#[v; undetermined]
woodblxssomcrowned · 8 days
@firstbornsecondchosen liked for something spicy
”Well...that looks like it hurts.” 
There is not so much concern as there is a gleam of hunger and heat within pools of deep brown, as her fingers graze over the distinct, dark indentations now marring Indra's pale skin. The grip she still has on his hair, is hardly as tender. In the moment, she had not realized just how hard she had dug her teeth into his shoulder.  Panting, and with adrenaline rushing through her, Kaname still finds herself pausing, to examine the mark she’d made, how close she seemed to have been to draw blood.  “Does it?”
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wastheheart · 7 months
@mvndrvke, continued from here. (apologies, won't let me trim properly!)
She observes every slight muscle change. The way his hands find each other behind his back, his weight being displaced into his heels. She wants to laugh at the absurdity; she had, afterall, always read too much into things. Yet the miniscule changes on his part immediately release the tension built up her spine and shoulders.
"If... If I had been a better wife, Carlisle..." She has done so well, but her resolve is crumbling away. She's desperately trying to cling to it. "If I had just done things right it would have never happened!"
There is a profound silence between them. His words echo continuously until she can understand what he has said. "You... You..." The sob takes her by surprise, a hand coming over her mouth to stifle them. All this time she had thought her son was treated as nothing more than an afterthought.
"You did that for him?" Her voice is strangled... The grief is years old; once safely tucked away, it has now escaped. "... You held him, loved him?" Esme sucks in a stuttering breath. Despite supernatural strength her knees feel weak. "Did... did," she shakes her head, the thought unspeakable in fear of his answer.
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ddarkroomm · 2 months
The shots Adam got from the concert would hopefully be good. Scott was particular with what he wanted on posters to promote the band, even if that meant Adam did a lot of it himself. What he got as thanks usually constituted as shitty weed and a hard fuck, and something in that, Adam didn’t totally mind. It’d be better if he knew there was something solid about their relationship, if he knew he wasn’t just Scott’s reliable option rather than someone he truly cared for. That feeling heightened when he heard during a break in Wrath of the Gods’ set that his part time lover was looking at seducing who he referred to as the tight-bodied hippie chick. Adam didn’t even glance in the direction where the girl seemed to be. He felt a little sick, to be quite fair, angry at the very concept of Scott yet again going to try to fuck someone else, only giving him the night if he hadn’t scored with the girl he’d hoped for; Scott would say he just wanted the thrill of the chase, just to head back to his Adam. And of course, he never would heel so open to the idea of Adam fucking someone else so openly.
Since hearing what his oldest friend had said regarding his evening plans, the photographer decided to take a break for the second half of the show, nursing what was now his second shitty beer of the night. He wondered to himself if he should just go home, or maybe he should reach out to whoever left a message on his answering machine about needing a job done… if they were still up at this hour. He couldn’t help but roll his eyes at Scott showing off for a black-haired beauty in the crowd, one who was surely his quarry of the night, even as she took steps away from the stage, back towards the bar.
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angelsandemons · 1 month
@glitterxtwin liked this post for a starter!
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"Hey there, Shooting Star! Guess what? I'm the author now!"
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"And you're one of the more creative people I know, so I need your thoughts on the first book signing plans. First thing's first, should glitter bomb come before or after I sign the books?"
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songandflame-archived · 8 months
@reverdies — fantine x leonard || continued from here.
She had called England home for nearly a decade. Cosette had not known France and Fantine was glad of it; the memories there were better left forgotten. Grantchester was decided on for its relative quietness and access to the countryside. Similar to the life Fantine had as a child on a working farm, away from the smog of city life.
She decided to bite the bullet and attend the local church. In a place like this, not attending often made room for more rumours and there was already such a thrill at the addition of a foreign woman with her child but no husband.
Playing with the plain band around her ring finger, Fantine immediately regretted speaking at all. As people filtered out, shoulders brushing against her own, Fantine followed his gesture and perched on a pew still warm from that morning's service. Cosette was restless, she could tell.
Her head lifted to address him, but her eyes could not meet his own however much she tried. "Would it be alright if she were to go outside and play? I promise she will be respectful." Hands clasped together, resting against the back of the pew in front of them while fingers still anxiously worked the ring. "I won't keep you long."
No, she couldn't do this. They came for sake of appearance, not true belief. She stood suddenly, the slightly ajar door so very appealing. "In fact, I won't keep you at all. I'm sorry for wasting your time, forgive me."
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@a-hazbin-spider sent: “Good boy!”
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He all but immediately perks up at those two words, immediately turning to look up at the spider before a smile forms on his face.
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"M...me? Me??"
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itsybitsypeterparker · 4 months
@emeraldxphoenix <3'd for a starter!
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"It's weird to think you were the one who tried to take over the world when I was a kid." TECHNICALLY, being under 18, Peter was still a child. A teen, actually, but saying it the way he did implied he was much older than he was much longer ago. Truthfully, memories of that day were kinda disorganized in his brain, almost if the memories were shoved in the back to avoid thinking about it. But he did remember the fright he felt that day. And the relief that was given to him from seeing The Avengers save the day the way they did. Nostalgic. After all, they were a big inspiration as to why he did what he did now, as childish as that seemed.
"I mean, I don't know if you contemplate switching sides a lot. Not sure morality is that simple but, y'know, just interesting to think about." He had his one hand under his chin, thinking, the other tethering him to a web upside down.
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slumberingchaos · 2 months
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The scratching of a quill against parchment was the only sound made as Clive hunched over his desk. Bleary eyes stared almost unseeingly at the missive. Lost as he was in the sea of his thoughts, the young man was none the wiser to the creaking of his door opening and the soft padding of feet heading towards his desk.
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fellmoondoll · 1 year
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         @swcrdstellaris has come Home
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    " Where have you been? You had mother worried sick. " The young woman huffed, crossing her arms over her chest - staring up at her brother with a narrowed gaze. Despite their age, Ranni still took to attending to their mother matron.
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woodblxssomcrowned · 3 months
Danzo/Kaname Headcanon suggestion:
Kaname and Danzo never actually get married. First it's because he thinks he needs to rise in the ranks, and then it's because his job/unpopularity is actually too dangerous to sustain a family on the side. At some point he decides he doesn't want kids, and becomes the canon Danzo we know.
But on the side, he maintains personal bonds. At political meetings, he sits next to her and aids her. After hours, there's the thought of taking Kaname out to eat and maybe he'll send her a message. During festival days, there's always at least one genin team spying on her to make sure she's alright. Not because she needs it, but because he does.
In the shadows, Danzo remains. She walks in the light of the village for most of her entire life, over forest roads that give a canopy of leafs the chance for sunlight to peek through and shine on her face and make her a dalmatian of light.
But her roots need darkness. And sometimes, Kaname and Danzo meet up in the dark. He has changed. She has changed. They know the limits of their 'meetings'.
Some months they're lovers, sometimes it's impersonal, and some meetings they're almost enemies. It depends on how much they just want coffee and talk, or coffee and silent companionship, or sex.
The sex is good though. Their years take their tolls on their bodies, but they remain strong. He has learnt to contain her, and learnt what she likes, and learnt to accommodate her endurance. He is above all, a persistent and thorough man.
These meetings happen, regardless of whether she remains single or has a committed relationship. Danzo has chosen her. Even if she wants to break it off, Danzo remains stable as ever. She gets the flowers on valentine's and her birthday. She gets the invitations, (fewer when she's mad, more when she's lonely). He never skips or forgets the traditions that show his appreciation for her.
He spirals, gradually becomes the monster. He isn't nice to the rest of the world, his character become terrible over time, he becomes a dictator Hokage the way Hiruzen was. But always, there remains his kneejerk reaction to Kaname.
When she enters the room or whispers his name, he briefly reacts as if he is still that nervous boy who bought her the red-bean bun pastry, and as if she's still the pretty girl who finds his stammering cute.
LADY Lady *softly* holy fuck
Meme : Send me a Hc and I'll accept or deny it ACCEPTED (Holy shit SO accepted!)
It's complicated, heartbreaking, heartwarming, tragic, and a bit dangerous and and thrilling and I LOVE IT I can't even think of anything to add to it right now, it's great and I want it! The only thing I can come up with to add is this piece I drew back in Oktober last year, never posted (don't remember why), and forgot about until now and It's feels like it kind of fits the mood of this HC so enjoy! (I am not very happy with it anymore but whatever it is what it is) It's spicy and bloody so I'll put it under a cut.
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shctsfired · 6 months
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Harper lunges foward towards the other, quickly reaching out to grab her arm with both hands to keep her from sliding on the broken glass on the floor. She was successful at keeping the survivor on her feet, but her eyes widened and her heart dropped at the sound of an idle bottle breaking beside them. And that was all it took. Immediate screeches and groans sounded from down the tunnel. "Fuck! Come on, on your feet!" Harper held onto the other's wrist to pull her along in the right direction before letting go. There were some shuttered businesses from before the outbreak littered around the subway, if they could just get into one, they could pick the infected off from behind the safety of a metal shuttered door. "Look for one that hasn't been locked, we can shimmy under the gate!"
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wastheheart · 6 months
@mvndrvke (carlisle) asked: "maybe showing one act of kindness leads to kinder souls down the road." (thank you!)
She hums in earnest agreement. If her heart still beat, it would have swelled with Carlisle's words. She is so incredibly lucky to call this man her husband. His compassion and unwavering empathy still astound her, even now.
Slender fingers comb through his hair as her head rests against his chest and her eyes observe dancing flames in the fire place before them.
"I think you might be right, doctor," comes her teasing reply, a kiss pressing against his temple briefly afterwards. "You are a good man, Carlisle. Not "good for your kind", no... you are a good man and you have always been so." Her head settles on his chest once more. "You actively make this world a better place— by action and example."
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ddarkroomm · 2 months
➰ after being kidnapped
From dis meme right here!
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The drugs in his system were strong. He’d fucked around with drugs before when partying (not for a long time; he’d stuck to weed and alcohol since being drugged and put in a jigsaw trap the first time), but this was something beyond any experience he’d ever had. He could manage to twitch his fingers and move his eyes, but that was just about it. The worst part was that Adam had been able to feel everything that had happened so far, as the assailant prodded at his jaw, the hollow underneath— just out of the corner of his eye he’d seen it. The same trap Amanda had been put in, but with no keyhole. He wasn’t meant to get out of this alive.
Thick fingers moved his face so he could see it in all its industrial horror, and a soft, strangled noise of fear left his open mouth. Hoffman laughed and pet Adam’s hair. “Later. I’ve got Strahm to deal with first. The tranq will last until I get back. Gives you time to think.”
All Adam could hope was that Special Agent Strahm was close and able to escape. …and able to find him.
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nobuverse · 1 year
@miraruinada ( Plotted )
Loyalty. That was the principle she was raised under. The part of the shinsengumi she took the most seriously. To serve all orders absolutely and without question.
It something that induced comfort rather than fear in her; as Okita was not one who liked to get lost in complex moral conflicts. At all times, she'd developed the habit of avoiding the process of making her own decisions altogether; lost with her childhood self. To be trapped in her own mind, unable to speak of the horrors she'd witnessed for fear of shaming her murdered father, had been too terrible a fate to endure. So instead, she had emptied it. Her goals were never again her own, her own desires ignored.
This part of her - the ability to follow a leader so unconditionally - was unsurprisingly brought with her as a servant. She would never betray her master. Lay down her life to protect them. Such was the way of the noble samurai.
Even if she was summoned outside of a grail war - she would serve. Even if he had no intention of letting her enter the battlefield she had made her home in, she would listen. Even if he commanded her to never leave this laboratory, full of men and women with soulless eyes, she would obey. The fairly nervous man seemed ready to use the first of his command seals when someone asks her to stay still for the first time. She barely flinches, however. Though the feeling of the needles and electric wires is far from pleasant.
But it it's fine- she tells herself. She's been through worse. Nothing can be as bad as the last year of her life, when consumption had taken every nerve and joint in her body hostage. Leaving her in crippling agony, taking her ability to move bit by bit.
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Never once did the thought of betrayal cross her mind. Even when it started to become obvious her presence here was for nothing more than the advancement of science's marriage with magecraft and heroic spirits.
I must endure it if it's what my master wishes.
She doesn't ask questions, even if she has some vague idea of what's happening. Instead, she keeps that though running her head as her mantra, as her mana circuits are fried and reconstructed, again, again ...and again.
Now, her will is as strong as that of any other Wolf of Mibu - but weeks into it, it starts to become too much for her to want to endure. Maybe it's these white, empty walls that are driving her mad, the pain wracking her body, or her solidarity with her own thoughts but she begins to have her own selfish thoughts.
I don't want to be here.
It's not a thought consumed by anger, an emotion she was occasionally privy to in the past, but rather a painful longing she's not familiar with.
I want this to stop.
But the thought of turning against them - it's not in her capacity to think of such things. So she endures. She lives and continues to endure it.
Time starts to blur in on itself - and Okita attempts to continue and empty her thoughts to rid herself of the knots growing in her stomach at the start of every new day. ( Was this what fear felt like? She'd not felt it in so long ). She almost forgets who and what she is - so when her duties as a servant are requested, she can barely remember how to hold her sword.
( Defend us. Kill the outsider. )
It feels strange to be on her own two feet - to move forward of her own free will. She does so slowly, despite their protests, her arms and legs filled with too many scorches and pinpricks to care about the shove she gets.
She doesn't give acknowledgement to the servant as she steps outside, eyes instead focused far away over his shoulder.
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"I don't think I've ever noticed how beautiful the sun is before now..."
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songandflame-archived · 6 months
💬 / sentence starter — for justine
Send 💬 for me to write a starter from my reblogged memes.
@historiavn (thank you!) | From here.
Fantine wasn't a mind reader, but she could tell when something was on someone's mind. Even with someone like Justine who she had barely become acquainted with.
Before she could stop herself she was already asking after the girl: "look, I can tell you're not feeling great. Do you want to talk about it?" Not that Fantine exactly knew what she could do about it, but perhaps having someone to listen to Justine would ease whatever dampened her spirit at least a little.
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facelessinthecrowd · 1 year
❛ A sensible man ought to find sufficient company in himself. ❜ (and here's one from Javert)
@reverdies || thank you!
Meg struck a match, its flame providing an orange glow that briefly illuminated Javert's face before finding the end of a cigarette. She took a moment to extinguish the flame with a short exhale and finally the end of her cigarette was placed between painted lips.
A drag followed, holding the smoke a moment in her mouth before releasing it, watching it swirl and disappear into nothingness.
Absent mindedly, she offered one to him.
"And what happens if you're not very good company, hmm?" She sank into her hip as an arm crossed over her chest and a finger came to tap ash off the end of her cigarette. "That wouldn't be so sensible."
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