#\\closed thread\\
notbirdnorplane · 2 months
- - continued from x with @bloodyfixation --
Izuku's face was a deadpan expression of exasperation as he tried to patch his ally up. What was once a face vibrant with passion had wilted, paling with lack of sleep and overwork. Even the green of his hair had become a morose brackish hue. As she removed her hand, he pressed his down instead. It was warm, like pudding that'd been left in the sun too long. The sight of it didn't phase him; he'd seen enough to desensitize any hesitance he had to the deep red liquid.
"You don't regen like me, Himiko." He sighed, working with his med pack to bandage her up. "You bleed out and die if they put too many holes in you. Can't lose you just yet." He'd need to put stitches in this once they were back to base, and another blood transfusion, likely his own. Gauze and cotton would keep her in the land of the living until then. "......but thank you." She did this for them, their friends and allies, and the mission. If it'd been merely for her own sake, maybe he'd have scolded her more thoroughly. How could he do that while she was sacrificing for his goals and aspirations?
"What did he know?" Best to keep the mind busy while working. Having Himiko report would keep his train of thoughts active and hers off the pain. "Anything sensitive?"
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i'm back from the store by the way! i set stuff out for you on the table, and i'm working on dinner right now :)
[uh...Indigo Mail? Table Mail? You live here now, so definitely not Pelipper Mail]
On the table are a nice new set of bath towels, a toothbrush and toothpaste, a stuffed growlithe, and some snacks such as granola bars and apple sauce packets.
Sprite slowly sits up from his position at the bottom of the stairs, noticing the new things on the table. Tag helps him up and over to it, patient as he limps along.
"Oh... wow ... Thanks Indigo."
He immedailty reaches for the plushie, tucking it between the nook of his and arm torso, giving it a discreet kiss on the forehead.
"I was wondering... If you wanted to watch a movie - or something tonight. Haven't been able to watch one in a while and it could be cool if we did that... 'ts okay if not though!"
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cornelianlute · 4 months
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"I have noodles for servants??" She's confused. Why would food be posing itself as her servants.
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stcrprism · 3 months
@ragingfists liked for a starter!
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"Ah! Big stink man!" Try as she might, she can't hide her smile. Even though she has her... issues with Sabin, she does enjoy his company. He's like an older brother to her while also being a big fat jerk, but perhaps that was what siblings were like. "You're just in time! I was about to start a new painting and I need a model!"
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mischief-rei · 4 months
@melancoliefatale Continuation from: here
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"Hun, relax. I'm not gonna hurt you any. At least let me take you somewhere safe so you can rest. I won't do anything more, I promise," Grief tried to reassure. Carefully she carried him down the snow laden path up to her quant cabin within the woods. "What happened? Low blood sugar or somethin?" she inquired. Despite being familiar with one vampire, she wasn't that familiar with the race to see them immediately upon sight. To her, Antoine appeared human. Once they're inside her home, she gently set him down onto the couch. "Rest here until you're able to move about at least, ok?" she smiled towards him. "I'll keep watch, just to be sure none followed ya and whatnot.
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lunarnoire · 7 months
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"My precious Helios... Won't you join me in the darkness? There's so many beautiful things here to be had in the dark."
Black Lady didn't remember much about things before she pledged her beautiful dream to Nehelania, but what she did remember was the feelings she had found the boy before her. Though she wasn't entirely sure of them herself , what she did know was that now he was her's in this dark dream she found herself trapped in.
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orphika · 10 months
keep talking [starter for @mortoinquieto]
It's after midnight. The last light rail left hours ago, but the platform lights are still on, here on Colorado Avenue, downtown Santa Monica, as close as you can get to Orpheus' neighbourhood by train. The clouds are high in the dusty sky, and the moon peeks out occasionally as a thinner patch passes over.
None of these lights are so bright that they warrant wearing sunglasses after dark, of course, but... goths will be goths.
Orpheus sprawls along the platform bench. Behind those wraparounds, his left eye is livid, sickly yellow-green-white, focused on the empty spot at the end of his bench. There's an earpiece looped around his left ear; to a passer-by, he's carrying on a hands-free phonecall, too tired to sit up straight and too wasted to go home. The fact that he happens to be looking at where someone could be sitting is sheer coincidence. Honest.
"So," he says. "Thanks for hearing me out, man."
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mxgicshxrd · 4 months
Stew and Stars||Ky n Lizzie
@lunarruled (Cont'd from Here)
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A soft smile graced Lizzie's face, and her voice was wistful. "I haven't had venison in years actually Ky. The last time was when I was in the UK." Lizzie figured their stew was meant to be a venison stew, instead of the chicken she had planned. Shaking her head, she laughed. "I guess this stew was supposed to be venison, cause ever since you arrived, I haven't able to add the huge chicken bone!!"
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liltaventures · 9 months
Closed Thread #2
For @justanothermultimuse
A little over three tendays had passed since the Nautiloid had crashed on the beach and in that time Yanis had managed to travel with others for the first time in over ten years. He had found friends and he could say in confidence that if anything happened to them he would kill for them, a sentiment he forgot he could have.
Who would have thought all it took was letting others in to find some semblance of peace? Even with the long journey ahead, Yanis was the happiest he'd been in years.
Of course, there had been a few hiccups along the way. Having his life almost taken by Lae'zel when he had come down with a fever for one, multiple misunderstandings at the Druid grove, there were so many close calls to count. However, one still haunted him. Astarion killing him. The vampire had been skulking around camp one night and attempted to bite Yanis while he slept. Memories of his childhood flooded back to him.
The day the Frostvale Kingdom fell into the hands of the occult. His home, his family, his parents. Everyone and everything he loved was taken by force.
Werewolves and their kin. The undead their charges. Vampires and their spawn.
Together they massacred and turned anyone and everyone in sight. The rogue will never forget what happened that storming night. The way the wind hit his cold wet skin, the way the innocent screamed and cried. All of it, all of it, was ingrained in his mind.
Yanis had almost staked Astarion in response but something had stopped him. At first, he was quick to blame it on the tadpoles, chalking it up to the vile wriggling creature’s influence. But now? Now, he realized that it was more than that. He saw an old friend in Astarion and he knew better than to judge without reason.
And so, he put more of his trust into the vampire only for it to backfire completely.
He offered the man a bite and in turn, the elf drained the half-elf dry, killing him. After being revived Yanis spoke with the other, he’d been angry and upset with what happened. He remembers the way his large fist collided with Astarion’s face, the angry words that left his mouth as he stormed off to take some space from the vampire, from everyone.
Yanis shuddered at the memory and pulled his focus elsewhere. He looked around their campsite and smiled softly. While the Shadowcursed lands were dangerous there was a certain kind of beauty to the atmosphere as well. It was shrouded in mystery and the rogue would have been lying if he said that he wasn’t curious about what was going on.
The group of adventurers had decided to take a day to relax and rest up. Yanis was getting bored of doing nothing and he figured sitting closer to where the others were may help him think of something to do.
With a small grunt, the half-elf got to his feet and made his way over to a small table that he’d set up and took a seat. A soft Golden eye found itself looking at Astarion’s tent and the feeling of loneliness crept over Yanis. He liked the conversations and memories that they had made in their small group of misfits.
Yanis sat there for as long as he could before he felt boredom start to start to sink in. Today was their day off and yet he was dying of boredom. “Ugh…I wish there was something to do.” He grumbled, starting to grow antsy.
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notbirdnorplane · 1 month
- - closed starter for @caeloservare // Clark Kent - -
Clark crossed his arms over his chest, eyes narrowing against this...individual. He was a complex man, who had sacrificed everything he knew and cared about to maintain his morals and code. It wasn't a bad thing, but he'd murdered several people. Repentant or no, Ironwood deserved his place in the Vacuo cell.
"You happened to put Team RWBY through quite the hassle. Anything to say?"
The last time he was in Kilg%re's version of Remnant, Clark had been a teenager. This time, he was a full-grown adult. His powers were still limited by that Semblance mechanic that runs Remnant, but he felt inclined to check on his friends after all their help.
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Pelipper mail: your roommates.
*Reed sprints over to Sprite, Indigo close on his heels. He pushes his way into Sprites lap, croaking and burbling at him. He sprays a cold stream of water at his chin. Indigo sits nearby, visibly worried*
"Stay away- I said get off-I-"
It's voice seemed different then what Indigo was used to, but they couldn't put their finger on it. Sprite shoves Reed off, eyes wild, hugging it's chest tightly. He backs into the corner of the room, burying it's face in it's knees, hyperventilating.
Indigo caught occasional mumbles of it's disjonted speech, works like 'stop' 'sorry' and 'no' popped up very often.
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cornelianlute · 8 months
@ragingfists liked for a starter
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"oh, excuse me, sir. i did not see you there." the princess of cornelia was out on another trip into town (in disguise, of course). it was part of her duties to see how the people of her kingdom were faring. aside from the chaos a traveling fair can bring, things were the same as usual. brushing a lock of hair the colour of carnations behind her ear, the princess continues, "are you a traveler come to experience the festivities in store? if you would like, i can show you around the town?"
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a-gastly-trio · 1 year
(Closed starter for @grimsley-official )
Damien leans against the wall of a tall office building, by the Castelia Cone stand, his red eyes scanning the area every now and then for Grimsley. He's not entirely sure why he's doing this or why he feels nervous, but maybe it's because he's breaking a rule in his dimension:
Don't reveal yourself to humans.
He already told the strange human what he looked like and where they would meet. Now, he just has to wait for his friend to arrive.
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stcrprism · 3 months
@valiantseeker liked for a starter!
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Heheheh... She couldn't wait for this plan of her's to come to fruition. She only needed a few more necessities and it was good as gold! No one would ever suspect her of setting up such traps and pranks like this! Creeping through the streets was tough! There were people every where and there was always a possibility of her being recognized - or at the very least being stopped by someone. No way would she let anyone stop her from pranking Sabin! Her thoughts drift towards the master plan (dropping a bucket of paint on him and then hitting him with a giant bag of feathers!) when she bumps into someone! "Ow!!" She rubs her nose. "Hey! Watch where you're going you big-!" Looking up she realizes who it was and the scowl that had formed on her face was replaced with a sparkling smile. Maybe he'd be able to help her. "Ah! Edgar's number one hater!! What're you doing here?" She smirks. "Are you looking for a present for Celes?"
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umbrarezku · 23 days
continued from here. // @withinkandquill
Despite Aleksander's cold, frigid exterior, he did have a soft spot for children. They were one of the only good things left about the world - even if he had bad experiences when he was a child himself, he more blamed that on his reputation due to his powers and bad parenting on the other children's part.
"I can see that you have great potential. You try harder than your peers do you not?" He could relate to that. As a child he had felt like he had always been trying to prove himself to heavy burdens that rested on his shoulders. Even now it could feel like that, though his power had grown vastly since then.
"Perhaps at some point you can show me how much you've improved."
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dancingdanvers1 · 1 year
Who: @rory-keaton Where: Some store somewhere
Lifting her left leg up and out in front of her, the redhead observer her own foot with her head tilted gently to one side. Contemplating it seriously. After all footwear was no laughing matter. “We don’t think they make my ankles look fat?” Turning her head to look at Rory with a raised eyebrow, wiggling her foot to draw the woman’s attention to it. “I like the ones you have on today, where are they from? Bet they hold up well for your long shifts.” Tone teasing, a smirk on her lips, as she turned back to her own foot, wrinkling her nose. Soon she was going to have fat ankles anyway, was now the best time to be investing in a new expensive pair of heels? Probably not, but she wanted a pick me up! Nothing made Sloane feel better than a little shopping spree so she could take home something shiny. 
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