and it feels weird."
Do you ever look at someone cute, and automatically make a move? lol no, even if I was hypothetically single, that is totally not how I work.
What are two things you are excited to do in the near future? Get my tattoo finished, and actually that exact same day I'll be going to Girt's afterwards for the yearly dinner they have to celebrate his late date's birthday; they get together and make his favorite meal. I was there last year and literally cried over panic of being rude lmfao because I physically could not eat it, it was this pasta thing with chicken gizzards and also hearts. I immediately reminded Girt of this and told him I'm going to eat prior, and he said it wouldn't offend anyone but I still worry regardless. Either way I'm still excited to go, I don't see his family enough.
Do you live in a house, apartment, or another type of arrangement? A house.
Are you one of those people who like to spell out numbers? In English grammar (or at least, what I was taught), any number below 10 is technically meant to be spelled out, and depending on the context, I usually abide by that.
Who was the last person (if anyone) you said Happy Birthday to? Either my dad or a Facebook friend. I feel like the latter.
Do you have Photoshop? If so, how often a day do you use it? I do, and it totally depends. I'd say most days I don't use it at all.
Do you watch any shows that you know your parents wouldn’t approve of? lol no, I'm a grown-ass adult.
Leggings with denim shorts; yes or no? I think that mix is perfectly capable of being cute. Probably isn't always, but.
Do you think any bands/artists are trashy? So like here's the crazy thing, I know NO celebrities on a personal level!!! and especially with musicians, there is a tendency to develop stage personas that do not reflect who they factually are!!! but even if I knew any personally, they can do whatever they want w/ their own lives if it's not at the expense of others!!!!! hot take right????????
Do you plan your meals in any way? Not really, like I don't do meal prep or decide at the start of the day what foods I'm eating. I just go with what I want in that moment.
Were you in the scouts when you were young? Girl Scouts? Yes, with my older sister and maybe younger. I can't remember how long, though.
How many people could sleep in your home? (Not counting floor space; beds and couches only) Uh, I'm going to go with needing the ability to lie down versus just sit up, because people COULD do that on the couches... My bed and Mom's can comfortably fit two people each, the leather couch someone could just lay out on and be fine, and then our other one actually has a fold-out bed that could fit two people, but I'm doubtful it'd be comfortable. If we're counting all those, seven.
Have you ever made a hole-in-one at mini-golf? Yeah.
What genre was the last song you listened to? Who provided the vocals? Natively Rammstein is considered Neue Deutsche Härte, but if you want a familiar equivalent, some sort of harder rock for this specific song, I'm so bad with the bajillion different metal and rock subgenres. Their vocalist is Till Lindemann.
If an ex said they hated you, what would you say? Only going with the other two "serious" people I dated, and this is just what I think I'd say right this minute; I obviously wouldn't know until I was right in this situation. With Jason, I'm very confident I'd just say that I know and don't blame him. Sara, I would honestly likely point out that a person like her hating me is probably a good thing.
What would you do if you found out your most recent ex was in a relationship? Wouldn't affect me at all.
If someone liked you, would you want them to tell you? I mean it really wouldn't matter; they can say it, but it wouldn't change the fact I love and am loyal to Girt.
Truthfully, is there someone you used to date that you miss? There are memories with Jason that I miss and I miss how well we once upon a time meshed together; we were best friends that really, really loved each other. At least, for most of the relationship, on his end. He was a super, super silly and boldly him person (he was the complete opposite of me in the sense that he was an open book about who he was, things that made him happy, etc., and that was extremely appealing to me), like it'd be great if we could still be friends in each other's lives, but that's just not how it could ever work, and I know that. I don't want to date him again, there is WAY too much hurt over how he left and how he never communicated his feelings regarding my mental health, but in an ideal world, it'd be nice to still be in touch, but the world is rarely ideal. This way is better for me.
If you could go forward in time and see your life 5 years from now, what would you hope to see? Me being primarily mentally - and physically - well and having learned to love and be kind to myself, supporting myself decently enough with art, Girt and I living together/probably married by that point, lots of healthy and happy pets. Maybe even a hobbyist tarantula breeder for fun, extra income, and the tarantula hobby could use more breeders anyway.
Are you more comfortable with men or women? Women. If you ever meet a SINGLE woman who says she feels safer around men, hit me the fuck up and let me know so my jaw can drop off my face, through the ground, and into the core of the earth.
Who came over last? lol technically Jehovah's Witness. I warned Mom a group of them were wandering around our development (they are so obvious), and so when they rang the bell and then knocked as well, Mom just didn't even answer. They could very likely see me through the window blinds that I have open, but I gave no shits whatsoever. They eventually just left, thank fuck.
Has one of your friends ever tried to "hook you up?" Not exactly "hook up," but Colleen knew I was into Girt (this was obviously the first time, 2017) and she VERY obnoxiously tried to push us together, and I KNOW it made me uncomfortable, and I think Girt as well. There was one time we got together and went to Pizza Hut/Inn (idr) and this completely indecent bitch starts a sentence with (IN A BUSY RESTAURANT) "because I'm trying to get your dick inside her-" and this is THE CLOSEST I have ever gotten to smacking somebody, like I consciously had to stop myself, but the look I gave her should've melted her where her ass sat. She didn't even look at me though, so I know she didn't see it, and I was so pissed off and disgusted by her that I really don't even remember what happened exactly after, but I'm pretty sure Girt just decided to act like she hadn't said that. If you're curious, as a matter of fact no, she is NOT the reason we started dating, he asked me himself without her completely uninvited involvement later. God I am so glad we're not friends anymore, it's hard to even accept I ever was her friend. OH MY GOD WAIT!!!!!!!! She IS the reason Aaron and I got together in middle school, but I'll defend her enough in that back then, I wanted her help kinda getting things across, but we were literal children who didn't even know what "love" really was.
What is your card game of choice? Magic: The Gathering. I'd honestly like to play it again, but I'd need a shitload of refreshers, the amount of rules in this game is MENTAL. Even when I was rather familiar with it because of Jason, there was a lot of shit I still didn't get.
What is your favourite books series? Wings of Fire by Tui T. Sutherland. Finally read a good chunk more of the one I'm on the other day.
If you eat oatmeal, do you add water or milk to it and what’s your favorite flavor? I HAVE to use milk, and I only ever really enjoyed the apple cinnamon flavor.
Was the last video you watched on YouTube a music video and if not, what was it of? I'm watching jacksepticeye's replay of Until Dawn.
Has anyone you know personally ever won the lottery and if so, how much did they win and would you or have you ever played the lottery? No and no.
What was the last thing someone has sincerely thanked you for? I think Girt, for me letting him have "him" time when he wants/needs it. There are times where I'll invite him here and he just wants to be alone (we're both very introverted), and he knows very well he can always just tell me that and it won't bother me at all. The way he reacts to it I feel like he's had bad experiences with this offending former partners or something, meanwhile I'm just like dude if this was problematic to me then I wouldn't deserve him/a partner in general, his life doesn't and shouldn't revolve around me. Obviously it'd be concerning if this was something he did ALL the time since that would just seem like he doesn't want to see me, but that's not the case at all.
What band, celebrity, etc. do you know the most information about and who would you like to learn more about? Oh it's definitely Markiplier, haha. It'd be super cool to know more about the Rammstein boys, specifically the one (the bassist Ollie) that's always been very mysterious and quiet, he's known for how shy he is, however the older I've gotten, the less and less I've felt the "need" to know everything about celebs I love and/or admire, like they're ordinary people that deserve privacy; their lives aren't our business.
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