#{ Shoutout to haematophiliac for the hierarchy headcanon post. I used the ranks as loose inspiration. }
chounaifu · 2 years
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So, You (Un)Fortunately Work For Proton?
As mentioned in a previous headcanon post, Proton oversees the sub-markets and black markets that Rocket has direct influence and control over. People working under him are involved in assuring that these massive markets are ran smoothly, along with handling the logistics of deliveries and the movement of goods & services.
GRUNTS are responsible for the harder labor:
Driving/flying/sailing regional and inter regional trade routes with transport vehicles.
Loading and unloading cargo at ports and warehouses.
Transporting goods from the warehouses to Rocket owned businesses to be sold.
Smuggling goods when necessary. (Weapons, Pokémon, anything of dubious legality.)
Working as general staff in Rocket owned businesses.
OFFICERS & ELITE OFFICERS handle slightly more complicated affairs
Managing Rocket owned businesses.
Public relations with financial institutes.
Office work beneath heads & admins.
Overseeing grunt work.
Processing civilian loans.
Providing security when necessary.
HEADS & ADMINS have a more complicated workload
Negotiating regional and inter regional trade agreements.
Ownership/stock in Rocket owned businesses.
Establishing businesses in pre-established and new markets.
Tracking profits and creating budgets every quarter.
Keeping track of all business partners and active loans to assure that they are in good standing.
If you have entered a financial agreement, taken out a loan, or have any sort of monetary relationship with the organization, you are expected to make all of your payments on time. 30 days delinquent, you get a written warning. 60 days you get a visit and a stern shaking down from an officer or elite officer (think of the scene in episode one of Squid Game where the main character was cornered by the loan shark). 90 days delinquent, and the repo squad comes out.
These are members hand picked by Proton, trained to move silently, efficiently, and with purpose, in order to retrieve the money or goods owed back by customers. The Repo Squad is permitted to cross regional borders— fleeing Kanto or Johto to avoid the debt is futile, you WILL be found. (They are trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty lol.) The bigger the debt, the worse the punishment. It can range anywhere from vehicles and property being repossessed or Pokémon being taken, to physical harm to the person in delinquency of their payments, and even the disappearance of the person in question. Proton has no qualms whatsoever with how his repo man handle their job, as long as the job is done.
If Proton himself is sent out on a repo job, it’s going to be extremely messy and extremely violent— and it’s likely that the person is in debt to someone high ranked in Rocket. He also likes to take care of repos from people that he has a personal vendetta with, or a grudge.
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