#{ oratorios of revelations unseen 🎶 forwin — verse 🎶 }
galeforged · 2 years
starter for @tomestobetold​​ || Benny!​
It felt... “stunted,” ever since he found himself displaced far, far away from home. For how readily verbose he could be on any given day, that was the simplest way Forwin felt he could word that he had gotten weaker. Magic may have been an art he deliberately neglected in fear of his identity being discovered up towards the end of his time in Fódlan, but from birth, he had always been predisposed towards the arcane. The ability to further empower his magic should especially come easily to him!
Knowing that there was some vile force pulling the strings behind Garon, however, made it so the lutist knew he could no longer afford to pull his punches. Yet, somehow, Saint Macuil’s power had changed. He tried and he tried, the sigil of his Crest shining ever-presently from his palm while he worked his craft by his lonesome, but each enhanced blast of wind magic proved weaker than he could recall, regardless of his repeated efforts. He exerted himself just as he usually would in the past, only to withdraw the same diminished result each time.
What he wished to understand was how this could have happened. Was it really as simple as finding himself lost in another world? If so, could there be some method out here that may help to restore that strength? With a frustrated sigh, the court musician yielded to exhaustion and closed his fist, fingertips still tingling from all the mana he expended. The intruder from beyond, wearing the deceiving guise of a Nohrian, will not receive an answer from training dummies, regardless of how much magic he cast onto them.
Besides, it was getting late. Now was as good a time as any to end practice, Forwin reasoned, so he spun on his heel—
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—only to jump back with a righteous scare! The tall, dark, and intimidating ex-border guard appeared to have made himself the bard’s audience. With his failure to notice the larger man’s arrival—whenever that was—Forwin almost spooked himself into a heart attack! “Saints above—w-what brings you here so late...?”
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galeforged · 1 year
Okay I'll bite, battle quotes against Xander and Camilla please 👀👀
via Send ☭ for a vs. battle quote to your muse (open!)
Muses selected: Forwin and Xander
Battle Theme: “Ganondorf Battle” – The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (The Noble Demon arr.)
Battle Intro: “I-I’m sorry, Your Highness, but... I-I refuse to stand idly by King Garon’s madness anymore. I fight and perform for Corrin now, so brand me a traitor if you must! I QUIT-!”
Victory: “I-I... am far, far more capable than you believe me to be, Lord Xander. Stand. Down.”
Defeat: “What was I... thinking...?”
Assist: “Milord! Please, allow me to assist you! I-I can fight!”
Dual Strike: “Your fate was sealed when you rose against Nohr’s finest! Now, fall!”
Defending: “Apologies... but you will not reach His Royal Highness so easily!”
Taunt: “Cyrkensia burns, but instead of aiding the people, you blindly believe that the Hoshidans are to blame and needlessly draw blood. I’m... disappointed, Prince Xander... to see that the apple truly does not fall far from the tree.”
Reacting to Taunt: “You know nothing about me.”
Flee: “Forgive me... but I cannot afford to fall here.”
Reacting to Flee: “I... I won-?”
Tie: “My intention was never to win, Your Highness! I only want you to listen!”
Perfect Victory: “Give His Majesty my regards.”
Finishing Move: “Since you still refuse to hear Corrin out, then I will make you!”
Muses selected: Forwin and Camilla
Battle Theme: “Titan: WYVERN” – Sonic Frontiers
Battle Intro: “Princess Camilla, we have no reason to fight! Please, let us pass – we can end this war today-!”
Victory: “Just... know that I take no pleasure in this victory, Your Ladyship.”
Defeat: “Guess this is goodbye, Selena. M-my wings have been cut...”
Assist: “Princess, my talents are yours! What are your commands?”
Dual Strike: “Lend us your eyes and ears, and marvel at the beauty Nohr has to offer!”
Defending: “Her Royal Highness will not be seeing you today. Care for a song instead?”
Taunt: “Think this through, Your Highness! Is this really what Corrin would want?!”
Reacting to Taunt: “Princess, I-I’m begging you-”
Flee: “I am of no use to yourself or to Corrin if I am dead!”
Reacting to Flee: “Wh-?! Your Highness, wait!”
Tie: “I... am no pushover, Princess Camilla. You will find that I’m more stubborn than I look."
Perfect Victory: “Sothis above, this... this just feels wrong, somehow.”
Finishing Move: “I am so sorry for this-!”
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galeforged · 2 years
starter for @tomestobetold​​ || Aqua
“Alright... key of C minor, time signature of 3/4, moving along at a waltz-like tempo...”
As his murmurings trailed, though Forwin was only practicing, he prepped himself as if he were readying to play before a live audience, meaning he would give his performance no less than his very best. Throat, lungs, and diaphragm? Primed and ready to be put to work. Trusty lute? Cradled and held up, waiting for his cue. The bard himself? On his feet, posture straight with legs at ease.
Song of choice? Oh, this particular arrangement took some time, but he was no less eager to finally put it all together and hear how it would all sound!
The first time Forwin was graced with Aqua’s “Lost in Thoughts All Alone”, back in the now ruined Cyrkensia, he found himself utterly mystified by it. The song was certainly magical in nature—capable of rejuvenating allies and quelling rage, when sung by the Vallite songstress herself—but it wasn’t its power that interested Forwin. No, he was more fascinated with the song itself! Stuck to his mind as if it were gospel for a most dutiful sycophant, he would soon find himself with a burning need to arrange it!
So that was exactly what he did. And without further ado, his fingers began their dance along lute-strings, notes rising as if carrying themselves out his open window...
C, G, D, E♭.
C, G, D, E♭.
C, G, D, E♭.
C, G, D, E♭...
“You are the ocean’s grey waves, destined to seek Life beyond the shore, just out of reach~ Yet the waters ever change, flowing like time The path is yours to—”
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galeforged · 2 years
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Normally, it is the bard who is supposed to provide the entertainment. But a drinking contest between the two Royal Highnesses? Now that’s going to be a real show. Time for Forwin to sit back, relax, and watch the festivities in motion...
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galeforged · 1 year
“Back…OFF!" (Time for Claire and Forwin to smite encroaching Vallites today!)
via protective prompts (open!)
So this was how he would meet his end: stuck worlds away from home in a ruined city, and about to be run through by soldiers he could barely see.
Forwin knew he long began to run on fumes. Between following Prince Xander’s army all the way from Castle Krakenburg to the fallen city of Cyrkensia, and being forced onto the defensive from the moment of his arrival, he found little time to catch his breath. He had seen and dealt with unbelievable things, but having to strain his senses in trying to even perceive nigh invisible enemies such as these was exhausting.
His quiver ran low on arrows. He managed to regain the upper hand in switching to magic, catching these translucent fiends off-guard with tome-free spell-casting, but once the surprise wore off? The bard would find himself overwhelmed soon enough. Hell, part of him already resigned himself to the inevitable, leaving him with regrets and heartache in not getting to see his own homeland one last time.
At least, until a blur of pink and clashing steel stood with her back to him, sword cutting down an oncoming soldier with fury and bravery that was so... unlike her. In this moment, however? It was far from unwelcome. Still, shock kept Forwin frozen in place, not only due to his not expecting to be saved, but that his saviour also appeared to have turned her back on Nohr, just as he had.
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galeforged · 1 year
Oooo! Battle Quotes with Claire (for Forwin? ^^)
via Send ☭ for a vs. battle quote to your muse (closed!)
Muses selected: Forwin
Battle Theme: “Fódlan Winds” – Fire Emblem: Three Houses (arr. by ROZEN)
Battle Intro: “W-we never had a chance to properly spar until now... but I will come at you with everything I have, Claire. Please, don’t hold back on my account.”
Victory: “In my defence, I never said that I couldn’t use magic... or that I needed tomes. I told you that I would come with everything I have!”
Defeat: “G-goodness me... Where did you say you learned to fight like that, again?”
Assist: “Come on, Claire! We should not let the others upstage us!”
Dual Strike: “Please, you never fought Nohrians like us before!”
Defending: “CLAIRE! E-eyes up, we cannot afford to lose you!”
Taunt: “Not... your best gamble, Claire. I daresay, even my friend Balthus had better luck than you, and I already thought he had the worst luck I have ever seen!”
Reacting to Taunt: “Wh—Hey! You didn’t have to aim for my music...”
Flee: “I-I am not fleeing! It’s called ‘putting distance between you and an enemy’-!”
Reacting to Flee: “You forget, Claire! I can use a bow as well!”
Tie: “I think... that this would be a good stopping point, before we both run ourselves ragged.”
Perfect Victory: “A-ah... Claire, uh, are you all right?”
Finishing Move: “Time for you to take a bow!”
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galeforged · 2 years
Siegfried hums menacingly in Xander's grip. A purple-black miasma travels up and down the blade, caressing Forwin's skin like the touch of a lover. "Move an inch, and I will cut your throat." If the words weren't enough to convince him, the icy-cold hostility in his voice should to the trick. If Forwin even moves out of turn, he'll find himself with rather a closer shave than he's used to. "Do you think me a fool? Word travels fast. Corrin is too sweet to be fooling around with men, and far too naive to get romantically involved. Lay a finger on her, and I will make good on this promise. No ifs, no buts. No second chances. And you will get no mercy from me."
The blade drops from Forwin's throat, but Xander's glare remains, as dark and cold as Nohrian steel.
Just as the blade dropped from his neck, Forwin reached for his throat if only to ensure a lingering cut hadn’t remained, or that he at least still breathed and wasn’t imagining it.
The court musician liked to believe that he shared a somewhat amicable business relationship with Prince Xander, up to this point. While he hadn’t often performed for he who would succeed Garon, they at least got along on a professional level, as one servant would to his liege – he was under no illusions that they were ever “friends” by the traditional definition of the word.
Having Siegfried aimed at his own life, however, certainly helped to change that perspective right quick. Can’t have the commoner bard fool around with royalty, after all. As the stories often go, you should never trust a bard, lest the silver tongues from these wily weavers of words worm their ways into the hearts or mouths of noblewomen, only to defile them for personal gain and leave them heartbroken and their families ridiculed.
Thank you for that glowing vote of confidence, Your Highness.
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“...message received loud and clear, milord,” he grunted out after clearing his throat and nodding lowly before his master. “I will make no attempt to lay a finger on her.”
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galeforged · 2 years
@armatization via send me ‘ 🐻 ‘ for a great, big, BEAR HUG from my muse to yours:
🐻 - but what about Forwin and Corrin tho-
It was all Forwin could think to do in that moment, once the pair was left alone at camp.
There would be no wondrous song to distract, no fanciful tale to be spun, and no great mirth to be shared. No amount of these could wash away the dreadful burden sitting on Corrin’s mind now. After all, to have someone else die in your name, to take a fatal blow otherwise meant for yourself, was an impossible thing to ever let oneself live down, no matter how much inner strength you put on display for others.
Scarlet should have still been standing here with the rest of them. Instead, just when every ally they could find had united under Corrin’s banner, the Chevois warrior’s untimely demise was seen to by someone acting in the stead of their real enemy, a great evil at last named. Anankos.
With no other means through which he could lighten her spirits, the court musician felt there was only one recourse left to him – not as princess and servant, but from one friend to another who needed it.
Wordlessly did he take Corrin into his embrace for as warm and wide a hug he could manage, his own eyes already hot and daring to well up in earnest over feelings of loss and empathy. One arm met her hip from around the small of her back, while the other’s hand pressed into snow white hair on the back of her head, so that her face lay hidden against his shoulder.
At least like this, with no one else watching, she would not have to hold back her own tears.
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galeforged · 2 years
out of nowhere comes camilla, just plopping her head on forwin's chest with a smile on her face
A man would never fail to remember a time when he lost everything. After being left stranded within a kingdom worlds away from home, with nothing but tattered clothes and a banged up instrument to his name, Forwin had all but resigned himself to withering away on the streets of Windmire, unknown and alone for a low point the likes of which he never truly felt before.
Not two years later, here he lied now in a warm and comfortable bed, with a lofty roof over his bed, meals at consistent times, and Camilla—the eldest princess of the royal family he previously served as court musician throughout that time—sneaking about to steal little moments like this away with him.
If being humbled the way he had taught the bard anything, it was to better appreciate these moments, and the people he shared them with, while they were still afforded to him. That went double with the fact they were now at war with some unknown enemy... After all, there was no telling when Forwin might find himself as a vagrant once more or, worse yet, dead.
All he can do is fight under Corrin’s banner to ensure that doesn’t happen, and fight he will. As for the times spent away from the battlefield...
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“Good morning, Your Highness...” he murmured in singsong, lazily draping his arms over her back and pressing his lips to her scalp.
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