#[he dared her to sing so she had to give it a proper go hahaha]
Scenario where young Brulee dies from her infected scar and Broyé taking over in her place, getting the mirror fruit, turning into the witch of the Seducing Woods. Basically a what if Scenario.
This was… really interesting to write :D I decided to take a somewhat different narrative approach, hope it still turned out right xD
Broyé taking Brûlée’s place after she died as a child scenario
„How are the trees today~?“
„Thirsting for blood, madame!“
„Ah, and the precious flowers~?“
„Longing to nag on someone’s bones,mistress!“
„Mhh… And our little intruders~?“
„About to face their worst fears,dearest Lady!“
„Oh, how splendid~! Call all yourfriends, for today we shall have a feast~!“
…One of the many legends circlingaround in Tottoland tell the story of a dark witch, who lives deepinside the forest of seduction. Not many have seen her face, butthose unfortunate enough to venture into her territory (and luckyenough to escape with their lives) always compare her to a demon withthe face of an angel. It is said that only the Queen and her familyknow the true identity of the witch- and some people evenspeculate that she used to be a child of the Yonko herself. But noone was ever able to find out the truth, since trying to take a peekinto her life will surely cost you your life.
„Hahaha, mamamama! Who would haveever thought that little Brûlée’s death would cause you to turn intosuch an useful and obedient child, my lovely —–?“
A tall woman, wearing a pure-white dressadorned with many beautiful flower, danced around in an abandoned little cottage located inthe middle of the dark woods. Her singing and the whispers of manydifferent voices filled the room with an unsettling atmosphere, one thatcould even frighten the most fearless of all men, the witch howevermarveled in it.
„I… I couldn’t protect her… I’mso sorry… It’s my fault that she died, —–!“
Long, pink hair framed the face of an elegant and youthful looking lady. Despite her beautiful features,no one could deny the sinister aura emitting from her sheerpresence, and the fear that would immediately spread through one’sveins upon facing her.
„Oh, these poor, poor creatures. Didthey not know that just stepping inside this forest is the biggestsin anyone can commit~? And do you remember why that is, mydearies~?“
she asked her underlings with a wicked undertone in hervoice,
„Because this earth was blessed~!Blessed, by the ashy remains of our wonderful late Lady Brûlée~!“
they answered in unison while singing.
„Correct~! That is exactly right~! And anyone who sets foot inside this forest or opposes this kingdom shallperish by the hands of…?“
„… by the hands of our one and onlyMistress Broyé!“
….Yes, for this wasn’t some crazy witch who originated from a fairytale told to scare children- but actually the 9thdaughter of the Charlotte Family, and reigning Queen of these Woods- LadyCharlotte Broyé.
And the whispering voices belonged tonone other than her ‘beloved’ homie underlings, who would assist herin keeping the Forest of Seduction save from intruders and enemies ofall sorts.
The various flowers and other beingshaunting her woods were extra restless today, since for the firsttime in a while a bunch of rookies decided to challenge the Captain of the Big Mom Pirates, Charlotte Linlin. Theirscreaming and singing increased and echoed through the room, until Broyé snappedher fingers to silence them- with an angelic smile placed on herface. In moments like these, no one would be able to suspect thewicked soul hiding inside the body of this beautiful woman.
„Now, now my dearies~! Let’s not getahead of ourselves, shall we~? What good does killing them quicklydo, when we can torture and haunt those little creatures to theirgraves instead~?“
A cheer of agreement roared throughthe small cottage once more and Broyé smiled triumphantly beforeturning towards a large mirror hanging from the wall to her right. She quickly cleared her throat before looking at her reflection, who was smiling back at her.
„Mirror, mirror on the wall~ Show methese pitiful worms who dare to soil this holy ground, which my beloved bigsister keeps watching over from beyond her grave~!“
Within seconds, the reflection of Broyéfaded away and instead, three people wandering through the woods appeared.One of them seemed to be the famous rookie Monkey D. Luffy, and- much to Broyé’s horror- hewas accompanied by two beautiful girls and what seemed to be araccoon.
„Ah! Look at these pretty faces, mydarlings! No, could it be? Is that you, dearest Brûlée~? Have youcome back to haunt my dreams once more, taking on the appearance of ayouthful young girl? Will your soul never find rest?!“
Broyé dramatically took a stepbackward and clutched her chest as if she was suffering from a heartattack. The homies around her started to retreat a bit, knowing verywell about the mood swings their mistress was suffering from eversince she once encountered a young girl who looked similar to her deceasedsister.
„These beautiful eyes! That perfectskin! There is no mistake! These girls, they mock me! Pretend to bemy sister in order to have me spare them! Ahhh, I will slice them upand use their guts as cake filling!“
It was truly astonishing how quicklyBroyé’s mood could change from mourning little sister to deadly andbloodthirsty monster. …But, could anyone really blame her? After allthe hardship she had to endure ever since that fateful day overthirty years ago? When her older sister died in agony, due to thewound caused by a vengeful outsider? Yes, from that day on, Broyéhas sworn to torment anyone who dares to oppose her family ever again,especially girls with pretty faces that would remind her of Brûlée.
“Oh, I see that our beloved homies have already started playing their wicked games with them~ I wonder, how long will it take until they finally lose their sanity?”
She watched over the three people and raccoon like a predator stalked its prey, and everytime the forest homies moved and blocked their paths- forcing them to go around in circles- a giggle escaped from Broyé’s mouth. Hah, how she enjoyed watching these little worms squirm in her grip!
But suddenly, a bunch of forest homies bust through the door with fear reflected in their eyes.
„Oh dearest mistress Broyé, we are so sorry for interrupting you like this, …but we just gotword from some of the other homies guarding the outskirts of theforest- Lord Cracker is appearantly on his way to deal with theintruders as well!“
„What?!“ the witch hissed angrily,„Big brother Cracker is coming?! Here? That fool should know betterthan to enter my home uninvited like this!“, she ranted on and thehomies started to step back, fearing that their mistress might lash out onthem as well.
„Get King Baum here immediately! We’re moving!“Broyé bellowed at the homies while grabbing her sword and one of hersmall handmirrors. „Let’s take care of these puny little nuisancesbefore my dearest brother even gets to see their faces~! We’ll showhim not to underestimate the power of the Mirror Witch and her forestof death!“
Without waiting for a response, Broyé marched outside of the house and angrily whistled to summon some of her most trusted underlings. A few seconds later, loud chugging could be heard as well as the cry of a crane.
“Diesel! Randolph! Crane!” she screamed as three figures stepped out of the shadows the forest was casting.
“Yes, Miss Broyé?”, all three of them anwered in union,
“Go and mess up these rookies good before anyone can interfere! …But keep the girls alive, they are mine to cut open.” Broyé ordered and all three nodded in response before quickly disappearing inside the dark forest again. It was no secret that most of her underlings feared Broyé almost as much as they feared the Queen herself.
The witch smiled after them, but there was no kindness or warmth on her face. It was the cold and wicked smile of a hunter who was about to devourer his unsuspecting prey.
“Mamama, what is it now, Broyé?! I thought you were off to settle into your new home within the Seducing Woods?”
“I was going to, Mama. But… There is one thing I need to take care of before I can truly call that place my home.”
“So?! What is it???”
“… You… you keep Brûlée’s ashes in an urn inside the Treasure Chamber, right?”
A loud noise broke the silence around the cottage as the Master of the forest homies, King Baum himself, came running towards Broyé.
“You called-ju?” he asked her, but instead of responding, Broyé simply jumped up to sit on his shoulder.
“It’s time to get our hands dirty once more~! We will go out and slaughter these maggots, who spit on my sister’s remains~! Let’s have some fun before making them join dear Brûlée in the ground~!” she sang happily before pointing in the direction where the intruders were. King Baum simply grinned before following his queen’s orders and ran towards the spot she was pointing to.
“It will be a bloodbath~! Watch me, dearest sister, as I fulfill your grudge and hunt down anyone who wishes to harm our precious family~!”
“Here you go, miss Broyé. If Mama allowed you to take the urn, then I’m sure you know what to do with it. Perhaps give your beloved twin sister a proper burial? Even though that is something the Queen could have done years ago alre-”
“Thank you, you are now dismissed. Hurry up and get out of my sight.”
“…Brûlée? Can you hear me?”
“I’m taking you with me.”
“If I spread your ashes across the woods where I’ll be living from now on…”
“…then that means you’ll always be by my side, right?”
“Please don’t worry. We’ll never be apart again.”
“I swear, from this day on- I will dispose of anyone who wishes to harm our precious family. Your death will not have been for naught, no one will ever hurt one of my siblings ever again!”
“I love you, big sis.”
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sorenthelegend · 6 years
Thoughts on Phantom 🌹🎶❤️ (West End, August 6th 2018)
(Hahaha the post was too long so I’m going to put Act I here and reblog to add Act II 💖)
Last night I went to see The Phantom of The Opera at Her Majesty’s Theatre in London - my first ever West End show and my first time ever seeing Phantom!!! Safe to say it was AMAZING 😍 it was everything I could have hoped for and more!! I had Ben Lewis (!!!) as the Phantom, Bridget Costello as Christine and Jeremy Taylor as Raoul, all of whom were absolutely brilliant!
Ben Lewis’ Phantom.....what can I say? The first word that springs to mind is captivating - every moment he was on stage I was utterly spellbound. He puts so much emotion into his performance, and I had tears in my eyes more than once. He really captured the difference in the Phantom from when he first takes Christine down to his lair to when he takes her again after Don Juan - you can see how much the unmasking breaks him, he loses his gentleness and becomes more erratic, and he breaks down SO WELL. Everything about Ben Lewis is amazing.
Bridget Costello is STUNNING!!! Not only is she beautiful, her dancing is amazing and her voice is gorgeous. She had such amazing technique with everything she did - she conveyed even the subtlest of Christine’s emotions perfectly, and her performance was stellar.
Jeremy Taylor was brilliant, my Angry Boi™️ Raoul 😩😍 I honestly fell in love with his version of the character - he was more aggressive than I expected, but it was due to his fierce protectiveness over Christine, and you could really feel his animosity towards the Phantom. Absolutely amazing.
Prologue/Overture: ohhhh I got actual CHILLS when the chandelier went up 😍 idk if it was intentional but the lights flickered in time with the music? The orchestra were incredible (more on them later), and the atmosphere was so great
Hannibal: Piangi, you deserve the world. Hannibal was brilliant - the dancing was great, the music was really good, but mainly it was HILARIOUS 😂 my boi Wade the Elephant had a bedazzled helmet (you live your best life, Wade) Carlotta smacking the newspaper out of someone’s hand while she was singing is somehow a mood (petty goals my gal) also was she flirting with Andre?!? The “AMATEURS” line was perfect, the look on his face was just 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
Think of Me: Okay this was so well acted it hurt 😩 Christine started off really shy and quiet, but once she lost herself in the music she was confident and strong and all-around PERFECT 😍 she had such a breathless smile on her face the whole time, you could tell how much she loved to sing and loved her music. Raoul said “brava” instead of “bravo” and I was so proud, also he didn’t randomly get up and leave like in 2004 so the boy has gained some sense 😂 the cadenza was absolutely gorgeous and I’m jealous of that high note 😩😍
Angel of Music: Meg has such a good voice!! It was sweet and innocent and harmonised beautifully with Christine’s. There were different lyrics to the ones I know (instead of the “Christine you must have been dreaming” lines we had “I watched your face from the shadows/Distant through all the applause/I hear your voice in the darkness/But the words aren’t yours!”) and I LOVED them - it was like Meg was just as excited about Christine’s Angel of Music as she was, rather than her trying to tell Christine that her Angel isn’t real. Loved it.
Little Lotte/The Mirror: Raoul walked into the dressing room and said “Christine Daaé where is your red scarf” and I almost died because somehow the way he said it was really attractive 😂 I loved the harmonies in this, and I really enjoyed the interaction between the two. Christine’s fear when she talked about how strict her Angel is was really good, it subtly set up the dynamic of fear between Christine and the Phantom (which only becomes more evident with the progression of the story). I got chills again at the mirror opening, I totally get why Christine was so hypnotised 👀
The Phantom of the Opera: TITLE SONGGGGG 😍😍😍 the way they showed the descent into the underground was really clever (they had a staircase-type thing that slowly lowered as they walked across it, giving the impression that it was sloping downwards) and the CANDLES omg there were SO MANY OF THEM 😂 during the “sing for me”s at the end of the song the Phantom moved his hands like he was drawing her voice out from her, and he properly went “ohh” when she hit the right notes (the self-caress bit was almost like he was trying to regain his composure)😩😍 I never thought I’d fall in love with someone because of the way they toss a hat away but DEAR GOD it was glorious 👀😍😩👌🏻
Music of the Night: 😭😍 the singing was, as ever, absolutely perfect, and the acting in this was superb - there was a lot of chemistry between the two, and he kept flinching away when he touched Christine, like he couldn’t believe he was able to. At the “touch me, trust me” lines, he had closed his eyes and she reached up to touch his mask, and he instantly pulls away and grabs her wrist with wide eyes. The doll was suitably creepy, but it’s great because we get to see the Phantom carrying Christine (he strong)👀 It was beautiful.
I Remember/Stranger Than You Dreamt It: Okay the performance of the Phantom when composing was perfect - he was scrambling for a pen, jumping up and scribbling furiously when he worked out a phrase, blowing on the ink to dry it so it wouldn’t smudge....10/10. Christine tried to take his mask off a few times but he was so focused on his composition that he didn’t notice (she only missed because he jumped up to write stuff down) and his reaction when she did take off the mask was so well done. He screamed when she took it off and chased her about the lair, trying to get the mask back (and you could tell she was genuinely scared of him) before collapsing on the floor. The “damn you, curse you” line was so full of emotion (he kind of groaned at her?? “ohHhhhH DAMN you” 😂 I loved it, you could feel his frustration) and he then proceeded to fully break down in tears as he sang STYDI. I almost cried watching him, he was so broken and tearful (you could almost HEAR his tears in his voice), and once he put his mask back on you could tell he was annoyed at himself for getting so upset and tried to almost angrily compose himself 😂 honestly one of my highlights of the whole show
Magical Lasso: The ballet girls all ran away screaming when a guy in a cloak and hat walked past 😂 Madame Giry was raging, wish she’d slapped him it would have been gold
Notes I: The looks on their faces when they were reading the notes 😂👌🏻 André did a little sad face at “the dancing was a lamentable mess :(“ and the “what is it that we’re meant to have wrote” was obviously brilliant, it was hilarious - this was Angry Raoul’s debut, he was PISSED about that letter and even MORE pissed when Carlotta accused him of sending hers
Prima Donna: I really liked this one, usually it’s not one of my favourites but it was really well done - when the managers did the bit about “although he may demur/He must have been with her” Raoul stopped in his tracks and turned to stare at them half-disgusted, half-angry, shaking his head a bit. Meg spent the first part of the song looking around the managers’ desk for the notes and examining them, like she was looking for clues as to who the Phantom was. At the end they all sang “sing Prima Donna once more” in a different manner - Raoul was angry and almost sarcastic, Madame Giry looked so done, Carlotta was having the time of her life (but the best was Raoul - he almost spat out the words “prima donna”, so much venom, I love my Angry Boi)
Poor Fool, He Makes Me Laugh: I would genuinely pay good money to see the whole of this opera 😂 the fops looked great, Piangi KILLED it, and it was all going brilliantly until the Phantom shows up to ruin the party. The croaking was great, but I also really liked how Christine forgot her blocking because she was scared of the Phantom. His laugh was proper chilling 👌🏻 the ballet was so good, André walked into about four dancers trying to get off the stage, and I loved the shadows behind the scenery showing the Phantom. If Buquet was a doll it was a hella accurate doll, it was dead realistic 😂 the chaos on the stage was brilliant, and the laughter really cemented the Phantom as a total maniac
Why Have You Brought Us Here: you could really see Christine’s fear in this, also I liked how on the “there inside your mind” lyric Raoul gestured towards Christine’s head, like he was trying to convince her that the Phantom was a figment of her imagination. I missed a lot of Angry Christine here because where I was sitting it was hard to see downstage right (ie the bit of the stage on my left-hand side), but she moved out into centre stage for “but his voice” - Raoul looked at her all concerned during this bit, and you know that he genuinely believes Christine has imagined the man
All I Ask of You: Raoul is my protective boi and I love him okay 😩 he hugged her tighter when he sang “I’m here, no one will harm you”, and he had a determined look in his eyes and more of an edge to his voice, like he was daring the Phantom to try and harm Christine. It was such a sweet and romantic song, the kiss was more gentle than most I’ve seen before, it was just like watching two teenagers in love, plus their voices are so powerful (chills again)
All I Ask of You (Reprise): My HEART 😭😩 this was so heartbreaking, he was crying the whole way through and looked like he was physically in pain (particularly during “he was bound to love you when he heard you sing” - because the Phantom taught her to sing, I think he blames himself for that). When Christine and Raoul were singing he covered his ears and shook his head while sobbing her name, and it was painful to watch 😭 I had the absolute fear while the angel was going back up because he STOOD UP (please don’t fall off), he was so dramatic and angry and I SWEAR to you he was looking RIGHT AT US at this bit - the chandelier falling was SO intense, it fell so much quicker than I was expecting, what an amazing end to the first act
(Act II to follow! 😂)
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dietaku · 6 years
Writing Prompt: Fantastic Circus
So, this is a new step for me! I got my first writing prompt! From Anonymous, they wished to see a “Fantastic Circus.” I think I may have gotten carried away, but here we are. I had a lot of fun doing this, but I relearned the difficulties of imposed challenges lke this. In any case, I hope you enjo it Anonymous, and you all enjoy it as well!
It was in the days of the Seventeen Powers reigning in the Heavens, and the rampage of Lugale Banda upon the earth, that God's Judgment walked into the dusty city of Ehr-Falhaan on the crescent separating the lands of the Backhriin Khuuz and the Solar Kingdom of Kheim. Into this sandy desert city, ambled a  lanky teenage girl. Wearing a bright blue robe and matching traveling cloak, at odds with her brown curly hair and olive skin, her plainness was downplayed by her bright blue eyes and infectious smile. As she walked along, several paused to return her waves and friendly greetings, for this was the way of Saint Tezzina. Walking along the road's side, enjoying the people, she soon caught the spirit of excitement streaming along the masses of people. Pausing at a baker's stand for a piece of bread, she asked,” Everyone is so excited! Is there a celebration happening?”
“Oh, Holy One,” the baker grinned, eyeing the Tulip rosary at her hip,” This is Carnival Season! On top of this, the Tyrant opened the gates to a circus! An act known from sea to sea! A rare treat, especially considering that Lugale Banda appeared not two Lunar months ago!”
Tezzina narrowed her eyes at the sound of her old foe,”Lugale Banda. Correct. Well, far be it from me to dissuade your local customs. May the Holy Tulip bless you.”
Giving the peddler the sign of the Tulip, she continued on her way, deep in her thoughts.
“So, this city was beset by Lugale Banda as well? I suppose the Godhead's  blessed intuition was correct after all,” she thought,” Oh, Blessed Lady, please save these people from further suffering!”
Deep in her own thoughts, she nearly ran into a small girl, the youngster yelling at her loudly.
“Oi! Big sis! Watchit! You in a trance or something?” she asked. Looking down at her, Tezzina arched a brow. Dangerously pale, with long raven hair, a dark gown matching her locks accentuated with daring goggles, the girl took a drag on a cigarillo as she shoved a piece of paper into Tezzina's hand.
“Here! For payment for running me over, you'll take one of these! You gotta be careful, Sis! This isn't the steppes, you'll run in front of a cart if you're not careful! How can o see me perform then?” she asked, as Tezzina snatched the cigarillo out of her hand.
“Good girls shouldn't smoke,” she chastised as the little girl growled profanities, jumping in vain for her lost smoke.
“C'moooon! C'moooon!” she wheedled, as Tezzina merely shook her head,” Well, then at least read my note, you meanie!”
Dropping the smoke to the ground and extinguishing with her heel, Tezzina quizziacally looked over the flier, finding it to be a garishly drawn sign, written in crude Helliin
The Celestial Circus
Come One, Come all!
Watch in Awe as Those Blessed with Magic and Divine Strength Perform!
Come see the Climax! The Great Ballista Event with Our Own Daring Celeste the Dart!
“See, see? That's my event there!” the girl gushed,” Well, if you don't get run over, I expect to see you there!” the girl ran off with a wave, as Tezzina chuckled.
“That would be quite pleasant. I just wonder if I have enough to afford it,” she asked, reaching for her coin purse. However, her pocket was unusually empty. Fear shot down her spine, as her mind zeroed on the obvious suspect. Scanning down the streets, she swallowed as her heart sank. The little girl Celeste was nowhere to be found.
“Blessed Tulip, please bestow your wisdom upon me! Where did the thief of my coin purse go?” she asked, clutching her hands together in prayer. As if on cue, the street to her right shone in a dim sparkle, as she bowed,” Thank you, Tulip!”
Rushing down the proffered direction, she passed many people. No longer traders, workers and those seeking honest folk, these were a more haggard, craven dint. Not that Tezzina cared. It wasn't her first time among the truly destitute, and it wouldn't be her last. However, as she she ran through the dark alleys, she turned a corner into an open courtyard, with the signs of recent renovation strewn about, nearly running into a wall of men.
“Where are you going in such a hurry, Little Sister?” one called.
“Please let me pass, I must capture a thief who stole my coin purse!” Tezzina pleaded, as the men chuckled darkly.
“Oh, don't worry about that, Little Sister. Why don't you come play with us, and we'll pay you whatever you lost? We'll make it worth your while,” their leader grinned as the cackles of laughter broke among the crowd.
Tezzina shrank as the crowd circled around her,” I apologize, but I must decline! I am annointed solely to the service of my patron. To betray my covenant to her would be a grave sin.”
“Oh, that's a shame. Still, isn't the Tulip a benevolent deity? I'm sure she'll forgive you for livign a little,” he crooned, grabbing her hand, as her other land whipped out and grabbed a nearby ladder. Immediately her body glowed as a brilliant halo blossomed around her head. Spinning the ladder about like a makeshift flail, the first row of the crowd about her scattered as she threshed them like fully grown grain.
“Master Ocelot taught me this skill: Yakuub's Ladder!” she beamed, as an assailant behind her slammed her to the ground. Undeterred as the crowd resorted to kicking her as she lay on the ground, she shielded her head, and spun about, sweeping her attackers away, leaping to her feet.
“God's Judgment isn't so easily deterred!” she roared, as the crowd paused in their violence.
“Bullshit! No way, God's Judgment can be a little thing like you!” one cried, as Tezzina rolled up her sleeves, revealing the divine brands down her limbs denoting her as the Chosen Instrument of Divine Justice.
“That doesn't matter! She surely can't be God's Judgement!” the leader cried, as Tezzina stepped before him.
“Believe what you want, but know this mantra, wayward child,” she called.
“What's that?” he growled, grabbing a piece of the ruined ladder.
“Roses are Red/
Tulips are Blue/
The Godhead/
already forgave you.”
“HUH?” he managed, before Tezzina hammered him with blows, finishing with a right hook slamming him to the ground. Staggering back to his feet, he felt his heart free from a weight he never noticed before.
“Hahaha! Your little punches did nothing, Gir--” He gagged, as a black tar wept from his every pore,” What is this?”
“That is the Evil in your heart, leaving you. Be free and sin no more,” she bowed, as he collapsed to his back. The rest of the crowd looked at Tezzina's victim and hurriedly fled, leaving the broken remains of her handiwork, unconscious men and the ruined ladder.
“YAH! Master Ocelot, I did as you taught!” she beamed, as she glimpsed her teacher in the corner of her vision.
“Yeah, sure, Kid,” the hallucination shrugged, leaving Tezzina alone among her handiwork. As she stood there, unsure of what to do next, a small whimper rose from behind a nearby pile of rubble. Peering over the rubble, Tezzina found Celeste cowering in a corner.
“Come now, what's the matter?”
“You're the Judgment of God!” she whimpered, as Tezzina giggled.
“Oh, come on, I'm not that scary--” she gently grasped Celeste's arm and understood her fear.
“You-you're undead. What did you do to deserve the curse of undeath?” Tezzina  demanded.
“I didn't do anything!”
“Of course you didn't,” Tezzina glared, raising her hand, wreathed in holy light,” Any last words, Sinner?”
“Please! I didn't do anything, I promise you!” Celeste stammered, raising her hands before her in supplication.
“Say your prayers, then,” Tezzina growled, as Celeste sighed.
“Okay, okay. If that's how it's got to be, then fine. However, can you let me at least me finish this performance, then? Then, I'll let you finish me off,” she mumbled, pointing at Tezzina's flier.
The Saint glowered at the little girl, but after a small eternity of deliberation, she lowered her hand, extinguishing its light.
“Very well. Take me to this celebration, then we can get this over with,” Tezzina muttered, as Celeste nodded.
“ Okay,” she mumbled. Leading the Saint on to a large forum, where a impressive tent was erected. Workers rushed this way and that, carrying goods and supplies. Tezzina ignored them, keeping her attention solely on Celeste, as she wove through the crowd, reaching a willowy woman dejectedly. The woman stood before them, a pillar of nobility with her flowing gown and porcelain skin, a haughty expression as painted on her face as the crimson gloss on her lips. Her expression brightened as she spied Celeste, chuckling herself as Celeste stopped before her.
“My dear, why the long face? Did you hand out all the fliers like I asked?” she purred in a a sing-song accent unknown to Tezzina.
Celeste nodded glumly,” I did, but then I was found out by this one, and, well...”
She looked up at Tezzina meekly, as the leder woman nodded,” I see. Run along, then, Sweetheart. Mummy and this one needs to talk.”
“So, you're the one who resurrected that girl. Do you know the consequences of reversing the proper flow of Life and Death?” Tezzina asked darkly.
The woman nodded slowly,” That I do. A fact that one of your seniors told me under no uncertain terms. Indeed, she was the reason I am like this.”
She smiled as a dark glow enveloped her. Tezzina stepped back in alarm as the woman spoke up,” This is the mercy of your God. Eternal Life and fear of exposure and expulsion from any and all community I lead to. And for what? Some little exorcist to threaten me and mine?”
“I'm not just 'some exorcist!' I'm God's Judgment!”Tezzain protested.
“And I'm Florin Renault. A Pleasure to make your acquaintance. Now, if we're going to duel to the death, then perhaps a change of locale will be in order.”
Tezzina raised her hand,” Before we do so, tell me, what did you do that caused your curse?”
Florin smirked,” If you must know, I was seeking to save my people. The village I was born and raised in was taken by a plague. Just as this happened, a drought hit the village, as if the gods decided they hadn't cursed us enough. There, I was stuck, delirious with fever, trying to help everyone around me. Then, as I put down yet another  child who breathed his last, I decided to do something. My grandmother was a witch of no little skill, and she left me her grimoire. I read over its pages, followed its directions, and arrived at a solution; the rye of everlasting life. Handing it out, I felt supreme accomplishment in what I did. I saved my village. However, in my jubilation, I neglected to recognize the terms of this spell; in order to fuel the spell, life must be given. In order to save the village, I gave up my life. However, I lived still. My body lived on, ironically thanks to the power of my own spell, raised as a revenant of the night; a Crimson Noble. I sometimes wonder if it was your gods that mocked me with such an outcome, or if it was an intentional part of the spell,. Either way, I don't know, but this is the way I have been for over a hundred years.”
“Then what of your little daughter? Is she the product of your predations as well? An after-thought you regretted?”  Tezzina demanded.
Florin smirked,” Not exactly. I saw her abandoned on the side of the road. I used my blood to revive her. However, since she was not the recipient of my curse, her revival is not permanent it seems.”
“Regardless of your intentions, you have sinned greatly,” Tezzina growled, as Florin smirked.
“That may be, but I don't want you to get ahead of yourselves,”Florin nodded<'I suggest you do some thinking before you act. Take it from me, even with your youthful vigor, don't rush to something you'll regret.”
“You,” Tezzina growled,” Then what do you want, then? Me to just leave?”
“Mm, just take a look at he rowdy band I have gatered here. If they're not up to your liking, then go ahead and take my head. I won't resist,” Florin replied, as Tezzina snorted.
“Fine. I'll be back to settle this,” she muttered. Stomping off, she pausing, whipping about, as Florin cocked her head.
“I just thought you might attack me when my back was turned,” Tezzina snapped, as she marched into the circus tent. Inside she spied swarms of workers readying the stands and stage, with a variety of odd figures about. Immediately before her stood two willowy athletes, decidedly unhuman with their pale skin, thin eyes and pointed, lobeless ears, as they wordlessly passed whirling blades from one to the other.
“Drakekin!” she thought nervously, looking over the pair, they paused in their performance.
“Hullo, Miss. What are you doing here?” one asked.
“I am the Judgment of God. I am here because your mistress is walking abomination. I am merely humoring her before I send her screaming to the Tulip,” Tezzina barked, as the pair chuckled.
“I doubt she'll worry much. She is not the godly type,” one posited, as the other nodded.
“You dare mock the Tulip?” Tezzina growled, cracking her nuckles.
“No, no! Peace, young lady! We respect the Heavenly Tulip! Please, stay your hand!” He cried, hands raised in deference.
“What? What do you mean, you respect her?” Tezzina demanded.
“We respect her the same way we respect the Deep Wyrms, our progenitors, like Lord Hosgue Rra, Lady Astralleza and others,” he explained, as the other nodded enthusiastically,” I apologize, perhaps my human speech isn't good? How humans view gods and we view our honored progenitors was the same, or so I thought.”
“I...see,” Tezzina relented. Retreating from the pair, she paused by a cage where a tall woman inside, reading a book. What Tezzina initially thought were a costume were actually canine ears twitching upon her head, and dark tail wagging behind her.As she got a better look at her, Tezzina secretly wondered if her ashy skin wasn't actually a costume, either. Spying the eavesdropper, the woman leaped her to her feet, pacing back and forth as she looked Tezzina over from all angles.
“Are you going to throw peanuts and insults at the Warcur, too?” the caged girl asked.
“Why would I do that? What even are you?” Tezzina asked.
The girl shrugged,” I've been called lots of names. “Hey You. “Cementy”, “Nigh-Ah-See,”” I don't know what any of those mean. I was sold from my mother when I was little. You can call me Rimu, though. You smell nice. Are you sure you're not a tourist?”
Tezzina shook her head,” No, I'm here seeing if your Mistress is really so bad. Do you really need to be trapped in the cage?”
Rimu shook her head, walking to the cage's edge and casually lifting it up, and walking out.
“It's nothing like you think. Unlike what people say, I don't go insane and attack people. The cage is for, um, what did Ms. Florin call it....Oh, yes! Marketing! People have expectations when they see me, and I don't always have enough large things to lift.”
Rimu beamed,” I may not look it, but I'm pretty strong.”
“I-I see. And Florin doesn't punish you?” Tezzina ventured, as Rimu giggled.
“She does sometimes. Only when I did do wrong, though, I have had worse. The man who owned me before had me fight dangerous beasts all day. Honestly, as fun as that was, I think I like this life better,” Rimu admitted.
“Very well. Thank you for your time,” Tezzina said, bowing, as she noticed the workers setting things aside, as trickles of people slowly worked their ways into the tent. Retreating beside Florin, Tezzina resolved herself to end the farce she found herself in once and for all.
“Have you come to a decision?” Florin asked, as Tezzina snorted,” What was that?”
“According to your workers, you're not all bad, it seems. Still, you Crimson Nobles have terrifying magicks. You may have bewitched them,”Tezzina said,” Although before I kill you, what is going on with all these people?”
“Oh, I guess it is time. These are my patrons, getting ready for the performance. I'd suggest you kill me soon, otherwise there will be too many people to ask questions.”
“I-I” Tezzina paused. In her mind's eye, she saw dozens of children staring at her with wide eyes. She couldn't kill this woman. Not now. God's Judgment could never become such a heinous villain in the eyes of children!
“I'll let you live for now,” Tezzina grumbled,” At least till your performance is over. Enjoy this time and get your affairs in order.”
“Your generosity is as always, appreciated. Why not come watch? I'm sure it will be a fun time for you,” Florin offered, as Tezzina grunted her ascent, eyeing her warily as she made her way to an empty seat. Sitting down, as the lights dimmed and the perfoamcne began, Tezzina's mood darkened as she suspected would play before the flash of fireworks and flashy performances by the Draekin pair, as they cavorted about, passing knives between them with ease belied by the speed and danger of their toys. After several minutes, they bowed to the applause of the crowd, and as the performances and exhibitions went on Tezzina began to get into the mood of the crowd, gasping with them as acrobats spun this way and that, and when Rimu hefted a boulder the size of a wagon, she clapped along with the crowd. Tezzina got swept up in this spectacle, all until she felt the point of the knife in her back.
Gasping, she jerked back, as a hand covered her mouth.
“Don't say anything, don't move,” the voice rumbled, their grip on Tezzina;s face tightening,”This little knife is such a little thing, but even the Judgment of God will die if a knife is in her kidney. On top of that,” the sneer of this assailant's voice fell clearly on Tezzina's ears,” This little knife is made of Soapstone. Any magical defenses will fail.”
Tezzina gasped at this revelation. Soapstone? A common enough material, but if treated, the ore became a potent occult tool, able to 'scrub' off Dahman, the source of occult power from a person.
“Why are you doing this?” she whispered, as the voice cackled quietly.
“Because, my dear, you roughed up me and my men before. Lo and behold, I bought this knife, trying to find you, and where do I find you but enjoying yourself. Now, get up, slowly.”
Tezzina complied, but as she did so, her mind raced as she thought of any way to escape. However, in that moment she felt the knife shift off her back as the man rose himself, she acted, Reaching behind her quickly she spun her attacker about, throwing him forward. As he threw him away, she fell forward with him; in his surprise, he grabbed her collar, bringing both crashing down to the stage down below. Jumping to her feet, she charged the man as he groggoily rose to his feet, flooring him with a barrage of punches. As he collapsed with a groan and a thud, the crowd cheered wildly, rising at the impromptu display, as Tezzina turned, her face burning with nervousness and embarrassment at the sudden attention thrust upon her.
“Thank you, thank you,” Tezzina called, as she retreated to the exit. Turning around just in time to see Celeste hurtle though the air and out of sight, she gasped at the sight, as Florin sidled up to her.
“So....Is the Judgment of God going to take her due now?” she asked, as Tezzina slowly shook her head.
“You may be undead, but you are not the blight I initially thought,” Tezzina said.
“Oh? So, is that your final verdict?”
Tezzina smirked,” God's Judgment isn't just punishment, but also forgiveness. Live free and well, Florin. As for me, this is a big city. I'm sure others could use my services.”
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My first Ed Sheeran Concert / Argentina / May 2017
I know nobody reads my blog and I’ve got literally 5 followers and this is going to be a long post but I really need to write this down ❤️
So last Saturday was my first ever Ed Sheeran show (and first ever proper concert experience) and I’ve got to say...IT WAS THE BEST FUCKING DAY OF MY ENTIRE LIFE!!! I’ve lived a pretty decent amount of years and had experienced some beautiful, unique things through out my time on earth but OH MY GOD THIS WAS SO AMAZING, I just can’t get over it, it’s been a week and I’m still super excited about it (I’m also a pain in the ass for everyone who knows me because I just can’t shut up, I’ve literally been talking about it non stop since Saturday) 
I arrived to La Plata at 10:30 am, I live in a small town 620 miles away from it, on the northeast of the country so I had to take a really really REALLY long 13 hour bus ride to get there. I rushed to the hotel, quickly changed my clothes and went to the stadium. My cousin/god-daughter was already queuing with her older brother who was saving my spot. All this madness actually started because of her, in September she’s turning 15 and when the tour dates were released I knew this was the most perfect present for her (she loves Ed). Long story short, at first I wasn’t going with her, her brother was (he’s not keen on Ed), I had to work plus I’m doing a master’s degree that should be finished by the end of may so things were complicated, but then I though fuck it, you only live once! and decided to join her. By the end of march I surprised her with the tickets (which I kept secret for a whole month) and our Ed Sheeran journey began.
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I got to the stadium at 11:30am, we had general admision ticket (the front section) so we had to queue to get good spots, when I arrived there were like two blocks of people queuing, some of them arrived on Tuesday and were camping outside for 3 days! We started chatting with some girls who were next to us and spend the whole afternoon together, we were like 6 girls and a dad, laughing and having fun, talking about Ed and stuff, it was so nice to get to know them ❤️ We even heard Ed doing the soundcheck and started screaming like maniacs (Argentinean people scream a lot hahaha)
By 4pm the queue started moving and we were slowly entering the stadium in groups, we ran like crazy (while screaming, obviously) even though the guards kept telling us NO RUNNING! When I entered the stadium I was so shocked by how huge it was and how close we were to the stage! I had no hopes of being close since I was arriving on the date of the show, I even brought my glasses because I thought it would be so hard to see him but, to my surprise, we ended up like 6 or 10 people away from the barricade, we were so so happy we send a voice message to our family screaming in joy. 
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And then the wait and torture began, we were literally compressed, I coudn’t even move my arms and sometimes it was really hard to breathe, my cousin ended up a little bit further away from me because I went to get merch when we arrived but I kept an eye on here most of the time. The first oppening show (a local singer) was pretty good, a bit boring. Then it was Antonio Lulic’s turn, he was super charismatic and fun but I was so uncomfortable I just wanted to go, there was a point where I though “this is awful, I’m never getting general admision tickets again” How wrong I was.
It was a really cold day, 9º and it rained a few times, by the time Antonio was done and we were waiting for Ed it started pouring heavily, but we where so hot and pushed together that it was a relief. At 20:30 exactly the screens were lit, we where like 40,000 people inside the stadium, and boom there he was, in all his ginger glory, playing Castle on the Hill with his small guitar sporting a red hoax t-shirt over a flannel (I was hysterical about the flannel lol I just missed them so much) and those lovely tight jeans. And at that moment I knew, everything was worth seeing him, the wait, the cold, the rain, the pain, the pushing, the hair of the girl in front of me in mouth, he was there, a few meters a away from me. It was surreal, seeing him there, I’ve watched so many videos, and I was seeing him live so clearly, he was incredibly beautiful, he had the warmest smile I’ve ever seen, his hair bright orange and the red suited him perfectly, his eyes bright and excited. 
As usual, when he arrived people screamed to the top of their lungs and the Ed Sheeran party began, we were so so loud, and he was so so impressed. After Castle on the Hill he said “Hello, this is amazing” and told us he was looking forward to coming back to Argentina because he remembered how loud we were, and dared us to be even louder than the whole european tour (we were).
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The rest of the night was pure magic, I was still uncomfortable but it was so worthy, I kept moving from different spots because people literally dragged me, sometimes I was closer to the stage, sometimes not so much. I sang, jumped, cried and scream through the almost 2 hour show. Apart from being amazingly talented as always and his voice just as sweet, beautiful and powerful, he was super happy to be there. That was the best part, seeing him enjoying the experience as much as we were. 
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He kept moving closer to the edge of the stage and I was swooning every time he did, you can literally hear me in the videos sighing “ahhh”.
He sang Castle on the Hill, Eraser, The A Team, Don’t / New man, Dive (which he asked us to sing the loudest while it was raining heavily), Bloodstream (one of my favourite to hear live, because of the energy that performance has and the heavy guitar action), Galway Girl, Feeling Good / I See Fire, Barcelona (every time he sang the lyrics in spanish he smirked, he knew we would scream even louder, Perfect, Happier (where he asked us to turn the lights on, the view was beautiful), Thinking out loud, Photograph (I cried through the whole song, you can hear me sobbing while singing in my video) and then something amazing happened. In between songs we, the people in the general admission area, started screaming “Give me love, give me love” to which he answered “Try next time”. After Photograph, he grabbed his guitar, looked at us while we kept screaming “Give me love” and asked Trevor to bring any guitar that was on tune and HE STARING SINGING GIVE ME LOVE, we were hysterical, we asked, he did it, it lasted nearly 9 minutes, it was breath taking, he even set up a chorus in the crowd, dividing us in Higher Harmony, Lower Harmony and asking to sing non-stop, no matter what happened while he sang and directed us like an orchestra (you must have seen the video by now) It was magnificent. Then came Nancy Mullingan (he asked us to sing the nanananana instrumental part) and Sing (we jumped and screamed like psychos, it was super fun and energetic). He then run to change and came back with the Argentinean football t-shirt, I have to admit I was one of those people who thought it was silly when singers do that, and I didn’t understand the excitement of it, but when he came back I nearly peed in my pants hahahahaha it suited him so nicely, bringing out the blue in his eyes 🎵 Shape of you began, we where all dancing and jumping, and for closure, You need me I don’t need you, where he got all excited moving and running trough the stage like crazy while waving an argentinean flag. (overly excited Ed in YNMIDNY is my favourite Ed) And then he was gone.
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I took a few pictures, almost all of them awful (I’m really bad plus my phone is crap) and videos where you can hear the crowd (and me) more than you can hear Ed hahahaha I tried to enjoy the show through my eyes rather than my phone, and I’m so glad I did.
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Since december I’ve been strugling with a lot, went through something I thought I’d never had to deal with that got me really really down. The person I loved the most, that I thought would never hurt me, crushed me into pieces and the last 6 months were awful. I was depressed, didn’t leave the house, didn’t showered, lost weight, cut contact with all my friends and family but then the latin american tour was announced and I bought tickets for my god daughter. By the end of march I made the decision to go with her and from that exact moment things got better, I was finally looking forward to something, dreaming about the experience, smiling once again.  Ed’s music lifted me up in a way I tought it was not possible. The moment I saw him my heart was pounding so much. He was there, he was real. People tell me “If you didn’t go you’d have regreted it so much”. Now, being aware of what this type of experience is, what it makes you feel, I would never forgive myself if I decided to stay. I literally never imagined it would be THIS GOOD. 
20.05.17 is, by far, the best day of my life, I’ll never forget it. Thank you singer songwriter Edward Christopher Sheeran. You’re a magical human being.
*Sorry for my english but as you might have guessed is not my first language.
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perfgyu · 8 years
Ok so I’m finally back and I’m gonna update my experience at KBS Gayo Daejun 2016 (KBS song festival)….
So I signed up under this free tickets giveaway to foreigners who are visiting korea and I was there during that period. I managed to get the tickets out of pure luck (first come first serve- I only saw this AFTER I signed up for the tickets) and I was so sad that my friends signed up late and missed out on this show and I had to watch this alone. T_T
So anyways, I reached the place earlier than expected but there was already a huge queue (seats assigned on a first come first serve basis, totally should’ve knew it when it comes to kpop fans’ culture!) I joined the long queue and after around 1-2hrs in the freezing cold I finally got my ticket!! So, I skipped the red carpet etc since I didn’t even know that (I got locked out of my twitter) and I went to the national assembly to sight see with my friends instead (and it was freezing cold so waiting to see them was already bad but the fact that I would need to squeeze with fans and fansites, nahhhh I will give it a miss)….
When I reached there and found my seat, I kinda made friend with a girl beside me (She was a got7 fan) I was glad to have someone with me that the concert if not I would have been so bored there. Erm and beside me was 2 fansites of I don’t know which groups because I saw their laptops wide opened transferring red carpet photos (at first I saw they were shooting for seventeen but then there was IOI and so on…lol)…they were editing on the spot before the show started. With their preset setting and cropping, bam bam bam…I saw it all in real life lol.
I was sneaking around with the camera, learning from the 2 pros beside me. HAHAHA. I was so shocked when the start of the show everyone came out and I WAS NOT MENTALLY PREPARED FOR THAT T.T I SEE EVERYONE SHOOTING AWAY AND ME BEING SLOWASS JUST LOOKED AND TRYING TO SPOT INFINITE. I was quite far away tbh, its so HARD to see them :( I checked the song list and turned out I have to wait for 49 songs before Infinite perform…T_T And so that was when I learned how fansites take photos. At first, the securities weren’t paying attention, everyone took out their cameras and took photos. However, about half an hour to forty five mins to the show, the securities were spotting for people who were taking photos. And of all the people a security caught fansite A beside me, GOSHHHHHHHHHH. I was like omg shit what’s gonna happen… and the girl next to me refused to get out regardless. The security guard have no choice but to give her a final warning since she was sitting in the middle. Fansite A continued to snap like crazy without looking at the securities -_- Okay maybe she did glanced here and there once in awhile. So I thought everything was going smoothly until fansite B got caught. DAMN THIS TIME ROUND THE SECURITY GUARD WAS A DIFFERENT ONE AND HE REFUSED TO LET HER STAY INSIDE. He kept asking her to leave. B refused and said that other fansites were taking photos too, why was she the only one who had to leave. There was a huge commotion and fml, mommy, I WAS NEVER SO SCARED cause I was secretly hiding my camera under my scarf while they were fighting, I was so scared the securities were going to drag me out or A/B were going to use me as an example. I swear to god I was shaking and the way they fought was no joke. B WAS THE EXACT DEFINITION OF TOUGH COOKIE, I DON’T THINK ANY RAPPER CAN BE SCARIER THAN HER. SHE WAS ON HER SEAT AND WHEN THE MALE SECURITY TRIED TO SQUEEZE IN AND DRAG HER OFF, SHE STAYED PUT LIKE LITERALLY SHOVE THE CAMERA UNDER HER LEGS AND REFUSED TO BUDGE. SHE WAS INSANELY DARING OMFG. Ok, she was not that light and skinny to be pulled off tbh. but THATS NOT THE POINT. The security refused to give up, kept asking her to “NAGA” and it was so scary cause please B get the fuck out, Infinite is about to be out in about 5 songs and of course I wouldn’t be able to take photos if they continued this drama shit in front of me. I bet I wouldn’t even be able to enjoy watching Infinite with that drama shit next to me. 
Next moment, security guard went to get a female guard. but god dammnit, looking at the female security’s size, I already knew the results, she wouldn’t be able to be much of a help. I was praying, PLEASE JUST GET OUT…… And then the next moment, security guard snatched her phone and she was spoke in Chinese “why are you taking my phone”, asking A to translate to the security to “give her back her phone” and the security guard refused and asked her once again to “NAGA” and it’s too intense, I think it was more dramatic and entertaining than any of the groups performing at that moment, I swear to god I was shaking though and I wondered why B could still roll her eyes and refused to leave.
The security guard was mad as hell, okay he was furious as fuck, he was literally on fire. He dragged her off like literally manhandled her but then she still refused to leave. GOD WHY WOMAN, JUST LEAVE…. (And I got this feeling she already got her SD card out or like her camera moved away…) and seriously this was NO JOKE. The security on his torch (on his phone) and shone on her. That was the final blow and she was finally off the chair. I was like FUCKING FINALLY. She probably was mad as hell, refusing to leave because her bias might not have came out since her friend (A) still stayed. OKAY AND NEXT FEW I WAS SHAKING PRAYING THAT I WON’T GET CAUGHT CAUSE IT WAS SOON TO BE INFINITE. I was kinda helping A by blocking the security guard’s view because she suck at hiding and I was hoping she won’t get caught again BECAUSE I FUCKING HAVE NO TIME TO SEE DRAMA PART 3 WITH HER STRUGGLING REFUSING TO LEAVE BECAUSE OF HER LOUSY ASS NINJA SKILLS WHILE I MISS INFINITE’S PERFORMANCE. NOW I UNDERSTAND HOW SUCKY SOME FANSITES’ SKILLS ARE…-_- NOT THAT THEIR HUGEASS ATTENTION SEEKING LENSES ARE OF HELP. LOL.  Being too shaken by the drama, I kinda forget to preset my camera in a proper setting and boomz, all my photos were kinda blur. FML AS USUAL. IT HAVE TO BE THIS DRAMATIC WHEN IT COMES TO ME. OKAY BUT EVERYTHING AFTER INFINITE WAS A UNCLEAR BECAUSE I LEFT!!!!! I need to catch the last train back and refused to cab back with my language barrier. 
Once again, I am proud that I stan talent :)
If I wanted to watch people dance, I would’ve went to see a dance concert. :) 
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