#{ RIP me this is too fluff I quit the stage }
sister-lucifer · 18 days
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One Must Stake His Claim: Chapter One 
Or: The Game Begins 
[Prologue] [Masterlist]
Nightbringer Diavolo + Lucifer x Male Reader 
Genre: Fluff, I suppose. Not overly sweet, though. 
Summary: After a fair bit of tension, Lucifer finally decides to make his move. 
Content/Warnings: He/him Reader, Jealous Luci, competition, not exactly a love triangle since Reader is completely unaware of the bullshit they’re in the middle of, praise, Luci is bad at flirting, suggestive but not NSFW, inappropriate and unprofessional touching, a few instances of profanity 
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If tension was a tangible thing, one could cut through the current fog of competition with a knife. 
All day Lucifer and Diavolo have practically been circling each other, staring each other down like territorial animals, both of them more than prepared to fight but neither wanting to make the first move. 
After all, war is not a subject to be taken lightly. One must keep his deniability in tact should the worst come. 
You, on the other hand, have been carrying on quite as usual. Regardless of how the game escalates, neither Diavolo nor Lucifer are particularly fond of the idea of bringing your attention to the situation. Perhaps it’s simply easier that way, or perhaps on some level they can’t bear to even imagine the look on your face when the realization of their childish squabbles comes to light. To some extent they’re both aware of the ridiculous brawl that will inevitably become of this—not that it’s completely reasonable to begin with—but they both fall to the whims of their pride. 
That is to say, they would both sooner eat glass before they concede to the other. 
They’ve both been keeping a watchful eye on you as you flitter about the House of Lamentation. Every now and then you’ll look up at just the right time and catch one of them staring you down with more intensity than he means, but you’ve yet to raise any sort of question about it. It’s not all that odd, really; they all did that when you first showed up. If you looked just a bit closer you might be able to see that swimming fury in the back of their eyes, but staring in through the window’s of a demon’s soul for too long will send shivers down your spine. 
Over the past hour or so Lucifer has been slowly working up the courage to approach you. He’s been wary about striking first, but he just can’t wait any longer; he needs to out-play Diavolo, and in order to get one up on as skilled a strategist as the demon prince he has to have quite the reserve of courage. It’ll be unexpected, too, especially with Barbatos currently occupying Diavolo with some royal responsibility he can’t sneak away from. 
The pieces of quite the sly plan have been slowly coming together in his mind. He’s got to have the perfect mix of wit, gall and charisma to pull this off, to pull you in without overwhelming you or putting you off. He has to carry himself with confidence but not arrogance when he approaches you, and he has to choose every word carefully. On top of that, he has to make his move at exactly the right time, as even a second of miscalculation could completely ruin everything that he’s— 
“Oh, Lucifer! I finished that paperwork you asked me to!”
He nearly jumps out of his skin, suddenly ripped from his thoughts by the sound of your voice. 
It looks like you’ve made the decision for him. 
The thick stack of papers falls into his desk with a hard thud a moment later. He looks up to meet your eyes, and the proud smile on your face makes his heart skip a beat. 
“I did it,” you say, “I’ve gotten everything from the contractors in order, and I’ve gotten all the budget reports back. Now we can officially move on to the next stage of building R.A.D.!”
Lucifer’s lips part just slightly, but no words come out. He hates being at a loss for words, but he you have an odd way of doing that to him with the most minuscule gestures. It’s not even a gesture, really, he asked you to go this, but…
He manages to snap out of it quickly, clearing his throat. 
“Ah, I see. This…will surely take quite a bit off of my work load.” 
The words sound much more forced than they should be. Lucifer inwardly cringes when you raise a brow curiously. 
“Are you, um, alright, Lucifer?” 
He quickly nods, waving his hand dismissively. 
“Of course, of course. Just a bit, you know, worn out. This sort of thing is quite demanding.” 
“Definitely,” you agree with a nod, “let me know if you need anything else. I could always grab you a coffee, or maybe some tea if—“
“That won’t be necessary.” 
The rejection is far more firm than he means it to be, and for a split second he braces for the worst, only to breathe an internal sigh of relief when you shrug and turn to walk away. 
…Hold on, walk away? 
Wait, no! 
This is his chance, and he was completely caught off guard! He can’t let you leave now, not when this is the perfect opportunity to show Diavolo what he’s capable of! 
And yet, he’s not moving. 
He’s just watching this moment slip through his fingers in slow motion, like a miserable fool. His hands twitch uselessly against his desk without pushing him to stand. 
Dammit, dammit, dammit! 
It shouldn’t be this hard. 
It really shouldn’t be this hard, but something about you makes his mouth go dry and wrings every last drop of intelligence out of his brain. Goodness, he didn’t even thank you! He had meant to, surely, but he choked. 
No more waiting. No more letting Diavolo have the power. This is more than just a stupid competition for your attention, this is Lucifer’s chance to prove that he won’t roll over and be an obedient lapdog for the Devildom crown. 
With a sudden burst of energy he pushes himself up from his desk, making quick strides towards you. The aggressive clicking of his dress shoes on the tile startles you enough to make you turn around. 
“Lucifer—?” you start, but you don’t get to finish. 
Two strong, gloved hands come down on your shoulders. When you look up and see the deathly serious look on Lucifer’s face, you gulp. Shit, are you in trouble?
“Human,” he says, his deep voice booming in your ears despite his composure. 
You struggle to look him in the eyes, mentally bracing for the verbal misery that is surely about to be inflicted on you as punishment for whatever sin you’ve committed against law and order in the House of Lamentation. 
“…Thank you.”
Despite your best efforts to stay neutral, you can’t fight the look of skepticism that twists your features. 
“Thank you,” Lucifer repeats upon seeing your expression, though it doesn’t make the words coming out of his mouth any less surreal for either of you, “you’ve done me a great favor. You always work diligently when given a task, and I…” 
There’s a pause.  
The silence is deafening. 
He can’t believe he’s going to say this. 
“…I couldn’t do it without you.” 
No. Fucking. Way. 
Fireworks go off in your head, exploding in vibrant blooms of every color you’ve ever seen and some you’ve never even imagined. For a brief moment a wave of pastel paint strokes sweeps through your world like the still life of a Rococo painting, all synapses firing with bursts of star-bright mirth. 
Such high praise from Lucifer! Great heavens, someone wake the King! 
The wide grin that spreads across your face threatens to split your visage in two, and Lucifer nearly forgets himself at the sight. 
Yes, he thinks, he said the right words! He’s done it! 
You can barely stop yourself from jumping for joy. You manage to thank Lucifer in return through your utter elation, and he even lets you see him smile. It’s nothing big, just the smallest quirk of his lips, but it’s priceless to you. It’s as if in this moment you and Lucifer are the only ones who exist, and really, all he can see now is you. 
He wasn’t expecting the mere sight of your genuine smile to affect him so deeply, but it does.  It sparks a gentle fire deep in the core of his being that warms him like nothing has since his wings were white. 
Damn, that feels good. 
He gives your shoulders a pat before releasing you. 
“Go on, then,” he says, not taking his eyes off of yours, “I’m sure you’ve got other tasks to attend you. I shall call if I need you.” 
You nod, giving a quick goodbye before you turn on your heel to take your leave… 
…only to instead run right into Diavolo’s chest. 
Suddenly all of that joy is draining from Lucifer at an alarming rate, like water through his fingers. He can feel Diavolo’s booming laughter burrowing into the recesses of his brain and promising to induce a horrid migraine. He doesn’t know why Diavolo is here, but from what Lucifer has observed of the prince he can tell he has something of a sixth sense for when someone is trying to usurp any sort of power from him. It’s an important talent for any royalty to have. 
You have to crane your neck to look up at the demon prince towering over you.  Your lips part to speak an apology, but you choke on your words when he reaches out to cup your chin with a gentleness unbecoming of Devildom royalty. 
In a moment your face has become unbearably hot. 
“I must agree with you, dear Lucifer,” Diavolo says, not looking up at the other demon, “our little human here has been quite the asset to our cause. I simply can’t imagine where we would be without his efforts.” 
His voice carries a sickly-sweet sense of self satisfaction that only registers to Lucifer‘s ears. He could kill him right here and end the royal bloodline for good, he thinks. A horrible choice that would be, but the last thread of his composure is quite strained and threatening to snap right in two, with the break being helpfully hastened by that awfully smug look on Diavolo’s face. 
You stammer, unsure what to say. You’re completely flustered. 
It would be cute if Lucifer weren’t so angry at the cause of your foolish stuttering. 
For a brief moment Diavolo looks up, and he makes eye contact with Lucifer. In his eyes Lucifer sees none of that gracious persona he’s putting on, all he sees is ‘I’m better than you.’ 
This cannot be allowed to stand. 
Lucifer steps closer, his front nearly against your back. You squeak in surprise and slight confusion. 
“L-Lucifer, what—?” 
“I must say, Diavolo,” he interrupts, forcing a polite smile of his own, “it’s even beyond that. I dare say we’re all better in character because of this human. Wouldn’t you say?” 
His hand finds its way onto your back, sliding a bit lower than you were ready for before settling into a stop. He can feel you shiver at the touch. My stars, you’re small, he thinks. He hadn’t realized the true size disparity until now. 
You’re frozen, sandwiched between the strong bodies of two demons who practically dwarf you. Alas, the perils of being a human in this world; you may not ever fully realize how different you are from them. 
Diavolo’s hands move to your arms, giving you a little squeeze and making you jump. You’re nearly engulfed by them as they lean over you to speak to each other. 
“You’re certainly right, Lucifer,” Diavolo replies, “I hesitate to compare a human to an angel, but I must say I’m at a loss for any other equivalent.” 
His grip on you gets just a fair bit tighter. 
You can’t take much more of this. You may just melt into a whimpering little puddle. 
“I’d say it’s a far enough comparison,” Lucifer says with a nod and just a hint of a growl in his voice. 
“I do hope so; I hate to brag, but I do think the demon prince himself should know best,” Diavolo  states with an air of certainty beyond what his words would imply. 
“Now, now, let’s not get cocky,” Lucifer bites back. 
“I’m only suggesting the truth,” Diavolo replies firmly. 
“And for what reason do you think this to be the truth, hm?” 
“Well, I’ve yet to seen this disproven, especially by you.” 
“Perhaps you’re merely not looking hard enough. Must be awfully hard to see over that silver spoon in your mouth.” 
“Do you truly think—“ 
“Wait. Diavolo—“ 
“No, no, Lucifer, let me finish—“ 
“Diavolo.  The human has left.” 
“The hu— what?” 
There’s a pause as they both look down at the empty space you were occupying moments ago, then to the doorway just in time to see the last sliver of you before you’re gone. 
Diavolo blinks. 
“Where do you think we lost him?”
Lucifer sighs. 
“Around your stupid angel comment, I’d say.”
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writerblue275 · 8 months
Heartsteel Ranking: “Scary boyfriend privilege”
(AKA how intimidating they are to people who don’t know them.)
Inspiration: I’ll be honest this is a bit of a random ranking but I thought it would be fun to do and it was!
Champions: Heartsteel
Genre: Ranking
Type: Fluff? This is meant in a funny way.
Tw: Small mention of alcohol (drink responsibly y’all), and swearing (because I do, in fact, have the mouth of a damn sailor.)
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List goes least intimidating to most intimidating.
Ezreal (One of these days I will do a ranking that doesn’t put him at the bottom! I swear it’s not intentional! 😂)
Let’s be honest no one is shocked he’s here, right? Where else was Ez going to go on this list?? This isn’t a bad thing though! He just gives off such golden retriever energy and it’s amazing and I love him. I want to be at least best friends with HS Ezreal.
Despite the usual happy golden retriever energy, he’s definitely not afraid to tell people off/protect you though. (I feel like he secretly has quite a temper. He’s a Sagittarius after all [love my fellow 🔥 signs WOOT WOOT]. Usually he’s very good about keeping it under control…but if someone [besides you, he absolutely adores you] pushes him too far [ex: by making you uncomfortable]…just see what happens.)
You absolutely have scary boyfriend privilege with Aphelios, but I just can’t rank him higher than any of the other members below. He definitely has that “brooding silent type” down pat, and when he’s wearing his mask, that’s doubled. That air of mystery, baby, he’s got that in SPADES.
We also know he’s tall. Like not Sett, K’Sante, or Yone tall, but he’s got some height on him (unconfirmed 6’). Physically, he’s definitely more intimidating than Ez. Like imagine Phel silently staring daggers at someone. Lmao I’d hate to be whoever pissed him off.
Most of this comes from his height (unconfirmed 6’4”) and the fact he’s one of the gym bros. Like general vibe/personality-wise, I think Phel could be more-intimidating than K’Sante (or even Sett), but have you seen how just MASSIVE K’Sante is? HE CAN CANONICALLY BENCH SETT. Like 😮😮😮
Not to mention I feel like he’d always stick close to you in public, so no one would even dream of trying to do anything to you. (Unless they’re a whole dumbass.) K’Sante genuinely gives me very kind vibes, but he definitely protects those he loves very fiercely.
Sett is (unconfirmed) 6’7” (at least confirmed the tallest in the group), and JACKED AS HELL. Not to mention “allergic” to sleeves so those arms are out most of the time lmao. Only a fucking moron (or someone who is incredibly drunk) would look at Settrigh and go “oh yeah I am absolutely going to mess with this guy.” RIP that idiot.
He also doesn’t fuck around about the safety of the people he loves. Sett genuinely seems like the sweetest guy (I love this giant, ripped, sewing himbo so fucking much oh my fucking god) but he can/will be intentionally intimidating if it’s necessary to keep you or Ma safe (the two most important figures in his life 🥺). Will walk you home/keep you close to him in crowded situations. He always wants you to feel safe when you’re with him (you absolutely do like how could you not?).
So this is based on both appearance and reputation. Obviously Kayn has quite the reputation from his last band (as well as being kicked out of it.) Appearance-wise, he’s not super tall, but he’s tall enough. Not to mention the piercings, tattoos, the fact he’s also in excellent shape (I mean we all saw those abs 😏), has vibrant dyed hair, a very bright red eye, and he is a total metal head. He can also, um, travel through WALLS. (Small detail lol.)
DO I EVEN HAVE TO MENTION RHAAST (even as his stage alter ego)???? Kayn can be pretty impulsive and sometimes acts first, thinks later. (He’s currently working on that with Yone, it’s fine.) Someone would be a damn fool to fuck with him or you. He just gives me very loyal guard dog vibes. (I mean he did wear the damn leash in the mv so….😝)
There is no one (let me repeat: NO ONE) I’d want to fuck with less than Yone. This man has quintessential resting bitch face (RBF), is like 6’ 2-3” (unconfirmed), in very good shaped (based on the lovely titty window of his outfit. Thank you, Riot designers) and is able to (mostly) wrangle the rest of the group. Also (hella obvious but) HE’S AN INTROVERT (INFJ specifically). People are NOT his thing (fucking MOOD).
Yone is the one who gives the most similar vibes to the TikToks I’ve seen that show cosplayers at Cons with their scarier-dressed friends/partners following behind them keeping them safe. (For Yone, it’s the RBF/air of mystery that really sets the tone.) He gives me such mature gentleman vibes as well. He’s always going to walk you home especially at night, or he’ll stay by your side in a crowd and you are just going to feel really safe with him. Top-tier scary boyfriend privilege right there.
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Ok so the least and most intimidating were extremely obvious to me. It was everyone else in between that made things difficult. This was really fun to write though, even if the concept is a bit silly! 😂
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rockstarhaechan · 8 months
hiii, hope you are doing well <3
can i req some winwin but definitely not fluffy, love your blog btw
conversations | winwin ˚ ೀ。˚
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♡ pairing: bsf!winwin x bsf!reader
♡ warnings: smut (minors dni), rough winwin, mention of the rest of nct, alcohol, fingering, cum eating, jealous winwin, pet names
♡ note: i hope this is what you asked for, since you wanted no fluff heh. but i’m doing well, thank you for asking hope you’re doing well too!
you’ve been invited to a party that nct organized, winwin being your best friend casually filling up your glass with a little too much beer for your liking. but you couldn’t care less all you wanted to have was fun tonight.
about two hours in, you were going through the stage of being really tipsy but not quite drunk yet. you’ve been talking to a lot of the guys stopping at jaehyun who has been taking your breathe away, especially tonight. winwin usually never really cared about you talking to the rest of nct, but this time he got really jealous.
“so darling, how are you enjoying the party?” jaehyun smiled widely as his arm was hugging you lower back, his face being really close to yours, so close that you already felt his breath on the surface of your face.
“i’ve been having quite a bit of fun, my glass is just empty” turning to jaehyun with your pounding face as you held your now empty cup in front of his eyes wiggling it a little bit. your hair was falling over your shoulders as you turned your head into winwin’s direction, waving at him innocently.
winwin got mad when he saw you and jaehyun being up close, practically kissing yet lips not even touching. winwin always had a slight crush on you but never told you since he was your best friend for so long now, but it makes him jealous and he doesn’t mind showing you as he slowly walks over to you.
“what happened between you and jaehyun?” he uses the chance to speak to you while jaehyun is filling up your cup with a new drink, winwin being extremely close to you letting your body become weak.
“what do you think happened sicheng?” putting on a little smile as your elbow rested on his shoulder, facing him. he lifted an eyebrow as his tongue poked the inside of his cheek.
“i don’t know pretty, you tell me cause you were clearly flirting with jaehyun” he sounded jealous, oh and how jealous he was. the look on his face was irritating as he pushed his hair back face getting closer to yours.
“are you jealous sicheng? that’s actually kinda cute” it was the tipsy self who said that to him, normally you couldn’t care less what winwin thought about you or how you thought about him cause in the end he was just your best friend and nothing more.
grabbing you hand and dragging you into the bathroom of the house, nails digging into his skin as you held yourself up due to his immense speed. winwin soon found the bathroom, pushing you inside as he closed the door behind him.
“now we can talk about what you did with jaehyun, you basically undressed him with your eyes” he was mad and sad at the same time, wishing it was him who you just flirted with. you stepped closer to him arms softly resting on his shoulders as your fingers play with the back of his hair.
“you know sicheng jaehyun is a really gorgeous person, who wouldn’t flirt with him?” that was enough for winwin as your last word left your lips he kissed you hungrily. you were shocked at first but quickly deepening the kiss one hand traveling down to his chest pushing him against the door slightly.
talking? that was definitely not what you two were doing right now, tongue’s fighting with each other while winwin’s fingers started to play with the hem of your dress slipping under it. the both of you got so distracted with each other that you couldn’t even break the kiss as winwin basically just ripped the dress off of your body while smirking at you.
“you look so fucking pretty, for how long was it waiting to do this god” his hand was cupping your tit as he slowly turned his attention to your nipple, twirling his thumb around your exposed nip, deepening the kiss even more.
it soon clicked in your brain as you noticed what just happened with the two of you carefully touching his chest as your hands moved to his belt but he stopped you from moving further down, pinning both of your hands above your head while whispering into your ear that this is all about you and not him. one of winwin’s hands moved down to your panties, playing with the hem of your waistband hand slowly sneaking into your underwear.
“sicheng, what?” softly smiling as a few moans escaped your lips but he just hushed you attention back to your clit, slowly rubbing on it with small circles as pleasure hit you. you never thought this would happen as winwin and you are only best friends and nothing more but you never knew about what he felt about you, so you just went with the flow.
hips moving against his fingers which are now deeply inside of you as he was hitting your right spot each time. winwin was working pure magic almost letting you cum on the spot just with his fingers. your moans made him smirk and pushing his ego up since he’s doing this to you, and only he is.
“g-gonna cum” you threw your head back in pleasure as you held onto his shoulders, leg wrapped around his waist trying to hold your orgasm back not wanting to give in that quickly it’s like you’re waiting for him to allow you to cum.
“cum around my fingers, wanna taste that sweet juice of yours” as soon as he said that you felt a tight knot in your stomach finally releasing your orgasm and turning into a panting mess. winwin catched you as you rode off your high holding your body upright slowly pulling his fingers out of you.
licking every drop of your juices clean off his fingers as he looked deeply into your eyes, basically grinning at you before he pulled you back into a long kiss so you could taste yourself on his tongue. he broke the kiss quickly handing you your dress, pulling it over your head.
“get dressed babe, don’t want anyone else to see you like this” a small giggle was heard from his lips as you dragged your dress over your shoulders, brushing the dress down straight. you looked into the mirror and almost screamed. your make up? completely ruined. mascara running down your cheeks, lipstick non existent.
“oh god sicheng what have you done, look at me” you cried out while laughing. he turned around to face you again, handing you a small towel with a quick “you still look pretty” before leaving the bathroom. after you freshened up you left the bathroom as well and ran into a confused jaehyun with your glass in his hand.
“oh i could use something stronger, vodka perhaps? thank you” chugging down your glass before signaling jaehyun to get another drink for you. winwin on the other hand was giggling next to you as his arm hugged your waist, giving you a kiss on the cheek.
“why so shy now doll?” his evil grin was not to be overseen, undressing you with his eyes once again. you just knew that this night would change a lot of things, not in bad ways but maybe what happened in the bathroom won’t be the only thing happening between you and winwin tonight.
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musiclover84898 · 25 days
As you know i’ve been on a tad fiona apple high so im thinking perhaps the reader is the kinda artist that fiona is and she’s preforming in a quiet club. James comes with Kirk (per kirk’s request) and James is really struck by her sorta and ends up trying to talk to her before she leaves so they just talk for a bit and it’s mostly fluff with a few 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 remarks
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This is so creative I love it !!! James in a cowboy hat does something to me…I based the title off of one of Fiona’s albums because I didn’t know what to call it lmao. Thank you for your request! 😽
Warnings: Mostly fluff, somewhat-sexual/suggestive remarks. This takes place in 1992
Word count: 1,346
Tidal - James Hetfield
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Friday nights were always the busiest, from what I've observed. So any different people would usher themselves inside the small club, sitting at the circular tables or the bar with a glass of wine in hand, chatting and laughing as I performed my songs. It filled me with a sense of pride as I watched the people cheer and applaud for me, a clear sign that they enjoyed my work. I loved what I did, and it felt good knowing that others did, too.
I started my show like normal, the soft, melodic sound of the piano filling out the underground room. My fingers grasped onto the microphone as I began to sing, the lyrics streaming from my lips as the song progressed on. I liked to believe that I was one of those artists who really felt the music they sang and wrote, not the ones who just listened to it. As I continued with the show, it felt like I was the only one in the room; like I was preforming to an empty expanse. I sang better that way, I thought. Slower, more heartfelt songs began to play, hinting at the end of my set.
The door to the club swung open quietly, two men walking in and taking a seat at the bar. I curiously glanced over at them as I sang, my eyes lingering on the taller of the two. He had blue eyes and long, shaggy blonde hair. He was also wearing a cowboy hat, which I thought was quite interesting. We made eye contact; for a moment, it felt like I was singing to him. My stomach jumbled into a knot as we continued to stare at each other, the tension between us growing. Without even thinking, I looked away towards the rest of the crowd to finish out the song. I had to find him after my set, and figure out who the hell he was and what he was doing here at my show..
I was sitting near the bar, a drink in hand as I gazed at my shoes. The show was a success, per usual; I had received praise from nearly half the bar; their cheering and applause still echoed in my ears. The sound of clinking ice against the glass sent me back to the present moment, revealing the man from before standing right in front of me. My eyebrows raised abruptly, earning a dark, husky chuckle from him.
“You did an amazing job up there, rockstar. I’m impressed,” he said as he took a seat on the barstool next to mine. I bashfully smiled, waving my hand as if I was dismissing his compliments. Nervous butterflies were fluttering in my chest and stomach; why was I getting so damn jittery around him? I took a hearty sip of my drink before settling it back down onto the bar.
“Thank you. I saw you earlier while I was on stage, what’s your name?” I asked. I noticed his outfit and how casual it looked; boots, slightly ripped jeans, and a plain black shirt with the sleeved rolled up to his forearms. Not the attire for a place like a jazz club, I thought. I noticed him take a sip of beer from a tall glass before answering me. He had a horseshoe mustache. It kind of looked like one of the ones you’d see in an old Western film. It made me want to laugh.
“James. James Hetfield,” he began, wiping the corners of his mouth with the back of his big hand. “You’re absolutely beautiful.” His words hung in the air for a long while, allowing me to absorb his low voice and his piercing, ice-blue stare. His name sounded familiar; extremely familiar, actually, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. Maybe it was because of the strong liquor I had been drinking for the past fifteen minutes.
“Thank you, Mr. Hetfield.” I joked, lightly jabbing him in the arm with a small fist. He laughed deeply, showing off his white teeth. He certainly was very charming, from his words all the way down to the way he carried himself in general. I felt extremely attracted to him already, even though we’d met just under ten minutes ago. We continued to talk with each other about random things like music, and how we both had a hobby of playing guitar. To me, it sounded like he was extremely passionate and serious about it. It was interesting to listen to him explain how he started playing in the first place. After a few more drinks, it was clear we both felt a bit tipsy.
“I bet a lot of men come up to you, huh? You’re really fuckin’ pretty.” He hiccuped, placing a wobbly hand on my thigh for leverage. His blonde hair looked tousled and messy, which somehow suited him even more. His hat was resting next to his nth glass of beer, which was already half full.
I blush as red as a beet, and mutter a “Thank you” under my breath. He must’ve noticed how embarrassed and flushed I looked, because his lopsided smirk grew wider.
“You’re very welcome, baby. How about we come back to my place, hmm? I could show you a real good time, little lady.” His voice sounded a lot more hoarse and raw than before, a clear sign that the alcohol was affecting his behavior. My heart began to thump loudly in my chest, beating so fast I thought it would burst. The hand on my thigh began to travel closer to the hem of my skirt, toying with the black fabric. I sucked in a breath, my teeth chewing down on my bottom lip.
“I really shouldn’t. We’re both shitfaced,” I laughed softly, placing my hand on top of his own. They felt cold, but it was a pleasant feeling. The atmosphere of the room was hot and stuffy all of a sudden; what the fuck was happening? I rubbed my temples with my index and middle fingers, trying to relieve some of the tension in my head.
“And besides, it’s late. I should be packing up my equipment right now.” I sighed, running my fingers through my hair. I wanted to say yes so damn badly, but I just met this guy. I couldn’t just saunter back to his apartment and sleep with him! I wasn’t that stupid.
“So? You’ve never fucked anyone when you’ve been a little tipsy, sweet thing? It’s a lot of fun,” he taunted in a sing-song tone of voice. “But, if you say so, I won’t keep askin’ you,” he squeezed my thigh before letting it go, taking a final sip of his beer. He leaned down, placing a lingering kiss to my cheekbone. I could smell the alcohol on his lips and the faded cologne on his shirt; the unfamiliar-yet-intoxicating scent made my heart race even more than it already was. I quickly scanned him up and down before peering back up into his half-lidded eyes.
“I’ll be seeing you around, sweetheart. You take care of yourself in the meantime, alright?” He told me, tossing on his cowboy hat and making his way through the large room and out the door. As he left, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had seen him before, and how familiar his name sounded. As I slowly refocused on my environment, I could hear people whispering and chatting with each other about the man who had just given me a kiss on the cheek.
“Holy shit, James from fucking Metallica was just in here!”
“Man, I should’ve asked for his autograph. I feel like such an idiot now. Did you see that woman he was talking with?!”
My eyes widened as I instinctively reached for my glass of liquor. I rose the rim to my lips, letting the bitter-tasting liquid fall onto my tongue. A member of Metallica had just chatted me up tonight. I felt a small smile curling onto my lips.
So that’s where I knew him from.
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A.N: I finished this at like 3 am so I’m sorry if there are any spelling mistakes! This is the last fic I will post before I go into inactivity for a little while. Requests will be closed until I adjust to school and overall just get my life organized lmao. I’ll make a post announcing when they’ll be open again eventually. I hope you all enjoyed reading this!, thank you my love @marchymango for requesting it 🤍 Much love xoxo
© musiclover84898
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icequeenbae · 9 months
Hii! This is a more slow burn request so I’m sorry if it’s a little difficult, but could I request Heartsteel Ezreal x reader who’s knowledgeable and quite sarcastic and quick witted with their replies? I just wonder how their meeting would go with the whole Black cat, golden retriever vibe!
And maybe the reader sometimes suffers from low self-esteem and burnout.
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Pairing: Heartsteel!Ezreal x Reader ft. all members
Heartsteel AU, attempted humor, fluff
Warnings: grumpymanager!Reader, Kayn is annoying as fuck… language? lol
Word Count: ~1.4k
© Please do not copy/ post on other platforms without permission.
Author’s Note: Hiii~ Thank you for the Ezreal request, sweetie! I do have my favorites in Heartsteel to write for, and he is definitely at the top of that list <3 Not sure if this is exactly what you wanted, but let’s give it a try! As usual, let me know via comments/ asks/ reblogs, I try stay on it~ P.S. The stuff I post for requests is usually not beta’ed, so pls bear with me…
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You rubbed your tired eyes and cursed, checking if your fingers had any mascara on them. There was an issue to resolve, and you had hoped to finish up before the Heartsteel members returned to the waiting room after their rehearsal. But your plan failed miserably.
‘Our dearest manager!’ Kayn appeared next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. ‘Always working, what a busy little bee!’
You raised your eyebrow at him and stayed silent until he cleared his throat and retracted his arm, while the rest of the members scattered around the room, minding their own business.
‘Someone has to work around here,’ you replied, typing away on your laptop.
‘You should take a break and go grab something to eat at least,’ Yone suggested.
His amiable comment made you release a desperate sigh.
‘They messed up the mic backup, Yone. Not to mention that we have the music video budget due tomorrow and someone screwed up the calculations. I cannot let you film without the drones or the special effects crew. If you do everything yourselves, you’ll be dead before you go on stage again, and I will be ripped into a million tiny pieces by the company or your fans. And I don’t know which one’s worse…’
‘If that’s Sett’s fans you’ll live. They all twinky as shit, look at Phel.’ Kayn cackled, and Yone glared at him.
Sett and Aphelios exchanged looks, probably deciding to give their most annoying member a proper thrashing another time just for the sake of your emotional wellbeing. At least someone understood how dire the situation was.
‘How can I help?’ The producer asked.
Although you appreciated the offer, you knew that they had to perform tomorrow, so Yone would have to supervise the last of preparations starting early morning. You could not allow him to spend the night helping you and then go straight into tomorrow’s work. The price of a screwup was too high on this one.
‘You can help by taking them out for dinner and making sure they’re tucked in later. I don’t want anyone out wreaking any havoc while I’m not around to settle everything.’
‘That I can arrange.’ Yone nodded, giving the rest of the members a solid onceover. ‘You heard Y/N, boys. No fun for you tonight, we have a very long day tomorrow.’
‘Ugh. Buzzkill…’ Sett sighed, and Phel pinched him on the arm, hard. ‘Ow!!’
‘I think we can live with one night in, guys,’ Ezreal interjected. ‘We’re so tired anyway.’
‘Speak for yourself, young man. I am full of energy!’ K’Sante retorted.
What a traitorous blow! You’d expect it from anyone but him.
Noticing your flabbergasted expression, K’Sante quickly continued.
‘…which I can spend by working some iron in the gym before bed time.’
You shook your head, trying to focus on your spreadsheet again. It was a little- no, it was extremely overwhelming, trying to fix several urgent issues at once, while running on a couple hours of sleep, half a sandwich (had to donate the rest to Sett – he’s still growing, after all… or so he thinks) and way too much coffee.
‘Are you going to stay here though?’ Ezreal asked, sounding too quiet for his usual bubbly self.
You assumed he was afraid to get the short end of the stick and make you explode with his question. But you were too tired to even yell at any of them.
‘Not that I have any choice,’ you answered dryly. ‘Not everyone can teleport, Ezzie.’
He pursed his lips, probably realizing that it was best to leave you alone before you gave him the same glare that Kayn had earned earlier. Unlike the demonic bastard, Ezreal was among the members who preferred to stay away from you when you were fuming, as opposed to irritating you further to poke some fun. Yone had already spent a week negotiating for you to take back your resignation once, so they were on their best behavior ever since. Well, the best they could muster, which wasn’t that great but in the grand scheme of things… you’d take what you could get.
After they all vacated the premises, you finally managed to send the updated budget numbers for approval, and made a few calls about the mic replacement. It was unbelievable, but you really had to find someone to get the necessary equipment and fly in to bring it on time. So you stayed at the venue to be able to check whether everything worked fine right away.
But later that night, a mystery visitor woke you up while scooping you off the chair to get you onto the sofa.
‘Mhm- what… Who’s here??’ You jerked up from your uncomfortable sleeping position, accidentally hitting someone in the face with your head.
‘Ow!’ You heard someone squeak and turned around, finding Ezreal in pain, holding his hand to his nose.
‘What on Earth brings you here??’ You instinctively pinched the bridge of his nose as if that would help with the pain. ‘Wait, what time is it? Where is my phone??’
‘I took it,’ he said, wiping under his nose to check for blood.
Thankfully, there was none, and he was okay. Your nervous system, however, was not as lucky.
‘What do you mean, you took it??’ You frantically checked the time on your laptop. ‘3:23? I was supposed to meet someone an hour ago! Why didn’t you wake me up?!’
You grabbed your phone from blabbering Ezreal, but he clung to you like a koala.
‘Y/N, I-’
‘I know. You didn’t think properly, and now I will have to find a way to get that guy to come back if he isn’t sleeping in his hotel already… Shit, Ezzie, you fucked up! No, I fucked up. How could I have fallen asleep?? Stupid, stupid, stupid!’ You knocked on your own head with your knuckles to make a point, and Ezreal caught you by the wrist with his two hands, looking as if you had hit him and not yourself.
‘Y/N, I already met with him and took the mics. We ran a test downstairs with some of the overnight technicians. Everything is set up and working fine.’
You blinked at him a few times, still confused.
‘Uh- You… did?’
‘Yes. I came back earlier and you were asleep. Then someone called you, so I figured- And then I went down and checked everything,’ he delivered anxiously. ‘I also brought you a sandwich- but I didn’t want to wake you, so…’
He grabbed a paper bag from the sofa and shoved it into your hands. You looked at it, and then back at Ezreal, your sleepy and stressed-out brain still catching up with everything.
‘Um- so you brought me… a sandwich?’ You asked.
‘Yes,’ he nodded, strangely bashful. ‘And a juice box.’
His cheeks became rosy, and you couldn’t help but burst out laughing. Ezreal looked like a stray puppy, unsure about whether it was safe to express his affection.
As your laughter settled, you finally exhaled. Everything was okay, thanks to your unexpected little helper for tonight. And now that he’d mentioned the food…
‘I hope you got me an extra-large one.’ You hummed, sitting your butt down.
‘I got two,’ he beamed. ‘And a chocolate bar.’
‘Good. You look like you could have some chocolate right about now.’
And of course, after such an eventful night, as well as the previous few days, having a full belly made you dozy again. Although you did notice Ezreal’s head slowly tilting towards your shoulder through the layer of drowsiness, you didn’t catch your own head leaning onto his.
Due to your carelessness, you were in for a rude awakening in just a few hours.
‘Now, isn’t that adorable?’ Even from the depths of hell you would have heard Kayn exclaim in the most obnoxious voice possible.
‘I’m taking a picture. For the family album!’ K’Sante announced, quick to utilize the camera on his phone.
‘Or future blackmail…’ Kayn sneered evilly.
‘Maybe I should post that picture of you stuck in the vault with your pants down, Shieda Kayn.’ You mused out loud, eyes still shut.
There were a few sounds resembling muffled cursing, and then Kayn walked it back.
‘Hey man, we shouldn’t take pictures of people sleeping. It’s illegal or some shit. Let’s just go check on the preparations, come on.’
And so, they went back to where they came from. ‘Manager…’ You heard Ezreal whisper, head still laying on your shoulder. ‘You’re amazing.’
Non-EXO masterlist
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A/N: Thank you for reading and happy holidays my sweethearts!! I have just a couple more requests to go~ I don't think I will take more for the time being but I might come up with another requests event for 900 or 1000 milestone! Please don't forget to comment and reblog if you want to support me 💜 And check out my masterlist for more of my HEARTSTEEL and kpop content 💕
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faeriichaii · 7 months
hey I've read several of your fics and I really love your writing and I was wondering of you'd be in a mood for one thorin x reader request where thorin comes to visit bilbo in the shire some time after botfa and goes to the green dragon with him where he gets absolutely mesmerised with the reader who is a singer there?? it's heavily inspired by the song "killing me softly with her song" by Perry Como. could be any genre really. I've had this idea for so long but am absolutely terrible at writing
Symphony of Your Life ~ Thorin x Human!Reader
A/N: Thank you so much!! I am happy to hear that you have enjoyed my stories so far :) I am so sorry that it took me so long to write it rip but now it is here and I hope you like it!! <33
⇢ ˗ˏˋ Warnings: fluff (I think??) not proof read!!! ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Words: 1.4k ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Request: Yes (thank you <33) ࿐ྂ
Summary: Thorin went to visit his old friend Bilbo in the Shire once more, without expecting to be enchanted by a melodic voice that fills not just his ears but also his heart.
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“I am grateful for your visit old friend.” Bilbo said, giving Thorins shoulder a pat before entering the Green Dragon Inn. “Well, it has been quite a while since we parted ways and you went back home to the shire.” The dwarven king followed after the hobbit into the filled place. People were drinking away, while telling the ones closest by about stories of their past. Others were eating away the food that was served on their plates. The inn was filled with a lively atmosphere, making Thorin relax slightly, the stress of the past months leaving his body.
Bilbo pulled out one of the wooden chairs and made himself comfortable, before looking around in search of the waitress. “So Thorin, tell me, what has been happening in Erebor after I left?” “Well, we began to slowly regain back the power Erebor once had.” Thorin sat opposite of the hobbit, before continuing with his story. “We are also making sure to not keep too much gold in the mine. Also, the trading between Mirkwood and Erebor is livelier than ever.” “Excuse me for the lil wait, but what can I get ya two fellows for the night?” A woman asked them, her eyes moving between the two men.
“I would just like to get a pint of meat for now.” The dwarven king said, his eyes moving from the waitress to the performer behind her. Soft tunes filled his ears, followed by a gentle voice telling an old tale from the past. Your mind was focused on the song you were playing and he could feel the emotions that you put into every syllable that passed your lips. Fingers gently tugging on the strings of your Lyre, making him wish to walk closer to hear even more of this beautiful melody.
“Thorin, are you alright?” Bilbo asked him, taking a sip of his drink. The king didn’t even notice that the waitress already served them their order. “Yes of course. I just am enjoying the song.” And with that he turned his attention back to you. You were walking off of the makeshift stage and danced through the small passage of people. A bright smile graced your lips as you heard a group of men hollering along with you, almost drowning your own voice with theirs. Continuing your way to every single corner and crevice of the inn, you made sure that everyone was enjoying themselves.
You loved performing. It was what made you happy, even when you were younger. Your older brother even taught you how to play the Lyre and you remember constantly joining him for his small performances in various different inns around your hometown. He was the sole reason for you now standing in the middle of a packed room, surrounded by various different people who were dancing and singing together with you. Strumming the last tune on your lyre you finished the song with a bow. Applause as well as praise was washing over you, as you looked around the crowd.
The bright faces of the people around you filling you with warmth. That was until you caught onto a pair of stale blue ones. His gentle smile was almost unnoticeable in the dark room, as you studied him a little more. You recognize him from one of the many tales that bards have sung in inns you have visited with your brother. Thorin Oakenshield. So, you rushed back onto the makeshift stage and strummed your Lyre.
“My dear guests, I really hope you enjoyed today’s performance as much as I did. This right now might sound like a farewell already, but I have one last performance before I will leave you for the night. It is a special song, most of you know.” People around you began to mumble, trying to guess which song you will play next. “As most of you already know, many songs played are retellings of famous stories of middle earth. And as you might know, me and my brother began to rewrite some of them as well. And as some of you might know, I am especially proud of the one song we wrote about the one and only Thorin Oakenshield.”
The crowd began to cheer, as you looked at the man in question. His eyes darkened at the mention of him and his life story being turned into a song. He would have expected anything, even the song of how the company and him got Erebor out of the clutches of the dragon. But his life story? How could a mere mortal even know half of his story?
You strung the first few melodies of the song. Your melancholy voice once more entrancing the people occupying the inn. Their eyes intently focused on you. But your own mind was only focused on the dwarven king right in front of him. You wanted to touch his soul with the words and retelling you once wrote together with your brother. You needed him to see that you knew his pain, even if you weren’t around him. You wanted him to know that his pain was shared and that he was not the only one who had to pass through tough times. You wanted him to know that you understood him.
Thorins heart warmed at the words that were dedicated to him. He didn’t expect you to completely put him under your spell and enchant him by the way you were telling his story. He expected things to be painful, but you made sure to put warmth and love, as well as care into every word. From the moment you mentioned the tragic death of his father, followed by the definition of his name, you thought about every little detail in his story. And it warmed his heart. You even mentioned how he conquered Erebor back for the dwarves and how he got rid of the dragon Smaug. Even the battle of the five armies was mentioned in your song. It almost felt like you have been around him since day one, watching every step he took on his journey. Almost as if you were a part of the company yourself.
After the last note passed from the Lyre and you sung the last melody of the song, you heard the applause of the people around you. Smiling brightly, you bowed once more, however your mind was still stuck onto the king who you just sung about. Letting your eyes travel across the people, you notice that the seat he had occupied during his stay in the inn was now empty. Slight pain squeezed your heart. You hated when people just left during your performances. Especially the ones the story is all about.
Descending from the small makeshift stage, you began to put away your Lyre into its case. Getting ready, to leave for the night you were stopped by a person in front of you. He was slightly shorter than you and you immediately recognized his blue eyes. “I hope I am not interrupting.” “Not at all my king.” You quickly said, straightening your posture. “I hope you liked the song. I wrote it together with my brother, as a small tribute to all the heroic things you have accomplished over the time.”
A smile graced the kings’ lips, which made you feel a little bit more at ease. “I was a little surprised, I didn’t expect to hear any song about me. Especially one that was so detailed.” You intently listened to every word that passed his lips, fingers tightly holding onto the case of your Lyre. “I did enjoy it though. It was very touching and it did make me think about some… things.” He cleared his throat before continuing. “Would you perhaps consider writing more songs? I mean about the dwarven kings and maybe Erebor?”
Your eyes widened at this proposition, never expecting these words to pass Thorins lips. “My king I-“ “Just call me Thorin.” “Thorin I… don’t know what to say. This is a big honour for me and I would love to accept this offer, but why would you ask me of all the wonderful and talented people of middle earth to work on such an important project?” You asked him, still flabbergasted at the words of the king.
“Well, I do enjoy the sound of your voice and your song about my story touched my heart like none before. I also think that Erebor deserves a song of it’s own, so it would only be fitting, to ask you for this important job.” A bright smile graced your lips. “In that case, I would happily take up your offer and write the most beautiful symphony for Erebor.” Erebor, the city that once belonged to the beast called Smaug. Erebor, the city of hope and chances.
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starrzhao · 1 year
what are the odds? | k.tr
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synopsis you've tried numerous attempts in confessing to taerae but somehow it always ends up turning into unfortunate accidents…misleading taerae into thinking you hate him at some poor attempts
pairing taerae x gn!reader
genre romance, fluff, humor, angst if you squint
word count 9.6k
content/tags sfw, miscommunication/misunderstanding trope, university!au setting, part-time barista!taerae
warnings I am not funny but I tried, swearing, a lotta things are unrealistic (anyways it’s fiction lol) , the y/n here is kind of a dumbass sorry (to clarify, you are not dumb at all! I’m just referring to the mc here 😭😞), low-key gave up halfway so things may be messy, will try to edit and proofread later when I have the time
featuring former boys planet trainees, kum junhyeon , park hanbin , cha woongki and seowon
taglist @leagreenly @kpoprhia @dimplewonie @shanb1n @wtfhyuck @mikaymee (kindly send an ask/dm if you’d like to be added or removed)
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One of your friends, sung hanbin had decided to host an open-mic event at his cafe for the first time. At first, you didn’t want to go because of the number of assignments you had all piled up as your horridly long to-do list was desperate for your attention. but your friend was also desperate too, begging you to come as he was afraid only a few people would bother to show up.
So being the good friend you are (and terrible procrastinator looking for an excuse to not do work), you decided to go. Your other friends, zhanghao, ricky and junhyeon also tagged along to support as well.
To your surprise, the cafe was actually really full, more and more people rolled in every hour and although you loved to socialize, your battery was draining from seeing the number of people at a high.
There were a lot of talented people who took the stage. With some pouring out their emotions with their personal spoken-word poetry, some inducing laughter with stand-up comedy and some taking the stage to sing their heart out with a touching ballad or a fun pop song.
It was a particularly entertaining night but with the number of people increasing in the cafe, it was draining and dreadful to be with a swarm of people. It wasn’t that you didn’t like to socialize, it was just suffocating to be in a large crowded cafe.
It was 1 am but the open-mic was still lively and has yet to reach its end with a quite big number of people still waiting in line to take the stage.
“I want to go home.” You yawn before comfortably resting your head on the table as you hear another poetry number.
“I gotta go I have a 7 am class tomorrow, the professor will rip my head off if I’m late again. I already told hanbin so he won’t kill me. Bye guys.” Ricky was the first one to leave from your group, bidding you guys a farewell.
Hanbin begged you guys to stay throughout the whole open mic to ensure there was going to be an audience for every performer. As the hours passed, less and less people were at the cafe.
“Thank you to everyone who came today especially to the ones who decided to stay until the end of our event. Now we know there’s still some of you who wish to perform their piece tonight but I’m afraid we have to end it after one last performance. Do not fret, there will be another open-mic event in the future! I hope to see you all stop by again. “ Hanbin relays his closing remarks for the event.
“And now, to finally wrap our event, let’s give the stage to the last but definitely not the least, kim taerae! Let’s all give it up for him.” Claps and cheers echoed through the room for the last performer. A young man walked into the stage with a guitar in his hand, he was dressed in a white denim jacket with a pair of blue jeans and his hair was styled in a little messy perm. He enters the stage and greets the crowd with a sweet smile.
“Hello everyone! I am kim taerae and to end today’s open-mic on a good note, I will be singing man in love by infinite. Hope you enjoy.” You were a little surprised at his low voice. You get up from your position and sit uptight, eager to watch the performance of the new man you found attractive. From his looks and to his speaking voice, he already seemed promising .
The moment he started singing, you melted over his vocals. His voice was quite deep yet also so sweet and soft. His voice was so captivating and everyone in the audience was in awe.
The performance was so satisfying and heartwarming to watch. He was also looking into the eyes of the members of the audience as if he was in a concert. At one point, your eyes meet and you felt your heart skip a beat as he flashed a charming bright smile as his eyes met yours for a moment.
At that moment, you felt your world stop for a moment like you have just met eye-to-eye with the love of your life. All throughout the performance, you felt as if you two were the only one there. As if taerae was pouring all those words out to you.
Soon, the song had finally come to an end and the crowd loudly claps and cheers, everyone was swooned by his heartfelt performance.
“Thank you everyone, hope you all enjoyed the night and get home safe. Take care!” He bids his farewell and everyone immediately stands up from their seats, ready to leave the event.
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The next day arrived and here you were on your first day in a new class. You were sleep deprived and was trying your hardest not to fall asleep as soon as you sat down.
Everyone else chatted about whatever went on in their lives. A lot of the others already knew each other too. You were sitting in the back with no one next to you, feeling slightly out of place.
“Hey may I sit here?” A familiar low voice spoke. You get up and look at your left. Loe and behold, It was that sweet singer from yesterday.
“Yes of course.” You reply and flash a small smile.
“You’re kim taerae?”
“Oh yeah! How do you know me?
“I recognize you, you were at the open-mic last night at the cafe last night, right?”
“Ah yes that’s me!” He lightly chuckles in response.
“You were incredible last night, you were the perfect person to end the show. Your singing was amazing! It was so sweet and satisfying to hear. And then when y-I’m so sorry I think I’m rambling now.” His ears turned red from your compliment, keeping a shy smile on over the compliments you gave. You worried that you were doing too much.
“No no it’s fine! And thank you so much, I appreciate it, really.”
“ sorry I forgot to introduce myself but I’m y/n by the way. nice to meet you taerae.” You let your hand out to which he gladly shakes.
“And I’m well, as you already know haha, taerae but it’s very nice to meet you y/n. looking forward to getting to know you.” That sweet smile painted on his face as he seats himself next to you.
you have liked, actually no scratch that, you have been in love with taerae since the first day you met him..
After becoming seatmates on the first day and getting along, you were bound to see each other every week, and after talking to him during every class, sharing about anything and everything in your lives instead of actually paying attention to your lectures, your feelings had gotten stronger as you had gotten to know him more over the course of a few months
He was a very smart, humble and sweet person. A million words weren’t even enough to describe his personality. To top it all off, he was incredibly handsome too. He had that sweet signature smile that always brightened your day. It was hard not to fall for someone like him.
He also became a part-time employee at hanbin’s cafe, although you only every visited once a week to see hanbin, you started going everyday to see taerae.
“hey y/n we know that you’re down bad for mr. cutie pie over there but please pay attention to your friends.” junhyeon snaps at you from your trance after catching you once, again getting lost in your own world staring at taerae for the millionth time today.
currently, you and your friends were hanging at the cafe owned by hanbin located near your uni.
“Yeah, huh yes.” junhyeon and gunwook laugh at your reaction.
Speaking of the devil(or angel, you would think), taerae suddenly approaches your table.
“hey guys I’m clocking out now, just tell hanbin if you need anything. and y/n see you on monday!” he sends you his signature smile as he waves at your friends a farewell as he leaves the cafe.
“see you!” you were smiling so big at him, unaware of how you were smiling so big like a fool. junhyeon and gunwook giggle and whisper amongst themselves, teasing your absolutely lovesick state.
“yeah and they say they have a little crush, and they’ve been trying to hide it.” Junhyeon teases.
“Oh shut up.” You smack his arm and turn away, trying to hide your so painfully obvious blushing state.
“we are so sick of you shooting heart eyes at him for the longest time, oh god when do you plan on finally asking him out?” gunwook says.
“now that you mention it I think I’m planning on confessing to taerae soon.”
your friends dramatically gasp altogether. they certainly didn’t expect you to make a move a year after meeting him.
“You really are?”
“Yeah I was actually thinking of telling him after the open-mic tomorrow.”
“Ooooh how?” Sung hanbin chips in as he takes a seat at your table and casually sneaks a bite from zhanghao’s cheesecake sitting on the table.
“hey what the hell that’s mine, don’t think you’re so slick.” zhanghao snatches the fork from hanbin’s hand and hanbin chuckles at zhanghao’s annoyed state.
“hanbin what are you doing here aren’t you supposed to be working?” you turn to look at him and he comfortably sinks his back into the couch.
“you guys are the only ones here anyways and I’m closing the cafe in a bit. i also heard the words taerae and confess so of course I had to join in.”
“anyways moving back to the topic, how are you going to tell him” hanbin mentions once again.
“I was just planning on just simply saying it. All straight forward like hey.. I like you.”
Your friends squeal in excitement, you bury your face in your hands, embarrassed.
“I have a hunch he likes you too.” your ears turn red over what hanbin said, thinking the possibility of taerae reciprocating his feelings made you feel a little happy inside.
“Wishing you luck ” Hanbin pats your shoulder..
“Yeah like what are the odds that things could go wrong?”
“thank you for attending our open mic event this month ! I truly appreciate all your support and I’m always amazed by the talented performers that take on the stage. Hope you all get home safe and sound, thank you once again and I hope to see you again in our monthly open mic event once again next month.”
“Good luck.” Hanbin whispers in your year, sending you a fighting gesture as you proceed to look for taerae.
You look around and you spot him behind the cashier, currently counting a bunch of coins in his hand.
“Hey!” You catch the boy’s attention as he looks up and immediately flashes a smile as you near him.
“Hey what’s up? Did you enjoy tonight’s open-mic?”
“Yeah I did! And like always, you did absolutely amazing.” Taerae’s face flushing red after your compliment, you always found it so adorable when he’d get so shy.
“Uh taerae, I just wanted to tell you something.”
“Go ahead. I’m listening.” He places his arm on the counter, resting his chin on his palm, ready to listen to you.
“I don’t know where to begin..so the thing is.”
You take a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself for the moment.
“I’ve been keeping on eye on a certain someone for awhile now. Well whatever I shouldn’t be beating around the bush. I like-“
“Taerae! Let’s go!” A blue haired boy comes and wraps his arm around taerae’s neck, ruffling through his hair. You presumed it was the blue-haired roommate taerae always referred to in his stories about his dorm life.
“Later hanbin! Y/n’s trying to tell me something, go on..”
“Oh I’m so sorry I was interrupting something..”
“I like hearing the stories about your roommate, I wanted to meet him.” It just slipped. Forcing yourself to lie was defenitely not something you wanted to do but you felt too awkward to continue confessing.
“That’s me! Hello I am park hanbin, taerae’s amazing roommate that you hear about in his stories.” Hanbin winks at you, and puts his hand out. You shake his hand, pretending like you eagerly wanted to get to know him.
“Oh hey! That’s cool so I always heard really interesting stories about you so I’ve been dying to meet you.” You lied.
“I hear about you too, you seem cool. Hey wanna exchange numbers?”
“Yeah that’d be cool.” You and hanbin pull out your phones and quickly exchange numbers as taerae stands awkwardly behind the counter, witnessing your interaction.
“So uh i guess we can take our leave now? Thanks for coming today y/n and see you tomorrow during class!” Taerae pats hanbin’s shoulders, lowkey pushing him to go.
“Oh of course. See you taerae!” You smile and wave as they slowly take their leave.
“Nice to meet you y/n see you around too!” Hanbin cheekily throws a heart shooting gesture at you.
That was not definitely what you wanted to do.
“I don’t know if I can directly say it to him again.” You contemplated as you drew along your sketchbook. You were currently in ricky and zhanghao’s dorm, making a sketch of taerae as the two seriously focus on finishing their plates for their art classes due the next day, them being typical art students, while ranting about your confession process for the second time.
“Then perhaps you can try saying it to him by writing it in a letter instead?” Ricky suggests as he calmly moves the brush strokes against his canvas, multitasking listening to you while painting for his final’s project in his drawing and painting class.
“Writing him a letter-okay wait ricky I think that’s a great idea, I think i can do that.” you gasp as you turn to him, enlightened by the idea that doesn’t deal with direct confrontation.
“Eh but how are you doing it? Are you going to mail it? You know it’s a hassle and the courier rates are hell here or do you plan on just handing it to him then running away like an idiot. ” Zhanghao asks and you realize you didn’t fully grasp the idea yet. Writing down your feelings through a letter was definitely easier but how were you going to execute it?
“Hyung don’t be too pessimistic, it’s not so bad of an idea.” Ricky defends.
“Okay well..aha! I’ll just give it to him in the cafe after his shift, or I’ll just ask hanbin to slip it in his bag since I’m pretty sure it’d be impossible to slip it in during class.”
“Hmm..actually yeah that’s possible..not bad of an idea.”
“I’m a genius! oh hey guys look at my drawing, what do you think?” You flaunt your poorly drawn portrait of your crush and ricky lets out a huge laugh while zhanghao sends you a mortified look.
“is that taerae?” zhanghao points to your drawing, which was quite literally obvious as you wrote his name in red at the side.
“Yeah..i tried to draw him from memory.” You scratch the back of your head, embarrassed.
“Well as a fine arts student, I can definitely say it’s a drawing. Very abstract!” You send ricky a glare and smack his arm as he lets out a laugh.
“you should be thankful I didn’t pursue arts, picasso’s definitely shitting his pants right now.” You jokingly remarked.
“But I truly can’t draw at all what the hell.”
“It’s good that you know.” Ricky jokingly insults and you shoot him a glare.
You rip that paper from the sketchbook, folding it neatly and putting it to the side.
You open a new page, taking a deep breath before writing away your feelings on the paper. But everytime you wrote, your inner perfectionist fought you, making you restart the letter multiple times.
There were multiple pieces of papers scattered around ricky’s table and you had been stressing over it for over an hour and a half before finally finding the perfect words to say.
eventually you got all worn out from using all your brain power for the past hour as you fell asleep on ricky’s desk.
“psst, y/n you need to go, it’s getting late. “ at around 8pm, zhanghao wakes you up. You were a little groggy but you made sure to stand up and grab the letter as you leave. There were way too many paper in the desk and you had only remembered seeing the paper right next to you, but there were two, you bring the one on the right, assuming it was the letter.
you poured your heart out into the letter and made sure each and every word you said was heartfelt and true. you were about to pack the paper and you immediately hand it to hanbin upon arriving at the cafe in the morning. nervous yet also excited about sending taerae the letter.
and so, you wait for the next day to arrive.
“Hey taerae check your belongings before you leave! Need to make sure you don’t leave anything in the cafe, closing up in a bit.“ hanbin yells from the stock room as he secretly grins to himself. taerae rummages through his backpack, thoroughly checking through his things.
He finds a piece of paper in the front pocket and curiously, of course he opens it. Taerae immediately held his hand to his mouth, shocked over what he saw.
You anxiously waited for taerae to come to class as you fiddled with your fingers, afraid of what taerae’s reaction to the letter would be.
You spot taerae coming in and he waves at you from afar. You felt a sense of relief as you see taerae still openly greeting you and going your direction to take the seat next to yours like always.
“Hey. ” Taerae sits down and all of a sudden his face was painted with a hint of worry. You mentally start panicking over what he was going to say. Is he going to reject me? Tell me to get lost? Why does he lowkey looks scared? you thought
Taerae goes to grab something from his bag and you gulp nervously. He takes out a piece of paper and passes it to you.
“Oh taerae…”
“Open it.” He says and your hands shake a little as you open up the folded piece of paper, your heart was beating fast and taerae looked down on his desk, his hands clasped together, he just looked really anxious.
You open it and your eyes widen in shock.
“Oh shit.”
“Right? Isn’t it terrifying?” He points at the paper, hesitant to look at it. It was the poorly drawn portrait of him that you made when you were at hao and ricky’s dorm.
How the hell would you mess this up? And then it hit you, you grabbed the first paper you sw at the desk, assuming what you grabbed would be the letter.
“it’s scary to me because just look at the drawing, are they trying to say something about my appearance? And my name’s in red on the bottom. I thought it was a litte gift but when you think about it, would someone really gift you something like this.” You felt an arrow shoot through your heart. Not only did he just diss your drawing skills but he quickly assumed that this drawing was sent from a secret hater?
“what if they’re just shitty at drawing, you know but they were trying to do a nice little gesture?”
“But the red name, the poor handwriting, it just really feels like a hate message.” You felt your spirit leave your body.
“I don’t know I feel like I have to be on the lookout now, I’m scared someone’s coming after me.”
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“YOU SENT HIM THE DRAWING?” ricky bursts out laughing at your failed mail delivery attempt.
“No oh my god my stomach hurts so much I can’t handle it..and the fact he thinks it’s a hate message is so fucking funny.” Ricky held onto stomach from laughing so hard and you glare at him. It was certainly not helping the embarrassment your were experiencing at the moment.
“Okay stop laughing dumbass it’s not funny.”
“Oh it is, it really is..” You smack his arm to make him get a grip and ricky lets out a loud ‘Ow’.
“Now what the fuck am I gonna do! I’m doomed!”
“You can always try again, you know? Maybe next time double check what you’re going to send to make sure you don’t send the love of your life your cursed looking drawings.”
“who send what what now?” Junhyeon quickly plops a seat next to ricky.
“y/n just sent taerae a drawing of him and he..thought it was….a threat..” ricky tries to hold his laugh in between his words.
“makes sense your skills are the worse of the worse i feel like i lose ten years of my life when I see you do any sort of artwork.”
“Oh shut up! Why are you all just constantly after my ass.”
“Anyways did you actually try to confess to him by using a drawing? “ junhyeon asked, visibly confused.
“No no no! I was supposed to leave him a letter. The thing is in the morning, I went to the cafe in the morning with hao to hand hanbin the letter so he could sneak it in his bag. I think i handed him the wrong one..because I was holding on to both of the folded papers and I forgot which was which..”
“Typical y/n moment..” ricky says and you raise your fork at him.
“Yeah okay okay.” ricky raises his hands in the air to defend himself from you potentially striking at him with your fork.
“Guys what do I do..”
“Why don’t you just tell him directly?” Junhyeon asks..
“Last time, I slipped up and lied that I wanted to mee his roommate, knowing damn well I don’t care about his roommate at all.””
“So what were you actually trying to send?“
“Okay I got another idea this time!” Ricky raises his hand you furrow one of your eyebrows at him.
“What time did hanbin say he was gonna come?”
“Hmm in like 30 minutes. He ends his shift at around 4.” Hao tells you. This time you were meant to leave the letter on his desk. Hanbin said he left his things in the lecture room and was going back after his shift to retrieve them.
you of course also made sure to double check to prevent the same mistake from happening again, it would be too much. You were positive that this time, nothing would go wrong and taerae would finally be able to read the words you’ve been meaning to relay.
“Shit shit shit! Guys I hear footsteps, I think it’s him!” Junhyeon yelled and panic immediately seeps into you.
“What? I thought his shift ends at 4, uh whatever guys hide!”
You and hao sneak under one of the tables at the back while junhyeon stood for awhile looking left and right, trying to figure out where to hide while he hears the footsteps getting louder and louder so he just hides behind the door, facing the corner, putting his black hoodie on.
Taerae walks into the room and hums a soft tune as he casually walks on his way onto his designated seat. He finds the paper on top and tilts his head to the side, surprised upon seeing a folded paper again. He scans the whole room with his sight before proceeding to slowly flip the fold.
The door abruptly closes as it emits an eerily creaking sound that echoed across the room. Taerae looks at its direction and notices a tall figure in a black hoodie at the corner of the room. His heart began to beat at an alarmingly fast rate.
“W-who are you?” He stutters out of fear as he slowly approaches the figure. The figure freezes into place, not moving an inch from its position.
“Were you here for me?” He slowly walks over and tries to gently approach the figure, he reaches out and tugs on the person’s arm and they suddenly turn around, instantly head butting taerae before he could take a look into their face, sending taerae into a fainting spell as he collapses onto the floor.
“Junhyeon what the fuck!” You and hao quickly rush over to the now, passed out, taerae laying on the floor.
“You shithead why did you headbutt him!”
“I didn’t want him to know it was me, okay! It was also a reflex i don’t know!”
“Yeah? Are you crazy!? He’s literally unconscious right now!!”
“But he’s not dead right?” Junhyeon slowly approaches his figure placing two fingers over his neck to check if he still had his pulse, he jumps but soon breathes a sigh of relief as he feels his pulse.
“Ah! Oh thank God.”
“Ugh whatever just bring to him the clinic.” Hao quickly goes to carry his left arm and you do the same on his other one.
You sit beside taerae’s peaceful sleeping state, patiently waiting for him to wake up, around 30 minutes has passed and he has yet to wake up.
Hao left early since he still had other senior duties to attend to while junhyeon left out of guilt, refusing to face taerae after giving him a concussion from a headbutt he didn’t mean to cause. He loved taerae too much to face him after what happened today.
You waited by taerae’s side even taking a nap as you waited for him to wake up.
You sat by the bed, with the letter in your hand. You opened it and reread each and every word once again as you look at taerae at the same time. You let out a huge sigh. You felt hesitant once again in confessing to taerae. Perhaps being by his side was enough, right?
But the feelings would always be there and you wouldn’t want to fight it. You sit and stare at his features for awhile, finding yourself enamored by his looks.
“I don’t think you’ll ever forgive me taerae..”
“for what?” you jolted from your seat the moment you hear that deep voice. taerae slowly tries to sit himself up and he squints at you as he rubs his eyes.
“oh my god you’re finally awake.”
“What happened I was at the classroom and I just blacked out, how did you find me..” You panic a little, trying to scramble through your brain to think of a random excuse, surely you weren’t going to tell him you were there to drop a letter where you basically profess your feelings.
“Uh i just stopped by the classroom, I thought I left something in the room.”
“oh okay..did you see anyone else there? like a person with a black hoodie? I think someone hit me in the head.”
Taerae tries to recall the situation, his memory still a little foggy over what happened. He couldn’t quite remember how the person looked as everything just happened so quickly.
“Wait..what if it was the same person who sent me that drawing from before? How would they even know that I was coming back? Because the moment I entered the room, I felt this eerie atmosphere, like someone was waiting for me?” You mentally curse at yourself for pushing through this plan, how the hell were you going to tell him the truth?
“I feel like I have this sort of secret anti? I don’t know I’m kinda scared to be alone now.”
“If you don’t mind, can you walk with me home today? It’s embarrassing but i feel kinda scared to walk hom alone.” You eyes widened in shock but you quickly agree anyways. You just got an offer to spend some extra time with your crush. However a huge part of you felt guilty about what happened.
“I’m sorry I can’t I have to go somewhere. Uh I think i actually need to go right now.” You stood up and taerae looks at you softly, almost like his eyes were pleading for you to not go away.
“Okay I’ll just call your roommate to get you since I really can’t, it’s park hanbin right?”
“yeah, do you have his number? I think I left my belongings at the room I don’t have my phone right now.”
“Ah yes i do! Let me dial him.” You scroll through your contacts searching for his name, quickly dialing him.
“Hey y/n, what’s up!” Hanbin responds almost immediately, greeting you in a cheery tone.
“Hey, so taerae’s at the clinic right now, he got a concussion and sprained his ankle and he kinda can’t get to his dorm alone right now so can you come pick him up right now?”
“Alright I see..”
“Sorry it’s kinda hard to explain right now but taerae’s gonna fill you in on the details later.”
“It’s okay i know what happened, junhyeon told me..”
“Ah r-really, okay anyways just come and get him right now.” You quickly end the call hoping he doesn’t go on and run his mouth on what happened.
“just stay here and wait for hanbin I think I’ll have to go now.”
“Take care! see you in the cafe and next week!” Taerae flashes you his warm smile as he waves at you.
“You too taerae.” You smile back and take your leave..
You and your friends, ricky, junhyeon, zhanghao and sung hanbin and gunwook gathered in the same cafe once again.
“So what’s your new plan?”
“Guys I really don’t know anymore.” You let your head hit the table, feeling so defeated at the moment after thinking about your two failed confession attempts.
“Guys what’s a foolproof way of me confessing where I don’t need to do it on the spot, or one that doesn’t have a chance of leaving him terrified him in any way.”
“Yeah he’s been taerae-fied too many times.” Junhyeon jokes. You roll your eyes at his poor attempt of making a taerae pun.
“The plans have been so terrible.” You sigh.
“Taeraeble you could say..” Ricky softly says while looking down as junhyeon giggled, trying to surpress his laugh.
“Ok I swear if you guys say another one.” You glare at the two.
“Hmm perhaps maybe.” Gunwook leads. After junhyeon blabbered to him about what happened he was also then informed of the fact that you had feelings for taerae too.
“actually never mind I don’t know I thought i was thinking for a moment but it blew away sorry.”
“Junhyeon why did you invite gunwook over too, he’s no help either.” Gunwook turns to you and fakes a loud gasp and you roll your eyes over his dramatic act.
“By the way um sorry to say this late but, taerae just quit his job here yesterday. He also said he’s transferring outside of the school.” Sung hanbin mentions.
“Yeah and he also said he’s transferring next semester, he’s actually moving out next friday.” Sung hanbin adds. Everyone else is shocked over the sudden news. Taerae leaving so suddenly was never in anyone’s bingo cards.
“No! I love taerae too much! Why am I only knowing now that my man is leaving.” Junhyeon dramatically fake cries.
“Oh shit. i just realized.”
“What?”Hao turns to you.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to see taerae much anymore, it’s our last class next week and we don’t talk much outside.”You recalled that the last day of your class with taerae was already next week because after that it would be finals then everything’s done. You weren’t sure if you were going to still be able to talk to taerae knowing how you usually only talked during class.
Maybe a part of you wished for those accidents to happen because deep inside, you were afraid about letting taerae find out about your feelings, afraid that he wouldn’t like you back and you’d lose the friendship you’ve built for a year.
The last monday. the last class you were going to share with taerae ever.
“Hey y/n i want to tell you something.” You look in his direction. You were already had an idea on what he was going to say.
“I’m moving out next week and I quit my part time job at hanbin's cafe. Though maybe you’ve noticed and Hanbin might’ve already told you but yeah I just wanted to tell you.”
“Oh I guess we won’t be seeing each other much anymore..” You say and his eyes widened. He waves his hands and sends you a reassuring look.
“oh we won’t be seeing each other much anymore but I promise I’ll try to keep up with you! um my roommates wanted to throw a farewell party, honestly a little dramatic haha but I wanted to invite you and you friends over. It’s going to be a small one don’t worry.”
“Sure! I’d love to come, I’ll tell my friends too.”
“The last hurrah, you know. Also just so you know,, I genuinely enjoyed getting to know you this year, you were the best person I’ve met this year. I was so happy to have known you this year and I would have totally flunked this class because I might’ve have just ended up sleeping through every lecture haha.”
“Anyways I’ll see you at the party, yeah?” He points at you with that signature smile plastered on his face once again.
“Absolutely.” You smile back.
“I can’t do this anymore! I’ve tried everything like EVERYTHING yet somehow everytime I can’t seem to tell him how I feel.” You cried as you took another shot of soju. Initially, you were alone at the convenience store wanting to buy alone a beer or two to let loose but here you were with almost two empty soju bottles.
“why didn’t a single thing go right..” you bury your face in your hands.
a thought pops into your head and liquid courage pushed you to now film a voicemail on your phone to taerae. now, you were quite wasted and couldn’t see shit but you still pushed yourself.
you drunkenly record yourself professing your love to him, addressing him as you. you laugh to yourself as you finished recording and finally hit the send button.
“maybe this can work ahehe.”
“Y/n?” You hear a young man call out your name. You look up and your vision was too blurry to make out the owner of the voice. it was very familiar and clear to you but you just couldn’t seem to lay a finger on who it could be.
“You!” You stood up from your seat, pointing at the unknown man with your eyes closed. He takes a step back at your sudden move, confused on what to do.
You try to open you eyes, trying to take a look but soon your vision darkens and you pass out. the night going on as a blur.
your eyes flitter open and you feel your head ringing, a painful reminder of what happened last night. you wake up, confused as you look around, the surroundings being all too new.
since when did i have white sheets and a clean ass bedroom?
you slap yourself, trying to figure if it was a dream or not. but it wasn’t.
soon you hear a knock on the door on the far left and taerae enters, carrying a glass of tea and painkillers on a tray.
“oh you’re awake, anyways here take these for your hangover. finish the cup of tea and if your headache feels really unbearable, take a tylenol. anyways how are you feeling?” he hands the tray to you and he sits down by you.
“Honestly woke up with a terrible headache. Is this your place?I’m so sorry..” You ask.
“Yes but don’t worry about it, I saw you pass out last night and I didn’t want to leave you there.” he says and sends a reassuring smile your way. you felt your heart skip a beat for a second.
“anyways stay as long as you need! take care of yourself and rest. if you need water or anything, just call me! okay?” he says as he proceeds to leave the room.
you feel your phone vibrate next to you and you are shocked upon what you see when you receive a notification from park hanbin.
phanbin: let’s talk about this at the dorm party ;)
well, shit.
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. Taerae invited the whole friend group (since he was friends with all of you too anyways) and the other dorm mates to come over. He requested it to not be so grand since he wanted it to be a simple farewell.
It was probably the last day you were ever going to see him and it kinda killed you inside knowing not a single attempt of your confessions worked and the words you’ve been trying to relay are going to be left unspoken. Other than that, you had also discovered that you had sent a voicemail to park hanbin, perhaps leading him on. You also couldn’t bear to see taerae after your past encounter. This day, you were definitely more than nervous to come.
You, ricky, sung hanbin and zhanghao decided to go the dorm together. When you arrive, you finally meet the other dormmates taerae had always talked about in his stories.
“Hi! I’m woongki, Nice to meet you. Come in.” The brown haired boy cheerfully greeted the four of you as soon as you guys came in as he lead you guys to sit on the couch. Another taller, black-haired boy goes next to him and introduces himself.
“Hey I’m seowon! Another roommate and woongki’s roommate.”
“I see, it makes so much sense that you’re roommates, you both are very smiley haha.” you say, seeing how cheery and friendly the two are in welcoming the both of you.
In the mean time, you got to chat with woongki and seowon. Park hanbin and taerae were still getting food and drinks.
From talking to them, you were also able to catch some stories and new facts about taerae. To your surprise, they reveal how he actually goes around the dorm wearing horrendous clothing pieces, wearing the same pair of red pants almost every day like it was the only pair of pants he owned. You also then learn about how taerae used to sing a lot in church growing up. His guitar was his pride and often, he would play and sing for them if ever anyone wanted him to. He could just sing on the spot if you asked him to.
The more you heard about him, the more endearing he was to you. It certainly didn’t help with making your feelings go away or having to deal with not seeing him anymore.
“Sorry we took long but we’re here!” Park hanbin and taerae finally arrived, with all their hands full with bags filled with snacks, chicken and beer.
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For the night, you guys plan to play a few games then wrap up the night with a movie marathon afterwards.
The first game you guys decided to play was uno. It was fun, a lot of oohs and a lot of cheating with some players hiding specific cards. (yeah it was on junhyeon and ricky). Taerae on the other hand, often when he lost he’d go look over your cards and coach you, and despite taerae being the first one to lose almost all the time, he managed to make you win every time.
It was followed by a game of charades. It was even more chaotic than playing uno.
Then lastly, truth or dare.
The dares were pretty mild like for example, taking their shirt off for the whole game, having to eating a tablespoon of sugar or just doing a specific dance.
And for some reason, nobody chose truth because they were just pretty lame questions like did you ever fail a test? Or did you ever have your first kiss blablabla. the dares were more entertaining.
“Oooh y/n’s the chosen one!” Everyone cheered.
“So, what’s your choice, is it a truth or a dare?”
“I’ll choose truth.”
“Alright, let me think do you like anyone in the room?” Hanbin smirks, he was definitely planning on something.
“Of course I like everyone in the room, what are you implying.” You laugh with a hint of nervousness, trying to play off the question.
“No I mean, do you like like anyone, romantically?” He states, now you were sure park hanbin might have caught on and he defended knows.
“Be honest..”
You stop and take a small gulp as everyone’s eyes were all glued onto you in anticipation.
“Yeah..” you softly say and oohs were throwed. Your friends laugh and try to act all shocked as if they didn’t know you did and who it was.
“Woah really.” Park hanbin brings one of his hands to a mouth as he nods his head, seemingly not so shocked either.
“Come on it’s over it’s supposed to be one question.”
“We need to know!”
“Hanbin stop..they’re obviously not comfortable sharing especially in this setting so just stop.” Taerae sternly says making the whole room go silent.
“Well moving on then! Why don’t we start the movie marathon, yeah?” Everyone stands up from the ground and proceeds to lay on the couch. And chairs laying around.
You look in taerae’s direction and he gives you a small smile.
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Buzz. Your phone rang.
You look over and recieve a text from park hanbin, asking you to meet up at his bedroom to discuss something. He looks at you and directs to go up with his eyes.
You roll your eyes but you get up anyways as you go upstairs, hanbin following along.
Taerae notices the two of you sneaking upstairs. He was curious about what you two were up to.
“Aw man there’s no more popcorn.” Junhyeon complains, his voice snapping taerae from his thoughts.
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“Okay what now?”
“i know about it.”
“About how you feel.”
“About what?” You furrow one of your eyebrows as hanbin takes a pause, his lips pursed as he looks at the ground.
“I know you like me.” You pause there for a moment, your brain trying to function as for this time you had misled the wrong boy into thinking that you like him.
“Oh uh about it..”
“It’s fine you don’t have to deny it but y/n I’m sorry I don’t like you in that way though but you know maybe I could give you a chance and get to know you more first?” He shyly takes a step closer to you, moving his face closer to yours.
“Uh Hanbin.” You freeze on the spot, not knowing what to do or what to say.
“It’s not- like I don-“
“It’s okay you don’t have to deny it, look I acknowledge your feelin-“ He moves his face closer to yours to look into your eyes.
All of a sudden the door next to the two of you creaks open, revealing taerae standing there with his mouth wide open.
“Sorry to interrupt you guys but uh I just wanted to say I’m going to sleep now since I’m leaving early tomorrow.” Taerae awkwardly smiles and takes his leaves. You panic, assuming he probably overheard most of the conversation which might have misled him to thinking you actually had a crush on park hanbin.
You mentally curse at yourself as you watch taerae turn his back and turn away.
“Now going back..”
You quickly shut the door, take a deep breath and take a hold of hanbin’s shoulders. Well you hd to clear it up, it’s now or never.
“I don’t like you. I don’t have any feelings for you. I am not interested at you.” You look up at him and gave him a straight face. He tilts his head, knitting his eyebrows in confusion.
“Huh?Then why did you send me that voicemail?”
“Man this is so embarrassing.”You look at the ground in shame, not wanting to open the conversation over the embarrassing voicemail.
“I accidentally sent it to you..it was meant for someone else.” You facepalm.
“I was drunk and I wasn’t thinking clearly! It was really stupid of me. I just sent it to you thinking it was..someone else plus I was drunk! I my vision was all blurry too i’m sorry.” You continued, Hanbin lets out an oh as he scratches his head, embarrassed and confused.
“Wait then who was it for?”
“About that..”
“Tell me who? Who is it?” He whines as he playfully pokes your arm, curious as to who the lucky boy may be. You certainly didn’t want to tell the boy knowing he was taerae’s best friend and he might blabber about it to him.
“Awwww come on….wait..Ha! Nevermind don’t tell me I know.” Hanbin lets out a light laugh, taking a step closer to you.
“Your crush on taerae is so painfully obvious.”he whispered. You freeze on the spot. He takes a step back and continues giggling to himself.
“I mean I could feel it before but I pushed it off because I thought you liked me..but it all makes more sense now. you, see taerae at the cafe everyday, you light up when he talks to you, you always stare at him, can you also not make that obvious? And lastly I can easily sense that the way you act around him is very different from everyone else.”
“Like you are in love with him.” He crosses his arms and he knew he was right.
“Pfft no.”
“Oh yeah you are.”
“But he’s moving away anyways so it’s not that big of a deal.”
“Aw sorry about that..”
“And from what happened earlier..he probably thinks I like you.”
“I’m so sorry about that, you know what, I’ll clear it up to him-“
“No you don’t have to, he’s leaving and I don’t want to cause anything. and it’s my fault really! I was the one who carelessly sent that voicemail, I’m sorry for leading you on too. So anyways, I think I might just go leave now.” You flash hanbin a smile to reassure him before leaving. Hanbin grabs your wrist, stopping you in your tracks.
“I’m also sorry about earlier too by the way, y/n. Honestly-“
“Hanbin I’m sorry for cutting you off again but honestly I think I need to go now. I just don’t want taerae to know, and I’m not sure if we’ll keep up when he leaves so I iust hope we stay as friends, so we don’t leave at an awkward note. Anyways thank you and sorry hanbin but I gotta go now.” He loosens his grip on your wrist and pats your shoulder.
“Take care.”
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Here you are, in the comfort of hanbin’s care sipping on a glass of iced coffee, staring out the window. Last night, you left the party early and you weren’t able to bid taerae a proper goodbye in person.
you open your phone, and stare at you text messages with taerae, contemplating on whether you wanted to write him a long goodbye message or to simply tell him good luck and take care.
“for how long are you going to stare at your phone.” hanbin gets you from your out-of-zone state.
“hanbin, I don’t know how to say goodbye. honestly I feel miserable. I hate that he’s leaving and I wasn’t even able to tell him how I feel.” you bury your face into yoir hands. hanbin takes the seat next to you and rubs your back. the boy you loved was leaving and he never even got the chance to know how you truly felt.
as if the heavens heard your cries, you felt your phone vibrate and you received a notification of a text message from park hanbin.
phanbin: y/n go run to taerae right now. he’s leaving soon but hey, you deserve to be able to tell him how you feel properly and now may be the perfect time. I also cleared up everything that happened last night lol so dw. anyways do this text me back and go run to him NOWWW!!!!!! he’s still in front of our dorm <3
You look at hanbun and he gives you a reassuring nod as an approval.
“Go now!!!” he yells good luck to you as you proceed to rush out of the cafe, running towards the direction of his dorm. You ran and ran, your feet moving at a full speed like you were at a marathon. a rush of adrenaline filled you and this time, you were motivated than ever to tell him how you truly feel.
you were just one block away from the dorm and soon, you spot a car parked in front of the dorm with a handful of boxes outside. you proceed to go there but you couldn’t see taerae around. you’re not too late, his boxes are here so he’s somewhere.
you take a deep breath first, resting your hands on your knees first from all the running. you forgot that you weren’t an athlete and your lack of exercise was getting right back at you.
you receive another text mess from park hanbin.
park hanbin:I I’m sorry i know you’re probably sprinting right now but he’s at the convenience store so you might have to do a little more running. his dumbass forgot to buy a few things. anyways good luck y/n! you got this.” he sends you a thumbs up emoji.
you run and run again and you curse under your breath, realizing how far the convenience store is. your legs were slowly getting wobbly and you onew your lack of physical activity was bound to get you someday but you hoped it wouldn’t be right now.
you just stop running and start walking instead. as you near the store, you spot the brown-haired young man outside, sitting on a table outside with his back facing you.
you take a deep breath before tapping his shoulder. he turns around and you thank the heavens that there was no plot twist of this being a non-taerae or else you were going to absolutely throw a fit.
“hey taerae! I needed to tell you something before you go and I wanted to give you a proper goodbye in person since I wasn’t able to last night.” you say and the boy stands up, flashing you a grin as he had gimbap in his mouth. he raises his hand and you were a little confused as to what he meant by that.
“should I say what I need to say or wait for you to finish?” he swallows his food down before speaking up.
“ok sorry you can go on now.” he lightly chuckles and you laugh a little.
you take a huge gulp, taking a look at the ground before looking straight at him right in the eye. he eagerly listens, giving you a reassuring look. it’s finally happening.
“taerae I have been dying to tell you this for a long time now honestly and although I don’t think now is the perfect time, I just wanted to get this off my chest before you go cause I know I would regret it if I didn’t tell you sooner.” you take a pause and he gives you another nod, a way of telling you he was still listening.
so here it goes.
“I li-“
you were soon cut off by the sound of the door opening as a man calls out to taerae“taerae hyung! Did you kn- y/n?” you look behind you and you spot junhyeon, holding a full meal of burgers and fries and a cup of come on a tray in his hands.
“junhyeon what the hell are you doing here?”
“I was helping taerae moving out then he went here to buy things then we just decided to eat here.” he says, standing there, a little confused. he quickly scans the situation between you and then it finally hit him.
“ah I believe I interrupted something here, sorry I will just eat inside.”
the boy quickly rushes back inside.
you turn to taerae again. “anyways, sorry for the little commotion there. anyways as I was saying, taerae-junhyeon what the actual fuck sit somewhere else.” junhyeon sat in front of the window directly facing the both of you. you motion to the boy to move the other way and he rolls his eyes before taking a seat somewhere else.
“oh god I hope it’s the last of him. I swear if anything goes wrong again-“
all of the sudden, the rain decides to twist the odds and rain on your parade. you grab taerae’s hand, about to take him inside but he firmly holds onto your hand, telling you to stay.
“taerae it’s raining, you’ll get sick, we have to get in i’ll just tell you inside.”
“no tell me right here, right now. you have been wanting to tell me for a long time and I know you want to say it already.” you felt a hint of seriousness in his tone.
“are you serious?well fine It’s so weird to say it right now but okay..taerae, i..” He nods, the words starting to get hesitant to leave your mouth. you take a deep breath and you finally mustered up the courage.
“taerae I like you. no, actually I’m in love with you. It’s embarrassing but It’s true and I can’t fight it anymore. I loved getting to know you and from the moment i first laid my eyes on you and heard your sweet voice back in that open mic, I fell in love. I was so lucky to be able to get to know you more too. you are the sweetest, kindest and most wonderful person I’ve ever met. It’s okay if you don’t like me back. I just want to say that I love and appreciate every moment I got to spend with you in the past year..it was so lovely to have known you taerae.” unexpectedly he lets out a light laugh, his big signature smile painted on his face. he gently takes both of your hands in his.
“I love you too, y/n. in fact, I’ve always known.” you felt like your ears betrayed you at the last part. what does he mean he always knew?
“back at the clinic, I saw the letter next to you while you slept. it had the words ‘to taerae’ written on it so I just opened it. I read each and every word you wrote and took it to heart. I was so happy to know you felt the same..but when you woke up, you hid the letter and I iust felt that you were still not ready to tell me so I didn’t open a convo about it. hanbin told me about everything and cleared everything up, actually both hanbins did, sung and park haha.” you both laugh.
“well..what now? you’re leaving now so what will be then? we’ll barely see each other now that we’re not in the same uni.”
“actually about that, I’m still in the same uni, I’m only moving dorms..”
“what?” the whole dramatic mood you had turned upside down. you playfully smack taerae’s arm, bursting into tears. he didn’t expect to see you cry but he just laughs and brings you into a hug.
“I forgot to specify to you guys that I was not transferring schools and only dorms and that just made me realize why everyone was dramatic with everything. please don’t cry..”
“that’s really mean taerae, I was actually so upset that you were leaving so I was miserable for nothing.” your bury your face into his chest, pulling him tighter and taerae began to laugh.
he slowly lets go and cups your face, breaking into a smile and you feel the whole world brighten as you look into his eyes again. he stares at your lips and your faces inch closer together.
“may I?” he asks and you nod your head before he gently brings your face closer to his with his finger and his arms snake around your waist. you felt the whole world stop as you melt into his touch. your lips seemingly shaped for one another.
slowly, he pulls away and breaks into a huge smile.
“finally! I’ve been waiting for this one.” you hear junhyeon’s screams from inside the store and you simply roll your eyes back at him, you and taerae laughing over his reaction.
you turn to look back at taerae.
“I really love you and I’m glad you’re finally mine.” you giggle as you wrap your arms around his neck, bringing his face close enough for you noses to touch.
and finally, the odds were in your favor.
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a/n and you reached the end! hope you enjoyed reading it. this has been sitting in my drafts for a month, but missing taerae and the new kcon behind drove me to finish this story! I also have a love-hate relationship with this which is why it took pretty long to write HAIAHSHSB sorry for some mistakes in the capatalization of names and grammar that I may have overlooked. But anyways feel free to leave feedback! I would love to hear your honest thoughts on this :>>>
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katelynnwrites · 1 year
Are You Gonna Feel The Way I Feel? (Are You For Real, Joan’s Sister?) | Ona Batlle
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warnings: f for fluff
word count: 3231
summary: your friend, joan, introduces you to his sister and now you have two questions. the first, is she going to feel the way you feel? and the second, is she for real?
a/n: i think all of us united fans need some fluff today so here’s the fic that i’ve just finished writing, based off the song, cate’s brother by maisie peters, which i was beyond lucky to have been able to see live. this is also the very belated euros fic i always meant to write…
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You’d never watched football before. You’d never quite got the hype surrounding it either.
But when your friend Joan, suggested you come along with him to England, to support his sister who was going to be playing in the Women’s Euro, you couldn’t say no. You’d never been to England before and Joan had promised you a good time. It would be silly for you to say no.
That simple conversation is when you first heard Ona’s name.
That conversation also led to where you were now, standing in the friends and family section of Spain’s first game in the tournament.
When Finland scored, you could sense the unease in the Spanish supporters. But what amazed you was how they didn’t stop cheering. They kept chanting and waving their flags.
Their faith paid off because when the game finished, Spain had scored four goals to Finland’s one.
Joan makes his way down to the barriers as the players begin to greet their family.
One of Spain’s players strikes up a conversation with you and when it’s over, you see the prettiest brunette standing in front of your friend.
‘Did you meet my sister?’ He asks and you answer, ‘No I didn’t.’
As you do so, you can’t help but check her out.
Joan had pointed her out to you earlier, telling you that she wore the number two and played as a defender.
What he had apparently left out was exactly how gorgeous she is. From her many freckles to the tattoos you could see, she’s absolutely beautiful.
‘Hola, I’m Ona.’ She says, when you take too long to answer.
You blush with embarrassment but reach out to shake her hand.
‘It’s nice to meet you.’
Ona smiles at you and later, when you’re not looking, whispers in Catalan to her brother.
‘You didn’t tell me your friend is so hot.’
Joan only shrugs and laughs.
You attend all of Ona’s following games. You ignore your friend when he smirks as you loudly cheer every time Ona gets the ball.
Ona eagerly greets you after each game. By the end of the group stage, the brunette fullback had gone from shaking your hand to hugging you and giving you kisses on the cheek.
After she plays and wins against Denmark, she asks if you’re free to have a coffee with her.
Joan snorts but his girlfriend hits him lightly to get him to shut up.
Ona looks at you hopefully and you grin and nod. The Spanish woman’s smile grows even wider and she can’t stop herself from hugging you tightly again.
You hold her slim form against you, not minding how sweaty she is. Being close to Ona gave you butterflies inside and you found yourself liking it more and more.
Ona meets you at the coffee shop near her hotel with a bright smile and eager eyes.
‘Hey you.’
‘You look amazing.’ Ona murmurs, stepping closer and kissing your cheek gently.
You blush, looking down at your ripped jeans and simple white shirt.
‘You look amazing too Ona.’
Now it’s Ona’s turn to blush and she shrugs lightly.
Seeing her in Spain’s blue hoodie and a pair of black leggings, it only served to confirm what you already knew. That you didn’t only fancy her like crazy when she was in a football kit.
‘Come on.’
Ona tentatively reaches for your hand and she leads you towards the entrance, where she drops your hand for a moment, only so that she can hold the door open for you.
The brunette giggles at your use of her native language and upon hearing the sound of her laugh, you find yourself falling even harder for her.
You sit across the table from Joan’s sister, smiling at her as she sips her coffee a little too eagerly, resulting in her wincing and hurriedly setting down her cup.
She grins sheepishly at you and your heart goes, ‘Love her, she’s the one and we shall wed.’
Later that night as you sit alone in your hotel room, your head says, ‘Are you gonna work? Are you gonna hurt? Are you gonna last forever?’
You had always prided yourself on being independent, on being practical but you were developing feelings for Ona faster than you ever thought was possible. Your thoughts tell you that it’s unreasonable but Ona is just so kind and funny and smart. It’s so easy to talk to her and she makes you feel the most comfortable you’ve ever been when you’re with her.
You admire her passion for her sport, the way it so obviously shows whenever she’s on the pitch. It shows even when she’s off the pitch, in the way she studies how her opponents play.
Watching how her brow furrows in concentration as she looks intently at the screen where her game film is playing, your heart tells you again that she’s the one for you.
But you’re still scared.
Sitting cross legged on her hotel bed, you keep watching her. Ona had kicked the teammate whom she was rooming with, out for a few hours, telling her that she wanted to spend time with you.
She has such lovely chocolate brown eyes. The brunette is five-foot-five and she’s a little younger than you. She also liked to be fully prepared for her games and if that meant looking through hours of game film to study her opponents, she was willing to do it.
And you were willing to let her. She looks adorable when she’s focusing and you are more than content to just spend time with her. She was playing in one of the most important tournaments of her life and the fact that she wanted to spend time with you even as she did so made your heart swell with affection for her.
Five minutes later and Ona declares, ‘Okay. That’s enough work for tonight.’
Joan’s sister puts her ipad aside, moving closer to you.
She leans her head against your shoulder and softly asks, ‘How was your day hermosa?’
Your heart skips a beat and your cheeks turn red.
Ona hums and after a few moments of silence she lifts her head up hurriedly, ‘Was that okay? You’re not answering and I don’t mean to pry because Joan told me you can be a bit shy and reserved. I’m sorry-’
‘Hey. Don’t be sorry. I’ve had a really good day. It’s just that no one has ever asked me that before.’ You quietly admit.
‘Oh.’ Ona looks at you sadly before gently taking your hand in hers and running her thumb over your palm.
‘I’d like to ask you about your day every day, if you don’t mind of course.’ Ona murmurs, as she keeps soothing you with her thumb.
‘I think I’d like that.’
Ona leans over, setting your hand down so that she can cradle your face in her hands and give you a protective kiss on your forehead.
You travel to the stadium in Brighton with Joan and his girlfriend. You’re all nervous but upon seeing the confidence that Ona walks out with, your mind is set at ease. You can tell that it does the same for Joan because he squeezes your hand tightly.
‘She’s got this.’
For the next ninety minutes, you watch in awe as Ona plays her heart out for her country.
Her interaction with Beth Mead and the referee has you on the edge of the seat.
‘Come on Ona, don’t lose your head.’ You murmur anxiously.
Joan glances over but you barely notice, far too busy focusing on his sister.
A few minutes later, when Ona is tackled by another English player, you join the Spanish fans in their booing.
Then you remain standing, tiptoeing to look over the heads of the other fans to make sure that you can see with your own eyes that Ona gets up and is okay.
When she does, you release the breath you didn’t even know you were holding.
Joan really turns to look at you then.
‘You care a lot for my sister don’t you?’
With pink tinged cheeks, you’re answering your friend a heartbeat later.
‘I do.’
You grab Ona’s hand as soon as she gets close enough to the barriers. The devastation and still fresh tear streaks on her face lets you know that she doesn’t need you to tell her she played well.
Every minute of the one hundred and twenty minutes she had played showed that. It was as clear as day.
So instead, you say, ‘I’m so proud of you.’
Ona shakes her head but you refuse to let her pull out of your embrace.
It had broken your heart when you watched her lie on the grass, her arms coming up to cover her face as she’d cried earlier, as soon as the whistle had blown. All you had wanted to do then was run across the field to her but you hadn’t been able to so you were hoping to make up for it now.
‘I am so proud of you.’ You repeat wholeheartedly, squeezing her gently.
That’s when Ona breaks down completely, sobbing into your shoulder.
‘We were the better team. It’s not fair.’ She chokes out.
‘I know. I know.’ You stroke her hair and she cries even harder.
Joan puts a hand on her back, rubbing it soothingly.
You don’t leave Ona alone for a single second. From the moment you hug her at the stadium, to the moment she’s back in her hotel room, you’re by her side.
When Joan and his girlfriend leave to get back to their hotel, you stay with the brunette fullback.
Joan gives you a knowing look as you see him out, squeezing your shoulder and murmuring a quiet, ‘Gracias. I know you’ll take good care of her.’
When you turn back to Ona, you see that she’s still curled into a small lump under her blanket.
You sit down on the bed beside her and say nothing else, simply reaching a hand under the blanket.
Ona grasping your hand tightly in hers a second later is more than enough of a response.
You lie beside her, holding her hand throughout the rest of the night.
Ona wakes up when the sun rises, a smile forming on her face as she feels your hand, still in hers.
Sometime in the night, you had pushed the blanket off her face so that she could breathe properly. Worrying about Ona was apparently something that you were going to have to get used to now.
The fullback brings your joined hands to her lips and gently, she presses a kiss onto the back of your hand.
You stir awake and are met with soft brown eyes that hold the most affectionate of looks in them.
‘Hi.’ You breathe and in answer, Ona whispers a quiet, ‘Hola.’
‘You okay?’
‘Better now. Thank you for staying.’
You shrug, ‘I was happy to. I’m even more happy to see you smile.’
Ona’s smile widens and she kisses your cheek lightly.
‘D-Do you have anything planned today?’
‘Want to get breakfast?
The nervous expression she’s wearing makes your heart skip a beat.
‘Ona, are you asking me out on a date?’
The Spaniard’s cheeks and ears flush adorably, ‘And if I am?’
‘Then I would say yes. But I would however, insist that I pay. I need to treat my favourite player right.’
Ona sits up then, a soft laugh leaving her.
‘Vale, I am honoured to be your favourite player.’
Ona invites you to watch the Euro final with her. She had managed to get two tickets in the German’s friends and family section and she was anxiously hoping you would say yes.
She had gone on a short impromptu trip to Austria with Joan and his girlfriend, her brother’s way of trying to take her mind off the quarter final game.
You found it adorable how much your friend cared about his sister.
You had explored London on your own while your friend and Ona were out of the country.
The brunette had insisted you wait to explore Manchester till she came back though. She was adamant that she be your tour guide in the city she now called home.
Ona didn’t want to rush things, the first date had gone so well and she didn’t want to jinx things by having a second date so soon. But she just wanted to spend time with you. She had missed you so much while she was away, even though it was only for a few days. Texting and calling just wasn’t enough.
The Spaniard didn’t have to worry because as soon as she had asked, you’d said yes. You wanted to spend time with her just as much as she wanted to spend time with you.
And Ona couldn’t stop herself from excitedly kissing your forehead.
You giggle and Ona’s gaze flicks down towards your lips just once before she meets your eyes.
But it’s enough to let you know that the feelings you have for her are reciprocated.
It’s why you don’t hesitate to cup her face in your hands and gently kiss her.
Ona melts, sighing into your mouth and kissing you back.
Her hands reach for your waist, fingers sneaking under your shirt and brushing against your bare skin.
The brunette pulls back slightly, just enough to breathe before pressing her lips back onto yours.
The second time she pulls back, she closes her eyes and leans her forehead against yours.
‘I’ve wanted to kiss you since I first met you.’ She whispers.
You laugh softly and tell her, ‘Me too.’
Outside your hotel room is not the most romantic place to share a first kiss with the woman who could potentially be the love of your life but you wouldn’t change a thing about it.
Watching Ona jump to her feet, cheering at the top of her lungs for Germany’s players, you can’t help but smile.
Her excitement and joy are contagious.
The cropped white collared shirt and ripped jeans she’s wearing looks so gorgeous on her. The grin on her face makes her even more beautiful.
You were so happy that she was feeling better and that she had mostly stopped reliving the lost game over and over.
And again, your heart goes, ‘Love her, she’s the one and we shall wed.’
When a couple of Germany’s players ask Ona if she would like to come to their after party, Ona glances at you, silently asking if you’d want to go.
You give her a nod and the brunette quickly relays the answer to the Germans.
In the hours to come, you learn that the Germans really know how to party.
The alcohol and loud music play a large part in you getting the courage to ask Ona to dance with you.
Ona laughs, shaking her head and protesting, ‘I can’t dance. I’m truly awful at it.’
You have a hard time imagining Ona would be bad, let alone awful at anything but nevertheless, you plead, ‘Come on. Please. Just one song for me?’
Joan’s sister hesitates for a split second before setting down her bottle of beer and taking your hand in hers.
‘Just for you. But don’t blame me if I step on your toes.’
Laughing and giggling as you stumble down the corridor of your hotel, with Ona’s hand in yours, you feel like you’re floating with happiness.
Although that may mostly be the alcohol.
You’re both more than a little tipsy and you hurriedly tap your key card to open the door.
Ona eagerly follows you into the room and one moment she’s in front of you and the next, she’s letting out an undignified squeak as she trips and lands on top of you, on your bed.
You laugh breathlessly but Ona isn’t at all fazed, simply taking advantage of her new position and kissing you hard.
‘I love kissing you.’ She mumbles, kissing you again and again.
You respond happily, losing yourself in the feeling of Ona making out with you. The feel of her lips on yours is intoxicating.
When the fullback leans back slightly, you look at her with wide beseeching eyes that ask, ‘Why’d you stop?’
Joan’s sister caresses your waist lightly, ‘Lo siento. I just, I wanted to ask…Will you be my girlfriend?’
You freeze, looking at the hopeful expression on her face.
Her chocolate brown eyes are shining but your head is screaming, ‘Are we gonna make it, gonna break it when it’s now or never?’
Ona keeps looking at you, her thumb carefully stroking your hip over and over again.
The thoughts running through your head jump to, ‘If it’s gonna hurt, will it be worth it and will I recover?’
You must be taking way too long to answer because the Spaniard asks gently, ‘Talk to me? What are you thinking about?’
Your inclination to hesitate is overcome by Ona’s reassuring tone and it comes out as a tiny whisper, fraught with insecurities, ‘Are you gonna feel the way I feel?’
‘Are you for real, Joan’s sister?’ Is another thought that’s on the forefront of your mind but you keep that one to yourself.
Ona shifts her hand to your cheek, resuming her reassuring stroking there.
‘Hermosa, if you mean that your heart skips a beat every time I walk into a room, then yes, I feel the same way. I get butterflies in my stomach whenever you look at me.’
‘You do?’
It’s almost too good to be true. Here Joan’s sister is, telling you that she returns the feelings you have for her.
Hearing it from her own lips is everything you’ve dreamt of for the past month.
Your head and heart are telling you the same thing now, ‘Will we ever get together? We’d be perfect for each other. Will we ever get together?’
Ona kisses your cheek affectionately.
‘Listen, I like you so incredibly much. I won’t let you down or lead you on. I’m not like the others, I promise.’
The raw honesty in Ona’s voice is clear and you know that if she’s anything like her brother, she wouldn’t say something like this lightly.
‘How can I know for sure? It’s only been a summer.’
Joan’s sister tries to keep a straight face because even she can hear, from the tone of your voice, that you’ve already made up your mind. And it was in her favour.
‘Get a flight to Spain and you can meet my mother.’ The brunette says easily.
Ona giggles at the incredulity in your voice. She didn’t know how else to make sure you knew that she’s serious about the depth of her feelings for you.
‘Really. You already know my brother and he loves you. I’m sure my mother and father would too.’
‘Okay. I’d love to be your girlfriend and I’d love to go to Spain with you.’
The big grin on your face is matched by the goofy one on the brunette’s.
Ona cheers and leans down to kiss you, conveying all her emotions into the physical gesture. It nearly overwhelms you, the joy you feel. It assures you that you’re making the right choice.
That’s when you became her only girl and now you date Joan’s sister.
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Spanish Translations:
gracias - thank you
hermosa - beautiful
hola - hi
vale - okay
lo siento - i’m sorry
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writingforcuteppl · 2 years
Like I’m Gonna Lose You
PAIRING: Kenny McCormick x Reader
SUMMARY: You’ve been having nightmares for quite some time now but you always made sure Kenny never noticed, until one night when you woke up crying.
GENRE: Angst and fluff
WARNINGS: Mentions of death, swearing.
WORD COUNT: 1.6k words
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“Stan, come on, we’ve been all over town. Care to tell me where is Kenny?”
“I promise if you listen to me and don’t ask any questions, we’ll be able to find him later” Stan has been acting really weird since the morning he knocked on your door and told you Kenny was already at the festival the town was having.
“Y/n, just don’t ask questions and trust me, ok?”
“Fine,” you sighed, trying not to think about where Kenny could be. As the day passed, you could see Stan was making you avoid everyone. You noticed the people in the town were looking, making you uncomfortable. It was as if everyone knew something you didn’t, including Stan. You could see and feel his nervousness as if he was hiding something.
“Stan, I’m serious.” you stopped walking and made Stan look at you. “Where is Kenny?” you asked once again.
His attitude was making you anxious. You noticed a lot of people were walking to the school, and you started to follow them. Your heart started pounding, and you felt something was up. You couldn’t quite put your finger on it, but something told you to start walking towards the school.
You heard Stan shouting your name, but you didn’t stop. It was like the whole town was at the school. It’s been years since you’ve been at South Park’s elementary school, so you felt a little bit uneasy to be walking through the school’s halls again. You realized everyone was walking to the auditorium, and you made your way to it, pushing everyone.
When you entered, you saw all of your ex-classmates and their respective parents turning around and looking directly at you with pitiful eyes. You could also see Kenny’s parents sitting on the stage. His mother was crying uncontrollably, and so was Karen. Next to them was a giant photo of Kenny. The type of photo you usually see at funerals.
You felt someone turn you around. Stan looked like he had run a marathon but was also crying.
“Stan, what the fuck is happening? Why are they crying?” you choked out, trying to stop the tears that were threatening to come out.
“He’s…” you didn’t even let Stan finish his sentence, even though you asked him in the first place.
“No, no, he’s not. I saw him yesterday, Stan. There’s no way he’s-”
“He’s gone. He’s never coming back, Y/n” You felt like someone stabbed you right in the heart and knocked out all the air from your lungs. “We’ll never see him ever again.”
“FUCK STAN! I GOT IT JUST-” The tears were streaming down your face at this point. Just the mere thought of never going to be able to see Kenny again was ripping your soul. “I didn’t even say goodbye to him….” you managed to say. Your whole body collapsed to the floor, and you screamed. The pain was way too realistic. This definitely was happening. Kenny was dead, and there was no way you could bring him back. He’s gone.
You woke up shaking and crying. You quickly looked around your room and saw Kenny lying next to you. You sighed out of relief. The feeling of losing Kenny felt too real to be only a dream. Kenny slowly woke up from the movement you created in your frantic search for him and noticed your state. That was enough for him to woke up completely.
“Hey hey hey,” you felt Kenny sitting next to you. “What happened?” Kenny’s arms wrapped around your body, and you let out a cry. As the minutes passed, you were trying to calm yourself down. Everything was just a dream, more like a nightmare. Kenny was fine, but the pain was real.
The void, the thought of losing him, was still there, and when you thought you were finally calm, you started to cry again. It was useless. And not only that but for the past weeks, for some reason, you’ve been having nightmares every night. Some of them always ended up in someone, or instead, something chasing you, trying to do something to you.
Those were the light nightmares. The ones with monsters or weird creatures were what you consider to an extent, a “normal nightmare.” The worst ones always involved losing someone you loved. Sometimes it was one family member, sometimes your best friend, and worst case scenario, this.
Kenny was starting to worry. You weren’t stopping at all, and it hurt him not to be able to do anything to calm you down. This was the first time he had seen you in this state. You always were able to never wake him up whenever you woke up in the middle of the night by a nightmare- constantly waking up feeling your pulse on your head and frantic breathing. You never jumped out of your laying position, so that was a plus.
But unfortunately, you never managed to fall asleep after waking up from a nightmare, too scared the dream would continue once you fall asleep again. So you just waited until it was a reasonable hour to be awake so you could start your day without any questions from Kenny. And that’s basically how your days for the past weeks have been. Of course, this time was completely different.
You felt Kenny hugging you harder, and that help you to come back slowly to reality. You focused on the way he was holding you and the heat that was radiating from his body. He was alive, and you were repeating that to yourself. He was safe, he was not going anywhere, he was well, and he was next to you.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry, Kenny. I didn’t mean to wake you up.” you hiccuped. Kenny sighed. That was the least of his problems right now. Kenny moved, so he was now sitting in front of you. He took notice of your tired and glossy eyes.
“Sweetheart, can I ask what had you all worried?” Kenny grabbed your cheek and gave you a quick peck on the lips.
“It’s not worth it, Kenny” You rubbed your hands on your face. You were tired.
“So you want me to ignore the fact that you woke up crying?”
“Please, love. Tell me what happened.” you sighed. You started to tell him everything that happened in your dream. How he disappeared, how Stan was trying to distract you so you wouldn’t find out he was dead, and how you found out he was gone forever. Kenny stayed in silence while you were explaining your dream. He grabbed both of your hands, and his thumbs were rubbing the back of your hands.
“It was horrible. It felt real. I really thought I lost you, Kenny. I don’t… I can’t live without you, and the fucking nightmare made me feel that.” Tears started to stream down your cheeks, but you tried to calm yourself. Kenny kissed your knuckles as a way to reassure you he was not going anywhere.
“I’m not going to leave you anytime soon.”
“I know that, but we don’t know what might happen. What if by tomorrow you’re not here anymore and-” You started to overthink.
“Wait, imma stop you right there. I’m not going to disappear or leave you.”
“No, love. Listen to me. It was just a dream. Just because you dreamt about me dying doesn’t mean it’s gonna happen tomorrow. You cannot live with those types of thoughts filling up your head. Yeah, we are not immortal, and that’s bound to happen someday,” you closed your eyes. “But we cannot let the fear of losing our loved ones eat us alive. You have to enjoy your life.”
“So, as for now, let’s go back to sleep, and we will do something together tomorrow. I’ll take my beautiful girl out on a date.” Kenny kissed the tip of your nose and decided it was time you get some proper rest, so he laid down on his side of the bed and made you lie down next to him. He positioned your head on his chest. You wanted to fall asleep again, but you knew that wouldn’t happen.
“Uh… I have to be completely honest with you. I don’t think I’m gonna be able to fall asleep again.” Kenny started to stroke your hair, thinking maybe that would help you calm down. “And well… It’s been like this for quite a few days now.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Kenny asked.
“I didn’t want to bother and wake you up, Ken,” you heard him sigh.
“Has it always been this dream?” Kenny wanted to know if you’d been handling this by yourself.
“Fortunately, no. Most of the nightmares are things trying to kill me. I just wake up at the exact moment before they are able to catch me. Some of them are even worse since I cannot scream or run. But I prefer a hundred times those types of nightmares. At least I know those won’t happen ever.”
“What if aliens and monsters invade us one day?” you laughed.
“Well, that would be such an interesting thing to happen.” Kenny chuckled. “At least I’m gonna be with you, right?”
“Of course. We are gonna be together till the end of the world.” You heard how Kenny’s voice came out as a whisper. His breathing was also becoming softer, meaning he was starting to fall back asleep. You paid attention to his heartbeat, the pace was soothing, and somehow, it helped you. For the first time after a nightmare, you felt safe.
“Just promise me that you will tell me whenever you have a nightmare. It doesn’t matter the hour. Just wake me up. Promise?” you smiled.
Maybe you don’t have to deprive yourself of falling back to sleep this time. Just as long as Kenny’s arms were wrapped around you, everything would be fine.
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n a v i g a t i o n
Kenny’s Birthday Week Celebration.
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I need all the fluff and domestic Matty. So I'm imagining reader being super into skincare or make up (your pick) and maybe it's the early stages of the relationship and Matty is staying over at her place and she either putting her make up on or doing her skin care and Matty asks questions and she explains but maybe apologies because she's afraid of boring him, but he's interested in whatever she's interested in and he end up asking her to put make up/skin care on him as well.
Awwwww, yes, yes this is cute. I’m super into my skincare so this would legit be me, hahaha. Can you imagine? With his Manchester accent just consistently following up with “wut’s tha’ do? And this one?” Ugh I want himmm. Matty let’s have a sleepover!
Like, he’d brushed his teeth and gotten ready for bed. We know he sleeps in nothing but his boxers (thanks to his insta stories, rip 😔), so he’d slide under the covers. He’s got his book in his lap and his phone in hand, scrolling through as he waits for her to come to bed, but when it takes her a minute, he starts to wonder what she’s up to. He glanced over, and she’s by the mirror. He’s wondering what on earth could be taking so long, so he gets up, goes over to her, and stands over her shoulder with a weird frown on his face.
She sees him in the mirror and smiles “hi baby”
“Hi….uhh..what’re you up to?”
“Just gettin ready for bed. Did you need something? Don’t tell me I forget to get tooth-paste, I swear-“
“No, no! Found the toothpaste just fine. Smells minty fresh! Was just wonderin’ what you were doin’ here. What’s all this…stuff.” He accentuates the last word, popping his lips.
“Oh, the skincare you mean?”
“Yeah, like, why does one tiny human need all this? It’s all a marketing ploy isn’t it? Preying on the impossible standards for women’s bodies….”
She laughs and shakes her head. “I love your anti-capitalist, pro-women’s spirit here, but, some of this stuff is actually important. Women, men, non-binary folks…if you’re a person with skin…it’s good for you.”
He’s like curious now, so he takes a seat beside her. “Oh yeah? Like what?”
“Well, this whole process actually starts…in the bathroom. You gotta have a good face wash. None of that scented, sugary crap. You want something that doesn’t strip your skin of its natural barriers.”
“I’m not gonna pretend to know what that means, but do go on…”
“After you’ve washed your face, you come over here, and, a good toner is a good start…”
“How the fuck do you know which one goes when? Look at all these…potions and lotions and…this is why women were accused of witchcraft in the 1600s. I bet you a man looked at their vanity and saw all these- fucking- bottles with droppers and shit…what on earth is all of it for??”
“Goes in order to thickness! It’s really simple actually…”
He nods, clearly asking for her to elaborate. “Okay, okay, look…” she smiles, excitedly grabbing all her little bottles and lining them up in a row, taking each one, and sampling the product on her hand. “See? This is the toner. It’s kinda like water. You see how runny it is?”
“Mhm…” Matty’s brows furrow and he follows along.
“Okay, now, this serum, look, pretty runny, but significantly thicker, right?”
“Yeah..’s a bit sticky, too. What’s it do?”
“Restores moisture, helps build the protein particles in your skin, protects from wrinkles…it’s best to apply it on a slightly damp face, cuz it bonds with the water molecules really well…”
Matty looks away from her concoction and straight into her eyes, smiling.
“Sorry, am I boring you?” She blushes, backing away and rubbing the serum onto the back of her hand.
“No, not at all! Quite the opposite, actually. I like how much you know about this stuff…” he picks up a random bottle from her collection. “Tell me about this what. What’s this?”
She giggles, shaking her head. “That’s just a vitamin C serum.”
“Like a vitamin tablet?”
“Pretty much, yeah, but for your face. Brightens and helps with blemishes and stuff.”
“And this one?”
“That’s moisturizer.”
“Yes, okay, I know what this one does!” His excitement makes her smile. “And, wait, you said in order of thickness, so…this would go last, obviously, no?”
“Exactly! You’re a fast learner.”
He smiles, clearly super proud of himself. “And…everyone’s meant to do this?”
She shrugs. “Yeah, everyone who wants nice skin, I guess?”
“Is my skin nice?”
His question makes her wants to burst into laughter, but she holds it in, “actually…it’s a little dry, to be honest.”
“Oi! That’s not a nice thing to say! You’re meant to find me irresistibly attractive!”
She lets her laugh out now. “Hey! You asked! Besides, you can still be attractive with chapped skin! It’s all that fuckin…smoking too. Doesn’t help.”
“Agree to disagree there.”
He picks up her serum. “Can I?”
“Yeah, you wanna hydrate that desert you call a face?” She applies a few drops to his face, rubbing them into his face gently.
Matty closes his eyes and sighs, contentedly. “Thought I was gonna hate it. But it actually feels quite nice.”
“Wait! I’m not done! You gotta seal it in with the moisturizer.”
“Oh, fun. Okay, let’s see how this one feels.”
“Fuck- why does it sting??!!! You said nothing about pain!!!” He winces, pulls away.
“Probably stings cuz your skin is cracked. How much water do you drink during the day.”
“Oh, no, it’s too early in our relationship for this conversation I’m not answerin’ that one…”
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theonethatyaks93 · 9 months
My Secret Santa Project
This is my Secret Santa project for @sleepyrabbits You didn’t specify what characters you wanted, so here!! Take some Christmas Brinky fluff that I hope you enjoy!! Also, thank you so much for being one of my followers!!!!!!! It means so much to me and I couldn’t be happier!!! Enjoy your Christmas and I’m wishing you a happy new year too!!
Brain groaned for what felt like the 100th time, his temperament in its worst state it had been in quite a while. He sat crouched amongst the scattered blueprints and materials he had gathered to enact his most recent plan for world domination, which had failed in an elaborate fashion, again. The megalomaniac had hope that this plan would’ve been a smashing success, but, predictably, things soured rapidly.
This year’s Christmas plan had been to produce hypnotic cookies to sell in stores. The cookies would’ve flown off the shelves due to their cheap prices and Brain would have control of the world in an instant. Yes! Even if that hadn’t worked, Brain concocted a backup idea involving subliminal messaging in wrapping paper that said, “Obey Brain”. Surely having another plan in case of failure would guarantee success, right?
When Brain had tried to bake the cookies with the fluid needed to hypnotize the population, they had burned easily, and the treats tasted repulsive and dry, lacking any flavor. Even Pinky’s admittedly excellent baking skills couldn’t save the cookies from disaster. Brain ended up flying into a rage, tossing the dozens of baked goods in the trash can immediately after trying them. Pinky had attempted to comfort him, saying that they could always just make more, but Brain, rather than listen, just decided to execute plan two.
Which also failed. Even quicker than plan one.
Turns out, Acme Labs’s new high-tech printer was broken, and it wouldn’t be fixed until next week. Drat. After receiving that crushing news, Brain moved on to writing out the subliminal messages by hand, but the words he wrote were not hidden in the slightest. In fact, they were so obvious to the naked eye, that they couldn’t be classified as subliminal at all. This was not thought out well for possible hindrances such as a busted printer.
This year’s Christmas plans were by far the worst he’d ever assembled. Brain didn’t even reach the marketing phase for his cookies, despite that secretly being his favorite part of any “advertise something to the general public” scheme. It was enjoyable to spend some time with Pinky, where they could put their creative minds together to make an advertising campaign millions would remember.  And it wasn’t just because Pinky was his non-platonic partner now and Brain wanted to be close to him for an elongated period of time.
Definitely not that. At all.
The shorter mouse had retreated to his planning corner to sulk after the wrapping paper debacle. He needed to escape from all the woes and predicaments that were piling on top of him. He did find it rather odd that Pinky didn’t pursue him instantaneously, but it was a small blessing. Even though Brain really…tolerated Pinky, sometimes his lanky companion could prove a little overbearing for his mindset. This peaceful escape from the hassle of his newest plight was what he needed. Yet, he still felt miserable.
Another Christmas wasted on failed plans. Just like last year. And the year before.
Brain peered at the unorganized pile of blueprints that sat in front of him. He had made them for his Christmas cookie plan, but they went unused for the most part. Now, the paper just felt like it was taunting him. Invading his soul almost. Whispering to him negative thoughts about his recent disappointment.
You didn’t take over the world? How stupid are you?
You didn’t even manage to get to the execution stage!
You are pathetic!
Brain growled, way louder than he intended to, all the anger building inside him. It wasn’t long before he began ripping up the blueprints in a blind fury and tossing them everywhere. The pieces of paper were scattered all over the counter, every which way. He’d need to clean this up later.
The megalomaniac fell onto his knees following his little meltdown, slamming his fists into the countertop surface. He winced at the ensuing pain but didn’t pay that much mind to it. Brain felt a lump form in his throat, though he quickly pushed that feeling away.
Crying was not allowed. Especially for something so meaningless.
Brain took a few steadying breaths, attempting to subdue his rampant emotions. It thankfully worked rather well, for his mind steadied. Though, the lingering guilt that he had pushed aside Christmas with Pinky for a disastrous world domination idea remained intact. Why, again, had he ruined something else that could positively impact his own life?
Poor, sweet, innocent Pinky. An opportunity for quality time was squandered; instead, he was toiling away with mediocre fantasies of world conquest.
The pink-eyed mouse buried his face within his paws, ears drooping, sighing repeatedly as if that would aid in his misery. Brain felt so hopeless, so exhausted, bizarrely cold. He even felt unloved, which was strange since he had a companion of romantic interest. All the warmth of the holiday season never seemed to find him through the many years he’d been enacting plans.
The dreary nature of the situation was just about to pull Brain to a likely cumbersome slumber, until he felt a gentle touch on his left shoulder, tugging him out of his brooding state. He lifted his head from his paws to meet the understanding gaze of his partner. Why did Pinky always have to appear in his worst and bleakest moments?
“Oh, Brain. It’s alright. Narf! No need to be sad over a silly little plan. You’ll make another, even better one tomorrow night!”
A soft smile formed on Brain’s lips. He reached his arm back towards his shoulder, using his paw to cover Pinky’s. “I’m fine, my friend. Just a little distressed about this whole ordeal. I apologize for concerning you.” Brain moved his grasp from Pinky, choosing to look away from him, retreating into his own personal space once more. Pinky’s hold never left his shoulder.
The other mouse’s gentle face fell to one of confusion and concern. “Well, you don’t look fine to me, Brainy. Poit! You seem tense. I mean look at you! You’re all tight and scowly and your shoulders are hunched up and…”
Brain turned around and placed his paw on Pinky’s mouth, silencing him. “Yes, Pinky. I’m fully aware of my appearance right now.” He shifted from his companion, pulling his paw from his friend’s face hastily. But before recoiling fully, he placed a small peck on Pinky’s nose, hoping that would be enough to shut him up.  It thankfully did the trick. At least to halt the uncomfortable conversation that would have likely unfolded had he not done anything.
Pinky swooned dreamily, letting go of Brain for a moment to dance and twirl around the space in an irregular pattern, his paws held close to his chest. Little cartoony hearts formed around his head, circling rapidly and his tail formed into the shape of a heart, which surprisingly wasn’t that uncommon. “Egad! Naaaaaaaarf!” he purred; his voice breathless.
Brain couldn’t help but smirk a tad and role his eyes at Pinky’s overly dramatic display. It was ridiculous, but somewhat sweet, he presumed. He allowed his mind to wander a bit, while Pinky continued to prance around in a lovestruck daze. The shorter mouse was only pulled back into reality when he felt Pinky nuzzling his nose gently, holding him by both shoulders now. Brain’s face went red.
Desperate to end this romantic moment, Brain struck up a question that had been persistent ever since Pinky had arrived at his planning corner.
“Did you go seeking me out for a reason or did you just come to boost my spirits?”
 Pinky pulled away from Brain, a radiant expression evident on his face. “Both, actually! Troz!”
“And do tell what exactly you wanted to inform me, Pinky. Just make it hasty, I’m still downtrodden about tonight’s failure.”
The taller mouse clapped enthusiastically. “Oh, Brain! I can’t tell you! It’s a surprise! You just haaaaaave to wait and see!”
Brain’s usual scowl returned. Great. Another one of Pinky’s “surprises.” Whenever Pinky told him that something was a surprise, he was always met with something extremely peculiar and not catered to his liking; from a horrendous bootleg movie to an ice cream party that had already melted by the time they’d arrived at the cage. Surely, this would not be any different.
“Pinky, I’m not so sure about this. Remember the last time you lured me into one of your ‘surprises?’” He gestured to the unusual kiss shaped scar on his forearm, likely the most dangerous and bizarre incident by far.
Pinky’s face turned tomato red, and he giggled energetically. “Of course I remember! That was the bestest bad surprise good surprise ever! Zort! And may I say, that is the cutest scar I’ve ever seen, darling! He traced his fingers over the specific mark, causing Brain’s fur to temporarily stand on end and a pleasant warmth to invade his senses. His heart was about to burst.
“T-thank you, Pinky.” Brain struggled to force any harsh words out. “But I still don’t exactly believe that whatever you have in store for me is exactly safe per say.”
Pinky got on his knees and grabbed Brain’s shoulders in a forceful manner, quite unlike his usual demeanor. Obviously, Pinky wasn’t going to be deterred from his goal. “Puh-lease Brain?! I promise that this is a good surprise and that you’ll really, really like it! Please? Pretty please with sprinkles and caramel and chocolate and whipped cream on top?” Pinky begged loudly, putting on his best pouty eyes. He even whimpered a tad and his lip quivered for added effect.
Brain stared into Pinky’s soft blue eyes. He swore there were stars in them since they seemed to sparkle in radiance. His cheeks flushed a deep shade of maroon and heat pooled in his cheeks. Pinky was a master manipulator. Especially when he was trying to convince Brain to do something mundane. He just couldn’t resist, no matter how hard he attempted to ignore Pinky.
“Alright,” Brain sighed, subduing his sanity to Pinky’s little pleading. “But if something else explodes, you’ll be receiving more than just a bop on the head.”
Pinky cheered, jumping up and down excitedly. “Yay! You are going to love it! Narf! I know it with all my little heart, Brain!” He then stared at the shorter mouse, a flirty, seductive, and mischievous look in his eyes. “But I wouldn’t mind you giving me something more than a bop on the head if you know what I mean. Hint, hint! Zort!” Pinky winked and batted his eyelashes at Brain, his tail moving precariously from side-to-side before he began laughing hysterically.
Brain took a moment to ponder, until eventually realizing what exactly Pinky thought he had suggested. His entire face turned beet red and sweat began to form on his forehead. His eyes widened in utter shock and his mind spiraled as he became a flustered mess. It took him nearly ten seconds to regain his composure.
“That’s n-not what I m-meant, P-Pinky.” Brain choked on his own words, forcing himself to halt his stuttering for fear of embarrassment. “Let’s just forget…that… and move along to your little ‘surprise,’ whatever that might entail.” He was relieved that he had calmed down so fast, especially after…what Pinky had tried to imply.
The taller mouse grinned sheepishly. “Oh, right. Almost forgot Whoopsies!” He pulled Brain towards him and held his paw tightly, intertwining their fingers. “Close your eyes, sweetheart!”
Brain welcomed Pinky’s proximity and the handholding, but he still wasn’t prepared for whatever Pinky had in store. “I’m not exactly sure about this…”
“Ha, Brain! No take backsies! Troz! You promised!” Pinky sing-songed, pressing a finger to Brain’s lips, stifling his judgement. Brain groaned; there was no turning back now.
“Very well. Lead me to your inane drivel. But on one condition: do not run with me in tow. I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I’ve had enough injuries this week.”
“But I’m not a truck, Brain.”
“I know you’re not a truck, Pinky. Just don’t go off sprinting while we are…uhm.” Brain pointed to their interlaced fingers.
Pinky’s puzzled expression changed to joy again after seeing their paws together. “Got it. No running! I’m going to keep my sweeter-than-sweet bestest boyfriend ever all nice and safe for his surprise!” He gently stroked Brain’s cheek.
Boyfriend? That was new. Pinky had never called him his boyfriend before.
Brain’s face heated up again; his entire body felt warm. Smirking contently, Brain closed his eyes, putting all his trust with his boyfriend friend. He only expected that he wouldn’t fall off the counter, per Pinky’s words.
It didn’t take too long for him to feel Pinky pulling his paw in the direction of wherever this little treat for him was. Brain took steady steps, making sure not to trip and take his partner down with him. He was quite astonished at how slow and gentle Pinky’s movements were; he went through with his earlier proclamation in strides. Brain never felt uncomfortable in any way as the two journeyed together. Occasionally, he felt his arm be jerked to the left or right, most likely due to an obstacle they came upon being avoided by Pinky’s swift reflexes. Dare he say it, he was impressed by the taller mouse’s knack for following instructions given to him.
He was so distracted by how peaceful everything was currently, aside from an occasion chuckle elicited by Pinky, that he stumbled on what felt like the entrance to their cage. Brain’s grasp on Pinky’s paw tightened as he felt his feet almost give way, causing the megalomaniac to almost open his eyes. Pinky helped to steady him, pulling him up again after their near fall.
“Are you okay?” Pinky asked gently.
Brain made sure his eyes were still closed. “Yes, I’m alright. Nothing to worry about, Pinky.”
“M-sorry, Brain. I forgot all about that nasty step. Poit! Silly me! Don’t worry, we’re almost there.”
He then continued to guide Brain, who thankfully didn’t receive too much of a startle from the slip. But as they kept moving, Brain was sensing a shift in lighting and a change in temperature. He also began to smell…peppermint? And…evergreen? What exactly did Pinky have planned?
Pinky let go of his hand after a little while, his footsteps indicating that he was seemingly dashing away somewhere. “Stay right there, Brain!” he heard his partner call out to him. Brain didn’t bother trying to go anywhere, who knows what he could’ve run into.
“Okay! You can open your eyes now!”
Brain followed Pinky’s request, opening his eyes gently, his curiosity piqued. What he was met with was…shocking to say the least.
“Surprise! Narf! So, whaddya think?”
The cage had been transformed from a mundane living space into a Christmas-y winter wonderland. There was a small Christmas tree with glistening ornaments and twinkling multi-colored lights. Peppermint and pine scented candles wafted their pleasant aromas in the air. Candy canes were lined in a neat little row and there was a while powdery substance everywhere that looked remarkably like snow. He even heard Frank Sinatra’s Christmas album A Jolly Christmas playing in the background, the crooner’s golden voice accenting the display in front of him perfectly.
Of course, Pinky knew about his little crush infatuation with Frank Sinatra and the fact that he’d listened to his Christmas album every year.
Brain was awestruck at all the colors and spectacle. His eyes widened and he felt his chest swell. It was such a tonal shift from the previously dreary laboratory, to suddenly be thrown into a bright and festive scenario. He couldn’t fathom that Pinky had done all of this, just for him. Granted, he felt a tad bit of shame for not being able to decorate on his own, but he was grateful that he had such a caring and considerate partner.
“Brain! Do you like it? Is it amazingly amazing like I hoped it would be? Hello?”
He snapped out of his astonished trance, Pinky’s confused face only inches away from his. Brain didn’t even bother to back away; he was currently just too dazed to pay attention to their vicinity. “It’s…it’s nice, Pinky. Yes. Really nice.” A faint blush formed on his cheeks.
Pinky was ecstatic. “I knew you’d just love-love-love it! Poit!” He placed his paws on Brain’s shoulders, squeezing them ever so lightly. “Can I show you around? I spent all night working on this for you, Brain!”
“Feel free, my friend. I’ve got nothing better to do.” Brain sardonically remarked, though he smiled ever so slightly to indicate he was still in a pleasant mood.
His lanky companion squealed in delight, before guiding Brain around the display, happily bouncing the entire time.  Brain couldn’t help but relinquish in Pinky’s boundless energy; he was always so cheery. That was somewhat appealing to him.
Pinky first showed off the Christmas tree, which Brain had to admit was very well decorated. The ornaments weren’t haphazardly thrown around, rather they were intricately placed in neat little rows on the tree’s branches. Even the tinsel was wrapped around properly, though the star on top was a little crooked. Not like he was going to nitpick, but it was just something he noticed.
“Here’s the tree! Spent all week looking for teeny-tiny ornaments. Troz! But I finally found some when you were baking those cookies. I even made my own out of those little yummy puff pastries in the drawer, Brain. Isn’t it be-you-ti-ful?” the blue-eyed mouse gestured to his manufactured ornament, which was simply just a piece of circular cardboard covered in cotton balls. However, they were aligned in such a way to where it resembled…them? The little red pom-poms glued to two of the cotton balls certainly indicated that.
Brain flushed a little at Pinky’s attempt to replicate them in an ornament, though it wasn’t executed in the best way. Pinky seemed to notice his telltale blush, smiling even bigger than before.
“It’s us! Aren’t we just the cutest ornament couple ever! And you little nose is so adorable, babe! I just wanna squish it!” Pinky pulled Brain into a slight hug.
“You’ve captured our likenesses…decently Pinky. I applaud you on your efforts and I am endeared by your generosity.” Brain felt the room heat up. Things were getting far too intimate for his personal liking. “Let’s move on.”
Next, Pinky pointed out the candy canes that were lined in a row, which he insisted had not been licked once. Brain wasn’t convinced since his companion seemed to bashfully look off to the side when he’d told him that. Sure enough, he inspected closer and saw saliva along the edge of two of the candy canes. Why was he not surprised?
“You’re probably wonderin’ how I made the snow, Brain. Zort!” Pinky diverted Brain’s attention to one of the many piles of “snow” scattered about. He picked up a clump of it and threw it in the air, causing Brain to sneeze a little.
“Pinky, what is this stuff?” Brain scoffed in between sneezes. He investigated the substance closer, noticing the unusual fine, gritty texture. The powder also smelled, strangely sweet.
“It’s powdered sugar! The perfect snow substitute!” Pinky said like he was advertising the powder. He put the pile of it down and happily licked his fingers of the excess, chuckling all the way. “It’s so yummy AND festive! Naaaaaaaaarrf!”
Brain couldn’t help but be just a tad confused. There was powdered sugar everywhere; why was there so much? “If I may ask, how did you obtain this much powdered sugar, Pinky? I didn’t notice any new charges on the lab’s credit card over the past few days, aside from ones I made.”
The taller mouse silenced Brain playfully, crossing his arms and shaking his head. “No, no, Brain! A decorator never reveals their seacrates. No matter what anyone else says.”
Why did he even bother with Pinky anymore?
The megalomaniac rolled his eyes at his companion’s mindless comment, before noticing something below the Christmas tree. It was a box, covered in mismatched wrapping paper that wasn’t fully covering the package. There was a little bow and a tag that read“4 Brain!” with a little heart on top, meaning it was for him.
His heart fluttered when he noticed the gift, mainly because he didn’t expect Pinky to get him anything this year. Brain felt a little guilty that he hadn’t spent time preparing a present for his partner, but his world domination plans had taken every waking though of his.
“Pinky,” Brain spoke softly as he struggled to control his steadfast heart rate. “Th-that gift under the tree over there. Is it…did you get that for me?” He held his breath for a moment.
“Of course it’s for you! Poit!” Pinky walked over to where Brain was standing, linking their arms together. “I wrote your name on the tag! D’you think I met some other smarty-smart dashing mouse named Brain yesterday and he just happened to become my bestest boyfriend? And I thought I was the dumb one!”
Brain felt his face turn a soft pink at Pinky’s proclamation. Even though it was slightly annoying that Pinky questioned his intelligence for a moment, he presumed that his friend had good intentions.
“I don’t suppose you’d mind if I opened the gift then. I’m quite interested to see what exactly you got me.” He could only guess that it was going to be another pencil with the eraser bitten off, or a moldy piece of bread that Pinky so happily called “French toast.”
The lanky mouse giggled, suppressing some kind of intense positive outburst. “Go ahead, love! I really think I’ve outdone meself this year!”
He really didn’t want to open it now, considering Pinky’s giddy reaction to him asking about it was so suspicious. But he decided to, for his companion’s sake. It wouldn’t hurt that much to get something outlandish.
With slight hesitation, Brain trudged over to the tree, pulling the decently sized present from under it. He was surprised by the weight of the box; he could not lift it. What on earth was in here?
Brain was just about to pull the top of the box open when Pinky called out to him, causing the smaller mouse to jump in shock.
“Brain! Troz! Wait! Narf! You should read this first!” Pinky panted heavily, handing Brain a piece of paper. The front had a crude drawing of Pinky giving Brain a hug, the two being surrounded by red and green colored hearts.  
Brain smiled a little at the drawing, but he grew apprehensive about reading the letter. Pinky’s writing was infamously illegible and misspelled words always graced the page. He’d adapted to reading his companion’s atrocious handwriting, but a certain something else caused him alarm.
The last letter he’d read from Pinky around Christmastime was…let’s just say it raised a lot of unfamiliar emotions within Brain. He wanted to look at it when Pinky wasn’t around, mostly so he wouldn’t see any intense reactions that the megalomaniac elicited. “I don’t think I should read this now…”
“Nope!” Pinky interrupted. “Read it, please! The gift will make sense afterward! I pinky promise. Cross my paws and hope to poit!”
“Fine.” Brain groaned, there was no discouraging Pinky after his sacred vow. He opened the letter; he was intrigued by how many words were on the page. And, while not perfect, Pinky’s handwriting was very neat, and it appeared that the spelling was competent.
He must’ve spent a lot of time writing this.
Pinky perked up for a moment. “By the way, I used my handy-dandy spellchecker to write this for you, Brain. I wanted everything to be as perfect as you are!”
Blush arose in Brain’s cheeks, not only from the sincere compliment, but since he now knew that Pinky had used the spellchecker that he’d gotten for him all those years ago. He sighed once and began reading.
Dearest Brain,
Hello! Ha-ha! Narf!
This insipid phrase again? Not a very telling sign.
Listen, I know I’m not the best at words, especially since I’m not the brightest bulb in the shed if you know what I mean. But I just want to say, when we became a happier-than-happy couple, I almost couldn’t believe it! I’ve known you for years and years, Brain. I feel like I know you better than I know myself.
You’re hard-working, honest, smart, kind, caring, and extremely handsome. I adore your big chubby head and your smarty-smartness and your funny words and your sleeping noises. You’re my bestest friend, even if we fight and you bop me on the head and yell. By the way, the bops don’t bother me and whenever you yell, your gorgeous voice makes me swooooooon!
 I hate it when you get neglected for your attempts to take over the world. You get so sad and that makes me sad. But you never give up and that’s amazing! I want you to succeed, Brain. I want you to do it so badly. You deserve a happily ever after, more than anyone else.
Even if you don’t rule the world, I would have lived the greatest life because you were with me. You mean everything to me, and I love you so, so much.
Love? Truly?
If there is one mouse I’d want to spend my forever with, it would be you. It was always you, even during our fights and non-talking time.
Was that all he wanted? To spend a lifetime together?
You’ll always be my chubby hubby, even if we never marry, which is fine! Your decision! But I hope, I’m all yours because you are all mine, every day of the month and year and hour!
Why, Pinky?
Love your #1 boyfriend,
PS: When you hold me and kiss me, I feel like I’ve conquered the world. Poit!
The words hit him like a freight train at full speed. As Brain kept reading the letter, he felt his mind turn to mush and his heart ache to a painful degree. He sensed a lump forming in his throat, tears pricking his eyes at such a rapid pace. When the letter ended with his partner happily proclaiming to be his number one boyfriend, he sniffed once, trying with all his might to push away the tears. And when Pinky added on that when Brain kissed him and held him, he felt like he’d conquered the world, Brain let a quiet sob slip out.
He read the letter repeatedly, each time he could feel the love Pinky had added to it within his chest. The excess moisture in his eyes fell, with him making no attempt to cease. It had been such a rough day, but his incredible boyfriend remedied all his sorrows.
Yes, boyfriend.
It felt fitting to call him that.
Brain was so lost in his mixed emotions that he almost forgot about the actual present entirely. At least until Pinky reminded him.
“Brain.” Pinky spoke so delicately, like he knew that Brain would’ve reacted this way. “Don’t you wanna open the present? Narf! It’s very important.”
He could only stare at Pinky’s gentle expression, the tears flowing continuously. “S-sure. I g-guess it w-wouldn’t hurt.” He struggled with forcing any coherent words to be said.
 The pink-eyed mouse pulled the lid off the box and pushed the colorful tissue paper out of the way. The first item he saw was all too familiar, yet he thought it was gone forever. It was a small keychain with a globe on one end. It sparkled radiantly in the light. He picked it up and gasped.
“Pinky, is this…?”
“Yes, Brain. I found your globe keychain last week! In a cabinet, behind those heavy books you read all the time. I thought it would be such an amazing surprise to give it to you again, just because I know how much you love it! Troz!”
“I thought I lost this.” Brain felt lightheaded. He could only gape at the keychain that meant the most to him. It just vanished a while ago, and at first, he pretended like he didn’t care. But secretly, he’d ran to a secret corner of the lab and cried his eyes out, devastated that he’d lost Pinky’s precious gift to him. And now, his companion had given him the thing that symbolized their relationship. His goals and desires. “T-thank you Pinky. I-I’m grateful for…” He felt another sob coming, but Brain pushed back.
“That’s not all that’s in there.” Pinky leaned over Brain’s shoulder, pointing to the box. Brain returned to searching through the paper, finding something else indeed.
It was a locket, a red heart shaped one. It looked really expensive and very high quality. Brain was tremendously impressed.
Pinky pet Brain’s head gently. “Truth is, I might’ve used the lab card for oneeee little purchase that I thought was important. I’ve been working on these gifts for months and I knew that this would be perfect for you. Open it!”
With still teary eyes, Brain opened the locket. He felt himself shake a little with what he saw. On the left half, there was a tiny picture of Pinky and him kissing; it was their first photo together as a couple from a few months back. That had been one of the greatest days of his life and Pinky had given him a reminder of it. There was also something written into the right half. It said:
You’re My World, Brain!
Below that was Pinky’s wonderfully strange signature, with everything being surrounded by miniscule hearts.
Brain could not take it anymore. Seeing the personalized locket with their love permanently etched into it was such an emotional rush. He put the locket down and collapsed onto his knees, pressing his paws against his face as he burst into loud and uncontrollable sobs. He felt so cherished. Pinky really, really loved him. He was appreciated by the most important thing in his life. That was all that mattered.
As the shorter mouse cried harder than ever before, Pinky sat down on the floor and pulled him into a hug, their bodies pressed together. Brain sobbed hard into his partner’s chest, not even caring that he was making a mess. He just held Pinky tight and let all of his feelings that had been building up all night out. Pinky rubbed his back, placing light kisses on Brain’s head. He wasn’t upset, rather he was eternally grateful. How had he, of all feeble creatures on this miserable planet, ended up with the kindest, most generous mouse to ever exist?
After a few minutes of nothing but crying, Brain sniffled, the tears ceasing. He glanced upward at Pinky, who had the softest smile on his face, making the megalomaniac melt inside. “Did you like your presents, Brain? Zort. Did I do a good job?” Pinky asked while continuing to massage Brain’s back.
Brain felt himself stir, his heartrate increasing. “Yes, dear.” He nuzzled Pinky’s nose. “Your gifts were commendable, and I couldn’t be more pleased with your dedication to me.”
His companion beamed, hugging Brain tight. “I’m so happy, I could just run around all fun-fun-silly-willy! Thank you for everything, Brain!”
“No, thank you, Pinky. For everything you’ve done tonight.” He un-did their embrace but kept his paws on his partner’s chest. “I-I’m flattered, truly I am. But I believe it is my turn to surprise you.”
Pinky looked confused, followed quickly by curiosity. “What do you mean, Brain? Did you get me a gift too? You shouldn’t have!”
“Yes, I did.” Brain felt a dark blush cloud his cheeks. “Look up, Pinky.”
The lanky mouse tilted his head upward towards the ceiling of their cage. Precisely at their exact location, a string of mistletoe hung above them, swinging slightly. Pinky’s face lit up instantly, an obvious blush present.
“Brain…is that…can we…? Egad!”
Brain nodded. “It’s tradition for two people in love to kiss underneath the mistletoe. It would be preposterous if we didn’t honor that. So…uhm…I suppose we can just…”
“This is the best gift ever, darling!” Pinky was shaking about in excitement; it was almost concerning.  “You don’t have to ask me twice! I adore our kisses! C’mere you wonderful mouse!”
Pinky pulled Brain closer, pressing their lips together in a tender motion. Brain was quite taken aback by how forcibly Pinky had pushed them into the kiss, but his initial shock dissipated and was replaced by a warm sensation filling his entire body. He placed his paws on Pinky’s cheeks, taking notice of how heated they were. He felt Pinky’s arms wrap around his waist, their proximity increasing dramatically. Brain moaned as the kiss deepened.
They parted for air, but it was only temporary. Brain immediately grabbed Pinky’s cheeks again and they kissed, even more intensely than before. He didn’t understand how Pinky could be so good at kissing, especially since he hadn’t kissed anyone before they’d became a thing. But Brain was always amazed by what his boyfriend could do, despite his below-average intellect. He sank into this kiss, noticing how Pinky tasted like gingerbread before pulling away to breathe.
Pinky huffed, his face beet red and his eyes widened in glee. “Oh, Brain! I love you so much! Narf!” he cooed quietly. “Merry Christmas.”
Brain peppered kisses along Pinky’s neck, causing the taller mouse to giggle fervently. He smiled at his partner, his mind a mess of romantic thoughts and of his Pinky. “I love you too, Pinky. Merry Christmas.”
“Uhm, honey, we’re still under the mistletoe! I don’t think our little tradition thingy is done yet.” Pinky fluttered his eyes and made a kissy face.
Brain smiled. “I suppose you are right. Shall we continue?”
Pinky’s face heated up. “Yes, we shall. Poit!”
Their lips met again, their kissing session continuing once more. As Pinky leaned into him, Brain felt wonderful. He savored the sound of every moan, sigh, and chuckle, holding them in his subconscious as little reminders. His holiday season had grown a lot brighter, especially with such an incredible and loving boyfriend by his side.
Pinky was by far his greatest gift.
Such a merry Christmas indeed.
(Happy Holidays!! @animaniacssecretsanta)
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fallingforfandoms · 11 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag @all-my-worlds-a-stage (and sorry for only getting back to you so late, but, you know, ideas had to be dwelled upon, etc etc etc)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
14 - could have been less if I had been a a more responsible human being with more impulse control, could be more if I wasn't such a goddamn perfectionist, sigh.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
332,695 (because my projects usually escalate way too quickly, sorry not sorry)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Officially, Tatort - Tatort Ludwigshafen to be specific. Currently peering over the edge for Münster and Wien. And I had a huge obsession with the MCU and The Witcher and Sherlock before, and still have half a novel based on The Night Manager up on my drive somewhere. And then there was also that missing scene from House of Cards that started it all on AO3 (but it's buried beneath a bunch of Lena Odenthal content now, thankfully).
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Sonne, See und Sterne: The summer holiday fanfic that I wrote throughout December and January (... sounds pretty normal imo) for Lena Odenthal and Johanna Stern and that I still like to read from time to time to dive back into that vibe :')
A Scarred Sunrise: My debut fanfic on ao3, the infamous House of Cards oneshot that probably only got this many kudos because it's not part of a German niche fandom :'D
The Hand Is a Servant of the Heart: The very first Lena/Johanna fic that I published, yet another missing/adapted scene from canon (aka from one of the more traumatising Ludwigshafen episodes that needed some sort of ... band-aid to be fixed, lol).
Das Nest: My very first fluff & smut Lena/Johanna fic that didn't fall into the abyss of trauma and tragedy but instead escalated into a Love Actually rip-off by the end (and I still adore it for that).
Liens de cuir et mains de soie: A dom/sub/switching kinda character study/crossover between Lena Odenthal and Esther Baumann set mostly in France, inspired by the lovely but lowkey deranged idea by @disappointingsalad at the start and improved by her very own contribution at the end - thank you so much! :)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, because I love each and every one of them from the bottom of my heart!!! <3 (Also, the only reason that it takes long-ish for me to reply to some of them is that I cannot stop grinning and jumping up and down out of pure joy every single time I re-read them to reply properly, so, sorry not sorry, but you people make my day with those and I save them in an extra outlook folder because of that <3)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Since I'm usually rather fond of happy endings, I tend to resolve most of the tension. "Zerrissene Fäden" would be a possible candidate though. Maybe also "I've Come To Burn Your Kingdom Down" or "A Scarred Sunrise". Because of the uncertainty that still simmers through towards the end, but idk.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Well, since I'm a sucker for happy endings, they're all quite happy so far. But the happiest ... huh. Maybe "Das Nest". Or "Sonne, See und Sterne". Or "Liens de cuir et mains de soie". I can't decide on this either, apparently, oops :'D
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully, no. But that's one of the few advantages of a small German fandom without great shipping wars, I suppose :'D
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Ha. Haha. Hahaha. Yes. Been there, done that, many kinds of that, in fact. Anything from the sweet vanilla kind (looking at all those 'found family' tropes) over the fast and messy ONS kind to the dom/sub-themed and/or throuple 'well that escalated quickly' kind. Each has its own perks. And its challenges (looking at the classic wlw problem of overusing "she" etc). But I still love delving into those headcanons on a regular (and mildly irresponsible) basis ;)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I wouldn't call it far-fetched since both fandoms are Tatort-related, but the sub/dom-themed Ludwigshafen/Saarbrücken crossover up on ao3 is definitely ... some kind of crazy. And then there are also all those Wien / Münster / Bremen ideas which haven't quite left the nest that @all-my-worlds-a-stage and I have so far built for them. Look forward to those ;) Also, in non-Tatort terms, there was this one Geralt/Loki fanfic I started years ago but I'm ... not even sure I'd find that cursed document again at present :'D
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'd know of it (niche fandoms strikes again).
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope (niche fandoms strikes again).
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, with @disappointingsalad. And I'm currently working on some other ideas that require more than my last two braincells, in this case with the help of @all-my-worlds-a-stage ;)
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Given my ao3 history, the case seems pretty clear - definitely Lena Odenthal/Johanna Stern. Honorable mentions go out to Sherlock/John, Geralt/Jaskier and Jamie/Brienne. And to Wilhelmine Klemm as well, because whoever she ends up with is so goddamn lucky to have her (and I'm here for each and everyone of them).
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oh God. Most of them, I suppose, given the lethal combination of adhd and perfectionism that rule my brain? :'D But the first thing that came to mind was the band AU I started a couple of months ago. Because the movie playing in my mind just at the thought of it is already so perfect and I don't have any idea how to get all of those scenes written down in exactly that way.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Probably dialogue? The amount of raw dialogue I've written as a kick-off for some vague idea is ... quite telling. In many ways.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Introspection. Whenever it comes to the thoughts of characters, my own mind is just ... blank. No idea what they could be feeling or thinking in this very moment, or rather, no idea how to phrase it without putting it into dialogue. Yeah, I know, just what a non-TV writer needs to work properly :'D
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Been there, done that, probably wouldn't do it again, at least not in the way I did it then.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Officially, House of Cards. Unofficially, probably Sherlock? Or the MCU? That was ... ages ago though.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
You CANNOT ask a mother which of her children she- well. Wait a minute. I think I'll throw "Von Schwertglanz und Schattengewächsen" in there, the medieval Tatort Ludwigshafen AU I started this February. Because this is such a long-ass project that has accompanied me through some pretty ... interesting months and I worked so many inspirations and easter eggs into it. And I'm continuing to do that now, in this very moment, because I watched a very gruesome Tatort Wien episode (thx for the rec @carlomainzinger ;_;) that had just the right amount of protective & soft found family vibes and raw & unfiltered force to thwart me back into this setting (not as hard as Bibi was thwarted around her own flat though, uargh). So, yeah, uh, look forward to that, the wait might be over soon ;)
Well. That was fun. Throwing this over to @carlomainzinger @mordsfesch @krejong @rheingoldweg12a @occhi-verdi-come-il-mare @disappointingsalad @karin-in-action @khalaris @cornchrunchie and literally anyone else who wants to join in, no pressure though!
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doobnnoob-tf2 · 2 years
Maybe some winter or Christmas themed fluff? SniperSpy, whole team, doesn't matter. I just think some fluff might be nice hehe. - Shy Anon
The rec room was loud with chatter and the sounds of wrapping paper being torn open. Most stood round the much-too-large and obnoxiously decorated Smissmas tree, handing gifts to one another or sipping on hot drinks that'd been prepared just for this event. Laughter filled the air as gag gifts were revealed, frustrated sighs at the overdone ways of wrapping some presents, the occasional gasp of excitement over something one of them had been dying for was revealed.
Sniper sat towards the back, watching the madness with a smile on his face. He wasn't jumping at the idea of huddling up around a questionably stable tree with many sharp and glass ornaments while everyone was diving for gifts nestled underneath. He decided he'd wait, and if anyone wanted to bring him one of his gifts he'd be happy to open it.
And that's exactly what happened.
Sniper looked up over the back of the couch. "Well hey you. Not gonna go jump into the fray?"
"No, I'm not quite interested in whatever potential brawl may break out." Spy rounded the couch, holding a rather long and very neatly wrapped gift. He leaned it against Sniper as he sat down close next to him. "For you."
"I'd assume." Sniper sat up a bit more, reaching over to grab a present off the floor next to him. "And this one's for you." He smiled as he plopped it down onto the man's lap. "G'wan, you go first."
Spy smirked softly. "If you insist." And with careful precision, he very delicately and neatly started to tear the tape, folding it all back. He got enjoyment over Sniper's frustrated sighs.
"C'mon, luv, just tear the damn thing already."
"Oh but you did such a wonderful job on this!" Spy teased, laughing at the unamused stare leveled at him as he continued to take his sweet time. Under all of it was a hefty box, slightly overfilled but contents still covered. Whatever inside had a bit of give to it if he squeezed it. Sniper looked positively anxious. Spy moved the lid to the couch next to him and..
What greeted him made him pause. He stared for a moment, confused, and then carefully removed the burgundy knitted scarf with his class emblem stitched into one end. Inspecting the work that went into each placement, he almost missed the sweater underneath. A deeper shade of red that complimented the scarf well, almost black, again with his emblem stitched delicately onto the front. It looked professionally made, the materials used for each stage of it were a very expensive quality.
"Where on earth did you find someone to make these?"
"..well, ah.." Sniper cleared his throat and looked away to mutter. "I.. I did. My mum, she.. she liked knitting and she showed me how to do it and.. well.. I figured I'd.." He trailed off, slowly looking over at the look of bewilderment on Spy's face. "Is it that bad?"
"Heaven's no! Sniper, it's beautiful." Spy looked at his gift for him with a nervous furrow in his brow. Sniper's gift to him was handmade, for him, by him.
..Spy had gone out to find people to make his gift to Sniper. There was none of his own touch in either parts of his gift. It couldn't compare to the amount of time and effort had gone into this.
"How long did this take you?"
"Months. Kept messin' it up and I didn't wanna give you somethin' subpar. But also you didn't have many nights you were workin' late that I could slip away and do it. I was worried it wasn't gonna be ready in time."
Spy leaned over to cup one cheek to pull him in as he kissed the other hard. He smiled brightly. "I couldn't possibly find the words to thank you for this. It's wonderful."
Sniper smiled sheepishly. "Yeah, well.. you're welcome." He chuckled, and then looked over at the box he was given. "My turn?"
"..yes." He sounded unsure, but it was drowned out by paper being ripped loudly.
Sniper examined the crate as he laid it on his lap, finding the opening and lifting the lid. "Bloody hell, Spy!" His eyes lit up as he lifted the bow out of the box first, grinning from ear to ear as he ran his fingers along the intricate carvings down the limbs and around the grip. Every pass he made with his eyes, he spotted something new. It was too beautiful to even think of using.
He removed the quiver next. Real leather, hand stitched. The inside was spacious. It felt sturdy. His own class emblem was stamped into it towards the bottom. He looked over at Spy, the grin on his face never waning. "They're gorgeous! Where did you.."
"Overseas. It took some time to find the best people to make these. I refused to purchase from just anyone, you're worth more than that. But that was the hardest part. Once I placed the orders and gave my general ideas, it was simply waiting."
"Thank you.. christ, Spy, they're just.. gorgeous. Wish I'd put a little more into your scarf and sweater now."
"Hush. Sniper, you made these yourself. I paid other people to craft these for you. As far as I am concerned, your gift far outweighs mine."
"I'm content calling it even."
"I am not, but we will agree to disagree."
Sniper laughed and leaned in to give him a quick kiss. "Fine, fine." He leaned his forehead against his, the two looking at each other before slowly leaning in for another kiss. Only to be interrupted by..
"SHIT!" Scout tried to scramble away from the tree tipping over onto them, but the cord of lights was tangled around his ankle and only tugged it down onto everyone faster.
Sniper blinked twice before looking back at Spy. "..should we..?"
"Good call."
The pair stood up, collected their things, and promptly exited the room to avoid getting roped into clean-up.
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Tentatively Tending To Trauma. Poly!Camping Boys X FEM! AFAB! Reader. Chapter One: "Best Summer Ever?"
Oh my God! So! I know! Already?! First chapter of the new baby, the new long fic! Tentatively Tending To Trauma! This is going to be not only the first but THE poly!Camping Boys long fic, seriously, watch out! This is going to be the building of a triad from the ground up. All my other polyam fics have an established relationship that the reader comes into, but this one is the first to have everyone coming into this fresh and new. This will have fun, fluff, angst, hurt, comfort and yes, cuz it is me, smut. Buckle up and lets get into it! The best summer ever!
Rating. SFW. Length. 4K. Eventual Sam Wescott/Buddy Swanson X FEM! AFAB! Reader. She/Her Pronouns. Warnings: Movie Spoilers. Set After Stage Fright AND You Might Be The Killer. Nothing Heavy This Chapter. Road Trip. Setting The Table. Camping Fun Incoming. Light Drinking. Some Teasing. Buddy Already Ripping On Theater Kids. Shout Out To Steve The Kayak King. 
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A lot of people say that New Years is the best time for a fresh start, one year ends, another begins and the slate is wiped clean. You used to be one of those people who thought that too but after one too many rocky January’s you cannot abide by that any longer. The first half of this year had been complete bullshit and you were over it, so, so over it. Why does January first have to be the one time of year things can change and start over? Why can’t you tie it to something else? March to the beat of your own drum?
You needed a change, desperately and you can’t wait till another Christmas has come and gone. You think why can’t the change of seasons signify great change in your own life? Summer was around the corner and why not use this to try and course correct your year? To fix everything wrong thus far and launch the remainder of the current three hundred and sixty five days into a better place? 
This is what you need. After some heavy examination you think back to when the best times in your life were, tried and true things you could cling to, what could be reintroduced into your life to help you heal? One thing stands head and shoulders above the rest. Summer camp.
You have had a lot of shitty and outright bad things in your life but summer camp? Getting away from it all, being around people who you didn’t see in the typical day to day, outdoors in the fresh air, ample physical activity, you think it might be just right. You had some of the best times of your life at camp but now you were an adult, why not give back? You could do your best to give kids like you once were a good summer, revisit some of your old good times and forage new ones. A new setting to sink into this change was perfect. You go on the hunt, hoping not every summer camp in the area has been filled up.
All the positions at the closest ones had been snapped up, lots of returning people, so no slots free for you but you didn’t give up so easily, you ended up finding a want ad for a camp hours and hours away from your town and that was even better honestly. 
A full break away to forget your troubles and put your time and energy into healing. You applied, breezed through the phone interview process and so you quit your current job and packed your car and headed off for just shy of three months of working at Camp Clear Vista in Louisiana. You arrived right when you were supposed to but still were one of the first people to get here, you got out of your car, the last stop was over an hour ago and your legs needed a good stretch.
You are reaching high above your head, trying to relieve the tenseness of your back muscles, enjoying the sun on your face and the fresh air when you hear the call of, “Hey!”
Your eyes peek back open and you look over to see a tall guy coming towards you, he was in olive green cargo pants, a blue t-shirt and a flannel thrown over top, hand raised in a wave and a smile on his face that made his nose scrunch in a rather endearing fashion. Your arms come down and you turn to face him, a wave back with a reply of, “Hello!”
He was soon right in front of you, his hand out, “I’m Sam Wescott, I run the camp.” There was a shift in expression, a slight cock of the head with a nervous laugh, “Well, I’m sure you know that-”
You take his hand and shake it, “Yeah we spoke on the phone, I’m-” And you gave him your name. You got a better look at him up close like this and realised the blue shirt was a Camp Clear Vista shirt, a small yellow design on the upper right part of his chest proclaiming the name, curved in a half circle underneath a classic looking illustration of a cartoonish flap tent. The shirt screamed nostalgia in a way that is an undeniable comfort. He had a firm handshake, strong hands and honestly, he was pretty cute.
His smile brightened considerably and he said, “Oh yes! I was impressed by your references. I am so excited you were able to come, our usual guy who handles the kayaks couldn’t come back this year.”
You raised a brow at that, particularly at the slight sadness at the mention of whoever this other guy was who was unable to return here. Also kayaks? You deal in canoes but you think maybe he misspoke so you brush it off and say, “Oh sorry he couldn’t but his loss is my gain I guess!”
You let go of his hand and he responded, “Yeah I tried calling but couldn’t reach him, I think he just took a different camp offer this year but no point in dwelling on all that. I hope you enjoy your summer here.”
Taking a quick look around, trees and lush greenery and some of the outskirts of the camp, you already felt lighter. “I think I am going to have a fantastic time.” 
He looked pleased as punch to hear that. “Amazing! Well everyone else is still arriving but once they are here I am gonna take some time to show you around the boathouse and walk you through what’s expected, alright?”
“Sounds good.” You responded honestly with a nod and he gave you a low thumbs up as another car started coming into the parking lot, “Awesome, I’ll see you soon.” 
You watch him jog off towards the car that just arrived to go greet whoever else. 
Later on you were turning in your phone at Sam’s prompting, connecting with nature and all that and he was handing over own camp counselor shirt. You take it with one hand and a smile while giving him your phone with the other. “No fighting about the phone thing? I think I like you already.”
“Hey the whole point is to get away from it all anyway, right?” You ask and he says, “Yes! Exactly! Thank you.” 
You really liked how he said things, this excitable energy that you think is infectious is permeating his body language and the words themselves and you find yourself wishing to match him. Before breaking away to let the next person in line go you say, “And just so you know I think I like you already too.”
He seemed pleased by that too and you left him to continue collecting phones and passing out shirts. You end up talking to a few other people, learning no one else has seemed to work here at this camp before, but most have camp counselling experience. 
Everyone is going to be assigned to a cabin and put in charge of a group of kids. The kids in question will be staying at camp in a rotation of about a month at a time, so you will have around three batches by the time summer is done. You were talking to two other girls, Mia who was going to be doing arts and crafts and Laurie who was into woodworking, both seemed just as hyped up for the summer as you were. 
You get lost in the conversation of where you are from, and what you are most looking forward to and soon Sam comes up to you, a tap on the shoulder, “Are you good for us to go check out the boathouse?”
“Yes! Absolutely.” You agree, a quick wave and goodbye to the girls and follow his lead. This is your first chance to really see the camp, he points out different parts and landmarks, “So there is the pool, the changing rooms, the main bathrooms with the showers are past that and over there, is where the kitchen and mess hall is.” 
“Oh yeah I had meant to ask about that, what is the food situation?” You asked and he said, “Meals are provided naturally, we have this guy who is going to be taking on the lead cook role with other people subbing in to be assistants as needed, Jason the lifeguard is kinda acting as a secondary cook whenever he isn’t needed and when he IS busy other people can give a hand.”
Before you could respond he tacks on, “Only if they want to of course! If you are up for it, some people are no good in the kitchen I know and can totally opt out and step up in other ways.”
“I don’t have that much serious cooking experience but if push comes to shove I can as you put it, step up.” You say honestly and he says, “Really? Thank you! This guy is supposed to be really good, he has years of experience being lead cook at a different camp so I am sure he can help guide you with whatever he needs when he needs it.”
Sounded fine to you honestly. You liked that the work was going to be shared evenly, you were going to learn some new things and gain some new skills this summer it seemed. You tell him it sounded good and that put you more at ease and then he said, “Once I walk you through this you can do whatever you want with the rest of the day, it’s already getting later in the afternoon and I like to use the first day to let people settle in.”
He tells you that you’ll get your cabin assignment shortly, can move your stuff in and then soon it’ll be dinner time, after dark there is going to be a campfire, drinks, stories and whatnot, a team building thing for everyone to get to know each other and it sounded like a fun time. 
You’d arrived at the boathouse quickly, he pulls out his keys and unlocks the door, he then takes a duplicate key out and presses it into your palm, “This is the secondary key, I’m the only other person who has a copy, it’s for safety reasons, you know for-”
“The kids.” You finish with a nod and he says, “Right.” 
He walked you around, there was a lot of equipment, a good set up, the boats outside on the racks looked a little worse for wear, you’d need to do some work on them to get them, no pun intended, ship shape and told him as such. You would need to do some cleaning, general prep, minor repairs and maintenance, nothing you couldn’t handle or didn’t have experience in. You have three days after today before the kids arrive to get it ready, more than enough time honestly. You told him you could handle it confidently and if you wrapped up early enough you could help out other places.
“Really?! That’s great, I knew I made the right choice picking you.” He did seem rather happy and you asked, “Yeah, so the old guy couldn’t come back?”
“Oh yeah, sadly no he couldn’t. I couldn’t get a hold of him. I’m gonna miss him this year honestly.” He said earnestly and you asked, “Oh really? Was he really good at this job?”
“He was! He was so good we all called him Steve The Kayak King. He knew his shit, was amazing with the kids. But more than that we are good friends, kinda best summer camp friends. It will feel a little strange without him is all.” 
”Awe I’m sorry to hear.” You were and you offered up, “I am sure we will still have a good summer and a lot of fun.” 
He brightened slightly, a nod and he said, “Oh totally we will.” 
“But I am glad this worked out. A bunch of places near my hometown were already full up.”
“Oh really? You live far away?” He asked and you said, “A few hours. I drove about four and a half, five hours to get here.” 
“That far?” A small drop of his jaw, “You came that far to work here?” 
You shrug and say, “What can I say? I have a feeling it is an opportunity I would regret passing up.” He seemed not only impressed by that but touched too. “I can only hope that the experience lives up to expectation.”
You had a funny feeling that it will. 
“I hate to run again but I am so busy making sure everyone knows what they need to do and is all set up, so I gotta go.” You tell him, “I totally understand, go on.” 
You wave him off and off he goes at a light jog once more. You watch him go, your mind lingering on your conversation about Steve, the supposed Kayak King. There was something about it, how he spoke, the emotion in his eyes, Sam reads as genuine, hardworking, honest and sweet. You’ve decided right there, you totally did like him.
You make sure the boathouse is locked and you decide you need to get your stuff out of the car. It is almost three hours later, your car is unpacked, you've made it to your assigned cabin, number three, and claimed your bed, proceeding to unpack most of your belongings. 
In the groove of folding and organising your clothes in the trunk that is at the end of your bed you are pulled out of it by a knock at the door alerting you it’s time for dinner. Your cabin isn’t that far from the mess hall but the walk is a welcome one, you enjoy the warm evening air and soon are seated with a tray laden with food at a table full of your fellow counselors. Before you can settle into seating there were three sharp claps that quiet the conversation. 
There was a call to pay attention and your eyes are drawn up to the front of the mess hall, there stands Sam Wescott but he is not alone, with a warm smile and a gesture to the person standing with him is paired with a thank you for making the dinner you are about to enjoy with everyone else. That is the first time you lay eyes on Camp Clear Vista’s new cook, clad in jeans with his hands tucked in the pockets, and his own camp branded t-shirt, over six feet tall, blue eyes and a mop of brown hair. He has a smile that only reads as mildly uncomfortable because of how many people were looking at him, but overall relatively at ease, you learn his name is Buddy Swanson. He gives a hello with a casual wave after Sam introduces him.
“It looks great, thank you so much for making this.” Sam said sincerely with a hand on Buddy’s shoulder, he shrugs and says, “No problem man, s’ my job.” 
“Still. Thank you, now uh, let’s all dig in, yeah?” And with that you all do so. Sam sits at a different table and you once again find yourself talking to everyone at your table. Mia and Laurie are near you, as well as Raymond, who was another life guard and Martin who was going to be a coach and general and activities coordinator. You were next to Martin who was telling you about how he was excited and had plans for an expedited baseball season between cabins as well as some full sports filled days that sounded like they could be a really great time. 
The conversation and food was really good. Once it is all done, you are led outside to where the main fire pit is, getting into what Sam told you would happen earlier, drinks, stories and more.
You flit about, talk to some people and after your first drink and the initial round of stories are done you are between talking, a break in conversations and you notice something, Buddy is here and he is sitting more by himself. You glance around and see Sam is busy, you figure, why not. You get up and come over, drink in hand and you say, “Hey, Buddy, right?” 
He looks up and says, “That’s me.” You tell him, “Great dinner.” 
A slight upward quirk of his lips, “Thanks.” You hold out your hand and give him your name. He took your hand, gave it a quick shake and said, “So did I look that lonely?”
You laughed, not expecting the quick joke and said, “I have to admit you did look kinda forlorn.” 
“Ouch.” He said before he brought his cup up and took a sip, you gestured next to him, “Mind if I sit?” 
“Yeah sure, you gonna be nicer to me?” You take the spot to the left of him and teased, “Maybe.” 
“Only maybe?” He asked and you shrugged before asking, “So why are you over here alone and not-” A gesture of your hand still cradling your drink, “-over with the herd, getting to know people, making merry?”
“Honestly?” He asked, a sideways glance to you and you affirm, “Honestly.”
“Parties aren’t really my thing, but Sam insisted I come along, said it would be good for me to get to know who I’d be working with for the next three months.” He took another drink, as did you, “I think he is right, part of this is to make new friends and connections. You against that?”
“I don’t connect with people easily.” 
Your eyebrows raise and you say, “Why is that?”
His response comes quickly, “Lots of reasons.” You feel a smile creeping up on your face, “Aren’t you mysterious?” 
“It’s a great trick to get people to have better opinions of me without them actually having to get to know me.” He felt a smile slipping onto his face too. “Really?”
“Yeah people usually say it as a good or a neutral thing. Isn’t he mysterious?” He said the last three words with a wave of the hand not clutching his drink, the flare and emphasis making you laugh as well as driving his point home. “Doesn’t it make people want to get to know you?”
“Not as often as you’d think.”
“Fair enough. So! How far away are you coming from?” You asked before saying, “I’m about five hours away.”
“Oh I got you beat.” He said confidently, “Yeah? How far?” 
“Canada far.” He said easily and it was time for your jaw to drop, “Shut up? Another country?”
“Well I didn’t come from there just for this. Been kinda on the road for a while, job hopping since my last summer camp job.” He said more quietly and you asked, “What was your last camp job?”
He looked like he was thinking over how to respond and you asked, “What? You don’t remember or something?”
“No, no I do I just…” He takes a drink, a hearty one, finishes his cup, a harsh inhale and a shake of his head and as if gaining some bravery from that he divulges “It was a theatre camp.”
A loud laugh and asked, “Holy shit, was it that traumatic?”
“You have no idea.” He sighed and you said, “Why’s that? You don’t like theatre?”
“God no! I hate it!” He exclaimed, his head tipping back, eyes up to the starry sky and you finished your own drink, “How about we get another beer and you can tell me all about why it sucks?”
That is just what ended up happening. You and he broke off, refreshed icy cans in hand, you wander the camp ground and he proceeds to vent about his distaste for all things theatrical, which was funny considering the theartics and drama he threw into the act of expounding his displeasure. He was the lead cook for years at his last camp and told you about the bullshit and stress he had to face, how annoying and picky the theatre kids were and even further about the times he was forcibly dragged into their activities and made to see the camp's shows. 
“A musical reimagining of the vagina monologues?” You asked, aghast and he groaned, one of his hands running through his curls, “A musical fucking reimagining of the vagina monologues. Have you ever been forced to sit through an annoying pitchy theatre kid belting out to the back row about the first time she genuinely moaned in a gas station on a road trip after not being able to pee for hours?! It is awful. Totally fucking traumatizing.” 
“I’d lose my dinner.” You told him and he laughed, “I almost did!” 
You were surprised by how fast you were clicking with him, the conversation was flowing well and you decided that yeah, you really liked him, just like you had decided earlier that you really liked Sam. The conversation calmed from its original topic, you telling him, “I’ve never worked at a camp before formally, I’ve been to a lot of summer camps though and I thought it’d be nice to give back, you know?”
He liked that. “Makes sense. And what are you going to do here?” He asked and you told him, “Canoes. I am in charge of the canoes.” 
“Never been in one honestly. You’ll have to take me for a ride sometime.” 
You think you will take him up on that. “I’d love to.”
The walk had taken you almost around the whole camp, between your drive and all the excitement you were tired and told Buddy as such, “Let me make sure you get back to your cabin okay.”
He walks you back and on the way you tell him, “I think you’re pretty cool Buddy. I’m looking forward to working together.” 
“I am too, I’m starting to think taking this job was the right call, I’m excited for a good experience working at a camp.” He said with a sigh and you said, “I am sure the kids here will be significantly less annoying than your average theatre kid.”
“I am sure there will be a lot less complaining about food with cheese in it as well as random breaking into song and I’ll happily take that.” Buddy said clinking his can against yours and you say, “Cheers, I’ll drink to that.” 
You and he both finish the last dregs of your drinks as you come upon your cabin. “This is me.”
“Number three, eh? I’ll keep that in mind.” He says and you respond, “Sure, swing by anytime.”
He nods starts to step away telling you, “Have a good night.”
You tell him, “You too and hey. Buddy?”
“Yeah?” He stopped, a look over his shoulder to you, “I'm glad I am your first friend at camp but don’t let me be your only one. Okay?”
He looks a bit surprised by what you said but tells you, brows furrowed slightly with a small nod and a confused smile, “Sure. Okay.”
“Promise?” You asked with a grin and he laughed, smile broadens and his eyes while still slightly confused are warm, lighter, “Okay, okay, fuck, I promise I won’t be antisocial this summer.” 
“Good! Apologise to Sam for me turning in early.” You ask and he says with a wave “Can do. Night.”
“Night.” You call and then retreat into your cabin. Buddy walked off, heading back towards where the main campfire was and thinking about how strange it was that you got under his skin so quickly, he was already making promises to you? It was strange but also, nice, a good change of pace. He hasn’t gotten even remotely close to another person in around a year, it is probably time he did. He couldn't be alone forever, it wasn’t feasible or realistic. 
Everyone needs a friend. 
You were getting ready for bed, feeling tired but happy, you had one thought in your head when you were drifting off to sleep, a small but hopeful one of, “Could this be my new best summer ever?” 
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d*ying on the inside - Steve Harrington x fem!reader
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This material may not be copied, reproduced, displayed, modified. This is my work, do not steal it, do not republish it.
summary:  Steve's grief has been on the same stage for months : denial. He just can't do it. Living without her is just impossible.
warning: /NSFW/ dead!fem!reader, use of she/her pronouns, no use of Y/n, use of strong alcohol, talk about death, grief, tears (a lot), blood (a lot), very small indications of past sexual intercourse (NO smut!), grave, graphic and lethal injuries, pure hurt and trauma (what is comfort? what is fluff? what is happiness?) (minors, do not interact, i'm not responsible for the content you consume)
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader (she/her pronouns used, no physical description of the reader so anyone can identify)
word count: 2.3k
a/n: I had to repost this because Tumblr likes to fuck with me and flag the things I write even though it had all the community label.
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The light of the day was a godsend, it announced warmth, light, life.
On days like those Steve would try to enjoy them as much as he could, even if he had his job at Family Video, he would probably arrange an impromptu date with his girlfriend.
A picnic on the hills of Hawkins, where, at this time of the year, was blossoming with flowers, the sun set low and late. Birds chirping on the edge of the forest. 
He could almost hear her laughter as he was lying in his bed, facing the night. Cold, dark, unwelcoming. 
Nights had become a nightmare, quite literally and metaphorically. 
An opened door to nightmares, waking in tears, sweat and out of breath. Or it was the cold embrace of insomnia, lulling him awake to see the short hours of the night. The sunrise peeking through his curtains.
When his bed felt uncomfortable he would throw a cardigan around his shoulders and sit by his pool, watching as the night transformed into the day, the sky first taking a purple colour then moving into pink, bits of orange, finally blue.
It seemed peaceful, and it kinda was, sometimes, but mostly, it was a river of unstoppable thoughts, and voices. And it happened a lot more than he would like to admit.
He didn't get nightmares until the Soviets, but it didn't last long, when Vecna/Henry/One came around, the atrocities they saw, the loss they experienced, it began to be too much. 
"You look lonely," her voice said, he closed his eyes at the sensation of her presence. It almost brought tears to its tired features.
"Without you, I am," he opened his eyes to turn his head towards the sound of her voice. 
He had an oversized hoodie on, the hood lazily resting behind his neck, red and sleepless eyes, exhaustion written on his face. 
Lied on a sun lounger by his pool, wrapped in a thin and fuzzy blanket. His house was deadly silent as he was alone, as always.
She was imitating his position on the sun lounger, her eyes looking so deeply into his tired ones. A soft smile on her face.
There was a comfortable silence, as they looked at eachother, Steve let his mouth speak before thinking, he was way too tired for that anyway.
"I've missed you. A crazy lot." 
“I know. But you know I had to do it, we’ve been through this already.” 
“Yeah, I know, but in the most desperate time... like right now… I still wish you hadn’t.” 
Her eyes moved from his to something near and she winced, he followed her gaze and realised she had seen his glass of whiskey sitting by a footrest he used as a coffee table and he grimaced. The ice was almost completely melted, its remaining clinking softly against the edge of the glass. 
“I haven’t seen you with a glass of whiskey since senior year, three years ago.” 
Escaping from his blanket, bending on the side he reached for his glass, two small pieces of ice remained on the surface, it looked like an iceberg ripped apart. 
Since Vecna, the invasion in Hawkins, memories from that night were the source of his nightmares and his unfinished grief. Some nights finished in a few glasses of his father’s favourite bottle of whiskey, it seemed to either appease or fuel his demons. It was a solution, a very poor one at that, but the only one that gave him comfort. 
“It's just a couple glasses here and there," his voice was so low he didn't even know if he could be heard but she did.
"Whiskey is your sad drink. Just like beer is your party drink. Steve.." 
He took another sip from his glass, lying back on the sun lounger, holding his glass with only two fingers, he closed his eyes as he savoured the burning taste of the alcohol on his tongue.
"You're not really here, so.. I don't see why you care," his tone became harsher as he drank, he had opened his eyes to take a better look at her face. 
"What makes you so certain I'm not really here ? We live in a crazy world." 
Offended by her question, he took yet again another sip of his drink, he furrowed his eyebrows, his eyes fixated on the pool in front of them. 
"Because your coffin is resting in Hawkins' cemetery six feet underground," he started, not looking at her, but he continued, "and like you said, this crazy world killed you. This is some trick, hallucination, I don't know, something my brain has made up because I miss you, and I can't believe you're dead." 
"You just said it. You must believe it somehow."
"No. Saying it doesn't mean I believe it. I know it because I saw it happen before my eyes, but I can't wrap my head around it because it's you. And it's not right for you to be dead." 
He paused, his hair falling in front of his eyes, his chest rising and falling a bit quickly as he talked rapidly. Nervously. His eyes searching in front of him a reason to be nervous, agitated. His brown irises fell upon her. 
"It's not fair and it's not normal, and-... Jesus Christ it's hell without you here." 
It felt like two orbs were piercing through his skull as she looked at him, all ears for him.
"I don't get to see you smile, laugh, sleep, sunbathe, I can't see the stars in your eyes anymore, I can't hear your lame jokes, I can't hear your laugh, I can't hear the sound of your voice. I can't touch you, whether it's getting to hug you, feel your touch, or even just intimacy with you. I can't pleasure you anymore, hear you moan my name when you were on the edge, I can't feel the goosebumps when you were close, or even just kiss your skin. Taste you. Feel your warmth in bed. We can't do anything we had planned because you're not here anymore. And it's like living in hell," his voice broke more and more as he kept ranting on, until his watery eyes couldn't hold on the tears anymore and he started sobbing. 
Shaky breaths left Steve's mouth as his breathing became erratic, his hands in his hair, some handful of hair falling in front his eyes.
She wasn't sure if he would accept her touch, so she preferred staying on her lounger. She knew Steve would never be violent, but it felt out of place to impose herself in such a way.
She waited for him to calm down slowly, the silence comfortable as his tired eyes looked at the sky changing colors, it was rising, deep purple to a mix of lilac, orange and pink.
He let out another shaky breath, closing his eyes to inhale deeply, trying to calm his heart beating crazily in his ribcage.
When he was calmer and comfortable enough to speak, he turned his head, crossed his legs against his chest and his arms crossed, elbows against his knees, his eyes towards her. He cleared his throat. 
"The most horrific thing, apart from your absence and how difficult it is to live with it, is how it happened. And how graphic it was," his voice was soft.
She felt his eyes on her so she turned her face towards him, mimicking his position on the lounger she rested her head in her crossed arms.
"It's like I can relive this moment non-stop. There was so much blood, you were choking on it, barely able to make a syllable. The smell of blood was.. suffocating, heaving. You were in pain and I couldn't do anything to save you. I couldn't stop the bleeding, couldn't get you to a gate to take you to the hospital. And I think it was when the clock rang the four chimes and the portals started opening from the gates.. you..," he paused, he could see the scene happening in his brain as he swallowed up his saliva.
He exhaled loudly, he knew his voice would be shaky, but he continued, "I wasn't fast enough to take you away with me, and the portal completely burned away your legs, your thighs.. your lower body was just.. gone. And the pain was so much worse, you were sobbing, suffocating in your own blood. I couldn't do anything." 
His voice was as a whisper, but very audibly perceptible as they were in complete silence, only the birds awaking above them could be heard.
"I just held you, sobbing, in complete despair. Telling you 'I love you' on repeat. Until eventually, I realised you weren't breathing anymore, my tears mixing in your blood as I realised, terrified, mortified, that you were dead," he paused once again, his eyes zoning on one point by his pool.
"And I wept even more, because you couldn't- can't be dead. Even if I closed your eyes myself,  even if I had to leave you there and God I absolutely hate myself for it. Robin and Nancy had to drag me away from you, because I wouldn't- couldn't move. We had a funeral, but with an empty coffin so it's not real. And I think I even feel worse because your parents don't know they buried it empty, now I understand the way Nancy felt about Barbara. It's unfair. And I'm.. exhausted from all of it. It doesn't even make sense now… to live without you I mean, it's.. bland." 
He finally zoned out of his trance, and directed his eyes towards her, where she was patiently listening to him. 
Even though he had experienced her.. 'presence' since she was gone, he hadn't been so sincere and profound with his feelings, his suffering.
"I don't remember much, except from the cold, and the taste of blood, your tears, the excruciating pain. The suffocating part, that I definitely did not forget. But I also remember the 'I love yous' . They lulled me away to the darkness. To Death." 
The scene was truly just so heart wrenching to witness. Holding her so tightly on his lap, crying his heart out, his hands on both sides of her torso to tentatively stop the bleeding. 
The particles of the Upside Down would sometimes temporarily cloud his vision, the air thick, toxic, and smelled of iron with the quantity of blood around them.
She had her eyes focused on him, remembering his own and their colour, choking on her own blood, her chest kept tightening at the lack of oxygen, the pain was in wave, each time she inhaled it felt like knives were digging deeper into her flesh, and with her lower body gone, she felt it burn, it was horrendous, and the smell was enough to make her nauseous.
Tears clouded both their visions, hot cries of salty water running down their cheeks. 
There was so much he wanted to say, but his shaky voice could only repeatedly tell her he loved her.
And she wanted to say she didn't want to die, she wanted to do so much with him, but she couldn't even breathe correctly, let alone speak. 
Then she started feeling cold, no, she realised she was cold, and exhausted. Her eyes were just shutting off on their own, everything was blurry and she tried to resist, she tried so hard. The sounds were different, she could recognise a bit of Steve's voice trying to keep her awake but she felt herself leaving.. leaving.. and then.. nothing.
When he realised she was gone his hands left her sides to capture her cheeks, trying to wake her. 
His cries were louder, gut-wrencher.
Her eyes were glazed, empty. And he kept saying her name, and he wept so much.
He felt a hand on his shoulder. 
Robin came to his level, in a delicate voice she whispered, "Steve, we have to go, we need to get back to Hawkins. I'm sorry." 
He was so exhausted, so done with all the shit that kept happening. He nodded mechanically.
He let out a shaky breath. He closed her eyes with his thumbs, leaving blood on her cheeks and her eyes. He kissed her forehead, and shortly after that he followed Robin and Nancy. Silent. Empty. 
"I don't know how I can keep going on without you," he whispered, his voice a mess as he was on the edge of tears.
She handed him her hand, inviting him near her, he looked at it then her eyes, he didn't know if he could touch her. But he wanted to feel her so bad.
Getting up from his lounger he made his way toward her's, and sat down right next to her.
She laid her legs and indicated to him to rest against her. 
"Let me hold you, Steve," that's all he needed to be convinced and lay on the lounger with her, in between her thighs as she held him. Head against her chest. Her hands in his hair.
He didn't know if he was dreaming or totally losing his mind, but he cried a few tears of happiness in a comfortable silence.
Until he woke up. Alone. Curled up on the lounger. 
A new wave of despair escalated through him, watery eyes on his whiskey brown irises. 
Running a hand through his hair he let out a shaky breath, holding back the tears as much as he could.
"I love you," he whispered, his eyes closed, letting it overflow, hoping he would feel some warmth to prove her presence, somehow. But nothing. 
"I'll always love you." 
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hopefully-hellbound · 2 years
I am a slut for continuations so this is the followup on the @inkyquince 's omega hunt submission
M!Alpha!Briar x Defiant!Harpy!Omega!PC
CW for Briar having feelings, shitty people doing shitty things, golddigging, dangerously close to fluff, smut, Sadist PC
Briar... Did not expect this to happen. Ever.
He kept away from the yearly Omega hunt for decades now, because the man just held no interest in having a mate - didn't have a need for one, in his business. He was good just loading up on suppressants, finding a Beta whore and just enjoying the show.
And then you showed up.
Quite literally flew into his life, a person he's never met before, a thing he's never seen in his life.
And now he laid next to you in your shared bed, face burried in your wings -such pretty wings, god, he could touch them forever-, and he wondered how the hell did he let you do this to him.
You chirp in your sleep and the noise is so sweet and content it warms his heart and makes him want to vomit.
At first, Briar wants you to perform in the brothel, thinking if he can treat you like his employee, it'd be fine, he'd be fine. You aren't happy with it, you pout and try to play on his heartstrings, his cock, but when that gets shut down, you go to the stage.
Good, like a good whore should.
Except that Briar can't write you off as just some employee, you are his mate and when he sees all these people leering at you, he shatters a glass in his hand without even noticing. He seed your principal raise his wallet and you follow him to the private room, and he grips the broken glass in his hand to stop himself from going in there and ripping Leighton's head off.
You return smelling like another man and Briar drags you backstage and fucks you until you cry. It's his fault but he doesn't want to hear it, it's yor fault for seducing him, for carrying his mark. Your fault that your teary eyes make him want to slow down and kiss it better.
Briar shoves your head in the pillows and grabs a hold of your wings for a better grip.
He clearly can't be okay with sharing you ("Not a cuck, ey?" you ask him, grinning after he slaps you. You dare too much.), so Briar thinks to keep you away. Tells you to leave as much as you can and you do, and the moment he watches you fly away, he regrets it. He shoves the need to call you back down and returns back to work, business as usual.
Except it's not, because you haunt his mind like a ghost. Where are you? What are you doing? Who are you with?? His henchmen grow nervous as Briar gets irritated, out of character, pacing around when he's not at meetings and glancing through the windows as he pretends to be interested in the weather.
Birds are a free spirit, but Briar wants to cut your wings if that would make you stay with him.
"Or, you can just stop telling me to leave?" you'd suggest, and Briar has to choke you out to wipe that smile off of your face. "Touché," you'd pant, then wear his bruises with same pride you wear his gold.
You come back a week later and he nearly jumps you in front of everyone, but manages enough self control to just drag you to his room. There, you're the one who jumps him first.
Your claws leave marks on Briar's skin, like noone else was allowed to mark him before. Your sharp teeth leave more scars on him than he got in his long and shady career. Your wings wrap around him when he beds you and you scream like a harpy whenever you cum, and Briar likes it, drags those screams out of you, lets the whole world hear you're his.
"If I'm yours then you're mine," you'd say, and Briar would backhand you to shut you up, but he wouldn't object.
You like shiny, expensive things. That's good, Briar can get you those. Puts you in gold and silver that makes you shine like his most prized possession, even if you're the one posessing him. Precious stones on your rings and necklaces, chains that you couldn't escape from if you wanted to. You don't.
It's not long until Briar starts having you around more - perhaps he's been ashamed until now, to admit that even he now has something he cares about. Not cares, just... Wants. He paid off your debt to Bailey for you and you had nothing against him using you as a footstool while he negotiated. You in general don't seem to mind his perversions, such a cute puppy for him, a beast from Hell if anyone else would try his shit. It fills Briar with pride to see you fight off men twice your size, and then come to him with big bird eyes for a smidge of praise.
He uses your abilities to make you his guard, you prance behing him in a little suit that he can't wait to rip off of you every night, maybe even more, when you step to the side to be alone. He takes you to one of Quinn's pervert parties and shows you off naked and bouncing on his cock like you'd die if you'd have to stop for even a second. He takes you to a fancy ball, your dress matching his suit and showing off your chest, the chandelier's light from above reflecting in your dozens of golden accessories. You dance and beat Avery and his ratty little omega, and Briar revels in knowing how badly this must piss off the pretentious bastard, and he rewards you in the bathrooms, makes you cum on his tongue until you cry and he almost chokes under the pressure of your thighs around his head.
Briar comes to appreciate you, all of you.
The way you revel in violence, only to cower under his every sadistic whim. The way you always return his bites with matching ones, mirroring on his own skin. The way your wings puff out and you blush like a schoolgirl when you watch him do his job.
Yeah, all is good, for both of you.
And now year after year, you watch the hunt together, the hottest shit couple in town, and you make bets on which orphan will get away and which won't.
You both cheat, but that makes it even more fun, after all.
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