#{ Thorns and Bloody Flesh (Shodraxz) }
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“You have invaded my domain... I hope you are willing to pay the price...”
Screenshot by @skyysinger
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“You mortals are so amusing with your thoughts on how this world was made...”
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“There... and now to leave it where he can see it...”
Shodraxz paying Sahji’to a visit and leaving secret tomes for him to find @skyysinger​
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"Have you heard of the Dead Forest? Are you one of its followers by chance?”
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“Do you ever just want to be up there... swimming in a sea of stars?”
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Amongst the Stars
Please note that a lot of this is ‘lore bending’ and in general my own idea and concept. If this is not to your taste that is fine, just know that Shodraxz is meant to be an eldritch being of sorts. Thank you for reading!
Looking up at the night sky fills Shodraxz with a sense of longing… and a sense of sadness. While the eldritch voidsent has not been known to truly express emotions, this night seems to have hit harder than others.
Shodraxz (Main), V’nahn (Supporting, @skyysinger​), Mystery Character (Supporting), Midnight (Mentioned, the child)
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Slowly the trees began to part as the being of the forest made his way into the clearing that bore the only life within. Well, normal life to the eyes of mortals that was. Many things called the dead forest their home… animals that have slowly wandered in being mutated by the voidsents Aether and powers while the souls that he’d collected to give a second life to also roamed through the dead trees.
Rather, what appeared to be dead trees on the outside… beyond the barrier that Shodraxz had erected to keep most mortals out and other beings that would potentially attempt to harm it. He had his guardians both on the inside and the outside and those who would hunt to bring him the voidsent that were foolish enough to fall for their traps… but still from time to time those of the outside world wanted to poke and prod. To pester…
As he entered the clearing the large beastily creature would be flanked by two of the lesser creatures that called his home their home. One of which was almost warg-like in appearance, looking like the canids that the Ixal used as mounts though it had bulked up and the fur sparkled with an almost galaxy-like look to it. Long tendrils flowed from an almost ethereal mane that ran the length of the creature's back… an almost smoky appearance to it with that same starry like sparkle. The beast more or less looked like something that could run in the skies above and blend in with the stars.
What was most striking with the creature was the multitude of eyes that it had, all of which were a vibrant and glowing blue with purple slitted pupils. The eyes flowed along the body and appeared to pop up in multiple areas along the sides and legs of the beast. There was a low sound coming from it as it simply leaned into Shodraxz in his beastial form… a sign that it was trying to comfort the eldritch being.
On his other side there was a more familiar creature walking along beside him… a rich and thick leathery feline-like creature that sported the same multitude of eyes along its form. What was formerly a Coeurl had been mutated due to the forests was now something completely different. While the black almost leathery skin looked to be somewhat normal for it, there were those deep red eyes that, like the almost celestial wolf, ran along the creature's leeth body. What were once whiskers sprouted now long tendril-like protrusions. Along the back were several red ‘gouges’ in the body where more tendrils sprouted from the creature's form. There was a light sound coming from it as it looked to the forest as they slowly made their way into that meadow… something was upsetting the forest and everything within seemed to know this.
The trees parted above which showed that the sky was crystal clear that night and as the large beastial form that Shodraxz took on lumbered into the flowery beds that grew along the northern borders of the field, purple and pink petals floated up. It was rare that the eldritch voidsent would take on this form… but this night it was almost a comfort. And much like his companions while it looked to have once been something known on Eorzea, it had been twisted beyond reason… a creature of nightmares as one might call it.
What it once was, was hard to truly say… the form had the bulky muscular body of Griffins and Chimeras on this star but despite this, it had thick plated scales running across the fronts of each limb and down that spine. It also did not bear several heads as the Chimeras did but still had that thick lion-like mane which flowed out and also ran down the length of the stomach… flowing tufts of fur also flowed from the elbows of the forelimbs and up to join the flowing fur of the underside of the beast. 
At a first glance, the beast looked almost stunning. Gorgeous, elegant and beautiful… a long flowing tail that ended in a sort of ‘claw’ like hand and had fur down the length of it which splayed out just before the hand at the end like a curtain. But… if one were to look closer they would see the horrors of this beautiful creature. Where there weren’t scales there was… flesh? A deep rich azure that bordered on being black almost in the right lighting… The limbs were almost far too long and mixed in the scales was that human-like skin… the forepaws looked like an amalgamation of a hand and paw-like structure with long talons at the end. 
Another glance over showed a very barrel-like chest and towards the hind legs where they began the body was sunken in so much that it looked like it had been crushed, but it still bore a very muscular look to it. And then there were the wings, a massive pair that had several features that looked so… ethereal in a way. Long skeletal-like structures formed the base of them and at the ‘joint’ where the wing would splay out into the fingers of a dragon there was a massive curled talon. To follow was a singular ‘finger’ that stretched back and ended in another of those massive talons. Flowing from the bone was several wisps of an almost feathery-like structure but not truly like feathers… they would hold the colors of a galaxy with blues, purples and blacks all twisting and mixing together. Above this particular structure were several other wings, demonic and almost bat-like in their appearance and they were adorned with golden jewelry and chains… and then just below and along the large body was several gouged out areas where tendrils similar to that of his companion flowed out and seemingly broke away before dissolving into a mist that washed over the flowers.
Finally, should one focus their attention on this strange beast's head they would see the most horrific of features that it bore. What looked to be once a lion's face was a distorted and stretched out Xaela’s. The jaw jutted out almost half a foot and ended in a sharp chin, the back of the jaw distorting and showing the bones under it and with how stretched the jaw was it almost gave the beast a permanent twisted grin. Rows of sharp, needle-like teeth showed as a result and the snout itself ended in a slight point but still had that ‘human’ like nose appearance to it. Several eyes sprouted from the end of where the muzzle started and ran up the head with a large central eye at the center.
Just above where the eyes ended and before the lion-like mane began there was a crown of curled and twisted horns. Golden jewelry dangling from each one and shimmering in the sky. Slowly those eyes would turn to look above at the sky, the moon just above as Shodraxz took it in… the stars sparkling which earned a low sound from him as he slowly walked out into the center of the flowery meadow and laid.
It was a feeling he had not felt in a very, very long time… and it was almost alien to him now. The last time he’d felt such sadness was… 
Slowly those eyes closed and those elongated and muscular limbs carefully crossed over one another as Shodraxz let himself drift. His mind going back to those days oh so very, very long ago where he was outside this realm. In his own domain, his own ‘pocket’ outside of space and reality… a time well before this star had even been born and long before even the first intelligent race came into being.
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He remembered the city well… he’d watched how the star slowly formed and as life had begun to grow on it. And soon the people with which he would form bonds with… those people that he’d considered friends oh so long ago. The eldritch beast had watched as those known as the Ancients thrived… watched as they showed promise with magics. Shodraxz watched well as they used their creative magics to bring more life to their home… he would watch in his own space as they seemingly flourished.
Of course, the greater being's attention was always had and his curiosity would eventually get the better of him. He would reach out into the dreams of those who were most likely to be susceptible to his presence… children, the youthful minds were always open and were more inclined to sate his curiosities. One child seemingly spoke out to him amongst all the others, a brilliant ‘star’ in the sea of all the others.
They would grow close… they would bond… and the child would be the first to come to know his name. The name he’d long since forgotten because of just how long ago it had been since he’d last heard it. That child however, would see that this ‘visitor’ in his dreams was something of his own creation. Something that he’d fabricated and soon would bring to life in the form of a simulacrum. It would attract the attention of others, the youths and those who were older and more experienced. And the child would proudly show off the being that he’d made all of his own… his special friend. 
Shodraxz remembered how he would often take control over the tiny creation of his youthful friend and wander with him through the city of Amaurot. He would make more friends… the child's friends and others who had caught his interest.
Eventually… those dark days would come however and the ancient being would have to live through the horrors of the city's downfall. 
Those eyes slowly opened as the beast looked up towards the starry skies again. Those final days… they were when he would turn away from the people he’d made such great bonds with. They had disappointed him… they had upset him greatly. They took the children away… they sacrificed them for something that would never truly help them. 
Those poor souls… they were souls he could not save. And how he wished he could have saved them all… he remembered how scared they were… the pain that they felt on that day when they were thrusted into hell just to summon some false god that the others believed would help them. And they never did see the error of their ways… even to this day.
Slowly there was a deep breath taken in before it was slowly let out. Those eyes were so focused on the sky again… that sadness still oh so very present now. He missed being in his own world… far away from the reality of others. He missed simply watching from his void… watching and observing. Learning…
Shodraxz shifted again before he let out another one of those deep breaths. Long gone were the days where he would take to the far reaches of the sky and dance with the stars… His immense size making them look miniscule in comparison. He would enjoy flying through them, hundreds of heads waying as he just… lived. Sure, there were times where he would possibly have one or several fall into the gaping maws…
But most of the time the eldritch monstrosity would roll and tumble around with them. Playing… playing in a way that some would see pups or kittens do. The vast void that he lived in before this… the many galaxies and worlds he was so used to seeing… he missed it… he wanted to be up there again. Even if for just a fleeting moment…
Slowly that beastly form would fade… warping and twisting back into the shape of the Xaelen form that he took on, the body that he’d made so he could travel this world more freely now. Those wings remained… the tail stayed as it had been and that crown of horns stayed. His scales seemed to glimmer as Shodraxz simply curled in against his companions… laying over that black ‘coeurl’ friend as he stretched out over its back… 
His gaze would remain skyward as he watched the moon slowly drifting, the stars shimmering and almost tormenting him with how far away they were. Slowly Shodraxz would roll himself over onto the strange ‘coeurls’ back allowing for that celestial wolf-like creature to settle in next to it.
<”Perhaps one day I can return to the stars and swim in them again…”> the voidal forest muttered out softly, another exhale of breath as a thick mist came from his lips that drifted away slowly <”And perhaps one day you could join me… to enjoy that freedom… the taste of being away from the chains that bind you to this star…”> another exhale of breath as Shodraxz sighed... 
<”Thank you both for being here with me… you did not have to stay…”>
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Shodraxz Lore Tidbits
Please note that a lot of this is ‘lore bending’ and in general my own idea and concept. If this is not to your taste that is fine, just know that Shodraxz is meant to be an eldritch being of sorts. Thank you for reading!
Shodraxz The Forest of Death, known to many as The Dead Forest in the North Shroud
Basic Info
Full Name
Shodraxz Rhavre (Nickname Given by the Mortals on the First)
Race Voidsent, Eldritch Voidsent
Age Timeless (Has been around since before the Ancients)
Social Status Highest Rank of the Voidal Heirarchy (Higher than the highest)
Gender Genderless (He/Him)
Sexuality Demisexual Panromantic
True Name Iaumh'egg'itri D'uxah
Personality Traits
Generally a mellow creature that is always observing things. Curious by nature and willing to listen to everyone who approaches. Loves to chat history with others and discuss things. Can also turn around at the drop of a gil and go from gentle, caring and loving to wanting to end the world if anyone dares harm or threaten those he has formed a strong bond with.
Habits Writing in his spare time, watching and observing through the eyes of those bound to him. 'Mortal Watching' as he calls it.
Goals To teach the Mortals of the world the true history of their star. Or at least that's what some might see it as when the forest begins to speak of things.
Physical Attributes
9'0 (Au Ra Avatar Form)
Body Type Toned, Muscular, Athletic
Skin Tone Deep Voidal Purple/Blue almost Black
Hair White with the edges tinted Black. Long, silky and goes down to waist naturally.
Eyes Silver-White with a bright crimson Limbal Ring
Distinguishing Features In his 'Avatar' form as he calls it Shodraxz takes on the form of a Xaelan male who is taller than average. Key features include a set of more elegant horns on his head that are decorated with jewelry, a chimera like tail and several unnatural things on his form including a pair of wings. All of this is generally hidden from mortal eyes so he can 'fit in' better.
Notes Toshi Info - https://forestserpent.carrd.co Sound Ambience - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YPnD_tjDe8Voice Reference (Au Ra) Voice - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43wg1QxO500Voice  Reference (True Form) Voice - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VijG3UzkfPw
Backstory Iaumh came into existence long before The Star came to be the home for the Ancients. His presence always kept into a deep pocket of 'space' where he dwelled and simply watched as the worlds formed around him. Overall, the voidsent was content to simply stay in the pocket of the void that he called home and simply watch the things as they happened. He found what the Ancients did curious and would generally pay close attention to their Aetheric manipulation because it had caught his attention with how they used the magic to create things. 
It was always interesting to him as he did not fully understand the magic that was used and he would often see children randomly create a being which would garnish the attention of their elders. Iaumh would see the growth of the Ancients, see their failures and their greatest achievements... he would see their travels and overall he would be there as an ever watching presence hidden in the shadows. There would be points where those who were traveling would sometimes happen upon his space, though what interactions happened have not been documented and Iaumh generally tends to avoid talking about them with others.
When The Final Days came, the eldritch being simply watched... not getting involved in the natural way of things and seeing it as a lesson to be learned from. When dealing with such strange magics one must always play within the rules and laws of things. Iaumh would see the Final Days as a thing that happened due to the lack of knowledge with their magic and the constant 'playing with fire' that came from the creation of things. Using too much Aether leading to the balance being taken away and thus, the magic ran wild and so the fall of Amaurot happened as a result. His disappointment would ultimately come when the leaders of the Ancients would nuture a youth in order to sacrifice it to summon a being into existence that was meant to help but caused further destruction. 
The entirety of the events of the Final Days would cause the ancient voidsent to simply turn his attention away, as he was disappointed in what they ultimately did in order to 'fix' things, or attempt to anyway.For the longest of times Iaumh would simply slumber in his voidal space, watching on occasion as things were done by the survivors of the Final Days. He would watch and observe as they would bring about the Calamities so that the shards would rejoin their world, watching as their first attempt failed and would bring about the creation of 'Lesser Voidsent' and the World of Darkness which the majority of the Voidsent of the Source call home. 
As time went on with each Shard that fell to one of the Umbral Calamities, Iaumh would come out of his pocket and deal with the aftermath. Generally he would come out and consume the remains of the Shard after it was destoryed, making sure that whatever was left behind wouldn't suffer. This has earned Iaumh the title of being a 'World Eater' to those who learned of these actions. His immense size also leads many to calling him by this title and the fact that, when he was having a moment, he would roll about in the stars and just 'play' would also have people calling him 'Star Eater'.
It wasn't until the time of the Third Astral Era as mortals called it that Iaumh would start to pay closer attention to things. His focus being on the survivors and what they planned to do with their plans to restore their world and bring back their 'god' of destruction Zodiark. It is thought that the voidal forest had some relations with the survivors, but it is unknown what sort of relationship they had as Iaumh does not speak of it and all of those who survived are now gone. Eventually, the voidal being would retreat back into his pocket of space and go into an eternal slumber. 
Finally having grown tired of the habits of the beings he watched and simply wanting to turn away from the chaotic nature of these creatures that he once found interesting. His slumber would eventually be disturbed as one of the Voidsent found in Mhach would wander and eventually come across one of the Keepers found within the Northern Shroud. As one of the Bajhiri clan members, it wasn't uncommon for them to meddle with the ways of the voidsent. Cuchulainn, seemingly knowing this, would court the young Keeper and in secret, perform magics that would bind the child conceived to the eldritch being of space without realizing what was done. The goal had been to simply bind the unborn to a voidsent and to test to see if the potential for those of the void could reproduce with any of the mortal races of the world. And while the act was successful, it would cause a great deal of problems in the future.
Iaumh would continue his slumber in his voidal pocket until the 'coming of age' would happen for the child that was bound to him by mistake. A ritual would be performed in the depths of the forest that the Keeper Maiden called home and this would not only awaken the voidal being but would drag him out of his pocket and onto the Source where the impact of his arrival absorbed the Aether of the entire forest and more causing it to wither and die. This would also bind the being to the child who would change his name to Toshinaku as a result of his transformation into a voidsent, though the two would not know each other for several years as Iaumh was weakened from being pulled and bound to the area.
These events would cause the great being untold amounts of anger and rage towards those of his 'own kind' and in that rage the forest that would be seen as his 'new form' would be twisted and warped. Transforming to reflect the being that was tied to it and also making it into a trap where those who wandered too close would find themselves consumed or lost to madness.
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“I admire your curiosity... but do not test my patience mortal.”
Screenshots by @skyysinger
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"So you have come and entered my domain... what is it that you want mortal?”
Screenshots by @skyysinger​
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