#[ughughugh he loves nebka so much]
ardenssolis · 1 year
@nvrcmplt said (inbox):
Wings blot the sky, feathered and pure, injury long healed and feathers clean - health returned. Cutting cloud and twisting through sandy breeze, the beast soon returns to its home. A heavy descend for a large and strengthened beast and one that lands before its people. Ears twitch as paws welcome the mats of hand weaved rugs, lowering his gaze upon them with some appreciation to the colors used but also to allow him time to relax his heart. It's been a while since he's been able to allow his wings to stretch in the skies like so. Tail wavers as his head raises again, looking upon those that worship him alongside his King, and thus when the mere beckon of his Pharaoh does the guardian push onward - padding at a steady pace to greet Ramses upon the steps, fluttering his wings in thanks and closing them tight to remain seated. "Should War come, Pharaoh, I'll be on the front lines if you ask of it." He was boasting now, happy to have his mobility back for himself and to be of use by his fated king.
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     RAMSES STOOD IN WAIT with those that often came to pay reverence to the Great Sphinx that had made this place their home, arms crossed over his chest and eyes trained upwards towards the very heavens themselves. It was then that the one he awaited came before him, glorious in all their power as they came to land upon mats weaved specifically with them in mind. The King’s gaze softened, the fondness he felt upon the sight of Nebka warming him more than the sun’s rays as he uncrossed his arms and gestured for them to approach. Those present seemed beside themselves with joy, though was it not a joyous occasion to see the other finally able to take to the sky? Such was their dominion, after all. The earth was but a second place in comparison to what joy he could feel from them at finally being able to feel the wind fluttering through feathers. ❝You look good and well, Nebka.❞ He stepped closer, his hand reaching out to gently rest upon their great arm. ❝I am glad that your wings were able to heal as well as they did. Perhaps the prayers of the people helped earn the favor of the gods themselves to aid you. Though, I too hoped that you would fully recover.❞
     For what a pitiful sight it had been to see them in the condition he had back then. If not for Zateros pointing him out, Ramses was not sure he would have ever known about them. They would have continued to wander the desert, wings bleeding and infected until eventually even they were claimed by the harshness of the desert. Just the thought of their body being food for carrion birds, hyenas, and all manner of beast made his blood boil. Even worse if those poachers from before sought them out and took parts of their body to sell or keep as trophies. Fingers gently caressed soft fur, his gaze lifting to meet with theirs as he smiled. ❝I have no doubt that you would be there, My Dear Nebka. There would be no greater ally to have by my side than you.❞ After all, just as they trusted him with their life, he trusted them all the same as well.
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