#{ ovdm : when the tides all turn : switched verse }
oroku-venus-demilo · 8 years
"G-Guess it was my turn to fall of the rooftops, h-huh?"
She frowned softly lifting him up… This was different They weren’t close to home, her eyes had gone fully blind over the last few months from a bad infection and her hearing wasn’t in top shape after the last sonic wave from their previous fight… She hadn’t let anyone know her sight had gone yet, she’d relied on echolocation… She didn’t want to be left at home… She didn’t want to be a burden, but with her head throbbing and her ears ringing she wasn’t going to be able to use it much… She let out tears in soft chokes and whimpers “Raph! I…I can’t see…I…I haven’t been able to for a month now…I… I can barely hear myself! I…I’m lost…I ..I don’t know where we are or how to get home!” She softly gasped between sobs…. “Please you… You can’t leave me…” She could feel him bleeding… She sat down and ripped her scarf tying it tightly around his torso to stop the bleeding… The wave had destroyed their T-Phones and they could only wait… It was the dead of winter, far to cold for turtles…. She held him close and sniffled softly singing soft songs to him as she held him doing her best to keep him warm… That night it Snowed again…. Leo finally found them in the morning, but when he got there all he saw was a frost and snow powdered Venus holding a shaking Raph…. Leo could of swore he heard Tang Shen…. But the words would forever haunt him… “I’m so sorry…‘
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