freeroaming-curiosity · 13 hours
t turns out not to be that easy. Stanley's feeling took them down a dead end, where they can hear Clara and the others but can't reach them
Oho! That's not the right way Stanley! But this is perfect! It gives me the perfect chance to show you the other essential feature of RPGs: enemies. That's right. There are people in this world who are going to rise up and stop this madness of yours Stanley
Send em here! We're not scared!
the enemies warp in, and Oppy's demeanour completely shifts
W-w-w-w-we c-c-c-c-can take them… TnT
Upon Shallahi looking at the enemies, everything makes about 230% more sense. Of course THEY are involved The VermilineCorp guards immediately take aim at the gang
Shallahi hissed loudly before summoning Snowy in blade form and moving to the front of the group, guiding its sprenblade through the air and towards the Vermiline Guards. Viper readies her Quick Boomerang for the fight. Fortunately these guards seem the same as the ones from Wily's Castle, so she knows the tactics at least - try to bully any resistance into submission, with minimal discipline as a fighting unit. Thus with effort, their tactics can be maneuvered around. Stanley started to panic, until he saw Oppy having a full-blown PTSD panic attack and decided to guard her. Unfortunately he's still not great with that spray gun.
these are just video game copies right?
With how evil this whole company is it almost doesn't matter they make Neo Team Plasma look reasonable but I think?!
Aside from Oppy's panicking, the V-Corp guards are easy enough to drop. The issue is that now the Narrator's dropping more enemis on them as they move through the maze, all of them V-Corp, which is not helping Oppy's trauma response
No response. Something's off. The Narrator seems too... ruthless. There might be more at play than they thought. Fortunately they reach a not dead-end, but where a chest with an item should be, there's a big hole
You know Stanley, an epiphany came to me: Why go to all the effort of giving you an item here when inevitably, you're just going to get rid of it as the game goes on? So I thought it'd be better to save you the trouble of having to lug it around! Can't you just feel the time being saved?
a voice calls through the hole
Shallahi! Shallahi! Catch!
Viper catches the thing. It's a Name Button. When pushed (like to grab it) it says: "Quasar"
... I think we found what we're looking for?
Then let's get out of here!
but what about everyone in the hole?
We're fine! There's a lot of interconnected tunnels down here! The Bucket's leading us through them
...okay? Lets go Oppy
aside from near-constant V-Corp presence, finding the end of the maze was only a matter of time. After that it was just hauling it back to the Heart Castle
Web of Reality's Lie: Part 3
//ooc: this is a transcript of a Discord RP with the following:
@that-one-poison-trainer (Viper) @rogue-nebula (Quasar) @mechanical-hearth (Clara and Svarog (big text)) (on other blogs Oppy will be shown like this)
@the-poke-virus (Virus)
@shallahi-and-snowflake (Shallahi) @faller-of-kharbranth (Malkah) @essential-receptacle (Narrator) @nebula-incursionists-official (Baron Twyst Von Jokewyld)
Under the Baron's direction, the Incursionists had formed the bottom of the mind control facility into a sort of base. Apparently the Narrator couldn't see them down here, or had no power to act on it. The first order of business was contacting Virus outside. The Tron Projector had been moved to Incursionist Alley, and communications were somehow more stable down here
hey guys, welcome back to the next [EPISODE] of my [THE STANLEY PARABLE LETS PLAY]. As you can see this guy who thinks he can out disembodied voice me said they needed my contact or something, so I guess I gotta help them or something ( ̄^ ̄)
We can probably call the others from here!
Indeed! But we'll do more than that! But for that plan we'll need the Sanctuary Mechanical. Why don't you give them a call, Variable Free?
Let's call other sis while we're at it! THe more helpers the better!
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freeroaming-curiosity · 14 hours
Ok out with it buster. What's going on with Quasar?
As I said, it's a simple thing, but with a complicated solution. You see, I initially thought that Quasar's soul had been taken from him, but that did not turn out to be the case. Instead what's been taken, and used to control him, is his name So it’s Fae Chullshit. Elithanathile.
Bless you sis
has to be the fae smh. good thing no one knows my true name
...Virus what does that mean? What the fuck does that mean?!
( ・∇・)
Ok... but how do we get him back?
Retrieving a stolen name is no small feat. However, until we figure out how we're doing that, we can temporarily regain him by finding something in here that reminds him of his name. Evidence, if you will
Viper you've played this game before right? The game we hooked Wonderland to, I mean
...how old are you Oppy?
How old actually or how old was I created to be? Bc the factory put a bunch of generic memories in me to try to make me about 19 I think mentally but I'm pretty sure in actual years I'm younger than that, but I'm not sure since ya kinda lose track of time in the factory
... I- thought you were younger.
What's Stanley doing?
Web of Reality's Lie: Part 3
//ooc: this is a transcript of a Discord RP with the following:
@that-one-poison-trainer (Viper) @rogue-nebula (Quasar) @mechanical-hearth (Clara and Svarog (big text)) (on other blogs Oppy will be shown like this)
@the-poke-virus (Virus)
@shallahi-and-snowflake (Shallahi) @faller-of-kharbranth (Malkah) @essential-receptacle (Narrator) @nebula-incursionists-official (Baron Twyst Von Jokewyld)
Under the Baron's direction, the Incursionists had formed the bottom of the mind control facility into a sort of base. Apparently the Narrator couldn't see them down here, or had no power to act on it. The first order of business was contacting Virus outside. The Tron Projector had been moved to Incursionist Alley, and communications were somehow more stable down here
hey guys, welcome back to the next [EPISODE] of my [THE STANLEY PARABLE LETS PLAY]. As you can see this guy who thinks he can out disembodied voice me said they needed my contact or something, so I guess I gotta help them or something ( ̄^ ̄)
We can probably call the others from here!
Indeed! But we'll do more than that! But for that plan we'll need the Sanctuary Mechanical. Why don't you give them a call, Variable Free?
Let's call other sis while we're at it! THe more helpers the better!
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freeroaming-curiosity · 16 hours
Web of Reality's Lie: Part 3
//ooc: this is a transcript of a Discord RP with the following:
@that-one-poison-trainer (Viper) @rogue-nebula (Quasar) @mechanical-hearth (Clara and Svarog (big text)) (on other blogs Oppy will be shown like this)
@the-poke-virus (Virus)
@shallahi-and-snowflake (Shallahi) @faller-of-kharbranth (Malkah) @essential-receptacle (Narrator) @nebula-incursionists-official (Baron Twyst Von Jokewyld)
Under the Baron's direction, the Incursionists had formed the bottom of the mind control facility into a sort of base. Apparently the Narrator couldn't see them down here, or had no power to act on it. The first order of business was contacting Virus outside. The Tron Projector had been moved to Incursionist Alley, and communications were somehow more stable down here
hey guys, welcome back to the next [EPISODE] of my [THE STANLEY PARABLE LETS PLAY]. As you can see this guy who thinks he can out disembodied voice me said they needed my contact or something, so I guess I gotta help them or something ( ̄^ ̄)
We can probably call the others from here!
Indeed! But we'll do more than that! But for that plan we'll need the Sanctuary Mechanical. Why don't you give them a call, Variable Free?
Let's call other sis while we're at it! THe more helpers the better!
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Stanley points upward more urgently, at what looks like a flying man holding a limp man and looking at the screens, tapping them with their cane, measuring them somehow
Ah! We have reconvened! Good timing too, I've discovered quite a trove of tidings
ok what the fuck is going on???
The Baron conjures a deerstalker hat and pipe on their head
Well you see, it's all quite elementary- Right at that moment the authorities finally had their quarry cornered. No escape would be had from here
the Robot from earlier lumbers onto the platform
But that was where the authorities were mistaken, for now they were joined by their leader, a gentleman thief of unparalled cunning! And any master thief worth their salt will tell you the first rule of the craft: always have at least 5 escape routes from anywhere in the stake! What the devil-
The Baron grabs Oppy, Viper, Shallahi and Stanley, elongating their arms to do so, and throws what looks like a Joker card with their face on it into the eye of the robot, destroying it.
And so the gentleman thief grabbed their comrades, and stole away to a hideout most secret, leaving behind only their calling card behind! Toodle-pip!
The Baron jumps off the side of the balcony, only slowing descent when there stops being screens, landing softly at the bottom of the mind control facility
Web of Reality's Lie: Part 1
//transcript of a Discord RP with @that-one-poison-trainer (Viper), @rogue-nebula (Quasar)
@the-poke-virus (Virus), @still-capricious (GaMzEe),
@shallahi-and-snowflake (Shallahi), and @essential-receptacle (Narrator (and Stanley, but Stanley doesn't talk))
(On other blogs Oppy is shown like this)
Oppy paced urgently between the teleport pad into the Alley and the big metal door that opened into the Nexus, finally relieved when she heard others teleport in. Shallahi ran over to Oppy as soon as she teleported over. Viper pops in, finally getting the chance to use that pin Quasar gave her. She looks a little disoriented after the teleport
hey Oppy
Sis! Viper!
So WhAt'S oUr PlAn HeRe?
Quasar sent me his pokemon. They've led me to him before. I'm hoping that Tingles or Tlaloc will know how to find him
Oppy opens the Door into the Nexus and lets Tingles out. THe Parasect immediately scampers off into the Nexus. The others follow. Tingles leads them fathr in the Nexus than even Quasar had ever gone (until now), until eventually arriving at a Room that looks like an abandoned resturant. somehow Gamzee had disappeared. Who knows where he's gone off to
where'd the troll go?
wtf was that Viper?! oh hey a weird bug, I was getting hungry
Don’t eat the bug, Virus, that’s one of Quasar’s team.
Oh yah Quasar! [IFUNNY.COM] story
Where is he?!
in the other room, I'm actually hiding from him after he tried to [UNALIVE] me
well she means "kill" but because she's got this- oh my god
Speak of the devil
Oppy? Shallahi? Viper?
You all have to get out of here! I'm not safe to- AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH
Quasar's pupils turn purple and he charges at Oppy sword drawn and spinning
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I've got an idea! VINEBUD USE SCALE SHOT! Save that bucket!
Oppy throws Vinebud onto the platform. the Serperior knocks the bucket with a Scale Shot and catches it with her tail
What the- no! You can't do that! This is a cutscene! What do you think this is, a boss fight where you can somehow save the bucket our beloved bucket destroyer so desperately deserves to eat?
At that moment boss music started playing
Stop that music! This is not what's going on here!
What they see would beg to differ. Viper releases Peptide from their Pokeball. Peptide runs up to it and unleashes a powerful bite to against the Bucket Destroyer
! You can't just bring out a monster out of your pocket to fight for you! Is this "Pocket Monsters" or something?!
Viper and Oppy awkwardly look at each other then back at the Destroyer
Fine then! Time to show you what the Bucket Destroyer can do! And guess what Stanley? All of its attacks are Antibucket-element, so they'll instantly destroy any bucket they hit! And you know what happens when that bucket's destroyed? That's right, you lose. Remember that you asked for this Stanley!
Vinebud use Follow Me!
Vinebud becomes the center of attention.
Bucket Destroyer uses Bucket-Shattering Crush It's not very effective on Vinebud. Peptide uses Hone Claws
My turn again! Scale Shot!
Peptide Uses Bite. Not very effective, Steel-type maybe? Bucket Destroyer uses Splicing Cogwheel. It's not very effective on Vinebud
Pssst! Don't you have a Chandelure? I think this thing's Steel-type otherwise Vinebud's Scale Shot woulda done more!
great idea! Ingrid! Fire Spin!
Vinebud! Grass Knot!
Typical of Steel-types, the Bucket Destroyer is very heavy, so despite it being not very effective it does decent damage, and of course the Fire Spin works wonders. What sounds like the Narrator trying to vocalise a keysmash is heard.
unrelated but I'm having so much fun right now
Ok Vinebud! One more Grass Knot and a follow-up from Ingrid should be all it takes now! Carry us home!
Ingrid! Shadow ball!
Web of Reality's Lie: Part 1
//transcript of a Discord RP with @that-one-poison-trainer (Viper), @rogue-nebula (Quasar)
@the-poke-virus (Virus), @still-capricious (GaMzEe),
@shallahi-and-snowflake (Shallahi), and @essential-receptacle (Narrator (and Stanley, but Stanley doesn't talk))
(On other blogs Oppy is shown like this)
Oppy paced urgently between the teleport pad into the Alley and the big metal door that opened into the Nexus, finally relieved when she heard others teleport in. Shallahi ran over to Oppy as soon as she teleported over. Viper pops in, finally getting the chance to use that pin Quasar gave her. She looks a little disoriented after the teleport
hey Oppy
Sis! Viper!
So WhAt'S oUr PlAn HeRe?
Quasar sent me his pokemon. They've led me to him before. I'm hoping that Tingles or Tlaloc will know how to find him
Oppy opens the Door into the Nexus and lets Tingles out. THe Parasect immediately scampers off into the Nexus. The others follow. Tingles leads them fathr in the Nexus than even Quasar had ever gone (until now), until eventually arriving at a Room that looks like an abandoned resturant. somehow Gamzee had disappeared. Who knows where he's gone off to
where'd the troll go?
wtf was that Viper?! oh hey a weird bug, I was getting hungry
Don’t eat the bug, Virus, that’s one of Quasar’s team.
Oh yah Quasar! [IFUNNY.COM] story
Where is he?!
in the other room, I'm actually hiding from him after he tried to [UNALIVE] me
well she means "kill" but because she's got this- oh my god
Speak of the devil
Oppy? Shallahi? Viper?
You all have to get out of here! I'm not safe to- AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH
Quasar's pupils turn purple and he charges at Oppy sword drawn and spinning
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the gang emerges in a bright room, with the only way out of blinding white being through an open garage.
This place doesn’t feel right
I know this place, we're in the Stanley Parable! i think. So what are we looking for exactly?
Not sure... but- great
and the Baron has departed. Wonderful. Through the garage door is some kind of warehouse, with a cargo lift high above them
Looks like the only way forward that won't hurt our eyes is those doors way at the top there. Shouldn't be a problem for our pokemon friends though ^u^ ...Sis do you have a flying mon? Or do ya need a ride?
Viper? Mind if I join you in hanging from your Chandelure?
not sure if she can handle the weight of two people...
I can’t exactly… fly on a singular Squawkabilly…
But I bet ya could on a Gyarados! ^u^
Oppy brings out Genesis and shifts herself wings
That platform there points won't be good to land on with that lift in the way, so we'll hit the other one with like the watching room by it
they land there, and go into an office hallway, with a door open on the left that seems more interesting than the hall ahead, that turns out to be a maintenance section, with an elevator that goes down, but there's also some kind of movement happening in a room out of the maintenance hall and around a corner
that way!
Viper runs after the sound of movement. It seems to be a projector, but it's playing an odd message
A special place for the most prized... what's that supposed to mean?
they then hear an odd noise coming from a room outside. Viper readies her Quick Boomerang in case of danger. Shallahi does more-or-less the same with Snowflake and the Shadow Blade. THe room turns out to be a Broom Closet, though the noises are definitely coming from it. At this distance it sounds like... crying?
the crying stops for a moment. The silence is deafening
…can we come in?
no response
What do we do? Should we open the door?
I don't know
...we're gonna come in ok?
she opens the door
Web of Reality's Lie: Part 1
//transcript of a Discord RP with @that-one-poison-trainer (Viper), @rogue-nebula (Quasar)
@the-poke-virus (Virus), @still-capricious (GaMzEe),
@shallahi-and-snowflake (Shallahi), and @essential-receptacle (Narrator (and Stanley, but Stanley doesn't talk))
(On other blogs Oppy is shown like this)
Oppy paced urgently between the teleport pad into the Alley and the big metal door that opened into the Nexus, finally relieved when she heard others teleport in. Shallahi ran over to Oppy as soon as she teleported over. Viper pops in, finally getting the chance to use that pin Quasar gave her. She looks a little disoriented after the teleport
hey Oppy
Sis! Viper!
So WhAt'S oUr PlAn HeRe?
Quasar sent me his pokemon. They've led me to him before. I'm hoping that Tingles or Tlaloc will know how to find him
Oppy opens the Door into the Nexus and lets Tingles out. THe Parasect immediately scampers off into the Nexus. The others follow. Tingles leads them fathr in the Nexus than even Quasar had ever gone (until now), until eventually arriving at a Room that looks like an abandoned resturant. somehow Gamzee had disappeared. Who knows where he's gone off to
where'd the troll go?
wtf was that Viper?! oh hey a weird bug, I was getting hungry
Don’t eat the bug, Virus, that’s one of Quasar’s team.
Oh yah Quasar! [IFUNNY.COM] story
Where is he?!
in the other room, I'm actually hiding from him after he tried to [UNALIVE] me
well she means "kill" but because she's got this- oh my god
Speak of the devil
Oppy? Shallahi? Viper?
You all have to get out of here! I'm not safe to- AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH
Quasar's pupils turn purple and he charges at Oppy sword drawn and spinning
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Twyst… What are you doing?
My my... you have some secrets in that mind of yours, Astronaut Lost. These will be fun to play with...AH! Oh it's simple really. The Astronaut Lost's essence has ceased to be his own, as you saw. So until we can recover it I'm ensuring it doesn't go anywhere, and putting his 3-dimensional form to use while we're at it
wait I'm lost what's going on?
I think the Baron just yoinked Quasar's soul out of his body and went into it themselves
Yah I can see that, it's just that that clown was being so weird about it
Oh worry not! The Astronaut Lost's being is safe in this Soul Prism. Once we discover what ails it, everything will be put back to normal, safe and sound!. Now then, weren't we off somewhere? I believe that digital parasite knows where to start our search
1. Fuck you 2. Idk? Maybe in that computer [ASTRONAUT] put themselves into???
Off we go!
The Baron leads the gang into the Room with the Tron Projector. It's still all set up
We're gonna have to beam ourselves in there to get him back, aren't we?
Of course! Now off we trot!
what if we go in there and also come out fucked?
Twyst responds by projecting all of them (counting themselves) except Virus into wherever Quasar went
... not like I wanted to come along or anything (¬_¬)
Web of Reality's Lie: Part 1
//transcript of a Discord RP with @that-one-poison-trainer (Viper), @rogue-nebula (Quasar)
@the-poke-virus (Virus), @still-capricious (GaMzEe),
@shallahi-and-snowflake (Shallahi), and @essential-receptacle (Narrator (and Stanley, but Stanley doesn't talk))
(On other blogs Oppy is shown like this)
Oppy paced urgently between the teleport pad into the Alley and the big metal door that opened into the Nexus, finally relieved when she heard others teleport in. Shallahi ran over to Oppy as soon as she teleported over. Viper pops in, finally getting the chance to use that pin Quasar gave her. She looks a little disoriented after the teleport
hey Oppy
Sis! Viper!
So WhAt'S oUr PlAn HeRe?
Quasar sent me his pokemon. They've led me to him before. I'm hoping that Tingles or Tlaloc will know how to find him
Oppy opens the Door into the Nexus and lets Tingles out. THe Parasect immediately scampers off into the Nexus. The others follow. Tingles leads them fathr in the Nexus than even Quasar had ever gone (until now), until eventually arriving at a Room that looks like an abandoned resturant. somehow Gamzee had disappeared. Who knows where he's gone off to
where'd the troll go?
wtf was that Viper?! oh hey a weird bug, I was getting hungry
Don’t eat the bug, Virus, that’s one of Quasar’s team.
Oh yah Quasar! [IFUNNY.COM] story
Where is he?!
in the other room, I'm actually hiding from him after he tried to [UNALIVE] me
well she means "kill" but because she's got this- oh my god
Speak of the devil
Oppy? Shallahi? Viper?
You all have to get out of here! I'm not safe to- AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH
Quasar's pupils turn purple and he charges at Oppy sword drawn and spinning
17 notes · View notes
Web of Reality's Lie: Part 1
//transcript of a Discord RP with @that-one-poison-trainer (Viper), @rogue-nebula (Quasar)
@the-poke-virus (Virus), @still-capricious (GaMzEe),
@shallahi-and-snowflake (Shallahi), and @essential-receptacle (Narrator (and Stanley, but Stanley doesn't talk))
(On other blogs Oppy is shown like this)
Oppy paced urgently between the teleport pad into the Alley and the big metal door that opened into the Nexus, finally relieved when she heard others teleport in. Shallahi ran over to Oppy as soon as she teleported over. Viper pops in, finally getting the chance to use that pin Quasar gave her. She looks a little disoriented after the teleport
hey Oppy
Sis! Viper!
So WhAt'S oUr PlAn HeRe?
Quasar sent me his pokemon. They've led me to him before. I'm hoping that Tingles or Tlaloc will know how to find him
Oppy opens the Door into the Nexus and lets Tingles out. THe Parasect immediately scampers off into the Nexus. The others follow. Tingles leads them fathr in the Nexus than even Quasar had ever gone (until now), until eventually arriving at a Room that looks like an abandoned resturant. somehow Gamzee had disappeared. Who knows where he's gone off to
where'd the troll go?
wtf was that Viper?! oh hey a weird bug, I was getting hungry
Don’t eat the bug, Virus, that’s one of Quasar’s team.
Oh yah Quasar! [IFUNNY.COM] story
Where is he?!
in the other room, I'm actually hiding from him after he tried to [UNALIVE] me
well she means "kill" but because she's got this- oh my god
Speak of the devil
Oppy? Shallahi? Viper?
You all have to get out of here! I'm not safe to- AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH
Quasar's pupils turn purple and he charges at Oppy sword drawn and spinning
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Reblog if you are okay with people pestering your characters about literally anything
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[Porygon mail - @wondertrade-hub]
Hello hello! We saw you interacted with our post, so here's a gift bag from our opening event! Enjoy!
(The bag contains:
A mew pokedoll
A Multiversal Wonder Trade Network keychain
A friend ball
Some chocolate covered candied pecha berries
A pokeball-shaped jello cup)
YES! I love all of this!!! ^u^
0 notes
The Chosen of Ruin: Part 1
Oppy lands Virus at the top of Fury Falls, where the final stake is. Fortunately Top Man’s not here yet. She brings out the stake Gamzee made
Remember, we don't want him pulling that. We want him to pull ours instead 
so we just make sure this is the first stake he sees? Sounds too [IT'S EASY]
Well, ya know how the stories go. It's never that easy. Odds are we'll have to ambush him like ya said. And he's probably gonna be super grumpy when he realizes we tricked him so again we'll have to jump him
alright, so this virus I've been cooking up should make him drowsy enough so this hopefully won't be too difficult. Any [GIVE ME YOUR LOCATION] ideas?
a noise starts being heard down the mountainside, coming toward them 
He's coming! Hide!
They hide, hoping Top Man falls for the decoy
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Top Man!!!!!
Stop being stubborn and let the people who care about you help you!!!!!
Got another stake
Tumblr media
Which leaves only one left, because VIRUS and OPPY keep trying to STEAL MY GLORY!
It'll be fine though. Once I get the treasure behind the stakes, and lift the curse, that'll show them
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Yep! We'll get him spinning the right way again! ^u^
I have formed an alliance with @freeroaming-curiosity to try and find a way to stop the top
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Ooh fun!
Grand opening ceremony!
As a celebration of our social media-based branch opening, we're having a party, and everyone's invited! Just interact with this post to receive a gift bag from our party with our state-of-the-art porygon mail system! Even faster than a pelipper, with less likelihood of bumps and scratches on the way!
Each gift bag will contain:
1 random pokedoll!
A Multiversal Wonder Trade Network keychain!
1 random specialised pokeball (anything but default, great or ultra!)
Some candies!
A jello cup shaped like a pokeball!
We hope you enjoy our opening event, and enjoy our service for years to come!
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This! ^u^
water pokemon are the best. ever. :3
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Let's celebrate the ending to another PWC! It was filled with the most incredible of moments, and hopefully there's more to come!
Your special bundle has been successfully delivered! A man in purple should be waiting at the nearest Pokémon Center or Commercial Facility with your package.
And, while we're at it, here's a question: If you watched the PWC, what was your favorite moment?
- @ask-games-galore
YAY!!! ^U^
ANd no I didn't watch the event unfortunately
0 notes
Didn't participate but still! FUN! ^u^
A Champion Time!
To celebrate the Pokémon World Championships, the following bundle will be shipped out to anyone who claims this Mystery Gift! It contains special items that represent each of the winning teams/players of this year's PWC!
Reblog to obtain this exclusive reward, delivered near-instantly through the Mystery Gift delivery system.
Expires: September 1st, 2024, 3a.m. GMT.
A Steenee plushie, with a lil' snorkel mask.
A replica of Mew's Unite License (not to be used in actual Unite Battles), to represent the Fennel's Mew, who was responsible for KO'ing Rayquaza during the Unite finals.
A power bank shaped like a Charjabug, a Pokémon used by Yekai0904, winner of the GO Championship.
A Booster Energy and a poster of Mecha Tyranitar from the Big Monster series of films, representing Iron Thorns EX, the main Pokémon in Champion Fernando Cifuentes' Deck!
A poster of Miraidon, the restricted legendary Pokémon used by VGC Champion Luca Ceribelli.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
You may only claim this bundle once.
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