gringrin27-blog · 9 years
Post-Exam update
So, exams are done, but the prognosis isn’t that good at this point in time...
Have results for 3 out of 5.
2 are solid passes, so no worries there.
1, however, is 5% shy of a pass. Meaning I have to go back to ‘Versity on Thursday for a re-write. Joy.
No idea how the other two are gonna swing. Shall see tomorrow.
Basically, at least a week more before any serious writing time. My apologies.
Have a good one.
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gringrin27-blog · 9 years
Exam update
So, tomorrow I’m writing Maths, then Thursday Applied Maths and then Chemistry on the next Monday.
After all that, I should have some time to myself again, and I’ve a couple of ideas and plot bunnies floating around, so that should be fun.
Also, if anyone is into the SCP-verse, I might recommend the web serial The Man With The Terrible Eyes (http://everything2.com/node/category/The+Man+With+The+Terrible+Eyes) as a story taking place in a similar universe.
Tis Good. Should Read.
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gringrin27-blog · 9 years
... Whelp... Been a while...
Yeah, the title pretty much sums it up.
I apologize for the long absence (well, here at least. Bit more active elsewhere), but really going to try and make this a more regular thing. Honest;y, don’t think anyone has ever seen this, but what the hell... kinda therapeutic.
Just for the record, don’t expect any updates on stories for the next oh... 3 weeks, maybe? Middle of exams over here, and some of them are going to kick my fat ass if I don’t put in the hours.
Have a good one.
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gringrin27-blog · 10 years
... kinda forgot
Passed my first year!
*does happy dance*
One quarter of a Chemical Engineering Degree, done and dusted!
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gringrin27-blog · 10 years
Not all websites are created equal
I've been writing almost a year now, and I've uploaded on a couple of sites...
But, let me tell you, DeviantArt has the. Single. Worst. Interface.
At least in terms of uploading FanFiction. Holy crap.
I spend an hour uploading the first chapter of Hormones. An hour!
... granted, a large part of that is due to my unfamiliarity with the system, but seriously? Manually editing something to fit according to HTML Format? No support for uploading fully formatted documents from your PC?
It's even worse that DA actually makes some money, as far as I know. Seriously there is no excuse for that, in my book at least.
Okay yeah. I'm probably overreacting, especially due to my unfamiliarity with their system, so I acknowledge the possibility of me just being a douche now.
But, in my defense, first impressions are lasting and so far, it's sorely lacking.
GrinGrin out!
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gringrin27-blog · 10 years
Almost there...
So, first year finals are done and I'm getting my results tomorrow...
Not just a tiny bit of stress, let me tell you...
Depending on my results, I may start giving serious thought on starting to churn out fanfics again... But, if I did too poorly, I have to do some re-writes (no idea if that's a thing in other places as well), so the delay will be greater...
On that note, I've got a veritable list of fanfics (not even including the ones on my FF profile schedule), so fun times...
But to be realistic, my update schedule will most likely not be quite as hectic as it was last year around this time. Just moved houses and there's a bit of work I can do and help out with here, I actually have a girlfriend over the holidays and I'm looking for a part-time job, so time might be a bit scarce.
But rest assured, my (scant few) readers, the time is almost at hand!
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gringrin27-blog · 10 years
Gah. Need to update more.
Gah. Need to update more.
The whole point of this was to serve as an intermediary between updates, seeing as it’s easier to share crap here than on FF… but it’s kinda fallen away.
Since I also have no idea if anyone is even aware of this thing, I might just kill it in the future.
If some of my readers are aware though, let me just say that I’m surprised with that poll… So many people want my vague Prototype-crossover ideas…. it’s kinda startling…
Also, no Worship love? The hell?
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gringrin27-blog · 10 years
So... it's been a while
Gah. been a while since I updated (not here, just anything in general)...
Because reasons...
New semester as an Engineering Student is rough.
We had a crapton of stuff to do at my Res.
I've been lazy.
And more...
So yeah. Hell of a thing how time flies.
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gringrin27-blog · 10 years
Danny Phantom pairings
So, if you guys from FF.net have somehow found this, a chunk of you are probably from my DP story.
(If you came across this by some other means... well, check it out - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9901990/1/Hormones
You may just like it)
So what the hell, gonna post my thoughts on that poll here.
First of all, no idea why I included some of those people. the vast majority I get, but what on god's green earth made me put Pandora and Lydia on it?
But yeah, gonna be honest now. I personally prefer Ember as Danny's pairing and I think Jazz is probably my favorite girl in the whole damn series.
Desiree's got some potential, I'll admit, but I think it would also be way to easy to just mess her up.
Spectra, on the other hand... gonna be honest, I've rarely come across her in Fanfics. Like ever. Which is a damn shame, cause if you're aiming for going down a darker road, you've got a hell of character pre-made for you.
Dani's in the same boat. People tend to take her character as a lighter-and-softer approach to Danny's. Which, I feel, is the complete opposite of what should happen. So much tragedy... unharnessed. Gah.
As for the rest of the girls on that poll, it's mainly due to the possibilities. We've seen so little from them in canon, if you actually stop to think about it. Why's Paulina so obsessive over Phantom? Why did Maddy get into ghosts?
Just so many questions and so little answers, both in canon and fanon.
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gringrin27-blog · 10 years
So yeah... a Blog
So I've finally decided to take the plunge and just start posting my weird, random thoughts (mostly on fanfiction, but other things will probably start coming in a bit) on the interwebs...
Oooooh boy.
(Also, I was very surprised to see I couldn't use my normal username, so I had to settle with adding my favorite number to the end. And yes, there is actually a story as to why it is my favorite.)
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