#{ grian -> make a deal with god && swap our places }
Moses' Basket | Chapter 3: If I Only Could, I'd Make a Deal with God, and I'd Get Him to Swap Our Places
Chapter word count: 2.6k
Jimmy slept better than he would have ever expected that night. Tango’s arms protected him from the troubling dreams he had come to expect in these games, and he woke just after sunrise feeling surprisingly well-rested.
The two of them fell into their established routine of morning Ranch chores with ease, moving around each other in their familiar patterns of feeding the animals, harvesting the crops and checking the buildings for any leaks or damages.
As well as their chickens, cows and goats, the Ranchers had also managed to acquire a couple of donkeys and a horse that had been Scar’s. Jimmy smiled at the memory as he placed down a fresh hay bale for them, petting the grey-and-white face fondly. There was every chance that Scar would come and steal the horse back, but that was the kind of chaos that occurred in these games – there were no rules, after all.
Thinking of Scar, Jimmy’s train of thought moved on to Grian, who was soulmates with the erratic conman. After all the pair’s drama of the desert monopoly and Grian’s oath in 3rd Life, Jimmy found it hilarious that Grian was once again bound to Scar after trying so hard to escape him in Last Life. It at least made him glad to feel that he wasn’t the only one They were deliberately messing with this season.
Grian’s history with Them was what drew Jimmy’s mind in this moment: after his conversation with Tango and the decision he had made last night, Jimmy wondered if Grian might be the man with the answers he needed.
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mementoteoblivisci · 2 years
// grian tags :3
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