#[you're welcome! thanks for the starter c:]
biscuitblinkeu · 2 years
In Too Deep
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Fluff if you squint • Angst
Lalisa Manoban x Fem!reader -> Requested
Prompt: Reader has feelings for Lisa but Lisa begins to fall in love with someone else
“Oh? That’s great Lis!” You smile. Your heart aches dully.
Lisa just told you she befriended her crush, Jennie Kim. They’ve talked occasionally but we’re never able to call each other friends, more so classmates. She’s been crushing on her for a while, you're happy for her.
“I know! Thanks for giving me tips on conversation starters.”
“You're welcome.”
Now, two days later.
“Lisa stop, you look like an idiot,” you whisper before looking behind her, a smirk growing on your face, “she’s coming over here.”
“What? Who? Jennie?! Wait, do I— do I look okay? Are my bangs s—” You put your hand on your shoulders, looking her into the eye, “you look perfect, alright?” She did, she always did. Lisa was beautiful. She nodded slowly. You turned her around, just as Jennie reached you two.
“Jennie..” She breathed out, flustered. You nodded at Jennie with a polite smile before walking off as you mouthed a ‘see you later’. Lisa panicked, her eyes wide, pleading for you to come back. You were the only person stopping her from becoming a nervous mess in front of Jennie. She turned back to Jennie when you were out of sight.
“So, about that…” Jennie began speaking.
You were in class, head laying on the desk as you rolled your pencil and watched it slide down the angled table.
Your pencil was in the middle of rolling back towards you and you were ready to catch it until a backpack slammed on the desk next to you. You flinched before sitting up only to see it was Lisa.
“Really?” You groaned, your heart rate fast from being startled, or maybe it was because of the sight of Lisa.
“Sorry,” she looked sheepish before she remembered what she had to tell you. “Oh!”
“Jennie agreed to meet up after school with me! But before I get to that— oh my god she’s so,” you mentally prepared yourself to listen to her gush about Jennie.
“And then, back to her agreeing to meet up after school with me. We’re gonna go to that new cafe that opened up, get ice cream, and then go to the park— Shit…is that considered a date?” She froze, looking like a ghost just passed through her, and you held back a laugh.
“I mean, it could be considered that. That is what you do on dates, after all.”
“You have to come. I don’t know, watch us and have an earpiece in so you can make sure I don’t make a fool out of myself—” you shook your head rapidly.
“Yeah, no way. That’s weird, I’m not gonna watch you.” It’s bad for your heart.
Lisa eventually gave up trying to persuade you. Then school was over. You waved bye to them as they walked to Lisa’s car, then you drove home.
The next week...well, more Lisa and Jennie.
“Hah! You can’t say that anymore because this time, it’s an official date, not a hang out between friends. She’s letting me court her.”
Your heart twinges. Painfully so. Your smile falters, but you fix it a second later. You don’t think it was noticeable. You force yourself to feel elated.
“Look at you making moves! Is this really the shy, nervous wreck I know?” You mess up Lisa’s bangs, and she wacks your hands away laughing.
“Yeah, yeah, we’ll see when I ask her to be my girlfriend.” It hurts, it hurts, it hurts. It’s like something is clawing at your heart from the inside.
You swallow thickly, and force a laugh out. Dry as it is, it gets out.
“Okay, um…text or call me if you need help picking out an outfit, or if you're freaking out.” You say, just putting it out there, because knowing Lisa, she’ll freak out.
“I definitely will.”
She did call you like she said. Now, you sat on video call, you on your bed while you ate some chips and watched Lisa walk in and out her closet from her phone propped up on her dresser.
“This is hilarious.”
“No it isn’t, I’m having a crisis here and you're eating potato chips.” She deadpanned. You rolled your eyes playfully, brushing off chip crumbs on the corners of your mouth before bringing your phone closer to you.
“So is this fancy or casual?” You asked and she came up to the camera. Her face was one of horror, “I didn’t ask that. Oh my god—”
“Lisa, just text her and ask?”
“Oh… Okay, I’ll do that.” She fumbled around for a bit, “She said dress casually. And she finds it funny I asked her because I was the one who asked her on a date.” You laughed, that’s ironic.
“Okay stop running around like a headless chicken,” you squinted at the screen, “grab that white cropped t-shirt and those tan…um, trousers? Yeah, and change into those.” You saw Lisa’s previous articles of clothing fly across the camera and your mouth became dry.
“Okay, tuck in the back of the shirt in your bra strap. Put your hair down. Alright, and then put that one necklace you always wear on, layer more necklaces, then add some rings— and there you go!“ Lisa stood in front of her mirror now, “Damn, I look hot.” She does.
“Thanks, (Y/n)!” She looks at her phone clock, “oh shoot, I should be on my way to pick Jennie up, bye bye.” She waves cutely at the camera, “Bye Lis, have fun.”
After you hang up, you're reminded of reality. The reality where the girl you're in love with likes somebody else.
Your heart crumbles a little more. Although this time, you struggle to pick up the pieces.
You were stuck asking yourself: Why weren’t you good enough?
Maybe— maybe if you were different, if you were like Jennie, she would love you. She would— No.
You're just fooling yourself. The heart wants what the heart wants. But why did your heart choose Lisa? Choose another’s that wasn’t in love with yours.
You drag your hands down your face.
I hate you, heart.
And then you cried. And when you couldn’t cry anymore, you fell asleep.
You woke up with a text from Lisa about last night, they kissed.
You dreaded coming to school the next morning.
Just like always, Lisa bounded up to your locker. You smiled, albeit tiredly. It didn’t matter how much you slept last night, you were exhausted. She paused upon noticing your drowsy features.
“You look like…”
“Crap? Yeah I know. I didn't get much sleep last night.”
She runs a hand up and down your arm soothingly and you really wish she didn’t. You yawn, before shutting your locker and leaning against it, “what’s up?”
“Jennie,” she begins and you grit your teeth knowing what’s coming, or at least you hope you know; all the while keeping a smile on your face. Maybe they kissed again? Maybe they watched the stars? Or maybe they—
What could be worse for you to hear besides those?
“I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes!” Lisa, unable to contain her excitement, shakes your shoulders. But you're still stomaching her words.
Your heart shatters. This one hit the nail on your head.
“I’m so happy for you Lisa!” Your throat constricts and it feels dry, but you get the words out.
Lisa’s smile fades, and you wonder: why? Why is her beautiful smile fading? Why is she frowning, what happened to the glow in her eyes? Why—
“If you're happy for me…then why are you crying?”
You blink, slowly realizing Lisa’s right and that indeed, tears were streaming down your cheeks. You tried wiping your face to stop the tears from falling but they kept going.
“(Y/n),” Lisa goes to wipe away your tears, her eyebrows furrow in concern, “Are you okay? Did I upset you? Please tell me what’s wrong..”
“It’s nothing,” you say and brush off her concern, pulling her hands away from your face, “I’ll just head to the bathroom, alright?”
“I’ll come with you,” she tries and you shake your head, “look, there’s Jennie, talk to her for a bit?” You felt a mix of relief and sadness seeing the feline-eyed girl come down the hallway, you waved her over and as she walked closer toward the two of you she frowned, at your tear stained cheeks.
You smiled, and you're sure your smile gave everything away. You hoped it did, because then you wouldn’t have to explain everything. Then you headed down the halls, ignoring the looks from other students. Ignoring Lisa’s calls.
You didn’t go to the bathroom like you said. You wanted to be as far away from the school as possible, and you hate to admit it, but as far away from Lisa and Jennie too.
You went to a park in an old neighborhood where barely anyone lived anymore, and sat underneath one of the slides. Then you began to sob, hard. Because until now, you never really gave yourself time to let everything out.
Your breathing was irregular and you struggled to breath. You clawed at your chest because it hurt.
You felt like you were drowning. Every time you got closer to the surface, closer to coming to terms that you're not the one she loves and that you have to forgive and forget, you were pulled back down. You were just…
In too deep.
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victorycola · 2 days
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# VICTORYCOLA - mutuals    only    &    selective 𝙼𝚄𝙻𝚃𝙸𝙼𝚄𝚂𝙴 feat. both original and canon characters from 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐓.
this    blog    will   contain    mature    content    (gore, cannibalism, violence, etc.) so    please    only    interact    if    you    are    over    the    age    of    21 .
BLOGROLL. @ragathadolly (other multi)
Personals you may follow / send in asks and like my stuff but PLEASE do not reblog my threads! I also wish to add that I absolutely ADORE OCs with a passion c: I am duplicate friendly as well and do not care if you reblog stuff from me. Just try to send stuff in on occasion so I don't outwardly feel like a meme source. Minors absolutely do not follow me. I'll block you. 
Hi! Thank you so much for checking out my blog. First things first I'd like to say that followbacks take me some time as I like to check out your blog and thoroughly read your rules / muse pages. If I do not follow you back after a week's time then I am not currently interested. It is nothing at all against you. I just try to keep a small following count to keep my dash clean and my sanity intact.
Please do not involve me in drama. It makes me uncomfortable and also most things can be resolved in private between those involved. I do not follow callout culture either, unless the person in question is an actual threat to anyone's online presence. If I personally mess up, I ask that you come to me privately so we may discuss things. Know I will never be upset!
Onto more important things if you're a bigot of any kind, against the LGBTQIA+ community, or any of that unsavory stuff you are not welcome here.I am not here to police what you write and I ask the same courtesy be applied to me. The block button exists for a reason after all. Though some topics I refuse to write are: Rape, Incest, Underage, and Beastiality.
Anon is on but any hate gets deleted and the anon blocked. It's just a waste of time on your end as I do not care what the online person I'll never meet thinks. We can settle things like adults in private. Thank you. For Triggers I personally have none, and tag things as 'trigger /'. Please lmk if you need anything tagged! 
Shipping is fun, but it isn't what I'm explicitly here for. Neither is NSFW. I am more than happy to have other relationships written between our muses that are not of a romantic nature. If shipping does happen it's usually with chemistry and ooc discussion. I am not here to be another ship in your roster. NSFW may be written on here but it will be beneath a strict 'readmore', although it is rare I'll actually write it as it's reserved for people I feel comfortable writing it with. Little NSFW / Sinday asks are fine!
I write. A lot. I tend to overdescribe and so my replies can get quite lengthy. That being said I do not ever expect you to match my length! Just give me something to work with and we'll be fine. I am fine with multiple threads as well, and also do not mind if you turn asks into threads. As for formatting I tend to use small text and a mix of bold and italics. Icons are used on occasion depending on the character, but I am totally fine with iconless roleplay as well! 
I am mobile bound a good 90% of the time for numerous reasons, so it may take me a while to get to threads. On top of that my mental health takes top priority, and some days I barely have energy to get out of bed. Please bear with me, and know that if I take a while to respond it is not out of disinterest or dislike. I just have a lot going on irl as well that Tumblr is sort of a backburner for me currently. I am usually busy on the weekends, so the best place to reach me to chat / plot is Discord! I just ask that we are mutuals and you lmk who you are! 
Hi! My name's Iggy and I've been writing for a very, very long time. I like hiking and nature photography, as well as rock and bone collecting. I love to talk ooc as well, since it really does help getting to know the people I write with. Speaking of ooc, I tend to post a bit of it but it is appropriately tagged and deleted after a few hours so as to not clog the dash. Please know also that if you ever need anything at all that I am here for you, and my IMs / asks are open to all! <3
john hancock (fallout 4) / primary
vault-tec rep (fallout 4) / secondary
kent connolly (fallout 4) / teritary
edward deegan (fallout 4) / secondary
charon (fallout 3) / primary
joshua graham (fallout: new vegas) / test
lucy maclean (fallout: tv show) / primary
maximus (fallout: tv show) / secondary
the ghoul (fallout: tv show) / primary
courier six (fallout: new vegas) / oc / primary
huno (fandomless oc) teritary
brice (fallout oc) secondary
nuka-cola girl (fallout) / oc / secondary
doctor eggman (sonic) / request only
adam (hazbin hotel) / request only
icon / icon border : @/wastehymns
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goreifiedscribe · 1 year
goreifiedscribe's request guidelines
[please read before submitting your request ❤️ thank you!]
✹ Hello! Welcome to my blog, please call me Scribe (: I'm 20f, and I use she/her pronouns
✹ I'm originally from Pennsylvania but I currently live in Mexico!
✹ At the moment I'm studying to become a vet tech, however down the line I specifically hope to progress into livestock veterinary
✹ My top 10 favorite horror movies are Carrie, Scream [OG], Eyes Without a Face, Terrifier, The Witch, The Thing, House of Wax, Alien [literally the whole franchise], Hush, & Before I Wake
✹ I will write: sfw, nsfw, character x character, character x reader, most kinks, dubcon, angst, fluff, and alt!universes
✹ I will NOT write: anything nsfw regarding canon minors [nor will I age minors just for nsfw], scat/waterplay kinks, or anything too OOC/crack
✹ If you do not specify the style you would like your request written in, I will choose the style based on the prompt [most likely to be HCs]
✹ As an overall rule the more in-depth your prompt is, the longer the the writing will be. You are welcome to send in up to 2 asks as a continuation if you run out of room with 1 for your request [please connect them with an emoji of your choice for me to verify they are for the same prompt!]
✹ Please do NOT interact with my blog without blacklisting the "mature" tag if you are under 18! If you send me an nsfw request off anon, I will check for age before accepting. If I find you are under 18 and have requested a nsfw prompt, you will be blocked immediately
✹ Please be patient as I have limits as an author and as a person. If I do not respond to your request within a timely manner, you are more than welcome to respectfully follow up in another ask and make sure tumblr didn't eat it. You can also check the current inbox count for requests in the description at the top of my blog!
✹ These will be written in HC format. Please include as much information about yourself as possible so I can match you with the best character! Feel free to request specific fandoms, or note any particular fandoms/characters you would like me to avoid
✹ Ideal starters for matchups [not limited to] include: Your romantic/sexual orientation, personality traits, hair/skin/eye color, any unique physical features, hobbies, job/career choice, favorite music genre[s], etc.
✹ I will not include any nsfw details unless directed otherwise
✹ Requesting "general" HCs for a character will be my personal interpretation of them, and will be written in 2nd person POV
✹ There is no limit on length [unless directed otherwise]
✹ These are written in bulletin format [just like you're reading now!]
✹ You are able to request an unlimited amount of characters for HCs
✹ These are written in 2nd person POV paragraphs and have no limit to length, however if you are looking for a shorter fic please specify that in your request, or request a "drabble"!
✹ You are only able to request an unlimited amount of characters FROM THE SAME FANDOM [please send in a separate request if you would like other characters for the same prompt!]
✹ Commissioned requests are paid custom prompts that are entirely designed by and for you. They can be completed in any style, format, POV, and with any characters regardless of fandom!
✹ The length of your request depends on the amount tipped, with full length fics starting at $5USD+
✹ During payment please include your tumblr blog name in the message so I may contact you to discuss your request. Otherwise you may contact me via an ask or dms
✹ Upon completion your request will be delivered to you privately, and will only be shared to the public under your disclosure
✹ If you are interested in commissioning me, you can find my cashapp here, or search $tipgoreifiedscribe to get started
✹ Tipping any amount is greatly appreciated and I thank you for your support! ❤️
✹ NOTE: If a character has a star[*] by their name, they are NOT available for nsfw requests. If there is more than one character that goes by the same alias, please specify which version[s] you would prefer, otherwise they will all be prompted [for HCs only]
✹ Dead by Daylight Killers:
🐻 "The Trapper" - Evan MacMillan
🔔 "The Wraith" - Philip Ojomo
🐄 "The Hillbilly" - Max Thompson Jr.*
⚡"The Doctor" - Herman Carter
🪓"The Huntress" - Anna
❤️‍🩹 "The Spirit" - Rin Yamaoka
❄️ "The Legion" - Frank Morrison, Joey, Julie Kostenko, Susie Lavoie*
💨"The Plague" - Adiris
📸"The Ghostface" - Danny Johnson
👹"The Oni" - Kazan Yamaoka
⛓️"The Deathslinger" - Caleb Quinn
🧠"The Executioner" - Pyramid Head
 💉 "The Blight" - Talbot Grimes
 💕 "The Twins" - Charlotte Deshayes, Victor Deshayes*
 🗡️ "The Trickster" - Ji-Woon Hak
 🎨 "The Artist" - Carmina Mora
⚔️ "The Knight" - Tarhos Kovács
🛡 "The Guardia Compagnia" - Alejandro Santiago, Durkos Malecek, Sander Rault
🤖 "The Skull Merchant" - Adriana Imai
✹ Dead by Daylight Survivors:
🍕 Dwight Fairfield
👟 Meg Thomas
🌷 Claudette Morel
🌲 Jake Park
🛹 Nea Karlsson
🎰 Ace Visconti
🎮 Feng Min
🍻 David King
🎶 Kate Denson
🎓 Adam Francis
🐕 Jeff Johansen
📺 Jane Romero
🚦 Yui Kimura
📽 Zarina Kassir
📐 Felix Richter
🔍 Élodie Rakoto
💿 Yun-Jin Lee
🔮 Mikaela Reid
📱 Jonah Vasquez
👻 Haddie Kaur
📜 Vittorio Toscano
🪁 Thalita Lyra
🧩 Renato Lyra
✹ Slashers:
🪦 "The Shape" - Michael Myers [1978]
👁 "The Moaner" - Billy Lenz
🪶 "The Psycho" - Norman Bates [1960]
💳 "The American Psycho" - Patrick Bateman
🍴 "The Leatherface" - Bubba Sawyer, Thomas Hewitt
📞 "The Ghostface" - Billy Loomis, Stu Macher
🏒 "The Crystal Lake Killer" - Jason Voorhees
⛏️ "The Miner" - Harry Warden
🍎 "The Mask" - Leslie Vernon
🏹 "The Man" - Hush
🎹 "The Boy" - Brahms Heelshire
🐖 "The Pig" - Amanda Young
🖤 "The Bride" - Tiffany Valentine [Doll & Human]
🔪 "The Lakeshore Strangler" - Chucky/Charles Lee Ray [Doll & Human]
🕯 "The Wax Face" - Vincent Sinclair
🕸️ "The Collector" - Asa Emory
✹ Horror Stars
👑 "The Prom Queen" - Carrie White [Movie & Novel]
🫦 "The Succubus" - Jennifer Check
🔧 "The Mechanic" - Bo Sinclair
🦴 "The Vulture" - Lester Sinclair
✹ Scream Sovereigns
🍿Randy Meeks [1996]
🌂 Sidney Prescott [1996]
🎃 Laurie Strode [1978]
📖 Anita "Needy" Lesnicki
✹ If you did not see a character on the lists that you would like to see me write for, please dm me or send me an ask about them. I love finding new movies or books that I can imagine characters from, and more content for me is more content for you!
✹ If you've fully read through this post and are still unsure if your prompt is within my guidelines, please feel free to just send it in! You're also welcome to dm me for clarification (:
Thank you so much for taking your time to visit my blog! Please remember to take care of yourself and of course, happy reading~ ❤️
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shokoism · 2 years
posb ch 1
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𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 ©️ 𝘬𝘶𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘸𝘰
𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘯'𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘱.𝘰.𝘴 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘴.
You figure that you must be addicted to the attention. (It could be worse, you think. Vanity never killed anyone.) And you really are okay with that, most of the time anyways. You like getting dressed up and preening in front of an audience. You love the way it feels to be stared at, whether out of awe or envy or adoration or whatever else the fuck they feel when they catch a glimpse of you. 
But sometimes, as in times like right now, you hate it. 
You hate yourself for staying with Atsumu even though he's horrible, and the only possible (sane) reason you could've endured this for so long was an addiction to the microdoses of fame that dating a famous athlete brought you. (Half-dating.) (Like you could call him your boyfriend in front of friends or in Instagram captions, but not while he fucked you or things got awkward.)
He's probably off chugging beer or competing in some macho man drinking game while you're expected to sit at his booth and look pretty and wait around to finally be graced with his presence for a mere five minutes of the night. It'd been fine the first five hundred fucking times it'd happened at the MSBY post-game parties, but eventually the novelty of your presence had worn off and you'd blended into the background with the furniture. You're as much a fixture at these events as one of the barstools.
You're not a fucking barstool. 
(What are you doing here?)
You've thought of breaking things off with him before, but mostly during fights that left you dizzy with anger. You're impulsive, sure, but even you know better than to break off this (admittedly mutually beneficial) arrangement over a simple argument. You'd needed to make sure you'd lose more by staying than by leaving first.
You swirl your half-empty drink, half-heartedly noting the chipped polish on your middle finger. (You needed a touch up.) You were losing.
It'd be funny to dump him right here and right now in front of his entire team and their livestream audience tuned in to see whatever brilliantly stupid antics the victors were getting up to. He'd hate it. (And by extension, hate you.) (Therein lies the problem, of course.)
You'd never admit this out loud—you've barely admitted it to yourself, for fuck's sake—but you think you love Atsumu, in your own twisted way. You've never been a flowery person—you can count the times you've said 'I love you' out loud to him on your hands, and pet names are out of the question entirely—but the thought of seeing him with another trophy girlfriend makes you so mad that the glass in your hand nearly shatters. (You set it down. The last thing you need tonight is stitches.)
Love is cheap though, and no amount of it is worth being used as a decoration when you know you deserve so much better.
(For starters, a boyfriend that didn't treat you like an accessory.)
You won't dump him in front of his team, not tonight. (Tomorrow, you resolve. You type the reminder into your phone next to the alarm to take your vitamins.) (This will be way better for you than vitamins.)
"Don't you look real pretty tonight?"
(You lock your phone, slamming it face down against your half-bare thigh hard enough to sting.)
"I know."
"It's never a 'thank you' with you, huh?" Osamu makes himself comfortable in the seat across from yours. You wish he wouldn't, but you've lived through this exact scene enough times to know asking isn't worth your breath. (The Miyas do what they want.)
You smile sweetly. "You're welcome."
"You and Atsumu deserve each other," he shoots back, sans the smile. (For what it's worth, you drop your own.) 
"Why don't you go bother him then?" 
He grins now, looking so much like his brother that you're tempted to hurl the rest of your drink at him. "You just look so sad all alone. Figured you needed the company to cheer you up. Pretty girls should smile on Friday nights."
"You're a real asshole."
"Don't shoot the messenger." He chuckles, grabbing your drink and polishing it off with a giant gulp. "He really likes you, you know."
You wave in front of your face disgustedly, piecing together his patronizing words of comfort through his belching. (You're not sure what's grosser, the fruity fumes or that he felt the need to convince you that you were a catch. As if you didn't know.) (You were losing.) "Even twin telepathy has its limits, Miya. Butt out."
"I'm right."
"You always think you're right."
"Because I am." 
"Don't you know that your piece of shit brother only keeps me around for appearances, like some sort of Barbie to show off to his alpha male fans and teammates, or do I have to spell it out for you?" (You have to make a conscious effort to unlock your jaw.) (You're so fucking tense.) "Or do you already know, and just think this shit is funny?"
Osamu's upper lip curls into a sneer. "Don't talk about my piece of shit brother like that again." You quirk an eyebrow upwards. He leans in close enough to drown you in the stench of the alcohol he's downed. (Not that you're any better off yourself.) "He's still my problem."
(A shiver traces down your back.)
"Teach him some basic manners and I'll consider it."
"Quit it."
You roll your eyes, carefully crossing one leg over the other. (He always watches so closely. Not in a creepy way, but you notice because Atsumu never sees anything. They're like night and day.) "Or?"
"Or what?"
"That's what I'm asking." You groan. Osamu holds his liquor well—he's always way drunker than he looks—but he's a nightmare once he reaches his limit. You move to call Atsumu (because it'd be a cold day in Hell before you babysit a man-child for free, let alone one you don't even like), but Osamu swats the phone out of your reach.
"What're you gonna do about it?" 
"I told you to mind your business."
"Are you just gonna keep mopin' about Atsumu being a shitty boyfriend forever? 'Cause that's real fucking boring." You grimace, and he shrugs his shoulders. "I'm just bein' honest."
"You're literally the last person I'd ask for fair, unbiased advice about anything, and also Atsumu's twin brother if I remember correctly." You grab your phone again and stand to leave. "Tell him I went home early." 
"How're you getting there?"
"A cab charged to his card."
He laughs, loudly enough to draw attention from some of the other guests (who you glare at until they pretend to stop eavesdropping). "Is that your plan? You're just gonna cling to him until his money dries up? Lame. Real fuckin' boring." 
Your face burns up, and you hiss when you speak. "I'm going to let this slide once, because you're blacked out and I'll never see your stupid fucking face again after I dump your brother, but you do not get to talk to me like that." You don't care that the cab is 10 minutes away—you're getting out of here now. You'll figure out the dumping part tomorrow.
(You can't figure out which Miya you're more annoyed with.)
Osamu curses under his breath. You'd been pissed with Atsumu for a long time, sure, but damn were you pent up tonight. (He can't say that he's surprised. 'Tsumu's not exactly a romantic.)
Atsumu claps his brother on the back, hard enough to knock him off his seat. "Where the fuck've you been?" He's grinning that wide, shit-eating grin of his that comes out when he's feeling real good.
"What's it to ya?"
(He can be screwed tomorrow. Osamu'll let him have tonight.)
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miraiq · 2 months
❛  i'm gonna do whatever it takes to make you smile again. ❜ (Kagura to Kyo)
Sacrifice Sentence Starters | Accepting
Kyo is extremely familiar with Kagura's affection-- almost uncomfortably so. Though he'd never a d m i t it aloud, he doesn't necessarily h a t e it. It can be a bit much at times, or a touch excessive, sure.. but the p o s i t i v e response to him is welcome. The cat is so used to be looked d o w n upon, judged, pitied, hated... whether her l o v e for him is fake, just a passing feeling, or if she's doing it to just play with his heart or have some a t t e n t i o n .. He doesn't care. He'll take it over e v e r y t h i n g e l s e that gets tossed at him by the Sohma family.
So at the registration of arms wrapping around his shoulders and a w a r m body pressed against his back, the cat does not even f l i n c h . The ginger has to stop himself from leaning into it, c r a v i n g that closeness and soothing feeling that can come from such e n d e a r i n g gestures- as those are something that has been all but ripped from him since b i r t h . He manages to refrain-- don't want to add more fuel to the boar's fire, now does he?
At the brunette's w o r d s , Kyo sighs, not even bothering to give the promise a second thought. He doesn't b e l i e v e it to be true.. and if it is, it's not one that will be f u l f i l l e d . . Not by Kagura- not by anyone. The cat knows his fate and has learned to a c c e p t it- no one will be able to save him from it no matter how h a r d anyone tries.
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❛ Yeah, yeah. Sure. Now get off-
Just because we don't t r a n s f o r m when you hug me doesn't mean you're not heavy. ❜
A l i e , the lass is barely the weight of a basket of laundry to him-- thanks to all of Master's training of course. But he can't h e l p but tease her a bit in retaliation for giving him f a l s e hope.
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kxshikoi · 5 years
--- @slughime​  𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒𝒹 𝓍 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝒶 𝓈𝓂𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓇𝓉𝑒𝓇.
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“  Let me guess, he told you to come to me because he forgot there was a meeting today?  “  Tobirama spoke with a small sigh leaving his fair lips. It wasn’t that the pale male minded taking care of his niece, it was just that, a warning would have been nice as he had already had other plans for today, which now needed cancelling. 
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vortexparadox · 2 years
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@smokedanced || semiplotted starter.
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Martha pauses outside the Citadel Tower, looking out over the Presidium, still a bit in shock that that actually worked. Her impromptu speech to the Council to get them to induct her into the Spectres in order to chase after Saren wasn't what she had expected how things would go, but fortunately travelling with the Doctor had given her plenty of inspiration for such things.
Turning to look at her companions, she's also still a bit shocked at the new crew she's managed to pick up within just the last few hours, and none of them human to boot. She just hopes the Normandy crew doesn't give any of them any trouble, because she sure as hell isn't going to turn away invaluable help from someone more qualified than anyone currently on the ship for dealing with some of the situations that are bound to come up in this mission simply because that person doesn't happen to be human.
Though they certainly seem to be drawing a number of questioning looks with their group consisting of a human, turian, quarian, and krogan. Huffing slightly in amusement, she smiles at the others. "Thanks for being there with me through that. I need to stop by C-Sec Requisitions, and then stop somewhere to order dextro supplies to be delivered to the Normandy. If you have any last minute business to take care of, now's the time, or you're welcome to head on to the ship. I'll message Joker so he knows to let you onboard."
"I'll head on," Wrex notes with a nod, which Martha returns before glancing at Tali.
"I'll be sure to pick up a sterilization unit and plenty of antibiotics and antihistamines for you, Tali, if you want to go ahead and go check out Engineering," she offers with a knowing smile. "I'm sure our chief engineer will be more than happy to give you a tour."
"Thank you, Shepard," Tali says, nearly bouncing in her excitement before she takes off to catch up with Wrex as they head back to the docking area, Martha watching them almost fondly as she sees Wrex slow down just a little to let the quarian catch up with him.
Turning her focus on Garrus, her smile turns a touch wry as she looks up at him. "You're welcome to come along if you want," she offers. "I'm pretty sure I saw a cafe earlier that serves both dextro and levo that we could stop at for lunch. I don't know about you, but I haven't had a chance to eat since Eden Prime, and I'm starving."
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Flash: Peter you're bi-
Peter: How'd you know?
Flash: I was just trying to ask if you were bilingual, I needed help with the Spanish homework. You really couldn't keep your gay in for one second Parker.
Peter: Why aren't you more surprised?Flash: I already knew
Peter: How?
Flash: You cuff your jeans for starters, and that look you get on your face when someone talks about Thor is a dead giveaway. Not to mention you can't sit in a chair properly.
Peter: Um, I so can.
Flash: Peter you're sitting on the floor.
Peter: There's more room!
Peter: I see it now, it's pretty obvious.
Flash: Yes it is. Now homework?
Peter: I'll help you. Do I have to sit up there though?
Flash: No, you'd end up on the ground again anyways.
Peter: Very true.
Flash: Get the bi jokes out, I know you're dying to say them.
Peter: Thank you! The Wi-Fi here sucks, don't worry I just use my Bi-Fi instead, it had a much stronger signal. When I'm standing I'm on stand-bi. When I'm all alone I'm all bi myself. I couldn't pick between Adam and Eve so I just did both! This year has been rough, I'm doing my best to just get bi. I don't understand why people say I'm going to hell, last time I checked their book was called a BI-ble not a Straight-ble! I can relate to Spider-Man, like him I swing both ways! Bi the way, I am bad at picking between two options, so I pick option C, both, people like to say it doesn't exist but they say the same thing about me and that hasn't stopped me!
Flash: How many more jokes can you possibly have?
Peter: Two more.
Flash: Okay, let me hear them.
Peter: I can never be straightforward with you, I can only meet you half way. Bi-weekly and bi-annual have nothing on this bi.
Flash: Okay you got your jokes out, now please help me.
Peter: Okay, okay. I'll help.
Flash: Thank you.
Peter: You're welcome, I guess you can say I'm the best bi.
Flash: You know what, I'm just going to ask Michelle.
Peter: Okay, BI!
Flash: I regret letting you tell your jokes.
Peter: Well bi hater! I know you're not a bi hater but I had the joke ready.
Flash: I'm so done with you. Good bye!Peter: I'm taking that as a pun- and he's gone. I guess I'm all bi myself.
Flash in the distance: Please stop Parker!
Peter: Never! I'll stand bi my jokes forever!
Flash: You'll be alone forever if you don't stop!
Peter: Bi hater!
Flash: You already used the one!
Peter: I know, but it was really great! I thought we already said Bi though!
Flash: That was another pun wasn't it?
Peter: Of course it was, it wouldn't be me if it wasn't! Bi the way I'm out of jokes!
Flash: Finally! Goodb- good day sir!Peter: Danish he didn't say the pun. Next time, next time.
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