feverish-desires · 2 years
📂 Robin!
Robin was a spoiled kid growing up, the oldest son of the local lord, and for a long time he was kind of a cocky little shit. It wasn't until he started training as a knight that he started to appreciate the advantages he had.
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theartofruling · 3 years
Through war and triumph (Robin LaFleur) rises, at (90) years old, serving as (War General) residing in (Haven). They are a (Guardian Werewolf ) that resembles (Tristin Mays). Upon meeting them, they are (cunning ) and (endearing). Don’t be fooled, they can be (flighty) and (deceitful).
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Name: Robin LaFleur  Nicknames/Alias: Rob  Face Claim: Tristin Mays  Age: 90 Gender: Female Sexuality: Pansexual  Species: guardian werewolf  Rank: War general for Haven 
Parents: Adopted parents - Pietro and Genevieve, Pseudo Dad - Finnian Ambrose
Siblings: Olivier Benoit, She also has adopted siblings (Open)
Spouse: N/A
Relationship Status: Single
Exes: Open
FWB: Hale Roosa, open
Friends: Sebastian Isley (On the rocks), Talia Fiorelli , Evren Can
TW: Murder, Death
Snark and sarcasm are practically synonymous with Robin’s personality. She’s full of dark humor as well. She’s tough and sometimes prefers her lupine form to human form. She hates to bullshit and often times is quick to call someone out on their shit. She doesn’t really have a filter so she doesn’t sugarcoat anything. 
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Brown  Distinguishing Marks: none 
Robin Artemis LaFleur was born in a world of mystery. An infant left in the woods near Haven realm, picked up by strangers who took the child in out of guilt or potential for a possible reward. Little did they know, no one had been in the market for a lost child in the woods and they had decided to keep her at least for a little while. The LaFleur family by trade were a military and political family, but there was more below the surface than what met the eye. Robin’s new family kept their strong hold on their prominence by blackmail and threats. It went against the very nature of what Haven Realm was meant to be. For a time, Robin was allowed to simply be a child, to enjoy the life she had, but when she was old enough, Pietro put the first sword in her grasp. She took to it instantly, the fighting spirit came naturally to her. It wasn’t something she could say for Pietro and Genvieve’s biological children. Her adopted siblings never took to combat the way she did, soaking up every lesson that she was taught. 
Robin had no clue that her family was more like a secret crime syndicate than anything else, filled with blackmail and even sometimes murder to advance their careers. Pietro advanced in the ranks of Haven’s military with ease, but one place he had not managed to take on was War General at least not yet. Robin’s blissful bubble burst with her family once she had begun to shift for the first time. It was when her powers came to fruition did their true colors show. Rather than becoming their little warrior, and allowing her to train to walk in her father’s footsteps because they believed in her, they allowed her to train because she was useful. 
The Guardian wolf became the one that they took on jobs to intimidate people into doing what they wanted. Pietro even attempted to coax Robin into hurting people for him as if she were a hired henchwoman. She traveled from realm to realm under the guise of being a bounty huntress, but reality she was kicking ass for all the wrong reasons.  Robin hated what this family had turned her into, but the fear of rejection kept her with them and kept her compliant for a time, after all nothing terrible could happen when the family didn’t truly hold any claims to power.
Power was in their reach, and Robin had been kept in the dark on this. Her father had blackmailed his way to the title of war general, and it made Robin sick to hear the information. Haven was a peaceful paradise, and with him in control of the military, he could do so much more harm than good, but of course, she’d been working her whole life towards rising through the ranks, and she absolutely allowed nepotism to play its role. Her father thought that he had her support, but instead what he had was a coup. He had a silent gathering of support for her as she set out to take him down, to show everyone exactly what leadership under his rule would do. She used all the tactics he taught her for good rather than personal gain. Though the one thing she hadn’t been counting on was taking his position. It took her decades to gain enough security and support to achieve what she thought was unachievable. 
She’d given most of her life to the military, and risked her life to keep Haven the peaceful realm that it was, outside the hands of her adopted family. The guardian fae was bestowed with the honor of replacing her father as War General. It wasn’t as though the job would be hard, it was a War General of a realm that never went to war. Perhaps she was the one that pulled the best con of them all with this job, but nonetheless, she would still support the realm no matter what in keeping them safe and protected.
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feverish-desires · 2 years
Y - Yes, Master (what kinds of names are used during sex? do they like being called master / mistress, daddy, etc…? what names do they call their partner?) For Robin!
Robin likes to be called by terms of endearment, like 'lover' or 'baby'. He sticks to similar names for his partners, also 'sweetheart' and 'honey.'
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theartofruling · 4 years
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Task #1 - Robin LaFleur Inspired by Toni Topaz/Peyton Sawyer 
"It's a rush, this new darkness that appears everything is coming at you so fast. One second you're happy with your life, and then you get this over towering feeling of sadness. In this depression, you feel alone, knowing of rejection, all because something happens, and you don't know how to react because simply of the process of letting someone in, especially when the people closest to you disappoint you even when they think they were protecting you, but all we need to do is breathe."
Toni Topaz Aesthetics - Aesthetically, Robin is Toni Topaz. The way she dresses the way she carries herself. That’s all Robin’s aesthetic. The fishnets, the low cut form fitting shirts paired with a plaid button down. It’s almost this mix of grunge and girly and that’s the best way to probably describe her style. 
Peyton Sawyer Personality - Personality wise, Robin is Peyton Sawyer. She can be sarcastic, she can be a loner, she can also just be plain lonely. She has this complex of “people always leave or Peyton drives them away”. This is Robin in a nutshell. Robin’s less prim and proper, less articulate in the way that she says what she thinks, even if it’s unbecoming. She can fill conversation with sarcasm. She’s blunt and to the point, but there’s this vulnerable side to her that deep down, she truly believes that people always leave her. Time and time again that has been proven fact. Or she has driven them away being too scared to get close seeing as though when she does let down her guard, when she does have this sense of trust and love, they always disappear on her, so she drives them away before they can hurt her. In a crowded room, she feels lonely. Amongst her friends, she feels as though she’s still alone. Robin feels like there’s something missing. Like she’ll never truly be whole and though she hides it well, there’s this inherent sadness that often creeps up on her, nearly feeling as though it’s going to swallow her whole if she allows it. 
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theartofruling · 4 years
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Robin’s dress for the event 
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theartofruling · 3 years
Robin woke from a peaceful sleep to a smell of pancakes cooking downstairs. She looked around a strange room, a frown creasing her brows, but she followed the smell of food regardless. Her bare feet touched down on the tile floor to see a woman that looked exactly like her but a bit older.
"Hey, you got in late. I figured you'd need a hangover remedy plus breakfast food. Your favorites," the woman beamed.
"Mom, you shouldn't have! I'm sorry I got in late. I was out with some friends and lost track of time," Robin explained.
Her mom waved her off with the spatula. "Your dad is out getting some things at the store."
Robin didn't go to the food first, but straight for her mother, giving her a tight hug. "Have breakfast with me?" she asked. It was a moment she didn't want to let go of. The adorable doting of a mother on her daughter. A daughter soaking up the lessons and wise words, having a bit of rebellion and thinking she knew best. It made her heart happy.
Waking from that dream was always heartbreaking to Robin. She never knew her birth mom or father.
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