#{ lore.
phosphorus-noodles · 1 year
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I got lazy after a while but orguhdfdkd I'm in love with this concept,,
EDIT: someone did FANTASTIC writing with this concept (found here) and I did s'more loredumping about it afterwards (found here!) Enjoy!!
(I also have a post here about my "secret bonus stage" specifically for Joel :D)
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arisenreborn · 5 months
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*squinting* excuse me?
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magioffire · 8 months
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wuhei-archived · 2 months
my useless hc of the day : moze uses his daggers to cut his hair.
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pavaillard · 1 month
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Scars by anatomy:
Broken nose several times in prison brawls as well as close-quarters combat. Wolfe can be accounted for at least two separate instances of shattering her nose.
A deep eyebrow laceration that required stitches when her target obtained intel that she was coming. Nearly lost her eye--managed to shove the knife a few inches upwards instead.
Failed attempt to slice her carotid.
Various gunshot scars from a wide variety of missions. One particular cluster on her shoulder blade forced her into recovery for close to a year.
Stab wound near her collarbone from stealing food out of a local gang's shipment in Montreal. Collarbone was also broken in this instance.
A fellow trainee romantically involved with Celene turned rogue on a paired mission and stabbed her in the back between her spine and shoulder blade. Celene tortured her with hedge trimmers and killed her by using a lawn mower.
In prison, her cellmate stabbed her with a fashioned blade. Celene blinded her by digging her thumbs into her eye sockets and was in the process of choking her out when the guards intervened.
Both burns were inflicted on her by the Right Hand. Celene was branded with a common iron horse brand in retaliation for an assassination in which she failed to verify the target was dead (he was). Celene was kept for days in an isolated cell with no light, food, or water, and was woken up with beating and branding.
Hysterectomy to avoid pregnancy, accidental or otherwise. Done during initial training after being subject to multiple rapes and sexual assaults.
Ribs broken by a well-aimed kick with a steel-toed boot. Also perforated her lung.
Light scars left by a cat o'nine tails.
Various gunshot wounds.
Fractured the humorous and ulna from a bad landing. Had to be plated and screwed.
Knuckles broken from close combat.
Misc cuts and scrapes too numerous to document.
Broken and dislocated thumb from getting her hand slammed in between a door and the frame followed by being stomped on.
Fractured the head of the humorous and ulna when elbowing an assailant in the skull.
Various gunshot wounds.
Deep inner thigh scars from a sexual assault in prison. Done with a smuggled screw from the woodshop.
Failed attempt by an assailant to slice the femoral artery, but resulted in heavy bleeding nonetheless.
Heavily scarred skin from frostbite due to training deemed 'exposure' in sub-arctic conditions.
Failed attempt to cut ligature behind her knees.
Failed attempt to cut the achilles tendon.
Extreme scarring on knees from various falls, fights, and other.
All toes broken when Celene narrowly avoided getting completely run over by a target in a truck. She was lucky it wasn't more of her feet, really.
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wuhei · 10 days
today i am thinking about how moze turned to biting everyone when he was first released from the cult. it's a habit he has not grown out of, though now it's usually done out of affection, instead of anger and fear.
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sootsz · 10 months
“we’re looking out for the same two children” from tubbo and phil finally realizing that they are still on the same side at the end of the day the two leaders fighting for the same cause oh my god
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vnmof · 11 months
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finished this art of mine 😎yes theres lore, still.. bein made tho so ANYWAYS, the one eyed lil man is named Imar! i saw him on my dream actually, crazy, and i still remember it the one with the umbrella is my homie's oc named Kordivi, also a one eyed lad, he just doesn't wanna face the camera ill prolly draw more of them, who knows? 😁
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zhushi-moved · 4 months
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rèn  doesn't  shower  much,  relying  on  gentle  hand  washing  to  clean  himself.  when  he  can't  get  away  with  that,  like  after  a  battle,  he  will  reluctantly  hop  into  the  shower.  due  to  his  various  injuries,  he  finds  it  rather  painful  to  shower  in  heated  water,  and  thus,  keeps  the  temperature  cool. 
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b4rren · 2 months
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easier to read text under the cut
A 911 call was made at 3:47 on Thursday morning, detailing an attack that happened outside of Jumbo Kitchen. Dafydd Oneal said they made the call from the across the street after witnessing the beginning of a violent assault.
“It was like nothing I’ve ever seen,” they told 9 News, two days after the attack. “Something must have snapped, or she just finally let go or something, and then just went absolutely berserk on the guy. It happened so fast and I can’t believe he’s alive, but thank God. He’s really lucky because I don’t think he was dealing with anything human at that point.”
The victim is in stable condition at the hospital and is expected to make a full recovery, despite the severity of the injuries he sustained.
The suspect has not yet been identified outside of her PDS (Partially Deceased Syndrome) presentation.
“It’s unlike anything we would expect to see from a typical fight between two people on the street,” Sonia Koch, a lead physician in the emergency department of the local hospital said. “Because of the nature of the injuries a lot of our first thoughts were, Was this a mauling? How would a wild animal be this far into the city?"
Attacks of a similar nature have been reported across the globe, the first confirmed earlier this year on March 22nd in Al Mansura, Egypt.
In Naples, Italy on April 3rd, the first attack resulting in a fatality occurred. The Italian government responded by placing stringent regulations on PDS registered individuals, both domestic and non.
Countries like Portugal, Bosnia, Cambodia, and Czech Republic have adopted similar policies, with many neighboring countries expected to follow suit.
see LAW on page 5B
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reality-blender · 6 months
fuck you *blends your reality*
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sorry you did what now
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epistrefei · 7 months
man i know i talk about how feral and violent artemis is and will be but i don't talk enough about how she also has the capacity to be heartbreakingly gentle. that for all of the harm that she has caused, she also does good, even if it perhaps is not as often as it should be. there are times in which she is caring; children often bring this out in her, as she is bound to protect them, and will do so without being asked. she likes children, the questions they ask, how they play, how loving they are. they deserve to be protected. artemis would lay her bow down for a child.
she can be gentle to her loved ones, too. will offer them food and a place to stay. build them their own tent if they so wished, would hunt an animal for the pelts so they could sleep warmly. her love and respect presents itself in acts of service most often, or even just sticking around more often. she'll hunt you down, if only to be in your space, to annoy you and ply you with curiosity.
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arisenreborn · 4 months
Okay putting on my tinfoil hat here don't mind me. (someone has probably talked about this on reddit or whatever but I don't make a habit of being on reddit so it's fine)
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I'm not gonna get super in-depth and wordy but I JUST THINK IT'S INTERESTING, that here on the pause menu we have the map of the world surrounded by a ring of the celestial bodies, surrounded by a ring of imagery that looks mostly to be dragons and arisen, surrounded by..... a murky?
okay it looks like the brine to me. Wiggly watery tentacles or some such. But if you look in the lower left-ish, those strands start to form what looks like an eye. Once it gets to certain points it looks less like an eye admittedly, but doesn't change the fact to me that it resembles and gives the impression of one.
These rings move SO SLOW, also. But if you open your game and look in the VERY upper left there is SLIVER of another ring and it moves surprisingly fast by comparison! Which just reminds me of:
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(so if the slowest moving one represents the watching one and the brine, it would back up the idea that they're what causes the stagnation in the world)
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magioffire · 5 days
Dokkalfar eat a lot of sugar in their diet, despite not having any grain in their diets (due to grasses never evolving on beatha), they more than make up for it with an abundance of sweets, candied nuts, spiced sweet drinks and wines, and fruits, lots and lots of fruit. Because of this, though, they sometimes have tooth problems. Therefore, denistry is a skilled practice among the Dokkalfar, not something that simply happens in behind the barber's with a pair of pliars and alcohol to soothe the pain. In fact, they wpuld consider that utterly abhorrent. Even the lowest of slaves recieve some kind of dental care. They understand that the health of the teeth is important to the overall function of the body, and should not be neglected.
So, that means Dokkalfar, quite literally, have Tooth Fairies in their society. But they are just dentists.
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wuhei-archived · 1 month
i like the idea that moze's blood / flesh can heal others, if it is given willingly. if it is taken by force, his blood will turn poisonous. on the same note, if too much of moze's blood / flesh is consumed, even consensually, there's a risk for corruption. but, in the words of moze, where's the fun without a little risk? indeed, something about having a literal piece of himself inside of another .. causes a visceral reaction from him. there's probably lasting effects, too. maybe a bond is formed, some kinda link..
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pavaillard · 18 days
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snippets that felt like celene, indiscriminately
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