#{[ l u c i e n ~~~ seizedeath ]}
cupcaketrickster · 2 years
{[ 🃏 LUCIEN ( @seizedeath ) ~~~ DEATH & DAWN - the card of the matron ~ death~ in the writing of jester lavorre herself i mean this card basically means death, right? but that’s not necessarily a bad thing! it means rebirth. something ending for something new to start  🃏 ]} 
she is not like the rest of them. to her she has no right to feel this way, for they have an actual reason for their restlessness. they had pasts that haunts, monsters of the human and creature kind who sink their claws into both body and mind whether eyelids remain open or shut. it works in her favor, she is taking first watch, but all the same there is a part of the tiefling who knows full and well that even if she were to try and sleep it would not be successful. her mind gets like this sometimes- thinking on memories, are the harder times that they have been through and the lingering fear that all too soon, this all might come to an end. but there is also something else lingering... something she does not want to give too much thought to out of fear that if she does--- she doesn’t want to think about it, but those thoughts alone are enough for her to stand, to leave where the rest of her friends are moving as quietly as she can to the other tiefling, moving slow and cautious 
could he feel her mind - how awake she was? what she was thinking? that she was approaching? she did not know how it works, she wanted to ask, but she also felt it was not her place and so she would swallow that down with the other thoughts.. especially as she got to the tiefling. 
“ hi. ” her voice was a whisper--- if she did not want to wake her friends she certainly did not want to wake- or rather startle him, if he could be startled, at the very least, hoping to make her presence known. “ .. can i keep you company for a little while? ”
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cupcaketrickster · 2 years
yasha's 6'7, cad's 7'3, and lucien's 5'11 what's up
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losing my MIND
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cupcaketrickster · 2 years
{[ [ COMPANY ] for lucien  to sit with jester so they don’t have to be alone while they’re upset. ~~~ @seizedeath ! ]} 
it hits her in the late hours of the night, the sudden questions and feeling like she didn’t belong---- part of her wondered if she needed to feel like she belonged. jester was in this not because of that, not because of people but because of a vision that she could follow, for a promise, and now a voice--- or voices that lead her ahead. they should be enough, and yet- 
part of her misses them. part of her feels a strain between her and everyone but lucien. part of her feels lost in the voices and fears loosing herself, and in the aftermath, she feels small. the night cools and chills and nauseates, and then she hears someone sit beside her. 
jester knows who it is without thinking and in the same manner, her head falls onto his shoulder, knees that were hugged into her chest as she tries to breathe. it’s an unspoken thanks, trying her best to hide away her mind even as she knows it’s fruitless. the blue tiefling speaks instead. 
“ ... you don’t have to sit with me... ” her voice comes after a moment, soft, too soft. she will not speak to why. not unless asked, maybe not then. she will not look him in the eye. not yet, even if she wants to. and she does, she just... can’t. she doesn’t want to break assumptions. she doesn’t want to appear as she is. 
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