#{ Especially if I base it off of my main verse with Envyness. }
yuichiroswife · 2 years
Where does your power lie?
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The Guts.
You just know, don't you? You feel everything so deeply. your power is instinctual, primal. Your power is only ever obvious when you need it to be, but it's never failed you. You always know when something has turned sour, you can always feel the shift in the atmosphere. You just do.
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Tagged: @crxstallium​
Tagging: @s-talking​ because the last quiz I tagged you in didn’t work for some reason.
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chronicparagon · 4 years
Complete Profile
  This is a complete profile of my muse including the full background that may contain triggers. 
NAME: Harmony Celestine Halcyon
Chickasaw Name: Nita' Ishkanno' si' ( Little Bear, and it’s her childhood name) Ihoo Nita’ (Bear Woman, given to her when she graduated high school)
NICKNAMES: Harm, Har, Harmy (by some of her relatives and cousins), Ha-chan, Har-chan
BIRTHDAY: May 8th 
AGE: 21 years in main verse. Age can vary by verse between 18-35 years. Any post that has the tag “teen!Harmony” indicates that she is 16-17 years old. 
She is 24 years old in the HSR verse.  POSITION: Default verse is a university student majoring in nursing and member of the swim club. She becomes a certified midwife nurse later on. RESIDENCE: Grew up on the Black Hawk Reservation in Montana, United States. Her current location depends on the verse. FAMILY: Destiny Halcyon ( nee Black Moon, mother), Lucas Halcyon (father), Issac “Mato” Halcyon (grandfather, deceased, Tessie Halcyon (great-aunt), Rose Anne Thunderhawk (great-aunt), Jessica Crow (great-aunt), Joseph Thunderhawk (great-uncle and Auntie Rose’s husband). 
ETHNICITY: Native American (enrolled member of the Chickasaw Nation) Note: She’s Chickasaw on her mother’s side and Lakota on her father’s side. SEXUALITY: Pansexual
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Reference sheet made by Envy from Envyness
APPEARANCE: Her long hair is dark brown, almost black with some dark red highlights. It casts a reddish shine in the light. Harmony stands about 5 foot 4 inches (162.5 cm) who is toned due to working out with a pear-shaped figure. Her weight fluctuates between 135-140 pounds (61.2- 63.5 kg). 
Her style varies. She loves to wear dresses and more feminine styles, but her taste in western clothing and she always has her treasured necklace with a bear claw. It was a goodbye present from her grandfather before leaving Black Hawk. Harmony has three piercings. One on each ear lobe and she has a piercing on her tongue. When she swims and works, the tongue piercing is replaced with retainers. 
Hidden beneath her clothing are ghastly burn scars. These scars span from her upper right part of her back, over the shoulder, and down her right arm. These came from the wildfire that occurred during childhood. She often opts to wear long sleeves to hide the burns.   By the time she turned eighteen, Harmony received a tattoo on her upper back of an eagle.  
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More information for it can be found here: Link PERSONALITY: Harmony is a shy girl who can get excited on occasion. This can be off-putting to other people, especially if she just met them. It makes her come off as socially awkward. Most of the time, she’s more reserved, often in the background. She fears that people won’t like her because of the color of her skin, her name, or the scars she hides. This makes her have little confidence in herself. It will take time for Harmony to warm up to someone. Once she does, she’s sweet, even affectionate. Her most noticeable traits are her kindness, being polite, and quiet nature. However, she can be fierce, even a little scary if she needs to be. 
She’s stubborn, sometimes this can do more harm than good. Harmony is dedicated, sticking to her tasks to the end. The last thing she wants to do is let anyone down. Additionally, she suffers from pyrophobia, fear of fire. Being near fire triggers intense anxiety and the accursed memories she longs to bury. 
HOBBIES: Swimming, baking, painting, knitting, singing, pole dancing, hiking
FEARS: Large fires like wildfires (but she’s okay with small fires that she can control like candlelight), failing herself and other people, being unlovable, loneliness
Triggers: Fire and death
Note: The new location where Harmony and her family resides after the wildfire is intentionally vague since it will change based on verse and who Harmony interacts with. I added some customs to this as well. These may be subject to change as I learn more about them. 
Harmony Halcyon was born and raised in Montana. It all started when her parents met each other during an art market where Lucas was selling his wares. Later in the relationship, Destiny visited Montana with Lucas and fell in love with the beauty of the wilderness. Though she loved her heritage, Destiny’s relationship with her family was strained. Lucas’s family welcomed her and saw her as part of the family. It’s the love and closeness that further influenced Destiny’s choice. Shortly before the wedding, Lucas and Destiny packed up everything and left Oklahoma for Montana where Lucas grew up. 
Two years would pass until Harmony’s birth. She came to the world in her parents’ home, just merely hours before the dawn in the spring. When hues of rose, gold, and orange tint the eastern skies. It was the dawn of a new day in the season of prosperity and promise, and the dawn of a new life. 
Two of her great-aunts, Tessie and Rose, aided Destiny through the birth. It is a practice they have done for decades like their mother has done. Most of the children in Harmony’s family were born on the reservation. They were not against modern medicine, but lived so far away from the cities, they could not go to the hospital unless it was an emergency. 
Harmony was a rather small but healthy infant. Everyone in Harmony’s family came to greet her, just as they have with every child born on the reservation. Aunties, uncles, and cousins eagerly wait to hear the news. Though excited, they all parted ways for an elderly man who quietly made his way to the house. His dark hair streaked with silver tied in twin braids. There was another older man with him. Unlike the other, his hair is in a single braid and his face bear the lines that told a long story of his life. The two mean were Joseph Thunderhawk and Isaac Halcyon. Although the latter was usually quiet and stoic, he is beaming on this day for he would meet his granddaughter. Joseph came to see his new great-niece and also for another purpose. The ceremonies began when the two Elders arrived to the house, to welcome the newest member of the family and bless her with a long life.   
Harmony touched the earth merely hours after her arrival, connecting her with the world and all forms of life. It was a day full of laughter, tears of joy, singing, and new hope for the infant. 
Like they do for every birth, a naming ceremony took place shortly after Harmony was born. Joseph presided over the ceremony but it was Destiny who gave Harmony her Chickasaw name: Nita' Ishkanno' si', which is in honor of her Chickasaw roots.  
As the years passed, Harmony was a happy child. They had little money, but the love within the family was infinite. Harmony lived with her parents outside Black Hawk in their little house. Her parents owned a small business selling various crafts. Her father, Lucas, made decorated arrows and weapons meant only as displays. He also made drums used for pow-wows and other ceremonies. Destiny made ribbon skirts, and intricate beadwork to adorn her husband’s crafts and some jewelry. The family sold their goods at pow-wows, art shows, and some gift shops at national parks that supports Indigenous artists.
She grew up in both worlds with her family encouraging her to embrace her Chickasaw and Lakota roots. Harmony used to spend her days helping her parents with their work and playing with her cousins and the family’s Karelian bear dog named Sedona. One of Harmony’s favorite places in the world is the forest near Black Hawk called Medicine Falls National Park. She loved the mountains that stand in the distance and the sky was open, limitless. As a child, she spent time with her paternal grandfather. He often told her various stories from legends passed down between generations and humorous misadventures from his childhood. Her mother also taught her Chickasaw customs and beliefs, such as the gift of fire. Fire is sacred from Abi Binnili, the supreme god.  Harmony’s early life was simple, and she was a happy child.
Unfortunately, her life would dramatically change. It all started with a fire, a campfire neglected by careless campers who left the area. It grew and ravaged the wilderness, stretching far and wide. Harmony was playing in the woods with Sedona when it happened. The funny thing about wildfires is they appear without warning and devour the forest quickly. The small child was wary when animals fled to safety, but before she could leave, The fire surrounded Harmony in a matter of minutes.  Sedona led the girl to safety and Harmony tried to catch up, coughing and choking on the smoke. Her escape came to an abrupt halt  when a large, flaming branch fell from the tree above her and strikes her down, pinning her to the scorched ground. She cried and struggled under the heavy branch, but she couldn’t escape as more debris fell upon her.
But she wasn’t alone. Sedona desperately dug at the pile of fallen branches and ash. The dog pulled Harmony out and to the edge of a lake away from the smoke. Sedona left her, only to return with a rescue team following her. Sedona survived with minor injuries that were treated while Harmony was transported to the city to the closest burn center. That is where she was treated for the burns. The child fought for her life when she contracted sepsis from the severe burns, but with the intensive care and her stubborn nature, she pulled through. The burns would remain as scars on her skin. Sadly, that is not all the damage.
The wildfire took everything. Their hard work destroyed in the flames. Harmony’s birth home engulfed by flames, but her parents’ worse nightmare almost came true: The fire almost claimed their only child. If it wasn’t for her Sedona, Harmony wouldn’t have survived. From then on, the beloved family pet became a hero.
The Halcyons had nowhere to go and the hospital bill was high, Indian Health Service couldn’t help cover all the costs. That doesn’t include losing their home and livelihood. Harmony’s relatives did what they could to help, but they were strained enough as it is. The family had to sacrifice to get by and her impoverished relatives could only do so much for they have their own children to care for. 
Work was scarce in the area. No one in their small town would hire them, So, with a heavy heart, her parents decided to go to Oklahoma where Destiny’s connections with her tribe would help them gain employment. Lucas and Destiny thought it would be best for Harmony’s health with better resources. So, they left Black Hawk and have a fresh start elsewhere. Lucas soon found work with the Lighthorse. Their daughter was not the same since the fire. If only the move alone promised a better outcome.
Note: In the verses where Harmony is in Japan, Lucas would meet two Air Force recruiters who met Harmony’s father, Lucas. He took a chance that day. He enlisted and as expected; he learned that he must relocate to his assigned base.
 She struggled in her new home. Children are not always the kindest, which is true when they find someone different. Her panic attacks at the sight of large fire drew attention from everyone around her. Though using water to put out fires is no longer a work of evil as it was deemed centuries ago, some of the elders were fearful of the child. A few even wondered if Harmony was afflicted with bad medicine, a curse cast by witches, who are alikchi' who used their powers for evil instead of good.
  Harmony was a quiet child who rarely spoke and often wore long sleeves, but her classmates discovered her scars and made fun of her for it. What made matters worse was a fall festival in her community that included hay rides, games, and a bonfire. Harmony suffered a severe panic attack from the sight of the bonfire. It was more ammunition for school bullies who witnessed the event to poke more fun at the “oddball.” 
Yes, children can be so cruel. 
Harmony and her parents received healthcare services like therapy. This helps Harmony learned to cope with her fear of fire better and learn better social skills. Unfortunately, there would be another tragedy inflicted on Harmony when she turned thirteen. Her grandfather passed away, succumbing to his long battle for his health. 
First her home from where she was born, her relatives left behind, and now her grandfather.  Harmony felt isolated, hurt, and yet she couldn’t do anything. Kids made fun of her for not looking the same, making fun of the old burns. She tried to make the most of it but wished things were different. Isolation has left her longing for friends, becoming withdrawn and unsure of herself. Harmony used to get into fights , a method of silencing the people who teased and spread rumors about her. Most of the time, it was to defend others who fell victim to bullies. They never expect the young girl to punch back. It got her into some trouble, but she calmed down as she grew older. She never enjoyed fighting and prefers to help others. That’s the path she chose from there. High school was much quieter and even Harmony gained a few friends. Her father retired from the Lighthorse and became a security guard while Harmony’s mother started to work in early childhood education after gaining her degree of help she received while he served.  
  Though things are looking up, that can change. Her fear of rejection and being alone still haunt her. The pain from the past has left wounds that scarred over, but never healed. Harmony’s friends drifted away when high school ended for opportunities granted in young adulthood. In her first steps to a new phase in her life, despite her fears, Harmony pushes through to challenge herself, learn to become a better person, and make lasting bonds with other people. Harmony grew up learning from her high school days to let her kindness shine and she doesn’t resort to violence unless under extreme circumstances. 
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