#{ i literally jumoed outta bed for this i couldn't help it but now i sleeps }
erobret · 2 years
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@cyberbeasts​ asked :  rough fingertips touch at sherry’s skin , moving to cup her cheek and lead her closer. distance shortens between them , leaving only enough space for sonnie to feel the heat of her breath against scarred lips. she takes a moment to appreciate the anticipation before allowing their lips to touch. eyes flutter shut , free hand reaching to rest at the small of her back.
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            PERHAPS    SHE    HAD    BEEN    TALKING    TOO    MUCH    .    often    times    she    ended    up    being    a    chatterer    .    rambling    on    about    interests    or    just    any    topic    they    fell    on    .    it    didn’t    help    that    she    talked    more    so    when    she    was    nervous    .    sonnie    kept    looking    at    her    in    .    .    .    a    way    .    .    .    different    than    usual    -----    more    intense    .    it    made    gaze    flicker    and    fingers    fidget    .    her    heart    was    racing    ,    a    hand    rose    to    brush    hair    out    of    her    face    though    it    was    too    short    to    be    tucked    behind    her    ear    .
            it    was    the    touch    that    silenced    her    .    large    eyes    grew    larger    ,    those    baby    blues    were    finally    locked    on    sonnie    ----    those    twinkling    still    pools    .    she    allowed    the    touch    ,    allowed    the    other    to    guide    her    .    she    watched    it    happen    and    she    didn’t    fight    against    it    .    her    breath    was    shaky    but    pull    away    she    did    not    .    could    sonnie    hear    her    heart    ?    could    she    feel    the    quickening    of    her    pulse    ?
            their    lips    met    and    she    nearly    stopped    breathing    .    long    lashes    brushed    pale    freckle    dusted    cheeks    as    lids    closed    .    she    feared    herself    to    be    clumsy    but    was    surprised    to    not    be    so    .    pressure    against    her    back    encouraged    her    own    hands    to    raise    ,    tips    of    fingers    touching    lightly    to    jawline    before    pressing    a    bit    more    firmly    .    surely    now    sonnie    could    feel    her    heart    where    their    chests    met    .    even    so    .    .    .    it    did    not    stop    her    from    softly    wrapping    arms    around    the    woman’s    neck    .
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