#{ 6 o'clock chime. | IDLE. }
frightsguard · 2 months
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Eugh... summer her hated.
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va-diarydash · 1 year
Embracing Lazy Elegance: A Couch Potato's Journey of Hope and Inspiration
August 6, 2023
Today, I'm embracing the art of slowing down and indulging in a touch of laziness, hehe! I've always been someone who craves activity, finding it hard to just sit idle. Maybe that's why I often feel drained, even as the weekends pass by without fully recharging my batteries. So, I've officially declared most of my Sundays as my dedicated lazy and therapy day. Although today's therapy got postponed to Monday due to some pesky internet troubles.
On my designated lazy day, my journal might not get filled with a whirlwind of entries. Instead, I'm all about the basics. A swift tidying of my room, a hasty reorganization of my dresser, a dash of desk cleaning – and then I'm right back to my expert couch-potato mode, haha! It's just me, binging on TV series, happily embracing my inner couch potato. I'm even patting myself on the back for resisting the urge to dive into emails, flip through my books, start painting the myriad ideas dancing in my mind, or even tackle the unfinished tasks from last Friday.
With not much else to report today, let's dive into a topic close to my heart – that special K-pop tune that's struck a chord with me. The song that's about to inspire my next artistic creation is none other than BTS's "Zero O’clock." This gem sends a beautiful message: no matter how topsy-turvy things are right now, this day will inevitably wind down and hit "zero o'clock," the magical midnight hour. The chorus chimes in with the promise, "And you’re gonna be happy." It's a song that wraps you in a cocoon of hope, reminding you that problems and worries ebb away with each passing day, as the minute and second hands meet in perfect harmony. When the world holds its breath for a fleeting moment at "Zero o'clock," it offers another chance at happiness.
BTS has an array of splendidly crafted songs that tug at the heartstrings, but this one holds a special place in my heart. And guess what? I'm all set to translate its essence onto canvas.
Positive Talk:
- Remember, rest is productive too!
- Your strength shines through in every moment you hold on.
- It's absolutely okay to revel in doing nothing once in a while.
- Each new dawn carries the promise of happiness anew.
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shaevira · 8 years
Old Times
a/n: i got bored and decided to write a portion of the doujinshi in my head as fanfiction. modern freezerburn au that takes place like...6 to 7 years into the future of where the story actually begins so it may not actually make sense lmao. just practicing my writing skills. my writing is shitty hurrah. drabble. err something i just wanted to write.
word count : 1662
“Alright class, that’s enough for today. Good job everyone and I’ll see you in about two days for our next class. Remember to stay hydrated, and to keep stretching.” Her voice echoed throughout the rather large studio that was filled with mirrors and foldable mats. Yang Xiao Long was no longer a bumbling, hot-headed, seventeen year old but now successful twenty-five year old trainer and professional fighter. She held her own line of Xiao Long Dragon workouts that were known for her intensity and fire.
“Thank you for coming.” she repeated to every attendee that had been there. Each giving her a grateful smile, high-five, or a thank you of their own on their way out. She watched as every person now slowly exited the room.
With that, she let out a long sigh of relief. It’s not that she was tired of her work, or hated the people she trained it’s just that...there was always something missing. She knew what it was. She knew how it happened and everyday it taunted her in the back of her mind. After eight years, Yang still wasn’t over it. She wasn’t over the break up. The one that really got to her. If it weren’t for her two younger brothers, Yin and Ryota. Well, she would have probably given up everything by now.
Yang sat down in the studio near an outlet where her phone laid idle, and plugged into the charger.
1 New Message: Yin Xiao Long
//Ryota won’t stop yelling at me. :(//
//Aren’t you the older brother here?//
//He’s a feisty thirteen year old! If I beat him up he’ll just cry!//
//Are you two playing street fighter again?//
//Yes. :D//
//And here I thought you had an ACTUAL problem.//
During the time Yang was texting her brother, a visitor had entered through the door. Which was indicated by a small chime as the door had been opened. “I’m sorry, but we’re closing now.” Yang exclaimed not looking away from her phone.
“Yang, Yang Xiao Long?” a familiar feminine voice called out to her. Yang’s heart did a somersault. She instantly recognized the voice and looked up.
Standing in front of her was a very short woman, skinny with a remarkably white/silverish mane that flowed from her head it was held tight in its usual one-sided ponytail position. Her attire looked as expensive as ever. It was a simple white summer dress, with a jacket that seemed to have matched her outfit and shoes that had made her an inch or two taller than she actually was.
But woman was not alone, she was carrying a small child. No older than three years of age. The child’s icy blue eyes matched the mother’s.
Yang instantly stood up in a hurry. Yang seemed tower over the shorter woman though this was not unusual. “W-weiss?” she stammered out. Yang quickly eyed over the woman and her child. Who seemed to be gazing at Yang.
“I heard you worked here. Or well, that you own this place and a lot more...I mean it’s good to see you.” Weiss’s eyes wandered nervously, to the floor, to Yang, to the front door. She knew she was rambling, but how does one honestly reconnect with an old flame? Weiss knew she wasn’t the same person she was back then. The same could be said for Yang.
“Ahh, yeah.” Yang followed Weiss’s eye movements. “I didn’t think you’d be in town. Or back here...at all.” she abruptly stated. Weiss slowly nodded.
“I’m in town for the next few weeks.” She switched the child from one arm to the other. “I was hoping we could catch up.”
Yang raised an eyebrow. Her suspicions rose. “You came here without warning, and expect me to hang out with you after…” she paused as she noted her fist had begun to clench. She promised herself she wouldn’t get angry like she had done in the past. Her hot-headedness had the tendency to get her in trouble, but she was no longer like that. She took a deep breath and let it out before continuing. “Fine.”
At first Weiss looked a little shocked to hear the words coming out of Yang’s mouth, she was sure that she would’ve said no. Or at least offer up some sort of excuse not to. She wouldn’t have blamed her, had she. Yang too was a little surprised with herself. But when it came to Weiss, she was always a little weak.
Weiss then smiled, “Thank you, Yang.”
“Yeah, it’s no problem...so…” she began now unplugging her phone charger from the wall and going behind the studios counter to grab the rest of her belongings, which wasn’t much. Just her jacket, wallet, and car keys. She looked back at Weiss, who was staring at her expectedly. “Who's...this?” she motioned at Weiss’s arms, to the child in question as she put on her jacket and now held out her arms. Wanting to hold the mysterious child.
“Wynne.” she handed the little girl to Yang, which was unusual for Weiss. As Weiss wasn’t normally one to hand her baby to people in general, but Yang was no stranger. Yang was her first lover. Yang, to her, was family. Even if she never said it. Yang took the girl in her arms, and held her. Making silly faces at her and talking to her in a very childish manner.
“Reminds me of when Ryota was little.” Yang commented, now steadily holding the girl who seemed to be rather relaxed in her arms. She walked towards the door, as Weiss followed her. Yang turned off the lights with one hand, keeping Wynne steady in her arms. Then proceeded to lock the door as Weiss exited the building.
“You always were good with children...which I might ask how are Yin and Ryota?” she twiddled her thumbs idly as they stood outside in the dark; it was probably around six o'clock which meant bedtime for Wynne soon . She wasn’t used to being empty-handed anymore. Though, she had to admit it felt nice to be a little free in this sense.
“They’re fine. Yin started his last year, he’s a senior now. Ryota is just hitting puberty.” she sighed, “I missed it when they were little.” she shook her head and remembered how just last week Ryota had the nasty habit of leaving his dirty underwear in odd places. Not that this was any difference from three year old Ryota. It just was....grosser.
Yang and Weiss had begun their walk towards the parking lot. “I’m parked over here.” Weiss stated pointing at a white BMW. Figures. Yang walked next to Weiss. “You..you think I’ll be able to see them?”
“Huh? Yin and Ryota? I’m sure they’d love to see you.” Yang admitted. Yang knew more than likely Yin would be ecstatic to see Weiss. Weiss, after all, was his favorite person. (Asides from Blake, who he had continuously pined over at the age of thirteen.) Ryota, on the other hand may or may not remember Weiss, but he certainly loved her too.
“You think so?” she smiled now unlocking her car with a simple push of a button. She opened to where the backseats were. She held out her arms towards Yang who look a little puzzled.
“Oh right.” She said as she had remembered she was carrying Weiss’s child in her arms. She handed the now sleepy child over to Weiss to which she put her down in the carrier. She lightly shut the door, careful not to wake her up completely. She opened the door on the driver's side, and stood their looking at Yang.
Yang raised an eyebrow at first, but it was quickly replaced with a sad look in her eyes which was accompanied by a sad smile.
“I missed you.” Yang mumbled.
“I missed you too.” Weiss looked at her with an equally sad smile.
It shouldn’t have ended like this for them, Yang thought to herself. But Weiss was here, now. Could she eventually change that all around? Even after what they both had been through?
“You can come over Friday, if you’d like. I’ll be free then and Ryota and Yin won’t have homework to do. It can be just like old times.” Yang offered.
Weiss nodded, “I’d like that. But does old times also include…” she drifted off remembering the good times her and Yang had.
“If you’d like it to.” a cocky smile now brightened her face. The old, flirtatious and fiery Yang was still alive and rearing to go.
Weiss didn’t answer but instead approached Yang, and lifted herself up onto her tiptoes. Even in heels, she was still pretty short compared to Yang. She lightly kissed her on the cheek. “I’d like that.” she answered in soft whisper.
Weiss slowly pulled back, hoping Yang would reel her in. Just like old times. But she knew better, as did Yang. Yang wasn’t truly prepared to go gungho with Weiss. She wasn’t prepared to get hurt again. Whatever this was. Whatever they had. Would take time. It was another chance that Yang had been hoping for and this time, Yang would make sure she would get it right.
She wasn’t sure if Weiss would be truly willing either. After all, Weiss was the face of the Shnee Corporations along with her husband who had married into the Schnee family, but only for the sake of an agreement between two powerful and wealthy corporations. An arranged marriage, one would call it. Yang wasn’t sure if Weiss was capable of giving all of that up.
There just had to be a way.
By then Weiss had already entered her car and Yang watched as Weiss drove off, waving as she did so. Yang shoved her hands into her jacket pockets and walked towards Bumblebee. She revved up the engine and put on her helmet.
“Just like old times, huh?”
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frightsguard · 3 months
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❝ I'm gonna start meltin'... ❞
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frightsguard · 11 months
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❝ Do you think there's people out there who speedrun Tamagotchi? ❞
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frightsguard · 1 year
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❝ Some'a you guys are just straight unhinged and it shows. ❞
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frightsguard · 1 year
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   It’s time to play video games!
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frightsguard · 1 year
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   Her parents are out today, and she has the house to herself.
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frightsguard · 2 years
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   It’s her birthday tomorrow.
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frightsguard · 2 years
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   ❝ How I haven’t destroyed this building yet is beyond me. ❞
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frightsguard · 24 hours
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She's quiet...
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frightsguard · 3 days
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...She's speechless.
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frightsguard · 5 days
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She's bored. And a little cranky.
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frightsguard · 9 days
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She's too tired for this gang.
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frightsguard · 11 days
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She's kinda bored, and doomscrolling...
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frightsguard · 13 days
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You take one break from the horrors and come back to find them worse.
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