#{ Asami may not be good with kids but she still wants to protecc }
bitofthisandthat · 1 year
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@reanimatedmuses​ asked: 👫for Leosami and 👫 for Raphsami?
4 HEADCANONS on our Muse’s Ships
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Asami plays Leo’s attentions off as no big deal for awhile, curious to see how serious he actually is and how far he’d actually go. The others tell him to stop all the time, but Asami NEVER stops his flirtations, inappropriate jokes, or acts remotely bothered by his advances. The others tell him because of the “mutant vs. human” thing, it’s never going to happen, and she’s just being nice to him because: “that’s how she is.” They all want him to lay off their new friend, because they don’t want him to chase her away. But Asami starts to flirt and joke back, which royally confuses everyone, Leo most of all. Until one day, she pushes him to admit he’s serious about liking her, or to stop. When he actually asks her out, she says yes....and he’s not sure if she’s just joking...
Asami SPOILS Leo with fancy places she knows she can take him (rooftop pools overlooking city, nicer places to eat, spas, etc.) and she 100% uses her wealth to take care of him. Of course, she knows she has to give some of that rich stuff to his family (F.I. workstation access for Donnie, traditional Japanese gifts to Splinter, museum access to Mikey, etc.) to make it “even.” But Leo gets fancy time with her a lot, and part of it is yes, she’s extremely doting and wants to spoil people she loves because that’s her way, but she also wants him to feel “normal” around her. She wants to create their own spaces together where he gets to see what it’s like to be in her “world” without pressure. Of course, when she takes him to these places they’re pretty much ALONE or it’s very incognito. One day, she promises/hopes they can be out in the open, but they both know they have to be careful now. Though, if he takes her to the Hidden City, they’re very open, and she STILL takes him to the shishi places there, too. Apparently mortal money is still good, there. XD
They DO have a lot of fun, since they’re both adrenaline junkies, have the same level of, er, needs and have a lot of the same interests...but...they also get into it sometimes, and have dramatic arguments. They always start off with Asami gently trying to get him to talk to her about personal, serious things; either their relationship or what he’s going through (I imagine after the movie the boys all have PTSD). He’s fine to listen to her woes regarding her dad’s crimes, etc, and how isolated and pressured she is, but the second she asks him about his problems, he shuts her down. Of course, she doesn’t let it be, because Asami is stubborn. So she keeps begging for him to deal with it, and to rely on her for a safe, sounding board. And then the loud fighting begins. One of them always ends up not talking to the other for a day or so, but neither lets a fight last more than that, they’re both to codependent to let it rot for more than 24 hours.
For the Invasion Timeline AU: During the resistance, in addition to working with Donnie on the tech end, Leo put Asami in charge of whatever orphans that they could find, and she was their caretaker and teacher as well. On a mission gone wrong, Asami’s Mecha failed her, (just as below) but it wasn’t what killed her. Her death came 1-2 years (before the film’s intro). Asami used her Mecha to round up whatever children were left unscathed, and herd them to safety. But the Kr/ang affected the spirit-fused Mecha suit with its evil energy, causing it to crumble up in “pain” and crash. In order to not kill the children she had managed to save, she steered the dying Mecha away to crash elsewhere, which meant jumping ship and nearly falling to her death. She was able to get away with a broken arm and a few busted ribs, but when she met back up with Leo, the kids were gone. Ignoring his orders to go back to the hideout, she went after the kids instead, and was killed trying to protect them on foot. Sadly, they made it to the hideout on their own later, but if she had just listened, they all would have made it there. Needless to say, Leo did not deal with this well at ALL.
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Asami checks on Raph’s wellbeing in small ways when everyone else just expects him to suck it up and be strong about it. She gets him to open up and talk about his stresses and worries with her and JUST LISTENS. She also just takes him places to get away from everyone else to decompress. However, she has to kinda TRICK him into it, since he always wants to know where his fam is at all times. She basically tells him they’re going to drive out to somewhere to do reconnaissance training, and they’re going to meet everyone else there. But then it ends up being some starry scene or in an abandoned air hangar where he can “escape” for a few hours and relax, and eat and just zone out with her.
She knows he’s self-conscious about his physical strength and “natural armor” and how he can hurt people if he’s not careful. So, Asami initiates pretty much ALL physical affection: hugs, holding his hand when he seems nervous, or just gentle touches. Obviously she’d be the first to initiate anything more private and intimate, and has to constantly tell him she’s fine, he’s not hurting her, etc. And even if she’s nervous at times herself, (lbr) she still wants him to feel comfortable and okay that he’s not intimidating to her at all.
They start out good friends of course, and the only way they really get to be one-on-one is through training and exercise, etc. Raph tries to ignore/hide his crush on her for awhile, but Asami picks up on his unsaid crush and eventually starts to feel deeper things for him too. But it’s Asami that has to break the ice. She waits until they’re done after a long training session, and just asks him if he wants to go get something to eat, after they’ve both cleaned up. He thinks it’s going to be her treating him AND the entire fam, like usual, but she has to tell him (sweetly) point blank; “No, I was thinking it would be just the two of us, this time.” And then starts the beginning of the most awkward, messy, clumsy, and embarrassing first date ever---that just endears him to her more; obviously, they end up together a long time until...
For the Invasion Timeline AU: Asami and Raph were killed on the same day. Like her original LOK canon, she created Mecha Suits that were infused with mystic/nature to bypass the Kr/ang’s Tech/Digital-jamming powers. However, it only seemed to work until the spirit energy inside of the Mecha couldn’t take the intense darkness coming from the Kr/ang’s dome past ONE battle, so she crashed and burned out. She made it out of the rubble, albeit severely injured, and in trying to defend her getaway, Raph was was severely injured as well. They tried to fight off the enemy with their fatal injuries together for as long as they could, but after taking numerous hits after the crash, Asami succumbed to her internal damage, and fell to her knees on the battlefield, bleeding out. Raph tried to drag her body to the hideout camp, but passed out from pain. Raph’s death followed (hours) after.
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