#{ ovdm : the first of many : thread beginnings }
oroku-venus-demilo · 7 years
@gearhead-supreme Venus frowned as she followed the sound of the lanky yet limber footsteps, her brows scrunched, her hands reached for her twin axes and she stalked him squinting, occasionally letting out a tongue click staying in the shadows, however that was when she made the mistake of the slightest slip of her footing on the rain slicked roof, resulting in a soft gasp and a tile dislodging and shattering as it hit the pavement. She froze in place, maroon eyes glowing in the night and held wide open as her axes trembled in her hands... ...This was not the plan.
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oroku-venus-demilo · 7 years
@turtleinred2016 Venus frowned as she rolled herself through the lair in her chair with a concerned frown "Has anyone seen my Protractor?"
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