#{ *& soomi ~ wanted ships }
cloverque · 3 years
If you haven’t done this already, who do you ship your mutuals from hq?
i dont have many mutuals im on like 120% good speaking terms with but:
✿ soomy @/misora-msby - atsumu
(just bcs i think their dynamic would be the best imo, like soomy is so patient with me but our brains go brr tgt sometimes and i think pairing her with tsumu whose brain goes brr too would be like absolute chaos and i think itd give samu a run for his money and it’s just 10/10.. plus shes nice and i want to see her smother that snotty faced man with affection HA)
✿ sandy @/sandycookie - ushijima
(you don’t watch hq at all but i consider you a good mutual and i rlly wanna pair u with ushiwaka. he’s like a stoic guy that doesnt speak more than necessary and even if he does it’s to express his thoughts and idk he’s much quieter than you but i feel like he’d listen to you really well esp when you ramble and just be your support literally and i think its cute shjdjddh)
✿ jas @/h4ji - iwaizumi/oikawa
(iwachan bcs i think you two would be like one of the hottest couples on campus and like cmon he would walk you to every class by hook or by crook and he’s so whipped for you bcs youre so kind and cute and he loves your smile and laughs!! oikawa bcs i think the dynamic would be interesting? we know he’s a hot shot so i kinda wanna see how far he’d fall for you and the crazy things he’d do to win you over? i think itd be a really amusing but touching romcom kinda pairing with him)
✿ evi @/eunoiava - kageyama
(kags is head empty no thoughts only volleyball but he’s a goofball sometimes and like i wanna pair u two?? like i feel like he’d think the little things you do are cute/beautiful and he would worship the ground you walk on- and like idk youre a lil talkative in a good way ofc!! and i think kags wouldnt have to worry sm abt filling the silence when he’s with you, and even if it is a bit quieter than usual, he’s not too worried bcs he appreciates the silence with u too)
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kpop---scenarios · 5 years
The Right One
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Genre: Frat/College AU! Bestfriends brother! Enemies to lovers!
Warning: Smut, Cheating, Violence, Drinking 
Pairing: Wong Yukhei x Reader
Word Count:  7.6k Moodboard by the lovely: @lovely-kpopp-blog
You had only ever met one man truly worth loving. Who would have ever thought it would be your best friends brother?
Starting high school is hard for anyone, but it’s even harder when you know absolutely no one there, due to being new. Majority of these kids grew up together, they’ve been friends for year and here you are, coming in, trying to be friends with people. The first few months were horrible. You sat alone at lunch time, when the teacher would announce a project that you had to pair up with someone for, you were left to do everything by yourself. You were always left to defend yourself from the typical high school means girls too. They spread rumors about you, locked you in the bathroom stalls, pushed you around during breaks from class.
Finally, the day you felt like you couldn’t take it any longer, they had smacked the books from your hands before kicking them down the hall and pushing you to the ground. The girls stood there, laughing and pointing at you as you fought to keep your tears at bay. You were angry, no not angry, you were furious. Just as you were about to stand up, and stand up for yourself you heard a loud voice from down the hall.
“Hey!” the voice yelled. “I’m so sick of you stupid cunts always picking on people. She hasn’t done anything to you, so back the fuck off" the girl snarls, offering you a hand to help you up.
The girls who had been bullying you, walked away looking rather offended. You were thankful she stood up for you, but now you felt like thing were going to be much worse for you. It was almost like she had read your mind.
“Don’t worry about them. I’ve got your back, and I’m going to teach you how to throw a mean left hook for next time" she laughs, dragging you down the hall to pick up your books.
“I’m Mina" she says, handing you your books.
“Y/N" you reply with a smile.
“I have a feeling we’re going to be great friends, y/n. But you gotta toughen up" she says, nudging your shoulder as the two of you walked down the hall.
And she wasn’t wrong.
From that moment, the two of you had become inseparable. She also hadn’t been wrong about the group of girls coming back for revenge on you, and she had kept her word about having your back. The girls had tried to corner you in the lunch room as few weeks after the last incident. You smiled and laughed at the names they called you, not letting it bother you anymore. That just seemed to have pissed them off even more. When you shrugged your shoulders at the last insult, the main girl pushed you back into the wall. You had never wanted to truly fight someone, but Mina had been right. You needed to toughen up and now defend yourself.
Raising your fist, you swung before she had even realized what happened. You connected dead on with her jaw, sending her to the ground. She looked up at you with tears welling in her eyes as she ordered the two other girls to hit you. And that’s when Mina had come into the room. Even with all the kids in the lunchroom, surrounding the four of you, she managed to get through everyone and take one of the girls from you. Before the two if you had a chance to really do any damage to them, they both ran off with tears in their eyes. Their leader was still on the floor, holding their jaw. Squatting down, you look her in the eyes.
“Bully me again, and it’ll be worse next time. Understand?” you asked.
She scoffed before scrambling to get up and scurrying away. You and Mina quickly left the scene as well before any teachers came into the room and you got in trouble. Mina made the rest of the school year, and the years after that more than bearable. You didn’t know what you would do without her. The first time you had ever been to Mina’s house, you were quite shocked to know she had an older brother.
She had told you practically everything else about her life, but she failed to mention him. When you had asked her about him, she told you her friends usually became a disgusting boy-crazed mess when they were in his presence, so she tried to avoid having friends meet him or see him if she could. Fortunately for her, she didn’t have to worry about that with you.
You honestly found Yukhei Wong to be the most insufferable human on the planet. His lack of care for anyone besides himself made you want to vomit, really. He was moody, only wanted to party, drink and do whatever he did with girls who just fell into his lap. You honestly were surprised at the amount of girls who just stopped by Mina’s house asking for ‘Lucas’. She had explained to you that Lucas was her preferred name. You made a point to call him Yukhei whenever you had no choice but to interact with him. Although, you would have to admit that the glares he gave you when you used his real name rather than his preferred gave you a small amount of pleasure.
As the years went on, your distaste for Yukhei grew the more you saw him around school, the more you saw him around Mina’s, and he clearly felt the same. You were always catching him staring at you, leaving a room if you entered it, but basically just ignoring your general presence. It was fine with you, you weren’t there for him.
One night, you had decided to spend the night at Mina’s, since her parents had practically unofficially adopted you, and the two of you were watching a few horror movies in the living room. You could hear her parents harshly whispering in the kitchen, or trying to whisper about how Yukhei had been behaving lately. Things had turned for the worst with him. He wasn’t really drinking or partying any longer, but his attitude towards his parents horrible, he didn’t listen, his respect for anyone was nonexistent. Your eyes, along with Mina’s had widened at hearing the words “boarding school" come out of her father’s mouth.
The two of you had heard them discuss it before, off and on but this time it sounded as if they had been serious. You didn’t know if they would actually go through with it, so you went to sleep that night thinking nothing would happen. You were woken up in the morning by a few loud crashes, yelling and some crying.
“Mom! You can’t do this. You can’t just ship me off! I’m your son!” Yukhei yelled, as he tries to fight his father off of him. His dad was dragging him to the car as his mom just stood there crying, mumbling that she was sorry and it needed to be done.
You would always remember the look on Yukhei’s face as their dad drove away to the train station. The look of utter betrayal would forever be etched in your mind. That was last time you had seen Yukhei Wong. Mina never really spoke to you about him, and frankly you didn’t care enough to ask her. After the two of you had graduated, she had been accepted into a prestigious school in America, while you had been accepted into the University of Seoul. You two still spoke everyday, face timed often and she was back in Seoul to see her family and you as much as she could be. She had always been the one to tell you whether or not a guy was going to be right for you or not. Usually when she met them in person she was able to tell if you two were going to click or not and you always trusted her opinion on someone. You had never been good a figuring out if someone was good for you or not.
But now that she was thousands of miles away, you were left by yourself. Which is how you ended up in some less than ideal situations. In your first year of University, you had the misfortune of catching well known bad boy, Im Jaebum’s attention.
The two of you only lasted maybe 4 months. Jaebum seemed to have thought he was far too good for you. He was so attractive, girls always wanted him, blah blah. You knew things wouldn’t work out very well with him anyways. He really only talked about 3 things; girls, his frat and drinking. You needed someone who could hold a conversation for longer than 30 seconds before getting distracted by a pretty girl with a big ass.
You stayed single the rest of the year. You were in your second year currently, and you were still single but living with a couple of girlfriends off campus in a nice little apartment. The three of you got along great, and all respected eachothers privacy. Especially when someone would bring a guy home. You either locked yourself away in your room or went to the library by yourself to study.
It was Saturday, and you had picked up a shift at the local café for the afternoon. Your shift was almost done and you were ready to head home, change into some pyjamas and binge watch a new drama that had just come out. Unfortunately for you, your roommates had other plans for you, and bum rushed you before you even got through the door.
“Hurry up and get ready" Soomi told you, excitedly.
“Why?” you groaned.
“We were invited to the NCT frat party!” Jisoo exclaimed.
You groaned. You didn’t really feel like partying tonight. Although, it had been a while since you had gone out and let loose. So maybe it wouldn’t actually be too bad?
“Fine. Let me get changed" you sigh, making your way to your room.
“Don’t be dressing all frumpy either!” Soomi yelled. You groaned again. There went your plans of being comfy. Thirty minutes later you emerge from your room wearing a tight pair of black leather high-waisted shorts with a cute white bralette. You had touched up your makeup, going for a more simpler look and tossing your hair into a cute messy bun.
“Girl, you look good" Jisoo smiles, grabbing your wrist to drag you out the door.
The three of you arrive, standing outside the NCT fraternity house. The music so loud in the house, you could feel the thumping of the bass all the way on the front lawn. People were littered outside the house, practically pouring out from the inside. A part of you was getting a little excited to go in now, wanting to enjoy the night. The three of you walk into the crowded house, smoke filling your lungs almost immediately. Jisoo is taken right away by a guy you’d never seen. Before you could turn to ask Soomi about it, she was whisked away by another unknown male, leaving you to fend for yourself. You needed to get drunk. You navigated your way to the kitchen with ease, pouring yourself a cup of whatever you could find, while also taking a couple shots. You were way too sober to be in a house full of extremely intoxicated people.
“Move" you hear from behind you, a vaguely familiar voice.
Spinning around, you’re met face to face with an older, surprisingly more attractive Wong Yukhei.
“Yukhei?” you ask, squinting your eyes to make sure it really is him.
“How do you know my name?” he growls, looking you in the eyes. After a second you can see his expression change from confused, to even more confused.
“Y/N?” he asks.
“It’s me.” You say, partially laughing.
“What are you doing here?” he asks, coldly. You can see his body tensed up immensely after he realized it was you.
“I was invited with my friends" you say, raising an eyebrow.
“Do you go to school here?” you ask.
“I run this frat, so yeah I do. I don’t really want to be wasting my night talking to my little sisters friend, so enjoy your night.” Yukhei says before walking away without another word. Still as big an asshole as ever.
Letting out a scoff,  you grab yourself another drink before moving yourself to the living room where majority of the people were. You scanned the room, trying to find one of your friends. They were no where to be found, you assumed they would be busy for a little bit longer. You tried to not be annoyed at your encounter with Yukhei, but you couldn’t help it.
Why had Mina never told you he went to your school? Why was he still such an asshole? You had never done anything to him, yet he hated you. Granted you weren’t a fan of his either, but at least you had a valid reason for your distaste for him. Yukhei on the other hand, did not, at least not that you knew of.
Standing in the living room, you begin to sway to the beat of the music. Letting his words slowly fade from your mind, you look around the room again but this time you locked eyes with someone unfamiliar. Messy dark brown hair, plump lips and beautiful eyes. You had no idea who this man was, but you were instantly attracted to him. He smiled at you, and you smiled back. He stood up, walking towards you but before he could reach you, you were basically tackled by your two giggling friends who dragged you away before you had the chance of meeting the handsome stranger.
You strained your neck trying to get one last glimpse of him before the two girls demanded your full attention while they explained their hookups for the night. You really did try your best to keep focus on what they were telling you, but unfortunately you were lost in your own thoughts about the handsome stranger. You thought about him off and on for the next few days. A memory of him would randomly pop up in your mind as you were trying to focus on the Literature lecture that was happening in front of you at the moment. You thought about his lips on yours.
How would he taste? You smiled as you dreamed, trying your best to keep his face in your mind always. You had yet to see the mystery man on campus that week, and so you did something that was rather unusual for you. You asked your roommates to attend another NCT frat party for the second weekend in a row.
“What happened that you’re not telling us?” Soomi asked.
“Nothing happened. You guys grabbed me before anything could really happen.” You sighed.
“I just like.. had very intense eye contact with a guy" you admit, groaning and shoving your hands in your head. That sounded completely ridiculous to you. The two girls looked at eachothers before bursting into laughter at your lame confession.
“Be ready to go in an hour” Jisoo said, still laughing as you walked away. As you entered your room, your phone began ringing. You pick it up, noticing that Mina was face timing you. Happily you answer and get her help on an outfit for tonight.
“Where are you going?” she asks, excitedly.
“NCT frat party” you hesitantly admit. “Like.. Lucas’s frat?” she asks.
“Yeah. I didn’t know he went here until I bumped into him last weekend. Why didn’t you tell me?” you question.
“Never thought about it to be honest. I didn’t think you were into frat parties.” She says, shrugging her shoulders.
“Normally I’m not. But I need to find someone I partially met last time.” You say. She begs you to tell her everything, and you happily oblige.
“Before I go. I’m going to tell Lucas to just kind of keep an eye on you, okay? I just want to make sure you’re safe"
“You know he hates me. He won’t care if anything happens to me" you say with a scoff. “But you do what you want. If it’ll make you feel better" you sigh. Immediately she perks up.
“Thank you. I’ll call you tomorrow” she smiles before hanging up. Once you’re off the phone, you quickly get dressed into the outfit the two of you had decided on. A pair of leggings with a tight black leather crop top that accentuated your breasts perfectly. Once again, arriving at the party, there was people everywhere. Maybe a few less than last time but who could really tell.
This time your friends hadn’t ditched you immediately, so you all went to grab a drink and a few shots from the kitchen before heading to the dance floor. It was more of a giant circle in the middle of the living room, but it was what it was. The moment you had started drinking, all reminders of the boy you had wanted to find faded away. You were instead enjoying your time with your friends, dancing to every song that played. Finally you had gotten a little to hot, and headed back into the kitchen to grab another drink. You weren’t paying attention and accidently bumped into someone upon turning the corner.
“Oh I’m so sorry" you say, looking up at the man you had seen last weekend.
“No worries” he smiles down at you. Your heart begins to flutter as you stare at his handsome face.
“Did you need a drink?” he asks, stepping to the side to let you through.
“I do. Thank you" you shyly smile, walking past him to grab a drink and a shot.
“My name is Johnny by the way" he tells you, leaning against the door frame.
“I’m Y/N" you respond.
“Beautiful name for a beautiful girl" he says, moving closer to you. “I saw you last weekend. And to be completely honest, I’ve wanted nothing more than to kiss you since I saw you that night.” He whispers, still moving in closer as you back up until you’re against the counter. Johnny grabs your waist before hoisting you up to sit on the counter as he moves in between your legs.
“So y/n, what do you say?” he whispers, leaning in closer now. “Can I kiss you?” In that moment your breath hitches as you stare at those beautiful lips of his as they approached yours.
“Yes" you whisper. You had barely gotten the words out before his lips were gently pressed against yours. Johnny pushes himself against you a little harder, wanting you to open your mouth to deepen the kiss. You do so without hesitation. As Johnny slips his tounge into your mouth, you wrap your arms around his neck, trying to be as close to him as possible.
“Jesus Christ Johnny. Get a fucking room” you hear from a disapproving voice. It startles you, and your only reaction is to push Johnny away from you which startles him.
The man turns around, and of course standing there is Yukhei, looking even more unimpressed that you’re the one who was being felt up by Johnny in the kitchen. Yukhei lets out a small sigh before pinching the bridge of his nose. You look between the two men as you slide yourself off the counter, while Johnny looks confused.
“Let’s go" Yukhei says to you, grabbing your wrist to pull you out of the kitchen.
“What? What are you doing?” you ask, tearing your wrist away from his hand.
“I told Mina I would keep an eye on you. And he is not someone you want to be fucking around with" Yukhei says coldly.
“You don’t even like me. So why would you keep an eye on me?” you ask.
“Who said I don’t like you? Maybe I like you too a little too much” he says, whispering in your ear. You can feel your heart beginning to pound.
“Just stay away from Johnny” he whispers before walking away. Before you had a chance to catch your breath, Johnny rounds the corner, sliding his hand around your waist.
“Would you like to dance?” he whispers. With a smile, you nod your head. Johnny grabs your hand and pulls you towards the dance floor. He has his hands on your hips as you move your body to the beat of the music. You’re in your own zone before you look around and only see one pair of eyes glaring at you. Yukhei.
You did your best to try and ignore the glares of Yukhei as you and Johnny were dancing. You were trying to enjoy the night but he was making it extremely difficult. The rest of your night, your eyes always seemed to manage to lock with Yukhei’s no matter how hard you tried to not look at him. As the night ended, Johnny asked to see you again. You said yes before giving him your number. Excitedly, you lay in your bed with hope’s of a message from him before you fell asleep. When your phone dinged, a smile spread across your face as you saw it was from an unknown number. It simply said ‘I can’t wait to see you again’. You fell asleep that night, with butterflies in your stomach and a smile on your face.
It had been a few months of you and Johnny together, and everything was going perfectly. Except when you were anywhere near the frat house or at school. You had gone all this time without seeing Yukhei anywhere but now he was everywhere. He was always glaring at you and shaking his head disapproving.
One night you and Johnny had gone back to the frat house after a date. You had left your phone in the car, so you told Johnny you would meet him in his room after you grabbed it. You walked into the house, only to be pulled to a dark corner by someone. Of course that someone was Yukhei.
“What the hell are you doing?” he snaps.
“Going to Johnny’s room?” you say confused.
“Why?  I told you to stay away from him.” He growls.
“Why do you care so much? You’re not my boyfriend. I’m just your sisters friend.” You spit back at him.
“You’re going to get hurt" he whispers.
“Just stop Yukhei.” You sigh before leaving him standing by himself. Your mood had immediately gone from happy to sour after being stopped by Yukhei. You were a big girl. Why did he feel the need to butt in with your relationship? Johnny made sure to take extra care of you that night. When you left in the morning, everything that Yukhei had said to you was no longer a thought. As you walked through the frat house your mind was only in one place, and that was thinking about your night with Johnny. The way his hands caressed your body. The way he used to tounge to make you cum multiple times. The way he slowly fucked you. You were finally happy. Finally with someone who was treating you right and making you happy.
The next week, school dragged on and on. You ran into Yukhei more than you liked, and he would always smile at you, which was odd. On Monday he ran into you in the café and offered to buy you a coffee.
Tuesday he was outside your last class, holding an iced coffee for you.
Wednesday he had texted you to see if you were doing okay. Mina had given him your number. She told you he asked her and said if she wanted him to keep an eye on you then he needed it. It was all very confusing. Out of no where he became a different man then the one you ran into in the beginning of the year. When you saw him your heart fluttered. When he texted you, you got butterflies in your stomach. When he said your name, all you wanted to do was blush. You couldn’t have feelings for him. You were with Johnny, and Yukhei was still the man who hated you, but maybe just less now. He was only doing these things because Mina asked him too.
There was nothing more too it. On Thursday you had gone over to the frat house, luckily you didn’t see Yukhei on your way in, only Johnny sitting on the couch, watching TV. You sat beside him and he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, bringing you in close to cuddle. Not even 10 minutes later, Yukhei strolled into the house, sitting down on the chair. Every few seconds he would turn his head and stare at the two of you, sitting there together. Finally Johnny had enough.
“Dude. What the fuck? Why do you keep looking at us?” he asks, pausing the TV.
“I’m not looking at you" Yukhei says, glancing at you one more time before getting up and leaving the room.
“Is there something going on between the two of you?” Johnny asks, pulling away from you. You pull back too, shocked that he would even suggest something like that. Yukhei barely tolerates you, there’s no way the two of you would be fucking. Although you wouldn’t mind.
“What? No? Why would you even think that?” you ask, clearly upset.
“He’s always around you lately. Always staring at you. Seemed like there was" he says, shrugging his shoulders.
“Wow. Thanks for thinking so fucking highly of me Johnny" you snap getting off the couch.
“Babe. Wait.” He yells, still sitting on the couch. You left the house, and Johnny still remained on the couch. You didn’t see the figure standing in the kitchen window, wishing he could stop you to make it better. By the time Saturday had rolled around, you and Johnny had spoken since your small fight on Thursday. You weren’t going to let that stop you from having some fun, and you figured it would be best to talk to Johnny face to face to work it out.
You and the girls all finished getting ready and go to head out. You were wearing your deep red strapless dress, that just covered your ass. Your hair was tied up in a loose bun and you had on your black pumps. There was no way that Johnny could resist you tonight. There was no hesitation with the three of you arriving at the frat house anymore. You all had been there so often that it was practically like a second home for you. Walking in, your eyes immediately look in the living room for Johnny, where he usually is, but he isn’t tonight. You look in the kitchen, and he is no where to be found. A little worried you walk up to one of Johnny’s friends, Yuta.
“Hey Yuta, have you seen Johnny anywhere?” you ask.
“Yeahhhhhh" he laughs not looking at you. “He’s in his room, but he’s not alone” he half laughs, half hiccups. The moment those words came out of his mouth, your stomach and your heart sank.
“He’s what?” You ask, trying to hold back your tears.
“Not alone" he says again, finally looking up to see who he’s talking too. “Oh shit. Y/N.. I’m..” he begins to say, his face dropping. You rush up the stairs, your heart feels like its going to beat right our of your chest. He wouldn’t do that. He wouldn’t cheat on you. Taking a deep breath, you swing Johnny’s bedroom door open and are met with him on top of some girl.
“Are you fucking serious" you say, your voice cracking. You can no longer hold your tears back, you let them all spill as Johnny scrambles off the girl, trying to put some pants on. Your legs start moving before you even think of doing it. Your tears clouding your vision as you race down the stairs, you can hear Johnny’s voice calling out to you. You didn’t see the man at the bottom of the stairs, until you had already collided with him.
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” you hear. Looking up you see the concerned face of Yukhei. Before you can answer, Johnny is at the top of the stairs calling for you. He races down, only to see Yukhei standing with you, his hands holding your crying frame. By now all the music had stopped, everyone focusing on the tension between the three of you.
“What the hell happened?” Yukhei snapped, his hands never leaving you. “It’s none of your damn business Wong. This is between me and my girl" Johnny snaps, coming down the stairs.
“I’m not your fucking girl Johnny. We had a small fight a few days ago and I came to make up with him, but he was too busy sticking his dick in some whore" you spit, the tears gone, now anger just coursed through your body.
“Seriously Johnny?” Yukhei scoffed.
“Stay the fuck out of this" Johnny snaps, looking at Yukhei.
“Baby please. Can we talk about this" he begs, reaching out to grab you. Yukhei tries to move you from in front of him, to behind him, unfortunately Johnny is quicker than he thought and grabs onto your wrist yanking you towards him.
“I’m going to talk this out, with my girl, without your presence Lucas. She isn’t your girlfriend” Johnny yells as you try to fight to get him off of you.
“Let me go Johnny" you cry, struggling to get out of his grip.
“Johnny, I will knock you the fuck out if you don’t get your fucking hands off of her" Yukhei snarls. Johnny stands there staring at Yukhei, he let’s your wrist go, never breaking eye contact with Yukhei.
“There" Johnny says, rolling his eyes. “The only reason we had problems is because of YOU" Johnny yells, pointing at Yukhei.
“You can’t stand that she’s with me and not with YOU" “I’m gunna to do it anyways" Yukhei says before clocking Johnny in the face, knocking him out cold.
“Are you okay?” Yukhei asks you. You’re embarrassed and hurt. He warned you that you would get hurt, but you didn’t listen.
“Is that all you want to say? You don’t want to say told you so?” You asked.
“No I don’t” he said, still looking concerned.
“Just let me go. This is humiliating” you whisper. You look behind you one last time before walking out the front door, and all you see is Yukhei watching you leave.
You lay in your bed for a few hours feeling hurt, betrayed and humiliated. Why didn’t you listen when Yukhei had told you to stay away from Johnny? There was no changing it now. You sighed as your phone buzzed for the thousandth time. Looking at it, they’re all from Johnny. Begging you to talk to him, pleading with you and then becoming mean and blaming you for his actions. If you had talked to him after the fight he wouldn’t have done that. You weren’t supposed to be there tonight. You weren’t supposed to find out. All you sent him was a nice fuck you. You opened up a new message, and typed in Yukhei’s name.
[1:04am] You: Thank you.
[1:06am] Yukhei: For what?
[1:07am] You: For standing up for me.
[1:10am] Yukhei: Anytime, Y/N.
You wanted so badly to ask him about what Johnny said. Did he really want you or was Johnny just overly paranoid? You decided to leave it alone, dreaming about literally anything else you could. The next morning you woke up to a text from Johnny, apologizing for his behaviour the night before. He asked you to meet for coffee and as much as you didn’t want to go, you decided to just to hear him out.
A few hours later you were sitting at a table with a remorseful looking Johnny with a black eye. The two of you has been sitting there for over 10 minutes without saying a word to eachothers. You were not going to talk first.
“Listen y/n..” he begins. “I’m an asshole. I know that. My behavior last night was unacceptable and I shouldn’t have acted like that" he says with his head down. “You shouldn’t have. I agree" you say. Johnny nods his head.
“Anything else you want to say?” you ask, waiting for an apology for the cheating. Not that it would make anything better but you still wanted to hear it.
“I was hoping you would give me a second chance?” he asked, looking at you hopeful. You couldn’t help but to let out a loud laugh.
“Are you serious?” you asked, still laughing.
“Well yes?” he replies.
“Johnny you CHEATED on me" you partially yell. “There’s no forgiving that" Johnny scoffs.
“Don’t be like that y/n. If you want, I’ll try not to do it again" he says.
“You’ll.. try to not cheat on me.. again? Wow Johnny, thanks so much. A true gentleman you are" you say, rolling your eyes.
“It’s because of him isn’t it?” he asks, looking like he’s just had a revelation.
“Who?” you ask.
“Lucas. It’s because of him.” He says.
“This is nothing to do with Yukhei, Johnny. It has to do with the fact that I don’t tolerate cheaters.” You spit.
“Yeah sure.” He scoffs.
“And even if I did get together with Yukhei, that would be none of your business. I’m sure he would treat me a hell of a lot better than you did" you say, grabbing your things and leaving him sitting there shocked.
On your walk home, you cannot believe the audacity of Johnny. How dare he think that was acceptable in any form? You pull out your phone on your walk home, seeing a text from Yukhei, asking if you were okay and if you needed anything. Your heart began to flutter, but you were still confused on why he was being so nice to you. He always hated you and now he didn’t? Things don’t just change that easily. And after the morning you already had, whatever he answer was couldn’t hurt you too badly.
[11:13am] You: Can we talk?
[11:16am] Yukhei: Sure. Come on over.
After you read that message, you changed your route, making your way to the frat house. Walking in the front door, you immediately see Yukhei in the living room. He stands up when he sees you, telling you to follow him as the two of you make your way to his room. You walk in, looking around his room as he shuts the door. Yukhei sits on the edge of his bed, staring at you, waiting for you to talk.
“So what’s up?” he asks.
“What changed?” You asked. Yukhei looks at you confused.
“What do you mean?” he asks.
“You hated me for so long and the last few months have been so different. What changed?” you asked. “I’ve never hated you” he whispers.
“I always have liked you, but you always seemed to not like me so I just went along with it.” He shrugs his shoulders. “When I saw you the first night, I acted cold towards you because it seemed like what I should do. And then the next time I saw you with Johnny and I wanted to bash his face in. Feeling that haven’t felt in a long time cane rushing back. I wanted to protect you and have you be happy but you didn’t want anything to do with me.”
“That’s not true. I don’t hate you anymore, Yukhei. You seemed to have changed.” You say. “I would like to be friends"
Yukhei let’s out a loud groan. “I don’t want to be friends, y/n" he says, standing up. He starts walking towards you, until you’re backed against the wall.
“What do you want?” you ask, looking him in the eyes
“I want you.” He whispers.
“You’re Mina’s brother. We can’t do this" you breathe, staring at his plump lips.
“Tell me to stop" he says, leaning closer into you. “Tell me you don’t want this" he says.
“I want this" you say, closing the gap between you two. Yukhei’s hands are at your waist in a second, pulling you closer to him. You wrap your arms around his neck as he deepens the kiss, slipping his tounge into your mouth. As your phone rings, you hear it’s Mina’s ringtone. You break the kiss by pushing Yukhei away, catching your breath before answering.
“Heyyyy Mina" you say, trying to act casual.
“What are you doing?” she laughs.
“I was just hanging out with Yukhei" you say.
“Oh. That’s weird" she giggles. “You better not be fucking my brother" she laughs.
“What? No, I would never do that to you" you say, as nerves float through your body. “I’m just kidding. I’d support you two if you decided to do whatever. Anyways, I was just calling to let you know I’m coming back in a few weeks and I can’t wait to see you!” she yells.
“Oh my god. I’m so excited" you exclaim.
“Okay, I have to go. I’ll call you later. Love you! Bye Lucas" she giggles through the phone. You hang up and put your phone away. You and Yukhei stand there, staring at each other, not saying a word.
“I better go" you say, quickly scurrying from his room. That entire week the two of you didn’t talk. Until Friday, when Yukhei had texted you to invite you to a party that night, as his date. He apologized for being MIA for the week, he had a few papers he needed to reach, and he figured you needed some time to think. You happily accepted the invitation, with the understanding that Johnny was not going to be around. The day dragged on, and you kept yourself as busy as you possibly could until it was finally time for you to get ready. You put on a cute and tight, yes casual dress and a pair of sneakers. You wanted to look good but also keep it casual tonight.
Your friends had dates so tonight you were on your own with the hopes that they might swing by later. Walking into the house you first spot Yukhei, leaning against a door frame, talking to some friends. He was wearing semi tight black Jean’s with a black shirt and a chain. His hair was slicked back and did he ever look good. Yukhei turned his head, spotting you almost immediately with a giant smile. You walked over to him as he wrapped his arms around you, giving you a tight hug.
“I missed you” he whispered.
“I missed you too" you said back. Grabbing your hand, Yukhei lead you to the kitchen, getting you both a drink. A few drinks and some dancing later, you had been feeling extra needy. You could feel Yukhei’s erection as you grinded your ass into him and it made you very wet. He spun you around to face him before planting a small kiss on your lips. When he pulled away, he looked down at your face, noticing a small pout.
“What’s wrong baby?” he asked.
“I need you" you whisper.
“What do you need from me?” He asks.
“I need your cock" you whine. In that moment Yukhei’s eyes went dark, his face serious. He grabbed your hand, leading you out of the living room, up the stairs and into his room where he locked the door. Yukhei walked towards you, licking his lips in anticipation. You had assumed he was going in for a kiss but instead he told you to raise your arms. You do as your asked as Yukhei reaches for the hem of your dress before pulling it over your head. Looking down he notices your lace bra and lack of panties.
“No panties baby? Naughty girl" he groans, reaching his fingers down, sliding them through your soaked pussy. Your knees almost give out in that moment Yukhei pulls away from you and you moan as he walks away from you. Yukhei gets on his bed, laying down.
“Ride my face baby” he says, licking his lips. You strut yourself over to the bed, climbing on before lift your leg over to straddle him, getting comfortable on his face. Yukhei pokes his tounge through his lips, placing it right on your clit. You grab your breasts as you start to move your hips, grinding yourself on his face.
“Fuck" you cry out, your hands moving from your breasts to your hair. You lean your body slightly forward, gripping Yukhei’s hair instead, as his lips now suction around your clit causing you moan even louder.
“You’re going to make me cum" you cry out, Yukhei rotates from using his tounge and his lips as you thrust your hips faster, needing this release.
“Don’t stop. Fuck" you cry out. Your movements slow down as your orgasm hits, tingling through your body, as you cum all over his face. Once you’ve ridden your high out, you get off of his face, laying down on his bed, feeling extremely sensitive. Yukhei looks at you while licking up your juices from his face. He stands up, undressing as quickly as he can before getting back on the bed, hovering over you and leaning down for a kiss. He slides his tounge into your mouth, allowing you to taste yourself on him.
“I’m going to fuck you” he growls after breaking the kiss.
“Please do" you beg, needing to feel him inside you. Yukhei lines himself up with you before slowly pushing his thick, large cock into your pussy. You grip the bed sheets tightly as you try to adjust to his size. He gives you a few seconds to get used to the stretching, never having been with someone as big before.
“Move" you whine.
“Are you sure?“ he asks.
“Please move. Fuck me” you moan. With that Yukhei slowly begins to thrust in and out of you. You’re unable to keep your moans quiet and he picks up the pace eventually ramming himself into you harshly.
“Oh my god, your pussy feels so good baby" he moans, his fingers grip your hips tightly, sure enough to leave bruises.
“You take my cock so well baby" he purrs, moving his hand away from your hip and to in-between your lips, rubbing your clit.
“Fuck. You fill me up so well with your huge cock" you moan as he continues to play with your pussy.
“You going to cum again baby? Clench your tight pussy around my cock?” he growls.
“Yes yes I will" you cry out. Bucking your hips, you allow Yukhei to push his cock in deeper, causing you to slightly roll your eyes to the back of your head.
“Oh god" you cry out, your orgasm quickly approaching.
“Cum for me baby" he says, pounding himself into you. Before you know it, your orgasm hits you, coating your entire body, making your quiver beneath Yukhei.
“That’s a good girl" he grins, fucking you harder, chasing his own high.
‘I’m gonna cum" he whines, thrusting into you one more time before pulling himself out, coating your stomach with his juices. His head is thrown back as he pumps himself with his hand, milking every last drop. Yukhei takes a deep breath before looking at you with a smile. You smile back at him as you take your fingers to scoop up his cum, and put them in your mouth, swallowing everything. Yours eyes don’t leave his the entire time.
“Fuck you’re incredible” he smiles, leaning in for a kiss.
“Should we go get a drink?” he asks. Happily, you nod your head, slipping your dress back on while he gets himself dressed as well. The two of you leave his room, hand in hand as you walk down the stairs to rejoin the party. Upon entering the kitchen, you’re both met with an extremely intoxicated Johnny.
“Fucking slut" he spits, staring at your hand in Yukhei’s.
“What the fuck did you just say?” Yukhei growled, his body almost vibrating with anger.
“I called her a SLUT" Johnny yelled. Yukhei let go of your hand before pushing Johnny, causing him to fall over.
“Don’t be mad because she’s mine now. It should have always been me, anyways. You’re the one who fucked things up with her by being a piece of shit. But I should thank you for that because if you hadn’t, we wouldn’t be together.” Yukhei yells.
“But if you come near MY girl again or say anything negative about her, I will fucking end you" Yukhei threatens before taking your hand again and walking away.
It had been a few months since you and Yukhei had finally gotten together. Your visit with Mina went better than expected and she was extremely happy for the two of you, although she asked that PDA between the two of you was kept at a minimum in front of her. She had already started planning your wedding. Johnny apologized after a while, realizing he was in the wrong for everything. Now whenever he saw you two he nodded his head before walking away.
It took a while and few mistakes, but you finally had found the right one.
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marshmallow-phd · 5 years
Just wanted to find out if Soomi will find a love? I feel so sorry to her also I ship her with that alpha from Chanyeol’s story (who’s name I forgot)
(Sorry, this got a bit lost in the drabble requests!)
At this time, I dont really have plans for Soomi to find love. Although Kun (the non-nct member named leader of the other pack lol) is also wandering around single. I guess we can pretend that maybe they find each other but I honestly have no plans for that at the moment. I'm sorry!
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lhpxawol-amalgam · 5 years
Popular AWOl Ships in a Nutshell
Long post ahead.
Won x Soomi
Queen of all ships
Intellectual meets philosopher
Funniest couple you will ever meet
Agdjkfdgdaf there’s just so much chemistry
Stans have like written full-length thought-out analyses on this shit
When they dance together it’s the best cause Won can dance like no one’s business and Soomi is just trying her best but they still look awesome together
Gyuri x Jinju
Both have two siblings
Both play guitar
Both are the two tallest in their group
Both do modern dance
At this point no one knows if the only reason this ship is so popular is cause they just have so much in common
But they do kinda balance each other out
Gyuri’s the drill sergeant and Jinju’s the cheerleader
Hyerin x Jinju
Leader/maknae stuff, ya know
They’re actually pretty cute together
“Oh my god, they were roommates”
These shippers will never get over the one time Hyerin made Jinju ramen when she was super stressed and helped her to take a break from working
WonderMod stans be like “I ship Hyeju” and LOONA stans be like “but with who tho”
Hanbyeol x Areum
Hanbyeol can cook and Areum loves to eat so
Also lots of dad energy for some reason 
This one’s only as big as it is from that one fanfic “I’m Trapped in a Hareum Anime”
Sangwoo x Jaegeun
It’s a duo group
Of course it’s a ship
Generates lots of enemies-to-lovers fanfiction for some reason
Sangwoo’s the flirty one and Jaegeun’s the dapper one so you get all the cute shipping dynamics
K.O. (Kiwoo) x Woori
“Oh my God, they were roommates”
Scary but weak meets buff but softie 
Honestly could become real
I mean K.O.’s bi so
The fans feel vaguely justified
Lites Out:
K.O. x Lite
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: 2Woo vs. Lites Out
K.O’s stage persona is almost aggressive enough for Lite’s actual personality
Jk she’s soft for like one person and it’s him
Need to host a variety show stat
Lite x Luxe
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: Lites Out vs DeLite
Fashion king and queen
They got that yin/yang thing going
Watch them like actually get away with murder tho
Miro x Luxe 
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: DeLite vs Labyrinth
The thinking man’s ship
They’re always the ones to sit back and lovingly shake their heads while everyone else does something fun but stupid
No one really sees this ship going anywhere sexual but it’s got all the good memes so
Hanbin x Joohwan
That name tho
Absolute softies for each other
If this were a fanfic it’d be a slow burn cause they’re so goddamn oblivious
Hanbin’s a sex-demon on the outside and a cinnamon roll on the inside
Let’s just say people suspect the opposite of Joohwan
Kim Woo:
Kim Gyeong x Siwoo
More leader/maknae
Try and make this one sexy and watch yourself get kicked out of the fandom by angry stans
This is why Forget-Me-Not doesn’t have ship wars
Shinyoung x Minchul
We don’t know how anyone let this happen
They’re cousins
Like not even distant cousins
I know the internet sucks
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: Shincest or Mincest
Lots of pining jokes cause gEDDIT they’re in pINEAPPLE
But yeah this one gets all the shame it deserves
Gayoung x Tokki (Jangmi)
Their MV characters have a sorta abusive dynamic so
This one gets a lot of eyebrows raised
But IRL they’re both just trying to out-care for each other
So the fics are either hardcore angst or total fluff 
I would say “oh my God, they were roommates” but they’re all roommates so like
Gayoung x Sungmi
The Unpopular Ship™
Oh look it’s another enemies-to-lovers Sungyoung fic
Half the time they’re both j chilling and the other half they’re the literal definition of sexual tension
Tokki (Jangmi) x Sungmi
Technically leader/maknae but like
It feels different
It’s just really cute man what can I say
They’ve got that tsundere/genki girl dynamic going
*insert meme man* Show ALL the affection!
Yang x Sebin
All the chemistry, all the feels, and sadly also all the annoying straight girls fetishizing Asian men
But like seriously when they dance together it’s absolutely golden
Yang’s all flowing and expressive and Sebin’s all sharp and aggressive
Kinda matches their personalities too
It’s just sad that so many stans have to be all sasaeng-y about it
AB Yang:
AB Young x Yang
Who wants to bet it’s just for the name huh
But no it’s low-key cute 
You wouldn’t think they’d have too much chemistry at first
They’re like the “don’t match on paper but perfect irl” kinda couple
More platonic vibes than the Yangbin shipping content
Horang x Kyungho
Literally just Sangeun all over again
Everyone wants to protecc our precious maknae Kyungho from bad boy Horang
But they’re actually both really good for each other and Horang just gets him ya know
You know what it is? It’s Good Omens. That’s the dynamic here.
Moya x Doyeon
Also called Doya by people who are stupid
Should really start their own pranking channel
Who’s ready for h/c fanfiction~~~
No but seriously Moya has helped Doyeon through panic attacks a lot
She’s tall so she can fit all the comfort in her
And Doyeon’s short bc
Ok it’s just cute how much taller Moya is compared to Doyeon lol
Jung-ah x Duanphen
Softies trying to be baddies
Like Yangbin in their dancing styles
So much poking fun at each other it’s not even funny but like it is tho
All the cuddles, all the selcas with cutesy filters
And then BAM new set of teasers comes out and they look sexy as FUCK
JD Fang x Yuyan
No one would’ve shipped it until the behind-the-scenes vid for Midnight Girl came out
And now they’re just weirdos together
They’re like the Sith: One master, one apprentice
Yuyan is the dark mysterious inner core JD wishes she had
And JD is the stability and reasonableness Yuyan has been searching for her whole life
JD Aika:
JD Fang x Aika
It’s 99% because they kissed in a music video
Honestly gorgeous fan art for this couple
Not as much obvious chemistry as some ships but fans are always like “omg thEIR HANDS tOuChEd”
Yifei x Yuyan
There’s something about whenever they have lines or screen time together that just works
Both trying to soften each other up but in different ways
And usually succeeding
They’re just really good close friends ya know
The kind you could see accidentally developing a crush on each other
Yifei x RJ
“Oh my God, they were roommates”
Ultimate good girl/bad girl ship
But secretly they’re both just nervous wrecks
We know Yifei helped comfort RJ a lot after she came out and heard back from her parents so
Get ready for more h/c fic~~~
RJ x Hoa
The actual baddies
*stifles laugh* hoe-j
Remember the “sugakookie with a cup of tae” jokes? Yeah it’s that bad
They’re both just too sexy for the fans to handle so naturally what better ship could you get it’s just basic math
Also need to host a variety show stat
Triple D:
Duanphen x DaO x Doyeon
It’s a joke ship that some people started taking seriously
Don’t ask, no one has an explanation
SET! (Korean soloists)
Jihoon x Zo
Because Jizo is an objectively bad name (ok sure it looks fine but try saying it out loud)
Also occasionally known as Jezus
Lots of uncle energy (?)
Zo would totally be Jihoon’s real life manic pixie dream girl if she wasn’t, ya know, a strong and badass woman with her own agency who also happens to have quirky hair
May x Hayoon
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: Do you pronounce it like “May” or like “Hayoon”
Tbh this ship died pretty quickly
Since we’re all pretty sure now that May’s aroace
And like they’re young, we don’t get in the way of their friendship
That iconic answer-your-tweets vid where someone asked “how do you pronounce Mayoon” and Hayoon was just like “you don’t”
But for real they have the BEST FRIENDSHIP HANDS DOWN
Jaegeun x Areum
The thing with Mesmere is that there are canonical “couples” in the MVs
Which were decided based on which members were like “yesss I’m so down for this concept” and which ones were like “this could be fun to try I guess”
Jaegeun and Areum fall into the former category
The shippers tend to be very kinky
So much smut but like most of it’s inspired by Mesmere’s original concept so it shouldn’t be surprising 
Is there real chemistry? Who knows? Does it matter? Not to the fans it doesn’t
Miro x Hanbin
The “this could be fun to try I guess” gang
Everyone stans bc omg that ship name is adorable
If Jaereum is the “sweet on the outside, sexy on the inside” pair, Robin is the “sexy on the outside, sweet on the inside” pair
This one always throws AK6 and Forget-Me-Not fans for a loop because no one expects them to be THAT SEXY
Seori x Teiko
Another tsundere/genki girl ship
Except the genki girl is surprisingly intimidating in that “she’s not scary she’s just hot” way
New fans never expect Seori to be the head-over-heels type
But she is~
Someone make this into an actual book please it would be so cute
Haruna x Mega (Megumi)
1 ball of energy + 1 ball of energy = perfection
No but literally they have so much enthusiasm
They could be a perpetual motion machine where they both just survive off the other’s energy
Opposites attract more like no I love Harumi
Hiroto x Junya
Obligatory main-vocalist ship
Surprisingly pure ship until you realize you just haven’t looked hard enough
Like seriously it’s all fluff or all smut with this one
Irl they’re fairly cute together but mostly because they’re good friends
Good friends who happen to be very sexy
Yoshi x Nico
The one fans actually care about 
Partners in crime except they would suck at any actual crime
All the memes. And when I say all the memes, I mean all. The. Memes.
Wouldn’t surprise anyone to know that Yoshi and Nico made all the memes themselves
They don’t like it when fans box them into a specific romantic relationship but they’re also like “yeah we ship Yoshico too” to be funny and cute about it
Teiko x Nico
The Cute Ones™
Sometimes it seems too perfect and you have to wonder if it’s just an idol personality thing they’re putting on because they’re supposed to
Until you remember this is AWOl we’re talking about
Probably just friends but still
More food puns
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: Coco vs Ho-J
Ryouga x Yuuna
So #sophisticated
Shipping Ryouna is a wild ride cause like
First of all they’re both hot as hell, especially together
And there’s just something about most Ryouga/Yuuna biases, they tend to be very hardcore stans (let’s just say neither of them are the Jungkook of their group in terms of popularity so if you stan them you STAN them)
And they are well aware of this fact
And love to tease fans with like “pretend” kisses on stage or during variety shows 
There’s just so much Ryouna content like who cares whether or not it’s real
We all know they’re gonna fall in love eventually
K.O. (Kiwoo) x Sangwoo x Siwoo
AWOL’s version of the Dinosaur Triplets
Sangwoo came up with the name himself so you know it’s legit
All flirtatious bad boys on the outside, all surprisingly courteous once you get to know them
On their own they’re genuinely cool people, but for some reason whenever they get together they all become the kind of person to (un?)ironically use the word “swag”
So of course someone’s gotta ship it
Kim Hyerin:
Hyerin x Kim Gyeong
The pure one
Kinda overdone so
You either love this ship or you hate it
And either way it’s because they’re both such caring people that it becomes an unstoppable-force-meets-immovable-object problem
But everyone tends to agree that it’s at least kinda cute 
It’s also funny ‘cause in Korea women don’t take their husband’s names
Hyerin x Sangwoo
Because Sangrin is an objectively bad name
The sexy one
They did ONE performance on e.LIVE together and now no one can get over how hot they are
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: Kim Hyerin vs Hyesang
No seriously the number of Kim Hyesang love triangle fanfictions is kinda insane at this point
The shippers love to pull the “they’ve known each other longer, of course they’re emotionally closer” card and then make absolutely no content that reflects that
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: is this referring to Naoko x Taizō or Naoko x Zo
Of course it’s Naoko x Zo they’re so much cuter together
Naoko and Taizō kinda go together as the two Japanese soloists but like
Naoko and Zo~~~
The chemistry~~~~~
NaoZo > Naozō
Because it’s gay you fools
Naoko x Teiko x Nico
Ok this is just ridiculous
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wistfulreality · 7 years
ooh all our ships for the shipping meme too (hate me later
SEND ME A SHIP | accepting
Who said “I love you” first : taeyang of course. sunny is too shy to do such a thing
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background : both ( it probably took sunny forever to take his picture down from her phone let’s be honest )
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror :  sunny 
Who buys the other cheesy gifts : both of them really
Who initiated the first kiss : taeyang for sure
Who kisses the other awake in the morning: both of them, depending on who wakes up first
Who starts tickle fights : sunny because she’s secretly a troublemaker and tease
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower : why bother asking if they’ve started together in the shower ;]
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch : sunny!!
Who was nervous and shy on the first date : both of them 
Who kills/takes out the spiders : taeyang, though sunny says she can take care of them fine
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk : taeyang
Who said “I love you” first : jaeyoon. soomi is opposed to being the first one to say it
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background : jaeyoon 
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror : soomi
Who buys the other cheesy gifts : jaeyoon but more because he doesn’t know how to buy proper gifts ( heh )
Who initiated the first kiss : soomi probably prompted him but then jaeyoon initiated 
Who kisses the other awake in the morning: jaeyoon for sure
Who starts tickle fights : neither but if one of them, then jaeyoon
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower : jaeyoon
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch : soomi
Who was nervous and shy on the first date : jaeyoon probably
Who kills/takes out the spiders : jaeyoon. soomi doesn’t want to touch spiders
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk : depending on the level of drunkenness … soomi could give jaeyoon a run for his money
Who said “I love you” first : they probably sort of just said it at the same time lol
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background : rushi ; cameron isn’t exactly all that sentimental
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror : neither really
Who buys the other cheesy gifts : cameron ( he’s literally the worst with gifts )
Who initiated the first kiss : cameron duh
Who kisses the other awake in the morning: both of them might
Who starts tickle fights : cameron
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower : cameron
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch : rushi
Who was nervous and shy on the first date : both of them were
Who kills/takes out the spiders : cameron tries to but then rushi finds him incompetent and does it herself
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk : cameron because he’s a messy and loud drunk
Who said “I love you” first : it was probably said first on a drama set when they weren’t actually in love with each other lol
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background : somyi
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror : kangwoo before he leaves for work
Who buys the other cheesy gifts : somyi
Who initiated the first kiss : kangwoo, even though their first kiss was also on set
Who kisses the other awake in the morning: kangwoo
Who starts tickle fights : neither, they’re too mature for this !!
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower : kangwoo
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch : neither ; they’re both too busy for this 
Who was nervous and shy on the first date : both of them
Who kills/takes out the spiders : kangwoo
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk : somyi
Who said “I love you” first : woojin though he was scared as shit
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background : yura ; woojin has pictures of his daughter only :
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror : neither
Who buys the other cheesy gifts : yura
Who initiated the first kiss : woojin
Who kisses the other awake in the morning: woojin for sure
Who starts tickle fights : woojin, but more like his little girl
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower : woojin ( claiming they can save water ... right ... )
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch : yura, especially with her baked goods
Who was nervous and shy on the first date : both of them really
Who kills/takes out the spiders : woojin
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk : woojin
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svnguinem · 7 years
Muses updates!
For the time being, and since i want to re-open an old multi-verse blog, i’m capping the romantic ships of my muses. I also said i would add more muses to this blog, but that won’t be happening, instead, i’ll be removing a couple of muses.
Remains single-ship (currently single)
Becomes single-ship to JiSu / @angelxkitsune
Remains multi-ship single (main) Areum / @tianfcn  Zhou / @angelxkitsune Jiae / @snoopykbye (winter prince au) accepting only main
Remains single-ship to Sunny / @acrosstheoceansx (i’m calling it, i have no shame)
Removed from rooster @frczenpcetry (i’ll be dropping this thread >x<) But feel free to come plot if you’d like!
Removed from rooster @shadowraiths (i’ll be dropping this thread >x<) @nxwlxve (i’ll be dropping this thread >x<) @naenu (i’ll be dropping this thread >x<) @tianfcn (i’ll be dropping this thread >x<) But feel free to come plot if you’d like!
Becomes single-ship Minho / @angelxkitsune AU to Jonghyun / @kngjhyn (runaway)
Becomes single-ship to Soomi / @nitewishes
Remains multi-ship single (main) Jaeyi / @icarove Alice / @acrosstheoceansx accepting only main
Becomes single-ship (currently single)
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bangtan-insfired · 7 years
Whalien 52 | Taehyung (1)
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genre: fluff & light angst
summary: Of all the fish in the sea, Taehyung was so glad you swam to him.
pairing:  mermaid!reader x Taehyung
word count: 2K
A/N: Legend of the Blue Sea & Surplus Princess were my sources of inspiration for this. I hope you all enjoy & I can’t wait to write more! <3
A storm was coming.
He stood at the dock, watching as the turbulent waves lashed out against the rocks in an unforgiving manner. The air was heavy with a briny mist, gray clouds thickening and looming over him. Frantic shouts were thrown at each other as the fishermen nearby anchored their ships in a haste attempt to salvage what they can before the storm.
A dark shadow swallowed the last bit of light, turning the sky into a beautiful arrangement of various shades of grays and purples with the occasional flash of bright blue light. It wasn’t long before the rain teamed up with the harsh wind, furiously pouring down.
A part of him found a strange comfort under the dark skies and unrelenting rain, so he remained there for a while longer. He welcomed the storm, hearing it’s violent cries and sharing it’s sorrows.
Because for Taehyung, the storm had already arrived long ago. It raged on in his heart like a never-ending tempest since that dreadful day and left him to wonder if the pieces she’d left behind could ever be salvaged.
Out of all the heartache he’s endured, this one had to be the worse. It didn’t end the way he ever imagined to. But then again, what relationships do?
He didn’t fall out of love. If he did, his heart wouldn’t mirror the storm outside. He loved her so much—so much that his love withstood the break of trust and it was taking all the strength he had left to keep himself from forgiving her. He wanted to give in but he’d remind himself of the way her lips caressed another’s so carelessly to control his urges. The girl he had trusted his heart with ended up crushing it into pieces. She cheated on him and the worse part of it all, was that he was ready to give her his name.
The heart shaped diamond seemed to stare back at him in a mocking manner, laughing at him almost for thinking of what could’ve been in. With a sigh, he carelessly tossed the ring back into the small velvet box just as the door to his room opened. “TaeTae?”
He turned his head to find his little sister peeking through, her favorite octopus plushy clutched in her free arm. Her eyes were tired and lips curved into a slight pout. She was never a fan of storms, always seeking comfort in her older brother during times like these so it was no surprise when she asked if she could sleep next to him.
“Come here, munchkin.” Taehyung beckoned with a tired smile as he patted the empty spot next to him.
He chuckled as his sister wasted no time, diving under the warmth of his covers in a matter of seconds. He rearranged himself on the bed so that he was lying beside her and stretched out his arm. With a smile, she snuggled into his arm, resting her octopus plushy between the two of them because he was also scared of storms and in need of cuddles.
“I don’t like seeing you so sad.” She confessed quietly once she was settled in comfortably.
Taehyung’s heart dropped at her words. He knew his withdrawn behavior had not gone unnoticed, nor was he being discrete on how he felt. But to hear his little sister—the one who fondly looked up to her only brother—call him out on it, made him feel guilty for letting his heartbreak engulf him. It’s not something he was proud of and he definitely didn’t want his sister to see him so distressed.
“I’m sorry.” It was all he could think of to say.
“She was just another fish.”
“Soomi, go to sleep.”
“There’s plenty of fish in the sea, so don’t settle until you find a mermaid.” His little sister, Soomi, said, finishing the quote with a surprising twist.
He turned his head to look at his sister, only to find that her gaze had been on him the whole time. She smiled up at him in a genuine and comforting manner that ignited hope within him. Hope that perhaps, just as this storm would pass by, the one in his heart would too.
“You’ll find your mermaid soon, Tae.”
Taehyung pulled his sister close, pressing a kiss on the top of her head. “Never grow old. Please.”
Soomi giggled at his silly words and fond gesture. “But then how am I going to get a job to support all of my future doggies?”
“Oppa will support them all for you.” Taehyung assured her.
When she didn’t reply back, he glanced down at his sister only to find her fast asleep. He sincerely hoped that she’d stay this age forever, far away from the stress and disillusionment that came with growing up. As he closed his eyes, he also hoped that Soomi would never experience the heartache he has. It was a pain he’d never wish upon anyone.
The sun always shines the brightest after a storm, they say, and it couldn’t hold more truth since the next morning, the sky was as bright and clear as ever. Gone were the dark clouds, heavy rain and angry waves. All the chaos from the night before was replaced with peace and tranquility, the waves rocking softly against the rocks. If it weren’t for the puddles of water, flooding of decks of all boats and Taehyung’s father’s men cleaning up the mess the storm left, one could almost say the storm was just a figment of their imagination.
Taehyung had returned to the docks, wallowing in the warm glow of the sun. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a familiar velvet box, staring down at it. He was done crying over what was and what could’ve been. He couldn’t let her destroy him. He had people like his little sister looking up to him and expectations to follow. His heart was still broken but he hoped he’d be able to put them back together.
He took a deep breath and without a second thought, he threw the little box as hard and far as he could into the ocean with a loud cry.
He expected the days to follow to be easier but they weren’t. His friends visited him more often, despite living in the neighboring city. Taehyung didn’t want to worry them anymore so he’d put up a facade, always welcoming them with his trademark boxy smile until the visits became less frequent. He became more involved in his father’s company just like before until his father stopped nagging and mother stopped doting over him. He even took Somi to the closest animal shelter so she could adopt a dog and stop probing around his life with questions that were much to wise for a six year old to be asking.
Taehyung made extreme efforts to be his usual cheerful self around others but when he was alone, it was a whole different story. It was only in the confinement of his room that he allowed his thoughts to be consumed with her. 
I thought she was happy. I thought she loved me. Where did I go wrong?
It was never long before his eyes would fill with tears. He’d cry and cry until the pang in his chest would slowly fade away and be replaced with an urgent emptiness that left him restless and feeling lonely. There were days where his fingers hovered over the call button under her name but he’d always stop himself just in time.
There were days where he’d exhaust himself pretending to be okay when he’s not. He just wanted to be alone but was growing tired of confining himself into his own room. In a town as small as the one he lived in, it was hard to find a quiet spot.
That’s how he found himself, walking among the shore until he was far enough where the only other presence was the soft sound of waves and saline caress of the light wind. He could still see his father’s boats and the docks from his spot, but for the most part, the area was secluded. Not too far away from town but far enough to find solace alone. A sweet sanctuary.
Every night, he’d lie to his family and friends and say he was going out with someone. But really, he’d walk to the secluded area on his own and sit on one of the rocks, staring over the horizon where the vast sea met the midnight sky. 
Some nights, he would just sit there and watch the waves quietly. Other nights, he’d drink his sorrows away. Not the best way to deal with his problems, but heck, people had the right to indulge themselves when they could. He found no harm in it, considering he drank just enough to feel buzzed and confidently belt out the lyrics to his favorite song at the top of his lungs.
 The song just so happened to be one a couple of his friends wrote and produced themselves, but was still in the process of editing. Although he’d only listen to the demo, the catchy melody and empathetic lyrics resonated with him.
“Lonely lonely lonely whale. Singing alone like this.”
Among the messes that the storm had left behind, was you.
Caught up in the storm, you had no other choice but to let the strong currents carry you away. They washed you up on shore to a place you’d never been. For days, you swam around exploring and observing, wondering if your path would cross with the adorable dolphin family you met before the storm.
Swimming up to the surface, you poked your head out from the waters, noticing that you were dangerously close to land. You knew you should’ve swam away, but as your gazed wandered around, you were relieved to see that there were no boats or ships in your proximity. Instead, you let your curiosity take over and swam even closer, resting against the first rock you spotted. It was night time and it’d be harder for anyone to spot you.
You could see the outline of a town—a fishing town, no doubt, you thought as you spotted boats and ships of different sizes aligned by a dock. Fear. It’s what you should’ve felt. Humans, especially humans dedicated to fishing, weren’t so friendly to your kind. If one of them would ever spot you, you knew you’d end up just like the others. Dead.
But you could only feel curiosity and your thoughts became overwhelmed over what it’d be like to live like them—the humans. What were they like? Were they really as cruel as the stories you’d heard from your kind? A part of you liked to believe that not all of them were bad. Perhaps, they had fallen under the same cruel stereotype the sharks had.
You’d never been close to a human, only admiring them from afar whenever you did happen to come across one. Every time you did, you noticed that they were never alone. They always had a friend, a partner, or their families with them. Someone. The way they all smiled and laughed amongst another always stirred something in you and made you long for someone—anyone as long as they could fill the void in your heart.
You couldn’t even remember the last time you had run into someone just like you. It had been so long ago that it was now only a blur in your memory. You were more familiar with the dolphins and sea turtles you’d befriend on your solitary travels. It made you wonder if you were the last of your kind, but the whispers among the fish said otherwise. There were other mermaids out there. They just chose to be on their own.
“Lonely lonely lonely whale. Singing alone like this.”
Your ears perked up at the sound. Merman?
Careful as to not expose yourself, you lowered yourself until only the top of your head was visible and swam as quietly you could, resembling the way a crocodile glides through their swamp. Disappointment settled in as you swam closer and closer to the voice only to realize that it had not resonated from someone of your kind. The disappointment faded as quickly as it had settled in as your eyes focused on a human instead. A human boy. A beautiful human boy.
“Until this song that doesn’t have a response reaches tomorrow.”
Everything about him seemed angelic—from his face to his voice. Your keen eyesight took in the way his lips were curved into a sad, half smile as he sang and the way his dark brown hair moved along with his gestures. His eyes glistened, whether from tears or the way the moon seemed to shine down perfectly on him, you didn’t know.
You stayed rooted in your spot as you listened to the voice that had lulled you in. It was deeper than the pacific ocean yet so heavenly to your ears.
“An endless signal will reach someday. Everywhere, even to the other side of the Earth.”
But little did Taehyung know that his endless signal had finally reached somewhere. Not to the other side of the Earth but to the other side of the rock he sat on. It had reached out to you—a fellow whalien 52.
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xsleepwalkingx-blog · 5 years
Wanted plots/connections
If you would be interested in any of these plots please just let me know!!!! As a note Minhee & Nari are multiship muses, the rest are single ship in case it’s a more romantic connection.
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(m/f/nb supernatural muse) - Inhye wonders sometimes if the hallucinations she sees during her times of paralyses are actually real. I’d love a supernatural based plot where muse B is either something she sees or someone who comes to tell her she has an ability to see things no human eye can usually see. Taken
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(m) - Ex boyfriend and the only person she ever confided in that she sees her dead sister. It obviously wasn’t taken too well, they split and now muse B is actually a little afraid of her assuming she’s a little ‘crazy’ for this. There’s a lot of ways this could be taken. Perhaps she ends up proving to him that it’s true (this doesn’t need to lead them to reunite as a couple but perhaps friends) He could start spreading rumours which lead to her confronting him and it’s this whole enemy/hatred type plot between them Taken
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(m/f/nb supernatural muse) - Soyeon has the ability to astral project but what she doesn’t realise is when she leaves her body that it leaves her open to having it stolen away from her. Your muses warns her that there’s a shadow constantly near her and what will happen if she isn’t careful
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(F) - Nari grew up believing she was straight until your muse came along. It started as what she thought was platonic admiration but in the end and after a drunken kiss at 18 she came to the realisation it wasn’t just men that she liked and she’d been living in denial. Everything got awkward after that night though whether it was because you’re muse was straight and just drunk so felt too awkward around Nari or maybe they were dealing with their own confusion. They meet several years later for a very awkward encounter 
(m/f/nb ~ Supernatural muse) - ‘Listen here woman you do not summon me only to run off. These mortals and their damn ouija boards. There’s only one thing for it I think. A little haunting to teach her a lesson’ 
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(m/f/nb) Twitch friends that she gets to meet at conventions or collab with online
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(Homosexual male) We used to date and I was so confused when you suddenly left me without a word. It’s ‘x’ years later and I see you at a party... with a guy? Oh! That explains a lot! Hey it’s okay, I’m just glad your happy and I wondered how you’ve been doing. A cute and understanding ex’s to friends plot
Minhee, Jiyoo, Liling, Soomi
(M or possibly female depending on muse chosen to write opposite ~ Immortal muse) Cliched reincarnated lover plot. My muse is the reincarnation of your muses lost lover and they have been searching for her over several lifetimes to find her. Possible romance with my muse feeling a connection to yours or angst that with no memories they’re a whole other person.
Inhye, Soyeon, Nari, Soomi
(F) - Everyone thought they were sisters growing up. Give me those sister like friendships where they share little rituals like Friday nights in their pj’s with pizza and a movie. Those friends who can talk about anything and there’s just so much platonic loves, sleepovers, bitching (about other people, not each other)
(m/f/nb: au elements) - It starts as a text to a wrong number and soon they’re sharing their darkest secrets with each other. There’s just safety in knowing that they’re anonymous but that changes when one of them starts working at the same place as the other. This could lead to a really close friendship or some funny threads where they’re constantly sucking up to each other with worry their secrets will be spilled. Could even be a drunken night where one muse spills the others secrets and so the other goes out for revenge. 
(M/F/NB) Pen pal threads!
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lhpxawol-amalgam · 6 years
For Context:
During WonderMod’s Resolution Tour, they did an interview in the US.
Now, this guy, interviewing them... he’s not a bad guy.
He just wants to ask if they know about shipping, and who they would ship in the group.
So he wants to make sure they get the concept, language barrier and all.
But ya see,
He words it weirdly.
He asks, “Do you guys know what ships are?”
Jinju, native English speaker, starts laughing. She knows.
The rest are kinda confused.
But Hyerin...
She says “Ships? Like boats?”
Jinju and the interviewer are just trying to get everything straight, Soomi and Gyuri are laughing way too hard, and Hyerin’s just like “i dunno, what boats..”
Awkwardness ensues.
Half the internet says “he shouldn’t have asked them that, it was really insensitive and made the whole interview so awkward” and the other half says “sHiPs? LiKe BoAtS??” “i d u n n o w h a t b o a t s”
That, my friends, is the meaning of boats.
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