#[thanks for the starter!
bunnyburrow-pie-fox · 2 years
"Well, I've been thinking... It would be nice to have a partner." (Nathan - Anthro verse)
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Gideon was a little bit surprised at the offer, though he was a little confused as well. "A-.. A partner?" the fox questioned, his ears perked up a bit. "Do ya mean like a-a work partner?"
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badxsshottiexllie · 2 years
@hifimuses​ continued from here
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” The woman waved both of her hands to reassure the other that she meant no harm. “Its just...you looked so down from afar, I wanted to see if I could help. Not to be nosy or anything, I just like to help people regardless if I know them or not. I’m selfless by nature, so its just a part of who I am.”
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“Why don’t I start over. Hi, I’m Ellie, what might your name be?” The woman extended her arm for a handshake. 
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armless-houdini · 2 years
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❝ 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐚 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭, '𝐜��𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐛𝐚𝐚𝐚𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐭. ❞
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Mr. Snake hissed and squirmed. He was furious. Through some series of unfortunate — and in hindsight quite avoidable — events, a robbery had gone awry and he'd ended up tied up and not in the way the police usually tried to restrain him; they were still using a single set of handcuffs! No, this was much different — he couldn't do anything to get himself out of these binds. To top his misfortune off, this rodent had the nerve to taunt him with a push-pop?
"You realize that once I get out of this you're gonna be my lunch, right rat?" he threatened, glaring at the small mammal.
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"papermint. have you found anything useful for me?" vox is here, ready for an update of any kind from his assistant. a glass of wine is offered to the other, turquoise orbs staring him down in the midst of magical essence where his television head would usually be. // ( hope this works for you! attire ref )
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Papermint jumped a fraction out of his skin when Vox spoke, previously having lost himself in watching people dance and laugh so he wasn't exactly aware of the others approach until he spoke.
"Oh! Sir! I uh...well..." He gratefully took the glass of wine from Vox, liking to be able to have something in his hands to play with. "So, I've made contact with a recently fallen sinner called Adam. He was pretty nervous about coming to the event, probably hasn't made many friends in his time on Earth so may be worried about people recognising him since he's also looking to change his name. I gave him my card so he could contact me when he needs help, possibly could rope him into working for us but don't yet have a grasp on what position would be a good fit for him yet."
Finding more employees for Vox was fairly high on his personal to do list since that meant more space between himself and the lowest earners, which was a category he did not ever want to find himself in. One of the reasons he made sure to collect and gather as much information as possible so he always had at least something to give Vox. Trying to make himself indespensable so to speak.
"Also spoke with Husk, thought that perhaps it would be useful to try to get close to him to see if we can get more information on the Radio Demon. Then also made an aquaintance with Cain Morningstar which might get us an in with the king." He took a sip of wine.
"How has your evening been Sir?"
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(Papermint's outfit.)
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papilio-anima · 5 months
Kaveh had to admit he was incredibly lost. He had come to Liyue on behest of a client who wanted something that encompassed the different nations imparted in their project. Something that Kaveh felt the encroaching deadline did not give him time to achieve. He still needed to visit Inazuma and here he was without any idea how far from Liyue Harbor he still had left to go. Or if he had even taken the right path. He had just sat down on a stone to rest when a movement flickered in the corner of his eye. He turned and found himself staring face to face with a tried and true ghost. Kaveh jumped backwards, almost stumbling into something far more solid. Still, he proceeded to yelp and jumped the other way - looking behind him to see, thankfully, a living being. "Please tell me you see him too!"
@starliit / Kaveh
If one wasn't fully acquainted with Liyue's vast mountainous forests, then getting lost was more common than not. It was advised to stick to the roads for save travels, but to most adventurers that was easier said than done. There was something about the region that drew even the most seasoned traveler off the beaten path.
At this time of the day the sun was starting to set, threatening to once more darken the skies. The outline of the harbor city could be seen just over the horizon. Lamp lights flickering on one by one as if they were enticing those still lurking on the outskirts.
Hu Tao was just coming back from one of her usual pilgrimages. The kind where her skills were needed to banish 'evil spirits'. Up ahead she did spot someone familiar. Ah yes! The budding architect from Sumeru. Now what could he possibly be doing out here.
A sly smirk crept across her face. Was one of her signature spooks in store? Now that was a rhetorical indeed. Quietly she had summoned her ghostly familiar. With her index finger she pointed at Kaveh who was resting on the large stone. Proceeded to make a clawed hand motion as if trying to tell the spirit her to give them a little bit of scare.
On cue, Boo-Tao would suddenly make his appearance conjuring himself to poof right in front of Kaveh. While no sound came from his form he still tried to elicit the idea of making a sudden delightful screech. Then again perhaps it was too high pitched for the human ear since quite a few other creatures seemed to stir at it.
The funeral director couldn't help but laugh. At first trying to hide her amusement before it pffted out of her betraying her own surprise as she had attempted to creep up from behind on the other side.
"Aiya...aiya..! Now I didn't expect to see such a 'familiar' face all the way out here in Liyue" she teased. With that Boo-Tao had floated back to her side shrinking itself down to slither into the satchel she carried.
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"Oh..can you perhaps inform me of this person you are seeing? Is it perhaps someone you are trying to avoid? Was someone following you?" ~
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tragedicna · 1 year
@loreconcepts  /  refusing care.
this is nothing new.
            ❝  not for you  .  it is for me  .  ❞  ———  the vidyadhara stares at the rather emotionless man  ,  unfazed by the injury he sustained  .  were all stellaron hunters like this  ??  passive and dull  .  a wry grimace twists at dan heng's lips  ,  ❝  i'm going to go get a healer . . . don't move  ,  ❞  he demanded  ,  looking around for bailu or another of the alchemy commission  .  dan heng and the express may not get along with the stellaron hunters nor elio  ,  but that didn't mean that none of them didn't have a heart  ,  that they didn't care for others  .  call them soft — hearted  .  but as much as they are enemies  ,  the hunters were also PEOPLE and that's what dan heng cared about more right now  .  the person  .
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mcflymemes · 3 months
PROMPTS FOR FEELING SAFE / EXPRESSING COMFORT * assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary, send "reverse" for the reversal of action prompts. suggested by judgementdaysunshine
i haven't felt like this in a very long time.
i wanted to thank you for protecting me back there.
you stepped in when you didn't need to.
for once in my life, i feel safe.
this place gives me a good feeling.
i feel safe in your arms.
it's been a while since i slept through the night without any nightmares.
i could get used to this.
i won't let anything happen to you.
you make me feel safe.
you didn't have to step in and help me, but you did, and i appreciate that.
no one's ever stood up for me like that before.
my whole life has been filled with conflict and pain. not anymore.
maybe i'll finally know peace with you.
we deserve an easy life.
you're my port in the storm.
i can't tell you the last time i actually felt safe.
you know me. i don't let my guard down for just anyone.
something changed to make me feel this way.
you're safe here with me.
they won't come after you, and if they do? they'll have to go through me.
it feels nice, being here with you.
you make me feel like i can accomplish anything.
i can be myself with you.
we're looking out for you.
you won't judge me for the things i say.
just stay here a while, if you don't mind.
so this is what safety feels like.
i can finally breathe again.
nothing can touch you while i'm here.
you can go back to sleep. it's safe.
no one will hurt you anymore.
my life is in your hands.
promise me you won't abandon me?
i'll be right here when you wake up.
you taught me how to protect myself.
[ lean ] sender slowly leans into receiver's shoulder and rests there for a while
[ sleep ] sender manages to fall asleep in receiver's presence
[ snuggle ] sender snuggles closer to receiver as they sleep
[ reach ] sender reaches for receiver in their sleep
[ shelter ] sender uses their body to shield receiver from danger
[ seek ] sender seeks out receiver for a protective hug
[ choose ] sender has plenty of options on where to sit in a crowded space, but chooses to sit directly beside receiver
[ reassurance ] in a tense moment, sender takes one of receiver's hands to hold
[ stay here ] sender guides receiver to a safe place and tells them to wait there while they deal with a problem
[ interrupt ] sender stops a confrontation between receiver and someone else, stepping between them and coming to receiver's defense
[ home ] sender shows receiver their new home
[ nightmare ] sender comforts receiver after they wake up from a nightmare
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the-stabby-tabby · 2 years
❝Whoa, hey, you okay there?❞ (From Kitty)
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Puss grunted as he got up, rubbing his head a bit. “Sí... Sí I’m good..” he then replied, not looking at the other feline in the eyes.
[Starter from here]
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silvercrowned · 2 years
Continued from HERE
“Of course…” Celebrían was surprised to find Maedhros on her doorstep. “He and I are very happy together.”
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sakuradreamerz · 2 years
“Miss Claire,” hums Signe, mustering a smile despite looking particularly tired. “I didn’t expect to find you here. Were you looking for Master Lisa, perhaps? Or was there a particular book you were looking for?”
If there was one place Claire liked about Monstadt, it was the designated library. Many books to choose, to grasp and enjoy without being looked down upon…and that went double for her studying. That being said…
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“Well…yes to the books…but I also wanted…to see if you had any recommendations…Miss Signe.”
This place was bigger than she had expected…better someone who knew where to look then to get lost.
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“for someone who doesn’t like to feel things, you sure feel a lot of it out loud.” (Charlotte)
Thanks for the ask!
Charlotte chuckled, "Well it's better to be loud than invisible..." or atleast that's what she told herself. The young woman did have a tendency to overshare, which had gotten her into pickles before admittedly and she hoped this wasn't one of those times. Looking up at him she furrowed her brow, "Feelings are normal, everyone has them, even you..." Her lips curled into a half smile.
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bunnyburrow-pie-fox · 2 years
"You ARE stepping on my tail, though. Off, off, off!" from nick?
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"Sorry! Sorry! D-Didn't see it...!" Gideon hurriedly apologized, quickly moving off of the taller fox's tail with his ears flattened a little as he looked down at it and almost stepping on his own tail in the process.
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shouga-nai · 2 years
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@gunnhildred​ said:
For someone in a position of leadership, Jean has a certain way of negotiating what needs to be done. It’s always kinder to give a choice, to let those under her care embrace a sense of autonomy when doling out the workload. Or at least it’s how the Acting Grand Master has come to look at it as she assuages the guilt of having to delegate at all. With Kaeya it’s somewhat easier. Skirting the line between familiarity and formality is just a second nature as she appears before him now, old friendships forever bleeding into the edges of their vocation to the point she can still tease him even after all these years.
❝Captain Alberich…❞ She uses his title for added effect, lips curving upwards as she waggles two sheets of paper before his face. ❝Choose your poison. One of these is training the new recruits, the other is fielding questionable dinner advances from the Fatui delegation. How lucky are you feeling? ❞ // Ask and ye shall receive! One lil ol' thing for Kaeya.
The day had barely begun and he was already feeling groggy. The drinks he had the previous night probably had some part in it... Well, it couldn’t be helped. Presently the captain was at his desk, willing away the mild heavy sensations in his head while working through paperwork — one that he may or may not have been putting off. Reports won’t write themselves after all, tragic but true. And just as he was about done with it, in came the Acting Grandmaster herself.
Captain Alberich... Oh boy. What could he possibly be in for this time around?
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“Master Jean-” he mirrored her tone in greeting, posture promptly corrected. A fairly decorous response despite the slightest of curves at the corners of his own lips. As for the new tasks set before him...
Kaeya hummed, as though in deep thought, a gloved hand cupping his chin. “Wouldn’t it be something if we could be in two places at once? For as much as I’d love to aid our aspiring recruits, I do know my way around mingling with our Snezhnayan friends. And on the topic of luck... well, we’ll just have to see where the wind takes us, no?”
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armless-houdini · 2 years
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❝ 𝐆𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐈—…! ❞
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"Before you what?" the reptile sneered as he waved the push-pop in the rodent's face tauntingly.
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steviesbicrisis · 2 years
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okay but, did I lie?
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camberdraws · 3 months
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Painting a notoriously likeable pokemon!
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