#^you see that megs up there. starscream kicked his ass but hes okay
dorkicon · 2 years
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(teeth gritted) fish au.
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mocacheezy · 3 years
Transformers BW: S1, Ep. 12 - 21
(for I am but a snail when it comes to watching shows, and somehow I managed to watch 9 episodes in 2 days. No I don't understand myself either)
Ep. 12 (Victory):
aka I couldn't get past the halfway minute mark for 3 weeks because I expected no one will believe Dinobot (news flash, he didn't have to try and explain himself)
On a different note, I still can't get over the effects of when someone hits the ground. It's just, it's just the most comical Splat! Thump!
Ep. 13 (Dark Designs):
Megatron at the beginning of an episode? Well I can't say anything but ✨Yesssssssss~✨
Also am I glad I was not forcing myself to watch the fight scene because my head started pounding just from seeing all the flashing from the corner of my eyes.
Predacon Rhinox: no.1 menace and threat
Poke the idiot and throw him into milk.
Shrapnel mention, def not my wife though...
...yea, Rhinox is terrifying. Was sure he'll snap Scorponok's and Terrorsaur's necks.
This episode gets 4/10.
1 point for Megatron and his yesssss',
1 point for just how terrifying Rhinox was,
1 point for everyone who said the signature yesssss
and the last point for "I am very, very unhappy indeed. Yessssssssss."
The remaining 6 points are missing BECAUSE OF THE CONSTANT EYE STRAIN.
Ep. 14 (Double Dinobot):
I would love to see you Megatron, so could your cloning process include less flashing lights. Even if I do understand the dramatic appeal.
Will he push him HE PUSHED HIM.
I still can't believe their security system is called Sentinel.
Rattrap's orb ass
Megatron's thighs. Seriously, dude needs to show his bot mode more often
... he fucking ate his clone. He FUCKING ATE. HIMSELF.
I can't with this show.
Ep. 15 (The Spark):
little cat... big cat... big bro and tiny bro.
scorponok the simp
Okay this must be Hawk guy... Damn the protoforms are weird. But at least we know how the spark looks... and that in humanoid proportions it's located in the stomach.
I love how urgent they make this "protoform is dying" thing
Blackarachnia. Just her.
Why do all these robots have such nice legs?
A HAWK WIFE! Airrazor, have to remember that lovely name~
Rhinox was in charge of protoform rearing back on Cybertron. You can't convince me otherwise, this dude is prime dad/teacher material.
Ep. 16 (The Trigger- p.1):
You are an idiot Tigertron. I still love you though.
Seriously though, he has a very nice face.
Illuminati island
AT THIS POINT I AM JUST ANTICIPATING EVERY YESSSSS. I almost always guess it at this point.
Tigertron acquired a VIP pass by nearly getting slagged
My face when they try to convince the audience AirRazor died: 😒
Ep. 17 (The Trigger - P.2):
Tigertron is gonna sacrifice himself and the island isn’t he?
They really didn’t have to make that many grunts and moans for this
...Is Rhinox’s VA the same as Megatron’s?
I love how they refer to Pred’s headquarters as Pred central
Their eye effects. Oh how I love this animation.
I honestly wish we could see BW in a newer animation style, because this stuff looks really cool
Well her new color scheme is pretty
Is Blackarachnia gonna die?
Ah, aliens. And the whole “paradise lost”
Ep. 18 (Spider’s game):
Shake that ass Tarantulas
Blackarachnia if you don’t eat him at some point of this series I will be disappointed
The ant simp? Are we getting the ant simp?
When and how did Wazzpinator grow on me?
Hawk wifey to the rescue
This looks very much like mating to me Tarantulas, so get yourself off her ass
“I hunt better alone.” Yeah sure you moron
I truly missed these effects, and I didn’t even know it
… Inferno is that easily destroyed?
Ep. 19 (Call Of The Wild):
Don’t get your bananas in a bunch - Rattrap
Thank you for the not eyestraining fight sequence
What the cheeze - Rattrap
Being a Predacon: requirement of being a backup laughter provider
Megatron just fucking transform
What the fuck Tigertron. Is this the were-talk 101 class?
Megatron I will fucking kick your ass for two reasons:
Ep. 20 (Dark Voyage):
Waste of your talents as the designated Smash
What was this arrow for?
Mushroom Cloud of "They shouldn't have survived this but they sure did"
All of them are blind and out of all of them Dinobot is freaking out the most
What is this high stakes bullshit?
Good job Megatron
"There!" No one can see anything Rhinox, your acknowledgment of something moving is not gonna help
Cheetor is going to die because of Boa constrictor and Dinobot is working on cartoon logic. Love it.
What did that elephant think when a snake just suddenly smacked it in the face?
Megatron will scrap us: aka we are going to get scolded and will not actually get as big a beating as we think we will.
I swear, Megatron has a completly different approach to things. Not as brutal as Prime, but also not as classy and patient as Animated. He is quite special, ✨yesssssss✨
What is it with this show and its attempts of "This is the end of them!"
Why the hell is Cheetor suddenly walking? Wasn't he close to dying like a second ago?
Do they know how to swim? Okay, Rhinox can. The other three washed up on the shore.
Why is everyone but- ah, Rhinox the meditate-and-sense-the-energy-of-your-enemy Rhinoceros
The one thing I love about this show is that the robots are actually shown glitching out and there are sparks and things like that shown
Rhinox you guys nearly died and you are sprouting wisdom. Just… yea just go smell those flowers big guy.
Ep. 21 (Possession):
Aight, a rogue protoform?
Sentinel are you any good in these later episodes/seasons?
Is it Aliens?
Welcome Predacons, enter here - RatTrap
Good on you Megs for going "Can I trust you?"
I also can't believe the fact Optimus and Megatron named themselves after anchestors of Maximals and Predacons. Like… is this common? Is there a whole registry with the names? Did Autobots and Decepticons become like, CoolKidNames?
Screamer… you don't have to announce yourself to the enemies. Then again you have an ego the size of Unicron himself
Deary me, look what happens - Megatron
… Dinobot studying anything?
Starscream you truly live up to your name, and I am certain G1 is you being a child or a teen
Yes yes you are surrendering very convenient
Oh your voice is horrible. I hope this is a one episode appearance
Also I hope protegee Blackarachnia is the one to kill him
Hasta la vista Starscream - Oprimus Primal
No??? Megatron your catchphrase is ✨Yessssss✨
Twinkle twinkle little Starscream - Cheetor
… Listen there better be a Starscream appearance in a future BW show, set a thousand or so years after the original BW. Let's have a Starscream faceoff in WFC Kingdom!
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agatharights · 4 years
Okay so the bastard warlord dads au. I just adore it? That's amazing! I just wanna hear more stuff about Star and Megs trying to be dads to Orion. How does that all go?
It’s actually part of an AU called Transformers: Toku, largely based off of tokuketsu tropes and stories, that I share with @drawma-king but the warlord dads were one of my contributions- a combination of the common trope where one of the protagonists turns out to have an Evil Dad (or two, in this case) and the fact that every so often I look at Optimus Prime and Starscream and remember that it’s funny they have the same color scheme.
(if there’s anything I re-use from this AU into others, it’ll probably be the warlord dads arrangements because *chef’s kiss*)
Also because I wanted to post it- here’s a little short story about Orion’s first “real” face to face meeting with Megatron and Starscream! It goes about as well as you’d think.
UNDER THE CUT because long. Sorry, mobile users.
As for how it goes...it goes well at times, poorly at others? They’re trying, but also the kind of people who look at conquering a world because they’ve decided they have the Divine Right of Kings are gonna have some issues from the get-go. After the supposed death of their kid, Megatron and Starscream decided very actively to never approach the concept of family again- it hurt terribly, neither of them have much emotional maturity, and they had a war to run. So unfortunately they don’t actually know how to deal with kids, having avoided them for so long.
Not to mention that Orion(at the time named Guiltaur)’s loss was overtly traumatic. A Decepticon fortress was hit in a surprise attack by Autobot forces that outright destroyed the entire structure and sent the high-ranking Decepticons who were holed up there scattered- it was a tremendous step in destabilizing the Decepticon empire for the Autobots, a good move tactically. The Autobots who were combing through the rubble afterwards were horrified to find a sparkling- miraculously unharmed, and ushered the child away in secret- in no small part to hide the fact that they’d operated on bad intelligence and attacked a building that was not just military, but apparently domestic as well.
Megatron and Starscream, believing that their child had died as a result of Autobot attack, kicked the war into high gear, and that’s when stuff started getting real interesting. Meanwhile, Orion’s past was scrubbed to keep him safe from both autobot retribution for his parentage, and to keep him hidden from Decepticons, and he was placed into the care of the Order Pax- a religious order that took in a lot of war orphans, and eventually he was taken in by Alpha Trion, an archivist looking for an apprentice who definitely didn’t fortell all of this happening that would be silly you’d have to be, like, a prophet or a prime to tell that stuff :)
Megatron struggles with treating Orion like a new recruit- he’s deeply impressed when Orion turns out to have excellent combat and self-defense skills for sparring (thanks to Orion’s secret life as Optimus Prime, Hero) and tries to bond with him through training- but inevitably pushes too hard because he can’t tone it down. On the flip side, Megatron’s preferred method of showing affection is just by giving people things, so a whole-ass lost library is an appropriate present for a kid, right? Right????
At the very least, Megatron gets that parental relationships are hard (given his own rocky family relationships) and isn’t really sure how to be attached to Orion. He feels like an interloper, and the fact that Orion is very clearly not interested in sticking around only makes it sting- but Megatron at least tries to convince Orion that sticking around is worth it. Sure, things are a little nasty right now, but wouldn’t you like to be crown prince of an empire? Wouldn’t you like to someday rule? We are from royal stock, and you carry the blood of kings.
Starscream instantly becomes attached. And covetous and overprotective. He hovers over Orion, and while Orion’s more or less okay dealing with it because he likes physical affection, Starscream is *very* touchy, literally. He’s constantly touching hugging him, touching his face and shoulders, kissing his helm or outright grooming him like he’s a youngling. Skywarp and Thundercracker are more casual, but still super affectionate towards Orion- especially since they basically become defacto babysitters for the most part, and Orion finds himself surrounded by a triad of very loud, broody birds a lot.
Starscream’s also a little disappointed that Orion’s favoring a grounder altmode, seeing as Orion also has the “genetics” more or less to become a Seeker as he’s still a youngling (I’ll probably post my lil thing about genetics in this setting) but is damn proud that Orion’s inherited a lot of his appearance- they both have longer faces and bright yellow optics/biolights, he has Starscream’s color and long legs and Orion even has little semi-thrusters on his heels (that give his truck altmode a jump-boost)!
Megatron is afraid of becoming attached, because losing those he loves is standard fare. Starscream is afraid of not being attached enough, as if raw love and want could keep Orion safe this time.
Orion would like to leave. This is terrifying- he’s been moonlighting as a power-armored hero fighting the Decepticons- including Megatron and Starscream themselves, and if they found out he’s pretty sure it would be catastrophic. Even without that, though, he’s an Autobot kid- he wants to be back in the Archives, with Alpha Trion and his friends. He’s been dragged out to basically a castle in the middle of nowhere, halfway across the planet from his home, and he can’t get out. It would wear on anyone’s nerves.
Megatron is terrifying and stern and way too eager to throw other people around literally, not to mention that Megatron is pretty intense in his growing megalomania, and Orion picks up on the fact that this dude legitimately believes it’s his divine right to rule and that’s not just a story to unite his forces. Seeing as Orion has interacted with the spirits of several ancient Primes at this point, he knows EXACTLY how that sort of thing usually goes down. It never goes down well. And then Starscream is overbearing and obsessive, treating him like literal treasure, but not toning down the inherent violence of his inclinations in the slightest, while still insisting on grooming him, touching up his paint, and constantly feeding him.
The part that freaks out and ultimately hurts Orion the most is that he can see how much they both desperately want this. He’s shown Megatron and Starscream not as monsters to fight on a battlefield, but as broken, wounded people who’ve turned their pain into brutality, but treat him like he’s made of precious crystal. He learns about grand-creators and family histories he never knew, he learns about Decepticon history and how these people all came together.
Worst of all, he learns that Megatron and Starscream love him.
And that love can truly sink some people to unspeakable depths.
Knowing that someone would do anything for you is a terrible curse, when that person is willing to literally turn people into mindless monsters to fight for their cause.
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writerdragon · 7 years
Hi I thought of an actual plot for transformers movies and then wrote it down in bullet points because I loathe Bay and all the wasted potential in his movies.
Keep in mind this is just me putting down words at 1AM so
it's a trilogy now i guess
 1st movie:
- okay so this thing started entirely bc i wanted to make the trailer w humans and imply that they're important
- scene opens to show that all the trailer bits are a show the autobots are watching in-between battles
- fuck earth we're not going there
- i'm making it a mcfucking SPACE OPERA
- and mashing up bits from everywhere and also mtmte
- 1st movie is autobot-focused
- they're still in a heroic light, show them winning a bit
- war's been going on a while and the decepticons look like they're flagging, unlike the autobots of course
- it's a slog
- what's this about a truce? coded message?
- oh hey tyrest is here
- tyrest says the cons are lying
- maybe subplot megs is on the dark energon again
- blah blah trying to fish for info from unknown sender
- megs suddenly disappears/looks like he's gone into hiding
- autobot council meeting
- tyrest is like "true peace can only be achieved if the decepticon threat is removed" or something
- OP still thinks they can come to an agreement
- lots of ppl are for eradication
- what's this? it's jazz!
- with some pretty damning evidence that tyrest has been lying about details of various truces and ceasefires in the past to both sides
- tyrest secretly keeping the war going on bc he hates cons
- had history of being bribed by the senate
- his entire thing was that big truce he managed to get them to agree to and he's terrified of losing his authority and power if the war ends and that he'll be "reduced" to judging petty crimes
- figure more out later
- idk i just want this one to be all heroic autobots and then showing how they still started from senate enforcers, and that they've also got their fair share of horrifying shit
- at the end after wrap up have the coded message send a signal frequency
- some autobot high commmand members in a room as they tune in
- surprise it's soundwave
- short speech about how they've been going at it for way too long, their population is near extinction, the whole point where it all started has been mostly forgotten/overshadowed by all the death
 "We: are tired."
"And what does Megatron have to say about all this?"
"...Megatron: temporarily deposed."
 2nd movie
- SUP BINCH DECEPTICON TIME bc they don't get enough love
- 1st movie covered the present war, now we go back in time and get all the juicy cybertron history, leadup to and outbreak of all the shit
- kaon slums w soundwave bc he's my favourite
- gets nabbed by the senate bc of telepathy
- all that delicious political drama
- all the shitty capitalistic bs the senate does
- meets megatron
- soundwave just wants to keep his family together
- soundwave would do anything for that
- include help to incite a rebellion and execute the senate
- the plan is going well (fuck canon they didn't touch six lasers, what even is the POINT, that's just giving the senate more ammo in their propaganda campaign against the cons)
- also gimme that good good soundwave and starscream friendship I want them to be the saltiest mutual bitching coworker friends
- also soundwave and orion and ratchet being friends at this point would be cool too
- also see jazz at the club he gets dragged to bc I’M NOT FORGETTING THE PARTY AMBULANCE THING and they lowkey nerd out about music stuff
- it’s going well
- uh oh soundwave saw/overheard some info he shouldn't have
- welp having a pet telepath was nice but yknow they really don't want this security risk
- fuck the institute btw
- also meet shockwave
- hi shockwave
- he's been stuck here for a while, doing their science and trying to mess it up/delay it as much as possible
- he's so, so angry, angry past the point of rage and going straight on to cold
- he's almost on autopilot at this point except for fucking w shit as much as possible
- oh look there's an important con in here
- ...an important con who knows COMMS STUFF
- take shockwave w you when you leave and he'll help
- fuck yeah ping a comm off to the cons
- starscream's here too bc he's chaotic vengeful fucker and they took his friend
- you don't take starscream's anything
- i just really want decepticon high command kicking ass
- afterwards screamer and shocky can bond over science
- shockwave has been cold for so, so long, but soundwave makes him feel like he might be able to feel warmth again, one day
- meanwhile sounders is like fUCK i'm GAY and the cassettes are like yea we know this is fuckin HILARIOUS
- also shockwave and ratchet bond over being old grumps who know medical shit
- knockout and breakdown are also there bc I like them
- megs and OP drama happens but like i don't want it to be a focus it's just a thing that happens while the DHC try to keep this rebellion together
- cybertron starts dividing up
- shit happens
- friends meet for one last time, OP and megs in the bg having their big breakup or whatevs
- lines in the sand are drawn
- they all walk away at the end
- war takes over the planet
- flash forward/catch up to near present
- dark energon, yet another one of megs' increasingly desparate schemes
- we all know what happens w dark energon
- at this rate they'll wipe out the population
- DHC have had enough
- lowkey arguing amongst themselves about what to do, shit gets tense
- they've been doing damage control for megs for some time now (the truce message in movie 1 is their doing, they need time to recover and regroup)
- it's not suspicious to see them talking together real close
- except dark energon so megs is real paranoid
- don't do unicron drug kids
- they have a rep at this point for shadowy sneaky shit
- megs attacks DHC
- they remember how to work together but it's a close thing
- megs is in stasis
- they get their shit together, they're not just in this for themselves, they're responsible for all the cons
- starscream gets his leader on, they discuss terms for a treaty, what to do if the bots accept or reject it, contingency plans
- shockwave is willing to do drastic things to keep megs in stasis and also if things don't pan out
- at the end they're like soundwave you contact them, ur the spymaster but also comms officer
- starscream's rep is what it is, and shockwave couldn't persuade his way out of a paper bag (he could so, /starscream/)
- hyperempathy working for him for once
- starscream, as an aside, almost smirking: "besides, they did like you best, back then"
- make the call
 3rd movie:
- rebuilding?
- well fuck it’s the quintessons
- look we still hate each other but for the sake of there actually being a tomorrow, we have to work together
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