#▓▓▓┆♚ ˖° ❛ SHERRY : in character
erobret · 3 months
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SHE'D GOTTEN THERE EARLY . before most anyone else . she'd brought a box to decorate her little desk in the office ; cute little animals to line her computer and all the adorable things ! she had also brought homemade muffins for her coworkers . she wondered if that was too much for her first day on the job . she was a little nervous .
❝ oh ! hello ! ❞ she'd jumped up when someone came into the corner of her line of sight . she had to catch her chair she'd jumped so quickly ,❝ i-i'm sherry . sherry birkin . . . i'm new . ❞
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erobret · 2 months
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@gviral asked : SPOTS TO KISS + 1 for sherry ^w^
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SHE COULDN'T HELP THE SMILE that shown bright at the contact to her flesh . fingertips pressed to that bit of warmth left behind by his lips , a childish giggle escaping her own tiers . thin arms are flung forward to wrap around his neck to give him a squeeze . her cheek was pressed to his and she nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck . ❝ love you , papa ! ❞
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erobret · 1 month
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@evilstalks asked : "You can hear me?" It's not something asked out loud, no. The Bioweapon knows better than to use his voice-- he would rather all the scientists that work on him think he is fully nonverbal. He would rather them think he has the intelligence of a child, if barely that. He is confused as to why the girl was able to hear him telepathically... since she isn't like him. She's not a weapon, something not entirely human anymore. At least, she doesn't look it. Unlike him, with his skin so pale it's nearly see-through, and his eyes so yellow they look like contacts.
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SHE'D BEEN STARING . MAYBE A BIT LONGER THAN SHE THOUGHT . blue hues had been glued to him within his containment , studying his face . brows had furrowed , arms crossing loosely over her chest as she tilts her head ever so slightly . she had never liked the lab . it brought back too many memories . from back in raccoon city when she was a child .
then she had heard a voice and she flinches , jumping and looking around . had it been one of the coats or guards ? none had reacted or were looking at her . so it couldn't have been any of them . head turned slowly back to him and ---- eyes widened . he was looking right at her . his question . . . it echoed in her mind . --- how ?
she gave the smallest of nods as to not bring any attention to those around her . ❝ can . . . can you hear mine ? ❞ she decided to to ask with her own thoughts .
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erobret · 29 days
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@gviral asked : [CHECK] -- after an unexpectedly violent situation, sender frantically rushes to check if the receiver is okay, cupping their face to look closer.
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HER BREATHING HAD INCREASED --- on the verge of hyperventilation . she had been making her way through the lab , returning from a much needed bathroom break ( it had also given her a chance to stretch her legs from the homework she'd been doing ) . they were almost to his office when chaos had broken out . an experiment breaking free from containment just feet from the child as she passed . she'd let out a scream as glass shattered around her and she fell across the sterile floor .
alarms sounded , lights flashing around her . she'd crawled quickly under a nearby desk , hiding with her hands over her ears and eyes squeezed shut . she cried as loud pops could be heard , keening through the shouts and curses . her ears were ringing but after the alarms turned off and lights went back to normal she could hear her name .
❝ papa ! ❞ she cried , hands reaching out from under the desk . she heard glass crushing as he saw her father fall to his knees , hands going for her . quickly did she climb into his arms , sobbing into him . her knees were scrapped , palms cut and so was a cheek . tears streaked down her face , nose beginning to run as her small face was cupped by his larger hands . the child was trembling terribly and again she fell into her father's arms to shed tears into his collar .
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erobret · 3 months
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papa ?
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erobret · 2 years
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            ❝    WELL    LOOK    WHO    IT    IS    .    ❞    brows    rose    at    the    sight    but    for    only    a    moment    .    corner    of    mouth    twitched    up    but    she    tried    to    hide    how    pleased    she    was    to    see    him    again    .    ❝    and    here    i    was    going    to    make    a    missing    persons    report    .    ❞
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erobret · 2 years
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@wcrstarter​ asked :  “  i thought you left.  ”
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            ❝    I    COULDN’T    JUST    LEAVE    .    ❞    body    shifted    ,    weight    going    from    one    foot    to    the    other    as    fingers    fidgeted    with    each    other    .    she’d    put    her    gun    away    ,    the    danger    having    past    though    she    knew    not    of    who    nor    what    stood    before    her    .    she’d    seen    monsters    before    .    fought    them    .    this    woman    didn’t    look    like    one    .    ❝    you’re    hurt    .    i    can’t    just    leave    someone    hurt    behind    .    ❞
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erobret · 2 years
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                       @priceforeverything​ : jake muller
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            ❝    YOU’RE    SO    RECKLESS    .    ❞    hand    reached    up    ,    plucking    a    loose    thread    off    his    shirt    .    it    was    out    of    place    .    it    didn’t    belong    .    she    flicked    it    away    .    then    came    the    smudge    of    his    chin    .    that    wasn’t    right    either    .    thumb    lifted    so    that    tongue    could    wet    the    flesh    before    she    wiped    the    grime    away    .    there    .    all    better    .
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erobret · 2 years
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@sinfection​ asked :  so i may or may not have had some adoption papers drawn up ...
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            ❝    REALLY    ?    ❞    CRAYONS    FORGOTTEN    .    she    crawled    a    few    steps    before    climbing    to    her    feet    to    hurry    over    to    the    older    woman    .    she    stands    on    tip    toes    to    look    at    the    papers    ---    hopping    even    .    ❝    you    mean    it    ?    i’m    going    to    be    a    valentine    ?    you’re    gonna    be    my    mama    ?    ❞    she    couldn’t    contain    herself    .    arms    slung    around    the    woman’s    waist    (    it    was    all    she    could    reach    )    .    she    was    beaming    ,    her    cute    childish    grin    wide    and    baby    blues    sparkling    .    there    were    tears    in    them    but    happy    ones    .
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erobret · 2 years
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@cyberbeasts​ asked :  rough fingertips touch at sherry’s skin , moving to cup her cheek and lead her closer. distance shortens between them , leaving only enough space for sonnie to feel the heat of her breath against scarred lips. she takes a moment to appreciate the anticipation before allowing their lips to touch. eyes flutter shut , free hand reaching to rest at the small of her back.
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            PERHAPS    SHE    HAD    BEEN    TALKING    TOO    MUCH    .    often    times    she    ended    up    being    a    chatterer    .    rambling    on    about    interests    or    just    any    topic    they    fell    on    .    it    didn’t    help    that    she    talked    more    so    when    she    was    nervous    .    sonnie    kept    looking    at    her    in    .    .    .    a    way    .    .    .    different    than    usual    -----    more    intense    .    it    made    gaze    flicker    and    fingers    fidget    .    her    heart    was    racing    ,    a    hand    rose    to    brush    hair    out    of    her    face    though    it    was    too    short    to    be    tucked    behind    her    ear    .
            it    was    the    touch    that    silenced    her    .    large    eyes    grew    larger    ,    those    baby    blues    were    finally    locked    on    sonnie    ----    those    twinkling    still    pools    .    she    allowed    the    touch    ,    allowed    the    other    to    guide    her    .    she    watched    it    happen    and    she    didn’t    fight    against    it    .    her    breath    was    shaky    but    pull    away    she    did    not    .    could    sonnie    hear    her    heart    ?    could    she    feel    the    quickening    of    her    pulse    ?
            their    lips    met    and    she    nearly    stopped    breathing    .    long    lashes    brushed    pale    freckle    dusted    cheeks    as    lids    closed    .    she    feared    herself    to    be    clumsy    but    was    surprised    to    not    be    so    .    pressure    against    her    back    encouraged    her    own    hands    to    raise    ,    tips    of    fingers    touching    lightly    to    jawline    before    pressing    a    bit    more    firmly    .    surely    now    sonnie    could    feel    her    heart    where    their    chests    met    .    even    so    .    .    .    it    did    not    stop    her    from    softly    wrapping    arms    around    the    woman’s    neck    .
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erobret · 2 years
sherry : *holding leon close* sherry : *holding her actual dad at arms length*
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erobret · 2 years
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@cyberbeasts​ asked :  “ stick w’ me and you’ll be alright , yeah ? “  rough fingertips touched gently at others hand , not taking it yet , only offering the gesture instead. it’s up to sherry if she’d accept the invitation.
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            SHE’D    LOOKED    UP    TO    MEET    SHARP    EYES    .    it    was    sometimes    hard    to    hold    sonnie’s    gaze    ---    especially    when    the    blonde    became    flustered    .    baby    doll    eyes    looked    up    past    long    lashes    and    pouty    lips    parted    at    the    ghost    of    a    touch    to    delicate    flesh    .    her    heart    skipped    a    beat    ,    pulse    fluttering    .    fingers    flexed    ,    powder    blue    nails    pressed    back    softly    .    soft    flesh    met    rough    ,    touching    so    featherlight    before    curling    a    pinky    around    the    other’s    .    
            lips    twitched    up    at    the    corners    ,    a    genuine    soft    smile    just    for    the    other    .    blue    gaze    looked    over    the    other’s    face    ,    seeing    the    scars    but    not    lingering    on    them    .    instead    they    lingered    on    the    shape    of    her    nose    ,    cheekbones    ,    staring    up    at    eyes    .    her    smile    lengthened    .    ❝    like    glue    .    ❞
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erobret · 2 years
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@priceforeverything​ asked :  "Sherry how do you run in those shoes. Why do they gotta heel on them, you could break an ankle!"
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            ❝    OH    -----    WELL    .    .    .    .    ❞    baby    blues    looked    down    abruptly    to    boots    ---    knee    highs    and    brown    with    a    heel    indeed    ---    as    if    she    had    not    noticed    the    said    heel    .    pouty    lips    rubbed    together    before    gaze    met    his    once    more    ,    ❝    these    were    just    the    shoes    i    arrived    in    .    to    be    honest    i    thought    i    wouldn’t    have    been    thrown    in    right    away    to    find    you    and    ---    everything    .    that    didn’t    work    out    and    i    ended    up    coming    with    what    i    had    on    .    ❞    she    had    no    gear    ----    no    protection    against    enemy    fire    or    combat    .    she    was    thankful    for    her    healing    abilities    but    still    .    she’d    kinda    been    thrown    into    things    .
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erobret · 1 month
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@prodigum asked : “Still standing, no matter what you heard.” For sherry from Leon!
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NO MATTER WHAT SHE HEARD . . . she'd heard he had died . she hadn't wanted to believe it . not even when it was mrs. hunnigan who had contacted her . she had felt like something was off about it but who could she argue with at the time ? her mind had been torn between continuing on her own mission and mourning for the man who had become her father . she couldn't imagine her life permanently without him .
emotions swelled in her when she'd seen him . called his name and the way he spun around and said hers . the amount of worry and surprise coming from both of them . she was so relieved though and even with his words she couldn't help but fling her around around him .
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erobret · 2 months
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SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT ! THIS WASN'T PLANNED ! it was supposed to be a simple mission . follow the lead given to her by the source . scout out the warehouse . sneak in without being spotted . find the contact inside . except . . . that contact had been infected and now everything had been turned upside down !
blue hues locked on to his . she let out a shaky breath , hands gripping the firearm she held . this was the boss . the one behind everything happening within the warehouse . yet now she needed to rely on him much like how he now needed to rely on her . ❝ we need to work together . ❞
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erobret · 3 months
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❝ RUN MICHAEL ! GO ! ❞ hand clutched at oozing wound upon shoulder . the bullet hadn't gone all the way through like the one to her thigh had , causing her to limp . she'd jumped in front of the agent to keep him from being shot . she didn't know why she'd done it . her body had just acted .
nails dug into her shoulder at the pain , crimson sliding down arm and to drip off fingertips . she didn't know why she wasn't healing as fast as she usually did . did the bullets have a sort of effect on her ? coated in something to keep him from healing ? she wasn't sure but she knew he couldn't risk getting hit with any of them ! he had to get out of there !
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