#^Id make the ascii happy face but it interferes with my OOC tag :(
frustratedsecretary · 2 years
^ from here
❤: How long have you been RPing?
It's the end of 2022 and I started sometime in 2009, if memory serves. It's been somewhat on and off since then; IRL struggles, loss of muse, depression at the state of the RPC... Take your pick.
☑: What are the biggest differences between you and your muse?
Probably that he enjoys cooking. I don't hate it, but washing up after is a PITA (*glances nervously at sink full of dishes*).
✌: What is the easiest aspect of playing this muse?
He feels upset that he wasn't able to get his dream job due to a character flaw he's all to aware of; he achieved a respectable position despite this and is determined to do his best in that position.
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